Splitting the bill Posted byMiss Date Doctor January 22, 2022 Table of Contents hide 1 Splitting the bill 1.1 Splitting the bill on a first date 1.2 Splitting the bill in a relationship 1.3 Splitting the Bill with Friends 1.4 Splitting the bill app 1.5 Splitting the bill on a date 1.6 Splitting the bill meme 1.7 Splitting the bill etiquette 1.8 Splitting the bill when you don’t drink 1.9 Splitting the bill conclusion 1.10 Further reading Splitting the bill Splitting the bill, often known as “Going Dutch” (also written with lower-case Dutch), is a term that refers to each person engaging in a paid activity covering their own expenses rather than any one person in the group covering the entire group’s costs. The term comes from Western restaurant dining etiquette, in which each person pays for their own meal. International practices Europe It is uncommon for most locals in various southern European nations, such as Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, or Cyprus, to have separate bills, and it is often considered disrespectful, especially when in bigger groups. However, this has changed in recent decades in urban areas and tourist destinations. In Scandinavia, splitting the bill is the norm for practically every restaurant visit, with bigger groups, especially on more formal occasions, being the exception. Despite the fact that Scandinavian countries are among the most gender-equal in the world, it is nevertheless normal and expected for men (on heterosexual dates) to pay for lunch or dinner. One exception to this rule is when a woman asks a man out, in which case it is customary for the woman to cover the bill. When a date goes beyond fika (in Sweden), the parties frequently go Dutch because the price is usually lower. The procedure is referred to as refené in Greece. The rule in Catalonia is that “splitting the bill” is the norm. Paying a la catalana (“paying like the Catalans [do]”, “paying Catalan-style”) is the Spanish term for this. The word “pagare alla romana” can be translated as “to pay like a Roman” or “to pay Roman-style” in some parts of Italy (particularly the south) (in reference to modern, urban Rome, not ancient Rome). Depending on the custom followed, it has two meanings: the current and most prevalent meaning is to divide the total cost evenly among all diners; the other meaning is the same as “sharing the bill.” This can lead to miscommunication. In France, faire moitié-moitié (colloquially, faire moit’-moit’) literally translates to “pay half-[and] half,” implying that each person pays an equal share of the cost. The customary procedure for romantic dates is for the male to pay. In a business meeting, it is customary for the hosting party to pay for everything; it is considered impolite not to. In Portugal, it’s known as “contas à moda do Porto,” which translates to “Oporto style bills,” or a meias, which translates to “half-half/splitting the cost.” In Turkish, the equivalent term is hesab Alman usulü ödemek, which translates to “to pay the bill in the German manner”; in brief, it is Alman usûlü, or “German-style”. North America. In North America, “splitting the bill” is frequently associated with specific situations or occurrences. During meals such as birthdays, first dates, or business lunches, an expectation is formed based on social traditions, personal income, and the depth of the parties’ relationship. Furthermore, the rise in popularity of mobile sharing payment services like Venmo and Zelle has prompted a cultural shift in how people pay for meals. Asia Due to complex societal influences, it was not the preferred option in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, or Iran. However, it is already common practice in most of these countries. In most parts of urban India, “splitting the bill” is a common practice. Splitting the bill or requesting two bills is most prevalent among friends, colleagues, and couples. It’s known as TTMM in Mumbai, Delhi, and other places, which stands for Tu Tera Main Mera, which means’ you for yours and me for mine.’ If the invitation was extended by someone younger, it’s equally acceptable to pay for the elders in the group (say, a niece taking her aunts and uncles out for dinner). Splitting the bill is commonly referred to as the “American system” in Pakistan. Requesting separate bills is more common among younger age groups, friends, colleagues, and some family members. The practice is known as “apna apna” in Urdu, which means “everyone to his own.” Going Dutch in a group usually implies dividing the cost evenly. In Bangladesh, the terms “je je,” “jar jar,” “his his, his whose” are commonly used. In North Korea, where rigorous social institutions still exist, the individual with the highest social status, such as a boss or an elderly figure, is most likely to pay the cost. This is true not only in one-on-one situations, but also in groups. It’s extremely normal among the younger set for friends to split the tab, or for one to pay for supper and the other for drinks. “Splitting the bill” is known in South Korea as “Dutch pay” (a Konglish borrowed term). Men frequently pay for romantic dates. After a group lunch in the People’s Republic of China, the bill is expected to be paid by the individual with the highest social status or income, or by the person who invited the group. When a group of friends or coworkers eats together on a regular basis, they generally take turns paying the bill. Men are more likely to pay for the first few romantic encounters, but after a few dates, women are more likely to take turns paying for dates. Splitting the bill is frequent among groups of strangers or even younger generations. The terms in Indonesia are BSS and BMM, which stand for bayar sendiri-sendiri and bayar masing-masing, respectively, and imply “pay for yourself.” This word is most typically used among friends in a less formal context. In a more formal environment, it is customary for a person of higher social status to accept the payments. It is considered acceptable among equal members of a group to offer payments for all meals and drinks, with the other party having the option to refuse or accept them out of respect for the other party. In India, the method is known by numerous names in various languages: TTMM (tu tera mein mera in Hindi); je jaar shey taar in Bengali; tujhe tu majhe mi in Marathi; neenu nindu koodu, nanu nandu kodthini in Kannada; EDVD (evadi dabbulu vaadi dabbulu); All of these roughly translate to “you pay yours and I pay mine,” but they actually refer to an equal division of the bill. Splitting the bill is largely used for outings among friends and coworkers, rather than dating, because the concept of openly dating is very new in India, a culture with a long history of arranged marriages. When the phrase “going Dutch” is used, it usually means sharing the bill evenly. It’s known in Japan as “warikan,” which translates to “expense dividing.” When close friends and the young are not invited by a special host, it is known in Iran as “Dongi,” which translates to “sharing equally.” It is mainly used among close friends and the young when they are not invited by a specific host. Otherwise, according to Persian hospitality customs, the host will not allow anyone to pay. In the Philippines, it’s known as KKB, which stands for kanya-kanyang bayad, which translates to “pay for your own self.” KKB would be the standard among friends or people in similar financial circumstances. As in most Asian nations, the person who pays the bill is usually determined by gender norms or their social or professional standing. It is still customary for the male to foot the bill, particularly during courtship or romantic relationships. “American share,” as it is known in Thailand, is the term for this behavior. Central and South America The Spanish phrase “pagar a la Americana” (roughly “to pay American-style”) is used in some Latin American countries to allude to a trait attributed to people from the United States or Canada. Hacer una vaca (‘to make a cow’) is a phrase used in Chile to describe how each participant contributes to a common pool to either pay the bill later or purchase items in advance for a gathering or party at a residence. A person is identified as the “bank” in this scenario (the one who collects the money). This approach is utilized while shopping for a party or paying a bill in a restaurant or pub. The bill is still shared, but one individual pays the entire amount and is refunded by the others. In a more formal context (like as an office party), the attendees may request to see the grocery bill to ensure that the funds were spent as planned. The expression mita [or miti] y mita (using colloquial contractions of mitad y mitad, with the focus on the first word mi) means “half and half” in Panama, and alludes to both “going Dutch” and equally splitting the check. “A la ley de Cristo, cada quien con su pisto,” or “By the law of Christ, each one with his own stew,” is a popular expression in Guatemala. Pisto is a stewed dish akin to ratatouille that is used as a metaphor for food in general in this term. In Honduras, the phrase is “Como dijo Cristo, cada quien con su pisto,” which translates to “As Christ said, everyone with his own stew.” However, the word “pisto” is more generally associated with money than with the stew. Splitting the bill on a first date Splitting the bill on a first date. So we’ve arrived at the difficult problem of the bill. It’s there, on that small silver tray, modest yet obtrusive, and ready to cause trouble in the aftermath of a great date. A few token mints are strewn across the top, useless attempts to sweeten the pill of the looming debate. On the first date, who pays? It’s a difficult question, but one that must be answered. So, using our first date recommendations below, let’s have a much-needed etiquette tête-à-tête and finally settle the topic Splitting the bill on a first date. Regardless of the circumstances, pay on the first date. On the first date, the gentleman should always pay. It is your obligation as a gentleman to reach into your pocket, pull out your wallet, and say those three precious words: “I’ve got this,” whether you asked her out or she asked you out. In principle, she’ll smile, thank you, and let you pay for your dinner without hesitation or objection. Obviously, this is a rare occurrence. Instead, the evening may take one of three directions after you claim the bill. So let’s look at a few situations that could happen if the chips—and credit cards—go down. Maintain your composure, even if she offers to pay. It’s instilled in us all to be courteous and offer to pay our fair share. That means she’ll either insist on sharing the cost or offer to cover the entire amount, but this is a risky path to take on a first date. If you accept her offer to share the cost, especially at her initial request, she will believe you’re either unchivalrous or indifferent. Bills are usually split solely between friends or existing couples, not between new lovers. Don’t read too much into anything. On the other hand, don’t assume she only wants to be friends if she swiftly submits and practically takes your credit card herself. If she doesn’t reach for her purse, etiquette demands that the male should pay. Don’t retreat to the bathroom for a consoling sob. So far, everything has been so straightforward. If you offer to pay, she may accept it right away or require some mild persuasion. Both of these outcomes are unavoidable. When you’re dealing with a persistent spouse, the worst bill-related snafu occurs. You know when to call it a day. Some dinner dates will not accept “no” as an answer. For reasons of equality, cost, or mere pride, these purse-thrusters will make splitting the bill more difficult than splitting the atom was for Rutherford—and with similarly explosive effects. When it’s time to concede, a gentleman knows when to do so. There’s nothing gentlemanly about adamantly insisting, especially if your date is becoming increasingly frustrated by the second (or, worse, starting to feel uncomfortable with your persistence). Put up a decent fight, but don’t cross the line from chivalrous to domineering. Gentlemen, make sure you stay on the correct side of the road. Understand your exceptions. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule. Drinks should be purchased in rounds as long as the first is purchased. When it comes to a meal, though, the man must pay on the first date. If you choose the restaurant, you’ll avoid going hungry by the time the starter arrives, and you’ll also be able to amaze her with your culinary prowess. As the dates progress, the regulations will inevitably change. It’s still the man’s turn on the second date. Third, your date can chip in for drinks, but you should still pay for most of the meal, and fourth, you’ve finally arrived at a stage where splitting the bill is appropriate. She may even insist on paying for the entire meal, and arguing with her suddenly seems pointless after you’ve gone this long without a conflict. Splitting the bill in a relationship Splitting the bill in a relationship. Moving into a shared house is often our first experience with dealing with bills and splitting them. This includes developing positive habits such as ensuring that they are paid on time and that everyone contributes their fair share. Because most housemates have similar salary levels, most people split the rent and utilities evenly. Frequently, they will also split the cost of food. They keep their finances separate from everything else. Only when someone fails to pay their share of a bill, such as energy or a telephone, can problems develop. How do you deal with a more intimate relationship? It can take some time for couples to adjust to living together for the first time. How do you and your partner deal with Splitting the bill in a relationship? There appear to be a few standard approaches in my experience, and it’s really just a matter of figuring out what works for you over time. 1.Using a Grab Bag meathod This appears to be the standard procedure. That is, we haven’t given it much thought, so let’s just go ahead and do it. Using this strategy, each partner chooses a mutual expense, such as rent, and takes care of it. When someone understands they are getting the short end of the stick, it can be harmful and lead to hostility. When a relationship ends and one spouse is left unprepared to deal with their own bills, it can be a problem. The 50/50 split. This has the virtue of being straightforward and simple. Each partner pays half of each shared expense but keeps the rest of their money for personal expenses. This is a good option for couples who make roughly the same amount of money and are still getting used to being together. It might be challenging when one partner makes much more than the other. Because the other can’t afford to do things, the wealthier one may feel their lifestyle is being restricted. Lower-paid workers, on the other hand, may feel compelled to spend more in order to stay up. A percentage split depends on income. Using this strategy, each partner contributes a share of their income to the joint bills. This works effectively for couples who have a significant income disparity. Utilization-based This method determines the relative contribution based on utilization, similar to the income proportion. For example, if one of the partners works from home and requires a home office, she would pay a higher rent. This is ideal for couples that have vastly different demands, wants, or earning capacities. It can alleviate the annoyance that one partner may feel when forced to pay for something they do not believe they will use. These four approaches work best when you establish joint bank accounts or cash kitty to cover joint spending, so you don’t have to keep track of everything using a spreadsheet or a running tally. These techniques can be combined in various ways. For example, in the home office scenario, you might divide the rent and utilities 50/50 and pay for vacations based on revenue. What matters is that you find something that works for you. Things can become a little hazy as time passes. However, combining your accounts is a significant move that is tough to reverse. I propose that you keep certain accounts and credit cards in your own name so that you can establish your own credit history if the relationship ends. Combining sources of income Frequently, purchasing a home and having children is the catalyst for the merger to be completed. It’s much easier to work from an “our” account rather than trying to split it between “yours,” “mine,” and “us.” Not only should you have certain accounts in your own name, but you should also set aside money for personal expenses. This is a portion of your budget that is transferred to individual accounts so that you can spend it however you like. There were no inquiries, no guilt, and no answers required. It’s entirely up to you how big it is. This is especially important if you only have one income and one of you decides to stay at home and care for the kids for a while. Having their own money gives the stay-at-home partner a psychological lift. A system that is beneficial to you There is no one-size-fits-all solution for managing your finances as a couple. It’s fine if one partner earns more and wants to give more to the home. Alternatively, people may not believe that they should pay a higher price. In any case, be open and honest about your worries. Some couples prefer to keep their finances separate for the rest of their lives, so don’t base your decision on what others are doing, or worse, accept that only a complete financial merger is the true mark of a great relationship. Do what you think is best for you. Being adaptable You always have the option to change your mind. So take it slowly. Give it a shot to see if the 50/50 split works for your relationship now before deciding to merge your money. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for splitting bills that works for everyone. All you have to do is be open, honest, and adaptable. Splitting the Bill with Friends Splitting the Bill with Friends. To avoid any misunderstandings, talk upfront about splitting the bill with your pals as soon as feasible. Then, when you get to the restaurant, ask the waitress if he or she can issue separate checks for your group. Even if the restaurant does not provide this choice, asking this question will demonstrate to everyone that you are only interested in paying for your piece. This strategy, however, only works if everyone participates. If you haven’t had an opportunity to ask your guests to split the cost yet, find a covert way to do so when the bill arrives. For example, when the bill is placed on the table, inquire as to how your companions would like to pay for their meals. The timing of this approach communicates to your friends that you are unconcerned about splitting the cost, while also emphasizing that everyone is responsible for their own meals. If necessary, offer some options for how the group can share the bill if necessary. It’s probable that some of your pals forgot to bring cash and may want to charge their dinner to a credit or debit card. If one of the group’s meals is charged to one friend’s credit card, make sure you pay him for the entire meal, including tip. Even if the bill has already been tallied and printed, it isn’t too late to ask the server to split the amount if splitting the combined bill becomes too difficult. Here are some suggestions for splitting the bill when dining out with friends: Suggestions for Splitting the Bill with Friends Once you’ve had a chat with your pals about paying for the meal, determine the best way to split the bill. Each of these approaches has its own set of benefits and drawbacks, so choose the one that best suits your needs. Here are some suggestions for splitting the bill with your companions: 1. Obtain Separate Checks Because each person pays their portion of the price, asking for separate checks is the most equitable approach to splitting the bill. If someone orders a salad while the rest of the table eats steak, the salad eater will not be responsible for a steak-sized percentage of the cost. When some customers expect to pay with cash and others plan to pay with credit cards, this strategy works effectively. The disadvantage of this strategy is that it requires more work from the server, and it can take some time to wait for separate tests. Make it a game to see who can pay first. Taking turns paying works effectively for groups of individuals who eat out frequently and at places with similar rates. My husband and I, for example, go to a Mexican restaurant near our house with a nearby couple. We take turns paying the entire bill since we know we’ll be going to the same restaurant with the same couple again soon, and we want to make the bill-paying procedure simple and quick. On the other hand, it’s a great way to keep in touch with pals you don’t see very often. When your pals object, tell them it’s your “secret plan” to persuade them to go out with you again since they “owe” you a supper. This is something I’ve done several times, and my friends are always fascinated by the ruse, and the favor is always returned. A single individual pays and is reimbursed. You might volunteer to pay the bill and have your buddies reimburse you later if you trust them. You might even take it in turns to be the one who pays and is reimbursed afterwards. This makes the bill-paying procedure quick and easy, but it demands trust and requires the buyer to invest a large amount of money. Due to the amount necessary, this would not be the best solution for anyone who uses the envelope budgeting strategy. Distribute the costs equally. If you and your friends don’t want to compute how much each of you owes on the bill, dividing the bill evenly is a straightforward answer. While some people have no qualms about paying a little more or less than they owe, others will be irritated by having to pay for someone else’s steak dinner. If you opt to split the bill evenly, be sure that everyone ordered goods that were roughly equal in price and that no one had an issue with this method of bill splitting. Use a bill splitting app to split the bill. Check for bill-splitting software like Wesplit. It’s great if you frequently go out with a group of friends or order takeout with your roommates. Your invoices will be tracked on the internet, as well as the overall amount owed for everyone in your party. The simple software informs your pals that they owe you money, relieving you of the burden and preventing an embarrassing conversation. Distribute the hints evenly. It’s not always the cost that’s difficult to split; it’s often the tax and tip that’s difficult to figure out while trying to pay the bill. The easiest way is to split the tax and gratuity evenly. While some people object to sharing the bill in its entirety, most people do not mind splitting the tip evenly because it accounts for such a small portion of the total amount. Utilize a Tip App Make some calculations on your smartphone. If you opt to split a tip evenly, there are tip programs that will calculate this for you. You can also use your phone’s calculator to figure out how much each person owes in tips. As a tip, toss in a few dollar bills. Collect a tip for the waitress by asking everyone to toss their dollars into the tip jar. This works because most customers are willing to contribute a dollar or two to the tip jar. Someone else will most likely have the dollar bills the next time you lunch out with this bunch of folks. Using this technique of tipping, it’s likely that everyone will donate equally over the course of a year. Make sure you only pay for the items you ordered. If you’re out with pals, paying for what you ordered shouldn’t be a problem. When the bill arrives, you should have a good sense of what your total is, and you can easily verify it by scanning the bill. However, if the table splits a bottle of wine or a dessert, this strategy can be troublesome. If this occurs, offer to pay for what you ordered as well as a piece of the item that you and your buddies split. Splitting the bill app Splitting the bill app. Splitting the bill while you’re out with your friends might be tricky. Is it better to split the bill evenly or to itemize everyone’s drinks and entrees? What should each person contribute to the tip? Even more complicated is splitting larger costs, such as rent, utilities, and keeping your apartment stocked with toilet paper. Well, I’ve got some good news for you: there are a slew of fantastic Splitting the bill app that will do the math—and, in some cases, the communicating—for you. Choose from a variety of options and download them for less than $1 apiece (a small price to pay for not having to ask your roommate for her share of the electricity every month). Splitwise: To Facilitate Transfers This free software for iPhone and Android is great if you routinely share expenses with someone, such as a roommate. Splitwise keeps track of who owes whom what, from the last three shopping trips you took to the Friday happy hour that your roommate paid for.When you’re ready to pay, all it takes is a simple PayPal transfer to clear your debts. Billr: Integrated cost-sharing and itemization If you have an iPhone and enjoy eating out with pals, this 99-cent app is a must-have. Billr will figure out how much each person owes for their own entrées (since you don’t want to pay for someone else’s lobster when you only had a salad), as well as how shared things like appetizers and wine are split. The program will also calculate tax and tip, as well as send a text or email with a copy of the divided bill to the rest of the group. Divvy: You don’t even have to type anything into your iPhone to Snap and Split with Divvy. Simply take a photo of your receipt and drag each item to the individual who will be paying for it. Each person’s portion will be automatically adjusted to include the necessary tax and tip. It’s only 99 cents to download. Remind Your Friends That They Owe You Using Venmo Have you ever paid for a group birthday gift or trip with the expectation that everyone would pay you back later? With this free app that allows you to send money requests at any moment, you can remind your friends who owes whom what. You can also repay your buddies if they make a request. Bank of Me: Tracking More Than Just Cash Sure, you might offer a pal $20 if she gets this one, but more frequently than not, you might offer to pay for her next lunch if she gets this one. This 99-cent software allows you to create your own currency in order to keep track of the favors, meals, and beverages your bestie has promised you. Bank of Me will also keep track of who owes whom what, as well as link with your contacts to send receipts and reminders to your friends. Splitting the bill on a date Splitting the bill on a date. The problem with social conditioning is that it is deeply ingrained and difficult to overcome, much like an obsessive lover who doesn’t understand what a “no” means. It shapes you and your actions on such a subliminal level that you don’t even realize you’ve been impacted by cultural conventions and prejudices most of the time. One of the most widespread is the expectation that males pay for food on a date. Because, during the period when such an unsaid rule was established, males were likely out making a living and women were still confined to their homes. Given that he would be the one earning and asking her out, it was only logical for him to offer to pay. However, a lot has changed since then. Women are now working and earning just as much (if not more) than males, and with advanced dating apps at our fingertips, we can even make the first move and ask a guy out. As a result, we don’t blame a male who considers buying a woman dinner or going Dutch for it today. On the other hand, we encourage him. While paying for a date when you’re a male is considered gallantry, it won’t diminish your manhood or manners if you don’t. Having said that, it can still be a good idea to consider expressing your feelings in a way that is neither disrespectful nor miserly. Here are three methods to persuade your date to join you in Splitting the bill on a date: Make it a point to bring it up before the actual date. The simplest way to do it is to bring it up early in the conversation, before the two of you decide on a date. It will not only make the date less unpleasant, but it will also help you understand which school of thought you belong to and where it comes from. It’s never too horrible to learn more about your date, according to us! Make an offer to pay half the price in advance. A straightforward strategy, but one that will set a precedent for the future. When I say, “Be straightforward and offer to pay your portion,” I don’t mean to come across as condescending, but rather courteous. It may or may not catch your date off guard, but regardless, keep your half of the bill on the table as soon as possible to send a message. 3.Paying in Two Ways Another option is to pay the entire amount the first time around while also arranging for your date to take you out the next time. This way, there won’t be a squabble between two people paying at the same moment, and your intentions will be less irritating. Also, a second date is a given! Splitting the bill meme Splitting the bill meme. Memes! A term used to describe the exchange of cultural information. An aspect of a culture or a system of conduct that can be conveyed from one person to another by nongenetic mechanisms, such as imitation, Splitting the bill whether amongst friends or on a date or in a relationship can be awkward to navigate. So here are some splitting the bill meme to help ease the tension. “Friend : lets split the bill four ways Me who only ordered water :” “When your hommie tryna split the bill but you only ordered coffee and he ordered moons over hammy with extra hammy” “Her: do you wanna split the bill Me: sounds like communist propaganda but okay’ Splitting the bill etiquette Splitting the bill etiquette. When the check arrives at a restaurant, there is typically an awkward pause. Should the bill be divided in half? Should you total the bill so that each person pays for their own meal? There’s also the possibility of requesting completely independent checks. What are the current check protocol best practices? We polled money etiquette experts to find out the best—and classiest—ways to deal with this typical stumbling block. But first and foremost, Toni Dupree, an etiquette coach at Etiquette & Style by Dupre in Houston, says, “In my opinion, the decision to divide the bill should happen before you sit down for dinner, not after the wait staff gives you the check.” More experts explain Splitting the bill etiquette—and how to do it smoothly—in the sections below. Consider the situation of your eating buddy. The best way to approach dining out with a friend or a group is to be considerate of your dining companions.Before you go to the trouble of splitting a cheque in half, keep in mind that not everyone is in the same financial circumstances. Diners can also select from a variety of foods, drink alcohol, and purchase multiple courses. Experts say it’s perfectly fine to ask your companion(s) if they’re willing to split the bill. It is OK to evenly divide that check when the bill arrives if, and only if, everyone agrees to share the bill before the meals are ordered, affirms Karene Putney, CEO of Etiquette Etiquette. It is customary to split the tip and tax. Putney adds that various criteria apply to tax and tip for the check, even if dinner and beverage totals are recorded according to each guest. Putney adds that even if the bill is not split down the middle when dining in a group, it is traditional etiquette to share tax and tip evenly among the table. Be your own best friend. It’s appropriate to ask for a separate check if you have a preference for separate checks, such as if you have a history of dining with a particular acquaintance and/or if you plan to order modestly. You should also feel free to share your preferences with your friends. As far as friends go, Diane Gottsman, an etiquette expert at The Protocol School of Texas in San Antonio, says, “you should be comfortable enough to have an upfront talk and just lay everything on the table in advance without worrying about it.” According to Gottsman, speaking up first can help to clear the air and is likely to be appreciated. Most people feel the same way, she continues, “and are waiting for the first person to speak up.” According to Gottsman, good friends should be able to feel “emotionally safe” when discussing sensitive matters like their personal finances. “There will be an understanding after the conversation, and everything will fall into place,” she says. Make a donation to an honoree. When a group of people goes out to celebrate someone’s birthday or another special occasion, Gottsman argues there’s an implied agreement. When you take someone out for their birthday, the birthday person doesn’t pay; instead, the pals divide the bill 50-50 and pick up the birthday honoree, she explains. There’s always the possibility that one individual will order more than another, but if the group is treating one attendee, this should be taken into account. It’s fine to calculate and pay for your own meal price for a non-special occasion. If you don’t want to bring the matter up at the start of the lunch, it’s okay to pay for your portion of the bill at the end of the meal. At the conclusion of the meal, “you can just contribute what you’ve determined you owe,” Gottsman says. “The trick is to speak up so that you don’t feel exploited.” Splitting the bill when you don’t drink Splitting the bill when you don’t drink. When you go out to dinner with friends, it’s customary to split the bill evenly, even if your salad is a few dollars less expensive than your friend’s burger. However, if your buddies are downing drink after drink while you’re sticking to water, it might be aggravating to find yourself financing their good times when the bill arrives and everyone wants to divide it fairly. Splitting the bill when you don’t drink. Don’t feel pressured to pay the same amount as people who choose to drink if you’re abstaining from alcohol for any reason. Patricia Napier-Fitzpatrick, founder and president of The Etiquette School of New York, told Business Insider, “The smartest thing to do would be to take cash.” Take some cash and say, ‘Here’s for my supper,’ and then evenly split the tip with everyone.” Your server had to do the same amount of labor anyway, so it’s only fair to tip the same amount. However, if you’re not drinking, you won’t be expected to tip as much as others who had three cocktails. This isn’t the time to be meticulous, though. It’s normal to pay a few dollars more than your exact order for a group meal, and that’s fine. Say something like, “Here’s $20 for what I ordered, and anything else for the tip,” Napier-Fitzpatrick advises. Splitting the bill conclusion Splitting the bill conclusion. Because the delivery of the cheque may be awkward, I advise stating your preference as soon as possible. Make a pre-meal announcement to the waitress about how you’d like the check handled, such as “Please put this on separate checks,” so that everyone can relax and enjoy the discussion. Still, some friends prefer to split the bill in half; for some, this is convenient, while for others, it is inconvenient. Once again, this is the time, before the meal, to figure out how you’re going to pay, Gottsman says. “You can tell the group, ‘I’m going to get my own check,’ and they’ll know you won’t be in the final split.” Splitting the bill conclusion. At the end of the day, it’s up to you to communicate. If you’re always puzzled or annoyed because the bill wasn’t split according to your preferences, I believe it’s your obligation to politely and graciously fix the problem the next time. Further reading RELATIONSHIP COUNSELLING NEAR ME NOW Relationship Courses All Services Editorial Improve my relationship I think my boyfriend is cheating on me Family Therapy Overwhelmed meaning Ghosted PTSD quotes Cheating quotes Relationship poems What to do if a guy doesn’t text you for a week Stages of a rebound relationship Feeling used I am too scared to date again 9 texts to never send a man or woman I still love my ex Do you have anger issues please take the test click here