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Emotional ramifications

Emotional ramifications

emotional ramifications

Stress is real. Anything can bring stress in your life, work-life, relationships, etc. Identifying what is causing stress helps a lot in treating it. Different people respond to stress in different ways, and there is nothing wrong with it.

This article is all about emotional ramifications, what are some signs of emotional repression and stress. How you can deal with this and not let emotions derail your life.

Emotional ramifications meaning

emotional ramifications meaning

Emotional ramifications meaning is the emotional consequences of trauma. Let’s look at the definition so that you can have a brief idea of what it is.

Emotional ramifications definition

emotional ramifications definition

Here is the Emotional ramifications definition:

“Emotional ramification is how trauma affects our emotions and how we respond to it. Different people are affected differently thus they behave differently.”

How do you know if you are emotionally repressed?

how do you know if you are emotionally repressed

How do you know if you are emotionally repressed? Recognizing your emotional repression is not easy, and there is nothing like a perfect test that you can take to be sure. But if you have repressed emotions, you might notice a few things. Signs of emotional repression can help you in understanding your feelings and your behavior in response to those feelings towards yourself or others.

Signs of emotional repression in your feelings

Those who have repressed emotions find it troubling and also difficult to understand and name their feelings. This can make it difficult to describe how you feel to others. Additionally, it also makes it tough for you to identify when certain things and aspects of your life are not benefiting you or your needs. Here are some signs of emotional repression in your feelings:

  • You feel blank or numb regularly.
  • You feel low, stressed, or nervous a lot, and most of the time, you don’t even know why.
  • You keep on forgetting things.
  • You experience unease and discomfort when you are around others, and they share their feelings.
  • You feel calm and cheerful mostly as you never let your emotions and thoughts make you upset.
  • You feel irritated or distressed when people ask how you feel.

Signs of emotional repression in your behavior

Repressed feelings can affect your behavior too. If expressing your emotions is difficult for you, your emotions will start building up, and one day they will explode eventually, sometimes even in response to small triggers. This can cause issues in your relationships. Here are some signs of emotional repression in your behavior:

  • Talking about things that matter to you is very difficult.
  • Building intimate relationships is not easy at all.
  • Understanding the emotions of others is easy for you.
  • Praising or encouraging yourself is extremely tough.

You will also notice that:

  • You move along with situations and do not share what you actually need or want.
  • You use social media, TV, even substances, or other things to help deal with numb and avoid feelings that you do not want to figure out.
  • Instead of spending some time alone with yourself, you avoid that and always try to be around other people.
  • You show passive-aggressive behaviors for dealing with circumstances that really upset you.
  • Others might describe you as calm, chill, or relaxed, but that is not you, actually.

What is the meaning of emotional distress?

what is the meaning of emotional distress

What is the meaning of emotional distress? Stress is a natural physical and mental response to life experiences. Emotions are our intense feelings, experiences, and expectations, the imbalance in our emotions that causes emotional stress. Emotional stress is a form of internal stress. Symptoms of emotional stress can be both physical, mental, and behavioral. Emotional stress is triggered by fear, depression, sadness, rejection, helplessness, anger and grief, anxiety, panic attacks or self-criticism, and various situations. Emotional stress basically refers to the emotional and physical reactions a person experiences when confronted with a situation.

What are emotional stress symptoms?

what are emotional symptoms

Emotional stress can be caused by one, more than one, a combination of different factors and can also vary from person to person and situation. For example, death, separation, unemployment in a family, stressful workplace, the burden of responsibilities, and lack of rest can be caused by mental stress.

Emotional distress is a state of suffering emotionally. It includes a lot of symptoms, but hallmarks are the signs of anxiety and depression. Emotional stress can affect you at any time, but usually, it is temporary. But symptoms of emotional distress may last longer than usual in the case of mental health disorder. If you are wondering what are emotional stress symptoms? Here are some major symptoms of emotional distress:


It is a lot different from depression. It is not just related to feeling sad but having an overwhelming feeling of dread. Stress can be linked to anxiety and disorders related to it. According to a study, researchers have studied the effects of stress at work and home on anxiety and depression levels. It was suggested that those who have high work stress levels are more likely to have more symptoms of depression and anxiety.


Anger and irritability are common traits in those who are emotionally distressed. According to a study higher anger levels are associated with mental stress and heart attack (stress-related). Another study has shown the relationship between depression, stress level, and anger in caretakers. An association was found between anger levels and care-related chronic stress.

Memory and focus issues

If you feel like you have issues with memory and focus, stress can be the root cause. A review has investigated stress response pathways in the brain and how they affect long-term memory. And researchers suggest that some hormones that follow traumatic or stressful events can impair memory.

Compulsive behavior

Addictive behaviors and stress are strongly linked with each other. According to a study, changes that occur in the brain in response to stress can play a huge role in the development of addiction. Researchers also say that the physical nature of the brain changes in chronic stress and can promote addiction-forming behaviors and habits. Another study suggests that genetic variations can also play a role in stress response and can also make someone vulnerable towards addiction.

Mood swings

If you feel emotional distress, you will experience mood swings too. A study from 2014 suggested that both physical and social stressors can affect your moods and emotional well-being. Just like other symptoms of emotional distress, it is easy to see how strongly stress can influence your overall mood.

Some other symptoms of emotional stress are:

  • Poor judgment
  • Constant worrying
  • Only seeing negative
  • Racing thoughts

Some emotional symptoms may include:

  • Unhappiness
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Isolation and loneliness
  • Physical symptoms are:
  • Chest pains
  • Constipation and diarrhea
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Flu and colds
  • Dizziness and nausea

Behavioral symptoms may include:

  • Eating less or more
  • Withdrawing from others
  • Sleep issues
  • Procrastination
  • Using cigarettes, alcohol, or drugs
  • Nervous habits like nail biting

Signs of trauma in adults

signs of trauma in adults

Bad things happen in our life and getting over these bad experiences is not easy. Trauma is something in response to highly stressful events that can destroy your sense of safety and make you feel helpless in this cruel world. We all respond differently to trauma and experience a wide range of emotional and physical reactions. There is no wrong or right way to feel, think or respond to a trauma, so there is no need to judge yours and other’s reaction. Your reaction to abnormal events is completely normal. Here are some signs of trauma in adults:

  • Disbelief, shock, or denial
  • Difficulty concentrating, confusion
  • Mood swings, anxiety, and anger
  • Fear, guilt, and shame
  • Self-blame
  • Hopeless or sad
  • Feeling numb

Some physical symptoms may include

  • Nightmares or insomnia
  • concentration issues
  • Being startled easily
  • Agitation and edginess
  • Racing heartbeat
  • Muscle tension

Suppressing emotions effects

suppressing emotions effects

Suppressing emotions effects are severe. This can lead to extreme emotional stress. The effects of emotional stress are far more severe than other types of stress. For example, chaotic relationships can disrupt emotions that lead to anger and frustration. Stress affects physical health as well as mental health. Even short-term stress can have a devastating effect on your heart if it is bad enough. A condition called Broken-Heart Syndrome is a weakening of the left ventricle of the heart, which usually occurs as a result of intense emotional or physical stress.

High levels of stress in pregnant women can also trigger changes in behavior and developmental problems, especially as their children get older. Stress can damage the heart because stress hormones increase your heart rate and constrict your blood vessels. This makes the heart work harder, resulting in an increase in blood pressure. Stress can lead to being overweight, which increases the chances of getting the disease. The dangers posed by even mild stress should not be underestimated. They can cause chronic disability, resulting in the inability to function.

How to deal with emotional distress?

Dealing with emotional stress is not easy, but you can do this with little struggle. Here are some tips for you to deal with stress. If these tips do not work for you, talking to a mental health provider will be the best option for you: GET SUPPORT NOW CLICK HERE


In case you’re feeling overwhelmed by something upsetting, take a break from everything and enjoy relaxing music.  Playing quiet music positively affects the mind and body, can bring down blood pressure, and lessen cortisol, a hormone that is lined with stress. Try something classic; however, in the event that classic truly isn’t your thing, consider listening to sea or nature sounds.

Talking to a friend

In case you are feeling anxious, talk to a friend. Healthy relationships with friends and family are really important for a healthy lifestyle. They’re particularly important when you’re under a great deal of pressure. A consoling voice, in any event, can make things better.


Calling a friend is not always an option. If so, talking to yourself can be the best thing. There is nothing wrong with that; if you feel like you will seem crazy, don’t worry about it. Simply tell yourself why you’re worried, what you need to do to resolve or ease the current issue, and in particular, that things will get better.

Eat healthy

Stress levels are associated with diet closely. At the point when we’re overwhelmed, we frequently neglect to eat well and shift towards sugary, fatty foods. Try to keep yourself away from these sweet snacks and plan before. Vegetables and fruits are best. Additionally, fish that is rich in omega-3 fatty acids can help in reducing the symptoms of stress.


Mindfulness is what we all need If we want to deal with stress. Meditation helps you in understanding your issues and calmly dealing with them. You can also join a class learn some new tactics.

Repressed emotions test

repressed emotions test

There are plenty of repressed emotions tests available online but keep in mind these tests are not completely accurate. Only a professional mental health provider can help you figure out what is the exact issue. Here are some questions that might be asked in a Psychological consequences test:

  • I pay attention to how I feel.
  • I have no idea how I am feeling.
  • I have difficulty making sense out of my feelings.
  • I care about what I am feeling.
  • I am confused about how I feel.
  • When I’m upset, I acknowledge my emotions.
  • When I’m upset, I become embarrassed for feeling that way.
  • When I’m upset, I have difficulty getting work done.
  • When I’m upset, I become out of control.
  • When I’m upset, I believe that I will end up feeling very depressed.
  • When I’m upset, I have difficulty focusing on other things.
  • When I’m upset, I feel guilty for feeling that way.
  • When I’m upset, I have difficulty concentrating.
  • When I’m upset, I have difficulty controlling my behaviors.
  • When I’m upset, I believe there is nothing I can do to make myself feel better.
  • When I’m upset, I become irritated with myself for feeling that way.
  • When I’m upset, I lose control over my behavior.
  • When I’m upset, it takes me a long time to feel better.

psychological consequences test

These questions will come with the following options, and you have to choose the most relatable answer:

  • Almost Never
  • Sometimes
  • About Half the Time
  • Most of the Time
  • Almost Always

What emotional issues mean?

what emotional issues mean

What emotional issues mean, and how you can deal with these issues? I have shared plenty of suggestions but now let’s ask some Reddit users what they have to say:

  • “Cognitive Behavior Therapy and keeping a journal. Maybe try reading this book. It helped me a lot. Edit: Also, maybe try not following all of the advice in this thread about drinking and having casual sex. You may just turn into a sex addicted alcoholic.”
  • “Part of being an adult is realizing that there are indeed times when getting hammered to the point that you don’t care is the proper answer. The bigger part is being able to realize when it’s necessary.”
  • “COUNSELING! really. find a therapist you are comfortable with — it can take a few tries to find the right person. many have sliding scales for fees in case you don’t have insurance. i have a masters degree in psych, so you’d think i’d know enough on my own never to have needed therapy, but i promise you that with the right therapist it can change your life and help you understand what makes you happy and what makes you unhappy and how to change dysfunctional patterns. i agree that getting drunk with friends can help, say, a bad DAY. but that internal grief — you need to give that real attention. good luck!!!”
  • “I try and get over it. Let’s not sugar coat things. It’s hard. it really sucks. But there’s nothing worse than wallowing in it. Pull yourself out. You can do it. Other people have done it. And in the end, everything will be alright.”
  • “I have been talking with friends and pretty much anyone that will listen. Besides the gym it is about all you can, plus try to make any painful experience into a learning experience. If you are going to hurt try to get something out of it. Time, only time can really cure this. Good luck my friend and may your pain pass soon.”
  • “I don’t “get over it.” I first acknowledge the way I feel does not help my current emotional state nor does it help me as a person. In no way does it help me grow. Then I accept the situation as fact. Moping on ‘what-if’ does not help. It is what it is, and nothing else can be done. Finally, I decide what can I actually do. If it’s an emotional thing, and you don’t want to confide, just try to keep your mind off your distress, play video games, or something. When you finish, hold onto that state of calm disinterest that your emotional pain caused. Realize that if your pain can be distracted, then it can be overcome. Essentially, if emotional pain was a person, you’d get to know him intimately, know everything about him, and then murder him ruthlessly.”
  • “Emotions are just feedback. This has been a very constructive way for me to view emotions. It makes it easier to figure out exactly why you feel a certain way and how to fix it.”
  • “I used to hit myself when I was an emo kid. Now I find a nice corner to cry in if things get too overwhelming, do a shot or two. Mostly just try to talk to someone about it. A short conversation, don’t over blow it and keep talking about the same issue for months. This is why therapy is such a big business. If you have one good friend to be a sound board and doesn’t give horrible advice, keep them close and treat them nice. They’ll be the one that gets you through shit.”
  • “By realizing there are way worse things that could be happening to you and that time spent dwelling is time wasted. On a conclusive note, FBGM now on to the next one.”
  • “Every time I’m having a bad day, or sad, in pain etc, I just remember that my life could be FAR worse (living in a 3rd world country, in slavery, constant starvation). It always cheers me up to know that no matter how bad my life is, I’m still more fortunate than a large portion of the Earth’s population.”
  • “I listen to music and watch TV shows that make me feel good. Then I just tell myself to stop thinking about it. Seriously. I mentally force myself to just not worry about it anymore.”
  • “Keep doing what you’re doing and add some things. Socialize with friends, do things you enjoy, even if your heart isn’t totally in it. You’ve already found that out with hitting the gym – no matter what you do, it seems like it temporarily covers things up because that’s all it does. But eventually, you realize that you are actually enjoying a little bit again, and the temporary relief lasts a little longer. It just takes time, but if you don’t just make yourself do those things, then you have nothing but depression and that can take you in the other direction. At least by keeping busy, you’re on track to feel as good as you can, as quickly as you can. The sun will come out again!”
  • “Personally, I just turn the emotions off. Yes they will creep up on you occationally but if you are able to cut them off you’ll slowly start to feel better. I basically refuse let myself feel bad. Most people are unable to do this, however, and I suggest you take the advice of ‘coreysucks’. Face your demons head on or just forget about them and move on.”
  • “I try to pour myself into hobbies (reading, video games, photography, writing) or spend time with other people that aren’t mind-fucking me. If that fails there’s a bar 10 blocks from my house that has $2 patron shots for an hour every night. That usually works to block out emotional anything.”
  • “My personal method is to give myself anything from a day to a couple of weeks, depending on the severity of the situation, in which I get drunk every day and wallow in self-pity. It’s nice to allow yourself that messy time. Then I tell myself to man up and get back to normal.”


When stress is prolonged, the risk of mental health problems as well as medical problems increases. Chronic stress increases the risk of mental health problems such as anxiety and depression, sleep problems, complaints such as pain and muscle stiffness. Another link between stress and mental health is the immune system. During a stress response, the immune system is activated, helping to keep us safe. But prolonged activation and chronic stress can adversely affect brain function. In many cases, the system that controls the stress response no longer returns to normal. It can have a negative impact on attention, memory, and the way we deal with emotions. This chronic stress contributes to physical and mental illness through the effects on cardiovascular, immune, and metabolic functions and hormones acting on the brain. Emotional stress can also seriously affect a person’s concentration and ability to make decisions.

So, this was all about emotional ramifications. I have tried my best to share useful information with you hope  you will find it helpful. GET SUPPORT NOW FROM  MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONAL CLICK HERE.

Further reading

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