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Emotional Intelligence Counselling

Emotional Intelligence Counselling Emotional intelligence counselling. Emotional intelligence also called EQ is a great skill that helps people achieve success in several aspects of their lives. Wikipedia describes emotional intelligence as the ability to perceive, use, understand, manage, and handle emotions. Many argue that emotional intelligence is more important than IQ in determining success. Emotional …

Communication Skills Counselling

Communication Skills Counselling Communication skills counselling. Effective communication skills are imperative for all types of relationships, whether romantic, platonic, family or work relationships require good communication skills to be successful.  Effective communication does not only concern the exchange of information, it also involves ensuring that the message is received and understood. Where there is poor …

Assertive Training Counselling

Assertive Training Counselling Assertive training counselling. Being assertive is showing confidence or behaving in a confident way and being able to directly say what you want or mean without fear or being aggressive. Wikipedia says “it is the quality of being self-assured or confident without being aggressive to defend the right point of view or …

How to becоme online psychology teacher

Our understanding of psychology is constantly evolving, and teaching it online has become a popular way for individuals to learn more about the subject. In this article, we will discuss what exactly online psychology teaching entails, why you might want to consider becoming an online psychology teacher, and what steps are needed to achieve that …

The art of expressing love through writing: Tips for writing a heartfelt essay about your romantic relationship

Writing a love letter is a great way to express your feelings to your significant other. It doesn’t matter what type of relationship you have and what is your love language. Writing a letter to express emotions is very romantic. It will add a lot to intimacy in your relationship. We decided to share some …

How To Make Modern Long-Distance Relationships Work

Thanks to the internet, social media, dating apps and video technology, long-distance relationships (LDRs) are more common than ever before. Plus, all of this technology makes it possible to have fulfilling relationships even from the other side of the world. That being said, simply having the tools to communicate regularly doesn’t mean long-distance relationships are …

The Effects of Romantic Relationships on Students’ Academic Performance

Romantic relationships can affect students’ academic performance in both positive and negative ways. On one hand, a relationship can provide motivation, support, and a sense of belonging. This can lead to increased focus and motivation to succeed academically. A partner can also provide emotional and practical support. It includes help with studying and understanding course …

Promoting Healthy Youth Marriages: Relationship Education Programs

Regardless of when you decide to marry, you might need help maintaining a healthy relationship with your partner. However, the surface issues seem more prominent in younger married couples. Relationship education programs have been designed to teach young individuals the skills and knowledge required to form and maintain healthy relationships. It allows them to learn …

Fall in Love with Reading: Deepening Young People’s Relationships via Literature

Literature is part of our life from an early age. We learn how to read when we are little and we are encouraged to read children’s stories. As we grow up and start education, reading becomes mandatory. It becomes a part of our lives and we are given books to read. But somehow, not all …

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