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Atychiphobia Phobias are very common. People have different phobias depending upon traumatic events have happened in their life. One such phobia is atychiphobia which we will discuss in this article. You will be able to know about signs, causes, diagnosis, and treatment options. So let’s get started: Atychiphobia meaning Atychiphobia, meaning is fear of failure. …

Emotional Maturation

Emotional Maturation Some can better understand their emotions and can control them. Even intelligent people feel overwhelmed with emotions sometimes. That is because we all know one size does not fit everyone when we talk about our response to betrayal, conflict, and other relationships. Our life experiences, upbringing, and genetics, everything shapes our response to …

Histrionic Personality Disorder Test

Histrionic Personality Disorder Test Histrionic personality disorder  first appeared in 1980 in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). It involves emotionality and impulsivity, which is why it is classified in Cluster B. It has a prevalence rate of 1.8%, so it is considered among the least common personality disorders. Usually, it co-occurs …

Narcissistic Victim Syndrome freeze response

Narcissistic Victim Syndrome freeze response People deal with traumas and abuse differently. You might be one of those who confront your abusive partner or might be one of those who try to escape the situation, a classic fight or flight response. If any of these methods do not work, you feel like you don’t have …

Miss Date Doctor-London Dating Coach for Men,Female Dating Coach London Free Consultation 03333443853

Miss Date Doctor-London Dating Coach,Female Dating Coach London Free Consultation 03333443853 Dating Coach London Reviews Dating Coach London. In today’s modern society a dating coach is essential but for a lot of people. It’s not something they have considered when you think of the term date coach what do you picture? The usual relationship advice …


Sociosexuality What is sociosexual behaviour? Sociosexual behaviour is used in context to sexual behaviour in a wider social context. It is a personal predisposition for engaging in uncommitted sex. Those who are restricted sociosexual do not prefer engaging in casual sex; they are looking for something more serious, commitment, emotional satisfaction or love. This article …

Thought process

Thought process What is thought process? A thought process is anything that is going on in your mind, like imagining, remembering, reasoning, making judgments and problem-solving. Thinking is kind of manipulating information, just like when we form concepts. Normally thought process should also be goal-directed so that a person can have a productive mindset. What …

Cognitive dissonance in relationships

Cognitive dissonance in relationships Cognitive dissonance in relationships is a term used for describing mental discomfort as a result of holding two different and conflicting values, attitudes or beliefs. People usually want consistency in their perceptions and attitudes, and conflicts in these cases make them uneasy and uncomfortable. This article is all about Cognitive dissonance …

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