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3rd date ideas

3rd date ideas

3rd date ideas

Why 3rd date is so important?

The first date went fine and luckily you got the 2nd date. In the modern world, it is a remarkable win. Now the pressure is a bit released and you are planning for the 2nd date you still got ideas but what next? The pressure is built up again you get confused. 3rd date elevates pressure to the next level because it seems things are going well and you like each other. It is because if something goes wrong you will not be able to see that person again. It is even worst when you actually like the person and you are looking for something serious you need to create the right impression.

3rd date ideas

So you need some brilliant 3rd date ideas to make your possible relationship manifest. Are you looking for 3rd date ideas? Well in this article you are about to get some remarkable ideas for your 3rd date. Let’s have a look at these.

Great 3rd date ideas

Between new possible couples, first dates are really important. These can be full of nerves and intimidating which can make knowing each other complicated and awkward. But by the 3rd date a little more comfortability has come in, it is very important for you to know some things about each other so that you can understand whether you two want to continue dating or not and each other’s likes and dislikes. Here are a few things to know about your partner so that you get better great 3rd date ideas:

  • Does your date like noisy places or calm places?
  • What kind of food does your date like?
  • Is your date an outgoing person or does your date like to stay at home?

The first two dates are enough to know these few but very important things. Keeping these things in mind can help you in coming up with great 3rd date ideas.  You can also use the internet to know about the person if you are connected on social media try to know about their likes and dislikes ,hobbies etc, this way you can have a better idea of how to impress them. In the next section, you are going to get some actually good 3rd date ideas.

3rd date ideas men

Being a man who is crazy about his date you want a perfect 3rd date for sure. But do you have any idea? If not let me share the best 3rd date ideas, men, with you. By using these ideas you can for sure impress your date. Let’s have a look at these ideas:

Looking at the stars

You might have some brilliant ideas in your mind for your third date but maybe those are not feasible or maybe you don’t have enough time to make the arrangements. Don’t worry it happens so what are your best option? Stargazing is a perfect option for everyone especially for those wanting something that can be arranged quickly. It is memorable yet practically free. All you need is some snacks, a map of stars, beverages and a blanket. Make sure to consider weather conditions before you plan your date.

Go for the karaoke bar

It is one of the brilliant 3rd date ideas men. This may not come to your mind at first but it can be really a fun experience for you. The atmosphere at the karaoke bar is full of energy so you will not get bored unless you do not like noisy places. If your partner is not comfortable singing at a karaoke bar you can arrange it at your home. This will help in reducing tension between you two.

Dance dates

Dance dates are perfect for you and it never goes out of style. If you know how to dance you can take your date to a restaurant where there are dance floors. This way you can impress your date with your mesmerizing dance moves.

3rd date ideas winter

We are always waiting for cooler weather to arrive, but when it arrives we want summer back. Still, there are a lot of things to love about winters. If you want some exciting 3rd date ideas for winter let me share some with you:

Build a snowman

During summers you love building a sandcastle in winters you can build a snowman if you live in such an area. It may seem juvenile but you can turn it into a romantic date. Build a snowman together or you can have a competition who can build a snowman first. You can also have a snow fight it will be fun and exciting.

Go for hiking

If you are not that outdoorsy going hiking with your date can change your mind. This way you can explore your neighbourhood. During the whole time, you two can talk about different things, share your thoughts and can know about each other even more a walk through the woods can also be interesting.

Make pancakes or pizza

Due to winters, you might have to stay at home which should not be a bad thing at all. You can try cooking your date’s favourite dishes. If you do not know how to cook start with simple things like pancakes also try a pizza. Sit near the fireplace eat what you cook, have coffee and have a meaningful conversation so that you get to know each other.

3rd date ideas during Covid

COVID has affected everything, the way we live, work or the way we do things. Life has been chaotic and stressful during this pandemic. COVID has also affected dating ways. COVID dates may not seem appealing at the start against adventurous activities or fancy trips. But you can make your dates fun and exciting with your creativity. All you need are some excellent 3rd date ideas COVID and you can have the best experience. So let’s have a look at 3rd date ideas COVID:

Backyard movie night

All you need is a projector, sheet and a favourite movie of you two. You can have the best dating experience at home. Buy an old times popcorn machine, if you can, to make your experience remarkable. Snuggle under a blanket and enjoy your favourite movie with your favourite person. It is one of the perfect 3rd date ideas during COVID if you two live near and this individual is part of your bubble.

Have a zoom room tour

It’s your third date and there are more chances that you two can’t visit each other. At this time how you can spend time together? Thanks to technology you can have a planned zoom call where you can give each other a room tour and share your thoughts about it. Or play games or use Netflix play and watch a movie together on your computer screen.

Long-distance dinner

3rd date ideas during COVID should be exciting. You can plan a romantic dinner. Although you cannot cook for them still you can make this night special. Get ready for them to wear your special dress, this will also make them feel special. Have a romantic conversation over Skype or Zoom whatever you like or have matching dinners delivered to both of your homes.

3rd date ideas NYC

NYC is a city that is full of opportunities to make your 3rd date memorable. Here are some great 3rd date ideas NYC for you:

Movies under the star

If you have established a good connection with your date, it is a perfect date idea for you. You can have the best time under the stars cuddling with your partner under the blanket. Lights of NYC in the background while watching your favourite movie with your favourite person, makes everything perfect. Sometimes it does not matter what movie you are going to watch, the venue sets the perfect mood for you to have fun. The perfect time to have this kind of date is the spring and fall months. You will have the best time for sure.

ABC Kitchen –a perfect restaurant

ABC Kitchen is an amazing restaurant situated a few blocks from Union Square. For a little fun it also has SPIN; a ping pong bar for you. While waiting for your order to get ready you can play ping pong here. The best thing about this place is that you will get healthy food as it is an organic sourced restaurant. It is better to merge the 2nd and 3rd date as it will grow connection and chemistry at a high rate it’s a great place.

Comedy Cellar

If you both are comedy lovers and want to keep laughing all night, Comedy Cellar is a perfect option for you. There is nothing better than having a date where you can have a relaxed time with a little laughter. It really does not matter that this is a more relaxing laid back date. What actually matters is that your partner is having a fun time with you. You will feel amazing when he/she say thanks to you for making this date night so wonderful.

Wine tasting

One of the excellent 3rd date ideas NYC is wine tasting. You can have the best conversation and enjoy tasting wine while sharing your favourite flavours. If you are a wine lover you will probably know a lot about it and also about some good places where you can have this intimate experience. But if you are not familiar with these things do a little research before you go for it and this way you can impress your date.

I Sodi

If you and your date are Italian food lovers, it is the best place to visit. It is a very popular place so if you are planning your date here make sure to make a reservation ahead as early as possible. What’s the worst that can happen if you do not make an early reservation? You can enjoy a date at the bar. It is one of the greatest Italian restaurant in Greenwich Village situated a few blocks away from Christopher Street Subway Stop.

3rd date ideas UK

If you are looking for 3rd date ideas UK, you are in right place. The UK is a country full of attractive places to have fun with your partner. All you need is to figure out what your partner likes and also what do you like. To find out the best 3rd date ideas UK, you must know what are the worst ideas so that you can avoid them at all cost. some really bad ideas in my opinion are as follows:

  • It is really a bad idea to spend your 3rd date at a noise bar, you need to connect with your partner which cannot happen at a bar.
  • Planning to go to movies is a borderline case. I would recommend you to plan to go to places where you can have a good conversation.
  • Watching some television shows at home not good we need more effort.
  • Spending time with friends, should be on the list but not a good idea for a 3rd
  • Prefer not to do the same things regularly make sure your dates are not repetitive.

3rd date ideas London

When you hear the word UK first thing that comes to your mind is “London baby” (those who don’t get it, it’s from FRIENDS reference). Well if you are looking for 3rd date ideas London you are at the right place here are some for you. keep in mind I am not going to suggest you what everyone suggests I am here to suggest you some fun and exciting 3rd date ideas London. So let’s get started:

Show your artistic side

Well if you are one to love creativity, you might want to see the creative side of your date too. If you are into drawing and painting you can ask your date to join you in a class where you can draw and sketch real life. In London, you can join a class set up at the Garden Museum and Ace Hotel. You can get close to wolves, owls, guinea pigs and many other animals. You can talk about creatures you draw it can be a fun time even if your date does not know how to do sketching.

Join a cooking class together

You might have heard that the way to someone’s heart is through their stomach well it is true to some extent. It is good if you both know how to cook; if not you two can try bonding over a cooking session. L’Atelier des Chefs host cooking classes that last from 30 minutes to 4 hours. You can master French dishes, can work on knife skills and baking. If you learn something good you can plan your next date at home cooking your date’s favourite dish for them.

The London Shell Co

A beautiful sunset, champagne and delicious seafood what is better than this? What can you desire more? Everything becomes even more magical when you are having a tour at Regent’s canal with the person you love. For a romantic dinner night, you can get a reservation at London Shell Co for five seafood courses while cruising from Paddington to Camden and onboard to Prince Regent boat. Between courses, you can have an intimate conversation with your date.

3rd date ideas Dublin

Having a romantic candlelight dinner or movie on a third date is usual. A lot of people will suggest this. But if you are in Dublin you can do much more than that. Here are some alternative 3rd date ideas Dublin that you will find amazing:

Go visit a zoo

You have for sure visited a zoo when you were a little kid and you also have loving memories of feeding animals there. plan a date to this mesmerizing place, you will be able to discover some remarkable things about each other. I would suggest you consider a nighttime zoo tour to make some amazing memories. Although a third date means you two are really interested in one another so you do not have to think about money or time, still visiting a zoo is an economical date. So you can have fun at a reasonable price.

Cycle around

You might not know but Dublin is one of the best European cities to cycle around. So what is better than renting a pair of cycles and roaming around the capital following cycling lanes? It is the best you can enjoy in Dublin but it depends on the weather condition obviously. A little fun along with some exercise is guaranteed while you can enjoy seeing different buildings in the city. You can stay for a coffee at some café and have a talk.

Visit the National Gallery

The modern world where we all depend on technology, dates have also been limited to Netflix and chill. I am not against the idea as you can enjoy a good movie and some cuddling with your partner. But you need to go outside too.  A cultural trip to Dublin can be really fun and exciting for your 3rd date. Make sure to plan a trip to Dublin’s National Gallery. It stays open till 8.00 pm and the best thing is it is free. So you can have quality time with your date without spending a penny. On the way back, you can stop at a nice restaurant for a light dinner.

Kitesurfing is fun

Kitesurfing is one of the excellent 3rd date ideas Dublin, especially for adventurous couples. It has become one of the fastest-growing sports in Dublin and all around Ireland. It is a sport for everyone from youngsters to older riders. For those who don’t know about kitesurfing, it is a sport that combines aspects of snowboarding, wakeboarding, skateboarding, paragliding surfing, and windsurfing into one sport. Power of wind is utilized for driving the rider on the kiteboard across the water.

The Nightmare Realm

I know it may seem weird to you but here I am suggesting some unusual ideas to have fun on your 3rd dates. If you guys are daredevils it might be the perfect date idea for you. The Nightmare Realm is considered the most terrifying place of Ireland now extending to Dublin where you will experience your darkest fears and nightmares come to life. It is not just like any other haunted house but a different place with a deadly twist of reality.

3rd date ideas Reddit

Reddit is an amazing platform to share your thoughts and asking people about their views. If you want to make your 3rd date special you can ask for 3rd date ideas from Reddit users. I have personally searched Reddit to provide you with some of the best 3rd date ideas Reddit. Let’s have a look at what Reddit users have to suggest to you:

“I feel like, by the third date, you should know enough about the other person to do something specifically catered to the other person, rather than just generic date stuff like coffee and bars and dinner. If they like being outdoors, go on a hike or a bike ride or a picnic. If they like music, go to a record shop and get ice cream and go to a concert. You know… Do something the other person likes to do.”

“A hike, a movie, see if there are any local attractions happening”

“I actually think dinner and a movie is good third date material, because ideally you got to know each other a bit on the first couple dates, so now you can handle something where you won’t be talking much.”

“I always thought making dinner together at their house or mine would be a super cute date regardless of cooking ability. By the third date, I feel like you know if you want to keep seeing this person and maybe elevate it to something more physical. Maybe not sex but you know. Whatever is comfortable. You get to see their place and get more info about who they really are. You get to see how you work together as a team (what to cook and how to divide up the jobs) and it’s low pressure. And maybe if they’re more introverted you can see their solo hobbies (maybe gaming, board games, knitting … Whatever.”

“I’d say plan this one but after this mention, for her to think of something. If she doesn’t then you can decide whether to cut it off. As for a third date, a nice afternoon picnic at a pretty park would be nice (if the weather is nice). Or perhaps a tour (brewery, garden)? Or make her dinner at your place and you can see how the evening plays out, head out for drinks after. She can stay over and you don’t have to go all the way.”

“I guess it depends on what yours/ hers interests are, and also where you live. The girl I’ve dated recently was interested in films/acting, so I made up a map of places used as film sets in the city we live in, and went to a few of those places. You could also go to a museum, or if the weather is nice you could have a picnic in a park and share a bottle of wine.”

“The best idea will probably cater, to some extent, to the person you’re dating in addition to yourself (because, if you can’t enjoy the date yourself, where’s the fun in that?). However, if I was going to take a stab at it, it sounds like something outdoors might be a good change of pace; perhaps have some wine and cheese at a good outdoor location before transitioning to a movie at your/their place? Either way, it doesn’t have to be anything too extravagant, just something you both would enjoy.”

What is the third date rule?

You might wonder, what is the third date rule? Well, it is not complicated at all. The meaning of the third date rule is to wait till 3rd date before you sleep with a person. It also means that you can have sexual interaction on your third date.

If you are wondering, what is the third date rule, and why is it important? Let me tell you that 3rd date rule proves that your relationship is going at a good pace.

What does a third date mean to a guy?

What does a third date mean to a guy? Well, it totally depends on the person. Guys have a different mindset than women. 1st and 2nd dates are just to know each other. 3rd date determines whether a relationship will move forward or not.

So, what does a third date mean to a guy? For them, it is an extension of knowing more about your phase of the date. A common assumption is that physical intimacy is surely on a guy’s mind when it comes to 3rd date, which is true but does not generalize that.


The 3rd date is crucial in deciding whether you want to continue this relationship or not. It is even more important if you are really interested in a person as you have to make them feel special so that they won’t end it. You will need some great 3rd date ideas to make this happen. In this article I have tried to share some of the best 3rd date ideas, hope you will find these helpful.  GET DATING SUPPORT NOW CLICK HERE.

Further reading

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