Narcissist discard cycle Posted byMiss Date Doctor February 8, 2022 Table of Contents hide 1 Narcissist discard cycle 1.1 What is the discard phase of a narcissist? 1.2 Do narcissists come back after discard? 1.3 What happens during the discard phase? 1.4 How do you deal with a narcissist discard? 1.5 A narcissist 6 month cycle 1.6 How to respond to a narcissist discard? 1.7 Narcissistic discard cruelty 1.8 Why do narcissists devalue their partners? 1.9 Narcissist discard examples 1.10 Narcissist three month cycle 1.11 Cycle or narcissistic abuse chart 1.12 Narcissistic cycle of abuse 1.12.1 Narcissist discard cycle conclusion 1.13 Further reading Narcissist discard cycle Narcissist discard cycle. A pattern can be found in the relationship cycle of extreme narcissistic abuse. Individuals who are involved in emotionally abusive relationships go through three stages: idealization, devaluation, and discarding. For those caught in such relationships, this cycle can repeat itself several times, spinning a merry-go-round of emotional vertigo. An individual may characterize the initial infatuation stage of a love connection with a person plagued by narcissism as “otherworldly.” The emotional high can feel like a combination of cocaine, heroin, and ecstasy rolled into one unpleasant dose that lasts a few weeks, months, or perhaps a year or somewhat longer. Targets of narcissistic abuse say they feel like they’ve discovered their soulmate and can’t believe their good fortune in being hoisted to soaring heights on a pedestal by this alluring courtesan. The stage on which the narcissistic individual may smother the target with praise, courtship, intense sex, vacations, promises of a future together, and, essentially, designation as the most special person ever is referred to as “love bombing.” The partnership soon settles into a more comfortable routine. It’s possible that the sex will continue to be intense or that it will begin to decrease. The target gradually notices bright red flags indicating a problem in this fanciful paradise. The narcissist may begin to denigrate his or her significant other in subtle, devious, and hidden ways. Putdowns, gaslighting, a lack of emotional or physical intimacy on a regular basis, withdrawing affection, seductive withholding, abruptly disappearing from contact, or blaming the target for the narcissistic person’s problems are all examples of this (projection). Finally, the narcissistic individual dumps his or her relationship partner, who acted as a source of narcissistic supply to feed the ego of the narcissistic personality resulting in what is known as Narcissist discard cycle. When the target requests compromise, reciprocity, empathy, integrity, honesty, and boundaries (all healthy and valid requests that people with extreme narcissistic qualities rarely make), the narcissist may conclude that the target has lost his or her luster and is no longer the “perfect partner” to fluff the ego feathers. When a person with narcissism either leaves or orchestrates his or her own desertion by participating in extreme emotional abuse, Narcissist discard cycle is unavoidable. The survivor is typically taken aback by the aftermath, unsure how someone he or she fell in love with could toss everything away. Most narcissistic survivors were able to offer empathy, compassion, authenticity, honesty, reciprocity, and compromise during the relationship. People with narcissistic tendencies are drawn to empathic, genuinely feeling people because they recognize that they lack emotional depth and substance on some level. Narcissist discard cycle. The person with narcissism can drink that person’s true affection and extract narcissistic supply by being in a relationship with such a nurturing, loving individual. After being fed for days, weeks, or months, the narcissist feels satisfied and may become bored with his or her spouse. He or she must obtain another target’s supply in a timely manner. With the help of psychotherapy and support in recounting their narrative and addressing the pain of emotional abuse, survivors can recover and go on. Understanding the processes of abuse allows survivors to reduce any cognitive dissonance left behind from gaslighting and other forms of emotional abuse. Survivors who have an understanding of the relationship cycle they have been through can move forward with enough protective armor to get off the merry-go-round of emotional abuse and be fine. What is the discard phase of a narcissist? What is the discard phase of a narcissist?. What are the indicators of a narcissist’s final disqualification? The narcissist’s discard phase is frequently the relationship’s ultimate stage. When you’re in a relationship with a narcissist, you’ll notice a pattern that starts the moment you meet them. Most of the time, they will try to charm you and flatter you. These characteristics make the narcissist popular because they raise their target’s ego. The idealization phase is when they are completely enamored with you and the way you make them feel. However, don’t expect the adulation to last, as the narcissist will gradually introduce slights and insults into the relationship in order to devalue you and your self-worth. The narcissist’s actual nature emerges at this point, one that is no longer captivated with you but rather wishes to manipulate you. This is a last-ditch effort to bolster their ego and reclaim the feelings they had early in the relationship. They will discard you once the narcissist has totally crushed you and you can no longer feed their ego. The spouse feels worthless and confused throughout this stage, and wonders what they could have done better to save the relationship. In actuality, no amount of effort could have affected the end of the relationship because the narcissist is always on the lookout for new victims to fill their ego. What Is the Discard Phase of a Narcissist? Narcissist discard takes many forms and occurs at different times for different sorts of narcissists, but it is unavoidable for those who are in a relationship with one. Let’s start at the beginning and work our way to the discard phase. As previously stated, the beginning of a relationship with a narcissist is lovely—some even call it intoxicating. The narcissist lavishes you with praise, presents, and attention (known as “love-bombing”); this is when the narcissist is at their most charming and appears to be building a genuine bond with you. Unfortunately, the love-bombing has little to do with you and everything to do with the narcissist’s self-satisfaction. The narcissist’s joy, on the other hand, never lasts, and the only way they can keep it is by wielding power over you. As a means of enhancing their self-image, they will insult, criticize, and manipulate you. They can only get pleasure from tearing others down. Even at this level of control, like an addict’s tolerance, can no longer boost the narcissist’s ego in the way they so desperately need. This is when you’re discarded in favor of someone new, someone who can give them that initial rush they so desperately seek. Do narcissists come back after discard? Do narcissists come back after discard? One of the most unpleasant aspects of a narcissistic relationship is the narcissist’s discard. Sure, there were times when you wished you weren’t together anymore or that they would just leave you. However, if the narcissist decides the relationship is over, they will inform you in a harsh manner. They accuse you of being the cause of all the difficulties by blaming your shift and project. Throughout the relationship, you feel like you’re never good enough, and when it ends, the narcissist makes you feel responsible while absolving themselves of all culpability. You might be wondering if your exclusion is permanent now that you’ve been dumped. On the one hand, you’re relieved to be free of the controlling, abusive narcissist in your life. On the other hand, you recall a time when things were better and wish you could go back to that time. How do you know if the narcissist will try to drag you back into their life or if the discard is permanent? To begin with, Let’s discuss the question: Do narcissists come back after discard? The narcissist takes advantage of you to fulfill their own desires. They figure out what will help them inflate their egos and provide them with a steady supply to keep their sense of grandeur. The narcissist will discard you when you no longer serve a purpose in their lives and are no longer assisting them in fulfilling their desires. Because the narcissist is primarily concerned with themselves, there is little you can do to improve things at this point. They analyze the advantages and disadvantages of maintaining you in their lives, and if the disadvantages outweigh the advantages, you will be abandoned. They’ll then look for someone else who can meet their requirements. However, if the narcissist believes that they can control and manipulate you in the future to enhance their ego, they will hoover and try to pull you back in after the discard. Throughout the relationship, the narcissist has kept a careful eye on you, especially how you responded at the end. If they think the love bombing and idealization phases will work to reintroduce you into their lives, they’ll try it again when they need a new supply. They know what has worked in the past to entice you back in, and they will use it again to see if it will benefit them. The terrible reality is that they will almost definitely return. The discard, particularly the first, is simply a technique of further depreciating you as a person and taking control. Their objective is that once you realize how insignificant you are to them, you will strive to satisfy them even more. Recognizing the meaning of the narcissist discard cycle gives you the opportunity to terminate the cycle before the relationship deteriorates further. You have the option of calling the narcissist’s bluff and accepting the relationship’s demise. When the narcissist returns, hoping they may re-enter your life, tell them they are no longer welcome. They can utilize the negative comments they used to degrade you to rationalize why the relationship is no longer feasible. This will surely enrage the narcissist, but it will spare you a lot of misery in the long run. Let’s look at why the narcissist might not come back after discard. The narcissist prefers to be in charge, and if they believe you’ve caught on to them and figured them out, they’re unlikely to return after the discard. You’re a liability at this point, and you can’t help them inflate their egos any longer. You start to have a voice and call them out, responding with “return to sender” when they try to shift blame onto you. They must continually go into self-preservation mode to save their image of themselves as a result of your taking control of the encounters. You point out all of their weaknesses, and the narcissist gets tired of deflecting it onto you, so they give up. Because you don’t let them use their narcissistic tactics on you, the discard is permanent. Now that the narcissist has left your life, it’s time to refuse to let them back in. Make every effort to avoid vacuuming. Remind yourself that the narcissist isn’t trying to reintegrate you into their life because they’re sorry for what they’ve done to you, but because they require something from you that they can’t receive anywhere else. You may have hoped that this time would be different, but remember all the times you’ve had hope before and it was short-lived. Hope is powerful, but it won’t change the fact that narcissists rarely change, no matter how much hope you have in yourself. What happens during the discard phase? What happens during the discard phase?. As the narcissist prepares you for the last phase, the build-up to the discard might last weeks or even months. How this phase unfolds is mainly dictated by how far along your connection with the narcissist has progressed. If you don’t live together, they’re likely to pick an argument with you, blame you for the relationship’s demise, and then say something to make you feel bad about yourself. Then, if you’re lucky, they’ll cut off all contact. When you share finances, children, or a home with a narcissist, things get a lot more challenging. The Narcissist discard cycle will be a lengthy process in which you will be made to feel unworthy of any of the things you shared. When they finally leave, either by moving out or divorcing you, they’ll be in a stronger position to grab everything, leaving you with nothing but doubts about yourself. So What happens during the discard phase? When the narcissist has wrung every last ounce of joy and self-worth from you, they eventually discard you. They’ve had enough of the relationship, and you’re no longer needed. The quiet treatment is one of the first signs of an approaching discard. Because narcissists live on attention, our initial instinct is to inquire as to what is wrong with them. Many people use this opportunity to apologize for perceived slights, hoping to convince the narcissist to open up and engage in conversation. Unfortunately, a narcissist can’t do those things, and won’t even try to feign them during a discard. However, the silent treatment is only the first stage. Any remaining bonds are severed by the narcissist in the next step. They’ll lay the responsibility squarely on your shoulders, detailing how you failed them as a partner. They will never accept responsibility for their part in the breakup of their relationship. Instead, they focus on how they were the victims and how you will fail in all future relationships. This is significant because they require you to believe that you are unlovable. This keeps the door slightly ajar, allowing them to return at a later date if they’ve exhausted another partner or simply need a boost in self-esteem. How do you deal with a narcissist discard? How do you deal with a narcissist discard? One of the most heartbreaking experiences you will ever have is being dumped by your partner. It’s a devastating loss in many ways since it entails feelings of abandonment, rejection, betrayal, and, in some cases, replacement. It’s especially devastating since the loss is premeditated and perpetrated by someone who knows you well and has chosen to throw you away. Because the other person is telling you that you are unacceptable, the anguish of this intimate rejection is excruciating. This leads to emotions of low self-worth and psychological damage to your attachment system, which can lead to a dread of relationships and future investments in others. If someone you care about abandons you, you will be terribly hurt because this was an intimate relationship in which you were vulnerable, trusted this person, and offered your heart to him or her. After all of this personal commitment, being simply undesired leaves you befuddled and devastated. How do you deal with a narcissist discard? First and foremost, please know that you CAN recuperate. This experience does not have to ruin your life. You’ll be able to find love again. Here’s how to get back on your feet after Narcissist discard cycle: Allow yourself to be sad for a while. Don’t try to suppress your emotions; instead, embrace them. You will heal faster if you allow yourself to feel the emotions. Grieving is the act of letting go of the emotional energy that has been held in your body. You do this by talking about the loss and experiencing the feelings that come with it. Allow yourself to reminisce about the good old days (and the bad times.) In a letter, express your feelings. Say your goodbyes. Confront your limiting beliefs. You will feel a sense of shock and disbelief as you sit with yourself in your grief, asking yourself, “Did this really happen?” So, what should I do now? Most likely, you’ll be hoping for your long-lost love to return. (As an aside, if he/she returns, it will form a trauma attachment, which will add to your loss of personal authority even more.) You’ll almost certainly wonder to yourself, “What went wrong with me that created this?” You’ll feel unwelcome, which will lead to self-doubting ideas like “I’m not good enough.” Or, alternatively, I’m not likable. You may believe you are flawed or inferior to another person or group of people. If you’ve ever been in a toxic relationship, you’ve undoubtedly been led to feel that you’re the problem and that you’ll never be able to get it right. As a result, you’re more likely to have unfavorable feelings about yourself. If your loved one not only rejects you but also replaces you with someone else, it will create even more distress because it implies that you were the problem because this other person is plainly more acceptable and lovely than you are. It’s critical to fight these negative, self-defeating beliefs and replace them with reality in order to recover from a discard. Make assertions to yourself like “I am enough.” I’m sure I’ll be able to find love again. I am endearing. I am capable of being completed. I have the ability to heal. I’m going to get better. Assign responsibility to the other party. Just because someone is willing to abandon you, damage you, or even blame you does not mean they are accurate on any level. Return the burden of proof to the other party. Being dumped by an ex reveals more about the other person than it does about you. Don’t hold yourself responsible for the acts or decisions of others. The individual who rejected you made his or her own decisions based on his or her own set of values. Consider that for a moment. Staying in a committed relationship necessitates the ability to stick with someone through good and bad times, not just when it feels right or personally satisfying. Perhaps your loved one isn’t capable of such a long-term commitment. Many egotistical people often disregard others. Is it the fault of those around you? Is it more about the personality attributes of the person who is being rejected? Use the following imagery: Imagine taking the mantel of responsibility off your shoulders and placing it on the shoulders of the other person. Visualize yourself being relieved of the burden of blame for the relationship’s failure. Take the time to learn life lessons. Just because the other person chooses to stop the relationship doesn’t imply that you won’t learn something useful from it. Consider the following: What have I learned from this relationship that I can apply to my next relationship? What might I have done differently (this isn’t about blaming yourself; it’s about self-evaluation and personal development)? Maybe the answer is that you should have left this person a long time ago because you noticed red flags that you decided to ignore, and so on. Is it better that I let myself love and invest in someone else, even though the relationship didn’t last? Carry on with your life. Remember to make the most of this period for personal development. Do not collude with your abandoner by abandoning yourself. Whatever you do, don’t give up on yourself. Take yourself by the hand, metaphorically speaking, and go live well. Invest in your future, as well as in yourself and your existing connections. Make plans and set goals for yourself. Make a vision board to help you achieve your goals. Now is the time to move on. A narcissist 6 month cycle A narcissist 6 month cycle. After 3–6 months, the narcissist will find it difficult to hide who he is. That was the case with mine. In reality, looking back, it was much earlier. The mask will fall off, and it will be the partner who is unsatisfied with the quality of the relationship. Out of boredom, the narcissist may or may not complete the Narcissist discard cycle. Mine did not reject me outright, but he did start the devaluation process with scorn. At first, I didn’t consider it an issue for me. It was his issue. To me, he was simply “grumpy.” Negative The glass is half-full. Criticism, bullying, and ridiculing were his main concerns. He was now disparaging everything about me that he had previously admired. every single time. And I was a thorn in his side. Every time he did that, I called him out on it. I told him he couldn’t talk to me like that. That he was a “desire” rather than a “need” in my life, and that if the bullying persisted, I would no longer want him. I’ve always been a sucker for the underdog, and we’d both lived alone for the past 6–7 years, so I assumed he was rusty and set in his ways. Until it invaded my serenity, robbed me of sleep, and made me feel insane, unlovable, untrustworthy, unattractive, a bad cook, a bad mother, a bad driver, a bad housewife, daughter, sister, you name it, I had no worth. All of this happened around the third month of dating. I ended my relationship with him and went a week without speaking to him. He was blocked by me. He took screenshots of all his texts to me (lovebombing and hoovering over and over) and emailed them to me, which ended up in my spam folder. I’m talking about Snapchat filters with hearts hovering above their heads and whatever else comes to mind. A narcissist 6 month cycle. I only returned him after he promised to go to counseling. Yes, he did. He had gone 5–6 times. Our connection improved slightly, but not consistently or over time. He was back to emotionally assaulting me by months 6–8, and I felt he was grooming me for physical violence. During this time, there were some of the worst temper tantrums and abuse. It’s never about the other person; it’s always about the narcissist. It’s in their nature. They are not going to change. They are unable to change. Because narcissists can be quite smart, if they can learn what NOT to do the next time, the manipulation level may improve a little for the next target. But it will inevitably come to an end. They decide how long the next supply will last for a variety of reasons. Maybe they, like myself, are really accepting and want to help. Maybe they’ve experienced emotional abuse before and can put up with it for a while, like I did. Perhaps they, like me, have other broken relationships and don’t perceive mine as a one-of-a-kind situation. There could be children, as well as finances and possessions. That was not an issue for me. My “problem” was that I realized it wasn’t love, despite the gaslighting, crazy-making, bullying, and cruelty. Something in me knew it wasn’t healthy, and it wasn’t something I wanted to be okay with for the next 20–30 years. He probably wouldn’t have thrown me out. Except for the fact that I didn’t bow down to him, I was a perfect supply for him. Yes, they will show you who they are within 3–6 months, according to the brief story. How to respond to a narcissist discard? How to respond to a narcissist discard? The narcissist’s discard phase can be a blessing in disguise if the narcissist is truly done with you. Although you may finally be rid of their controlling actions and nasty comments, the discard feels dreadful in the moment. These are some of the most effective coping strategies on How to respond to a narcissist discard. Feel your emotions The narcissist discards phase is so painful and perplexing because it appears that the narcissist may easily toss you away; they appear to be emotionless. But you don’t have to be. Your suffering is genuine, and you have the right to feel it. Just don’t think about why something was thrown away. Accept that it isn’t your fault. Narcissists are masters at shifting blame, making you believe the relationship’s collapse is solely your fault. You won’t be able to save it because the failure stems from the narcissist’s incapacity to care about anyone other than themselves. It is something to be learned from. Being in a relationship with a narcissist is painful, and you don’t want to go through it again. Fortunately, now that you’ve met a narcissist, you should be able to recognize one in the future and avoid a similar situation. Narcissistic discard cruelty Narcissistic discard cruelty. The discard feels extremely chilly and makes no sense to those who have experienced it. The discard, on the other hand, is a crucial part of the narcissist’s self-image maintenance. This idealized picture of oneself is only achievable early in the relationship, when you’re only aware of the part of them that they’ve chosen to share. For narcissists, moving into a more personal phase of the relationship is unpleasant because it demands they admit their flaws and recognize that their idealized self is a false perception. As a short-term coping tactic, narcissists devalue their partners; their defects are less evident when they’re continually reminding you of yours. However, it’s an ineffective coping strategy, and they’ll eventually have to cut you out of their lives in order to maintain their idealized self-perception. They must discredit you and prevent you from exposing others to their defects now that you know some of their problems. Justification for Narcissistic discard cruelty Narcissists frequently use the excuse that you have changed to justify their exit from a relationship. This is most likely inaccurate, but it may feel true to the narcissist because they aren’t experiencing the same high they did when they first started dating. Narcissists are unable to create a deeper relationship through intimacy, which is a vital component of a long-term relationship. Every new relationship is a countdown to zero, when they become tired and unhappy and yearn for a new companion to boost their self-esteem. Why do narcissists devalue their partners? Why do narcissists devalue their partners? In a narcissistic relationship, devaluation is the second of three stages. After the honeymoon stage and the greatest parts of a relationship with a narcissist, they will most likely have earned your trust and steadfast support because, after all, they have made you feel unique. They’ll start putting you down gradually and surreptitiously in order to devalue you. Why do narcissists devalue their partners? The narcissist’s objective is to make you feel weak and powerless so that he or she can take control of you. They are very insecure individuals who will pass their own feelings of devaluation and insecurity onto you. They’ll locate your weak spots and exploit them, making you feel as horrible about yourself as they do. They have an uncanny ability to read people and determine whether or not they need to hear something. You may recall from our earlier post about the first stage of narcissism, “love bombing,” that they will tell you what you want to hear in order to draw you in, but now they are telling you the opposite in order to make you feel worthless. The transition from stage 1 to stage 2 might take anything from a few days to several weeks or months. This transition may occur just when you are beginning to feel at ease with the connection. The change is subtle, and you might not even notice it. This is the stage at which the abuse occurs; it can be verbal, emotional, sexual, physical, financial, spiritual, or other types of abuse. Abuse in a Narcissist Relationship: A Cycle of Abuse Symptoms and signs: Name-calling (leading you to believe you’re insane, paranoid, or sensitive when you’re reacting normally) Insults aimed at your physical appearance, personality, job, hobbies, or family (“You like that?”)It’s a disaster,” and “Your family isn’t fond of me. You shouldn’t see them as much as you do. “, “You’re not allowed to wear that.”) Make you feel bad about how you feel and think until you lose confidence (“What’s wrong with you?” “No wonder no one else likes you”) Withdraw affection Withhold seductively Emotional appeals (will make you feel sorry for them whenever you bring up an issue that bothers you) Make you doubt yourself until you have no confidence in yourself (“What’s wrong with you?” “No wonder nobody else likes you”). Passivity in aggression When the narcissist notices that you lack limits but appear to require them (in your position as a co-dependent), they will continue to act in this way. You’ll get locked into a cycle where you put up with the abuse to the point of devaluing yourself, but you’ll still hold out hope that they’ll go back to being who they were during the love-bombing phase. You may be perplexed by what is going on and believe that you are to blame because the narcissist is acting this way. You must understand that it is not your fault that they are treating you in this manner, and that you have done nothing to merit such treatment. A few suggestions Pay attention to your gut feelings. Turn inward to work on yourself and deal with the insecurities that have always made you appease unavailable, anxious, angry, or abusive people in order to earn love and affection. You will begin to recognize that you are a unique individual who deserves to be treated with dignity. You will realize that you need to make changes as a result of this. You may be embarrassed to communicate your feelings about your partner’s behavior with others you love and/or trust, but it’s vital to remember that no one will criticize you for the behavior of another. Narcissist discard examples Narcissist discard examples. Because a narcissist cannot survive without food, when your utility is no longer useful, they make the deliberate decision to abandon you. However, they must first get replacement supplies. While this is disgusting, there is a silver lining (sort of… as much as silver linings go in a poisonous mess!). In doing so, the narcissist reveals their true intentions by displaying indicators that they are about to abandon you. This provides you with the opportunity to reclaim your power and make your own decisions. Let’s have a look at them. Evidence of Narcissist discard examples The narcissist goes on the lookout for a replacement source. You’re probably already aware of this on some level, which is why you have a gut feeling that something is wrong. The hunt for clues ranges from those you can dismiss with a little self-invalidation due to that seething cognitive dissonance, to those that are clear to the objective intellect. At one end of the scale, we’re talking about unexpected busy-ness, with calls and messages from “a buddy” or “a business acquaintance” (often proclaimed with a grin…) at all hours of the day and night, accompanied by newfound secrecy regarding their phone, emails, and social media accounts. Routine disruptions, tardiness, frequent cancellations, and unexplainable unavailability are also common occurrences. Then there’s the days-long absence act with no contact or explanation; or, on the other hand, the verbal vomit of excessive, over-the-top narration. If these don’t work, a little gaslighting will be used to put you back in your place. You might come across perplexing (or even worrisome) objects in your home or car that don’t belong. Obviously, not to you or them, but to someone else… Physical evidence can also be found on the narcissist’s person. Their looks are subject to change. clothes that are new. new look. There is a new fragrance. That sort of thing. After all, you want to make a good impression on any potential prey! Not only that, but because grooming new supplies involves narcissistic mirroring, they may start demonstrating strange new mannerisms, speech patterns, phrases, and interests. On top of all of the foregoing, there are the unexplained “expenses,” which are also deflected with diversion methods. As well as triangulation. Oh, the joys of triangulation! This adorable little beauty is black and white. In this case, there’s no denying the reality. Here, the narcissist uses unfavorable comparisons to set you against the replacement supply, sometimes even threatening you with being replaced if you don’t agree with their demands. The mask is fully removed. When they decide to dump you, there’s no need to keep dosing you with love bombs and hoovering on a regular basis. Obviously, they have no intention of keeping you. Similarly, because they have access to alternate supplies throughout the hunt, protecting themselves from being cut off from their preferred medication is no longer necessary. As a result, it is no longer required to maintain the charade with you. And then the mask is fully removed. There are attempts to imitate empathy. They are nasty and cold. Sadism is frequently on display. Exploiting your weaknesses and hitting your trigger points on purpose is now the most common way of interacting with you. Not only does the maliciousness increase, but there is no effort put in to keep pretending to be engaged with you. So, how does this appear? Boredom is clearly and pointedly demonstrated. Looking right through you, entirely oblivious to your presence. For example, failing to acknowledge your presence or that you have addressed them; or texting, calling, or watching TV while speaking to them. Not returning phone calls or responding to texts within a reasonable amount of time. If at all possible, Information, emotions, and/or physical resources are withheld and stonewalled. Narcissist three month cycle Narcissist three month cycle. You’ve probably heard of Narcissus, the young man who became so engrossed in his reflection in a pond that he fell in and drowned. Did he not have any friends or even a lover to bring him into contact with the outside world? Is it possible for someone to be so obsessed with their own love for themselves that they are unaware of how deadly it might become in the long run? Narcissist three month cycle. Narcissists are unable to sustain intimate, long-term relationships because they lack the energy to love anyone other than themselves. Relationships with narcissists are not a good mix. If we examine a narcissistic relationship pattern, it begins with the display of “supposed love.” This unrealistic level of care and attention is known as “love bombing,” and it might appear odd. They figure out what kind of person you want to be in a relationship with and start acting like that person. The next step in their plan is to manipulate people’s emotions. Through sophisticated psychological manipulation, they will try to persuade you to do what they want. This emotional abuse could be followed by physical abuse and heartfelt apologies. This is a narcissistic relationship cycle, and breaking out of it is extremely difficult. Cycle or narcissistic abuse chart Cycle or narcissistic abuse chart. Abuse’s vicious spiral Tension building, acting-out, reconciliation/honeymoon, and quiet are all useful in most abusive relationships, according to Lenore Walker (1979). The cycle appears different when a narcissist is also an abuser. Because the narcissist is constantly self-centered and unwilling to recognize error, narcissism alters the rear end of the cycle. Their drive to be correct, superior, or in charge prevents any genuine reconciliation. Instead, the abuser is typically the one who strives tirelessly to placate the narcissist while the narcissist portrays the victim. The narcissist’s behavior is emboldened even more by this switchback approach, which further convinces them of their faultlessness. Any challenge to their authority starts the cycle all over again. The four Cycle or narcissistic abuse chart as follows: Feels in danger. When anything awful happens, the narcissist feels threatened. It could be sexual rejection, workplace criticism, social shame, jealousy of others’ success, or sentiments of abandonment, neglect, or disdain. The abused person becomes jittery as a result of the threat. They sense that something bad is about to happen, and they begin to tread carefully around the narcissist. Most narcissists are irritated by the same underlying concerns again and over again, whether they are real or imagined. They also have a habit of obsessing over the threat. Abuses Others. The narcissist engages in some form of maltreatment. Physical, mental, verbal, sexual, financial, spiritual, or emotional abuse are all possibilities. The abuse is tailored to intimidate the abuser in a vulnerable area, especially if that area is one of the narcissist’s strong suits. The torture might last anything from a few minutes to several hours. A combination of two sorts of abuse is sometimes used. To exhaust the abused, a narcissist could start with verbal denigrating. Then they put their deception about an occurrence onto the abuser. When the abuser has had enough of the assault, he or she defends themselves. Assumes the role of the victim. The switchback occurs at this point. The mistreated conduct is utilized by the narcissist to prove that they are the ones who are being harmed. By bringing up earlier protective acts that the abused has done, as if the abused initiated the abuse, the narcissist believes their warped victimization has been Because the victim feels shame and guilt, they believe the narcissist’s distorted perception and want to save him. Giving in to the narcissist’s demands, assuming needless responsibilities, appeasing the narcissist to keep the peace, and believing the narcissist’s lies are all examples of this. Feels a sense of accomplishment. The narcissist feels empowered once the abused has given in or given up. This is all the excuse a narcissist needs to prove their superiority or rightness. The abuser has unwittingly nourished the narcissistic ego, making it stronger and more assertive than before. However, every narcissist has an Achilles heel, and the power they feel now will only endure until the next ego danger emerges. Once the victim understands the narcissistic cycle of abuse, they can break free at any time. Begin by devising methods for future confrontations, understanding the limitations of the abuser, and devising an escape plan. This cycle does not have to keep going. Narcissistic cycle of abuse Narcissistic cycle of abuse. Idealization, devaluation, and rejection are all part of the narcissistic abuse cycle. Narcissists seek to divert all of their emotions onto others because they are in pain about their own feelings. They, too, may have grown up with narcissistic caregivers or parents, or may have been subjected to abuse or a terrible event that altered their lives. This is not, however, an excuse for the emotional and physical violence they inflict on their victims. Narcissistic cycle of abuse. Because they are unlikely to see their activities as faults, narcissists act in specific ways. The narcissist will not change unless they are able to reflect on their own conduct and feel their feelings, and their victims will feel worthless if they are trapped in the loop. The first stage is idealization. Couples are in the idealization phase of their relationship, and everything feels wonderful. The newness of the relationship has reawakened the thrill, and sentiments of delight are flooding in. This is known as the “honeymoon stage.” The honeymoon period is referred to as idealization in narcissistic abuse cycles. A narcissist will place their partner on a pedestal and regard them as someone who is flawless and incapable of making a mistake. This may seem pleasant at first, but it gradually escalates, becoming overbearing and overwhelming to the partner. These types of behaviors may occur during the idealization phase: Love-bombing Grandiose gestures by the partner are paid a lot of attention to. Dates and elaborate gifts Having a conversation about marriage Absence of boundaries In the name of love, attempts to isolate a partner Getting closer and closer gives the partner and the relationship a sense of ownership. Devaluation is the second stage. After the honeymoon period has passed, couples tend to develop a pattern that they can rely on and build on together. As they continue to strengthen their relationship, most couples deepen their intimacy and improve their problem-solving abilities throughout this phase. This is the step in a narcissistic abuse cycle where the narcissist devalues their relationship. Their companion falls off the pedestal and is considered useless as a result. The narcissist starts putting their partner down, often verbally or physically abusing them, and they may use sexual intimacy as a weapon. When questioned, the narcissist pretends to be the victim (a condition known as narcissistic damage) and devalues their relationship. 2. During the devaluation phase, you may engage in actions such as: Trying to persuade their partner to alter Criticism and insults are becoming more common. Gaslighting Physical dangers Ineffective communication Increased boundary violations Triangulation Isolation or dominance over their partner? Refusing to engage in sexual, physical, or emotional closeness Rejection is the third stage. Disagreements and conflict are handled with grace and tolerance in a healthy relationship, and both partners are capable of resolving issues and moving forward together. During the rejection phase, the narcissist rejects their spouse and blames them for the breakdown of the relationship. They’ve given up on their relationship and aren’t getting enough ego-boosting attention and affirmation from them at this time. They have no desire for love or stability. In this situation, the narcissist will complete their cycle of abuse and find a new spouse with whom to begin the cycle. The following actions may occur during the rejection phase: Contempt and fury are common emotions. Betraying the connection They are invalidating their partner’s feelings and blaming them for everything. Taking the role of the victim Physical, emotional, and verbal abuse are all forms of abuse. Attempts to maintain the cycle of abuse by ending the relationship permanently or temporarily Narcissist discard cycle conclusion Narcissist discard cycle conclusion. It’s never easy to leave a narcissist, but it’s usually for the best in the long run. The narcissist will eventually abandon you in favor of their next victim, who will offer them a new source of ego-boosting attention. With the help of psychotherapy and support in recounting their narrative and addressing the pain of emotional abuse, survivors can recover and go on. Understanding the processes of abuse allows survivors to reduce any cognitive dissonance left behind from gaslighting and other forms of emotional abuse. Narcissist discard cycle conclusion. Survivors who have an understanding of the relationship cycle they have been through can move forward with enough protective armor to get off the merry-go-round of emotional abuse and be fine. Further reading RELATIONSHIP COUNSELLING NEAR ME NOW Relationship Courses All Services Editorial Improve my relationship I think my boyfriend is cheating on me Family Therapy Overwhelmed meaning Ghosted PTSD quotes Cheating quotes Relationship poems What to do if a guy doesn’t text you for a week Stages of a rebound relationship Feeling used I am too scared to date again 9 texts to never send a man or woman I still love my ex Do you have anger issues please take the test click here