Relationship goals Posted byMiss Date Doctor December 13, 2020July 26, 2021 Table of Contents hide 1 Relationship goals 1.1 Relationship goals meaning 1.2 Relationship goals examples 1.2.1 Be a better kisser 1.2.2 More hugging 1.2.3 Give each other surprises. 1.2.4 Write something about them. 1.2.5 Paint your partner’s toenails 1.2.6 Try wearing matching outfits. 1.2.7 Plan movie night 2 Relationships goals checklist 2.1 Work on your listening skills 2.2 Financial goals 2.3 Career goals 2.4 Investment goals 2.5 Recreational fun activities 2.6 What about children 3 Relationship goals dating 3.1 Spending time together 3.2 Clear and effective communication 3.3 Be honest 3.4 Intimacy goals 4 Relationship goals Tumblr 5 Relationship goals pictures 6 Relationship goals memes 7 Relationship Goals Instagram 8 Conclusion 8.1 Further reading Relationship goals Most people want a romantic and loving relationship in their lives, and almost every other person has set relationship goals, even when they are single. They want to love someone and in return, want to be loved. Love is the most precious feeling in this whole universe, and those who find love are the luckiest people in the world. But when you are already in a relationship and have love in your life, you start taking it for granted sometimes. This happens to almost every couple, especially when they are together for a really long time. That is when you need to bring a spark to your relationship. You may find it strange, but relationships do need maintenance too so that it may not become problematic and you may not fall out of love with your partner. Relationship goals help you maintain the warmth in your relationship. In this article, I am going to tell you about relationship goals meaning and will also share some relationship goals with you that will make your love stronger and your relationship healthier. So let’s get started: Relationship goals meaning Before we move forwards here is relationship goals meaning: “Relationship goals is a phrase used to describe a really admirable relationship. This phrase is used to describe a happy couple or a romantic action by that couple you may want to achieve in your own relationship.” We are living in a world of social media where we post everything online. So this phrase is used along with hashtag like this; #relationshipgoalsnext to a story or image, showing what do you desire to attain in your relationship. Some relationship goals refer to a really adorable act or compliment by a partner. Relationship goals examples If you are looking for some inspirational, cute relationship goals examples, you are in the right place. Here I will tell you some common examples of relationship goals rather than explaining long term relationship goals. So let’s get started with cute relationship goals examples: Be a better kisser I know you may already be a better kisser but be more attentive. In a long term relationship you may not give it importance to kiss your partner passionately but do this time just like you did on your first day and this will make your partner’s day. More hugging Hugs are a cute gesture to show love. Hugging can increase physical and most importantly, emotional intimacy. You both will be comforted and secure. Try hugging for one minute at least daily. Make it a routine show affection, hug your partner while you leave for office or get back home. Give each other surprises. I know it may be a little difficult as you both have a really busy lifestyle, but it can bring spark in your relationship. Still try to do something surprising for your partner every week, or if you are busy, every month. An unexpected surprise will boost their happiness. Write something about them. I know you are not a writer, but whatever you will write from your heart, it will touch your partner’s heart. You don’t have to be a poet for this. If you cannot write yourself, make a card for them, and you can just write “I love you” on it. M.D.D POEMS BESPOKE SERVICE Paint your partner’s toenails Girls usually like their toes painted; you can paint her toenails it’s a sweet gesture. It will make her feel special .Ladies you can give your man a nice massage with some oils. Try wearing matching outfits. This, I like best about couples. They look so cute when they wear the same colour. You can try wearing the same colours at different festivals. For instance, you can wear twining costumes on Halloween. Plan movie night Try not to make any plan on weekends. You cannot go on a as often as you may like you have to spend a lot of time getting ready and make it special. But what you can do comfortably is watching your favourite movie or TV series at home. You can be all cosy and can have the best time with your partner. Quality time is everything. Relationships goals checklist Relationship goals are crucial if you want to keep the spark in your relationship. Some couples think that setting goals together can bring conflicts in their relationships. But actually, lack of some basic couple goals leads to conflicts in relationships. Setting goals is good for relationships. Here is the relationships goals checklist that is worth achieving: Work on your listening skills Most couples have to deal with unhappy marriages as they don’t have enough time to listen to their partner. That is the reason a person must try to develop listening skills. Always give your partner some time to explain what are their opinions and views on a matter. This will lead to less misunderstandings and miscommunications. Both these things are really harmful for a relationship. Good listening is something among critical relationship goals that no one should miss. Keep in mind that while making a decision, views of both partners matter. One partner must not be dominant over others while making family decisions. You should be there for your partner and listen to them when they have stress moments in life as you may be the only solution for them in that particular situation empathy is imperative. Listen to each other carefully with focus and give the advice accordingly. If your partner has some unresolved issues, try to hear him or her out and encourage a healthy discussion. If you take opinions of your partner for granted, it will make your relationship unhealthy. The best thing you can do for your partner is to provide them with a listening ear when they want to express themselves .You need to listen to understand and be aware always remember this. Financial goals In most relationships, finances are the source of conflicts. So to bring peace in a relationship, there must be transparency in financial management. Both partners should understand that whatever they earn should build but not break the relationship. You cannot achieve good financial management if you can’t set your goal well. You need to plan everything for whatever you earn. Analyze your income and your needs. Allocate your resource to whatever your needs are as a family. This kind of management technique will help you in the proper allocation of resources, and there will be no chances of blame games. Sit on a table and decide how you want to handle finances as a family. If you do not do so, you are just wasting your time and without fail financial conflict will arise. Career goals Another important goal in relationships goals checklist is a career. We all have some career goals straight from childhood, if not all, still most of us. Your relationship goals must align with your career goals. It is unacceptable to be in a relationship or marriage where you kill your partner’s career. A good relationship must be good for the careers of both partners. You need to include the career goals of your partner in a long term plan. Keep in mind that whatever your partner achieves in his career is an achievement of your family. So keep some resources aside to support the career objectives of your own and your partner compromise,support and be understanding.. There should be a balance in your relationship and your career. You spend more time in your office awake than you spend at home. Try not to neglect your partner and family. Your job is important, but your partner and your family is important too. Lack of attention or leaving your partner alone for long periods of time can lead to problems if not discussed and analysed correctly what works for the both of you? There are two of you in this relationship both of you must work together to achieve growth in your careers. Investment goals When you are in a long term relationship and planning to get married soon, it is time to think about long term goals as a couple. You can start planning your future together. Think about what you want to achieve as a couple and till when you want to achieve it, don’t forget to mention a date. By this, I do not mean to work on communication etc., think bigger, like owning a home, investing in real estate, start a business, or purchase a car or invest in stocks and shares. A professional can help you in developing a blueprint of whatever you want in future. Also, talk about possible resources that you can use for investment in achieving these goals. Come up with workable resources that will improve the worth of your relationship. Think about the pros and cons of every income and make the decision accordingly as a family. You can set goals even when you are dating but fix them when you are planning to marry. Recreational fun activities It is good to plan some fun and recreational activities together if you do not have separate interests. You two will have different desires for sure, so allow your partner to share his or her views too. Recreational activities can start from small and simple activities like visiting the nearest fun park or local museum. Planning recreational activities also involve the use of financial resources, and you have to keep in mind that too. Make such pans at the start of a year. Some couple just find it an adorable couple goal to go on walks,tours and vacations, so it is totally about what you two like. What about children Most people think about children at the start of their relationship and sometimes at the start of their marriage too. But before you walk down the aisle, you must address this issue with your partner too. It is a very critical topic. Do not assume that you can talk about it once you have got married; there is no probability that you will be able to address this issue maturely. You need to think and discuss when you want to have your first kid after your wedding. You also have to discuss the number of children you want to have. Some couples prefer adopting kids, so you also have to talk about this too if it is something you are considering. These are some crucial matters that need to be addressed before you start something serious. Relationship goals dating What are some really important relationship goals dating? Now I am going to address this issue. We all have several goals regarding our relationships to make them successful and longer. Every new day brings new opportunities in a relationship. You can’t be successful if you do not define your relationship goals and discuss these with your partner. The most important goals in dating life revolve around having effective communication with partner and self-improvement. Let’s have a look at some of the crucial relationship goals dating: Spending time together By spending time together, it does not mean you can sit together and use your phones, not at all. I am talking about some quality time, where you can listen to each other and have fun. So you need to set a goal to spend as much time as you can together. It will need some motivation and management skills. You can plan a romantic date evening, or can invest your time in doing something you two like a lot, or can have a picnic at your favourite park. Your goal should be spending some time away from the regular home environment. Spending time with your dating partner will allow you to learn more about them. If you have differences, you can also work these out. It will not be only relaxing but will also help in understating how far you have come as a couple. You can also talk about your future goals as a couple too. So you shouldn’t miss this goal as a couple. Quality time brings insight and comfortability in a relationship. Clear and effective communication Communication is one of the primary factors in building a stable relationship. Never take communication forgranted in your relationship during the dating period. Dating is a time when you two are trying to understand each other and wonder whether this person is right for you or not. Communication plays an important role in figuring this out. Sometimes partners hold their emotions in which is not the right thing to do. You need to think about how you will talk to your partner when you are hurt without hurting their emotions. Expressing your concerns must not cause any damage to your relationship. People mostly forget about communication during dating. Fact is bottling up your emotions can result in a big problem, and it can also lead to a breakup. If you have set clear communication goals, you don’t have to worry about hurtful arguments with your partner. Without having communication, how will you know what your partner is exactly thinking? You may hold onto the wrong things that may do not exist at all. Make communication a relationship goal from day one first. Talk to your partner in a respectful way as it would be best for your relationship. Don’t allow any communication barrier to exist between you and your partner. It is also important that you know your partners boundaries. Be honest Cheating is immoral and unacceptable in a relationship. It is a relationship killer. If you are interested in casual dating and also want to see other people say this out loud so that they can decide accordingly. But if you are exclusive and it’s been months or years since you have been in a relationship you should not see any other partner than your partner. A person may cheat because of some existing problems within a relationship. So make your relationship so comfortable that there is no motivation outside the relationship. Remember, cheating is a choice that someone makes. So you should not be in a relationship with a cheater. Set goals to be transparent with your partner in every instance. Unfaithfulness in a relationship is an unforgivable mistake. There should be a clear goal to handle this factor in the relationship. You don’t have to lie about anything to your partner. What is the point of having a relationship if you cannot be honest with your partner? You cannot lie to someone you are close with, as one-day the truth will be disclosed and it will hurt badly. Allow them to be open with you, and speak their truth and accept your partner the way he/she is. Intimacy goals What are your relationship goals regarding your sexual life? Setting intimacy goals may seem funny and weird, but in a relationship, intimacy plays an important role. A relationship must not revolve around sex, but you cannot deny its importance. You need to set goals on your intimacy patterns. Marriages and relationships sometimes fall apart as there is a lack of sexual pleasure, so this is another factor you should keep in mind if your partner wants to avoid intimacy in some situations you need to accept that and try not to force anything. Relationship goals Tumblr Tumblr is an amazing social media platformand blogging tool where users can upload their short blog posts. You can check this platform to get inspiration from relationship goals Tumblr. You can also create your own Tumblr blog. Here some of my most favourite relationship goals Tumblr posts: Relationship goals pictures Romantic relationships can fill your life with love. You can share anything with your partner, you can have fun together, and you can support each other in tough times. So try to hold on to relations you already have. If you cannot find any motivation to make your relationship fun and cannot set cute goals, relationship goals pictures can help you. You might want to recreate these pictures too, and it will make your relationship even more fun. Here are some relationship goals pictures for you to get inspired: Relationship goals memes We are living in a world of social media, and no doubt memes can make our day. Relationship goals can be serious and sometimes can be like cute little moments. Relationship goals memes can better explain these little moments in a funny way. So here are some hilarious relationship goals memes, that will make you laugh hard: Relationship Goals Instagram Relationship Goals Instagram quotes motivate you to do something better for your partner. So here are some of my most favourite relationship goals Instagram quotes to inspire you. You can write these quotes as a caption under your pictures, or upload to your stories and mention your loved ones. So let’s get started: Thank you for reminding me what butterflies feel like. Without you, I’m nothing. With you, I’m something. Together, We’re everything. Some hearts understand each other, even in silence. Some people are worth melting for. Love is when the other person’s happiness is more important than your own. Your arms feel more like home than any house ever did. Every day I spend with you becomes the best day of my life. It was no fun being crazy alone, so we decided to be crazy together. There is only one happiness in life – to love and to be loved. You don’t cross my mind—you live in it. The first time I saw you, my heart whispered, “that’s the one.” You are my sun, my moon, and all of my stars. We are so good together. Loving you is like can I stop. You fill my heart with love and my life with happiness..!! We together can make all places better. With you, even hell looks like heaven. 😉 You make me happy in a way no one else can. You are my greatest adventure. You can use the following quotes whenever you recreate a cute relationship goal moment with your partner: You’re my Nemo. If you get lost in the great, big ocean, I’ll find you. I wish I could turn back the clock—I’d find you sooner and love you longer. True love never gets old. I like it when you smile, but I love when I’m the reason. Celebrating you extra today. The best love is the one that makes you a better person without changing you into someone other than yourself. Forget the butterflies; I feel the whole zoo when I am with you. We go together like MILK & COOKIE. Life without you would be like a broken pencil..pointless. I fall for your smile every single time. You’re the cheese to my macaroni. The love I’m feeling for you is stronger than the miles between us. Every moment I spend with you is like a beautiful dream come true. I don’t need the whole world to love me, JUST YOU. I love my life because it’s you. I wasn’t planning on loving you, but I’m happy that I did Conclusion Being in a relationship is a good thing, and setting relationship goals can make it even more beautiful. I have shared some of the best relationship goals that you can set in your relationship and make it healthy. If you need relationship support call 03333443853 or BOOK A FREE CONSULATION NOW. Further reading Relationship Courses All Services Editorial Improve my relationship I think my boyfriend is cheating on me Family Therapy Relationship poems What to do if a guy doesn’t text you for a week Stages of a rebound relationship Feeling used I am too scared to date again 9 texts to never send a man or woman I still love my ex