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Sexual selection psychology

Sexual selection psychology What is sexual selection psychology? Sexual selection is based on which a person feels attracted towards someone, like shape or form. Certain traits like facial symmetry, clear skin are considered attractive cross-culturally because of their relation to underlying fertility, health, and fitness overall. This article is all about sexual selection psychology. You …

In-law relationships

In-law relationships Why are in-law relationships difficult? There can be several reasons why are in-law relationships difficult? But the core reasons narrow down to expectations and boundaries. One should set healthy boundaries not only in in-laws relationships but in all relationships. Moreover, unmet expectations can ruin any kind of relationship, but in the case of …


Sociosexuality What is sociosexual behaviour? Sociosexual behaviour is used in context to sexual behaviour in a wider social context. It is a personal predisposition for engaging in uncommitted sex. Those who are restricted sociosexual do not prefer engaging in casual sex; they are looking for something more serious, commitment, emotional satisfaction or love. This article …

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