Assertive Training Counselling Posted byMiss Date Doctor March 28, 2023April 2, 2023 Table of Contents hide 1 Assertive Training Counselling 1.1 Confidence Counselling 1.2 Self-esteem Counselling 1.3 Interpersonal Communication Counselling 1.4 Social Anxiety Counselling 1.5 Public Speaking Counselling 1.6 Leadership Training Counselling 1.7 Stress Management Counselling 1.8 Anger Management Counselling 1.9 Cognitive-behavioural Therapy (CBT) 1.10 Emotional Intelligence Counselling 1.11 Assertive Training Counselling Conclusion 1.12 Further reading Assertive Training Counselling Assertive training counselling. Being assertive is showing confidence or behaving in a confident way and being able to directly say what you want or mean without fear or being aggressive. Wikipedia says “it is the quality of being self-assured or confident without being aggressive to defend the right point of view or a relevant statement”. The Cambridge dictionary describes an assertive person as someone who behaves confidently and is not frightened to say what they want or what they believe. This is a great skill that can be learned which can make a person soar in several aspects of their life. Before we dive fully into assertive training counselling, let us understand what assertiveness is. “Dorland’s medical dictionary defines assertiveness as a form of behaviour characterised by a confident declaration or affirmation of a statement without the need for proof; this affirms the person’s rights or point of view without either aggressively threatening the rights of another or submissively permitting another to ignore or deny one’s rights or point of view”. Assertive training counselling is a form of psychotherapy which helps people learn the skills they need to be able to stand up for themselves or empower themselves. It is the midline that separates passive people from their aggressive counterparts; it involves expressing one’s needs and feelings in a way that is neither passive nor aggressive. Assertive training counselling has been used since the ‘70s to teach people how to communicate their thoughts, needs, and feelings in a healthy way such that they are neither taken advantage of nor used. It has proven very helpful to people who became passive or passive-aggressive or aggressive due to the experiences they had during childhood. During assertive training counselling, you will learn skills which assertive people have such as setting and protecting your boundaries while ensuring that you do not overstep the boundaries of other people and still showing and treating them with compassion and respect. Your trainer or counsellor will guide you to communicate your needs in ways that are healthier. Assertive training counselling was initially introduced in the 1970s as an offshoot of the women’s movement to help them learn how to stand up for themselves in the workplace, higher institutions and other places where they had not done so in the past. It was designed to help them learn to communicate their needs and wants without being passive or showing aggression. Assertive training counselling is useful to both men and women today who are shy or do not know how to communicate their needs appropriately. It has helped them to learn how to respectfully set boundaries and prioritise their own needs and better communicate what they want in every facet of life they find themselves in, such as personal or work relationships. Assertive training counselling is broad in psychotherapy because it can be applied to different facets of life such as personal, work, educational and healthcare situations where it is important to learn how to communicate in a clear and concise manner which will lead to improvement in the relationships people form whether with family, friends, clients or colleagues. Assertive training counselling helps people learn how to be more confident and have a positive personality. It helps people learn skills that are related to boosting confidence. Rather than defaulting to being passive or showing aggression during communication, people will learn to communicate their needs in healthier ways which can build their confidence in the long run. Assertive training counselling helps people learn to stand up for themselves and feel confident in their own voice while letting people know what their thoughts, feelings and needs are. It helps people learn to communicate what they want and need without feeling any form of guilt or shame. People who go through this type of counselling learn to communicate without anxiety. Assertive training counselling helps people learn how to communicate their feelings and thoughts in situations which may be awkward or tense without being aggressive or confrontational and simultaneously retain their autonomy as they will learn valuable skills and confidence required to deal with any situation without being anxious or worried. Skills learned during assertive training counselling can be applied to different settings such as romantic relationships, family settings, workplaces, schools, healthcare settings and during therapy. This counselling boosts skills such as setting healthy boundaries, communicating with the right body language, establishing your self-worth and being direct without being rude. Many people argue that assertive training counselling makes people learn to be more aggressive which is not the case. People sometimes mistake assertive people for aggressive ones because there is a thin line between the two, which is why you need this training or counselling because it teaches you to express confidence without being rude while at it. Assertive training counselling can be helpful in navigating some awkward or tough situations such as dealing with an unpleasant coworker, asking your boss for a raise, putting your ideas forward in a meeting, speaking in public, dealing with an overbearing person, such as a relative and any other everyday situations which would normally cause you to be anxious or worried. Assertive training counselling teaches you some critical skills required to excel in everyday dealings with people in the different settings you may find yourself. Skills include; Using the right body language in communication Learning to use “I” statements Being direct without being rude Being comfortable asking for what you want How to retain your personal autonomy Establishing self-worth Identifying and dealing with manipulative conversations Empathy and emotional intelligence Establishing self-worth Setting healthy personal boundaries or space Assertive training has proven really helpful to several people who once had difficulty speaking up for themselves or who were considered passive or aggressive because of their anxiety or inability to deal with problems the right way. Confidence Counselling Confidence counselling. Confidence was derived from the Latin word “fidere” which means “to trust”. Having confidence means having little or no doubt about oneself and abilities or having a feeling of trust in someone or something. Self-confidence means trusting yourself, your own skills and your abilities. Confidence counselling is very helpful for people who have low confidence levels because it helps them to boost their confidence and trust in themselves and their abilities. Having good confidence levels is very important in different aspects of life and is especially essential for people in leadership positions, including bosses at work and parents. Confidence counselling helps people build their beliefs and attitudes towards their own abilities and strengths helping them trust that they can achieve their goals and all that they have set out to do for themselves in order for them to maintain a strong sense of grip on their own lives. Building your confidence levels can help you trust your abilities and judgement. Confidence counselling helps people learn how they can build their ability to overcome their everyday challenges by focusing on their capabilities and skill set. Lack of confidence can cause problems in various aspects of a person’s life such as relationships at home, work and people around them, career success and their state of mind. Building self-confidence is highly important and there are several ways one can build confidence such as; Assertiveness training – this has proven very helpful in building confidence and reducing social anxiety, depression and aggression issues as it helps people become assertive in communicating their needs which makes it possible for them to be met. Step out of your comfort zone – this can help people build confidence and face their faces and doing so constantly can boost self-confidence greatly. Start smashing your goals – one key component in building confidence level is accomplishments, achieving your short and long-term goals or small and big goals can boost your confidence in yourself and your abilities. Surround yourself with the right people – this is very essential to building confidence because having people around you who see your strengths and believe in you and who constantly remind you of how amazing you are can go a long way to boosting your confidence levels. Seek counselling to boost your confidence levels – a counsellor or therapist can prove really helpful in boosting your confidence because they create a safe atmosphere for you to talk about your goals and they can work with you to achieve them. Self-esteem Counselling Self-esteem counselling. Self-esteem plays an important role in building successful relationships. It talks about how people see and value themselves which could either be low or high self-esteem. There are many factors that can affect a person’s self-esteem positively or negatively which include past experiences and relationships from when they were children. Many people have low self-esteem which could be a result of experiences or the way they were treated from childhood till date. Self-esteem counselling can be very helpful in boosting low self-esteem in order for those affected by it to be able to build fulfilling, happier and long-lasting relationships with people around them. Low self-esteem can make people feel worthless and not good at or deserving of anything good and this can cause many problems for them in relationships because they will constantly look to others to give them what they alone can give themselves and at the slightest wrongdoing, they may believe that the other party or parties want to take advantage of them Low self-esteem is a contributor to many problems in relationships and self-esteem counselling can help people deal with feelings of shame, inadequacy and self-doubt which are usually linked with low self-esteem. People with low self-esteem often place little value on themselves and constantly feel like they are underachieving and people want to take advantage of them. Self-esteem counselling can help people make needed changes in their relationships, thinking patterns and behaviours by helping them develop a more positive perspective of themselves and place much higher on themselves which makes them feel more confident in and much better about themselves rather than seeking validation or positive feedback from external sources. Interpersonal Communication Counselling Interpersonal communication counselling. It is said that people who have great interpersonal skills tend to have more successful and healthier relationships than those who do not. People who have great interpersonal skills are able to communicate their feelings and thoughts to others in a clear and concise manner that prevents misunderstandings or conflicts. Communication is a very important part of any relationship and building interpersonal communication through interpersonal communication counselling can make relationships much happier and healthier. Interpersonal communication deals with how people communicate both verbally and nonverbally in a way that information is not lost in translation. Interpersonal communication counselling helps people improve how they exchange information, thoughts, feelings and ideas both verbally and nonverbally which includes facial expressions, body language, gestures and tone of voice. It helps people build skills that can improve how well they communicate with other people. During interpersonal communication counselling, people learn vital skills need to make communication more effective. There are several ways of communicating in interpersonal communication which include oral communication, active listening, and verbal and nonverbal means of communication. Interpersonal communication covers all aspects of our everyday communication as it talks about the ways by which we pass on information to other people and how we receive them. It is highly crucial in building and sustaining successful, happy and healthy relationships with the people around us. People with this skill excel in their relationships. Interpersonal communication is very crucial in the workplace especially because people who are great at it tend to be good decision-makers and problem-solvers. They are able to build strong and productive relationships in the work environment and are able to communicate their ideas and thoughts which are key ingredients to achieving or accomplishing their goals. Social Anxiety Counselling Social anxiety counselling. Social anxiety is so much different from being shy, it is simply being intensely afraid and anxious about being around people or in social settings. It is an anxiety disorder which makes it difficult to build relationships because it affects self-confidence, work and school relationships, and the everyday activities of people affected by it. Social anxiety also called social phobia can be treated through social anxiety counselling using cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and sometimes medications. A therapist will help the affected person build their confidence levels, work with them to change their negative thought patterns with the aim to change them and help them learn skills they need to face situations that cause fear until they are able to face situations boldly and build healthy relationships. Social anxiety counselling can help affected persons identify thoughts patterns and beliefs which are irrational and may be the source of the anxiety or fear they feel and work with them to change them into more realistic thoughts and beliefs which will help them overcome the fear they feel before, during and after meeting new people or being in social settings. Social anxiety counselling focuses on working on areas such as low self-esteem issues, poor self-image or self-worth, the belief that the attention of others is focused on you or that everyone is judging you, guilt, embarrassment or shame. Social anxiety or social phobia often starts in the teenage years when people become more self-aware and may last into adulthood. People with this anxiety disorder have problems forming relationships because many times they feel that they are not good enough and people are constantly judging them. It can also affect their daily lives and activities because most activities may involve other people and this may cause intense fear and anxiety, so it is highly crucial to seek the help of a professional. Public Speaking Counselling Public speaking counselling. Many people dread public speaking because they often feel that they are inferior, they will make a mistake, they will be judged by others, they are not ready, or good enough or because of the nervousness that comes with it. It can be a really stressful experience for some people while others have mastered it so much that they now excel in it. Public speaking counselling helps people deal with the anxiety or phobia that comes with standing in front of others and addressing them. Public speaking involves speaking to a live audience, whether physically or through different forms of technology in meetings, conferences, or during presentations of ideas. Public speaking has been said to be a source of anxiety for many people, but public speaking counselling can help deal with that anxiety and make you excel in delivering that speech effortlessly. One of the major concerns many people who need to speak publicly have is that they are inferior to the people they are about to address and this can cause them to be anxious. Public speaking counselling is very crucial if you are looking to build not just your public speaking skills but also your confidence levels when standing in front of people to deliver your speech. People use public speaking for purposes such as motivational speaking, passing on information, celebrating, entertaining or giving a vote of thanks. Practising and preparing for your speech can improve your confidence levels in public speaking; you need to organise your materials and create a framework for your speech delivery and let your personality shine through your speech which will make you more comfortable while delivering it. The more you speak publicly, the more confidence you will have during public speaking. Leadership Training Counselling Leadership training counselling. Being a leader is a lot of responsibility because so much depends on you and so much is expected of you. It is important for leaders to upgrade themselves so that they are abreast with the world trend and changes and are able to drive needed change in whatever setting they find themselves in or whatever team they are leading. Leadership training counselling can help leaders improve their leadership skills and abilities. Having great leadership skills is very essential for people who find themselves in leadership positions because leaders often set the pace for their team and when a leader is weak or does not know how to go about leading the organisation or unit suffers. Leadership training counselling can help people in leadership positions improve their skills, implement them and ultimately perfect their leadership abilities. People in leadership positions are expected to set the pace for their team members which is why they need to constantly improve their skills because this can make the team members feel more at ease and trust them. Leadership training counselling can help leaders improve their skills in several different areas including communication skills. Having great communication skills as a leader is very crucial to achieving success because you will be able to effectively communicate the goals and objectives of the organisation or unit which makes it easy for your team to work towards achieving them. Leadership training can also help leaders perfect the art of working as a team. A leader is often the glue that holds a team together, ensuring that everyone understands the goal and has the readiness and willingness to work towards them. A good leader carries his team along such that no one feels left behind and they can all achieve the set goals as a team. A leader can also improve their emotional intelligence during leadership training because this is a very critical skill needed to manage and channel emotions properly. Many things may not go as planned and sometimes emotions may fly, but a leader with a high emotional intelligence level will know how to manage situations so that they do not escalate or get out of hand. This is also needed when there is a need to criticise staff. Leaders need to learn the importance of constructive criticism and how to let staff or subordinates know that they need to improve in certain areas without making them feel that they are not good enough. Constructive criticisms are catalysts for improvements so they need to be managed properly to achieve their result. Stress Management Counselling Stress management counselling. Stress is very common in different aspects of life. People often experience high and low levels of stress throughout their life and this may be considered normal. However, having constantly elevated levels of stress can be detrimental to a person’s health and may require them to properly manage it through various stress management techniques. Stress management counselling is one of the ways to manage stress levels and keep them in check. It is very important to manage one’s stress levels especially if they are constantly on the high side and for extended periods of time. Working with a stress management counsellor can help you develop ways to better manage situations that may be causing you stress. Stress can be caused by different situations in people’s lives and not all may be negative. Whatever the cause may be, if you feel like you are unable to properly manage your stress levels, you should consider going for stress management counselling so that you will be able to learn better ways to handle stressful situations so you can live a much healthier life. So many people have resorted to unhealthy coping mechanisms for managing their stress levels and these oftentimes complicate things for them which is why it is important to look towards stress management counselling to deal with the cause of the stress you are under and learn healthy coping skills to tackle and manage stressful situations. Many things can make a person feel overwhelmed or stressed including losing a job, getting divorced, facing discrimination, having a baby and lots more and in those times it is important to talk to someone, especially when you know things are getting out of hand or you cannot get a grip on how to manage the stress you are going through. Anger Management Counselling Anger management counselling. Anger is an emotion that people feel from time to time which is often their way of expressing their displeasure towards injustice, provocation, etc. Getting angry may not be the problem, but how often you get angry and how easily triggered you are. If you find yourself feeling angry more often or easily, it may indicate that it is becoming an issue. You may need to go for anger management counselling if you find yourself having angry outbursts or persistent rage because they have the power to affect your quality of life, physical health and relationships with other people. Anger can be detrimental to a person’s health because people with problems relating to anger tend to be destructive because of a loss of self-control. Anger management counselling can help you better manage your emotions and identify the triggers in order to diffuse them. Your counsellor with work with you to develop a higher sense of control and to avoid situations that provoke you to anger. Managing the emotional and physiological arousals that come with anger can help you better manage it. If you find yourself constantly having angry outbursts or being unable to control yourself resulting in violence or destruction of property, you should consider anger management counselling to help you deal with and overcome the triggers and identify the situations that provoke anger in you in order to overcome it. Cognitive-behavioural Therapy (CBT) Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT). CBT is a form of psychotherapy or talk therapy which is used to deal with various issues relating to behaviours with the aim to change or improve them. It helps people manage a wide range of issues relating to mental disorders, anxiety disorders, etc with the aim to address them and change the way people think and behave. According to American Psychological Association, APA, “cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) is a form of psychological treatment that has been demonstrated to be effective for a range of problems including depression, anxiety disorders, alcohol and drug use problems, marital problems, eating disorders and several mental illnesses”. Wikipedia considers cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) to be a psycho-social intervention that aims to reduce symptoms of several mental health conditions, primarily depression and anxiety disorders. It focuses on changing thoughts, beliefs and attitudes and the behaviours which may be associated with them in order to improve the emotional regulation in a person. Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) has been used to improve the functioning of people and the quality of their life. It helps people learn how to identify and change disturbing or negative thought patterns that have a negative impact on how they think and behave. It focuses mainly on changing patterns that can worsen a person’s emotional problems, depression and anxiety. Emotional Intelligence Counselling Emotional intelligence counselling. Emotional intelligence, also called EQ is a very vital skill people need to learn which can help them excel in several areas of their lives including, romantic, family, educational and work relationships. Emotional intelligence has been argued to be more important than IQ. Emotional intelligence counselling can help you build your emotional intelligence levels which makes you able to identify with, feel, acknowledge and understand the feelings of others while communicating yours in a way that they would understand. Emotional intelligence is taking time to understand how people feel in different situations by putting yourself in their shoes. Emotional intelligence has been argued to be a big predictor of the success of many relationships and one major way to build it is by going for emotional intelligence counselling which will make you able to see things from people’s perspectives and communicate with them based on your understanding of the emotions behind their thoughts and actions. Emotional intelligence counselling can help raise a person’s awareness of the needs of other people and further develop emotional intelligence. Emotionally intelligent people are considered to be great problem-solvers and decision-makers, especially in the workplace. In their personal relationships, they excel because they are able to identify with their partner’s feelings. Assertive Training Counselling Conclusion Assertive training counselling conclusion. You should consider assertive training if you find yourself struggling with communicating your feelings in a healthy way may be due to fear of being judged or anxiety. We have amazing counsellors who can work with you to improve your assertiveness, so you can experience more happiness in your life. 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