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Datemyage is a dating platform for those who know what they are looking for in a partner. Members of this platform are single mostly and are in their 40s looking for potential singles to date who want similar things like a caring and meaningful connection.

Although it seems like the site focuses on people in their 40s, it also favors those enjoying their 20s. A lot of people access it from their mobile phones, and that explains everything. Mobile access allows you to use it on the go. Additionally, the site gives you social media feel rather than a dating site so that the young audience can enjoy it.

Datemyage attracts members from all around the world. Since most members are mature, they are interested in a lot of things like jobs, games, news, and reading, etc.

Members: 600,000 from the USA

Members activity: 115,000 new members per month

Gender Proportion: 42 % females, 58% males

Getting Started with Datemyage

Starting with Datemyage is very easy. You will see a one-page signup form when you visit the site. On this signup form, you need to fill in basic information like your sex, what kind of partner you want and what is the preferred age range. Then you will see the “Meet 45+ Singles” options; click on it. Once you click on it, you will be redirected to the dashboard page with a signup prompt on your screen. You can create an account with just one click by signing up with your Google account. You just need to provide your Gmail address, and all the fields for basic information will be filled automatically.

You can also create an account via your real email address and password. With this option, you need to fill in all the details on your own, don’t worry, it will not take too long. Once you are done with the initial sign-up procedure, you have to provide a short description about yourself and your potential partner. Make sure to highlight your interests. This is it, now you have an account, and you will be redirected to the member’s area of the site.

How to connect on Datemyage?

Connecting with other members on datemyage is easy and fun. Being able to communicate, interact and connect with other people on site is the most important thing about a dating site. Datemyage knows this that is the reason you get a lot of options to connect with other people. Here are some of the best-contacting features offered by datemyage:

Email and Chat

Once you are done with completing your profile, you will see that you have received many chat requests. Once you click on one of these requests, you will see their messages and profile. When other members on this site send you a message, you will be able to read their first message and reply to it. But you need to purchase site credits in order to respond to the text messages. Be very thoughtful, as after signing up, you are going to get many chat requests from other members.

Search option

Datemyage shows match results based on your preferences, for instance, location, interests, and age range. For paying members, there are other advanced search filters.

Video chat

When you navigate to the chat request pane, on the lower right corner of your screen, you will see members’ activity, like members who are broadcasting and sent you email messages or chat. If you have enough datemyage free credits, you can start video chat too.

Profile quality

In terms of profile quality, datemyage is best, it provides comprehensive information and seems complete, but it still lacks personal and physical details. Profiles just show interests, photos, the about me section, and who do you want.


During the registration process, you complete your interest section. This is not a detailed interests list, but it still shows the general interests of a person.


You can view photos for free. You can see other people’s profile photos and cover photos in addition to their profile information.

About me Section

In the about me section, you will be able to know background details of a member, including relationships and their social statuses like their job, location, language, and education. You can also write about your lifestyle, for instance, smoking or drinking habits. You can also write about your physical details here.

I am looking for

While signing up, you are given the option to write about what is your preferred type. Here you can write about the person you would like to hang out with and also about their personality. It may seem a lot to you, but it is for your best. Describing the person you are looking for in detail will help in finding the right match for you. It is always suggested to complete your profile while signing up.

While checking out the profile of other members, you will see that profiles are complete and gorgeous. These profiles will appear carefully completed and will lure you to buy datemyage free credits.

Datemyage app

datemyage app

Datemyage site also comes in an app version that is available to download on both Android and iOS devices for free. App design is fabulous and consistent with the site. It is an excellent strategy for branding. Features are also similar, and it comes with an interactive user interface. You do not have to worry about lag issues as it responds well.

Another good feature about this datemyage app is that during registration, you will notice the homepage of the app is similar to the site. But if you choose another email for signing up, you will be redirected to another page where you have to provide your email and password, or you can link your Facebook account for registration and sign up.

The best part is that the datemyage app version is cheaper as compared to the website version, but you get the best features. You have to pay 2.99$ per month, and you can enjoy

  • Browsing profile of other members
  • Access to customer service 24/7
  • 50% off on purchases
  • Access to “Let’s Mingle Service”

Salient Features

Datemyage comes up with several special features. As compared to other dating websites and apps, it offers more features that account members can enjoy. Here are some of these features:

Live support

Datemyage offers you live chat support so that you may not encounter any problems. You will see a hovering icon on the screen at the left corner; just tap on it, and you are good to go.

Let’s Mingle

This is an amazing feature that allows you to send an initial message which is of introductory nature to different members at the same time.

Advanced search

Everyone gets the search option, but with advanced search, you can narrow down your search list result by using different filters. This way, you can find the person you are looking for sooner.

Send presents

It offers you a “send presents” feature that lets you send physical or virtual gives the member you like.


Datemyage offers a broadcast feature which means you get live videos. Standard members can enjoy live videos for free.

Datemyage free credits

datemyage free credits

With the free version you can:

  • Read initial email
  • Send smile
  • Initial online chat
  • Account creation
  • Photo upload

With the paid version you can enjoy:

  • Let’s Mingle
  • Online chat
  • Video chat
  • Offline chat
  • Email correspondence
Duration / Credits / Coins Costs Total
Subscription Plan
50 Credits 0.32 USD / Credit 15.99 USD
600 Credits 0.25 USD / Credit 149.99 USD
1,500 Credits 0.20 USD / Credit 299.99 USD

With these credits, you can send an email or chat messages and can read messages, make video calls, or purchase gifts. You will need these credits for using other features of the site like viewing videos of others, smileys, and other offline messages.

Datemyage reviews

Datemyage reviews

Here are some Datemyage reviews

“ is where singles in their mid-40’s and up can mingle with like-minded individuals who meet their expectations and fit their preferences.”

“Overall, has its ups and downs. Although it is a dating site for middle-aged adults who are looking for love, more younger adults in their 20s and 30s are joining the site. Plus, its nonstop pop-up messages can be bothersome and seem like auto-generated.”

“I honestly loved the look and the feel of the site. It was easy to explore and understand, there’s not a lot of going on. I had an influx of members messaging me from the moment I finished my registration on the site. It makes me wonder if all of it were scammers because I haven’t even completed all of my profile information yet. The members who messaged me were all good looking too; like it’s too good to be true. I suppose it was a good thing. However, when I replied to their messages, they replied right away but I can’t read their response because I need to buy credits from the site. Seems like I have to spend a lot if I want to make a connection because reading and sending messages need credits.”

“Spot on! A really neat dating app. It’s good looking in different locations for the right match.”

“Hello, here’s my review. I wanted to get a dating app as my kids are older now and I was ready to meet a man for nice dinners and maybe vacations and my daughter even encouraged me in a not too subtle way (“mom, you should date again,” says she!). I had visions of love actually but I know it’s important not to get carried away. I chanced upon Datemyage and it sounded more realistic so I thought I’d give it a whirl. I really enjoyed choosing matches I carefully selected (with my daughters help!) and there were so many to choose from. Then guess what? I felt like a young girl again getting attention and chatting! I never expected that to happen and I really got the butterflies from one guy in particular and we hit it off right away. He loves food and travel and old movies and there was a real spark. We finally met last week and he’s even more handsome in real life so I’m very happy!!”

“You couldn’t get further from a hook up site if you tried thank goodness this is all about good conversation with excellent matches,..”

“This app is mostly about serious stuff. You register, message people and ask them out to see if there is something between both of you. Basically, your luck depends on the people around you who have also registered in the app.”

“This app is mostly about serious stuff. You register, message people and ask them out to see if there is something between both of you. Basically, your luck depends on the people around you who have also registered in the app.”

“I’ve been single and quite lonely for the longest time but I’ve really made an effort with my profile on this app and added a lot of photos and the efforts seems to have paid off because I’m getting a lot of messages all the time and its interesting to talk.”

“Pros: Work quick & photos are big to view. Cons: No option to mark a star on selected people to include them into contact list. Not all text in profession is visible if text is long. The details of profile overall are not fully visible, like not all lines are in place. Sometimes half of it missing. Calculation of credits is different&more expensive at least in chats. Emojis appears out of nowhere & cause a trouble. Unanswered chats are disappearing in some time if more new received one top. No option start chat if read an email ( only email back). sometimes No option to view photo on profile as big one. No option to open profile detail if to look from Email tab.”

“I’ve realized it better to use mature dating because I already noticed a difference that people don’t blank you completely or disappear on you after one day which means I’m getting on well with two women in particular.”

“I upgraded to premium member and paid for extra credit to enable me to chat after the credit I purchased have been exhausted I could not purchase another credit and it only says that I have to go for free membership! How can I find this free membership button? I can’t find either on the app. I can’t keep calm without finding my soulmate it’s horrible. Anticipating for response.”

“Where do I start? Well it certainly feels strange dating again after I’d been married so many years but it’s exciting to start new chapter in life and luckily I have a positive attitude!! I chose Datemyage to try online dating because it seemed more suitable than hanging out with the younger crowd and feeling out of place and it’s turned out to be a great place to find guys with the same outlook on life which is basically good convo and friendship and see what happens later. I’ve already learned the hard way that it’s important to meet someone who enjoys doing what I enjoy so I was really focused on finding that after my divorce. I think it took me about 6 weeks meeting quite a few men before I ran into my ideal on Datemyage. And so for the last 3 months I’ve been getting to know him and it’s been great because he’s got so many stories to tell and we get on really well. It’s been wonderful to relax and talk to someone who’s interested in me without feeling any pressure!!! God knows where it’ll lead but for now I’m happy with everything!!”

“As they say is a more serious way to meet someone and date. It’s much better than all those hook up apps full of fakers and dodgy stuff and that’s why I matched up with a good match and we are right for each other”

“I don’t go on serious dates and it seems to be the perfect app for that. I’ve only started using it recently, still haven’t progressed much further than sexting. Anyway, I see a huge potential here.”

“It’s good that there seems to be plenty of new people on here because I can always find someone I’ve not spoken to before and most people seem quite open to chat and not just do some silly flirty talk that gets dirty like other apps I got”

“Well what can I say apart from thank u. We weren’t sure about each other to start with but now we are getting on great. It turned out to be a good idea getting on this app because I found my soulmate.”

“The past year or so has made things very difficult in my life and I think for everyone so it’s with a happy heart I found this app and now my social life has improved and I’m cautously going to date again.”

“it has everything you need to impress a pretty lady. You can upload a lot of pics of yourself and set filters to find what you need and be discovered by the right kind of people.”

“Its important to know ur chatting to real people and I always try any app with a careful approach. Important thing to say about datemyage is it aint cheap cos tho u can join and look for free u need to pay to talk to people. I get that most dating apps wanna make money and I dont mind that to much so long as theres no bots and stuff works and theres no funny business. The only real way to see if someone is real is by chatting to them cos its pretty obv after a while. At first I was suspicios about how many messages I got and I didn’t expect it. But after chatting a few weeks it was great to know most of my matches were not only real but pretty good matches for me! I could tell cos they swapped photos and talked like normal and didn’t mind telling me actual stuff. My idea why u get so many messages on this app is cos they are often in different countries and looking for someone abroad. Most important thing is to find someone good for u and now I think I found her!”

“The app works as it should, no bugs or crashes. It detects my location accurately enough and honestly shows me people near me. Unfortunately, there is not too many of them here. All the rest is good.”

“it is a very good app for its purpose. It delivers very positive experience of online dating. I am not going to use it any more, because I’ve already found someone, but I will definitely recommend it to my friends.”

“I would like to find a woman again I met on this app about a year ago. Her name is Mandy and she likes dogs but I lost contact and hope she might see this because I’d like to get back in touch with you.”

“This app is better if you get subscription but up until then you will mainly enjoy looking at profiles so its worth spending on if you actually want to date.”

“This app is absolutely cool if you don’t take yourself too seriously. Life is short, why waste time on useless people? I’ve only started using it, and I’m already getting a lot of attention!”

“Datemyage is exactly right and hits the nail on the head. I guess most people including me are guilty of looking for the wrong person and this has helped me meet the right ones instead of”

“Awesome… you can find real people… people with a sense of humour… some are scammers, but if you’re smart enough you can spot them and just block them.. 5 stars for victory… I love chatting with real men all over the world.”

“I haven’t met anyone from this app yet, but I think it’s worth to keep trying. I believe it’s rather well designed, and I hardly had any problems with scammers. I’ll give it another chance.”

“I don’t usually bother reading reviews but if anyone is readying mine then I can say this app is very good for dating mostly people from your peer group which means your more likely to find someone genuine like I did.”

“A very useful app. Helps you find what you are looking for. I am a very sensual person, and I would feel trapped if I only had one partner. I was lucky to find many people like me on here.”

Datemyage phone number

datemyage phone number

It is easy to connect with customer care if you are having any problem with the app or site. Here is Datemyage phone number and email; using this you can connect with them:


Datemyage Phone Number:+1 (800) 291-5025


Dating is fun. Now that everything has become digital, dating has also become digital. Online dating websites and apps have made dating easier. You can connect with a person online, and if you feel like you have something in common or get a vibe, you can meet in person. Datemyage is one such dating platform that allows you to find your soulmate. If you are someone who wants a serious relationship, you need to give this platform a chance.

Further reading

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Cheating quotes

Relationship poems

What to do if a guy doesn’t text you for a week

Stages of a rebound relationship

Feeling used

I am too scared to date again

9 texts to never send a man or woman

I still love my ex

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