Second Puberty Posted byMiss Date Doctor February 3, 2022February 3, 2022 Table of Contents hide 1 Second Puberty 1.1 Second Puberty in 20’s 1.2 Is There Such A Thing As Second Puberty? 1.3 How Long Does Second Puberty Last? 1.4 Second Puberty Symptoms Female 1.5 Second Puberty At 25 1.6 Second Puberty Reddit 1.7 Second Puberty In 20’s Male Reddit 1.8 Second Puberty Female 1.9 Second Puberty Lyrics 1.10 Second Puberty Males 1.10.1 Second Puberty Conclusion 1.11 Further reading Second Puberty Second Puberty. For any young person, the move from college to the real world can be difficult. As you learn to maneuver through your first job, internship, rent, vehicle bills, and so on, this experience alone usually leaves a lot of emotional damage. It’s easy to overlook the physical changes your body is undergoing during your twenties and thirties, sometimes known as a “Second Puberty,” when you’re busy trying to get a handle on everything else in your life. The majority of people associate puberty with the adolescent years. This is the time when you transition from a child to an adult, which usually occurs between the ages of 8 and 14. During this time, your body goes through a lot of physical changes. However, your body continues to alter beyond puberty. This is a normal aspect of growing older. “Second puberty” is a term used to describe these age-related changes. Second puberty is a slang word that refers to changes in the body that occur at various ages. It’s not real puberty in the sense of sexual maturation, but rather a term for the numerous physical and emotional symptoms that might occur as people become older. This can happen in your 20s, 30s, and 40s, as well as at any time in your life. The hair that will emerge at random, frequently in the most inconvenient locations, is the most disheartening feature of your second puberty. Even those who aren’t naturally hairy will notice that their noses, backs, ears, chins, and other regions are all fair territory for the second adolescence. Regrettably, the one spot where most people would look for additional hair growth will be unaffected. During these years, the actual hair on your head will not thicken; in fact, the opposite is more likely. For those of you who had fat cheeks in your teens or felt stuck with that “baby look” forever, the second puberty brings some good news. As you enter your late twenties, this will begin to fade. Collagen production in your cheeks begins to decline, resulting in a loss of definition in your cheekbones. Many of these changes may appear discouraging, but with exercise, proper nutrition, and a good pair of tweezers, they can be managed. When does the second puberty start? There is no official definition for when second puberty begins because it is not a medical term. However, the physical changes that the slang word refers to can occur throughout your 20s, 30s, and 40s. It’s vital to note that the term is used in a variety of ways. When people say “second puberty,” they may be referring to a decade of life, such as your thirties. As you make the shift from one decade to the next, such as in your late twenties and early thirties, Second Puberty in 20’s Second Puberty in 20’s. For many women, the twenties are an exciting time: we’re often exploring new careers, beginning new romantic and platonic relationships, continuing our education, and enjoying the last decade of our lives when we can eat a ton of French fries in one sitting without getting a serious stomachache later that day. However, your body is altering and evolving as you go through the emotional highs and lows of your third decade. Some people feel that “adulthood” is a fairly stable physical state until something like pregnancy throws it off. However, it turns out that you don’t suddenly settle into your “adult body” at the age of 18 and stay there for the next 20 years. Rather, your twenties are a period of rapid biological development, and you’ll notice a variety of changes in your body, from your bones to your brain, your metabolism to your genitals, over that decade. It’s all a whirlwind. In its third decade, we’re still discovering a lot about the evolution of the female body. However, it’s critical not to let ageism intrude into our discussion of the changes that occur in the 20-something body. Yes, most of our bodies are performing at peak levels during our twenties, but that doesn’t mean they’re “better” than bodies of other ages. Nature designed young bodies to be high-functioning in our twenties because she wants us to reproduce during this time; it has nothing to do with being better, smarter, or even healthier than those in other life stages. So, here are six ways your wonderful, powerful body experiences Second Puberty in 20’s and transforms during its second decade on the planet. Isn’t this incredible? Raise a glass of milk to commemorate it (got to keep those bones strong, guys). Brain The concept of a fully “formed” brain has sparked a lot of debate in the neuroscience community. When is a brain considered fully developed? For a long time, experts believed that brain growth stopped in late adolescence, but new research has proven that this is not the case. As it turns out, your cranium is still developing in your 20s, with one portion in particular seeing a torrent of growth and change during this time: the prefrontal cortex, which is partly responsible for decision-making, judgments, risk-taking, and short-term memory. If you’re in your early 20s and still making the same dumb decisions you did in your teens, it’s possible your prefrontal cortex is to blame. According to a 2011 study, people in their mid-twenties’ brains are still forging new connections, particularly in the frontal lobe. However, the brain undergoes a lot of change throughout your third decade: in addition to forming new connections between neurons, your brain is also insulating nerve fibers and “pruning” synapses that cause the brain to perform inefficiently. According to a Harvard study published earlier this year, you’re also likely to experience your first period of severe stress in your 20s, which could affect the way your brain develops. The tendency for mental problems to occur in late adolescence and early adulthood may be explained in part by the brain development we undergo in our 20s, when the brain expands and transforms in potentially harmful ways throughout this time period. Menstrual Cycle Many women in their 20s notice the most significant shift in their menstrual cycle: it may become more regulated. For many girls, their periods are all over the place during their first few menstrual years due to the hormonal upheaval of adolescence. However, hormone levels begin to normalize in the 20s, and many women’s cycles begin to follow a predictable pattern. However, this isn’t true for everyone, so don’t panic if yours is still hopping around the calendar like a kangaroo. The start of cramping is the other (and considerably less desirable) probable occurrence. Gynecologists are now recognizing that the 20s may be the age when cramps truly start to bite. According to a Shape specialist, the body’s excessive production of prostaglandins, a hormone-like substance linked to inflammation and discomfort, during one’s twenties is likely to be to blame; prostaglandins cause uterine contractions, which cause cramping. Skeletons Women reach peak bone mass in their 20s, which is the time in their lives when their bones have reached their natural density and strength. Bones are continually making new cells and discarding old ones, especially as you grow older, and this process peaks in your 20s, when your bones are the densest they’ll ever be. According to a 1995 study, women’s peak bone mass occurs around the age of 22.5, plus or minus a year. Others may wait longer, but once you achieve peak bone mass, things don’t get any better for your bones; they begin the steady degeneration that occurs as you age. This could start as early as your twenties, so it’s never too early to start getting your calcium. Skin While collagen levels (which give skin suppleness and smoothness) are at their highest in the twenties, there’s another skin-related shift that may surprise you: the rise of adult acne. Even if a woman had no acne in her teens, she may get spots in her third decade, long after the “risk period” has passed. According to a 2012 assessment by the American Academy of Dermatology, fluctuating hormone levels were the culprit behind this dramatic skin change. While hormones are gradually settling down, their fluctuations may still have an impact on pimples; for certain women, the 20s are a prime time for excessive production of sebum, the pore-clogging oil, as well as a time when skin cells gather on the skin instead of shedding correctly. Both are known to cause zits, and pimples are often associated with the start of the menstrual cycle. Muscle The twenties are a crucial period for muscle growth and fat buildup in specific body areas. In the 20s, fat, or adipose tissue, begins to change in a slow process that will take decades. So, where does it go from here? A 1999 study of Japanese women in their twenties yielded some insights. Subcutaneous (under-skin) fat gradually disappears from the cheekbones, neck, boobs, and lower thighs while building up at the waist, infragluteal area (below the butt), and on the abdomen. When comparing women in their late twenties to those in their early twenties, the researchers discovered that weight had changed in three different patterns that were distinct from how it was distributed over the body in the early twenties. The genitalia The 20s are frequently a time when your genitals are in excellent shape; for many women, the only genital-related health issues they face during this time are STDs, which are more common in this decade due to the greater possibility of being intimate with a partner or partners. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 15-to-24-year-olds account for more than half of all new STD infections in the United States each year. However, you may notice something unusual happening to your labia majora, the huge lips on the outside of your vulva: they may “shrink” or begin to slim down. No, they’re not rebelling or disappearing; this is a normal component of aging, and it’s all part of the subcutaneous fat loss we talked about before. Plumpness in the vulva isn’t necessary for childbirth, orgasms, or anything else, so don’t get too worked up over it. None of these biological changes should cause concern or alarm; they’re simply confirmation that our bodies are always changing (even when we think they aren’t). Is There Such A Thing As Second Puberty? Is There Such A Thing As Second Puberty? If you’ve been on Twitter recently, you may have noticed a woman posting about a recent find. That’s correct. Puberty isn’t limited to your adolescent years; many people go through what’s known as “second puberty.” One woman tweeted about how difficult it was for her to accept the realization.My body said, “Hey, we’re going to make some modifications. Your skin and boobs will never be the same. Bye.” “I need to accept that I’m 25 and I’m not going to have my high school or college physique anymore,” another lady said, referring to the transformation that is commonly reported to occur in your twenties. I’m going through a second puberty over here, and everything is growing, and I’d like it to stop. I’m not sure why I didn’t realize this was a thing. “You hit like a “second puberty” in your early 20s and I didn’t realize that,” she said, describing how challenging it had been in terms of body image. I’ve been having a lot of trouble with it. So much of my clothing no longer fits. I can’t eat as much as I used to since my metabolism has changed. It’s just a lot, Idk. Is There Such A Thing As Second Puberty? With so many women experiencing this phenomenon and attempting to understand it, we spoke with Dr. Martin Kinsella, a hormone expert, about what a second puberty is and what it entails. What happens during puberty? First and foremost, a flashback to our adolescent years and a refresher on puberty and the procedures that accompany it. “Puberty is the stage of your life when you transition from being a child to being an adult,” Dr. Martin explains.” When a gonadotropin-releasing hormone is released by the brain and reaches the pituitary gland, the pituitary gland releases two additional hormones into the bloodstream: luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone. ” This varies from person to person: “These hormones signal the testes to begin releasing testosterone and sperm in males. FSH and LH encourage the ovaries to begin releasing oestrogen in females, which helps the body mature in preparation for pregnancy. ” What do you think about the concept of a second puberty? While “second puberty” isn’t a medical term, people frequently experience changes in their bodies that have been dubbed “second puberty.” Dr. Martin goes into greater detail regarding why so many people have similar physical changes after adolescence: “Your body continues to change beyond puberty as a natural component of the aging process.” These alterations are sometimes referred to as the “second puberty.” It’s not a medical term, and it’s not truly a second puberty, but it’s a term that describes how your body changes as an adult. ” While many people have described these changes as occurring in their twenties, they can occur at any time spanning several decades: “These changes can occur in any decade from your twenties to your forties.” Some people use the phrase to denote changes that occur within a decade of their lives, while others use it to describe changes that occur between decades. ” What kinds of adjustments are possible? For women in their twenties, the so-called “second puberty” involves a slew of physical changes, and this is when you normally achieve your physical peak, “Dr. Martin agrees. He mentions the following physical changes that can occur: Consistent periods (this is because your hormone oestrogen peaks in your mid to late 20s, resulting in regular periods) A video related to this: Maximum bone mass Peak muscle strength (males also have their best muscle strength during this decade) Collagen levels are at their peak. Emotional peaks and valleys Let’s have a look at a handful of them. Dr. Martin goes into greater detail regarding what he means when he says “peak collagen levels”: “Collagen keeps skin supple and soft, so this will aid to maintain skin’s appearance.” You could believe that means you’ll have beautiful skin once you’ve outgrown your adolescent years, but you’d be wrong. On the other hand, the twenties are a time when many women suffer from acne. This has been attributed to fluctuating hormone levels, which may result in excessive sebum production, blocked pores, and breakouts.It’s also the time of year when skin cells tend to build up on the surface rather than shed normally. As a result, adult acne is more likely to develop at this time. The ever-changing hormone levels are also to blame for those annoying mood swings: “Mood swings, as well as some anxiety or depression symptoms, might be caused by a mix of fluctuating hormones and psychological changes that occur throughout this decade, when many people begin to live alone.” As a result, it’s critical not to place too much pressure on your body to remain the same as when you were 20. We’ll continue to go through changes, which are to be expected and welcomed. How Long Does Second Puberty Last? How Long Does Second Puberty Last? You can’t stop the changes in your body from occurring, just like you can’t stop puberty in adolescence. This is due to the fact that second puberty coincides with the onset of the natural aging process. These modifications are a natural aspect of growing older. What should you do to prepare for your second puberty? You can’t prevent the changes that come with growing older, but you can prepare for them. The objective is to maintain healthy behaviors for the rest of your life. This will assist you in physically and emotionally preparing for these changes. The following are some examples of good habits: Maintaining an active lifestyle Regular exercise throughout adulthood can help decrease bone and muscle loss. It is advisable to follow a plan that includes both aerobic and weight training. Eating healthily For good aging, a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, complete grains, and lean meats is vital. Chronic disease management. Working with a doctor to manage a chronic ailment is a good idea. This will help you avoid problems when you get older. Getting frequent health examinations You can acquire suitable guidance at each stage of life by consulting a doctor on a regular basis. Checkups with a primary care physician and additional specialists, such as a gynecologist, are included. How Long Does Second Puberty Last? I’ve seen that among millennials, the second puberty we’re talking about occurs between the ages of 24 and 32. If you’re lucky, you’ll have a breakdown (or rather, a breakthrough), which will cause you to reflect and question if you’re on the right track in life. This is before the “regular” you freaks out and catapults your soul into the unknown because you make decisions that feel more concrete—dare I say, more adult—and the “regular” you freaks out and catapults your soul into the unknown. It’s the natural process of losing old skin. It’s as if the shifting plates beneath you are slamming together fiercely, and you need to figure out how to move forward in a way that works for you. During this shift, who you are, as well as all of your wants and desires, change dramatically. Perhaps what you’re searching for in a love relationship increases (or even the desire to have one in your life), your sexuality becomes more fluid, your social groups shift, or you leave a career that no longer serves you. After all, we are the Great Resignation Generation. We’re talking about the breaking of who we are into the cliché-forming of who we are in this second puberty. Second Puberty Symptoms Female Second Puberty Symptoms Female. Women’s second puberty is marked by a variety of physical changes. Here’s what to anticipate. In your twenties As a young lady, your body continues to mature and grow.This is when you usually achieve the pinnacle of your physical abilities. The following physical changes occur: Bone mass at its maximum. In your twenties, your body reaches its maximal bone mass. Muscle strength at its peak. Your muscles are at their strongest during this time, just like a man’s. Periods that are consistent Estrogen levels peak in your mid-to late twenties, resulting in regular periods. In your thirties Perimenopause, or the transition from puberty to menopause, occurs in your 30s. It can start as early as your mid-to-late thirties. The physical changes of perimenopause are caused by irregular estrogen levels. Among the changes are: The bone mass is deteriorating. The density of your bones begins to deteriorate. Muscle mass is deteriorating. You’ll start to lose muscular mass as well. skin that is changing. You may get wrinkles and sagging skin as your skin loses flexibility. hair that is graying. It’s possible that some of your hair will turn gray. Periods that are irregular. Your periods grow less regular as you approach your late 30s. Your fertility declines as well. Dryness in the vaginal area Your vaginal lining gets drier and thinner. Flashes of heat A hot flash, or a sudden feeling of warmth, is a frequent perimenopause symptom. In your forties. Physical changes from the preceding decade continue in your early 40s. However, by your late 40s, your body will be approaching menopause. This period is referred to as “second puberty” by some. Menopause brings about changes such as: Bone loss is more quick. You’ll lose bone mass more quickly as you hit menopause. Height is decreasing. As the discs between their vertebrae shrink, women, like men, lose height. gaining weight. Your body alters how it uses energy, making you more prone to gaining weight. Periods that are irregular or nonexistent. Your periods become even more irregular as your body produces less estrogen. By your early 50s, your periods will most likely be over. Second Puberty At 25 Second Puberty At 25. Dr. Helen O’Neill, founder and CEO of Hertility Health, explains, “It is not scientifically correct that women or males go through a “second puberty.” “They [the changes] aren’t restricted to the 20s, and people may continue to experience them later in life, such as during the transition to menopause,” she says. “Second puberty” is a slang word to refer to physical and psychological changes during different stages of life post-adolescence. Dr. Verity Biggs, a general practitioner who specializes in women’s health, agrees. “There is only one puberty in our teens,” she explains, “therefore the concept of a second puberty is not physiologically valid.” Second Puberty At 25. Teenage puberty, according to Dr. Biggs, is about “preparing our bodies for womanhood, and ultimately, reproduction.” Our hormones shift throughout this time, causing our hair and breasts to grow, our hips to broaden, and our period to start. Dr. O’Neill said there will be a “spectrum of physical, emotional, and cultural changes” during what Twitter has dubbed “second puberty.” These changes, according to Dr. O’Neill, include mood swings (because of our menstrual cycles) and changes in our looks (like our weight and skin). “You can’t stop these changes from occurring; they’re a natural part of growing older,” she emphasizes. “Men go through similar changes,” says the founder of Hertility Health, “although they may be less evident since they don’t go through such severe shifts in hormone levels.” Dr. O’Neill points out that while there is no scientific evidence to support the idea of a second puberty, “second puberty can refer to changes that occur during a person’s gender affirming journey, whether as a result of hormonal medication, surgery, or a combination of the two. That’s all there is to it. A second bout of puberty anxiety is averted. Second Puberty Reddit Second Puberty Reddit. Is there such a thing as second puberty? I know that boys don’t stop maturing until they’re around 22, but I thought girls stopped around the age of 17. For example, I never felt like I had huge hips, curves, or anything like that while I was in high school, but my body has altered dramatically since I turned 20. I now have to wear curvy jeans in order for them to accommodate my buttocks and thighs as well as my waist. For the first time in my life, I’m also getting Aunt Flo on a monthly basis. It was maybe three times a year before this year. I haven’t altered anything about my meds or anything. Second Puberty Reddit. It happens all the time. Although I wouldn’t call it a second puberty, your body changes regularly throughout your life. Breasts continue to expand until approximately the age of 22, and hips widen around the same time. It’s also possible that your metabolism and appetite will change. Accept it! After spending my teens being teased for being small, my curves eventually emerged at the age of 21, and I couldn’t be happier with my figure now. Second Puberty In 20’s Male Reddit Second Puberty In 20’s Male Reddit. I’m 23 years old and will be 24 in about a month. I’ve been going through a second puberty for the past year and a half, especially recently. I was more or less developmentally steady between the ages of 17 and 18, but that appears to be changing. I’ve always been tiny, but after working out, I’m starting to retain muscle mass… at least by my standards. My facial hair has thickened, I’m developing body hair in previously un-haired areas, and I’ve seen some balding above my temples. After having clear skin since the age of 17, I suddenly have acne on my back and chest. However, it’s not as bad as it was in my early adolescence. It’s a pain to go through that. Second Puberty In 20’s Male Reddit. My libido, on the other hand, is all over the place. I have dead-dick syndrome at times, and I’m terribly horny at others. In the last year, I’ve been quite confident and active. However, I can’t rule out the possibility that this is due to hormonal changes in my body. There are far too many other complicating elements. It’s perfectly natural. It also doesn’t stop; you’ll continue to see advancements in your development as long as you have the hormones and energy to fuel them. I’m forty, and my body hair has gotten much, much denser in the last five years, and I’m packing on muscle pretty much whenever I want after several years of relative stability (and I’m already BIG, at six-three and 230 pounds). It’s perfectly natural. Hormones play a role, as do stress and physical activity. Enjoy the journey; it won’t last forever, but it will return sooner or later. Second Puberty Female Second Puberty Female. Never heard of “second puberty”? I didn’t think so until I started experiencing it myself. What I had always been told was that throughout your teen years, you went through the wonderful process of puberty and emerged as your adult self with your new adult body. Imagine my amazement when, between the ages of 18 and 21, my body altered more dramatically and quickly than it had between the ages of 15 and 18. Many people refer to this as “second puberty,” or the continued development of your body into your early twenties. I felt like an adult towards the end of sixth form. I was an adult and a young woman experiencing the world after puberty was over. I had a booty, some smaller but perfectly perky boobs, and despite the fact that I gained a little weight on my thighs, causing stretch marks, it was all good; this is what adolescence is for, I reassured myself, and now I have my “womanly” and “hourglass” form. I’m all set and ready to go, and I’m feeling great! Finally, I felt comfortable and attractive in my own skin… Second Puberty Female. After that, I gained a little weight. And there’s more. It clung to my thighs. It clung to my gut. My hips appeared to widen. As my booty and hips grew larger, stretch marks began to form around them. My waistline had lost its definition. My bras became too small virtually overnight, and I jumped up a few cup sizes in a short period of time. My lifestyle hadn’t altered all that much, had it? I wasn’t as physically active as I used to be, but I was still healthy, right? I ate well-balanced meals and exercised regularly, so why did everything feel so different in my body? I spoke with female friends who had noticed the same thing and were perplexed as to why everything seemed to be changing and why no one had told us that it was a nearly universal experience so that we didn’t feel so alone. Adolescent bodies are idolized in society. It may not appear so at first, but when we examine it closer, we notice that teenage bodies represent the epitome of attractiveness in our youth-obsessed, body-shaming society. What we call “slim-thicc” for women is currently in style, and what is it? It’s all about tiny and “snatched” waists, toned muscles, and just enough boobs and “ass” to check all the boxes. Natural womanly traits associated with this body shape, such as wider hips and waists, cellulite, stretch marks, rounder bellies, and larger thighs, are usually criticized. Do you notice bodies that look like you in porn, movies, or advertisements? Worse, women are being shamed for these changes. Family members will scold them for gaining weight and failing to maintain their childish appearance. Furthermore, despite the fact that over 90% of adult women have cellulite, people will blame it on a lack of activity or a poor diet. According to personal trainers, one of the most popular requests from women in their twenties is to help them reclaim their adolescent bodies. Developing a real womanly body seems to be a failure on our part, and we must work hard to “fix” that. This, like many other beauty standards for women, is just unattainable because we are no longer teenagers and there is nothing to ‘fix’-this is how mature women appear! In an age of social media, filters, Instagram influencers, and plastic surgery, we don’t see this, but those ladies who you and society think are flawless seem very regular off camera and unposed. Any unposed photo of the model or celebrity you want to look like will show a normal-looking woman; unfiltered, with less-than-flattering angles and lighting, with less-than-perfect skin, an ass that isn’t wonderfully toned and smooth, and a stomach pouch!The media is deceiving us all, including high-profile women who are self-conscious about their appearance. Khloe Kardashian and her team just embarked on a crazy attempt to erase an unaltered bikini photo from the internet. Are you ready for the worst part? She was still stunning. She appeared to be a normal, if not particularly fit, yet conventionally pretty woman. It wasn’t enough, though. Even she was anxious about her regular figure, demonstrating that you may be one of the most liked and desired women on social media and yet want to hide the aspects of yourself that you consider to be “flaws.” Due to poisonous media portrayal, these superstars are likewise victims of the “ideal” we all strive for. I know it’s difficult because I still struggle with it, as do all the young women in my life, despite how often we encourage one another. It’s difficult to break free and just accept your natural body when you live in a world that has continually conditioned you to believe it’s not desirable, attractive, or normal. It’s difficult to have a happy attitude when every change to your adult body is viewed as a flaw. I wish someone had told us that when we were younger, so we wouldn’t feel like failures when we grew out of adolescence. It’s difficult to accept that society does not regard our bodies as the normal, natural, and beautiful bodies that they are. You must remember, though, that they are there, and you are not alone! This is the way you’re supposed to appear. This is how we all feel and look, and if I haven’t stated it before, it is perfectly normal and wonderful! Congratulations on maturing into a woman! Second Puberty Lyrics Second Puberty Lyrics Not many people get to say They experience puberty at twenty But my voice is breaking and so is my bank And every hour I have a Breakdown Now I’ll finally look my age For the first time my body will be On the same page No more pretending to be fifteen And when I buy beer I won’t cause a scene I’ve got hairs on my face And my heart starts to race When I think of all the possibilities Of my second puberty No more time for being unhappy Second Puberty Lyrics It’s a strange thing, I’ll admit I’m finally committed to getting fit Ok, I lied, I eat five meals a day But I wouldn’t have myself any other way ‘Cause it’s Puberty and I’m happy For all the voice breaks in mid-song And if you’re in the same place, or you’re saving face It’s time to let it go and just be happy It’s a pain in my ass and I’ve got no class But I don’t ever care If I lose my voice or lose my friends Or even lose my hair I’ll be happy Cordae “Sinister’ Official Lyrics & Meaning | Verif I get headaches when I think About all the times I was on the brink If only I knew I’d make it through And if you’re in doubt I know you’ll make it too It’s not a small thing to take the leap I had so many nights of losing sleep But now I’m better than ever before I’m loving myself and I’m smiling more Cuz it’s Puberty and I’m happy For all the voice breaks in mid-song And if you’re in the same place, or you’re saving face It’s time to let it go and just be happy It’s a pain in my ass and I’ve got no class But I don’t ever care If I lose my voice or lose my friends Or even lose my hair I’ll be happy I had 16 years of lying to myself And two more years of proving it to everybody else And now I’ve got a lifetime to figure it out and just be free All I’ve gotta do is make it through my second puberty Puberty and I’m happy For all the voice breaks in mid-song And if you’re in the same place, or you’re saving face It’s time to let it go and just be happy It’s a pain in my ass and I’ve got no class But I don’t ever care If I lose my voice or lose my friends Or even lose my hair Well I’m happy Second Puberty Males Second Puberty Males. As if the first puberty wasn’t horrible enough, news is spreading that a second one is on the way. “Is this true?” you might wonder, your eyes wide with terror. Relax. Not at all. The term “second puberty” is not a medical term, and no scientific research has been conducted to support its existence. However, the body changes naturally as it matures over decades (you knew that was coming). These changes happen in one’s 20s, 30s, 40s, and beyond, and they can be rather severe, resembling the mental and physical upheaval of puberty during youth. Here’s how the body evolves throughout the course of several decades, which could be dubbed “second puberty.” Both men and women attain their maximal bone and muscular mass in their 20s (per Healthline). According to Gwendolyn Quinn, PhD, Professor in the Department of Population Health at New York University School of Medicine, stretch marks may emerge as the body changes, and acne may be worse than usual due to hormones and the use of certain methods of birth control. Second Puberty Males. In terms of emotions, 20-year-olds are dealing with their personal and social lives for the first time as autonomous adults, and they may face considerable psychological obstacles that might lead to worry or sadness. Unfortunately, bone and muscle mass begin to deteriorate in the 30s, while skin and hair begin to show indications of aging, from visible wrinkles to the first glints of gray. Weight gain and changes in body shape may occur as the metabolism slows. Testosterone levels in men begin to decline around their mid-30s. Infertility begins to drop in women. When it comes to emotional shifts in our 30s, who among us isn’t disappointed when the first gray hairs or crow’s feet appear? The term “second puberty” is most commonly associated with the 1940s. Many big physical and emotional changes start now and last until the 50s. Fat is redistributed in both men and women, accumulating in the belly or chest. Due to worn-down spinal discs, up to an inch or two of height is lost. Teeth become more sensitive to hot and cold temperatures, and other dental issues, such as gum disease, become more common. The decline in testosterone in men, which began in their 30s, is now becoming more noticeable. Male menopause, often known as andropause, is the term for this phase. The inability to maintain erections is one of the most noticeable signs. However, there are a slew of other signs and symptoms, ranging from insomnia to breast development to a lack of sex drive (per Healthline). A growth surge in the prostate can sometimes make it difficult for men to urinate. A man going through andropause may experience depression, decreased motivation, and difficulty concentrating on a psychological level. Second Puberty Conclusion Second Puberty Conclusion. The term “second puberty” isn’t actually a medical term. It’s a term used to describe how your body changes during your twenties, thirties, and forties. These changes are not the same as puberty during adolescence, so the name can be misleading. Second Puberty Conclusion. Many age-related changes are caused by a gradual decrease in hormone levels. Maintain a healthy lifestyle and keep up with your routine health exams to prepare for these natural changes. 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