Mikhaila Peterson Posted byMiss Date Doctor January 6, 2022May 4, 2024 Table of Contents hide 1 Mikhaila Peterson 1.1 Mikhaila Peterson Father 1.2 Mikhaila Peterson Age 1.3 Mikhaila Peterson Wiki 1.4 Mikhaila Peterson Christian 1.5 Mikhaila Peterson Instagram. 1.6 Mikhaila Peterson diet 1.7 Mikhaila Peterson Podcast 1.8 Mikhaila Peterson Twitter. 1.9 Mikhaila Peterson MBTI 1.10 Mikhaila Peterson Conclusion 1.11 Mikhaila Peterson Podcast Youtube 1.12 Mikhaila Peterson On Joe Rogan 1.13 Mikhaila Peterson On Her Dad 1.14 Mikhaila Peterson Book Recommendations 1.15 Mikhaila Peterson The Times 1.16 Mikhaila Peterson Robert Green 1.17 Jen Fulwiler Mikhaila Peterson 1.18 Rob Henderson Mikhaila Peterson 1.19 Dr. T Jamerson Brewer And T.J. Schmidt Mikhaila Peterson 1.20 Peter Schiff And Robert Breedlove Mikhaila Peterson 1.21 Tanner Guzy Mikhaila Peterson 1.22 Ken Berry Mikhaila Peterson 1.23 Brad Lea Mikhaila Peterson 1.23.1 Mikhaila Peterson Podcast Youtube Conclusion 1.24 Further reading Mikhaila Peterson Mikhaila Peterson, made her public debut as her father Jordan Peterson proceeded to promote “12 Rules” throughout the world. She spoke out about her father’s newfound celebrity in the UK Times and on Joe Rogan’s podcast in the summer of 2018, introducing her own brand, the Lion Diet, a supercharged paleo cuisine consisting primarily of beef, salt, and water. The founding narrative of the diet is now a Peterson canon. Mikhaila Peterson had a long list of diseases as a child, including insomnia, depression, and rheumatoid arthritis, which prompted her to get hip and ankle replacements. She decided to take her health into her own hands after a series of horrifying encounters with prescription drugs, including OxyContin withdrawal, which she described as feeling like ants crawling under her skin. She gradually cut out things from her diet until she was just eating beef, which she claims resolved all of her symptoms and allowed her to quit taking pharmaceuticals. Mikhaila’s carnivorous diet became a family affair immediately. After some skepticism, her father joined up and soon reported identical results: he lost 50 pounds and said that his longstanding despair and anxiety had evaporated, as well as a slew of other health conditions such as psoriasis, gum disease, and leg paralysis. Mikhaila Peterson posted a photo of her mother, Tammy, looking fit and trim in a bikini to Instagram with the hashtag “# meatheals.” The Lion Diet has been dubbed an “immensely stupid idea” by nutritionists, and Mikhaila herself confesses she has no scientific evidence to back it up. Despite this, she encourages people to try it for themselves and has made several attempts to commercialize the concept. You could once spend $120 on Skype with Mikhaila Peterson for an hour eating nothing but steak. She also marketed subscriptions to the Lion’s Lair for $599 a year, which featured “daily communication with me” and “meetups across the world.” On the Mikhaila Peterson subreddit, many people dismiss the Lion Diet as a con. Mikhaila, on the other hand, is a gifted and tireless publicist. She is a strong speaker who shares her own narrative with conviction. She has stated, “I discovered over the years that everything I’d been told and believed about the medical establishment was inaccurate and destructive.” “Testing things out on yourself is the best way to do science on your body.” She documents and promotes her wellness routine on social media, which includes 12-day fasts, cryotherapy, and infrared saunas. And, like any good influencer, she lives the life her followers wish for. Her lips are lush and perma-red, and she favors brand sneakers. Mikhaila Peterson and her husband own a condo in downtown Toronto, and she works out of a rental suite in a five-star hotel that was recently marketed for $6,500 per month. She’s shared photos of herself on private aircraft and poolside with an IV drip, pouring an anti-aging chemical called NAD+ into her arm. Mikhaila’s claim to fame is, of course, her proximity to the messiah. For a time, Mikhaila served as her father’s deputy for a time, assisting him with his business matters while building her own branch of the family business empire. Tammy was diagnosed with a rare form of kidney cancer in early 2019, and Peterson had to drop everything to care for her. Mikhaila has been designated CEO of Luminate Enterprises, one of two firms that manage his books, lectures, online courses, podcasts, and social media outlets. Mikhaila came to Ryerson with an incomplete psychology and classics major, a bachelor’s degree in biological and biomedical sciences, and a four-month tenure on the media services desk. She currently runs a multibillion-dollar business. Mikhaila Peterson took over a failing firm. Her mother was on the verge of death for five months before recovering in August 2019 following a second surgery. But by that point, Peterson had developed a dependency on benzodiazepine, a tranquilizer that his family doctor prescribed in early 2017, shortly after he became a household name, due to the compounding pressures of overnight fame, public persecution, constant travel, and high expectations, plus the overwhelming fear of losing his wife. (Her father was prescribed the medicine after a severe autoimmune reaction to sodium metabisulfites in alcoholic apple cider, according to Mikhaila.) During Tammy’s hospitalization, Peterson’s doctor raised his dosage at his request, but this simply made his anxiety worse. He also suffered from akathisia, which is the unpleasant sensation of being poked with an electric cattle prod on a regular basis. As a result, he made the decision to stop taking anti-anxiety medications completely. Benzodiazepines are infamous for being difficult to get off of. Cold turkey quitting can result in deadly convulsions, and gradually reducing the dose—the established therapeutic strategy in North America—can take two years of excruciating withdrawal symptoms. Peterson spent more than two months in rehab in the northeast United States, but his akathisia deteriorated as physicians tried to wean him off the benzodiazepines. Peterson was in such pain when he returned to Toronto—”it was like being lashed continually,” he said—that his family had to check him into the hospital. “How can I possibly go on like this?” he’d remark to Tammy and Mikhaila Peterson. The doctors, according to the family, provided no answers. The Petersons conducted an emergency family meeting in December 2019. Mikhaila had devised a strategy. Her spouse, Russian-born business expert Andrey Korikov, had discovered a clinic in Russia that would do an “ultra-rapid” detox. Peterson’s doctors strongly cautioned against it, claiming that removing the benzodiazepines from his system so quickly may kill him and that Russian health care is far behind that of the United States (the country regularly finishes in the lowest third of global health rankings). The family, feeling they’d exhausted all other possibilities, made the tough decision to send Peterson to Moscow. Mikhaila Peterson dragged him out of the hospital before the New Year, hired a nurse and a bodyguard for her father, and the three of them traveled to Russia together. Clinicians sedated Peterson for nine days and performed plasmapheresis, a procedure that involves drawing blood, filtering out hazardous particles, and then returning the blood to the body. Peterson was benzodiazepine-free when he awoke, but he was bedridden and incoherent. He believed he’d been kidnapped in Florida by “tree people,” and that their leader was about to kill him to impress his sweetheart. Mikhaila was chastised by him, and he demanded to know why she had brought him there. Peterson spent a month in a Russian intensive care unit before recouping in Florida, where Mikhaila enrolled him in weekly NAD+ treatments. Last summer, the family sought additional treatment in Belgrade to address the benzodiazepine and detox-related brain impairment. Serbian authorities were underreporting coronavirus cases and deaths at the time, and the country’s COVID limits were lax. Mikhaila captioned a video of herself in a busy nightclub on Instagram, “Coronavirus? I’d never heard of it before. ” Peterson, Mikhaila, Korikov, and their two-year-old daughter all tested positive for COVID-19 later. Mikhaila Peterson ran the family company while Peterson was on the sidelines. She brought on a few additional Luminate employees, including a director of operations, a digital marketing officer, a product manager, and an executive assistant. She kept her father’s YouTube subscribers up to speed on her family’s “horror movie” of a year. She transitioned from grim family news to promotions for the Lion Diet or her father’s social platform, Thinkspot, during media interviews and the introduction to Peterson’s weekly podcast (mainly lectures from the 12 Rules tour). Under her leadership, the Peterson brand has evolved into an ad-heavy, highbrow, beef-fueled reality TV brand. Their viewership continued to increase, but Mikhaila was becoming increasingly concerned about the quick detox. She remarked that she was “screwed if this doesn’t work out because the entire world will blame me.” Not only was her father’s life in jeopardy, but his health problems also revealed hidden discrepancies. Peterson had developed a dependency on prescription meds, and he’d nearly died after Mikhaila defied doctors’ orders. Peterson, who has written disparagingly about addicts and given advice on how to kick drug habits, had developed a dependency on prescription meds, and he’d nearly died after Mikhaila defied doctors’ orders. One of Peterson’s 12 commandments states, “Set your house in perfect order before you critique the world,” despite the fact that his home had been in disarray for years. Peterson miraculously recovered and returned to Toronto in late 2020. Those who doubt Mikhaila’s actions would say that she carelessly played with her father’s life, but in the end, he is alive and independent. Would he have gotten to this point if he had stayed in Toronto? The answer, she believes, is no. Mikhaila Peterson Father Mikhaila Peterson Father. Jordan Peterson is a psychology professor at the University of Toronto, a well-known personality scholar, and the author of the No. 1 best-selling nonfiction book in the United States on Amazon. David Brooks of the New York Times calls him “the most important public thinker in the Western world right now,” echoing George Mason University economist Tyler Cowen. Mikhaila Peterson Father is a right-wing internet celebrity who has claimed that feminists have an “unconscious desire for brutal male domination,” called developing countries “pits of catastrophe” in a speech to a Dutch far-right group, and recently told a Times reporter that he supports “enforced monogamy.” When Cathy Newman, a journalist for Channel 4 in the United Kingdom, questioned Peterson’s reasoning in a televised interview, she received so many death threats that she needed police assistance. In an interview, she said, “There were really hundreds of hateful tweets—it was a semi-organized effort.” “It ranged from the standard “cunt, bitch, dumb blonde” to “I’m going to track you down and execute you.” This isn’t a case of misidentification, where two Jordan Petersons share the same name. These two seemingly disparate characters, the competent academic and the controversy-seeking cultural warrior, are in fact the same person, and their work is inextricably linked.to his mix of intellectual air and outrageous trolling, Peterson has a sizable following thanks to his mix of 560,000 Twitter followers and over 1 million YouTube subscribers. According to Cowen, Peterson “introduces them to many many other things that they just don’t get anywhere else.” “He is still tremendously influential and reaches a vast general public audience of millions, most of whom are young males. “How many other intellectuals do that?” you might wonder. So, how did a little-known Canadian psychologist become a worldwide sensation? The answer is that Jordan Peterson is a perfect fit for our current political climate. His reactionary ideology and public speaking skills make him an ideal candidate for YouTube and right-wing media, where films of conservatives “crushing” weak-minded liberals regularly go viral. Peterson’s anti-identity politics and anti-political correctness rants are standard-issue conservative fare, but his academic credentials give his words far more weight than your average Fox News contributor. (I contacted Peterson, but a spokesman declined my request for an interview.) Peterson appeals to disgruntled young men in particular. His current best-selling book, 12 Rules for Life, is clearly promoted as a self-help manual, and he speaks emotionally about the impact his work has had on frightened, lost young men. Jordan Peterson, then, isn’t just any haphazard professor who hit it big. He exemplifies how white male concerns are fueling today’s powerful political movements across the West. Jordan Peterson’s journey from academic to internet sensation Peterson is a clinical and research psychologist, which means he treats patients and conducts research at the same time. He spent two years working at McGill University’s hospital after receiving his PhD in psychology from one of Canada’s two most prominent universities in 1991. He was then employed by Harvard University, where he taught until 1998. He departed when he was hired as a full professor and practicing clinician at the Institution of Toronto, Canada’s other major university. Peterson’s area of expertise is personality traits, and one of his most well-known studies is a look at what makes people more or less creative, in which he claims that people who pay attention to seemingly “irrelevant” things are actually more creative. He has been cited more than 10,000 times in scholarly journals, according to Google Scholar, and is one of the top 70 researchers in his field. Before writing this post, I chatted with eight academic psychologists, and the response I received to their published work was unanimously positive. David Watson, a psychology professor at Notre Dame, states, “His work in personality evaluation is highly strong and well accepted.” However, as well-respected as this work is, it has little to do with Peterson’s celebrity. Only one of his 20 most referenced publications was published after 2010, and his most impactful studies were published in the late 1990s and early to mid-2000s. His international celebrity, on the other hand, did not begin to rise until October 2016, as assessed by worldwide Google searches for “Jordan Peterson.” In the fall of 2016, Peterson became embroiled in a nationwide Canadian discussion about transgender rights, specifically by refusing to speak to a student using their preferred gender pronouns. At the time, Bill C-16 was being debated in the Canadian legislature, which would prohibit discrimination based on “gender identity” or “gender expression.” Peterson released a series of YouTube videos in September criticizing the law as a serious danger to free speech rights. He stated that he would refuse to use transgender kids’ preferred pronouns since separating gender and biological sex was “radically politically correct thinking” in his opinion. He claimed that C-16 would lead to the arrest of people like him. If I’m fined, I’m not going to pay it. I’ll go on a hunger strike if I’m imprisoned. In an October 2016 TV appearance, Peterson stated, “I’m not doing this.” “I’m not saying things the way other people expect me to say them. Especially if they’re concocted by far-left ideologues.” Experts on Canadian law said Peterson was misreading the bill, and that the legal bar for “hate speech” would require considerably more heinous statements, such as suggesting transgender people should be killed, in order to be prosecuted. This is an early example of what would become a characteristic of Peterson’s public intellectual approach: adopting aggressive, sometimes inaccurate positions on subjects of public interest outside his area of expertise. It did, however, work for him. Within a month of their release, Peterson’s videos on C-16 and political correctness had racked up over 400,000 views on YouTube. In Toronto, there were pro-and anti-Peterson protests, and he was shown on Canadian television. A recorded altercation between Peterson and a group of student activists at the University of Toronto in October 2016 may have been the turning point in the dispute. In it, Peterson patiently answers questions from trans students enraged by his reluctance to acknowledge their gender identification. In the video, he flips the argument on them, claiming that transgender activism, as well as the broader development of political correctness, would inevitably result in an ugly and dangerous backlash. I’ve spent four decades researching Nazism. And I fully comprehend that. And believe me when I say, there are some nasty people lurking in the shadows, “Peterson says. “They’re all set to emerge.” And if the radical left keeps pushing in the same direction, they’ll arrive. The film was viewed by fans of Peterson’s worldview as proof of his brilliance and bravery; Peterson was the embodiment of reason and facts opposing irrational “social justice warriors” (SJWs). According to one edit of the argument that has over 3.5 million views on YouTube, Dr. Jordan Peterson gave up trying to reason with SJWs. For the Peterson brand, this was a watershed moment. It was proof that taking antagonistic stands on camera — particularly in situations when you’re set up to win, such as a calm professor confronted by enraged students — will garner you a large following. On YouTube, there are now a plethora of videos of Peterson debating various liberals and leftists, with headlines like “Leftist Host SNAPS At Jordan Peterson, Instantly Regrets It.” They have received millions of views and have resulted in a large increase in payments to Peterson’s personal Patreon account. From Patreon donations, he presently earns roughly $80,000 every month. “I shouldn’t say this, but I can’t help myself: I’ve found out how to monetize social justice warriors,” Peterson told podcast host Joe Rogan. If they allow me to talk, I get to speak, and I make more money on Patreon. If they oppose me, that goes up on YouTube, and my Patreon account goes WAY up. Peterson’s impressive academic qualifications serve as a kind of legitimizing device, establishing his political authority and making his denunciations of “leftist ideologues” more credible and appealing to his supporters. When you combine his undoubted abilities as a public speaker and debater with his ability to reach global audiences via YouTube, you have a right-wing celebrity who has transcended Canada and become a global reactionary sensation. What is Jordan Peterson’s point of view? In a two-and-a-half-hour lecture titled “Identity Politics and the Marxist Fiction of White Privilege,” Peterson lays out his political principles most clearly. His YouTube post of one of the speeches, given at the University of British Columbia Free Speech Club, has received over a million views, with additional versions and snippets receiving similar numbers. In the lecture, Peterson brings together a wide range of issues—from Soviet history to the biblical account of Cain and Abel, Nietzsche, and scientific experiments, including the administration of cocaine to rats—to create a type of coherent theory of modern politics. At its core, he contends that Soviet-style communism, with all of its immense murder and misery, remains a grave threat to Western culture. Instead of publicly operating, it infiltrates our politics under the cover of “postmodernism.” Peterson’s thesis begins with a scathing critique of Marxism. In Peterson’s opinion, human civilization, like all animal kingdoms, is characterized by biological facts, such as the fact that some people are intrinsically more gifted than others and that existence will always include suffering. He argues that Marxism is based on a deep hatred of those who thrive in a capitalist economy and that attempting to implement it will invariably result in violence. “Do these Marxists have love or hatred in their hearts?” So, is it love or hatred that kills 100 million people? “he rhetorically wonders in his address. The downfall of Soviet communism, according to Peterson, has not stopped communism’s supporters in the West, who quietly hold on to the old, terrible views. He claims that they do so in the name of a school of thought he calls “postmodernism,” which he considers to be his archenemy. He claims that “Western leftist academics are [fundamentally complicit] in the 21st century tragedies.” “They haven’t learnt anything since then; they’ve simply gone underground.” And when I think of postmodernism, I think of it. ” Peterson uses the term “postmodernism” loosely, but he’s alluding to Jacques Derrida and Michel Foucault, two renowned French philosophers working in the middle of the twentieth century. In his presentation on white privilege and Marxism, he stated, “Postmodernists don’t believe in fact.” They believe that the concept of fact is part of the power game that the white-dominated male patriarchy uses to impose the patriarchy’s authoritarian system on oppressors. These arguments appeal to a specific type of young white man, according to Peterson, who stated in a Channel 4 interview that 80 percent of his YouTube following is male. These young men are outraged about the loss of white male privilege, the necessity to compete with women and minorities for employment and admission to elite universities, and the way feminists and racial justice campaigners portray society. They found someone in Peterson who told them that their problems were not only reasonable, but also important; that they had discovered a hidden menace to society at large, and that they were the first victims. This kind of rage about white men’s deteriorating social status is all too frequent in today’s Western society, and it has found a welcoming home in conservative political movements on both sides of the Atlantic. “[Peterson’s] underlying popular appeal is that he allows white guys to stop appearing to care about other people’s concerns,” writes Jesse Brown, host of the Canadaland podcast and a long-time Peterson follower. “He informs his admirers that these so-called oppressed individuals aren’t actually victims at all, but rather aggressors and foes who need to be shut down,” says one fan. But Peterson isn’t just offering these men a framework in which to express their dissatisfaction. He’s also providing them with a map for navigating a society they don’t understand. The self-help guru Jordan Peterson On January 23, 2018, Peterson became more than an internet celebrity. Random House Canada published his book, 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos, at the time, and it shot to the top of international best-seller lists. After the publication of this book and the subsequent press tour, David Brooks declared him the world’s most important public intellectual. The book serves as a link between his scholarly work on personality and his political commentary. In it, Peterson contends that society’s current problem is that too many individuals blame their situation in life on forces beyond their control, such as patriarchy. He claims you may improve your own life by accepting responsibility for yourself and following his principles. The first chapter, which is on posture, starts with a long discussion of crustaceans. Territoriality and demonstrations of dominance characterize lobster society to the extent that it exists. Lobsters at the top of these hierarchies show more authoritative body language, while weaker ones strive to appear smaller and less menacing to those at the bottom. Humans, according to Peterson, are quite similar to lobsters: Our behaviors form our social hierarchies. He claims that if you want to be happy and powerful, you must stand up straight. However, Peterson’s self-help technique is intimately linked to a reactionary politics that privileges white, heterosexual, and cisgender men to the detriment of everyone else. He gives them a sense of purpose by tearing down other people and arguing that the world can and should revolve around them and their concerns. This jarring difference is highlighted later in the same conversation, when he expresses his belief that misogyny is to blame for the condition of the West’s young males. “We’re such idiots.” Young men are becoming increasingly disillusioned with us. “We’re telling them they’re patriarchal oppressors and rape culture residents,” he explains. “It’s terrible.” It’s completely destructible. It’s really pointless. And it’s really depressing. ” In his BBC interview and in his 12 Rules for Life, he expresses tremendous empathy for men and boys. The issue is that he is unable to extend it to others. Mikhaila Peterson Age Mikhaila Peterson Age. Her birthday is January 4th, 1992. As of 2021, he is around 30 years old. Mikhaila has also published a number of books. When she noticed a significant improvement in her health, she decided to pursue a profession as a diet expert and fitness blogger. Mikhaila Peterson Age. Her height and weight have not been revealed. She has lovely eyes and a full head of hair. Her height and weight are unknown. If you want to learn more, keep reading this post to find out everything you need to know. Mikhaila Peterson Wiki Mikhaila Peterson Wiki. Mikhaila Peterson is a well-known figure who has piqued people’s interest in learning more about her, but now the entire world is looking for her. Some people are curious about her personal life, such as her family, net worth, and salary, while others are curious about her work life. So what is Mikhaila Peterson Wiki, read on for details on her life. Mikhaila Peterson is a Canadian lifestyle and diet blogger, as well as a podcaster and CEO. Her podcast, “The Mikhaila Peterson Podcast,” allows her to interview a variety of specialists about wellness, cultural trends, politics, and other areas that are frequently avoided. She also has a show called Opposing Views that examines both sides of controversial issues. Thousands of individuals around the world have been inspired by her story of healing severe autoimmune and mental problems solely through food and lifestyle changes (and subsequently being drug and symptom-free). Mikhaila’s main goals are to help people become resilient and realize how much control they have over their own lives; to encourage others to take responsibility for their physical and mental health; and to show people that no matter what cards they’ve been dealt, they have the power to improve their lives. She is the CEO of Luminate Enterprises, Ltd., a company that produces online media and has a few online goods. She’s working on an app alongside Jordan Peterson to help people become more resilient and improve their lives, as well as finishing a book. She’s also working on a questionnaire that examines frequent autoimmune illness secondary symptoms. Skin problems, digestive problems, exhaustion, and other symptoms of autoimmune disorders are frequent but aren’t given the same attention as the disease’s main symptoms. Rheumatoid arthritis, for example, is characterized by joint pain and swelling, but few people understand that they are also experiencing a slew of other, more dangerous symptoms. Fatigue, skin problems, depression, and stomach problems are all common symptoms. Mikhaila Peterson eats only steak, salt, and water to survive. The 28-year-old is a renowned Canadian blogger, influencer, Youtuber, and podcaster who makes a fortune promoting her odd lifestyle. She claims the “Lion Diet” cured her of various ailments and conditions, and she has 247,000 Instagram followers. It doesn’t take long for the apple to fall far from the tree. Her father, Dr. Jordan Peterson, is equally well-known for his ability to persuade others. He regularly fills full auditoriums with primarily young males who are devout followers of his life philosophy. Mikhaila Peterson was born on January 4, 1992 in the province of Ontario, Canada. She is known across the globe as the daughter of Jordan Peterson, a Canadian licensed psychologist and University of Toronto Professor of Psychology. She has amassed a great deal of celebrity during her life. Mikhaila Peterson’s Husband: Who Is He? Mikhaila Peterson is a well-known and professional YouTuber and author from Canada. According to social media accounts, her marital status is married. Andrey Korikov is her husband’s name. Mikhaila Peterson Christian Mikhaila Peterson Christian. Mikhaila Peterson has been becoming increasingly well-known as her father’s celebrity has grown, particularly during his recent illness, when she kept the public updated on his condition on a regular basis. She is well known for advocating a meat-only diet and freely discussing her mental health issues, in addition to her renowned father. She announced her new faith on her renowned YouTube channel earlier this month, saying she had been reading the Bible and praying for a month. Mikhaila Peterson Christian. Many Christians admire Jordan Peterson for his high-profile discussions of the Bible and Christianity, which he generally endorses, while he avoids proclaiming orthodox Christian beliefs. Many liberals despise him because he has criticized the transgender movement and given alternative explanations for the gender wage gap than the feminist idea that it is due to women’s oppression. Jordan Peterson’s own discussion of Christianity is likely to rise as a result of his daughter’s public statements about finding faith and reading the Bible, further dividing public opinion. In a podcast with Catholic YouTube animator Seamus Coughlin, Mikhaila announced her new faith in a podcast. She stated she had never spoken about it publicly before, but a month ago she “discovered God” after praying because she was experiencing “existential angst.” In the video above, she starts her story at 13:54. Growing up with her father, “I learned a lot about the psychological significance of the Bible,” she remarked. About a month ago, I would say, I discovered God — which I had never done before. “It came out of nowhere.” I’ve been reading the Bible and praying for the past month or so. I’ve never experienced such tranquility before. It’s utterly ridiculous. “I can’t believe what I’m hearing.” She claimed that a “punishing element” in Catholicism turned her off and that “I have enough guilt in me that I punish myself enough.” Jordan has spoken about her mother’s great influence on him, as she is a devout Catholic. Mikhaila explained that the reason for her praying was the fact that four aspects of her life were going terribly. She met a Christian man in Austin, Texas, who told her she needed God and encouraged her to pray for him to show herself to her. That night, she returned home and was “really upset about these four huge difficulties,” she explained. I was praying, fervently praying… All four issues were resolved the next day. I, too, awoke with a sensation of tranquility. Mikhaila, like her father, believes in personal responsibility and frequently criticizes the “left” in the West’s heated “culture wars.” Both of their perspectives, however, are often more complicated than they are given credit for, and are misinterpreted by both their supporters and detractors. It will be fascinating to see how her political ideas evolve as her faith deepens and how this affects public perceptions of her and her family. The other YouTuber and her father, Jordan, continued to discuss Christianity throughout the rest of the podcast, each from a different perspective. Hopefully, rather than criticizing and condemning them, the Church may interact positively with them and assist Mikhaila in deepening her faith. What most moved me was how a man in Austin encouraged Mikhaila to pray and seek God, and how that simple encouragement helped this young woman to reach out and encounter a God she had only heard about but never experienced. Mikhaila Peterson Instagram. Mikhaila Peterson Instagram. Mikhaila Peterson is a well-known and professional YouTuber and author from Canada. Below is a link to her official Instagram account. Her Instagram account has millions of followers, and she has a large number of posts on it. Mikhaila Peterson Instagram Instagram Link – Click Here Mikhaila Peterson diet Mikhaila Peterson diet. Mikhaila Peterson eats steak three times a day. She fries or roasts it, seasoning it with salt and sparkling water, and that’s it. There are no fruits or veggies available. It’s just meat. The “carnivore diet,” the latest culinary craze to hit the internet, claims to have cured the 26-year-old’s rheumatoid arthritis. Yes, it “sounds completely absurd,” she concedes, but there is no study to back it up, and she isn’t equipped to make a medical diagnosis. But now, following in her renowned father’s financial footsteps, she’s offering Skype “consultations” about the diet for around $90 an hour. Mikhaila Peterson diet. Her father is Jordan Peterson, a University of Toronto psychologist who has become a YouTube sensation, best-selling author, and influential thought leader. He is a vocal opponent of political correctness and identity politics. He’s also the most enthusiastic supporter of her program. The professor frequently tweets about his daughter’s diet and even discussed her on Joe Rogan’s famed show. After a year of eating mostly meat and some veggies, he told Rogan in early July that he’d been on an all-meat diet for two months. He’d been sad since he was 13 and had always battled to get up, but his daughter’s diet changed everything, he said. He told Rogan, “I shed 50 pounds.” My appetite has probably decreased by 70%. I don’t have any issues with blood sugar dysregulation. I don’t require nearly as much sleep. ” His anxiety and melancholy had evaporated, and his thinking was clear. “And my gum disease is no longer an issue.” “What the hell is going on?” Mikhaila Peterson promotes her cause on her blog (“Don’t Eat That”) and on Patreon, where she solicits donations. According to her, her website has between 50,000 and 100,000 monthly visitors. She began charging for Skype consultations last week after being inundated with emails and requests to chat. She wrote on her website that she was “here to lend an ear and to go into greater depth about what made me feel better.” A half-hour will set you back $75 Canadian dollars, while an hour will set you back $120. She explained that she just can not afford to blog on a regular basis for free while raising a child. (Her husband works as a business advisor.) According to medical professionals, there is no evidence that an all-meat diet will alleviate melancholy or arthritis. It’s also unlikely to cause significant harm. Some people are still concerned about peddling false hope. “I believe it’s risky for her to be pushing this as a lifestyle, especially for someone who’s untrained and not very knowledgeable,” said Ethan Weiss, a cardiologist at the University of California, San Francisco. People are easily influenced, especially when they are unwell and want to get better, and they will do anything. I’m concerned that this kind of stuff is exploiting those folks who are already struggling. The carnivore diet isn’t Peterson’s invention; it’s an outgrowth of the high-fat, low-carb ketogenic and paleo diets. A Facebook group dedicated to the trend, the World Carnivore Tribe, has 15,000 members. Shawn Baker, a former orthopedic physician with 40,000 Instagram followers and a $49-a-month nutrition and fitness plan called the “Carnivore Training System,” runs it. (Baker’s license to practice medicine has been revoked.) There are 17,000 posts using the hashtag # meatheals on Instagram. The guidelines of the diet are straightforward, as given in subreddits like/r/carnivore and/or/zerocarb: Consume meat and other animal products, stay hydrated, and prefer fattier cuts of meat over slimmer cuts. Proponents argue that meat has all of the nutrients the body needs, and that removing all carbohydrates compels the body to rely on fat for energy. However, physicians do not believe that eating only meat all of the time is healthy. Saturated fats, such as those found in beef, pigs, poultry, and other foods, are recommended by the American Heart Association and the World Heart Federation to help avoid heart disease. Red meat has been linked to colorectal cancer in studies. In addition, a lack of vitamins and fiber, which are generally found in fruits and vegetables, can lead to scurvy and constipation. “I don’t see any health benefits of a diet high in red meat,” said Kristen Smith, a registered dietitian nutritionist with the Academy of Nutritionists and Dietetics, who has watched the carnivore diet’s popularity rise on social media. At this time, there is no evidence that this type of diet produces positive long-term health results. Peterson, on the other hand, is a firm believer. She was sick for most of her life before becoming a carnivore, she told BuzzFeed News. She was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis at the age of seven. It was so serious that she had to have her right hip and left ankle replaced when she was 17 years old. She also began taking antidepressants in fifth grade and dropped out of Concordia University in Montreal owing to mental health concerns later in life. Everything was made worse by constant exhaustion and severe acne. She was on six drugs at once at one point. She explained, “I’ve never believed in nutrition as a treatment for anything significant.” When she got a persistent rash, she tried to take out gluten, which she’d heard had helped other individuals with celiac disease and skin problems. As a result, I tried a limited ketogenic diet, which yielded some relief but mixed outcomes. Finally, she came across a woman who claimed that a meat-based diet had helped her recover from Lyme disease. That night, out of desperation, I just decided, ‘OK, I’ll just go straight to all the beef and see what happens,'” she remembered. It was December at the time. She’s shed weight without exercising since then, she claims (10 pounds in the first two weeks). Her joints are no longer swollen. She doesn’t dread the day, she doesn’t have any food cravings, and she has plenty of energy. Best of all, she’s no longer taking any of her prescriptions. Every month, I’m probably better than the month before, she remarked. Dad is now on board as well. It’s been so difficult watching him progress physically but not all the way mentally for the last three years, she wrote in April about her father. Plus, he rose to popularity, which added to the tension, making it difficult to distinguish between real life and the diet. It turned out that the source of my anxiety was my diet! So that’s fantastic. ” Mikhaila Peterson Podcast Mikhaila Peterson Podcast. Mikhaila Peterson consults with thought leaders, influencers, and industry disruptors to develop new methods to improve the human experience. Mikhaila holds interview-style conversations with everyone from stay-at-home parents to CEOs, fitness fanatics to spiritual guides, nutrition researchers to health specialists, all with the goal of inspiring thinking, discussing difficult matters, and digging into areas that are normally avoided. Mikhaila Peterson Podcast. Her podcast, which has 98 episodes to date, can be found anyplace that podcasts are available, as well as on YouTube. Mikhaila Peterson Twitter. Mikhaila Peterson Twitter. She is a well-known and professional YouTuber and author from Canada. The URL of her official Twitter account, as well as a direct link, is included below. She has a sizable following on Twitter. Mikhaila Peterson Twitter. Her Twitter account has a large number of followers. Here is a link to Twitter. Mikhaila Peterson MBTI Mikhaila Peterson MBTI. Mikhalia Peterson is the child ofT, a well-known psychologist. She is well-known in her own right for overcoming autoimmune-related arthritis and depression with a rigorous no-carbohydrate diet, according to her. Mikhaila Peterson MBTI. She is ESTP – 8w7 – sx/sp – 837 – ILE – SLOEI – Phlegmatic-Choleric Mikhaila Peterson Conclusion Mikhaila Peterson Conclusion. Mikhaila Peterson was born on January 4, 1992, in Stockholm, Sweden. Ontario, Canada is where she was born. As of 2022, she is around 31 years old. She attended Concordia University, George Brown College, and Ryerson University for her studies. She is a citizen of Canada. Mikhaila Peterson Conclusion. Jordan Peterson, a Canadian clinical psychologist who is also a professor of psychology who lectures at the University of Toronto, has a daughter named Mikhaila Peterson. She is a well-known and professional YouTuber and author from Canada. Mikhaila has also published a number of books. When she noticed a significant improvement in her health, she decided to pursue a profession as a diet expert and fitness blogger. She started eating a non-vegetarian diet consisting of beef, water, and salt. Mikhaila’s diet change helped her overcome all of her ailments, and she chose to share it with others who wanted to improve their health by changing their diet.She is a gifted individual. She has a long list of accomplishments to her credit. Mikhaila Peterson Podcast Youtube Mikhaila Peterson Podcast Youtube. Mikhaila Peterson is a Canadian podcaster well-known for hosting The Mikhaila Peterson Podcast. Mikhaila, daughter of controversial medical psychologist Jordan Peterson, swears by a revolutionary yet unproven diet on the blog called You shouldn’t Eat That. Despite her vehement assistance with the diet plan, Mikhaila cautions that folks must not incorporate her assertions as a replacement for healthcare advice. The fast fame has generated an upsurge of followers on her behalf on social media content. Mikhaila has 267K fans on Instagram, 232K subscribers on YouTube, and many fans that listen in to listen to this lady’s podcast. Mikhaila Peterson Podcast Youtube. Mikhaila along with her dad Jordan Peterson comply with a rigorous carnivorous diet plan which involves the consumption of meat best Mikhaila started experiencing medical problems at the age of two. Five years later, specialists diagnosed her with rheumatoid arthritis symptoms and placed her there on a cocktail of immunosuppressants. She experienced nightmare bouts of anxiety got to end up being the norm for Mikhaila. A psychologist recommended antidepressants, which assisted augment her psychological state. Mikhaila Peterson Podcast Youtube. In her early adolescents, she experienced idiopathic insomnia, an illness characterized by an excessive amount of sleep and a continuing feeling of exhaustion. At age 17, the cartilages on her ankle eroded, necessitating hip and ankle substitution. During substitution, Mikhaila’s mental health worsened, and before the conclusion of this her procedure she dropped completely. For almost all of her teenage age, Mikhaila was in fact on a particular prescription, however, the pills didn’t function or they worked for a little while before turning futile. Then, a naturopath suggested she begin removing specific foods from the her diet plan to see if it can assist in improving her fitness. Mikhaila Peterson Podcast Youtube. To her wonder, her fitness started improving with every food she eliminated. In the end, she remained with beef, sodium, and drinking water. Mikhaila spoke to Toronto about her carnivorous diet plan: Experts, and Mikhaila’s doctor, are particularly suspicious of the diet, but for Mikhaila, the alternative try was far worse. The skepticism is grounded on extensive research providing you that consuming vegetables and fruit is beneficial to someone’s health. Mikhaila Peterson Podcast Youtube. Mikhaila is insistent, however, that this her eating plan work. Her podcast, ‘The Mikhaila Peterson Podcast’, provides a platform where she hosts a wide range of experts to discuss health, cultural phenomena, politics, and other topics that are often shied away from. Her series “Opposing Views” brings forth experts of their field to discuss contentious subjects with contrary beliefs to one another, with the goal of inspiring others to form their own educated opinion. Her story of overcoming severe autoimmune and mood disorders with diet and lifestyle and subsequently becoming medication and symptom-free have inspired hundreds of thousands of people across the globe. Mikhaila’s main goal is to help people become resilient, and recognize how much control they have over their own life, to encourage others to take responsibility for their physical and mental health, and to help show people that they have the power to better their lives, regardless of the cards they’ve been dealt. Mikhaila Peterson On Joe Rogan Mikhaila Peterson On Joe Rogan. Joe Rogan is described on his website as “stand up comic, mixed martial arts fanatic, psychedelic adventurer, host of The Joe Rogan Experience podcast.” It’s the last of these that has really made his name, and for many audiences, made the medium of podcasting too. Rogan’s podcast gets an estimated 200 million downloads each month, making him the most popular podcaster in the US. When Spotify signed a US$100 million (A$140 million) deal with Rogan in 2020 for the exclusive rights to his podcast the industry took notice. Before this, podcasts were everywhere, and their “platform agnostic” status was central to their appeal for creators and audiences. Mikhaila Peterson On Joe Rogan. September 19, 2019, Jordan Peterson’s daughter, Mikhaila, posted a 9-minute video on her YouTube channel, titled “Peterson Family Update”. In the video, Mikhaila detailed her father’s struggle to get off a prescribed anti-anxiety medication, Clonazepam, also known as Klonopin. Dr. Peterson – who is a professor of psychology at University of Toronto and best-selling self-help author – started taking the medication to cope with his wife’s terminal cancer diagnosis in April, but, now that his wife has mostly recovered, he wished to free himself of it. Mikhaila Peterson On Joe Rogan. The several complications that his wife, Tammy, experienced throughout her treatment kept him on the pills for a while and his body grew heavily dependent on it. Mikhaila explained that her father tried to cut out the pills cold turkey, but he began experiencing severe physical withdrawal systems. She said he “looks like a lost puppy” and has been “having a miserable time.” Dr. Peterson decided to admit himself to a rehab facility in New York to wean off the medication. Mikhaila Peterson On Joe Rogan. Joe Rogan commented on Dr. Peterson’s situation on the latest episode of his podcast, Joe Rogan Experience. Rogan described Peterson as “wise enough to understand his physical limitations.” His guest on the episode, stand up comedian, Mark Normand, said that Peterson is “one of those guys that you’re like, ‘Ah, he’s tough as a bull. He’ll be fine.’ But then, you know, everybody’s human.” Mikhaila Peterson On Joe Rogan. Rogan also provided a synopsis of Dr. Peterson’s rise to notoriety: “It’s the best time of your life. You were an embattled professor fighting against social justice warriors over some sort of crazy law that was gonna enforce 198,000 gender pronouns and he was like, ‘Hey, this is crazy.” and then he becomes a national celebrity.” Rogan makes clear that he views Peterson as a visionary when claiming that the psychologist was “right” about the “tyranny” of political correctness. “As time has gone on, he saw all this coming… People are radicalizing and a lot of it is about compliance,” Rogan added. Mikhaila Peterson On Her Dad Mikhaila Peterson On Her Dad. Mikhaila Peterson, the daughter of best selling author, professor, and clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson, shared her insights on how she helped her dad build his media empire, reaching out to millions of people seeking to improve and reorganize their lives. “I had made social media channels for him in 2013 on Facebook and in 2017 on Instagram prior to forming a company,” said Peterson in an op-ed in the National Post. She added she has been the CEO of her dad’s company, Luminate Enterprises, Ltd., since the start of 2018, when he published his book 12 Rules for Life. Mikhaila Peterson On Her Dad. Being a podcaster herself, Peterson said it took some effort to build her dad’s social media presence. “I spent some of my time in the beginning crafting posts to put on social media for his account—something most people would’ve said was a waste of time,” she said, but the effort paid off when “my dad, Jordan Peterson, went viral” in 2016. Mikhaila Peterson On Her Dad. Peterson said it wasn’t easy for the family to cope with the sudden fame and controversy that accompanied her dad’s new found success, but they helped him make time for “everything that came his way, especially podcast invitations.” The health and diet blogger also shared the need to hire extra help, divide the work, and specialize in tasks in order to do the job well. We hired assistants, and my husband—a business consultant—stepped in to help. My dad went on tour and we focused on his digital products. Having products that work are crucial to online success too. Peterson said her dad already had two great products which he developed with “two other PhD’s from McGill and Harvard” over the last three decades, making them “easy to grow” on social media. The first product is a writing suite at selfauthoring.com, a tool that allows people to write about traumatic or uncertain events happening in the past, present, or future to alleviate their anxiety and depression. The second one is a self assessment tool at understandmyself.com which helps people to understand in depth the personality of themselves and others. “My advice, always, is: Don’t sell something you don’t believe in—it won’t last, people will see through it,” Peterson added. Mikhaila Peterson On Her Dad. Peterson also shared about the importance of delivering a consistent message relevant to the core ideas and making it easy for people to access them across various social media platforms. “We strive to deliver his message of personal responsibility with each of these components, and provide easy access to his ideas for anyone who is interested in hearing them—without hiding them behind a paywall (unlike universities and colleges), she said. “Advertising allows us to keep his ideas free.” Mikhaila Peterson Podcast Youtube. The podcaster said filming, video, audio, and digital media production play an important factor as well, as all content need to go through “rigorous quality checks, and the role, destination and timing of each piece is planned carefully.” She added that an internal team handles their production. Other than content creation, Peterson said there are business aspects that need to be taken care of—legal, operations, business relationships, negotiations, taxes, and more. Event agents plan her dad’s tours. As for work on his books, it’s coordinated with more than 50 publishers globally. Mikhaila Peterson On Her Dad. Because of the tremendous amounts of organization behind the scenes, the Jordan Peterson content machine is able to continue running, said his daughter. “I’m proud to say that everything we’ve worked on has done extremely well,” Peterson said. “His first book has sold almost six-million copies worldwide. His newer book Beyond Order is out March 2, and has pre-sold over 100,000 copies.” Other achievements include reaching hundreds of thousands of people in each episode of her dad’s podcast and YouTube videos, according to Peterson, and each of his blog posts, newsletter, and social media posts have similarly attracted hundreds of thousands of views. “His lectures are also followed by 3.8 million subscribers on YouTube alone, with another 1.9 million on Instagram, 1.1 million on Facebook and 1.7 million on Twitter,” she added, while attributing the viewership was made possible through “podcast and YouTube advertising, book sales and the sales” of the digital products. Mikhaila Peterson Podcast Youtube. Peterson offered some rules she used personally, including saying yes to everything until you can no longer take on more work, being aware that there will be lots of work in the beginning that doesn’t pay initially, but would come later, not forsaking quality for quantity, ensuring what you’re selling or saying is honest, and not underestimating marketing and social media platforms. Mikhaila Peterson Podcast Youtube. In a video posted to TikTok, Mikhaila Peterson (@mikhailapeterson) responded to followers asking what it was like to grow up with him as a dad. “Imagine if your entire childhood you spent watching Jordan Peterson YouTube videos,” she said. “My dad is really a lot like he is on YouTube. If you’ve seen any of his lectures or looked at his old courses, that was kind of like what dinner table conversation was like. “I learned a lot about psychology. I know a lot about personality. I didn’t know it was weird until I was like 24, or until he got famous, and then I realised it was weird. “We had 37 different colours of paint in our house, over 100 paintings, all the walls were completely covered in Soviet art. I once had a Lenin painting fall on me while I was sleeping.” Mikhaila Peterson Book Recommendations Mikhaila peterson Book Recommendations. Mikhaila Peterson Book Recomendations are the carnivore diet of Dr.Jordan Peterson and Mikhaila Peterson: How meat healed their depression, anxiety and diseases. Mikhaila peterson Book Recommendations. This book contains the most important Information Nuggets by Dr. Jordan Peterson and his daughter Mikhaila Peterson regarding their carnivore diet – or their “lion diet”. And The Rational Male – Preventive Medicine Mikhaila Peterson The Times Mikhaila Peterson The Times. This kind of interview is a staple of British journalism. There is, I suppose, an obvious attraction to it: while it can destroy its subject, it can also make the career of a journalist. And yet for the reader, listener or viewer, it can also be deeply boring — for the simple reason that if the journalist makes clear their conclusion from the outset, there’s no chance of having a reasonable discussion. People who agree with it rejoice, those who don’t switch off. Nothing gets learned; no ideas are properly discussed. Such was the case with an interview published in last week’s Sunday Times by the journalist Decca Aitkenhead. Her subject was Professor Jordan Peterson, and, like everything to do with Peterson, the interview has kicked up a fair amount of fuss — principally because it was so mean and hostile. Mikhaila Peterson The Times. The resulting piece was headlined: “Jordan Peterson on his depression, drug dependency and Russian rehab hell” — which while not “short” is hardly the opposite of “flashy”. The same standards appear to have been applied to the piece’s accuracy. During the interview, Aitkenhead made a number of serious errors — including the claim that Peterson had been diagnosed with schizophrenia. It was immediately repeated in newspapers around the world, before the Peterson family posted a recording of the interview, showing that it was incorrect. Mikhaila Peterson Podcast Youtube. Ordinarily accusing someone of schizophrenia would be a major issue; that it has only formed a part of the discussion surely says something about the relentless hostility of the rest of the interview. Atikenhead seemed unsympathetic to Peterson’s illness. And a considerable portion of the interview is dedicated to disparaging Mikhaila, who had helped to facilitate the interview. As is clear from the recording, a number of Aitkenhead’s claims — such as that Mikhaila at one point “interrupts sharply… raises her voice and waves her arms” — are what a benevolent editor might call “colour”, but what other people might call “exaggeration”. Mikhaila Peterson The Times. In the end, what’s most striking about Peterson’s Sunday Times interview is how it proves that a certain type of journalist simply won’t give up. Even after all these years, the attempt to bring Peterson down continues. But by continuing their crusade, his detractors continue to ignore the most interesting thing about him: why it is that Peterson has made such a difference to peoples’ lives. Mikhaila Peterson Podcast Youtube. For that is an unusual phenomenon; unusual on such a scale that you’d think a journalist might care to find out what is going on here. Yet once again, the person sent to do over Peterson was not acting as a journalist, but as an ideological opponent hoping to finally take him out. And once again, the person who came off worse was not the subject of the interview, but its author. Mikhaila Peterson Robert Green Mikhalia Peterson Robert Green. Mikhaila spoke with bestselling author Robert Greene. It was intense. He explained to her the nine seduction types in his book and gave examples of each. Mikhalia Peterson Robert Green. He spoke about common manipulation techniques, how using his laws of power aren’t always manipulative, the ruthless power structures in Hollywood, tips on being vulnerable, and his new book, “The Daily Laws.” Mikhalia Peterson Robert Green. Robert Greene is an American author known for his books on strategy, power, and seduction. He has written six international bestsellers: The 48 Laws of Power, The Art of Seduction, The 33 Strategies of War, The 50th Law, Mastery, and The Laws of Human Nature. Jen Fulwiler Mikhaila Peterson Jen Fulwiler Mikhaila Peterson. Jen Fulwiler is a standup comic, bestselling author, and mom of six. She hosted The Jen Fulwiler Show before launching her own podcast, This Is Jen. Jen Fulwiler Mikhaila Peterson. She has been featured on the Today Show, and her viral social media sketches have racked up millions of views. Her comedy special, The Naughty Corner, is out now on Amazon. Jen Fulwiler Mikhaila Peterson. We got to talk about the challenges of modern parenthood, self-financing, thrill-seeking, personal ambition after parenthood, touring, and Jen’s approach to mastery. Rob Henderson Mikhaila Peterson Rob Henderson Mikhaila Perterson. Mikhaila hosted Rob Henderson—a PhD student in evolutionary and social psychology. His writing has appeared in The NY Times, The Wall Street Journal, and Quillette—among others on her podcast. Rob Henderson Mikhaila Perterson. Peterson and Henderson cover Rober’s notion of ‘luxury beliefs’, the dark triad of personality (psychopathy, narcissism, and Machiavellianism), sexual attraction, dating apps and pictures of fish, wokeism and woke fishing, the rise in self-censorship, writing, and much more. Dr. T Jamerson Brewer And T.J. Schmidt Mikhaila Peterson Dr. T Jamerson Brewer And T.J Schmidt Mikhaila Peterson. Dr. T. Jamerson Brewer, T. J. Schmidt, and Mikhaila discussed homeschooling: home vs. public education, socializing kids, curriculum ideology, factors to academic success, ideology, and much more. Dr. T Jamerson Brewer And T.J Schmidt Mikhaila Peterson. T. Jameson Brewer, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of Social Foundations. He received his Ph.D. in Educational Policy Studies from the U of Illinois. Dr. T Jamerson Brewer And T.J Schmidt Mikhaila Peterson. T. J. Schmidt earned his Juris doctor from Oak Brook College of Law. As an HSLDA attorney, T. J. helps people with legal questions and challenges surrounding homeschooling. Peter Schiff And Robert Breedlove Mikhaila Peterson Peter Schiff And Robert Breedlove Mikhaila Peterson. Mikhaila was joined by Peter Schiff and Robert Breedlove to discuss Bitcoin. They covered a range of topics like decentralization, the US dollar, and the risks involved with cryptocurrencies becoming increasingly popular. Both guests gave their opinion on whether Bitcoin is better than gold as a value standard – a prickly question because you have to consider, among other things, market forces, security, scarcity, inflation, and the potential for a new financial crisis. Peter Schiff And Robert Breedlove Mikhaila Peterson. Peter Schiff is an American economist, stockbroker, financial commentator, and author. He is one of the few unbiased investment advisors (not committed solely to the short side of the market) to have correctly predicted the current bear market and to have positioned his clients accordingly. He’s also renowned for his accurate forecasts on the US stock market and economy, as well as the mortgage meltdown, credit crunch, and subprime debacle. Schiff is the CEO and chief global strategist of Euro Pacific Capital Inc. You may also recognize him as a frequent guest on national news or as the host of the Peter Schiff Show Podcast. Peter Schiff And Robert Breedlove Mikhaila Peterson. Robert Breedlove is an ex-hedge fund manager, philosopher, podcaster, and advocate of cryptocurrencies – especially Bitcoin. He describes himself as a freedom maximalist whose mission is to “cast light on the corruption of money.” Breedlove is the CEO and founder of Bitcoin consulting firm Parallax Digital. He also hosts the “What is Money?” show, where he engages in deep conversations with some of the world’s most prolific thinkers. Tanner Guzy Mikhaila Peterson Tanner Guzy Mikhaila Peterson. On this episode of Mikhaila’s podcast, she spoke with men’s style coach Tanner Guzy. With the focus on male fashion shifting dramatically over the last few decades, Tanner thinks a lot of men need a sense of direction, and that finding a style of one’s own is an essential part of self-expression. In Tanner’s words, there’s a need for “aesthetic literacy” that isn’t quite being fulfilled. Tanner Guzy Mikhaila Peterson. They covered several topics related to men’s fashion, such as how personality is expressed through style. We talked about suits and shoes. The changing aesthetic of Western culture and masculinity. Tanner Guzy Mikhaila Peterson. The three archetypes of male fashion: rugged, refined, and rakish. They also went into short tangents about Guzy’s personal life, his joys as a father, and his time spent as a missionary for the Church of Latter-day Saints. Tanner Guzy is a men’s style coach, author, and TEDx speaker. His goal is to help boost men’s confidence and attractiveness by upping their fashion game. He is the author of The Appearance of Power: How Masculinity is Expressed Through Aesthetics. Ken Berry Mikhaila Peterson Ken Berry Mikhaila Peterson. Dr. Ken Berry struggled with health issues and weight and medical misinformation. He’s one of the biggest doctors in the carnivore diet scene and one of the most knowledgeable. Also his last name is Berry so that’s funny. Mikhaila and Ken discussed how being a carnivore is beneficial to people, particularly sick people. Ken Berry Mikhaila Peterson. After Dr. Berry shares his thoughts on the role of cholesterol in the carnivore diet, and other common concerns, Mikhaila encourages Dr. Berry to go all in and try the Lion Diet. If you have been meaning to follow a meat-based diet, listen to Dr. Berry here. Ken Berry Mikhaila Peterson. Dr. Ken Berry is a Fellow in the American Academy of Family Physicians. He is a Board Certified Family Physician who has been practicing Family Medicine for over a decade in Tennessee. He is also the author of the book “Lies My Doctor Told Me” with a mission to help people reclaim their health. Brad Lea Mikhaila Peterson Brad Lea Mikhaila Peterson. Mikhaila and Brad Lea discuss the connection between education and entrepreneurship. Brad shares his perspective towards the traits people seek in an entrepreneur and the factors behind their success. Brad Lea Mikhaila Peterson. They also tackle how to improve sales skills, the importance of social media in business, as well as trusting your intuition. If you’re interested in learning more about how to like yourself and teach people effectively, this episode is just for you. Brad Lea Mikhaila Peterson. People call today’s guest “The Real Brad Lea” for a reason. Brad Lea is the CEO, chairman, and founder of LightSpeed VT, a company known for its interactive web-based courses and training. He helped individuals and companies achieve higher success rates, and is also known for being the host of The Dropping Bombs Podcast. Mikhaila Peterson Podcast Youtube Conclusion Mikhaila Peterson Podcast Youtube Conclusion. Mikhaila Peterson uses her podcast to speak with thoughtful leaders, influencers and industry changers – continually finding the best ways to improve the human experience. Mikhaila Peterson Podcast Youtube Conclusion. She went from a stay at home mum to a CEO, fitness enthusiast to spiritual guides, nutrition researcher to health professional – Mikhaila has interview-style conversations aimed at provoking thought, addressing difficult subjects, and delving into topics that are generally shied away from. 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