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Fertility test

Fertility test

A fertility test is a kind of medical test that is considered when a couple is having a problem with conceiving. This test indicates whether a couple is fertile or not; underlying issues are also identified. In some cases, these fertility tests help you identify the most fertile days so that you can have a better chance at conceiving.


This article is all about fertility test, what are some tests for men and women, and some other useful information. So let’s get started:

Fertility test for women

Fertility tests are recommended to a woman when she’s trying to conceive for more than a year but didn’t succeed. Both partners have to undergo fertility tests to determine the major cause that’s been contributing to a failed pregnancy. We may think that pregnancy occurs in a female body, but it takes both partners to get involved in the reproductive system through sexual intercourse.

Generally, a healthy woman below the age of 35 and failed to get pregnant even after trying for one year with regular unprotected sex should see a gynaecologist. Contrary to this, if a healthy woman above 35 also failed to conceive after having six months of regular unprotected sex, she should also consult a doctor to get some basic testing done.

In this portion, we will talk about different fertility tests for women that must be done to evaluate the real cause of their infertility.

Basic Ultrasound (Pelvic) Exam

To get pregnant, a female must release an egg each month. This process is called “ovulation”.  Therefore, to check the normal functioning of follicles that are found in the ovaries, a physical exam is done. The release of an egg during the process of ovulation is triggered by these ovarian follicles.

This pelvic examination is also done to check if the thickness of the uterine lining is normal or not. It is also carried out to determine the proper functioning of ovaries and fallopian tubes. This test should be carried out before 15 days of the start of a woman’s menstrual cycle to get appropriate results.

Female Hormone Blood Test

To determine the reason for a woman’s infertility, a hormone level blood test is also carried out. It is used to check the normal hormone level in the woman’s reproductive system. Different hormones have different roles in the female body. That’s why testing should also be done accordingly.

The test for both FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone) should be done at the start of the menstrual cycle (day 3). Similarly, the levels of progesterone and estradiol hormones should be measured after the ovulation cycle.

Other hormone level blood test includes; testosterone, inhibin B, DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), and prolactin. The level of Inhibin B is checked to see the potential response of ovaries in the triggering of the ovulation process.

Ovulation Test by BBT Charting

Your doctor also recommends this test to see if the ovulation process is normally occurring in your body. For this purpose, he will ask you to chart your BBT (basal body temperature) for a specific time to measure the time of ovulation. Apart from this, ovulation sticks are also available in the pharmacy to predict your time of ovulation.

LP (Luteal Phase) Test

This test is performed when the egg is released from the female’s ovary at the luteal phase of ovulation. This test measures the level of progesterone and other hormones. When these hormones are released in your body, they prepare you to conceive by making your uterus lining thicker.

Postcoital Test

To get this test done, you are required to have sexual intercourse in advance (several hours before the test). This will help you to get clear and more authentic results of the test. You have to go to your doctor to give him the cervical mucus sample. Then your doctor will check that sample under the microscope to see if the sperm can survive in the female’s cervical mucus.

This test is also helpful as it checks the presence of any harmful bacteria (gonorrhoea and chlamydia) in the cervix that can contribute to female infertility. The cervical mucus discharged from the female cervix gives nutrition and protection to the male sperms to help them pass through the woman’s reproductive tract. Once the sperm gets through the female cervical mucus, it interacts to fertilize the egg.

Oestrogen hormone is responsible for the stimulation of cervical mucus. This  is why the postcoital test is also known as the “cervical test”. This test determines the feasibility of sperms swims in the cervical mucus.


This test is performed to check the problems in the uterus and the cervix with the help of a camera. A thin tube or telescope-like tool is lodged in the uterus through the cervical area. This insertion allows the doctor to see inside the uterus to find out the problems that cause abnormality of the uterus that later turns out to be infertility. Any specific area inside the uterus can also be photographed to examine later.

Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)

This test is usually conducted between the 7th and 13th day of your menstrual cycle. It’s also known as “tubogram”. A dye is injected into the fallopian tubes and uterus to check for any blockage in the fallopian tubes and abnormality in the uterus. Thy dye is injected via the vagina or cervix. The dye cannot pass through the blockages and thus will focus on the defects in the fallopian tubes and uterus that can be seen by an X-ray.


This test is the alternative to HSG. In this test, a vaginal ultrasound wand is used to see the abnormal growth and defects inside the uterus after filling the uterus with saline water.

Endometrial Biopsy

A biopsy is taken of the uterus lining (endometrium) tissue with the help of a catheter. This sample is then examined in the lab to see the normal thickness of the uterus lining required to implant an egg. It’s a bit painful and uncomfortable test; therefore, a painkiller is usually given before conducting it.


Another fertility test for women is laparoscopy. This is a minor surgery type test that is carried out under general anaesthesia. A laparoscope (fibre-optic tube camera) is placed inside the abdomen through a small cut. This will help the doctor to look for any defects in the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes. This is also used to check endometriosis.

Fertility Tests for Men

As both partners are involved in the reproduction process, hence it is also necessary for guys to go under fertility tests for men. Being a man and a responsible partner, you should also take charge to go see a doctor with your wife. If your wife isn’t conceiving a baby, then there are 40% chances that you can also be the reason for it, according to ASRM (American Society for Reproductive Medicine).

Besides female fertility tests, there are also many ways to check the infertility of men. Infertility in men doesn’t generally show any signs or symptoms. The only way to find out it is to get tested and evaluated by your doctor.

Fertility tests for males involve a general medical examination and a semen analysis. This semen test is performed to check the viability, shape, number, and movement of the sperms. The following are some general fertility tests for men that are conducted to check the reasons for male infertility.

Urine Test

A very basic test often performed to check the causes of infertility in males is a urine test. Your doctor will ask you to give a urine sample and send it to  the lab. This urine test will detect if you have any UTI (urinary tract infection). This infection is caused by some harmful bacteria like gonorrhoea and chlamydia that can cause severe swelling in the scrotum and testicles of men.

Medical History Evaluation

Your doctor asks you your medical history, like any STIs, chronic illnesses, cancer treatment, surgery, etc., to assess all the possible causes that can contribute to male infertility. He will also talk to you about your lifestyle, sexual habits, and other health factors that can restrict your fertility.

Genetic Sperm Testing

Genetic testing of sperm samples is carried out when other fertility tests for men don’t show any abnormality. Some men don’t have Vas deferens (main sperm line) in them by birth. This means that it’s a genetic problem. That’s why they have very low sperm concentration in their semen.

Retrograde Ejaculation

This condition occurs when the male sperms, instead of ejaculating in the forward direction, moves backwards in the bladder. The test that’s used to analyze it is known as “post-ejaculatory urinalysis”. If the male sperms stay in the urine even after ejaculation, then this refers to retrograde ejaculation. In this condition, the sperm do not swim towards the female egg and thus contributes to male infertility.

Semen Analysis

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This test is the most common one among all the fertility tests for males. In this test, a trained doctor will analyze your sperm morphology (shape), its number, and its quality (how motile it is), etc. This test is also used to check the amount of semen a man produces.

If a man’s semen analysis shows a higher amount of sperm, it means that he has a high fertility level. But this is not the hard and fast rule to tell a man’s fertility. Around 15% of the man with normal semen and a high number of sperms (normal morphology) are infertile.

To get appropriate results, you should go for two tests at different times. Sometimes, the first semen analysis shows false-positive results. That’s why it’s crucial to get the second test done at least one to-two weeks apart from the first test because the sperm level keeps changing due to many factors.

Basic Physical Exam

It involves the analysis of male testicles to see the presence of any abnormality. If it shows the unusual origination of veins over the testicles, it is termed “varicoceles”. This condition can also be the reason for male infertility.

Blood Test to Evaluate Hormones Level

Fluctuation in hormones level doesn’t indicate male infertility. Around 97% of men are infertile with normal hormones level in their blood. The hormone that is responsible for the formation of sperms in men is “testosterone”. It also has a role in the sexual development of men. So, a blood test is usually carried out to check the normal hormone level in the blood.

Scrotal Ultrasound

An ultrasound of the man’s scrotum is performed to see testicle blockage. Semen (contains sperms) is transferred through the ejaculatory ducts and vesicles. If there’s any obstruction in these vesicles or between the testicles and penis, the semen will not get transferred properly. This prevents your partner from getting pregnant as the sperms don’t interact with the egg due to the blockage.

Anti-Sperm Antibodies

No matter If a man produces plenty of sperms in the semen, if they don’t get where they need to go, then it also makes it difficult for his wife to conceive. The abnormal formation of antibodies in a man’s body also affects the interaction of the sperm with the female egg. That’s why some men have a high amount of sperm in their testicles but a very low amount in the semen due to defects in the ejaculatory duct, vesicles, veins, and penis.

Fertility test NHS

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NHS is UK’s biggest health website, about 50 million people visits it every month. From different parts of the UK, services and information can vary, so you have to visit the local website. NHS also offers clinical services, so you can contact them for fertility test NHS too.

How can I get fertility test on NHS?

How can I get fertility test on NHS? Well, if you are looking for a fertility test NHS, you can visit their website and book your appointment. There is also a substantial amount of information available on NHS regarding what are some useful fertility tests and how you can perform them at home. There is a proper guide, so no matter how complicated the questions you have in your mind, you can get your answers here.

Fertility test boots

Fertility test boots strips are basically for tracking the ovulation period. These ovulation test strips allow you to identify the most fertile days by detecting a surge or sharp rise in luteinizing hormone level that happens before 24-48 hours before ovulation.

Why fertility test boots strips are preferred?

  • It comes with a 99% accuracy rate.
  • Results are easy to read.
  • Urine LH test is done.
  • You get results in 5 minutes.


The package comes with clear instruction, so you do not have to worry about how you can use it. However, here are some things that you need to take into consideration Fertility test boots:

  • Store it in a dry place from 4°C to 30°C.
  • Keep it away from access of children.
  • These are not intended to use as contraceptives.
  • These strips are for in vitro use only, do not use internally.
  • Use each strip once and do not use the test stick after the expiry date.

How can I test my fertility at home?

How can I test my fertility at home? Plenty of at-home fertility tests are available these days. These tests are convenient and affordable. However, at-home tests are very beneficial sometimes but not reliable all the time. They cannot replace the testing done by a professional physician. Naveed Khan explains:

“As we see more at-home testing options on the market, we’re concerned that patients may waste valuable time relying on at-home tests that may provide inaccurate or incomplete information.”

How can I test my fertility?

How can I test my fertility? Well, if you want to test your fertility at home, you can consider the FSH test. This test helps the user figure out the status of ovarian reserve or remaining eggs in the ovaries.

How is it administered?

Most at-home FSH tests are the same as pregnancy tests managed at home. For simple testing, utilize a little cup for collecting urine from first urination. Then, at that point, dunk the testing stick into the sample of urine taken and spot on a levelled surface while the test outcomes register. Based upon the test, this might take up to 30 to 45 minutes. See the directions matched with your at-home test for the best outcomes.

Timing with this test is vital: all FSH testing—regardless of whether finished at home or with a doctor—is to be finished on the third day of the monthly cycle. The primary day of full stream draining before 3:00 p.m. is viewed as day 1.

How the assessment is done?

This test helps you identify whether the FSH levels in urine are elevated or normal. If the test result indicates that there is an increased level of FSH, there is a chance that ovarian function is decreased.

Is it accurate?

  • The outcomes give an overall estimation range rather than the particular number that a doctor can acquire from a standard blood test. This estimated range doesn’t consider your age, which has a major effect while deciding the impact a higher age will have on your capacity to conceive.
  • FSH levels can fluctuate from one month to another, so chances of unreliable and false results are possible. In the event that a lady with a high FSH level takes an at-home FSH test in a month when the FSH level is slanting low, the outcomes may seem ordinary. When taking a gander at FSH, a doctor would likewise arrange tests assessing the antral follicle check (AFC), estradiol (E2), and anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) levels. These tests, utilized in addition to FSH, give a true look into the actual status of ovarian reserve.
  • At-home FSH tests do not give accurate results when taken while you are already using contraceptives or birth control pills. It is proposed to stop any hormonal contraception for at any rate 60 days before you take the FSH test at home.
  • As this test gives some knowledge into the expected ovarian reserve, it doesn’t tell anything about other various causes of female infertility like fallopian tube blockages or ovulatory disorders.

Fertility test London

If you want to consider a fertility test London you have to consult a doctor. He will ask you about:

  • Your medical histories and overall health. Certain medications and health conditions intervene with your fertility.
  • Your sex life plays a vital role in fertility, so you will be asked about that too, like how often you two have sex, how long have you been trying to conceive and what kind of contraceptive you have used in the past.
  • Your sexual health, as sexually transmitted diseases, can affect fertility, too, like chlamydia.
  • Any problems related to sex, like painful sex, can indicate pelvic inflammatory disease or endometriosis. Ejaculation or erection problems can also have an effect on fertility.
  • Menstrual cycle problems like irregular periods.
  • Your reproductive history, like you already have children; you have been pregnant before or had miscarriages in the past. All these things can affect fertility.
  • You and your partner’s lifestyle also have a substantial effect on fertility. This includes factors like alcohol consumption, weight, the environment you are living in and usage of drugs or smoking.

Your doctor may also talk about your age, and your partner’s age as this plays an important role in fertility.


Fertility tests for men and women are different and available at the different price ranges privately. There are also at-home fertility test kits that you can consider. But keep in mind that these at-home fertility tests are not accurate and cannot replace proper testing and guidance from a doctor. So if you are planning to conceive, it would be better to consult a doctor.

So this was all about fertility tests. I have tried my best to share helpful information with you hope  you will find it useful.

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