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Emotional vulnerability

Emotional vulnerability Among a lot of social and psychological problems, one is emotional vulnerability. It is natural, and some people are just born that way. Those who are emotionally vulnerable can pick up little emotional details from their surroundings that others usually ignore.  People having this ability are excellent at reading facial expressions while noticing …

2323 angel number meaning

2323 angel number meaning GUEST WRITER: Sarah  Molay Are you seeing a certain sequence of numbers lately? If that’s the case, it’s the ideal opportunity for you to recognize them as angel numbers. Angel numbers are an indication that your guardian angel wants to connect with you. Consequently, such numbers convey hidden messages and have …

Emotional perception

Emotional perception Emotional perceptionis characterised by the abilities and capacities of identifying and recognising others’ emotions and the physiological and biological processes involved. Understanding emotions is considered to be both inborne and subject to the influence of the environment and also a crucial factor in social interactions. How someone experiences and interprets emotions is based …

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