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You meet a great guy, click with him instantly, and you have also been in contact for quite some time now; doesn’t this sound perfect for imagining? You both vibe wonderfully, and he has shown you all the positive signs that he might be into you. Everything seems to be going smoothly and picture-perfect until this superhero of yours, hits you with unwanted silence. A day goes by and then two and then three! What could be the reason if a guy doesn’t text you for a week? What should you do in such a scenario? Should you wait? Or should you just let it go? Well, we will be discussing all of it right here and promise to help you out and support you

“The situation of if a guy doesn’t text you for a week is common try not to take it personal every situation is different-Natalie Kyman M.D.D coach”


It is not the end of the world if t a guy doesn’t text you for a week or a few days. If it is just the beginning, then it should not be a huge concern for you. But if you two have been bonding amazingly and are in the process of getting hot and heavy, then the sudden silence can be quite annoying and worrisome too. You are probably going to be obsessed about where he is and why he is not getting back to you. Even if you try to shove off the thought of him, it is still going to cling to your brain’s thoughts. You might be assuming that you did something wrong, which is why he is not texting you back. Did you upset him? Is this a sign that he is not into you anymore? Well, it can be anything, and the thoughts are going to keep rolling around inside your head. But you need to relax. There is no need to go crazy if a guy doesn’t text you for a week or so. Let’s sort this out together, shall we?

If a guy doesn’t text you for a week, what could be the reasons?

So before we look for a solution, we need to see the causes. If a guy doesn’t text you for a week, what possibilities could be behind it? Here we have summed up some reasons why the guy would not have texted you. Think about it straight, and don’t overthink the situation.If a guy doesn’t text you for a week emotions run high anxiety and panic mode can set in don’t worry let’s analyse the situation.


  • He is waiting for you to text him:

Do you text him on your own or no? Every guy is not okay with texting first and especially if he feels he does it all the time, and he won’t be super eager to make the first move. Secondly, he might be texting you first for a long time, and now he wants you to make a move too. He might be testing you to see whether you are willing to take things further or not. Will you ask him about what’s up with him, or will you let him go? If a guy doesn’t text you for a week, then you should ping him up on your own. Go ahead and call him casually and ask where he is or how he is doing. If he doesn’t answer even then, then you know what you know!

  • He is BUSY:

Every guy is not trying to play hard to get; some are genuinely busy. Women don’t consider the possibility that a guy might be actually busy. We all are indulged in a billion things that we have to attend to daily. He might not have the time to chat and text you. If he has a busy career, then he might have long hours at work and even the night shifts where he would want to sleep through the day. Don’t get on his nerves. Leave him a message and see whether he gets back to you or not. Or you can wait for him to get to you as well. Either way, you are going to understand a lot more by his reaction to this.

  • He has someone else:

If you both are indulging in one another really well and he starts missing out on conversations regularly, then you need to pay attention. Is he not texting back periodically, or is it a rare incident? Does he only text you at certain hours? The chances are that he already has a girlfriend or a lot too many to handle. Indicating a playboy is not that hard these days, and girls are smart enough to detect it. Just pay a little attention, and you will get signs if he has a girlfriend.

  • He is not interested in you:

If a guy doesn’t text you for a week, even when you have left him a message or two, then there are chances that he is not into you. This is the last thing that you would want to hear, but he might be telling you that he is not that into you through his sudden absence. Maybe he is only willing to be friends with you and nothing more. Many women start dreaming about the relationship that they “could” make up with this particular guy instead of focusing on what they already have. They imagine their friendship turning into a love commitment. This is where problems kick in, and the guy calls in the sudden silence on you. It might just be a large sign that he doesn’t like you in the other way.

  • He is away for a few days:

Many people believe in taking a break from social media and their phones. They do not like relying on their phones a lot. Maybe he is just away and is trying to have a good time. Perhaps he is on vacation. If he didn’t tell you before leaving, then it can be a sign that he is not much into you. If he has, then you should let him have a good time. If you are already in a relationship, then he must share it with you. If he doesn’t, then you know that this is not too serious for him, and you are better off.

So there might be a lot of reasons why a guy doesn’t text you for a week. You need to focus a bit on seeing the signs falling into their right places. Now let’s dig into the solution.

“If a guy doesn’t text you for a week it can make you so uncomfortable-anon”

Further reading:

Improve my relationship

Dating advice for singles

Relationship advice

I think my boyfriend is cheating on me

My boyfriend wants to break up

Relationship poems


If a guy doesn’t text you for a week, what should you do?

We have explored some of the most fundamental reasons why a guy might not be texting you. But now we need a solution for it too! If a guy doesn’t text you back for a week, what should be your next move? What should you do? Let’s find out!

It is tough to deal with this situation. You are going to struggle to find the right answers, and you are not up for sitting and waiting. To start things off, you must wait for at least 2-3 days. If you have just started seeing each other, you don’t want to come out as a desperate person. Wait and then leave him a text casually. You can send a hello and is everything okay text. But do not text after that. If he is in a problem (God Forbid), you are going to know about it sooner or later. If not, you will understand. Also, do not send two texts on the same day. Make sure that you give a day or two’s break. If the silence precedes, you know better.

If a guy doesn’t text you for a week or ten days, even after you have left him a message or two, you know that he is not interested in you. This is the last thing you probably want to hear, but this is the truth. Nobody is too busy to avoid a text that someone sends them. Even if the guy is on a technology detox, ten days is the deadline. He might be committed, or he is not into you. The only thing that can do in this situation is to accept it and move on.

Now, the guy might show up after some days with a genuine reason. But if this is a pattern in the long run, then you don’t want him as your boyfriend. If he keeps disappearing, then he is not interested in you, and maybe he has too many girls that he has to call an off from you now and then.

If you have been in a relationship for a long time and he has suddenly started being distant from you, then this is a flaky situation. It is heartbreaking and can be super challenging to deal with. There are times when the guy starts losing interest in you, and even when it is heart-shattering, some men do not consider the long bond before hitting you with the sudden silence. You can try some tips to keep your relationship alive. sometimes, it is the woman’s mistake that the guy starts pulling away but not always. If you think that you have done something wrong, then you must fix it before it is too late. Talk to him or visit him if a guy doesn’t text you back for a week. He is your man, and you can make an effort to save the relationship. But if he seems stubborn about it, then you have to let him go, girl.

If a guy doesn’t text you for a week, there is not much you can do. In some scenarios, there is some real issue behind the silence. But many times, guys are just not interested in the girl, and they decide to disappear.

If a guy doesn’t text you for a week, should you move on?

If you have just met the guy, then it is best to not involve yourself in someone who calls off on you for an entire week. The foundation of a good relationship is excellent communication, and this doesn’t seem like a good start. But if you have been talking to him for some weeks or months, then you must give it a try before moving on. Try to get into communication with him as a genuine, worried friend. It is always best if you wait for him to get back to you after a text. You are waiting up till a week is excellent. You can then attempt to call him and get in touch. However, you need to remember to maintain your dignity as well. Do not beg him to call you back or get in contact with you. Trying is essential if you know each other for a while now. If he still doesn’t get back to you, it is time to move on for sure.

If a guy doesn’t text you for a week, how will it affect you emotionally?

The emotional effects if a guy doesn’t text you for a week, really depend on the situation of your relationship with him. If you guys have just met, then it won’t create an emotional wreck for you. On the other hand, if you have started bonding with him really well, and you both have an incredible vibe, then it is going to affect you emotionally. No lies, it is going to be hard to restrain from not messaging him right away. But you need to refrain and control for at least a day or two. If he does not get back to you, it is going to be a challenging phase. Especially if you start gathering feelings for him, you will have to compose yourself emotionally. You might want to cry, and you will experience anger too. But at the end of the day, you will have to move on.

If a guy doesn’t text you for a week, can you go on another date?

For people who are in a proper relationship, NO YOU CANNOT. Simple and quick!

On the other hand, if you just met this guy and you have just started talking to each other casually, then there is no reason to sit and wait for him. Who misses out on better options? Would you leave a guy who is asking you out on dating for the one who is ignoring you probably? No, right? So you know better what to do. However, if you have started picking signs that he likes you, then try getting in touch with him. If he doesn’t get back to you, then definitely go on another date and have fun.

Do you need help?

People who are in a relationship go through the toughest times when the guy goes missing. If you two have been together for a while and the guy doesn’t text you back for a week, then you know that this is no good sign. This is going to be challenging, and you might even need help. It is okay to look for professional advice in such scenarios.

Miss Date Doctor is the best and most expert online and face to face coaching/counseling services that you can rely upon to ask for help. We have incredible relationship advice accessible on  our website too. You can check out their advice articles here

If a guy doesn’t text you back for a week and you are being affected emotionally, then you can check our services here and get your appointment booked as soon as possible.

Dating advice for singles

If a guy doesn’t text you for a week extra tips

Two weeks since I heard from him


It’s been two weeks since I heard from him? At some point in life, we all face this kind of situation, and it is normal. People meet you on a good date but then ghost you. Or when you are in a relationship, you have a huge fight, and then your partner ignores you for weeks.

If you ask “I went on date with this guy but now it’s been two weeks since I heard from him, what should I do?” I would suggest you move on already. It is a clear sign that he is not interested in you not serious about you. It was not like you were emotionally attached, so it will hopefully easier to move on from this kind of situation and please don’t let it affect your confidence. There are different reasons people just don’t connect.

But if your question is “I had a fight with my partner and it’s been two weeks since I heard from him” I would suggest you contact him. Maybe he is also wondering why you haven’t contacted him yet. Talk about your issues and solve them.

I bombarded him with texts


I bombarded him with texts because he ghosted me” well, I would say it is a normal reaction when someone ghosts you; you feel emotional you are so triggered these things happen. You are angry because he ghosted you and now won’t return your calls. You feel like he rejected you. When this happens, most people lose confidence; they think that they are not good enough it makes you feel disregarded, and in frustration, they send a lot of texts.

You may wonder, “I bombarded him with texts, what should I do now?” You need to keep in mind if someone ghosts you, it means he is not ready for a relationship; it has nothing to do with you. So stop texting them; there are plenty of people who are ready to be with a beautiful person like you, so don’t waste your time on an immature guy or someone who quite simply is not interested.

Some girls also ask me, “I have a crush of this guy, and I bombarded him with texts but he won’t reply.” In this case, I would suggest you to stop doing this immediately because you are giving the impression that you are too clingy and needy. It will push him away.  Talk in person normally and share your feelings.

Haven’t heard from him in 2 days


You haven’t heard from him in two days, and now you are worried about what to do? Well, I would suggest you not to worry. Some guys have a busy work schedule he might be busy and couldn’t text you. If you are much worried and wondering why you haven’t heard from him in two days, give him a call or a text and wait for his response. One text or one call would be enough.

Honestly, it is not a bid deal if you haven’t heard from him in 2 days. Some guys do this to get your attention or sometimes there are just genuinely busy. It is nothing to worry about. Before texting or calling him, I would suggest you wait for at least one or two weeks. If he still does not contact you, he is not into you.

I haven’t talked to him in a month



Some girls ask, “I haven’t talked to him in a month, what to do?” if you were in a relationship and you had a big fight, it is not an issue. All you need to do is contact him and talk about the issue. Maybe he is waiting for you to contact him back. So if you are worried that I haven’t talked to him in a month, communicating the real issue can help you a lot. It is important to remember there are different circumstances.

If he ghosted you after a few dates and has not contacted you for a month, you should stop thinking about him. He is not serious about you don’t waste any more time on this guy.30 days of not calling someone you care for? It’s not right.

If you are wondering, “I haven’t talked to him in a month, after a breakup, what should I do?” you need to understand that it is over. You broke up for a reason, and you should try to move on it is difficult but please remember you deserve someone who cares. It was not your fault; you should not blame yourself or worry about him. It is over, so waiting for him to contact you is not going to help; it will only make things worse. If you are supposed to be together organically he will reach out.

Don’t text and he will text you?


Don’t text and he will text you back, sometimes it works, and sometimes it does not. It depends on the nature of the person and also how they feel about you. But if you want him to notice you, play hard to get. The problem with a lot of females is that they stay around even when bad things happen, so some guys think it is easy to manipulate them and take advantage of this. But when you ignore them or don’t text often, It will build their interest in you.

Don’t text, and he will text you if he is interested? You don’t know his intention; by avoiding texting him, you will be able to understand his intentions. If he is not interested, he will not text you either. But before jumping to any conclusion, you need to wait for at least a week. So there is no surety if you don’t text, and he will text you back, but using the right strategy, you can know his intentions. If you want him back, you can play hard to get, but if his response is not positive, there is no need to wait. You deserve someone who is ready to be with you, who cares for you and your emotions. Wasting your time on someone who doesn’t care about you is foolish and painful. Always remember your worth.

Do guys notice when you stop texting them


Girls ask me, “Do guys notice when you stop texting?” when you regularly talk to a person on texts and then suddenly stop texting them, they do notice it. And when a guy is really into you, he will notice it for sure.

If you are wondering, “Do guys notice when you stop texting them” you need to know that not all guys are the same. Some guys are non-serious; they are probably not into something serious. They have contact with many girls, and when one of them stops texting, it does not bother them. Some are very busy in their work-life that they probably even read your text. But those who really want to be a part of your life they will notice it when you stop texting them.

Do guys notice when you stop texting them? Answer to this question is simple; they will f they care, they want to know what happened, they will miss you and will contact you immediately if you are okay. Otherwise, they will just don’t care about it.

He hasn’t texted me all day should I text him

When girls ask me, “He hasn’t texted me all day should I text him,” I ask them, why do you want them to keep texting you all day? It is not necessary if a person is in a relationship with you; he should keep texting all day. You need to give them space. You have your own identity outside the relationship. You need to cherish your personal life outside the relationship. Waiting for their text or bombarding them with calls and texts will only push your partner away. It is never helpful. So make yourself busy with some good hobby or with your friends so that you can stop thinking about them.

If you are wondering, “I had a date last night, but he hasn’t texted me all day should I text him?” I would suggest no. I was just one date, and it’s been only one day. If he is interested in you, he will text you, maybe after 3 to 4 days or even a week. You don’t have to worry about anything; it’s been just one day. Don’t lose confidence; don’t get panic; make yourself busy to keep this thing off of your mind.

We haven’t talked in months should I text him

Most girls after they had broken up ask me, “We haven’t talked in months should I text him?” and I would say why haven’t you deleted their number yet? Breakups are not easy to handle; you feel like it was your fault. You want them back, and, normally, you are not alone. But getting back to your ex is not the right decision to make.

You are wondering, “We haven’t talked in months should I text him,” but believe me, if you are not over your ex, it is not the right thing to do. Most importantly, don’t blame yourself for what happened in the past. What is done is done; you have your whole future ahead. You can move on and make better relationships in the future. If you can’t get over the thought of texting them, find a distraction. Take help from your friends, spend time with them, or make yourself busy in your work. It will help you for sure. If your ex is not interested in talking to you, texting them and getting no response will hurt you even more.

If a guy doesn’t text for a week communication tips

It may seem that starting a relationship is easy, but actually, it is not. Sometimes you like a guy, but he does not like you back, sometimes you don’t like him, there are several reasons. But the most important thing to start a relationship and make a guy fall in love with you is communication. Better communication skills are required to start a relationship and then to keep it alive. But what if a guy does not text you for? Or not interested in talking to you? What would you do? How will you maintain a healthy conversation?

First of all, you need to know the reason why he is not texting you? If he does not like you, he will not text you. In other cases, he may not be a text person, or he is busy with work. But don’t worry, you can make him text you back. All you need is a useful strategy, and you are good to go. I know you have different questions in your mind and you want answers, I am here to help you with them. Here are the most commonly asked questions by girls when they want a guy to text them back, and I am going to answer these. Hope this will prove helpful for you we know text communication is not easy.

How can I get his attention online?


So you like a guy, and wondering, “How can I get his attention online?” Well, it is simple. If you like a guy, you need to make him notice you because he is not a magician, so he does not know you like him. Do you want his attention? Then text him first, guys like it when some girl makes a bold step but make it look like a casual compliment desperation fails every time with men.

You are confused, “How can I get his attention online?” You see how we connect with other women; we compliment them on their purse or dress. Use this strategy on him. Check his profile thoroughly and compliment him, “that picture of you in a blue shirt, is amazing” he will really notice I and will probably want to talk to you. Make sure to give an honest compliment.

What should you text a guy first?

Some girls may think it is not a good gesture to text a guy first. Honestly, there is nothing wrong with texting a guy first if you really like him. If you hold yourself back, you lose the person you like, but now the question is, what should you text a guy first? Should you say just Hi? Well, saying just “Hi!” is not a good way to start a conversation. It makes them feel that you are not an interesting person. You are not social, and he is not important to you.

If you ask me, what should you text a guy first? I would suggest your first text should be brief, not an essay, more like an interesting question, so that he replies to you. If you know him and you two meet each other in your area or the office, starting with a compliment will also help.

How do you get a guy to text you every day?


You like a guy and want to keep in touch with him, you don’t want to seem desperate and want him to text you, but don’t know how do you get a guy to text you every day? Don’t worry; it is not that difficult. All you need to do is to make a conversation interesting so that he wants to talk to you every day.

If you ask me, how do you get a guy to text you every day? I would suggest you show your fun side. Guys like funny women, and they feel attracted to them. Use jokes in your conversation, tease him a little, and use emojis in your conversation. It will show him that you are an interesting person. He will love to talk to you.

How do you make him obsess over you through text?

So you like a guy and don’t know how do you make him obsess over you through text? You are at the right place. If you want him to obsess over you, a little flirting can help, he will see that you are interested and also an amazing person, so he will love to talk to you.

If you are confused about how do you make him obsess over you through text?  Show him that you are a happy and confident person. If he will feel that you are an upbeat and positive person to be around, he will like you for sure. Moreover, do not open a lot, be funny but be mysterious; it will make him obsess over you. Be playful and tease him he will be hooked

He finally texted me after 3 days.

So you had your first date with this amazing guy, and you were waiting for his text, now you are like “He finally texted me after 3 days, what should I do?” First of all, keep in mind that he might be trying to play games with you like he is pretending he is hard to get, or he might be busy and could not catch up with you. You don’t know his real intention, so be careful.

“He finally texted me after 3 days, I am so happy” I get it you are happy but don’t bombard him with a lot of texts in excitement. Act maturely, reply to him in a friendly way, and don’t reply like teens using short forms. Most importantly, do not immediately respond; it will make you seem desperate. Do not mention the 3 days it makes it seem like you were waiting eagerly.

He doesn’t text me anymore.

You are wondering “why he doesn’t text me anymore” there can be several reasons behind this, he might be busy, he does not like texting, he is not expressive, or he is not interested in you. No, you wonder, “What to do if he doesn’t text me anymore” first of all, you need to know what is the reason behind this. For this purpose, you have to reach out to him; otherwise, you can’t get your answers but never complain “Why did you not text me?” He is not your boyfriend so he owes you know explanations just send a casual text.

Do not send paragraphs or too many tests. Just one text like this “Hi, It has been a long time since we met; let’s meet at our favorite coffee shop.” It will make him realize that he is not in touch with you and will try to make it up to you if he is interested.  You can also call him to have a direct conversation.

Why guys don’t text you back for days


You might be wondering, “Why guys don’t text you back for days” well, you need to keep in mind it is not about you. So don’t blame yourself for anything. The problem with guys is that they are not good at multitasking; they are poor at working and chatting simultaneously. So if that’s the case, there is nothing to worry about.

Why guys don’t text you back for days, but they text so much in the beginning” it is because, in the beginning, they want to win you. That’s why they text you back immediately. But that does not mean he is cheating on you or not interested anymore; he is just not good at texting. Bear with it, In some cases the guy is not serious about you and it is manifesting itself in his actions

I stopped texting him, and he didn’t care.

I stopped texting him, and he didn’t care, why?” Well, it seems like he was texting you because of you, now he feels that it is not necessary because you are not texting anymore. It could be because he does not likes texting, which is not a bad thing. Another reason could be he is self-absorbed and not into you.

I stopped texting him, and he didn’t care, what should I do?” you need to know what he wants, talk to him directly. If you feel like he is not interested in you, get over it and try to move on. You should not waste your time on someone who does not care about you. Look after yourself make no efforts with those that make no efforts with you.

Inconsistent communication dating

Inconsistent communication dating is something that can feel extremely. When you are in a relationship it is normal to expect communication from your partner and when you don’t  get it you may start to feel uneasy. Is something wrong? Is my partner losing interest in me? These sort of feelings are to be expected the first thing consider are we dating or in a relationship? Now dependant on the answer this factor has a significant impact on the response. If you are in a relationship most people expect communication every day or every other day(every one to two days a text or a call).If you are casually dating  you might speak twice to three times a week.

It is also important to remember that different people have different expectations of how dating and relationships work. Make sure you choose a partner that treats you adequately and regular communication is part of this. A lack of communication and effort is disregard and no one wants to feel disregarded.

In some cases the lack of contact is a sign of lack of interest and commitment the effort of individual shows you how much they care.


If he doesn’t text you for a week, it is certainly not a good sign. There are very rare cases when there are genuine reasons. This can put a hole in your heart if you two have been together for some time now, but you can hope that there is a good reason behind it. If not, then honey, you have to go through the emotional wreck and get over him. MOVE ON. Life doesn’t end on this guy, and you are better than it but if a guy doesn’t text you for a week or more every situation is individual and we will guide you. Also, you can visit MDD for professional help. We are the best at helping you out of any dating issue. Remember, honey; no guy is worth risking your dignity and self-respect.

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Should I text after a week of silence?

Should I text after a week of silence

Should I text after a week of silence? It’s tempting to reach out when someone merely appears and then vanishes. The allure of closure is strong. However, most experts agree that messaging a ghost is a waste of time. By failing to inform you that they were not interested, they have sent a message.

Should I text after a week of silence? It is unnecessary to text them. What would you text them about if you wanted to be sure they weren’t interested in you? Patti Sabla, a licensed clinical social worker, tells Elite Daily, “I think ghosting you in the first place sends that message.”

“We show others how to treat us.” We give that person the impression that their behaviour is OK by accepting it, she says. So it shouldn’t come as a surprise if they disappear again.

Should I text after a week of silence? The cost of reaching out to someone who has ghosted you nearly always outweighs the advantages.

“You almost never gain anything by texting someone who has ghosted you,” she tells Elite Daily. “It’s not going to make you feel any better.”

Should I text after a week of silence? It will not persuade them to change their minds. People ghost because they’re terrified of having a serious dialogue about their feelings, and you don’t want to be with that person anyhow.


What does it mean when a guy stops texting you for a week?

What does it mean when a guy stops texting you for a week

What does it mean when a guy stops texting you for a week? Isn’t it best to text with your crush? Who doesn’t enjoy the rush of seeing a message from them appear on their screen, knowing they are thinking about you and want to connect?

It’s no surprise, then, that when the rate of those communications decreases, it’s all too simple to go from absolutely relaxed to full-fledged paranoia faster than you can type BRB.

Should I text after a week of silence? When a guy stops messaging you every day or a female takes longer than normal to answer, it could mean anything, but it could also mean nothing. That is what makes everything so perplexing.

It’s understandable if you assume that if they’re texting you less frequently, it means they’ve lost interest. The good news is that this isn’t always the case.

What does it mean when a guy stops texting you for a week? The truth is that texting is an inaccurate indicator of a relationship’s interest. So, just because they went from texting you 75 times a day to five times a day doesn’t mean it’s time to go into a relationship DEFCON 1.

There are a few perfectly reasonable reasons why you’re hearing from them less – and only one to be concerned about.

What does it mean when a guy stops texting you for a week? How do you recognise when the sudden stillness is dangerous and when it’s safe to ignore it? It turns out that if you know what to look for, the subtext of texting activity is rather straightforward to decipher.

Because you’ve established a routine, they’re texting less frequently.

Let’s be straightforward, shall we? In a new romance, maintaining the sheer volume and frantic tempo of texting is simply not sustainable. “It’s common to “not get enough of each other” during the infatuation period.” Couples settle into a more realistic pattern as this phase passes. You’re not as concerned with knowing everything there is to know about one another.

Because their lives have become busier, they are texting less frequently.

Should I text after a week of silence? Take a breather before you get all worked up. Do they seem to have mentioned a major project at work recently? Is it true that they have a new job? Is it time for finals? Do they have any relatives in town? Examining how your sweetie acts in other aspects of the relationship will help you figure things out.

Because there is a problem in their relationship, they are texting less frequently.

Should I text after a week of silence? We can’t discuss changes in texting behaviour without mentioning the reason we all fear: they’re withdrawing. Yes, it’s possible that the absence of messaging is an indication that they’ve lost part of that love feeling if he’s aloof but still messages, or if she’s still responding but just on occasion.


Is it normal for a guy not to text for a week?

Is it normal for a guy not to text for a week

Is it normal for a guy not to text for a week? Tell me if this scenario seems familiar: you’ve been texting with a guy, and he’s giving you the impression that he’s really into you. Everything is going well until he suddenly stops talking. for days.

Now you know that this isn’t necessarily cause for alarm and that the fact that you haven’t spoken in a few days isn’t the end of the world, especially if you’re just getting to know each other.

Is it normal for a guy not to text for a week? However, after a period of being hot and heavy, the abrupt and unexpected respite can be painful — and can lead to anxious and obsessive thoughts.

It is debatable. Are you just seeing each other, or are you in a committed relationship?

Is it normal for a guy not to text for a week? It’s very normal if you’re just seeing each other. You are under no duty to chat to each other all the time. No obligations.

It’s a little less natural if you’re exclusive. Is he not replying to your texts, or are you both texting at the same time? Is it just a matter of waiting for him to text you first?

Should I text after a week of silence? If you’re genuinely worried, send him a text message. It’s perfectly acceptable to text a guy first, especially if he’s your boyfriend. If he simply does not respond to you, there is clearly something wrong. He could be untruthful to you.


How long is it okay for a guy not to text?

How long is it okay for a guy not to text

How long is it okay for a guy not to text? Isn’t this one one of your favourites? The date went swimmingly. He was amusing. You were laughing when suddenly, poof! He doesn’t call or text back. Here’s how to do that in a few easy steps.

How long is it okay for a guy not to text? A guy who hasn’t texted you in a week is probably not interested. The long gap between texts, even if he hasn’t completely ghosted you, isn’t a good indicator.

How long is it okay for a guy not to text? If you haven’t heard from a guy in a week, don’t text him or obsess about him — just chalk it up to another failed relationship.


Should I text after a week of silence conclusion

Should I text after a week of silence conclusion

Should I text after a week of silence conclusion. When someone leaves your life without notice or explanation, you’re left with a lot of questions. What went wrong? This is one of my personal favourites. What went wrong between us? Finally, should I text a guy who has abandoned me?

Should I text after a week of silence conclusion. There are no hard and fast rules for what to text after getting ghosted (or if you should text at all), but if you’re in the same boat — debating whether or not to contact a Tinder match or Bumble gal who abruptly vanished — there are a few things to consider.

While there are certain benefits to leaving things alone, if you still have questions regarding your breakup, there are some instances where reaching out is acceptable. Anyone up for a séance?

Should I text after a week of silence? While most experts advise against contacting someone who has gone missing, there are a few exceptions to the rule. “There are three instances in which you should contact someone after they have ghosted you,” North adds.

Should I text after a week of silence? “If things were going well and something unexpected happened, if you’ve gone out more than four times and they abruptly vanish without explanation, or if they cancel a date.”

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