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When you are dating a woman and it seems she is getting disrespectful and always putting you down about money. It can become extremely demoralising and be exhausting especially when you are trying your best but because you are not Simon Cowell, it just does not seem to be good enough for her!! “Why don’t you change your car?” “I want to go on Holiday” “I need shopping money” “Why don’t you get a better job?” Then there comes the comparison to other men… “John just bought a brand new house in Notting Hill…” “Carla’s boyfriend has his own company did I tell you, babes…” “Well, Jessica goes on Holiday with her boyfriend 5 times a year” ”Why don’t you try harder?”

This can make you start to not want her around!! Nag! Nag! Nag! This is ridiculous. It is not enjoyable dating a woman that makes you feel bad about yourself all the time and it is not a simple problem to solve. Every woman has a different idea of what they want and what they deem to be successful! Who says you are not a success because she says so? How much must you earn to be seen as a success? You could make changes and she still may want more and more. Why is your quality as a man being weighed up by how much you earn? Is that really fair? It is not and you deserve better. But at the same time, we can all try harder. There is always room for improvement even if you are already relatively successful there is nothing wrong with progressing and a woman that supports that is important. The thing is what do you do now? You cannot just by magic become a multi-millionaire overnight. I will tell you what you do! SMH! It is simple. Any woman that dates you must accept you for who you are and if there are things she can help you with or things that she wants you to do “SHE SHOULD ENCOURAGE AND SUPPORT YOU NOT PUT YOU DOWN”.

A good woman stays with her man and supports him through the good and bad times. If she is constantly putting you down. It is not going to help this situation and she needs to be reasonable and more understanding. There are options on how to handle the situation:

(i) Talk to her and let her know how you feel;

(ii) Decide if you are comfortable and happy in this relationship;

(iii)Try to work as a team to progress together.

(iv) Set boundaries. Tell her you do not want to be nagged daily!!

If you both communicate and work together as a team you should be able to progress together and move forward towards your dreams and goals. SUPPORT EACH OTHER!! When you care for someone, support them.


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