I’m Not Sure If He Likes Me That Much Or Not!! Posted byMiss Date Doctor December 22, 2018 It can be very difficult being a woman. Trying to figure out if a guy is into you can be so difficult to do. Does he like me? Is he serious? What does the future hold? These are the questions that tend to go round and round in a woman’s head. It’s just so hard when you like a guy to see reality from what is just what you want to believe. So how do you really know if he likes you? I mean some guys are very expressive of their feelings and some are not. It sounds cliché but ACTIONS always speak the truth. It’s like having a job you hate. When the manager is around, you work as hard as you can but when he isn’t looking, you have a joke with your job mate, go on your facebook page, you get my drift. It is very hard for someone to pretend all the time. It is practically impossible! Here a few guidelines: (i) Does he treat you with respect? (ii) Have you met his family and friends; (iii) Does he compromise with you; (iv) Do you feel happy and ease in this relationship? (v) Is you status in his life confirmed i.e. (title = girlfriend); (vi) Do you talk about the future together; and (vii) Do you spend quality time together and does he invite you to the key events in his life (i.e. birthdays, family events, work functions etc) These are just examples and not definitive due to the fact that different individuals and external factors come into play i.e. your partner lives in another country so you have not met another family. It is a very overlooked factor sometimes that respect comes from self respect. If you can’t control your emotions, and put feelings of love before self respect, you can land yourself in TROUBLE. Here are some examples he may not be so keen below: He does not initiate contact most of the time you do! He refuses to call you his GIRLFIREND! He has not introduced you to his friends and family; He comes to your house but you do not go to his; He does disappearing acts now and again; and He makes little to no efforts on birthdays, valentine days and events that are important to you. As the Hailee Steinfeild song goes “I love myself no don’t need anybody else”. If you think he is not committed to you and does not treat you right, it is okay. There are plenty of men that will. It is not a MUST to have a boyfriend. You are better o on your own that being disrespected by a man that is not right for you. Do not force or persuade a man to do things. Let him reveal himself naturally. This is something my mum thought me. But always remember, if he cares for you truly, it will show in his ACTIONS not his WORDS! #ACTIONSPEAKLOUDERTHANWORDS Miss Date Doctor. xxx All Services Homepage Relationship Advice Couples Therapy Self-improvement Singles Locations Further reading Relationship Courses All Services Editorial Improve my relationship I think my boyfriend is cheating on me Family Therapy Relationship poems What to do if a guy doesn’t text you for a week Stages of a rebound relationship Feeling used I am too scared to date again 9 texts to never send a man or woman I still love my ex