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Bunny Boiler

Bunny Boiler

bunny boiler

A bunny boiler is a person who acts (or allegedly acts) compulsively or even dangerously towards another person with whom the first person was previously in a relationship or wishes to be in one.

The phrase bunny boiler derives from a scene in the 1987 film Fatal Attraction, in which a vengeful woman (Glenn Close) seeks revenge on her ex-lover (Michael Douglas) by putting his family’s beloved pet rabbit in a pot of boiling water while he is away from home.

Fatal Attraction is a 1987 American sexual psychological thriller film directed by Adrian Lyne and based on James Dearden’s short film Diversion from 1980. The film, which stars Michael Douglas, Glenn Close, and Anne Archer, is about a married man who has a weekend affair with a woman who refuses to let him go and becomes obsessed with him.

Fatal Attraction was released on September 18, 1987 by Paramount Pictures. It also garnered positive reviews from critics, yet sparked debate when it was first released. The film was a great box office success, collecting $320.1 million worldwide on a $14 million budget, making it the year’s highest-grossing picture. It got six Oscar nominations for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actress (for Close), Best Supporting Actress (for Archer), Best Adapted Screenplay, and Best Film Editing at the 60th Academy Awards.


Daniel “Dan” Gallagher is a successful, happily married Manhattan lawyer who meets Alexandra “Alex” Forrest, a publishing firm editor, through his work. When his wife, Beth, and daughter, Ellen, are out of town for the weekend, Dan has an affair with Alex. Despite the fact that they both thought it was simply a fling at first, Alex begins to cling to him.

Dan grudgingly spends the next day with Alex after she continuously asks him over after he leaves unexpectedly in the middle of the night. She cuts her wrists in a manipulative ruse to force Dan to stay when he tries to leave again. He assists her in bandaging the cuts, stays with her overnight to ensure she is okay, and then departs the next morning.

Despite Dan’s belief that the affair has been forgotten, Alex visits him at work one day to apologize for her actions and asks him to a performance of Madame Butterfly, which he respectfully declines. She then keeps calling him at his office until he tells his secretary that he won’t take her calls any longer.

Alex then calls his house at all hours of the day and night, stating that she is pregnant and intends to keep the child. Despite his desire to avoid her, she insists that he must accept responsibility. She shows up at his apartment (which is for sale) when he changes his home phone number and meets Beth, pretending interest as a buyer. Dan goes to Alex’s place later that night to confront her, which leads to a brawl. She responds by saying she will not be ignored.

Dan relocates his family to Bedford, but Alex remains undeterred. She has a cassette recording of verbal abuse addressed to him. She follows him home one night to spy on him, Beth, and Ellen from the bushes in their yard; the sight of the family makes her ill to her stomach. When Dan approaches the police to file a restraining order against Alex, her infatuation becomes even more intense (claiming that it is “for a client”). The lieutenant maintains that he can’t violate her rights unless there’s a good reason and that the “client” must admit to his infidelity.

bunny boiler 2

While the Gallaghers are away, Alex murders Ellen’s pet rabbit and cooks it on their stove; Beth discovers the pot and screams in despair. Dan then informs Beth about the affair and Alex’s alleged pregnancy. She becomes enraged and asks that Dan leave. Dan phones Alex before he leaves to inform her that Beth is aware of the affair. Beth picks up the phone and tells Alex that if she continues, she will be killed.

Without Dan or Beth’s knowledge, Alex gets Ellen up from school and takes her to an amusement park. When Beth is unable to locate Ellen, she becomes concerned. She frantically searches and rear-ends a car stopped at an intersection, injuring herself and requiring hospitalization. Alex kisses Ellen on the cheek as he drops her off at home unharmed.

Dan storms into Alex’s apartment and assaults her, choking and almost strangling her. He comes to a halt, but she lunges at him with a kitchen knife as he does so. While Alex is leaning on the kitchen counter, smiling, he overpowers her and decides to put the knife down and go. After Dan informs the cops about the kidnapping, they begin looking for her. After Beth is released from the hospital, she forgives Dan, and the two of them return home together.

Beth is about to take a bath when Alex enters with a kitchen knife and explains that she believes Beth is preventing her from having Dan to herself before attacking her. Dan comes in after hearing the screams, wrestles Alex into the bathtub, and drowns her.

Beth appears out of nowhere, swinging the knife, but Dan arrives with Dan’s revolver and shoots Alex in the chest, killing her. In the closing scene, police cars are seen outside the Gallaghers’ house. Dan walks inside after presenting his statement to the cops, where Beth is waiting for him. As the camera focuses on a photograph of the family, they embrace and walk into the living room.

Psychiatrists and cinema specialists have examined Alex Forrest’s role, and it has been used as a film analogy for the ailment of borderline personality disorder. The character exhibits impulsivity, emotional lability, frantic attempts to avoid abandonment, frequent severe anger, self-harming, and a shift from idealization to devaluation; these characteristics are consistent with the diagnosis, but not to this extent; generally, aggression is directed at oneself rather than others, which is a more common feature in borderline personality disorder.

“[g]lenn Close’s character Alex is pretty purposefully constructed to be an erotomaniac,” according to Orit Kamirs’ Every Breath You Take: Stalking Narratives and the Law, according to Orit Kamirs’ Every Breath You Take: Stalking Narratives and the Law.According to Gelder (1990, 93–94), Glenn Close “consulted three independent shrinks for an inner profile of her character, who is meant to be suffering from a sort of compulsive disorder known as de Clérambault’s syndrome.” The term “bunny boiler” is used to describe an obsessive, scorned woman, and it comes from the moment where Alex’s pet rabbit is discovered boiling.

Bunny boiler meaning

bunny boiler meaning

Bunny boiler meaning. The term “bunny boiler” comes from the James Dearden and Nicholas Meyer film Fatal Attraction, which was released in 1987. In this film, Michael Douglas’s Alex Forrest (Glenn Close) relentlessly pursues her ex-lover, Dan Gallagher. The word stems from a story device in which Forrest boils her former lover’s daughter’s pet rabbit in a fit of rage. When Forrest tried to get Gallagher to meet her and she stated, “Bring the dog, I love animals, I’m a terrific cook,” Gallagher’s suspicions should have been aroused.

When the phrase bunny boiler originally became popular, it referred to someone who was unable to remain sensible following the breakdown of a romantic engagement. That usage was quickly tempered, and it began to be employed in far less extreme contexts, frequently with some irony. Any woman who is clingy, possessive, or even marginally unpleasant is now referred to as a “bunny boiler.”

One of the more striking words to emerge in recent years from the English language is “Bunny boiler meaning

The phrase is the modern equivalent of the woman referred to in the expression “Hell has no fury like a woman scorned,” which is closely followed by “music has charms to soothe the savage breast,” which comes in second place in the competition for “best-known phrases attributed to Shakespeare that were actually written by someone else.” In his play The Mourning Bride, William Congreve originated both of these expressions in 1697. Only women are supposed to grow deranged as a result of being “dumped,” for reasons that I’ll leave to others to explain; there is no male equivalent of “a woman scorned” or a “bunny boiler.”

We can trace the origins of the word “bunny boiler” because it is a modern term with such a clear source. It wasn’t taken straight from the movie, as the term isn’t spoken in the dialogue or in any of the promotional material.

It’s unclear who invented the phrase, though it could have been Glenn Close. The phrase was first used in print in an interview Close gave to the Ladies’ Home Journal in the United States on December 6, 1990, as reported in the Dallas Morning News.

“Nothing boosts one’s self-esteem like playing a sociopathic bunny-boiler,” Glenn Close tells Ladies’ Home Journal.

Popular terms that have entered the language as a result of the Internet’s development first appeared in online discussion groups, blogs, and online newspapers. USENET groups have the earliest big archive of online colloquial messaging, but “bunny boiler” doesn’t occur there until 1994, and it doesn’t appear more than once or twice in the archives of US or British publications before that period.

The group of people who joyfully accepted the term into their vernacular were street-wise young adults, who aren’t typically expected to read the Ladies’ Home Journal. The expression became ubiquitous on TV reality shows and soap operas.

For example, in a piece about the UK TV show Big Brother, titled Big Brother: Bunny Boiler, written by Danielle Lawler and Emma Cox in August 2004, we find: And the love-struck Stuart Wilson’s legion of female fans has already been warned by Geordie to keep away. She snarled: “When Stu comes out, he won’t even look at another female, so I can be a very jealous girlfriend. I can see how people may mistake me for a bunny. ”

If the term were a commercial product, it would be said that it reached its target market in 1994. From then on, it saw a sudden and broad use, and it became a widely used phrase. The film Fatal Attraction was released in 1987, and Close used the phrase in a 1990 interview. Newly generated phrases appear to move through the community like viruses, float around in the population until they hit a threshold of infected cases, at which point they spread quickly. “Bunny boiler” looks to have reached that position around 1994.

Bunny boiler definition

bunny boiler definition

Boiler noun rabbit

Bunny boiler definition. A dangerous and obsessive former lover who stalks the person who rejected them.

Inspired by a scene in the 1987 film Fatal Attraction, in which a disgruntled woman (Glenn Close) seeks revenge on her ex-lover (Michael Douglas) by placing his beloved family cat in a pot of boiling water while he is away from home.

Boiler noun rabbit

Bunny boiler definition. An obsessive girlfriend (or, less usually, a boyfriend), particularly one who has a strong reaction to the termination of a relationship,

Inspired by a scene in the 1987 film Fatal Attraction, in which a disgruntled woman (Glenn Close) seeks revenge on her ex-lover (Michael Douglas) by placing his beloved family cat in a pot of boiling water while he is away from home.

A woman who obsessively pursues or monitors her mark, often out of insanity or obsession (stress derangement), A bunny boiler’s mark is a man with whom she has had sex at least once; usually, this man is hardworking and strives for professional and personal success. Plan A and Plan B are the two plans of a bunny boiler.

Plan A: A bunny boiler’s ultimate goal is to fix her mark’s life by interfering, setting him up, and blackmailing him into a dreadful relationship that was never meant to be. The purpose of the bunny boiler is almost certainly doom and gloom, a destiny worse than death. When the first plan fails, the bunny boiler switches to plan B: destruction.

In the film “Fatal Attraction,” after engaging in a steamy hot one-time sex scene with a colleague, Michael Douglas’ character, Glenn Close’s character resorts to boiling her former one-time sex partner’s family pet rabbit in an all-out war aimed at disrupting his life, family, and career and destroying (emphasis on destroy) him for not wanting a sincere man-woman (nuclear family) type relationship with her in an all-out war aimed at disrupting his life, family, and career.

bunny boiler definition 2

In the same breath as statements like “he’s just not that into you,” the term “bunny boiler” is tossed around. It’s part of the dating lingo that we picked up from American television shows. If a guy and a woman go on a date, they get along well, they have sex, and then the next day she phones him and says she wants to see him again, he may refer to her as a bunny boiler. This act of feminine assertiveness is portrayed as aggressive behavior; she is a predator for declaring her desires.

Despite our culture’s high visibility of pornographic female sexuality, genuine female desire remains taboo. We’re meant to drink, to imitate the grinding mechanisms of porn, to be wild and hungry for it, yet still demure as a 1950s housewife smitten with cupcakes. The whore and the saint—this is the ancient dual feminine identity. It’s now expected of us to be both at the same time, which is perplexing.

Girls’ first season was unique in that it had a heroine who wasn’t immediately likeable. Ann-Marie, my heroine, may also be unlikable to some readers; she is challenging. Rather than morality, I wanted to give her complexity. She gets enraged and reacts aggressively when she is forced to play the coquette. Nonetheless, she does it. Why?

In her beautiful short tale “A Telephone Call” (1928), Dorothy Parker recounts a woman’s inner monologue as she waits by the phone for her boyfriend to call. “Please, God, let him call me right now,” she begs. She goes through the motions of counting to a hundred, but she still doesn’t hear anything. She’s in the middle of a void. Her madness intensifies. She cries, “I mustn’t! I mustn’t! I mustn’t!” Please, God, don’t let me call him. Please don’t let that happen. Passivity has driven the narrator insane. The unsaid, unwritten, but unbreakable norms have ensnared her.

Parker wrote during the 1920s. Our dating customs haven’t changed much since then, which is frightening. More complicated heroines are required now.

What does it mean when someone calls you a bunny boiler?

what does it mean when someone calls you a bunny boiler

What does it mean when someone calls you a bunny boiler?. The term “bunny boiler” was coined after a scene in the film “Fatal Attraction” in which the family pet was accidentally introduced to a saucepan. It is used to describe a deranged, frighteningly obsessed, and excessively jealous woman.

Moving on is more difficult for some people than it is for others. It’s a tragic tale.

For whatever reason, they can’t seem to let go of the past. Part of them still hopes to reunite with their ex and live happily ever after. Their ex-partner may have remarried and even had children with someone else, yet it makes no difference. The bunny boiler lives in a fantasy world in which their ex will return and everything will be “happy ever after” one day.

Being unable to look forward to the future without your ex is mentally devastating, and in some situations, constantly obsessing about the past can push a person over the line and into the world of the Fatal Attraction Bunny Boiler. This isn’t only a female problem; men can be BBs as well.

What does it mean when someone calls you a bunny boiler??

Your thoughts are always drawn to your ex.

Do you find yourself constantly thinking and talking about your ex? Every anniversary or where you were “this time five years ago” is still fresh in your mind. Years later, you find yourself talking negatively about them and blaming them for everything.

You’re still resentful and outraged that they left you, and you find yourself wistfully browsing through old images of happier times, hoping that you’ll be reunited one day. You can’t understand why your ex doesn’t love or like you any longer.

Are you on the lookout for regular reminders of your ex?

Everything and everyone reminds you of your ex, and you genuinely appreciate these recurring themes. You make sure you’re still in touch with your ex’s friends and family, not only to stay “in the loop,” but also in the hopes of learning anything about his or her life.

These contacts ensure that there are still tiny strands connecting you to your ex, and you hope that your name and vice versa are discussed. You like hearing that your ex has had a difficult day or that something has gone wrong with them because you think it will make them want to come back to you.

You have it in your head that your ex wants you back.

You’ve heard they’ll be attending an event in a public venue near you, so you make plans to attend as well. You unexpectedly run into them, yet in your thoughts, the exact opposite has occurred. Do you think they came to the event hoping to run into you?

You assume they are stalking you if you happen to see their car anywhere.

When your ex offers to drop off your joint children at your place, you assume it means they want to see you.

Do you make disparaging remarks about your ex?

You tell your friends and family that your ex won’t let you move on and that he has no right to follow you around. You say they’re “invading your privacy,” but they’re just going about their business and aren’t thinking about you. If your ex happens to run into you, it’s completely coincidental. You’re unable to let go. You’re in a bind. These thoughts circle back and forth in a circle.

Keep an eye on them on social media.

We’ve all seen it: a recently divorced person posting pictures of their “new life” on social media. You throw your arms around your new lover for a selfie, hoping that your ex will see this glimpse of happiness and want you back. Someone who has moved on will no longer see you on their feed and has most likely blocked you.

Someone who is dead set on finding out what their ex is up to on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, on the other hand, only needs seconds to start a new account and break straight through that block! You dismiss the cheerful photographs, convincing yourself that your ex is sad and longs for your return.

Justification for contacting them

Do you make up any excuse to contact your ex, such as calling to inform them that your grandmother has passed away, discovering anything that belongs to them and, instead of posting it, contacting them to see if they want it, or seeking their assistance and advice?

To have an excuse to contact their ex, a bunny boiler will start making up horrific tales. They will hyperventilate and shout over a situation, telling their ex that they need their help in order to grab their ex’s attention—this is known as “psycho” behavior, and it is extremely harmful to all parties involved. In certain circumstances, it becomes so nasty that an ex-spouse seeks legal counsel to put an end to it.

Dates aren’t the same as your ex.

You find yourself making comparisons between your ex and everyone you date. In your mind, your ex was perfect, and all of their flaws had vanished into thin air.

How can you tell if your girlfriend is a bunny boiler?

what does it mean when someone calls you a bunny boiler 2

She is always texting and calling you.

A bunny boiler will frequently message and contact her partner to keep track of him and make sure she knows where he is. She’d probably be happiest if you wore a GPS monitoring gadget so she could keep track of your whereabouts at all times.

She doesn’t have many close friends.

This is a significant red flag. If your girlfriend’s life revolves around you and she has no friends of her own, consider what she’s done to lose all of them.

She has a strained relationship with your pals.

You should be concerned if she makes no effort with your friends and appears to despise them from the start. She’ll most likely try to separate you from them or turn you against them so that you’re the only ones left.

You are subjected to emotional blackmail by her.

You’ll probably feel like you’ve let her down or that you’re in trouble all of the time. Watch out for these mind games; they’re just another way for her to exert control over you and make you feel horrible so she can maintain her dominance.

She’s always interrogating you.

Bunny boilers are notoriously suspicious, so expect questions about where you’ve been, who you’ve been talking to, and how long you’ve been chatting for. It’s not that she cares about your life; she’s just looking for ways to throw you off so she can catch you off guard.

She has an aggressive personality and a short fuse.

You could believe you’re dating a strong and fiery female at first, but watch out for this aggressive side—”hell hath no fury like a woman scorned,” as the old saying goes.

She wants to dominate your life by manipulating you.

Bunny boilers want to be in charge, so be on the lookout for their attempts to take command of your life and key decisions.

She’s envious and suspicious of you cheating or attracting female attention.

You may have a persistent headache as a result of your anxiety about talking with other women. Bunny boilers are envious of all females, even whether they are older coworkers, family friends, or people who do not pose a threat.

She makes it impossible for you to have any female pals.

It’s time to walk out of there as soon as a lady starts telling you that you can’t have female friends. She’ll perceive every female friend as a threat and assume you’re up to something nefarious, so she’ll do everything she can to ensure she’s the only female friend you have.

She has two personalities.

Be wary of a female who is shy and kind one minute and fiery and enraged the next; her split personality can only mean one thing: she’s insane.

She never demonstrates sympathy for others.

Because she can only see the world through her own eyes, your girlfriend won’t ever feel guilty for her erratic behavior if she always plays the victim and never shows empathy for others.

She is unable to cope with criticism.

Keep an eye out for the female who can’t take criticism and interprets it as a personal attack. This is yet another instance of her playing the victim.

She has to have her way all of the time.

With a bunny boiler, you can’t reason with her; her way is right, and your way is wrong. You may find yourself appealing to her for an “easy life,” enabling her to constantly get her way in order to avoid a fight.

She doesn’t want you to be with anybody else but her.

Forget about meeting up with friends, relatives, or coworkers; with a bunny boiler, it’s all about you and her. If you imply that you’d like to spend your free time with someone else, the green-eyed monster may appear.

She shows up unexpectedly at work or when you’re out with buddies.

This female is suspicious, so be cautious. She’ll act as though it’s a “sweet surprise,” but these unexpected visits are really simply a means for her to check in on you.

So now you have a better understanding of some of the characteristics of a bunny boiler. In conclusion, this type of girl is extremely neurotic, controlling, obsessive, jealous, and plain insane. If your girlfriend has begun to exhibit many of these traits, it may be time to reconsider whether she is the ideal person for you!

Where does the phrase bunny boiler come from?

where does the phrase bunny boiler come from

Where does the phrase bunny boiler come from? A “bunny boiler” is a jealous or obsessive person, usually a woman, whose behavior in pursuit of a previous or intended partner is deemed desperate or dangerous.

It references a famous scene in Adrian Lyne’s American film Fatal Attraction (1987), in which the character of Alexandra “Alex” Forrest, played by American actress Glenn Close (born 1947), boils alive a pet rabbit belonging to Dan Gallagher’s daughter, played by American actor Michael Douglas (born 1944). (The term “bunny boiler” doesn’t appear in the movie.)

Where does the phrase bunny boiler come from? The first mention of bunny boiler that I’ve located is from Close Encounters, which was published in the Liverpool Echo (Liverpool, Lancashire, England) on Thursday 9th March 1989 and describes the character played by Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction:

In her latest film, Glenn Close portrays a woman as vindictive and merciless as her infamous character in Fatal Attraction. She doesn’t, however, boil anyone’s rabbit.

The Marquise de Merteuil prefers to be discreet when it comes to getting her own back while partaking in Dangerous Liaisons*.Rather than a carving knife, she conveys her point with cruel wit and a poison pen.

On the other hand, Ms Close, on the other hand, isn’t convinced that the French aristocrat and Alex the bunny boiler have much in common.

Glenn Close, John Malkovich, Michelle Pfeiffer, Swoosie Kurtz, Mildred Natwick, Peter Capaldi, Keanu Reeves, and Uma Thurman star in Stephen Frears’ 1988 film Dangerous Liaisons. It is based on Christopher Hampton’s theatrical version of Pierre Choderlos de Laclos (1741–1803)’s epistolary masterpiece, Les Liaisons dangereuses (1782).)

The second-earliest use of “bunny boiler” that I’ve located is in the current generic sense, and it comes from Laura Kavesh and Cheryl Lavin’s column “Dating” in The Gazette (Montreal, Quebec, Canada) on Sunday, May 7th, 1989:

You don’t become a bunny boiler after one tantrum.

Is a single rage outburst enough to cause a fatal attraction? Is Glenn Close her role model just because she causes a commotion at a small gathering? Some individuals believe this.

Laura Kavesh and Cheryl Lavin then describe Amanda’s reaction to her boyfriend, Donald, breaking up with her during a party at his apartment: she screamed, cried, and accused him of leading her on. She did a lot of things she’s embarrassed about, but—remember the movie?—she didn’t boil any bunnies, kidnap any kids, or attack anyone with a carving knife.

That’s why she was enraged when Donald said she was “weak and dependant, much like that character in Fatal Attraction.” Amanda realized he wasn’t referring to Michael Douglas.

Something amusing happened. When she told her friends what he’d stated, she discovered that many of them had had similar experiences. Their lovers accused them of “pulling a fatal attraction” as soon as they displayed any emotion.

“Whenever men don’t comprehend a woman’s emotional outburst, they blame it on mental behavior,” Amanda explains.

Amanda knew she had to flee when Donald accused her of acting like Glenn Close. She moved out, sublet her flat, quit her job, and went to treatment.

That doesn’t sound schizophrenic to me.

It appears to be rather healthy.

In this personal advertisement published in The News-Leader (Springfield, Missouri, USA) on Tuesday March 12th, 1991, the term “bunny boiler” describes an unattractive man:

DWF, 23 years old, 98 pounds, blue eyes, and handsome. Some of the men I’ve met could create a sequel to fatal attraction. So don’t write if you’re weird and a bunny boiler. 26-38 years old for friendship, possibly more. Maybe you’re professional, honest, and daring. c/o The News-Leader, PO Box 798, St. Louis, MO 65801. Box M-2932, c/o The News-Leader, PO Box 798, Springfield, MO 65801.

Is bunny boiler derogatory

is bunny boiler derogatory

Is bunny boiler derogatory. It is inspired by the female characters in the film Fatal Attraction. A married man has an affair with another woman in the film. She has feelings for him, but he refuses to leave his marriage, so she becomes obsessive and boils his daughter’s bunny.

I’m not arguing that obsession is healthy or that boiling bunnies is a good thing, but I can’t help but think that a man abuses two women terribly and gets away with it because the spurned woman is labeled a “bunny boiler.” It also promotes the assumption that emotion is dangerous and undesirable, and that removing oneself from emotion is good.

What is the purpose of a bunny boiler in this case?

Is bunny boiler derogatory. A “bunny boiler” is a jealous or obsessive person, usually a woman, whose behavior in pursuit of a previous or intended partner is deemed desperate or dangerous.

With this in mind, what does the rabbit represent?

Rabbits are frequently associated with prosperity, abundance, good fortune, and fertility. Rabbit symbolism is stable, unlike that of many other animals, which has distinct connotations in different cultures. Rabbits are springtime animals in most European traditions, representing fertility and renewal.

In the same breath as statements like “he’s just not that into you,” the term “bunny boiler” is tossed about…. If a guy and a woman go on a date, they get along well, they have sex, and then the next day she phones him and says she wants to see him again, he may refer to her as a bunny boiler.

Is bunny boiler real?

is bunny boiler real

Is bunny boiler real? If you’re not familiar with the term “bunny-boiler,” it comes from the movie Fatal Attraction, and it describes someone who can’t stay logical after a romantic relationship ends.

The plot of the film revolves around Glenn Close’s character, who was the other woman in an affair with Michael Douglas’s character and obsessively pursued him when their relationship ended unexpectedly.

Due to Close’s character’s feverish jealousy and her inability to accept that Douglas stopped the affair, the phrase “bunny boiler” arrives as the pinnacle of stalking and harassment.

She dumps acid on his car, obsessively phones and hangs up on him, and stalks him in his office. She eventually boils his daughter’s beloved pet bunny after nothing else works.

When Anne Archer, who plays Michael Douglas’ wife in the film, returns home and sees her daughter’s rabbit cooking in a pot of boiling water, it becomes one of the most iconic—and disturbing—scenes in the film. In this disturbing scene, Alex’s (Close) obsessive obsession with Dan (Douglas) and her desperation to get him back at any cost is highlighted. (It also provided fodder for people to wrongly and offensively refer to women as “crazy” and “bunny boilers,” but that’s a topic for another piece.) Close acknowledges that the scene caused her pause since it was so chilling. During a Fatal Attraction reunion appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show, she commented, “The only thing that concerned me [about the screenplay] was the rabbit.” Even if you haven’t seen the movie in years, you are likely to recall this sequence. We’re all guilty of it.

Of course, the knowledge that the bunny in Fatal Attraction wasn’t real—just a product of (deranged) cinematic magic—provided some solace to most of us. However, this is not the case: According to Hollywood Reporter editor Stephen Galloway’s biography of Paramount Pictures CEO Sherry Lansing, Leading Lady, the bunny from that notorious scene was very much real. But don’t call PETA just yet: Before the Fatal Attraction crew threw it in the pot, the bunny was also pretty much dead.

Is bunny boiler real? According to a passage from the book obtained by The Hollywood Reporter, the Fatal Attraction crew purchased a real-life dead bunny from a butcher shop to add more punch to the scene. Again, a rabbit prosthesis would have sufficed….)

In Leading Lady, director Adrian Lyne says, “We attempted to tear its innards out to make it real.” But it lacked substance at that point. It was as if it were a sliver of skin. So we had to boil it in its entirety, and the stink was unbearable. Because the odor was so severe, this certainly helped Anne.

Perhaps you or a member of your family have been in a similar position. Hopefully not as insane as Glenn Close’s character, but certainly insane enough.

Maybe you’ve gotten a lot of calls at your house. Perhaps the old partner attempted to threaten or spread lies about you or your spouse by calling or emailing your spouse, family members, or friends. Perhaps there were threats of physical assault or other types of threats that were not made public. Maybe the OP showed up at your workplace or followed you around at home or in public.

I believe you understand what we’re talking about.

These things don’t only happen in movies. They’re quite real.

What to Do If You Have a Bunny Boiler

From my perspective, the activities of a bunny-boiler are similar to those of a stalker. So, as I was making a list of things to do, I looked up how to deal with a stalker on the internet and came across the National Center for Victims of Crime website. They just so happen to have a page dedicated to stalking.

Here are a few of their suggestions:

Actions you can take

Stalking is a risky and unexpected activity. There are no two stalker situations that are the same. Although nothing can ensure that what works for one person will work for another, you can make efforts to improve your safety.

  1. Call 911 if you are in urgent danger.

Trust your gut feelings. Don’t minimize the threat. You are probably in danger if you feel unsafe. Consider the dangers. When a stalker talks about suicide or murder, or when a victim tries to leave or end the connection, the danger level rises.

  1. Call a crisis hotline, a victim assistance organization, or a domestic violence or rape crisis program. They can assist you in developing a safety plan, providing you with information about local legislation, weighing options such as obtaining a protective order, and referring you to other resources.
  2. Create a safety plan that includes things like modifying your routine, booking a place to stay, and bringing a friend or relative along. Also, plan ahead of time what you’ll do if the stalker shows up at your house, work, school, or any other location. Let the people know how they can help you.To learn more about safety plans, go here.
  3. Maintain proof of the stalking by refusing to connect with the stalker or responding to attempts to contact you. Note the time, date, and location when the stalker follows you or contacts you. Emails, text messages, phone messages, letters, and notes should all be saved. Photograph anything the stalker takes from you, as well as any harm the stalker causes. Make it a point for witnesses to take notes on what they see.Download a stalker incident and behavior log by clicking here.
  4. Make a police report. There are stalking laws in every state. Other laws may have been violated by the stalker, like those prohibiting him from hurting you, stealing, or destroying your property.
  5. Consider obtaining a court order prohibiting the stalker from approaching you.
  6. Inform your family, friends, housemates, and coworkers of the stalking and ask for their help.
  7. Inform the security staff at your workplace or school. Solicit their assistance in ensuring your safety.

If you or someone you know is being followed, pay attention.

  • Show your support for the cause.
  • Don’t hold the victim responsible for the crime.
  • Remember that each case is unique, and give the individual being stalked the freedom to choose how to respond.
  • Find someone with whom you can discuss the situation.
  • Take precautions to protect yourself.

Bunny boiler Conclusion

bunny boiler conclusion 2

Bunny boiler Conclusion. Moving on is more difficult for some people than it is for others. It’s a tragic tale.

For whatever reason, they can’t seem to let go of the past. Part of them still hopes to reunite with their ex and live happily ever after. Their ex-partner may have remarried and even had children with someone else, yet it makes no difference. The bunny boiler lives in a fantasy world in which their ex will return and everything will be “happy ever after” one day.

Bunny boiler Conclusion. Being unable to look forward to the future without your ex is mentally devastating, and in some situations, constantly obsessing about the past can push a person over the line and into the world of the Fatal Attraction Bunny Boiler. This isn’t only a female problem; men can be BBs as well.

Further reading

Relationship Courses
All Services
Improve my relationship
I think my boyfriend is cheating on me
Family Therapy

Overwhelmed meaning


PTSD quotes

Cheating quotes

Relationship poems

What to do if a guy doesn’t text you for a week

Stages of a rebound relationship

Feeling used

I am too scared to date again

9 texts to never send a man or woman

I still love my ex

Do you have anger issues please take the test click here

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