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Dating Bio Examples

Dating Bio Examples

dating bio examples

Dating bio examples. Internet dating is a system which allows people to meet and present oneself to prospective partners through the Internet, with the intention of building intimate, emotional, or romantic interactions. A business that provides particular tools (usually websites or software apps) for online dating via network-connected laptops or mobile phones is known as an online dating service. These businesses provide a wide range of uncensored matchmaking services, the majority of which are based on profiles.

Individuals can be “members” of online dating sites by setting up an account and inputting basic information such as gender, age, sexual preference, locality, and appearance. Members of most sites are also encouraged to upload videos or photos to their profiles. Users can see the profiles of other members of the site after creating their own, and use the available personal information to determine whether or not to connect.

The majority of services include digital messaging, although some also include livestreams, web chat, phone chat, and internet forums. Members can limit their conversations to the online realm or schedule a face-to-face meeting.

There is currently a wide range of online dating sites available. Some have a large user base of people looking for a variety of various types of relationships. Other sites cater to niche audiences based on shared hobbies, region, religion, sexuality, or relationship type. The revenue streams of online dating sites also vary greatly.

Some websites are fully free and rely on advertising to fund their operations. Others adopt the freemium business model, which allows users to register and use their services for free, with premium services available for a fee. Others are entirely reliant on premium membership fees.

Dating bio examples

You could be annoyed if you’ve recently subscribed to some online dating but are still confused about what to mention on your dating profile. After all, each dating app is unique and necessitates the creation of a unique profile.

There aren’t any perfect words that fit all profiles.

Of course, this implies that you must put in some effort in order to stand out. You might be unsure where to begin if this is your first time using a dating site or app. Should you pen something long and complex or something simple but sweet? It’s perplexing!

The best part is that I’ve conducted extensive research through each dating app in order to gain a better understanding of what constitutes a successful dating profile. I’ve gone through many of them to see what succeeds and what doesn’t—and why.

If you’re dating online in 2021, you’re probably using many dating apps, which is excellent. After all, you wouldn’t go to a single pub or hang out with a single set of pals if you wanted to meet new people. Apps for dating work in a similar manner—a On different applications, you encounter different types of people and experience different things, so what makes a terrific profile on one app might not work on another. It’s helpful to look at some dating profile examples in order to know exactly what to do.

That’s why we’ve compiled a list of dating bio examples as well as some short insights on what works best on which apps. There are numerous options to consider, but these broad guidelines will assist you in customising your profile for each app and getting to know people across various platforms.

Dating Bio Examples for Every Dating App

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Tinder Dating Bio Examples

What Tends to Work: Keep it brief, comprehensive, and, if possible, amusing.

What Doesn’t Work: Lengthier sentences about yourself and the sort of person you want to meet.

Tinder, I often say, is the wildest of dating apps, and the only way to be successful is to be smoother and “faster on the trigger” than anyone. Your profile should be brief, but it should also be interesting and concise. It also requires a hook that draws people’s attention to you.

The examples stated below manage to have a hook and also manage to fit a lot of interests and passions into their brief bios.

They’ve all built a type of profile that is designed to appeal to specific Tinder users. The two girls appear to have a sense of fun, whilst the two men appear to be more concerned with their careers. Tom owns a home, indicating that he is doing very well in his career, whereas Brendan has migrated for his current career. These two men value hard work and achievement.

They’re demonstrating rather than telling. And on Tinder, this is quite crucial. You have to show us what you’re about in just a few words and through a very clean, simple profile without going into depth. Then and only then will you be able to reach the people you want to hear from.

25-year-old Mary

“This girl isn’t going to quit,” says my best buddy Heather.

“Beautiful teeth,” she also flosses. My orthodontist, Dr. Peter

“She isn’t as insane as she appears.” Ryan, my old boyfriend

“Seatbelts fastened, it’s going to be a rocky ride!” Betty Davis, from the movie All About Eve

(Ok, Betty never said it specifically about me, but still it fits.)

Sean, 27 years old.

“British lad who enjoys interacting with people and appreciates exploring, art, and music production!” Because of my new job, I recently relocated to Manchester. “Tea and a chat would be fantastic.”

Xiao, 26 years old.

I was born and raised in Salem, Oregon. I got through junior high by skating (and I’m still not over it). I’m now attempting to pay my bills, perform my music, and find my way through life.

“Fitness enthusiast, a little timid, 5’11”, I own my own home,” says Tom, 31.

Tinder is big and hugely popular. There’s no way about it. And since it’s so big and has expanded so quickly, the individuals and accounts you have seen on the app probably have a sort of wild feel to them.

As long as your pictures are attractive, you could get by with one odd film quote, a humorous one-liner, or a total joke on your Tinder account. People skim through profiles so fast that penning a sentence about yourself and your ambitions and goals isn’t necessary, and it might even come across as odd.

Bumble Dating Bio Examples

What tends to work is brief and to the point, yet it’s important to take it seriously. What doesn’t work:

Snide remarks or funny profiles.

Bumble is similar to Tinder, but with profiles that are even more concise and nicer.

When many of the finest bios are quite brief, finding the right blend between sweet and short can be difficult.

Serge has it down pat. He jokes that he’s a “wannabe grownup,” but then goes on to say that he’s also a kind guy. Meanwhile, his cheerful photo goes well with his bio. He only used four words, but he managed to break the Bumble code!

Kevin is in the same boat. His photo corresponds to his bio. He’s put his interest front and centre. Sandra has put her love for films out there and hopes to find a fellow film lover.

Kenny is a 43-year-old man.

Soccer would be my first choice if I could only play one professional sport, since I believe it is the least dangerous. (It’s terrifying to play football.) What sport would you choose to participate in? What sport do you participate in?

Edie, 23 years old.

“Are you willing to let me practice tattooing on you?”

Sandra, 32 years old.

“Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Toy story, The Godfather and When Harry Met Sally are among my favourite films of all time. I hope that my diverse filmography convinces you that I am interesting.”

Serge, 26 years old.

“Wannabe grownup, kind individual.”

It’s vital to keep it sweet and short on Bumble, just like it is on Tinder. This isn’t like the earlier dating services when you had to write extensive bios about yourself and where you were in life. Rather, you should provide a portrait of who you are and provide enough data to pique people’s interest in learning more.

Unlike Tinder, though, Bumble’s women-first style of dating draws daters who are a little more committed and willing to put themselves out in a new way. If you only have one witty remark in your bio, it may not be as helpful as writing a bit more about yourself or focusing on a single activity.

OKCupid Dating Bio Examples

What tends to work: detailed profiles with witty or frank comments.

What Doesn’t Work: A brief profile or a blank page.

OkCupid used to be the dating app where individuals really attempted to brag about themselves in their bios. You’d create lengthy bios chock-full of humour and words intended to demonstrate your intelligence. (It was all part of the pleasure, after all.) And, while a lot has changed about the app in recent years, there are a few things that haven’t been altered.

You must aim to write on OkCupid. The more the merrier. People who use the app like perusing each other’s bios and knowing further about them. Furthermore, OkCupid leverages keywords and data from your profile to match you with other individuals, so creating a lengthy bio might be really beneficial.

You don’t have to brag as much as you did in the past, but it’s still a good idea to fill out every section of your bio with something. And if you’re the kind to ramble on about your favourite novels, your fascination with the human brain, or your stint campaigning for family planning clinics, go with it. This is the app in which lengthy bios are king.

Emily, 24 years old.

“I’m looking for a long-term relationship.”

“Just about all the time, I’m socially awkward; I might be introverted, or maybe others are really just weird.”

“I’m not always as open with some folks as I am with others since I have varied personal boundaries around different people. I use sarcasm to try to be witty, and puns are my specialty. ”

Valentine, 30.

“If you’re interested in a serious relationship, private chat with me. I’ve tried brief dating, and while it’s not it’s not for everyone, it’s certainly not my thing. I’m searching for a real bond with someone who feels it’s fine to have food after midnight (on occasion). I’m open to date suggestions.”

Hannah, 30 years old.

“I’m an introvert, a bit of a nerd who appreciates the little things in life, like rainy days with a pan of home-baked double chocolate cookies, a nice book, and my couch. What else am I doing in life?”

“I’m in the countryside, running a small innovative business.”

These samples are all somewhat challenging, but I adore them! It’s as though we’ve walked into the middle of a therapeutic session.

And OK Cupid makes it possible for you to do so. It pushes you to learn more about yourself and to be vulnerable right away.

Emily laid out her cards right away. She’s not here to play games; she’s here to find a serious relationship. This isn’t something you’d put on Tinder, but it’s entirely acceptable on OK Cupid.

And this is what OkCupid is all about: accepting differences, complexities, substance, and heart. It helps to go the additional mile to actually excel here.

That said, it’s also a plus if you can crack a joke now and then. You don’t have to be solemn all the time, but you should be precise and engaging. Don’t be ambiguous.

Dating Bio Examples on Match

Match is a dating service that has existed for a long time. They’re a bit in the middle of the old and new dating services with the kinds of bios people have on there. One advantage is that Match’s dating bios have diverse components, so there’s less pressure to deliver a fantastic description. However, people still pursue bios, so ensure you it is worth reading.

You can go lengthy or brief, just ensure your bio isn’t too broad or generic. Because your bio usually has enough information, the description should be something that others do not really know about you and that sticks out so it doesn’t get lost in the crowd.

It’s never easy to write a dating profile. You’re attempting to be original and inventive while still describing yourself and your personality. The truth is that most of us consider ourselves ordinary people. Nonetheless, there are aspects of our personalities that distinguish us. So look deep within yourself to unearth the hidden gems that define who you really are. The stranger, the better!

Do you enjoy peanut butter cookies that aren’t filled with peanut butter? That’s insane, but it’s there. Haven’t ever tried skiing but have always wanted to since you enjoy being in the mountains? That’s a great detail, so include that as well. Have you ever wished to be on The Price Is Right so you’d wager $2 and completely humiliate the person who wagered $1? That’s a touch sinister, but it’s an incredible detail.

You’re a fascinating person, even though you do not often feel that way. Your profile will be fascinating as well, with some work and some motivation from these dating profile samples.

Christina, 26 years old.

“I am a simple girl searching for a long-term relationship with someone who can be my best mate and who I can share it all with.”

“I’m seeking a nice, transparent, attentive, hard-working, smart, and sophisticated person.”

Diego, 28 years old.

“I’m a happy dog-dad to my doggie, Tito, and an exciting guy. My buddies would definitely define me as silly, yet I always seem to be the one who is in charge. On weekends, I get a lot done. I enjoy working on vehicles, grilling out with my buddies, and seeing a local band (which I’m sure I’ve never heard of, but by the second drink, I don’t care as long as they’ve got it). If you don’t really mind the dog or being a little silly, we could be a nice match.”

Match is like a kinder, gentler version of OK Cupid. You don’t need to reveal your entire heart just yet, but you do want to express enough to make a big impact on those who are looking at your profile.

Remember that these people pay to send messages on Match, so make your bio stand out by including something that makes you distinctive and fascinating while also ensuring that you reach the correct individuals.

Nobody is going to pay a lot of money to message someone who has “Hi” in their bio.

Dating Bio

dating bio

What is a dating bio?

A dating bio is a series of information about yourself that potential dates find appealing. Your dating profile is the only thing standing between you and potential dates, or lack thereof. Creating a decent bio ID is crucial since it is what attracts you to the people you are looking for online.

Whether internet dating is the scourge of your life or the source of ecstatic hope, it’s prudent to create the best possible profile.

Essentially, you must put your best digital foot forward. There is a lot of advice out there on how to write the perfect dating bio, and we’ll share some of it with you in this article.

It’s that time of year once more: cuffing winter.

The increase in online dating engagement throughout the fall and winter seasons is due to a multitude of variables, including a rise in testosterone and other horomones that enhance sex drive and mood.

Cuffing season isn’t simply a catchphrase to justify summer flings; it’s a real thing. So, if you want to be in a relationship, now would be the time either to begin searching or to improve your current profile.

In the photo department, we all understand what’s required of us (or the majority of us, anyway). Never use wacky filters, don’t wear shades in every picture, show some photos where you’re doing something you enjoy if you can, and show your full body shot so that trolls don’t think you’re secretly obese. There’s a lot of solid advice on the internet about this. You already know what you should do.

The majority of the “what to put in your bio” advice I’ve encountered is, at most, outdated. The initial top results are primarily from services that appear to believe that it’s still the 2000s and that people are reading every word of every description to locate their one true love.

Long sentences, muddled writings with fancy language, and talking about how you want a partner who is nice and kind are typical examples.Clearly, that strategy isn’t going to work on Tinder, nor will it work on Bumble. We have included some writing points.

Here are some pointers on how to write a succinct profile that will help you find the right partner.

How to create a dating profile that will result in dates

The Images

The first step is to select the best photos, particularly if it’s Tinder, which only allows for a brief summary. There’s a gap in how women and men typically see bios. Ladies mostly need to see how a person defines themselves and connect with what they’re saying, whereas men target pictures first. It’s a good idea to bear that in mind depending on who you’re attracted to! Below are four pieces of advice on photos.

  1. Strive for five to seven pictures.

This allows you to give variety without going into an overkill situation. First, think about starting with a few clear-face photos in which you’re not that far out, wearing shades, and doing something that obscures your appearance. A full-body shot is also recommended. Sometimes people believe you’re trying to hide something if you don’t upload any. You might be shy about it, but if you meet in person, they will see what you look like anyway.

  1. Include lifestyle photos in your profile to help it stand out.

Include photos that reflect your interests, whether that’s racing 4Ks or completing dance lessons. These types of images not only convey your personality, particularly when there isn’t enough room for words, but they can also act as discussion points.

  1. Keep the attention on you.

It’s normal to have a few great images of friends on your profile, but it’s best to limit them to a few. With such a small window of opportunity to capture somebody’s attention, you ought to ensure it’s on you as you’ve got it! ” You won’t have to worry about anyone texting you to contact the other woman in your picture this way.

  1. If at all possible, use only one selfie.

We’ve discovered that posting several selfies isn’t the ideal method since it might speak about your behaviour. If you’re the queen of selfies, go ahead and show off your best self, this isn’t about conforming to a standard, it’s about portraying your best self. Ensuring the selfies are distinct enough to still convey something about you, such as you reaching the top of your favourite mountain, is a great strategy.

The Bio

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  1. Be as succinct and to-the-point as possible.

In a single day, your possible match is likely to go through several profiles. The length of time you must keep it depends on the site.If you’re using Tinder, you only have 1–3 lines to work with. If it’s Hinge, which gives you writing suggestions, you have a little more leeway, but keep it to under a paragraph.

What are the few aspects of yourself that you want your prospective partner to know? You can’t, and shouldn’t, tell all about your character and personal history in such a short time to a stranger. What are the most important aspects of your life to you? For me, I enjoy my imaginative writing and believe that it is the only thing that distinguishes me as even remotely cool.

Therefore, I’d like the message to be “she’s innovative and intelligent.” It’s possible that you adore your animals and enjoy being outside with them, and that your perfect mate would be completely supportive of lengthy walking dog treks. It’s possible that you’re a successful business owner looking for someone who believes strong, ambitious women are attractive. Consider a simple conclusion and tailor your profile to meet that need.

  1. Consider the concept of storytelling in shorthand.

This sounds a lot more difficult than it is. You know how Amy played the mistreated but still devoted housewife in Gone Girl? We all know who she truly is and how her narrative ends, so that character is a no-brainer to market. This is a strategy that can be used positively rather than negatively.

What character would you play as the best friend in a romantic comedy? A sultry gaming girl? Are you a free-spirited bohemian? a local girl who dreams of one day opening a cupcake shop? You don’t have to be that persona (I hope you have more depth than that), but it can help others identify and respond to you.

Don’t attempt to be all things to all people. Consider it a moment if you’re concerned that something in your bio might turn someone off. He wasn’t the person for you anyhow if he thinks your Amazon shop consisting of taxidermied rodents is disturbing.

  1. Be out of the ordinary.

What are some activities you enjoy or do that not everyone enjoys or does? It’s a lot simpler to really like a person that says “I’m enthralled with watching Aussie cane frog documentaries in bed whilst also eating fresh cake batter out of the packet like a candy bar,” than it is to like a person that says “I like movies, hitting the gym, and beer.”

  1. Introduce yourself in a conversational tone.

My friend’s matches and conversations surged when she modified her Hinge bio to say she could defeat anybody in Connect Four. This kind of technique can succeed because it provides people with a funny opener, particularly when it’s a struggle. If you want a serious relationship, it’s still a good idea to include some adjectives so others can see if you have anything in common.

If at all possible, be humorous. This is the most difficult aspect. I’m not particularly hilarious in person (some would say not at all), but if you can make somebody laugh, they’ll think you’re awesome and it’ll stick with them. Just don’t plagiarise a sentence from the internet; that’s unethical. If one-liners are difficult for you, try narrating a hilarious tale in one or two lines:

  1. Maintain a good attitude while being clear about what you’re searching for.

You can imply a warning without explicitly expressing it, such as “Don’t contact me if you only want to shack up.” “An online dating bio is still an initial impression,” and a warning appears closed off.” “It’s preferable to strive to draw the ideal type of person rather than repel the wrong one.” What is the best way to accomplish this? First and foremost, sign up for a site that allows you to expand on who you are and what you desire, and then stress that.

Revealing that you desire to do particular things with your prospective match not only helps to notify someone that they might be the right person for you, but it also sends out signs that repel individuals who aren’t.

Dating Bio Generator

dating bio generator

What is a dating bio generator?

It’s not easy to create a visually appealing dating profile. It can be difficult to come up with a bio for a dating profile at times. For a good dating bio, you need to write a bio that shows your personality.

You can quickly create an excellent dating bio, or at least a respectable first draft, using their services. These sites ask you some questions about your character, routines, favourites, likes, and opinions on societal problems or ethical issues, and then create a dating profile based on your answers. You can start with a pre-generated bio and tweak it to make an entertaining dating profile.

The Dating Bio Generator‘s goal is to assist you in filling out that crucial descriptive bio on online dating services. Give them a sense of who you are, and they’ll create a summary of you in the style you’d use if you wrote it yourself.

Masterpiece Generator provides additional online tools.You can use the Internet Dating bio Generator tool on this website to build a funny dating profile. With this tool, creating a profile is easy and straightforward. It poses questions to you and creates a dating profile based on your answers. It begins with the basics, such as the type of bio you want to make, your sex, what you’re looking for, and your current dating life.

Then it prompts you to use two to three terms to explain your physical traits, character, interests, career, abilities, beloved places, and so on. It then asks what kind of qualities you’re looking for in a relationship. Finally, it asks for your online handle before creating a nice dating bio for you. You can then post your dating bio on the site or copy it to use on your preferred dating site.

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Would I Date You is a dating platform that allows you to meet people online. This website provides a “Dating Bio Quiz” that asks you 30 quiz questions and displays your top dating personal characteristics as well as the ones you want in a match. The quiz begins with basic information questions, such as your sex and who you’re looking for, as well as your age.

Following the basic information, it asks you additional questions in order to get to know you better. These questions cover a variety of topics, including your best movie genre, views, interests, perspectives, religious beliefs, moral convictions, and so on.

The next portion asks you more questions to learn about your opinions on politics, travelling, life, dating life, and so on. When you’ve completed the quiz, it will display your dating persona bio as well as your ideal match’s bio. It also generates a list of the top ten characteristics for both of your bios. This website provides HTML code for your whole dating bio as well as your top ten characteristics. From there, you may copy the HTML code and paste it wherever you wish.

Buzzfeed is well-known for its fun and fiery quizzes. It includes a quiz that allows you to create your own dating bio by providing answers to some questions. The questions in this quiz begin with questions about your perfect date, dream holiday, best food, dream job, and so on. After that, it asks you to select an answer from a list of options for a few more questions.

These questions address the most significant qualities in a potential relationship, like your dream home, means of transportation, ideal engagement ring, and best dessert. It assigns you a bio based on your replies to the questions at the end of the quiz.

On, there’s a quiz called “So What Would Your Tinder Profile Be?” that asks you a series of “Tinder-dating”-related questions. It asks you questions like how frequently you use Tinder, how many dates you’ve been on, how you reply to a Tinder private message, and so on.

In some cases, it presents you with two scenarios and asks you to select between them. When you respond to questions, the average percentage for every answer to each question is displayed. It generates a dating bio for you predicated on your answers to those questions at the end of the questionnaire.

Dating Bio Examples Funny

dating bio examples funny

Your online dating bio determines whether you’ll be successful in finding what you’re looking for. Whether you’re seeking casual dating, marriage, love, or just companionship, your success rate is determined by your online dating bio.

Seeing great dating bio examples funny is one of the best ways to develop a clever online dating profile that truly portrays your personality. We’ll provide you with many of the finest dating bio examples for every part of your profile, such as the introduction, about me, what you’re looking for, and a lot more, in this article.

This is a perennially popular and fascinating question. Yes, these are excellent examples of online dating profiles. Should you copy them verbatim? Most likely not. A superb online dating profile is one that emphasises who you are and what makes you special. You won’t be able to attain that goal if you just copy and paste.

With that said, you can certainly duplicate them and add some changes to make them your own! It’s quite acceptable if your profile looks a lot like these dating profile examples funny. Although not everyone is a writer, this should not prevent you from finding love.

Yes! There’s no requirement that you utilise different data across multiple dating apps. After all, you’re the same person on every website! The only exception is that when an online dating app is aimed at a different demographic, you may need to make some minor tweaks. Besides that, you can use the exact same dating profile on numerous dating apps verbatim.

This raises another question: should you use various online dating apps to find what works for you? Definitely! The more hooks you can sink into the water, the more likely you are to find exactly what you want.

You’ve seen some awful bios if you’ve been online dating for any length of time. They’re either scant, plagiarised from someone smarter, include “friends” as a character attribute, or are simply blank. After that, you can stumble on the ideal profile. You’ll be in hysterics whether it’s five words, two sentences, or a funny picture. We combed the internet (and the finest dating apps) for some of the most hilarious dating profiles.

The Reality

“You’re astute. This is not really your first ride. And you’re not going to believe the assertions made by a lot of the people on this platform. So here’s a new point of view: the truth.

My mortgage is paid. I wear socks that are the same colour as the rest of my outfit. I’m a trustworthy individual with a good job and strong morals. So, while I could tell you about my vacations to Paris or how much I look like Ryan Reynolds, I understand that effective communication is the cornerstone of any successful relationship. So, assuming we’re on the same page, keep reading…”

Swipe left for Genies.

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“Jesse Mills was a developer whose plans to build a platform for local documentary work were tragically thwarted when he wished upon a genie to help him with his tinder profile photo.

He enjoyed swing dancing, dancing, gaming, writing, and working on unusual projects. He was gentle and trustworthy. However, you should never put your faith in a genie. What are the benefits genies get when they’re hateful? I’m not sure, but they can all buzz off. Oh, and he was well-liked by his family. Please send him your sympathies via his inbox on Tinder.”


“I work for NASA as a rocket scientist. I’ve been on the cover of GQ two times. I became a worldwide secret agent after learning Italian. I’m currently sailing across the Caribbean, gathering top-secret intelligence while sipping mai tais… shaken, not mixed. Okay, that’s alright. Just a smidgeon of exaggeration on my part. However, I enjoy a nice mai tai and received a B+ in my fifth-grade biology class. “

Advice that is beneficial

“On the subject of nude images, I’d like to share a short story with you all: in 1912, a lady had one nude picture sketched in a notebook by an unknown man. On a boat, the drawing was kept in a safe. The boat sank, but her naked photo was still broadcast on television 84 years later! So, no, I’m not going to submit nudes. There is no one who is safe.”


“In the kitchen, he’s a beast”- Wine & Food

“When it comes to fashion advice, he’s our go-to person.” GQ Magazine

“I wish he worked for me as a personal trainer.” The Incredible Hulk

Every firefighter has said, “God created him so firefighters would have a hero.”

“I’m delighted she swiped right,” your mother says.

Is there anything else you need to know?

Th​​e benefits and drawbacks

Pro: I am not terrified of spiders.

Con: I’m terrified of moths.

Pro: capable of meal preparation

Cons: will try to persuade you to help with the dishes.

Pro: I’m pretty sure I can out-drink you.

Con: Probably not, but I would still try

Pro: very cuddly.

Cons: When sleeping, there isn’t enough personal space.

Pro: like being around animals

Cons: Your pets may be stolen.

Pro: a good sense of humour.

Con: no cons. I am a witty person.

Further reading

Relationship Courses
All Services
Improve my relationship
I think my boyfriend is cheating on me
Family Therapy

Overwhelmed meaning


PTSD quotes

Cheating quotes

Relationship poems

What to do if a guy doesn’t text you for a week

Stages of a rebound relationship

Feeling used

I am too scared to date again

9 texts to never send a man or woman

I still love my ex

Do you have anger issues please take the test click here

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