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Get self-help

Get self-help

We all set goals for every new years eve for the coming year. Some of you commit to make big lifestyle changes, which you believe will lead to personal satisfaction and happiness. There are people out there to help you achieve these goals, but some people try to do it on their own and that is self-help. So, what exactly does self-help mean?

“The term self-help is associated with actions and interventions that a person can take on their own or with guided literature, as opposed to working with a clinician. Self-help can help you think about your goals with a big picture view. It encourages you to, for example, outline your short-term and long-term goals and decide whether they are realistic and achievable. Self-help can also help you be more systematic in the way you approach the changes you want to see. For starters, making a list of the benefits of achieving your goals can be motivational, and setting a timeframe for meeting both short-term and long-term goals helps, too.”

This article is all about “get self-help“, encouraging you to be more conscious about yourself, your mental health, and your goals, so let’s get started.

Get Self-Help Anxiety

Anxiety, if not treated well, can drastically affect your mental health. Therefore, it’s important to get it treated as soon as possible. Nobody can help you if you don’t want to help yourself. If you are too shy to see a psychologist or don’t want others to know about your anxiety and mental health condition, then you can also try self-care tools to get self-help anxiety.

You can use these self-help techniques and self-care tools daily at home to manage sudden panic attacks and get self-help anxiety. But first, you have to know what kind of tools or techniques are easily available that you can practice without requiring any professional help. So we will discuss some of them here below:

Try Meditation

It’s a very helpful technique when it comes to deal with anxiety. It involves focusing your mind on your breathing and other body movements. When you become aware of your body sensations and evaluate any thought that comes to your mind, then you can reduce your anxiety levels to a great extent. It’s a scientifically proven method to decrease anxiety.

Read Self-Help Books

Another very effective tool is reading realistic and fact-based books. Buy a wholesome self-help book and try to read it with full concentration. Such books are also an extremely powerful source to alleviate the levels of anxiety at times. You feel mentally relaxed and at peace by reading good self-help books.

Try CBT Therapy

CBT is known as “cognitive-behavioural therapy”. This is also a scientifically proven technique to get self-help through changing the emotional response of your irrational thoughts. For this, first, you have to recognize your negative thought pattern and the reasons that provoke it. Because you won’t be able to tackle your situation if you don’t know the root cause behind your anxiety. After identifying your negative thoughts, try to challenge those thoughts and accept the facts by sticking your mind to realistic thoughts.

Do Exercise Regularly

Body movements can help you to overcome anxiety before it starts. When you move your body and indulge it in exercising like weight lifting, walking, and running, it switches the brain chemicals. This alternation can help reduce anxiety. So, try to get around 20-30 minutes of exercise daily.

Try Mindfulness or Relaxation

To practice mindfulness and relaxation therapy, try to keep your focus on the present moment. Observe your breathing, body sensations, your thoughts, your eating process, and also your surroundings. Try to listen to others attentively. These small changes will help you to pay attention and reduces anxiety.

Get Self-Help Unhelpful Thinking Styles

We humans barely notice our thought process, our perceptions about things, or how do we respond to those things or people. Our negative thinking patterns and emotional reasoning affect our mental health in a way that we can’t even imagine. So, it’s better to get self-help unhelpful thinking styles asap. Some effective methods used to get self-help unhelpful thinking styles are:

Engage Yourself in Metacognitive Therapy

Try to identify your thinking process as it’s crucial to practise mindfulness to get rid of unhelpful thinking styles. Stop believing that you know everything that’s going to happen in the future. Because you know nothing. Recognize your cognitive distortions and learn to challenge them. This is the only way to create positive thoughts in your mind that help you to decrease anxiety.

Learn to Control Your Past Memories

No doubt some memories are so beautiful that you feel happy whenever you recall those moments. But some of them are so bad that they make you upset. So, the latter becomes the reason for your constant anxiety. Therefore, it’s necessary to control your thoughts and accept that whatever happened, it was in the past. It’s not going to happen now. So, take control of your thoughts and practice positive self-talk. Tell yourself that you are the one who can take command of things now. Tell yourself that it’s time to create more positive memories instead of grieving the bad ones.

Stop Exaggerating your Negative Thoughts

Our thoughts are nothing but automatic brain reflexes, and we need to understand this fact. We should avoid emotional reasoning to get rid of our negative and unhelpful thinking style. This can only be possible when we will stop exaggerating the situation and expecting bad out of it. Our feelings are nothing but just a reaction to our thoughts. Try to be objective and see your situation from the other person’s perspective.

Challenge your Black and White Thinking Process

This thinking pattern involves two extremes. We either think that someone or something is too bad or wrong and vice versa. So we should try to notice this type of thinking pattern. When you catch yourself in a black and white thinking process, make sure to pen down all the abusive or negative words you think or use. Then challenge your thoughts and do or think the exact opposite of what you were thinking in the first place. This will surely to help you to overcome your unhelpful thinking styles.

Get Self-Help Relapse Prevention

Taking care of your mental health is as important as taking care of your physical and spiritual health. Discover the developmental and recovering strategies that helped you throughout the recovering process and get self-help relapse prevention. Ask yourself questions like what you have learned in the recovering process, what therapy was most useful, what you can do to avoid losing control or prevent relapse, etc. Besides this, the following are some self-care practices that you can use to get self-help relapse prevention.

Learn to Forgive Others

Forgiving is a practice that doesn’t build up instantly; rather, it takes time to develop. Learn to forgive others as it will also help you to forgive yourself for your shortcomings. This habit will help you to be in peace. You will be able to see people and their perspectives differently. You will be able to better understand their situations and needs.

Spend Time in Nature

Try to spend at least 1-2 hours daily in the natural environment. Getting outside and spending more time outdoors and in nature help to reduce stress and anxiety. You feel a soothing effect on your mind when your surrounding is also peaceful. It also enhances your immune function.

Set Up New Hobbies

You can change your behaviour and thinking pattern in a lasting way if your mind starts thinking creatively. And this can only be possible if you try to do something new and out of your daily routine. Trying new hobbies that you find both interesting and entertaining leaves a very positive impact on your mental health. It not only reduces depression, anxiety, and stress but also elevates your productivity level. As a result, you feel motivated and happy all the time.

Eat a Healthy Diet

As it’s said that, “A healthy body leads to a healthy mind.” So, it’s also very important to take care of your diet to stay mentally active, healthy, and fresh. Following a healthy diet plan will also help you to control your cravings. In this way, you will learn to control your addictions too. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, take enough protein, and stay hydrated. Eating healthy meals boosts your energy levels and helps you  to stay active and fresh all day.

Do Exercise Daily

Try to get at least 30 minutes of exercise daily. The moving body helps to strengthen your muscles and also boosts up your immune system. Mental therapies work better when your body is also in a good and fit condition.

Include Different Therapies in your Daily Life

Try to incorporate different therapies into your daily life to reduces anxiety levels and to prevent relapse. For this, various therapies are very useful, like CBT, talk therapy, goal-oriented therapy, etc.


Try to Help Others

When you try to help others, then you also feel better and positive. Building up social connections and serving others turn down the anxiety levels and make you feel happy and mentally content too.

Get Self-Help Thought Record

A thought record is a way to identify your thinking patterns that can cause damage to your mental as well as physical health. Many therapies can help you to get through this critical phase where you feel mentally exhausted and sick. One of them is CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy), which states that you can change your emotions and feelings as they are the result of your thinking process. It’s totally under your control if you know how to take hold of this. You can get a self-help thought record if you know that how you can change the perspective of a situation that affects your actions directly or indirectly.

Apart from this, you can also get a self-help thought record if you follow the following tips and tricks:

CBT Thought Records

CBT is a beneficial and effective therapy that reminds you that not every thought you think is positive, and not every thought that comes into your mind is negative. But it’s all about how do we act in the situation that happened. So if you want to take into account the CBT thought records, then you have to be mindful.

Catch your Automatic Thoughts

Observe your thought process and try to recognize your cognitive thoughts. Once you have caught your automatic thoughts, now it’s under your control to decide how you will react to this specific situation. You need to record your thoughts so that when the same incident happens again, then you can control your actions to it.

Note Down the Important Things

To record your thoughts, the best way to do this is to write down the event. When you feel a sudden change in your attitude or behaviour, know that it’s the most appropriate time to complete a thought process. By writing down the things will help you to recall the details when you need them.

Describe Your Emotions

After you write down the things, now it’s time to notice your emotion and reaction to the respective situation. Identify that what you felt exactly when you noticed a change in your tone or behaviour. The emotion may be sad, happy, excited, depending upon the situation. After this, you will be able to get self-help thought records. You will get to know that how you challenge your thoughts and change the way you feel and act is imperative.

Get self-help depression

Depression is the worst. It drains your energy, your hope to live and makes it difficult for you to improve your life. Life becomes so exhausting that you do not know how to make it better again. Coping with depression is difficult, no doubt, but you can do this with self-help, professional help and the support of your loved ones. So here we will focus on “get self-help depression”:

Love and accept yourself

Depression is very common. A lot of people are affected; you might have some depression in your life too. The key to deal with depression is self-treatment, as mentioned above. You need to be open and accepting towards yourself. You need to love yourself. You should not be guilty of having depression. Acknowledge that it is a problem, and you can deal with it.

Feel the emotions

You want to suppress your negative emotions, which you might think is a good strategy, but this is not true. This strategy is very unhealthy. If you are having a bad day and you feel depressed, let yourself feel those emotions. You do not have to ignore your emotions. Accept your emotions and try to write those emotions in the form of a journal.

Today’s emotions are not linked with tomorrow.

The present state of mind, feelings, or considerations doesn’t have a place with tomorrow. In the event that you were not successful today, recollect that you haven’t lost the upcoming chance to try once again. Some days will be difficult, and some will be good, but that does not mean if you are having a bad day today, you will feel this way in future too.

Set attainable goals

Setting attainable goals can help you in coming out of depression. You are depressed; you do not want to do anything, so I am not talking about huge goals, just sustainable goals. For example, if cleaning your house seems overwhelming, just take the trash out. So do small things, like a reply to an important mail etc. etc. This way you will not have a lot of things to do which can overwhelm and stress your mind.

Get self-help OCD

Here are some suggestions by Reddit users about “get self-help OCD”:

  • “Personally, the best way I combated OCD was to just try my best to think rationally, and for me to know that I don’t actually think this way and that it’s just the OCD. I kind of accepted the OCD, and slowly, the symptoms of anxiety pertaining to my OCD started to lessen. I could still perform the rituals sometimes, but it wouldn’t bother me at all. I have a form of PureO. I hope this helps. :)”
  • “A combination of therapy and medication, video games also help me a lot.”
  • “My therapy sessions helped me a lot. After I started labelling my intrusive thoughts, they simply do not bother me anymore. I learned that not all questions need to be answered, and no one is ideal.”
  • “Accept the thoughts and move on. Or tell them to fuck off. But don’t fight the thoughts. Never fight them. It only makes them worse.”
  • “Accepting the thoughts is what works! Of course, it seems scary, but that’s your OCD talking. By avoiding the thoughts, you are training your brain to see them as a threat.”
  • “I have trouble with this as well. When a troubling thought comes around, my mind seems to tunnel vision on that thought. Like others explained better, it is about accepting that you had that thought, which is different from accepting that you are that thought.”

Get self-help anger

Let’s have a look at some of Reddit suggestions on “get self-help anger”:

“It’s not a matter of controlling how you feel, but how you react to that feeling. It’s about being angry without choosing to indulge in that anger and let it dictate your actions.”

“Here’s how I do it. Everything in life is a choice. Walk left or right? Eat an orange or apple? Mine is… Get upset or laugh. So, when I have an opportunity to get upset- l usually choose not to. Just make the decision not to. However, there are opportunities where getting upset is the best choice- usually when it comes to defending yourself or those you love. Adrenaline helps there.”

“I was once asked the definition of anger, and I couldn’t respond. It was literally undefined in my mind. I was told, “anger is unsatisfied expectations.” Now that I knew it was obvious, but before, I never could have come to that on my own. This definition has helped put things in perspective when I’m about to fall apart. I ask myself, “Did I expect this to be true? It SHOULD be the way of things, but it isn’t. This is the way things are at the moment.” It helps to realign my expectations.”

“Take martial arts classes. Seriously. Pick one that emphasizes one on one interaction with an opponent. Nothing can teach you to stop raging better than when it can be used against you to put you on your ass.”

“I try to do something else to keep myself busy like take a walk or listen to music. Usually, after the walk, I realize it’s literally not worth it or wonders why I was so mad in the first place because it doesn’t seem like a big deal anymore.”

Get self-help activity diary.

Get self-help activity diary is a kind of activity log for keeping track of how you spent your time. The activity log helps you build up a clear picture of how you invest your time and what you do during a day. Activity diary is especially helpful during therapy. It helps your therapist understand if his techniques are working for the client or not. After every session, you note your behaviour in this Get self-help activity diary and by reading this the therapist can know where you need improvement and what is the progress so far.

Get self-help worry tree

Worry is a process that involves thinking about issues that might happen in the worst possible way and make you feel anxious. Not all types of worries are problematic. It is normal to think about potential obstacles and difficulties that you might face in your life. But those who have anxiety disorders and problematic experience with worry have uncontrolled thoughts of worries.

Get self-help worry tree is a way to conceptualize important steps in treating anxiety disorder communicating these steps to clients. This helps clients distinguish between hypothetical event worry and real event happening and suggest them to engage in distraction or problem solving for the worry.

Real event worry

Real event worries are actual difficulties that are affecting you currently, and you can take action against it. We can plan strategies to solve these issues; thus, anxiety level can be reduced.

Hypothetical event worry

Hypothetical event worries are things that might or might not happen in future. A person with anxiety disorder asks himself “what if” and put the worst-case scenario after it. For example, if a person’s loved one is in a hospital and in a critical situation, he will think, “What if reports are not good? I couldn’t bear if he died”


If you have issues like anxiety, depression, OCD, or anger, you must seek professional help. But let me tell you one thing dealing with these issues is not easy even if you have professional help. Professional help will be fruitful only if you believe in self-help. Self-help is the first and foremost step in your journey towards betterment. GET PROFESSIONAL HELP NOW

So this was all about “get self-help” I have tried my best to share some useful information with you, hope  you will find it helpful.

Further reading

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