Gaslighting phrases Posted byMiss Date Doctor October 8, 2021October 15, 2021 Table of Contents hide 1 Gaslighting phrases 1.1 Gaslighting phrases meaning 1.2 Gaslighting phrases in relationships 1.3 Gaslighting phrases list 1.4 Conclusion 2 Gaslighting phrases part 2 2.1 Gaslighting phrases in friendships 2.2 Gaslighting phrases at work 2.3 Gaslighting phrases Reddit 2.4 Conclusion 2.5 Further reading Gaslighting phrases Have you ever felt confused that your reality was being questioned, and you just started feeling crazy? You might have been a victim of gaslighting. The term gaslighting was first coined by a movie released in 1938. It is defined as emotional manipulation that makes a person doubt their memories, thoughts, and sanity. No doubt gaslighting is a form of abuse that is harder to spot as it relies on destabilization and secrets. A gaslighter is engaged in lying and deception so that the other person starts questioning his sanity. GET HELP WITH RELATIONSHIPS AND DATING NOW CLICK HERE This article is all about gaslighting phrases; you will be able to know about some of the most popular gaslighting phrases that people use commonly and in relationships. So, let’s get started: Gaslighting phrases meaning Gaslighting is a psychological exercise that is really troublesome, just like its name. It is usually practised when one person wants to dominate the other one and have a sense of power over them. Gaslighting phrases can terribly affect relationships. Gaslighting phrases meaning is those phrases that someone uses to manipulate other people to prove them wrong and totally deny their point of view. Gaslighting phrases in relationships Relationships are very complicated, and gaslighting can ruin these relationships. While being with someone, you need to be honest with them; you can directly tell your partner what are you feeling, good or bad, about your insecurities, simply you can talk about anything. You do not have to show your power or dominance over your partner. Just like that, you should not let someone make you feel crazy about your own sanity. Here are some gaslighting phrases in relationships that people usually use: ‘Stop being so insecure.’ ‘You are just being paranoid.’ ‘You are way too emotional.’ ‘Please stop being so dramatic.’ ‘You are just making this up ‘Stop imagining things!’ ‘That never happened.’ ‘You are just overthinking it.’ ‘Stop exaggerating the situation!’ ‘Stop taking it so seriously ‘Can you not take a joke?’ ‘You are just misconstruing my intentions’ ‘You are being unnecessarily jealous.’ ‘The problem isn’t with me; it is with you.’ ‘You just have zero emotional security.’ ‘That was never my intention; stop blaming me.’ ‘I think you need help.’ ‘Just forget about it now ‘You are remembering it wrong.’ ‘Cmon, stop making such a huge deal of things’ ‘No one else would ever love you.’ ‘You’re supposed to love me unconditionally.’ ‘You’re frigid and bad in bed.’ “Do Not Take These Things Too Seriously” “Don’t Make Such A Big Deal Out Of Something Small and Irrelevant.” “Stop Exaggerating The Situation” “You Do Not Remember What Happened Correctly” “You Keep On Overthinking These Things” “It Will All Go Away If You Just Forget About It Right Now” “I Think You Should Get Some Help” “That Did Not Happen” “Stop Imagining Things” ; Stop Blaming Me, It Was Never My Intention” “Stop Being So Insecure” “Can’t You Take A Joke” “Isn’t This Just You Being Paranoid” “You Are Wrongly Interpreting My Intentions” “You Are Always Very Emotional” “There Is Sincerely Nothing To Be Jealous About” “Please Stop Being Dramatic” “I Am Not The Problem Here, You Are” “You Are Making Things Up” “You Do Not Have Any Emotional Security” “As Soon As I Get So Old That I Can’t Take Care Of Myself, Organize To Have Me Killed Because I Know You Won’t Take Care Of Me.” “Why Do You Always Have To Argue With Me” “Show Me Some Respect” “I Had It Much Worse Than You” “You Are Crazy, And I Am Not The Only One Who Thinks So” Here are some gaslighting phrases in relationships shared by Reddit users based on their real-life experiences: “you’re so dramatic; you have anger issues, you’re too jealous over everything, you’re insecure, you’re too emotional, all you want to do is argue, all you do is complain.” “yes, anytime I tried to have a productive conversation about something, he referred to it as an “argument”/”starting an argument”/”all you want to do is argue.” “You forgot. You’re drunk. What are you talking about? You’re still not over that, really? You’re overthinking it. That’s irrational. No, that’s irrational. You’re in control -_-, Telling me I should do something that I’m already doing (so they can take credit)” “I’ve never had so much conflict in a relationship before”, “I don’t physically have space for your emotions in my body”, “I need peace and calm, not you draining me”, “If you’d done this when we first met I wouldn’t have dated you”, “I’m a bad person”, “I’m a bad girlfriend”, “I can’t change.” “These are word-for-word from my narc. The “if you’d done this when we first met, I wouldn’t have dated you” hits home. It usually was followed by “no one else would put up with your shit.” “I always get caught with either “you’re yelling, I can’t talk to you when you’re like this” if I am emotional at all, or “you’re talking to me like a child” if I have a calm demeanour. pretty effective shutdowns; she’s got her narc game locked up.” “mine would make me give him specific examples where he did something wrong, and then when I did, he would deny it. I always had to have “proof” or examples of everything. usually, it was too subtle to call out, and he knew it.” “They know how to trigger you, nobody likes to be fooled, so it’s normal to have a reaction like that and point out to them that “hey, I’m not stupid!”. It’s part of their game to make you mad, and they love when you give them such a reaction, it feeds their ego. Let them believe what they want, they’ll never admit anything, and they’ll turn the blame on you. Do not show them you care; just get yourself out of these conversations. Learn how to grey rock.” “That’s just how you’re interpreting things” and “once again, you’ve turned the way I’ve reacted about something into me being selfish” It wasn’t an interpretation; it was, in fact, the Nex just being a selfish a-hole by any human person’s standards.” “When we split, I kept seeing our couples therapist because I was at such a loss trying to figure out what on earth had just bulldozed through my life. I remember sobbing in his office one day, barely able to live with myself, and admitting to him, “I got mad at her and called her selfish all the time.” He just looked at me and said, “yeah, it sounds like she had some seriously narcissistic defences, so of course you did.” It was the first relief I’d felt in such a long time.” “I got, “Your PMDD is making you nuts. You should’ve figured it out when you were 12, stupid!” There’s no treatment or cure, and it’s very understudied, so people didn’t acknowledge it was a thing until a few years ago. And it does make me crazy. A normal partner would be concerned not to blame all their problems on me.” “I don’t recall.” <when I reminded him something, he asked me to remind him and then he asked what I was talking about> “I’ve told you many times.” <when I asked what was bothering him, but he had never given a clear answer> Like I said, I’ll let you know” <with regard to my questions about a plan we had made together>, everything is fine.” “That’s your opinion” Changed the topic when I bring up how I’m feeling. The classic “I didn’t do that”,…. so who fucking did it? A ghost dumped my shampoo down the drain and filled it with water?? “That never happened… I never did that… name a time I did/said that… you couldn’t even remember what you ate yesterday; how would you remember I said that? Then he started saying I was “like a person with down syndrome” and can’t be trusted to donor say anything right.” “I got “I don’t know what you’re talking about” a LOT. Also, “That’s just silly.” and “That’s not true at all.” followed by him turning everything around so that I was always the one that ended up apologizing because he convinced me I wasn’t fair to him.” “Quit being dramatic”, “You’re just jealous”, “You’re too emotional for me”, “You can feel that way, but you’re wrong.” Anytime I showed any emotions (shock, surprise, anger), even the smallest amount, towards anything, it was like he was filled with disgust. Anytime we had a disagreement, especially towards the end, he remained creepily calm, and if I had any emotions or reactions, he’d say, “you’re the one yelling/crying/etc.”. It was tiring.” You give up on us too easily. That was the past. I don’t care what happened last week, last month, last year. Have some faith. Trust God. Nothing is ever good enough for you. You are role-playing what you expect me to say in your head, and if I do not say it like you want, you get mad. It’s not your job to straighten me out. I don’t dwell on the negative like you do. That’s neither here nor there. Plus, most of the others already stated. I just thought I’d add my originals 😂 I don’t dwell on the negative like you; I just want to have a good time. If you don’t want to hang out and have fun, then let’s not bother,” Always after he had said or done something shitty while I was trying to hang out and have fun. I’d end up swallowing tears and getting past it because he would just storm off if I didn’t. So manipulative Gaslighting phrases list Here is gaslighting phrases list that people around you usually use: I never said that. That is not how it happened. You misinterpreted things. I only said that because of you. You made me do that. You always are twisting things. Your divorce has taken a toll on me. When I get old and can’t take care of myself, just have someone kill me because I know you won’t want to take care of me. Stop trying to mother him. You fail at home, so you will fail at school. I have forgotten more than you will ever be able to learn. You’re so sensitive. Why do you always have to argue with me? You are not making any sense. You read into things too much. You are so stupid and immature. You don’t know anything about this. You always do this. Why are you like this? I never did that to you! In fact, YOU’RE hurting ME for even suggesting that! Shame on you. Oh, so I guess I can’t say anything anymore. Show a little respect. It breaks my heart to hear you actually think we set out to hurt you. Why do you always bring up the past? Where did I go wrong in parenting? Why can’t you be more like your brother and sister? I’ve done everything for you; I’ve given you everything. I don’t remember that happening that way. Are you sure your mom didn’t do that to you? Calm Down. You’re taking things the wrong way again! It’s always something with you, isn’t it? You’re putting words in my mouth. You’re making things up. You’re so ungrateful. I’ve done everything for you, and you treat me like a piece of shit! You’re being dramatic. I provided you with a roof over your head, food in your mouth, clothes on your back, and toilet paper to wipe you’re a**! I gave you what you wanted (snacks and such) when you didn’t deserve it! Don’t put words into my mouth. You don’t know everything/I used to be arrogant too when I was your age. I apparently can’t have any negative emotions! I should have never encouraged you to speak. I didn’t mean it like that. You have a selective memory. If you were paying attention… If you were listening… If you knew how to listen… We talked about this. Don’t you remember? I guess I’ll have to repeat myself since you can’t remember. You need to learn to communicate better. You’re being irrational. Don’t you think you’re over-reacting? You’re just over-sensitive. Stop being so sensitive. You’re too emotional. You can’t take a joke. You’re so thin-skinned. You always jump to the wrong conclusion. Stop taking everything I say so seriously. Can you hear yourself? I criticize you because I like you. You’re the only person I have these problems with. You’re reading too much into this. I’m not arguing; I’m discussing. I know what you’re thinking. You should have known that this was not a good time to talk. Why are you upset? I was only kidding. Why would you think that? What does that say about you? I had it much worse than you. I only did it because of what you did/you do it. It was just a joke. You’re crazy. No one will believe you over me. One day, you’ll understand when you get into the real world. How much control do you want? Well, if you would just do what I tell you to do, we wouldn’t have this problem. You need to learn to lighten up. You’re so sensitive! How are you going to handle the real world?! You’re being so emotional. I don’t remember that/I don’t remember saying that. Oh, come on, it’s not that big a deal; why are you being a big baby about this? Well, how much more [basic need/necessary resource] could you need? You think you know everything and that you’re never wrong. You always gotta have the last word. You only think that because you’re too [young/stupid/female/queer/etc.] to know any better. I never said that! That’s not even something I would say… I’m not sure why you’re so insecure or whatever your issues are… I don’t know what’s wrong with you. Maybe because your mom and dad and sister died, there’s something broken inside you…… I don’t know why you insist on relating to the person you say I am when clearly I’m not that person….. If anyone is abusive in this relationship, it’s you. You hit me once, did I ever hit you?… You’re ruining the family by not following my lead…. Maybe you do need to get on some medication after all I’m a happy go lucky person, I’m easy to get along with, but you just can’t live without drama…… What’s wrong with you? You just need to fight, don’t you? You just can’t be happy……… I don’t know who you think you’re relating to, but that guy you describe as me is not me…… You’re leading the family astray, just like Solomons pagan wives….. A woman is commanded to submit to her husband, and you know that. I’m not telling you that; God tells you that….. You have no respect for the Word of God. Don’t talk to me about the Bible…. I don’t understand if it’s a comprehension problem with you or you’re just playing dumb…… Wait, wait, wait… You’re not trying to say that (…), are you? “I mean, EVERYONE knows that (…)!” “Not sure what are you on but take my advice and halve the dose…” “ (…)? You must’ve been dreaming, haha!” “Erm… is it me, or you just said (…)?” “Are you shitting me?!” “Don’t give me that shit….” “You’re too sensitive!” “You need to lose weight.” “Your friends are idiots.” “I’m not angry. What are you talking about?” “If you loved me, you would….” “It’s your fault I cheated.” “You make me furious.” “I remember you agreed to do that.” “If you’re lucky, I’ll forgive you.” “This is why no one likes you.” “You look terrible in red. You should never wear it.” “You’re gaslighting me!” “If you were paying attention….” “If you were listening….” “If you knew how to listen….” “We talked about this. Don’t you remember?” “I guess I’ll have to repeat myself since you can’t remember.” “You need to learn to communicate better.” “You’re being irrational.” “Don’t you think you’re over-reacting?” “You’re just over-sensitive.” “Stop being so sensitive.” “You’re too emotional.” “You can’t take a joke.” “You’re so thin-skinned.” “You always jump to the wrong conclusion.” “Stop taking everything I say so seriously.” “Can you hear yourself?” “I criticize you because I like you.” “You’re the only person I have these problems with.” “You’re reading too much into this.” “I’m not arguing; I’m discussing.” “I know what you’re thinking.” “You should have known that this was not a good time to talk.” “Why are you upset? I was only kidding.” “Why would you think that? What does that say about you?” “That didn’t happen; you’re crazy.” “Why are you getting so upset?” “You are too emotional.” “I didn’t say that; you’re imagining it.” “What are you talking about? I told you already.” “I’ll tell you exactly what you said.” “If you were listening….” “I only have these problems with you.” “I can’t believe you are second-guessing me.” “I told you already; there’s nothing there; it’s all in your head.” “SINCE YOU CAN’T REMEMBER ANYTHING, I’LL TELL YOU ONCE AGAIN.” “WHY ARE YOU LYING? I NEVER DID THAT.” “YOU’RE JUST STRESSED OUT.” “I CAN SEE WHAT THAT SAYS ABOUT YOU.” “DON’T YOU REMEMBER TALKING ABOUT THIS?” “YOUR FRIENDS ARE NOT GOOD PEOPLE.” “YOU ARE CRAZY. EVERYONE CAN SEE THAT.” “YOU HAVE NO REASON TO BE UPSET.” “I’M NOT EVEN MAD OR UPSET.” “IT ISN’T MY FAULT YOU CAN’T COMMUNICATE BETTER.” “YOU KNOW I WAS JOKING.” “WHY ARE YOU SO PARANOID?” “YOU ARE OVER-REACTING.” “I ONLY SAY MEAN THINGS BECAUSE…” “IF YOU DON’T DO IT, THEN YOU DON’T LOVE ME.” “YOU ARE THE ONLY PERSON THAT I HAVE PROBLEMS WITH.” “I DON’T CARE WHAT YOU SAID BECAUSE I KNOW WHAT YOU’RE THINKING.” “WHY DO YOU TAKE EVERYTHING SO SERIOUSLY?” “YOU’RE TOO SENSITIVE.” “YOU ALWAYS READ TOO MUCH INTO THINGS.” “LISTEN TO YOURSELF.” “I’M THE ONLY ONE THAT WILL LOVE YOU.” “IT’S YOUR FAULT.” “YOU SHOULD HAVE KNOWN…” “YOU’RE BLOWING THINGS OUT OF PROPORTION.” Conclusion We all may find ourselves and people around us using these gaslighting phrases, but that does not necessarily mean manipulation. Maybe we are not trying to dodge and confuse the other person just to distort their reality. We may be are confused genuinely and don’t know what to say or do. However, if I know the truth and I know that you also are aware of that and still choose to play ignorant and ask yourself, then it puts another person in a difficult situation. It messes with their mind, distorts reality and makes them question their reality. This is what is called creating a gaslighting effect. Power imbalances and emotional immaturity is the cause of manipulation. That is the reason manipulation with children is so common. Personality disordered manipulators are immature emotionally. In relationship with such people, there is also a power imbalance as the victim has no power. Bad behaviour is always bad behaviour, but intentions and contexts are factors that cannot be ignored. So, if you are gaslighting someone, you need to stop doing that. And if you are a victim, keep a distance from such people and believe in yourself. So, this was all about gaslighting phrases; I have tried my best to share useful information with you hope you will find it helpful. Gaslighting phrases part 2 Gaslighting is very common but what actually problematic is that people do not know when they are being gaslighted. This makes them question their own sanity, which is extremely toxic. But identifying some gaslighting phrases can help in understanding that there is something wrong. GET HELP WITH CHEATING NOW CLICK HERE Gaslighting phrases part 2 is all about common phrases people use to gaslight someone so let’s get started: Gaslighting phrases in friendships Friendship is one of the most beautiful relationships in this world. Boyfriends and girlfriends come and go, but friendships stay forever. So, this relationship is very special. But the problem starts when there is gaslighting in friendship. Gaslighting in friendship starts when a gas lighter friend pays no attention to what you say or want and does not care about what is good for you. They see you as a competition, so they won’t be happy to see you getting successful in life. They are like an emotional vampire, so you will always feel exhausted around them. Here are some gaslighting phrases in friendships: I’m going to find your weak spots and expose them. No one will believe you anyway. I have never felt this way about anyone. You are a loser as you’re too sensitive. Your family makes me uncomfortable. It’s not my fault. She acted that way. No wonder we are arguing. Your friend can’t stand you either. You treat her the same way you treat me. You shouldn’t let it bother you. You should just forget about it. You should feel ashamed of yourself. You shouldn’t wear your heart out on your sleeve. You shouldn’t say that about your father. Why can’t you perform like Emma? She comes in so early every day. If she can do it, why can’t you? You are losing your mind. I didn’t see them do anything wrong after all. You have a new project because someone else was let go. My wife doesn’t spend much time reading at home with the kids. Also, my kid’s class teacher is not good. That’s why he has issues with reading. I know you and your co-worker have something going on the side. I know it is really early to say something like this, but I think we could be together for a long time. it’s always something with you I have to walk on eggshells around you you always twist things you’re so specific about words. you’re so sensitive you’re not making any sense you’re making things up I never said that that’s not how it happened you’re taking things out of context I only said/did that because of you Here are some other gaslighting phrases in friendships and quotes that can help you understand gaslighting in friendships: “You might think, What would I do without this friend? Well, for starters, you would have a happier life.” – Stephanie Sarkis, With Frenemies Like These, Gaslighting. “Like all gaslighters, gaslighting friends feed off of human misery. They are emotional vampires – you feel exhausted after spending time with them.” – Stephanie Sarkis, With Frenemies Like These, Gaslighting. “Gaslighters have no interest in what is going well for anyone else. They see your successes as ways that you are “one-upping” them. You are their competition.” – Stephanie Sarkis, With Frenemies Like These, Gaslighting. “Gaslighters can’t grasp the concept that being happy for the people around them can also lead to their own greater happiness and success.” – Stephanie Sarkis, With Frenemies Like These, Gaslighting. “Gaslighters are terrible gossip. They love learning unfortunate tidbits of people’s lives and sharing them with others. It is the fuel they thrive on. It gives gaslighters a feeling of power and control over others.” – Stephanie Sarkis, With Frenemies Like These, Gaslighting. “People’s personal information is like currency to gaslighters – sharing it gets them the attention they crave.” – Stephanie Sarkis, With Frenemies Like These, Gaslighting. “The difference between your run-of-the-mill gossipier and gaslighter is that the gaslighter uses the information about others as a way to gain power and pit people against each other, whereas the gossipier is usually more of a yenta or busybody.” – Stephanie Sarkis, With Frenemies Like These, Gaslighting. “The gossiper is just passing information to others, albeit inappropriately, whereas the gaslighter wields information like a weapon.” – Stephanie Sarkis, With Frenemies Like These, Gaslighting. “It’s human nature to gossip. It makes us feel connected and important. But stop and think about what it would feel like if the target was you. What if you were to discover that something personal you’d told a friend in confidence had been spread around? You’d probably feel betrayed and hurt. Gossip doesn’t sound so enticing anymore, does it?” – Stephanie Sarkis, With Frenemies Like These, Gaslighting. “Don’t think you can change gaslighters’ dishing about other people who are out of earshot. Gaslighters will never stop gossiping – they will just move on to another person so they can spill the beans.” – Stephanie Sarkis, With Frenemies Like These, Gaslighting. “Gaslighters are great at splitting. They will purposely pit people against each other. They love to see a fight and get excited by the fact that they made the fight happen.” – Stephanie Sarkis, With Frenemies Like These, Gaslighting. “One of the most common ways gaslighters practice splitting is by telling you that a friend said something unflattering or unkind about you.” – Stephanie Sarkis, With Frenemies Like These, Gaslighting. “Gaslighters have no problem lying, especially when it means having great power over others. This is because if gaslighters don’t have anything to gossip about, they will make it up. One of the most dangerous facets of their propensity for gossiping is that they don’t care whether they are spreading lies.” – Stephanie Sarkis, With Frenemies Like These, Gaslighting. “Gaslighters know that people are curious about what others are doing, so they will immediately make up gossip as a way to distract from their own bad behavior. This is a technique they will use especially when you were about to call them out on their behavior.” – Stephanie Sarkis, With Frenemies Like These, Gaslighting. “When gaslighters hint that someone said something about you, they are baiting you. They are betting that you’ll go for that bait like a hungry fish. If you take the bait, this gives gaslighters a tremendous feeling of power.” – Stephanie Sarkis, With Frenemies Like These, Gaslighting. “Another reason gaslighters practice splitting, besides to pit people against each other, is to isolate you from others. Gaslighters would love nothing more than for you to view them as your only friend. That way, gaslighters think, you will devote all your attention to them.” – Stephanie Sarkis, With Frenemies Like These, Gaslighting. “Gaslighting friends will even go so far as to use splitting to try to isolate you from your spouse or partner and family. They will tell you that your spouse said something unflattering about you. Gaslighters know that most people will stew over this and eventually explode.” – Stephanie Sarkis, With Frenemies Like These, Gaslighting “Gaslighters love to be the cause of the fight between you and your spouse. Don’t give them that power.” – Stephanie Sarkis, With Frenemies Like These, Gaslighting. “Sure, there may be times when it appears that a gaslighter and your spouse are just hanging out as friends. However, gaslighters almost always have ulterior motives. Never trust them alone with your spouse.” – Stephanie Sarkis, With Frenemies Like These, Gaslighting. “There’s just no good reason why gaslighters would need to spend time with your spouse while you aren’t there.” – Stephanie Sarkis, With Frenemies Like These, Gaslighting. “Keep in mind, again, that people love attention. Gaslighters can act so sweet and innocent, and it’s understandable that your spouse may not see them as destructive.” – Stephanie Sarkis, With Frenemies Like These, Gaslighting. “Gaslighters love blaming and taking revenge.” – Stephanie Sarkis, With Frenemies Like These, Gaslighting. “Gaslighters see friends as commodities or things. They don’t see a need for having a reciprocal or even relationship with people. They see friends as stepping stones and a way to get what they want.” – Stephanie Sarkis, With Frenemies Like These, Gaslighting. “With a gaslighting friend, friendship is never fully reciprocated. There is no give and take. It takes all the time.” – Stephanie Sarkis, With Frenemies Like These, Gaslighting. “In a friendship with a gaslighter, you are doing all the giving, and your gaslighter friend is doing all the taking. This includes taking your time and energy until you are exhausted.” – Stephanie Sarkis, With Frenemies Like These, Gaslighting. “Gaslighting friends blame you for not doing enough for them, or won’t be there for you in your time of need – even when you have given and given until you can’t give anymore.” – Stephanie Sarkis, With Frenemies Like These, Gaslighting. “You just understand that you will never fulfill the gaslighter’s narcissistic needs. They are a bottomless pit.” – Stephanie Sarkis, With Frenemies Like These, Gaslighting. “Gaslighters scurry away form healthy attachments to other relationships that they can control. They may act like your best friend today but will disappear if they find someone who seems better, more fun, or of higher social status.” – Stephanie Sarkis, With Frenemies Like These, Gaslighting. “To gaslighters, it’s all about appearance. Because of their ‘all or nothing’ cognitive distortion, they can’t manage having more than one friend at a time.” – Stephanie Sarkis, With Frenemies Like These, Gaslighting. “Gaslighters will leave you high and dry with no explanation. While you are searching online for answers or asking other friends what you did to make such people completely ignore you, the gaslighters have moved on to their next victim, their new best friend. They do not care. They don’t care about your feelings, and they don’t care about the new friend’s feelings. They lack the capacity. They have no ability to function as an empathic, decent human being. ” – Stephanie Sarkis, With Frenemies Like These, Gaslighting. Gaslighting phrases at work Just like friendship or any other relationship, you will also have to face gas lighters at your work, and that is the most terrible feeling. Having someone like that at your workplace can be dangerous for your job and your career. How would you know if someone is gaslighting? Here are some gaslighting phrases at work that most people use: “If you were paying attention….” “If you were listening….” “If you knew how to listen….” “We talked about this. Don’t you remember?” “I guess I’ll have to repeat myself since you can’t remember.” “You need to learn to communicate better.” “You’re irrational.” “Don’t you think you’re over-reacting?” “You’re just over-sensitive.” “Stop being so sensitive.” “You’re too emotional.” “You can’t take a joke.” “You’re so thin-skinned.” “You always jump to the wrong conclusion.” “Stop taking everything I say so seriously.” “Can you hear yourself?” “I criticize you because I like you.” Here are some other gaslighting phrases examples: “You’re the only person I have these problems with.” “You’re reading too much into this.” “I’m not arguing; I’m discussing.” “I know what you’re thinking.” “You should have known that this was not a good time to talk.” “Why are you upset? I was only kidding.” “Why would you think that? What does that say about you?” “Why are you going crazy on me? Don’t you see how hard I’m working?” “You’re acting insane.” “What are you talking about?” “Don’t be so sensitive.” “Everyone thinks you’re crazy.” “You seem unstable.” “Don’t take it so personally.” “I’m sorry you feel that way.” “I was just joking around.” “What are you talking about?” “I criticize you because I like you.” “You’re being irrational or insecure.” “I criticize you because I like you.” “I don’t think, so you have the ability to complete this project.” “You are not skilled enough to handle such a complicated project.” “You did not deserve this promotion.” You’ve got it all wrong. But of course, I respect you. But I do listen to you. I tried to help you. Gaslighting phrases Reddit Reddit is an excellent platform to share your feelings. You can share your experiences too. Here are some of the gaslighting phrases Reddit from people who have been through this: “My dad would gaslight my mom with…” oh, I guess I can’t do anything right!!” He would respond to mild criticism this way. He’s more the aggressive, abusive narc type; she’s more than woe is all about me type.” “Why do you always bring up the past? Where did I go wrong in parenting? Why can’t you be more like your brother and sister? I’ve done everything for you; I’ve given you everything. I don’t really remember that happening that way. Are you sure your mom didn’t do that to you? God, my dad’s a piece of shit.” “I used to hear, “we’d be living in a car if I didn’t work so hard.” “You’re so ungrateful” Once, I told my mom that I’d rather live in a car with a mom that loved me.” “That’s not what happened. You’re making that up. Well, if you would just do what I tell you to do, we wouldn’t have this problem [said to a grown-ass independent adult] Oh, come on, it’s not that big a deal; why are you a big baby about this? You only think that because you’re too [young/stupid/female/queer/etc.] to know any better (Side note, this was awesome – it showed me just how much I’ve moved on from him, that I had to stop and really think to come up with examples because I genuinely couldn’t just grab them off the top of my head.).” “Why are you lying?” and “Why do you lie?” were extremely common when I would see and experience the things I “lied” about with my own two eyes. I was also called a “fibber” a lot. I cringe every time I even see that word because I read it in their voice. “You have a selective memory.” -My Nfather, denying that he ever struck any of us kids with a belt, when not only did he do so, but he kicked me against a door when I threatened to call Childline. “You’re crazy. No one will believe you over me.” Nfather worked for the emergency services, claimed he had friends in the police, and loved to play on my autism diagnosis and mental health problems.” “I always got told that my mum was glad I was fat so no boy would date me in school. She put a lot of pressure on me to do well in school, then turned around to say that it was only because I wasn’t social. She is an alcoholic and told me she would choose alcohol over me. When I asked her to get help, she told me she doesn’t need to because it’s her right to drink.” “Claiming not to remember things that happened or downplaying things when confronted with it, so you end up wondering if you’ve misinterpreted the situation or overreacted. For example, narc says/does something hurtful, later you bring it up, and they claim to not remember saying it with such sincerity that you start to think maybe you misheard them or they say something along the lines of “no – what I said/meant was insert something way less malicious than what they’re being accused of” – and then you start to feel like a naggy crazy person.” “Telling you that you are a certain way when you know your not. My ex used to tell me that I was unable to love and I was untrustworthy. I know this is untrue, but at the time when you don’t know their condition, you wonder what they see in you that you can’t. He used to tell me he knew me better than I knew myself. Now I see it was just projection on his part. Also, saying something and then like 20 mins later denying he ever said that. That one used to really make me scratch my head!” “Getting his friends to agree with him. He’d paint me as absolutely, incomprehensibly insane to them behind my back, so any time I’d confront him, disagree with him, or say anything but “yes, sir,” they’d all jump on me at once. When there isn’t a soul around that agrees with what you’re saying, you begin to question just how right you really are.” “I want to thank everyone who has commented. Please continue if you have more to add! There is no way to explain how much this has helped. I can’t seem to get perspective about some things. It seems like we were married a decade, and I woke up one day, and he was a different man. I know this can’t be true, there had to be red flags, and that’s what I want to see. Not that I’m looking to date any time soon (it’s only been a year, and I’m not even entertaining the idea. It actually scares the bejeezus out of me), but I was hoping to gain clarity; of the more subtle forms of gaslighting.” “I am often told “you don’t see,” “you’re ignorant to,” “you’re blind to the fact” “you haven’t grown” “you saying that just proves to me..” “whether or not you choose to take this onboard” when trying to express my feelings or point of view. I should provide more context, but I’m really confused and convoluted in my mind about what’s happening and can only muster this for now.” “You’re being dramatic,” “you’re crazy,” “I never said that.” “That’s your baggage” is basically anything to make you feel small, insecure, weak, wrong, or second-guess yourself. You lose yourself with a gaslighter.” “you’re always so dramatic there’s no way to talk to you ” “are you serious? 😂” ” You said so. You said that and that and that and that…” note it’s not ( this is what I remember, what I heard what I understood. no, it’s you who did not – something – ) “you’re too childish, it’s because you’re gullible” basically when THEY explain to YOU why YOU did the things YOU did, not the other way around you explaining to them why you did the things you did. “you seem to be stressed out lately ” if in response to you reacting in defense of yourself. “you’re making too much out of this, “” you’re exaggerating “ Conclusion Gaslighting is toxic, and it can ruin your mental peace. You start questioning your sanity, your emotions, and everything about you. In this article, I have shared gaslighting phrases that can help you identify if someone is trying to gaslight you. It is better to not think about these people and try to maintain a distance. If you feel like you have lost peace of your mind because of this, it would be better to take help from a counselor. So this was all about gaslighting phrases part 2; Remember they are a lot of gaslighters out there be careful and do not let anyone stay in your life that tries to constantly manipulate and deceive you. Further reading RELATIONSHIP COUNSELLING NEAR ME NOW Relationship Courses All Services Editorial Improve my relationship I think my boyfriend is cheating on me Family Therapy Overwhelmed meaning Ghosted PTSD quotes Cheating quotes Relationship poems What to do if a guy doesn’t text you for a week Stages of a rebound relationship Feeling used I am too scared to date again 9 texts to never send a man or woman I still love my ex Do you have anger issues please take the test click here