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Relationship Counselling Online 1

Relationship Counselling Online. One of the most important relationships in anyone’s life is the one they share with their spouse or partner. Multiple needs are met through this relationship, and, if it is healthy, it can bring enormous amounts of joy, security and contentment to both parties.


However, when it is unhealthy, it can end up causing resentment and unhappiness instead. Relationship Counselling Online, or marriage counselling, is aimed at strengthening romantic relationships and facilitating communication and compromise, where necessary.


Due to the fact, that each party in the relationship was raised by different families with different backgrounds and viewpoints, no couple can expect to come together and never experience conflict.


And while a certain level of conflict is normal, healthy even when it escalates to harsh, hurtful words or physical outbursts, if it has become unhealthy the couple should consider counselling.




Relationship counselling online is available as video or audio sessions or chat, and can be accessed via a desktop or mobile device.


One of the great things about online counselling is how convenient and flexible it can be. Some people feel more comfortable and less anxious about opening up and discussing their issues through online channels. They can feel less pressured or rushed to talk.




  • Clarify your problems.
  • Gain new perspectives.
  • Work through change.




If you need to talk about difficult issues with a professionally trained counsellor from the privacy of your own home or if you’re on the move, our online counselling service is a convenient option for you.


Online counselling can help you generate solutions to your problems, repair or strengthen your relationships and address a range of problems including marriage or family issues, and mental health issues like depression or anxiety. We support people from all walks of life.




When you call or contact us, you will speak to our online consultant for 40 minutes max and select whether you would like an individual or a couple relationship counselling online session. You will receive a confirmation of your booking via email or text.


Sessions are usually one hour long. We understand that everyone’s situation is different and your counsellor will be able to work with you and plan your session according to your requirements.


Our relationship counsellor’s experiences and time in counsellor as a therapist in mental health have given them immeasurable compassion, warmth and empathy to couples experiencing difficulties to come and sit with me in comfort and safety.


We often hope that when we have found that special someone that it will last for a long time. However, relationships are not always easy and difficulties may arise. The root of these difficulties often stems from one partner not feeling connected, not trusting and feeling unsafe with the other partner.

As they may be unavailable or not respond to your needs to feel close or supported it can cause you emotional distress. Due to our relationship histories and the negative cycles we get into with our partners, many of us have difficulties with trust and expressing emotions to those who mean the most to us.


Relationship Counselling Online. As a result of this, we develop habit-forming ways of reacting to our partners. In couple counselling I look at the relationship rather than the individual and the impact problems can have on the relationship therefore, the relationship becomes the client.


Just like most things in life relationships need time and energy to work. Therefore, as well as looking at what has happened and how the relationship is now we will also look at how you would like the relationship to be and how to move forwards. I have practised as a counsellor and


Relationship Counselling Online can help the parties to align their expectations of one another, negotiate new expectations that are acceptable to both parties (where necessary), and, in the case of children, ensure that the parents are on the same page when it comes to raising them.


The benefit of online couples counselling is that it allows each party to see things through the perspective of their significant other and thus can foster deeper bonds and a greater understanding of, and appreciation for, one another


Relationship Counselling online connects you to an expert relationship counsellor or psychologist who has been trained both in working with couples on marriage and relationship issues, but also in how to work effectively online.


largest relationship and marriage rescue team and a number of our therapists and psychotherapists also specialise in working with couples online to help them improve their marriages and relationships.




Relationship Counselling Online. Couples who are considering a separation or divorce should strongly consider online relationship counselling before they go through with it, or, if they have already done so, should do it in order to adjust to and cope with the new demands placed on their lives, especially if there are children involved.


If the relationship simply seems stale, or boring, or if arguments escalate to screaming fights, or even in the case of infidelity, couples counselling can help. Issues like sex, alcoholism, money, in-laws or children, on which each party has differing views, can also be addressed in couples counselling.


Relationship Counselling Online 2



If you have read this article and think that your relationship could benefit from online counselling, then here are some tips on how to proceed in finding the right counsellor for you.


If the therapist is offering online therapy, the chances are that they will have a website, or they may have written articles or blogs. Make sure that they have had online training. Research and get to know your therapists, and make sure that you are both happy with the choice of therapist.


Finally, many therapists will offer free initial phone calls, so perhaps bear this in mind when trying to select the right therapist for you to contact.


To ensure you’re able to make the most of online counselling, we’ve outlined a few things to keep in mind.


The therapeutic space


Relationship Counselling Online Consider your location when having your online session so that it feels comfortable, safe, and quiet. Try to think about what you will need at the time of your scheduled online appointment; this may include a cup of tea or water, a comfortable chair, and a box of tissues.


It may also be helpful to be in the same location for each online session, to give you a sense of consistency and familiarity, as occurs in our consulting rooms.


If you are preparing for a couple’s session, make sure you sit side by side on a sofa or have your individual chairs set close together, then set up your computer screen so that both of you are visible on the screen at the same time.





To maintain your confidentiality, consider booking an online therapy session at a time when there is limited opportunity for interruptions. Please note that for safety reasons, your therapist will ask you to provide your address at the commencement of each online session.




Relationship Counselling Online. We encourage you to avoid multitasking whilst engaging in your online therapy session. Therapy requires concentration, and anything that detracts from this, such as driving or checking your mobile, is discouraged.


Be prepared


Consider what prior arrangements and preparations you need for your therapy session. Ensure that you have sufficiently charged your phone or laptop, and have an appropriate WiFi connection, or sufficient data on your device.




In many business and medical arenas, skype meetings and consultations have become the norm for many people, allowing us to meet and talk with people just as effectively as we would


In the same way, Skype sessions are becoming increasingly popular with many couples who want relationship counselling, but are short on time, or perhaps prefer a relationship therapist who doesn’t practice near them.


Relationship Counselling online 3

Relationship Counselling Online Conclusion.  Relationship counselling is a convenient and effective way to get confidential Telephone, Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, Hangouts counselling


Using modern technology, distance is no longer a limitation for seeking help. Connect with your therapist, and counsellor digitally. All you need is a reliable internet connection. Schedule convenient appointments no matter where you are without the commute.

Remember we give free consultations and we have relationship packages you can purchase for a speedy and effective result


Relationship Counselling Online Conclusion. Long-distance relationship?  You can do couple counselling with each partner in different locations via Telephone, Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, Hangouts Conference sessions as effective as face to face sessions.


At Miss Date Doctor we believe that healthy relationships with others, as well as an engaged, active self-awareness, allows individuals and couples to build resilience and cope with life in a world that can, at times, be stressful. Our counselling is designed to allow clients to feel supported and connected and to develop strategies to manage a range of issues.

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