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Hypergamy Definition


Hypergamy definition lets talk about it. Marriage joins two people for various reasons; for me, it is nothing but a beautiful celebration of true love. Like me, love and romance are the motivation for marriage for most people or that they want to believe. But spiritually uniting with a soul mate is not the only reason to get married. There are also some social and financial reasons. In Class-based and religious cultures, it is mostly about social status. Hypergamy meaning is marrying a person who belongs to the upper class. Marriage trends are changing fast, so in this article, I am going to tell you about some interesting aspects of Hypergamy definition. If you are wondering what is hypergamy you are in the right place. So let’s get started.

What is hypergamy?

What is hypergamy?


Hypergamy has been the most common kind of marriage in many cultures. With hypergamy, not the bride’s only status is upgraded, but the groom also gets benefited in a certain way. For instance, he might get an expensive dowry from the bride’s side. This type of arrangement is not much appreciated as it leads to some polygamous trends like having more than one wife at a time. This arrangement also leaves a lot of wealth for the groom in the form of dowries. This arrangement is the hypergamy meaning.

Hypergamy meaning

Hypergamy meaning is “marrying up.” it is also referred to as “higher gamy.” The term is usually used in social science for indicating the act of marrying a person of higher social status.

Hypergamy definition

According to Hypergamy definition:

“It is a custom that forbids a woman to marry a man of lower social status or class. Mainly it is not restricted to women it could be any partner going to marry a person belonging to upper class.”

Open hypergamy

Open hypergamy is when a woman tries to find a person who can take care of her and is clear about that this the ultimate hypergamy definition. She does not hide it. This not only happens for females but also for the opposite sex. The same is the case with men. The hypergamy definition is all about forming a relationship with someone from a higher sociological or academic background.

But now the concept of hypergamy or open hypergamy is not supported much. Both men and women try to find an equally responsible and compatible partner to spend their lives with unfortunately in today’s society a lot of people consider financial status before marrying.



Hypergamy in a sentence

Hypergamy definition clears the whole concept of Hypergamy. But how can you use Hypergamy in a sentence? It is not that difficult; let me share some examples with you:

“Hypergamy is beneficial not only for women but also for men raising your class.”

“Hypergamy allows you to marry a person with higher socioeconomic status.”

Some other examples of hypergamy in a sentence are as follows:

“Hypergamy is a bit complicated but it improves your status for sure.”

“The social results of hypergamy, when commonly practiced, are highly injurious.”

Hypergamy statistics

Hypergamy statistics show that men and women prioritize different traits when they have to choose a mate. Men prefer attractive and young women, and women prefer men who are well educated, rich, and attractive. A male-dominated society restricts women preferring men with high earning because of their own ability to earn. Hypergamy statistics of modern days have suggested that hypergamy in the UK has significantly decreased since the 1950s.

Hypergamy examples

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Hypergamy anthropology definition clearly explains what it actually is. To have a clear view of this term, let me share some common examples with you. These hypergamy examples are from real-life based on my own experience.

One of my friends Clara was in a relationship with her colleague, and they were about to get married. Then I moved to a different city, and due to some reasons, we lost contact. After a year, we met again in a coffee shop, and she was with her husband and guess what, he was not her colleague but her boss.

Another example is from my old workplace, where one of my colleagues fell in love with a very wealthy guy she met at the company dinner. They got married, but she was in an abusive relationship; she struggled to leave due to the power of her partner and lack of personal funds.

One of my friends called Sarah was in love with this guy who was the heartthrob of college; they dated for a while. Unfortunately, Sarah had to leave college because of some financial reasons. So that guy broke up with her because he did not want to date a girl, not educated enough.


All of these hypergamy examples showed that people who have an interest in hypergamy would never settle for less in terms of money, education, and beauty, and they will always want more. If you are wondering, Is hypergamy scientific? Well, the answer is a bit complicated. Some researches have shown that women and men are attracted to certain traits in their partner.

Reasons for hypergamy

According to Hypergamy anthropology definition, it is not a new concept; rather, it is a very ancient concept. It has always been a woman’s best interest to find someone for mating, which can help her in producing offspring that can survive and who can support her in every way.

The concept of hypergamy may seem a little backward and archaic, but it has its own benefits. Hypergamy is actually life-changing, and there are plenty of reasons for hypergamy. Let me share some of these:

Protection from toxic relationships

Healthy masculinity is all about strength, action, and protection; on the other hand, blooming femininity is all about creativity, reception, and intuition. When you want to be in a hypergamous relationship, you want your masculine or feminine partner at their best. Society in which we are living, toxic and violent relationships are very common. But when you set a healthy standard for your partner, it means you are saving your life. High standards really help women especially in dating and also men.

Get what you want

We are living in a world where there is strong power, punishments, and rewards. But if we don’t make rules, how can we win a game. So if a person wants to be in a hypergamous relationship, it means he/she is trying to set some rules for life. In general, they can get what they want from their relationship. Rules are beneficial in dating and relationships.

Security of future

This is another one of the very important reasons for hypergamy. Well, this goes more in favor of women. In marriage, men get more benefits than women. But when you marry a person who can provide you a lifestyle you want, it is not a loss. You will not only have a secure future for yourself but also for your offspring. If you don’t have such a person in your life, you are just losing significant years of life wasting time on non-progressive relationship that will not help your future.

How to practice hypergamy

For enjoying the hypergamous life, you have to improve yourself first. Nobody wants to marry a person who does not have much to offer. If you are wondering how to practice hypergamy, first, you need to prepare yourself for it. Here is how you can do it:

Make yourself desirable

Have you seen some women belong to the upper class? What do they do? They shop, spend money on the salon, and pretend to be happy. You don’t have to do all this as this will make you easily replaceable. You have to give more, like be a career-oriented woman and educate yourself or learn valuable skills. Every woman must know skills are weapons Another very important thing is that never stop respecting you. By this, I also mean that you have to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Being an educated person makes you more desirable. A person from the upper class will never be interested in someone who is not well equipped in mind and behaviour. So if you can’t attend university or it’s for you, make sure to join online courses and always work on self-improvement and improving your knowledge base.

Do not just hangout

How to practice hypergamy? When you have found the right person, do not just hang out or spend time in dating. You need to move to the next step. I know you want to marry a person from the upper class and want to be in love with them and want the same from them. For this, you need to create an environment of trust. Show them you are not into money, but you really like them and want to spend your life with them. Never bring their financial status, class, or money in conversation. It will make you look materialistic.

In addition to this, you need to show them that you are a reliable and fun person. When you create an environment of trust, you will have a stronger relationship in the future. Trust is imperative, integrity and reliability is also extremely important.

Some other considerations

Work on your personality, be confident and mysterious. It will make them curious about you. They will try to know more about you. If you want to be in a hypergamous relationship, you need to act like a lady, and you need to bring more style in your personality.

If you think that you cannot make money on your own, it is not right. Never stop working and also try to invest money in saving accounts and have investments. It is never useless to save some money.

Hypergamy and hypogamy

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Hypergamy and hypogamy are interlinked. Hypogamy is an antonym of Hypergamy, so it refers to the inverse. It means marrying a person of the lower class. Both these terms are linked to each other in a way that when one person is marrying a person of the upper class other is automatically marrying the person belongs to the lower class.

So we can say that one person is in a hypergamous relationship, and the other is in a hypogamy relationship. On a broader note, you cannot separate the terms hypergamy and hypogamy. Hypergamy charts and statistics show that women mostly tend to be in hypergamous relationships.

Hypergamy tips

Rich Couple on Red Carpet Flat Color Illustration

We all want a perfect life partner. Men like confident, attractive, and pretty women in life. On the other hand, women want to be with a stable, attractive, and reliable partner who is financially strong. Does that make a woman gold digger? No, that is not entirely true. I have told you how you can practice hypergamy, but you may still need some tips. So here are some Hypergamy tips for you that will prove helpful for you:

Be confident

Being confident is all you need to be in a hypergamous relationship. I know you like men who are leaders and love to take initiatives. But what do they like? They want a confident woman who can make decisions on her own. So confidence should appear in your personality. Men love a woman with confidence and principles.

Good sense of humor

A good sense of humor is mostly associated with men. But if a woman has a good sense of humor, it will pay off for sure. It will make you look like a fun partner, and honestly, who does not want to be with a fun person? It also makes you look lively and a bright happy woman.

Ambition and passion

People who have passion and purpose in life are more reliable and passions are very attractive. A woman who just likes shopping and spending money is not ideal for anyone. We live in a modern world, so what attracts a man? a woman who knows what she wants from life. For this, you don’t have to be a famous personality; if you have a bigger goal and you trying to achieve that goal it makes you extremely attractive.



Good dress sense

It is one of the very amazing Hypergamy tips for you. Women are generally very conscious about their dressing, but some are very extra and sometimes over the top. Trying to fit in the upper class, you may do a lot and apply extra effort. But that is not needed at all. You can look elegant, even if you dress simply less is more. It will make you look confident too. A good dress sense also makes you look neat , well groomed  and clean.

Hypergamy quotes

Being in any kind of relationship is not easy. And when you want to be in a hypergamous relationship, it is even more difficult. It is because you want more than you already have. So you have to improve yourself too. Although I have shared some tips for you but that is not all you need. There are some hypergamy quotes that can help you. After reading these quotes, you will be able to know more about different marriage patterns. These quotes will also help in understanding the whole concept in a better way.

Here are some hypergamy quotes that inspired me and I want to share with you so that you can learn better:

  • When women work outside the home and share breadwinning duties, couples are more likely to stay together. In fact, the risk of divorce reduces by about half when a wife earns half the income, and a husband does half the housework. -Sheryl Sandberg,
  • I don’t believe in marrying up, neither do I believe in hypogamy. What I do believe in is the power that sensual feminine women possess. I believe in their God-given ability to stimulate the energy of success, achievement, and wealth in their relationships. I believe that a woman’s sensuality makes the best of a man. – Lebo Grand
  • “I don’t believe in hypergamy, neither do I believe in hypogamy. What I do believe in is the power that sensual feminine women possess. I believe in their God-given ability to STIMULATE THE ENERGY OF SUCCESS, ACHIECEMENT AND WEALTH in their relationships. I BELIEVE THAT A WOMAN’S SENSUALITY MAKES THE BEST OF A MAN.” ― Lebo Grand
  • What I haven’t apologized for is the original concept of seeking to bring justice to all South Africans through the concept of nation-states. – Author: F. W. De Klerk
  • No matter how good your memory is, you can never recollect the day your heart lost its virginity. – Author: Subhasis Das
  • But a century from now, your mortal associates will be rotting in the earth, whereas, barring amputation or radical shifts in fashion, you will still be putting your pants on one leg at a time. – Author: Jim Butcher
  • Making out an invitation list for a party brings out the worst in everyone. It is then that our most ruthless estimates of the people we know come into play. – Author: Sydney J. Harris
  • The prodigious waste of human life occasioned by this perpetual struggle for room and food was more than supplied by the mighty power of population, acting, to some degree, unshackled, from the constant habit of emigration. – Author: Thomas Malthus
  • “Women are “hypergamous.” This means they seek men of higher status than themselves. Even the most ardent heterosexual feminist only can love someone more powerful than she. Needless to say the higher she rises, the slimmer the pickings.” — Henry Makow
  • The most casual reader of the New Testament can scarcely fail to see the commanding position the resurrection of Christ holds in Christianity. It is the creator of its new and brighter hopes, of its richer and stronger faith, of its deeper and more exalted experience. – Author: Edward McKendree Bounds
  • He’d never had much to do with the police in the Nottinghamshire village where he lived. They existed at a distance, as it were, and Joshua’s life hadn’t led him closer than that. By accident, his actions had been law-abiding. – Author: Alan Sillitoe
  • I do not consider myself a gold digger. I prefer the term “wallet lightener.” I am much too pretty to be doing any digging.
  • Quit calling women gold diggers when you do not have any money.
  • When I said you could not buy my love, I meant with your salary.
  • You can marry more money in five minutes than you can make in a lifetime.
  • Life is too short to be with a stingy man.


Hypergamy is a complicated topic to discuss. It may make women look like gold diggers, but it is not reality. We all want to have more in life, and there is nothing bad about it. When you set high standards for your relationships, it is easier to be in a healthy relationship. If you do not have high standards or are not conscious about your future relationships, chances are you may settle for less. Chances of being in a toxic and violent relationship are high.

Having a desire for a hypergamous life is not bad, but you have to be realistic about life. Hypergamous marriages may have more problems than normal marriages. So if you face any kind of issue in your married life, make sure to go for marriage counseling. Couples counseling is very helpful in resolving issues between couples. I have tried my best to provide maximum information on Hypergamy. I hope this article will prove helpful for you.

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