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Emotional Addiction

Emotional Addiction

Emotional Addiction

Emotional Addiction. We tend to associate addiction with a dependence on a substance or behaviour, drugs and alcohol, gambling, sex or eating, to name a few.


Some of us become addicted not to something external but our own emotions, feeling compulsively attached and dependent upon feeling these emotions to cope, to be happy, or to feel worthy.


We have chemical reactions to certain emotions, and our brain gives us a similar feeling of reward that a drug or addictive behaviour might.


Emotional Addiction. We start to come to depend on emotion for the same reasons we might depend on a substance or behaviour for comfort, relief, release, reassurance, distraction, avoidance and escapism.


We become so dependent upon this emotion that it feels like an obsession, a compulsion, or even an addiction.


Emotional Addiction. One of the emotions we commonly default to and can become addicted to is our anger.


For many of us, anger can be easier to cope with than sadness. We would rather direct our anger outward, to other people, than sit with the deep sadness within us.


We would rather give our energy to reacting to other people and the things we’re upset about than reflecting and going inward.


Anger can start to be our default emotion, the baseline feeling we instinctively return to. It can be our go-to feeling whenever we’re not sure how to feel.


We may feel anger whenever we don’t know how to react to something, whenever we’re filled with uncertainty, and whenever a conflict arises whether internal or external.


It can be what our minds and hearts jump to regardless of whatever other thoughts and emotions we’re also experiencing.


We can feel soothed by our anger, comforted by it even though it can also be very uncomfortable. We can feel justified by our anger, giving ourselves permission to hold grudges and deny people forgiveness.


We might allow our anger to make us look down on other people to feel better about ourselves.


We can feel calmed by it because it can be easier to handle than anxiety, particularly the anxiety we feel around confrontation.


We can find ourselves turning to anger rather than working towards healthy communication and conflict resolution.


Emotional addiction can coexist alongside our other addictions and mental illnesses.

Many of us tend to form unhealthy attachments to our emotions.


And among the feelings we commonly become unhealthily attached to are our guilt, shame and self-blame.


We instinctively blame ourselves for things that aren’t our fault. We hold onto our mistakes and wrongdoings long after they’ve stopped hurting anyone else.


Emotional Addiction. We can feel a rush of relief from our anxiety and other difficult emotions when we turn to our guilt instead.


Because we’re internally very self-hating, our self-blame can feel comforting, as it’s reinforcing our limiting beliefs about our worth and deservingness, telling us that we were right to hate ourselves and blame ourselves.

Emotional Addiction Meaning

Emotional Addiction Meaning

Emotional Addiction Meaning Emotional addiction is a state where the addict is dependent, as the name indicates, on their emotions.


Or more precisely, on the chemicals produced by the brain when particular emotions are triggered, better known as “hit emotions.”


Emotional Addiction Meaning. It is the process where a person becomes addicted to feeling a certain way, especially in situations of fear or uncertainty, and will, therefore, constantly go back to their default emotion, a mechanism that gives them a sense of familiarity.


Emotional addiction manifests in the lives of the addict in a series of typical behaviour, such as constant venting, and the need to relive negative experiences.


And unconsciously seeking relationships and situations that activate their hit emotions by triggering feelings of uncertainty and abandonment.


Emotional addiction meaning. It stems from childhood trauma and is usually the manifestation of unmet emotional needs.


Emotional addiction comes from genetics, ancestry, behaviours and attitudes, and connections or lack of to our spirituality. Emotional addiction is the condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or involved in something.


What Is Emotional Addiction?

What is Emotional Addiction

What is Emotional Addiction? Emotional Addiction can also be extreme usage of an object or overindulging in an activity.

You’re doing too much of a good thing when you’re rigid about the behaviour.


Signs that you may be over-indulging


  • Friends and family are complaining about the behaviour.


  • You’re defensive or secretive about your habits.


  • The activity brings you the most pleasure in your life, or you feel it’s the one thing that’s keeping you stable.


  • It’s hard to go without it.

For instance, when you don’t have access to it, say while on vacation or at an event such as a wedding, do you feel anxious and think of little besides what you’re missing?


Try not to do the activity and see what kind of effect it has on you. Let’s say you’ve cancelled your Netflix account and you’re completely miserable for the next few days. Then you know it’s an issue.


Here’s a closer look at some common danger zones in modern society.


  • Social Media

What is Emotional Addiction? On the whole, social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter are harmless platforms that allow you to track down old classmates and keep your parents up-to-date with pictures of the kids and the family cat.


For some people, however, it becomes a compulsion. A 2012 study by the University of Chicago, for example, found that it’s easier for people to resist cigarettes and alcohol than to keep from logging onto social media sites.


Nearly one in five social media users can’t go more than a few hours without checking Facebook.


According to the Statistic Brain Research Institute, half of adults ages 18 to 34 check Facebook as soon as they wake up.


Among iPhone users, 28 per cent check their Twitter feed before getting up in the morning.


There’s no denying that social media has become part of our lives. And it’s not a bad thing to feel connected and part of something larger than ourselves.


Social media often provides social support that many people find extremely helpful.


When does helpful edge into harmful? If you get edgy because you don’t know how many hearts your latest Instagram has gotten, or if you’re tweeting a play-by-play of your first date while you’re still on your first date, you may want to reconsider.


Take a look at whether the time you spend on social media is affecting how you’re doing with school, work, or domestic obligations. Not to mention the face-to-face relationships in your life.


Getting sucked too far into ephemeral cyber connection diverts our focus from real people, places and things that give meaning to our world, leaving us instead to live in a superficial cycle of scrolling, viewing, judging and comparing.


  • Exercise

What is Emotional Addiction? There is evidence suggesting that too much exercise may be as big a problem as too little.


Lots of people get into intense cardio activity because it’s fun or it makes them feel good.


Physical activity is a fundamental prescription for improving your mood. So the more exercise you get, the less depressed and anxious you’re likely to be.


  • Video Gaming

Computer gaming can be a simple pleasure with a slippery slope. The American Psychiatric Association has placed “Internet gaming disorder” in a kind of on-deck circle, ready to step up to a formal diagnosis once a critical mass of research accumulates.


That means there’s already significant evidence to back up a proposed diagnosis. A growing number of studies show that “persistent and recurrent use of Internet games, and a preoccupation with them, can result in clinically significant impairment or distress.”


Teens who play four to five hours per day have limited time for socializing, doing homework, or playing sports, which can hinder their social development and prospects. For adults, too much gaming can jeopardize jobs and relationships.


  • Binge-Watching

It’s almost cool these days to admit to watching an entire season of House of Cards or Downton Abbey in one sitting. Netflix promotes the phenomenon as “the new normal” in its ads.


Binge-watching, also called binge-viewing or marathon viewing, is a relatively new cultural phenomenon thanks to Netflix and other online media services such as Hulu, Amazon Prime, and HBO+.

Can A Person Be Addicted To Emotional Pain?

Can a person be Addicted to Emotional pain

Can a person be Addicted to Emotional pain? Emotional pain is pain or hurt that originates from non-physical sources. Sometimes this emotional distress is the result of the actions of others.


Other times, it might be the result of regret, grief, or loss. In other cases, it might be the result of an underlying mental health condition such as depression or anxiety.


No matter what the cause, this psychological pain can be intense and significantly affect many different areas of your life.


While it is often dismissed as being less serious than physical pain, emotional pain must be taken seriously.


Several common feelings are associated with emotional pain that can have an impact on both your physical and mental health.


Can a person be Addicted to Emotional pain? People with emotional addiction can depend on a certain emotion for comfort, relief, distraction or escape.


The emotion grows into an obsession, a compulsion and an addiction. Those who develop an emotional addiction might feel as if they live at the mercy of their feelings.


Scientists have discovered negative emotions have an addictive quality that triggers the reward centres in the brain.


In other words, you feel like you’re rewarding yourself when you succumb to negative emotions. Worry activates areas of the brain that trick you into feeling soothed.


Suffering and struggle are emotional addictions as strong as addictions to alcohol, nicotine and drugs.


The only difference is that these addictions are created by our internal emotional states rather than by external substances introduced to the body.


Can a person be Addicted to Emotional pain? So if you notice a pattern in your life of struggle and suffering from one issue to another with little respite in between, you’ve got an emotional addiction.


How on earth, you ask, a person can become addicted to suffering and struggle?

These living conditions are the states of being running on a cluster of negative emotions such as worry, fear, anger, pain, depression, low self-esteem and victimhood.


A typical example here is the “battered wife syndrome,” where a woman is unable to leave an abusive relationship, and when she finally does with the help of police and social services soon after she finds another man who will continue the abuse.


She will attract similar relationships one after another as if subconsciously wanting to experience pain.


Every emotion, either positive or negative, is a blend of chemicals (neurotransmitters and hormones) that our brain instantly produces in response to thoughts.


This cocktail circulates throughout the body producing corresponding sensations that are felt at both the psychological and physical levels.


The chemistry of emotion is very addictive if repeated frequently over a long period just like the chemistry of nicotine, alcohol and drugs.


This is most noticeable in the case of negative emotions, as they produce stress hormones that our body, in a twisted, self-destructive way, can easily start craving like a drug.


If you have a positive thought, it creates a positive emotion of joy, happiness, love, fun, fulfilment etc.


It is uncommon to find people addicted to happiness, however. The best-known addiction to the “feel-good” hormones comes from the post-effects of strenuous physical activity.


Negative thoughts create negative emotions which produce potent stress chemistry flooding our system. And if you don’t believe that fear is addictive why do so many of us crave those horror movies?


What Are The Emotional Effects Of Addiction On A Person?

What are the Emotional effects of Addiction on a person

What are the Emotional effects of Addiction on a person? The psychological distress associated with substance abuse can range from mild to serious. It isn’t clear which issue is causing the other, but the relationship is strong, nonetheless.


People who suffer from mood or anxiety disorders are almost twice as likely to also suffer from a substance abuse disorder, and people who suffer from substance abuse disorders are approximately twice as likely to also suffer from a mood or anxiety disorder.


People often also abuse substances as a way to self-medicate the symptoms of mental health problems which often can increase the underlying risk for mental health disorders as well as trigger new symptoms.


What are the Emotional effects of Addiction on a person? If you or someone you care about is chronically using drugs or alcohol.


It can lead to changes in the brain, which can lead to mental health issues including paranoia, depression, anxiety, aggression, hallucinations, and other problems.


EmotionalAddiction is frequently intertwined with other mental health issues, but this relationship doesn’t always have a clear directionality.


Among the most common long-term mental health issues associated with drug abuse and addiction are:


What are the Emotional effects of Addiction on a person?

There is a clear association between substance abuse and depression, as well as other mood disorders.


This relationship could be attributed to pre-existing depression that led to drug abuse or it could be that substance use caused changes in the brain that increased depressive symptoms.


Addiction is also associated with anxiety and panic disorders. Again, the cause is difficult to discern and can be different among individuals. For one person, they could develop a pattern of abuse after using drugs


Some drugs, like cocaine and marijuana, can cause feelings of paranoia that may be amplified with long-term abuse.


On top of this, people struggling with addiction may feel that they need to hide or lie about their substance use, indicating a fear of being caught.

What Are The Three Types Of Addiction?

What are the three types of Addiction

What are the three types of Addiction? 3 major types of Addiction are:


  1. Substance Addiction

The first thing that most people think of when talking about addiction is substance abuse.


Drug and alcohol addiction is unique in this list, as the substances which are ingested or injected have a direct impact on a person’s brain and body.


Addiction to substances can be both a psychological issue and a physical issue, which is why many substance abuse facilities incorporate a medical component into the treatment regimen.


As with most addictions, a hallmark of substance addiction is the development of tolerance.


Tolerance refers to the experience of no longer being satisfied by the amount and frequency that an addict started with.


More and more of the substance or behaviour is required to produce any high that is similar to the one experienced in the beginning. A sad fact of the matter of addiction is that no amount will ultimately satisfy.


Substance Addiction is the Independence of a specific chemical. People can be addicted to prescription medication, such as opioids, or illicit drugs, such as crystal meth, heroin or cocaine. Alcoholism is also considered a type of substance addiction.


  1. Impulse addiction:

What are the 3 three types of Addiction? Impulse control disorders can lead to impulse addiction. Someone with an impulse control disorder struggles to manage their emotions and actions.


This disorder may make someone prone to theft, emotional outbursts or destructive behaviour.


Approximately 10.5% of people have an impulse control disorder, according to the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.


Behaviours that arise with impulse control disorders can become addictive. Impulse addiction can also intersect with other mental health issues, such as substance abuse.


  1. Behavioural addiction(Emotional Addiction):

What are the 3 three types of Addiction?  Many people associate addiction solely with substances, like alcohol or drugs. But you can also be addicted to specific behaviours.


Common addictive behaviours include shopping, sex, gambling and video gaming. The compulsive behaviour gives the user a rush or high similar to what those addicted to a substance experience.


Emotional Addiction To Stress

Emotional Addiction to Stress

Emotional Addiction to Stress. What is a stress addiction? It can be defined as a recurring pattern of seeking out situations or behaving in ways that increase stress, even when you’re distressed, aware of the potential consequences, and want to stop.


Feeling like you never have enough time for fun or chores, but still, willingly take on extra errands?


Is your work checklist seemingly never-ending, yet you still volunteer to take on extra tasks?


Are you constantly pushing social occasions for longer office hours without management asking for overtime?


Do you often find yourself sitting at your desk well after all your coworkers have gone home?


I’m sorry to break it to you, but there’s a chance you may be addicted to stress, a dangerous and slippery slope towards burnout and deteriorating health.


Signs you may have Emotional Addiction to Stress


  • You are frequently reminded to go home

You’re often among the last or even the last to leave work. You work overtime often enough that it becomes common knowledge among your coworkers.


Not only that, but you feel a sense of pride for the long hours you constantly put in. You might even judge other coworkers who don’t.


However, longer office hours don’t necessarily equal higher productivity or better performance, especially long term.


Quite the opposite as more cities, companies or even entire countries demo shorter work days and implement task-based, rather than hour-based performance requirements, results overwhelmingly point towards increased productivity and higher levels of overall happiness.


Moreover, such moves have the potential to significantly cut costs for companies and reduce their environmental impact.


  • Deadlines are your muse

Plenty of professionals will swear by the power to increase the performance of tight or looming deadlines, especially those in creative jobs, but that’s not necessarily true.


And it surely isn’t healthy. Sustained levels of stress over long periods increase an individual’s risk of developing heart disease, cancer, depression, anxiety and a host of other health issues.


  • Coffee Addiction

As mentioned above, prolonged stress decreases productivity over time, causes difficulties in concentrating and brings on fatigue.


In our 24/7 world, most of us try to fight symptoms like these with various “uppers”, like coffee, black tea, energy and sugary soft drinks and smoking.


  • You feel so alive under pressure”

But stress isn’t only a contributing factor to addiction. Stress itself may be the thing that you are addicted to.


The hormones our bodies produce among them dopamine can create a natural high, that’s enticing to chase.


  • Workaholic

Our complicated relationship with stress, and indeed stress addiction, is also a byproduct of living in a hyper-connected, 24/7, capitalist society that emphasizes the bottom line instead of the human element.



  • You are always busy

Emotional Addiction to Stress. Constantly missing out on social occasions and cutting sleep time can also be major signs.


With stress making one feel like there’s just not enough time to get everything done, it becomes temptingly easy to cut time spent with friends and family and time allocated for hobbies and self-care.


And then even when you do participate in relaxing activities, your brain can’t quite disconnect.


  • You can’t stay relaxed

Catching yourself worrying about deadlines on the weekend, and becoming anxious without access to communication technology like emails and phone calls often pairs up with a feeling of guilt for being unproductive when relaxing or doing self-care.


It might even take you days into your vacation to finally break free from that stress.


Emotional Addiction Test

Emotional Addiction test

Emotional Addiction Test In the case of emotional addiction, you become “hooked” either on feeling a familiar way or in responding in an automatic way to the powerful pull of innate emotions.


Emotional addicts pay heavily for their fixes, though not in dollars to a dealer. The cost of emotional addiction is that you live at the mercy of feelings provoked by circumstances and your perceptions of these events.


The overpowering feelings transcend other brain responses, and you need to make sensible decisions, rather than react to impulses.


If you’re wondering whether or not you have an emotional addiction, here are some signs that might indicate that you could be dealing with an emotional addiction.


  • You cling to toxic relationships.


  • You have a difficult time controlling your emotions in stressful situations.


  • You stay upset for long periods.


  • You feel angry when you don’t get your way.


  • You lash out at people when they make you upset.


Emotional Addiction Test. If you experience these, you do likely have an emotional Addiction:


  • Activities centre on the addiction in a way that negatively affects relationships, school, and work.


  • A preoccupation with the addiction and spending a lot of time on planning, engaging in, and recovering from the addictive behaviour.


  • Changes in energy, such as being unexpectedly and extremely tired or energetic.


  • Difficulty cutting down or controlling the addictive behaviour.


  • Extreme mood changes.


  • Physical changes include increased illness and weight changes.


  • Sleeping a lot more or less than usual, or at different times of the day or night.


  • Tolerance involves the need to engage in addictive behaviour more and more to get the desired effect.


  • Withdrawal is when the person does not take the substance or engage in the activity, and they experience unpleasant symptoms.


Most of the signs of addiction can have other explanations. People can have changes in their mood, behaviour, and energy levels for other reasons, including health-related ones.


  • Rorschach Inkblot Test.

Emotional Addiction Test. This test has been around for nearly a hundred years. It has been thoroughly researched using data analysis, field-testing, and empirical validation by a variety of researchers and methodologies.


In the hands of an experienced examiner, the Rorschach reveals a person’s subconscious processes, behavioural tendencies, thought processes, pathologies, internal coping resources, and even intellectual development.


A person’s responses to the inkblots disclose how he or she deals with emotions and thoughts.


The test reveals the examinee’s reality orientation, attitude towards self and others, capacity for control, expectations about interpersonal experiences, attribution of the motivations of others, and the person’s style of organizing and reacting to ambiguity and challenges.


This can be most helpful in detecting processing habits that predispose one to excessive emotional reactivity.


Emotional Addiction In Relationship

Emotional Addiction in Relationship

Emotional Addiction in Relationship. Addiction is a serious condition that affects the brain. True addiction makes it difficult to think about anything else.


You’re compelled to keep seeking that thing out, even when your need negatively affects you or your loved ones.


You continue “craving” someone who doesn’t feel the same way. With all addictions or comfort-seeking behaviours, an obsessive type of focus can begin to take over.


This description can make it easy to translate certain relationship behaviours into an emotional addiction in a Relationship.


Emotional Addiction in a Relationship may leave one feeling incomplete without a partner,

constantly talking about falling in love or

having more interest in being in love than in sustaining a healthy relationship.


Relationship addiction can involve a lot of breaking up and getting back together.


The beginning of a relationship releases endorphins and dopamine, which feel wonderful, while breakups can spike a deep depression.


People with certain personality types may feel attracted to this roller coaster and have a hard time feeling alive without it.


The enthusiasm of believing you’ve found “the one” and depression when the short-lived relationship ends can form a cycle.


This cycle can lead to impulsive decisions and affect your ability to function as you usually would.


According to Vicki Botnick, a marriage and family therapist in Tarzana, California, “using the term addiction to talk about love and sex is controversial.” Love and sex are both a natural part of human life, unlike, say, substance use or gambling.


The lack of diagnostic criteria also complicates things. “Are you an addict when you jump from relationship to relationship? What does ‘loving too much’ actually mean?” she asks.


In other words, simply moving from relationship to relationship or wanting to have multiple relationships at the same time doesn’t mean you’re “addicted.”


Neither does falling in love quickly, wanting to find a new partner immediately after a breakup, or enjoying how it feels to have a relationship.


Still, Botnick acknowledges that “as with any condition, it’s concerning when someone’s thoughts and behaviour cause significant, ongoing distress.”


Still, there’s some evidence that relationships can be addictive. A few recent studies have explored how characteristics of addiction can show up in the development of romantic relationships.


Emotional Addiction in Relationship A 2016 study trusted Source describes romantic love as a natural addiction.


People in love often experience euphoria, cravings, dependency, withdrawal, and other behaviours associated with addiction.


This happens, researchers explain, because the dopamine reward system in your brain is activated by romantic love, just as it’s activated by substances and addictive behaviours.


However, the authors make the distinction that romantic love isn’t characterized as a behavioural or chemical addiction.


When people say they “have an addiction,” they’re often talking about an extreme fondness for something.


Sure, you might love snowboarding, listening to podcasts, or watching cat videos. But generally speaking, these aren’t actual addictions.


When you are Addicted, You’re compelled to keep seeking that thing out, even when your need negatively affects you or your loved ones. The addictive qualities of love can also come into play during a breakup.


A 2010 study examined brain activity in 15 people who had recently experienced relationship rejection.


According to the study, similar areas of the brain activated by cocaine cravings were also activated after rejection.


As with other types of addiction, addiction-like behaviours around relationships result from a complex interaction of factors.


These include brain chemistry, genetics, upbringing, and the relationships you see around you.


Others argue that love is simply an evolutionary survival response. Botnick also points to low self-esteem as a key contributor.


“When we don’t know how to get positive feedback from inside ourselves, we need it from outside sources.


Falling in love, or just getting interested from potential partners, can become a method we rely on.”She also adds that attachment issues can fuel this pattern.


Emotional Addiction Symptoms

Emotional Addiction Symptoms

Emotional Addiction Symptoms. Maybe you struggle to let go of a relationship after it ends. Or you might fixate on the person you love, even if they no longer return your feelings.


Even after they ask for space, you might feel compelled to keep seeing them, trying to convince them to give the relationship another chance.


This overwhelming need for your partner can also happen within a relationship when you crave their company so much that you neglect work, school, and other important parts of your life to spend time together.


Emotional Addiction Symptoms.


  • Fear

Fear is an emotional addiction that can lead to a downward spiral. Someone prone to this negative emotion might be unable to think rationally. Instead, they might turn to illicit substances to put off the inevitable.


  • Anger

Anger is another major emotional addiction that can often lead to substance abuse.

Someone who is overcome with constant anger will look for anything to make them feel more at ease with their life.


While there are healthy ways to overcome this emotional pain addiction, like anger management courses, not everyone chooses the best means to cope.


  • Grief

Grief is an emotional pain addiction that often gives way to reckless behaviour. If someone is faced with an extreme loss, they might find it difficult to care about anything else.


This leaves them especially vulnerable to turning to drugs as a means of feeling better.


  • Depression

Depression is a common emotional addiction that many people struggle with. It’s the most common mental illness in the United States.


Depression is similar to grief because it leads a person to behave recklessly. Someone who doesn’t care about anything is especially vulnerable to developing a substance addiction to cope with their feelings.


  • Desire

Emotional Addiction Symptoms. Not all emotional addictions come from feelings associated with sadness. There are a few somewhat positive emotions that can leave a person susceptible to drug addiction.


  • Impulsiveness

Impulsiveness isn’t merely a personality trait. It’s an active emotional addiction that can lead a person to try new things on a whim. Sometimes the results are positive, but not always.


  • Pleasure

Pleasure is an emotional addiction that can lead a person to recklessly pursue it. This can lead to a variety of addictions, such as sex and gambling, but also leads to drug addiction as well.

Emotional Addiction to a person

Emotional Addiction to a person

Emotional Addiction to person Addiction to a person involves obsessive thoughts about the relationship, feelings of hope, anticipation, waiting, confusion, and desperation.


Addictive relationships are toxic and very powerful. Healthy relationships do not involve constant drama and continual feelings of longing.


Being addicted to a person is not generally what comes to mind when people think about addiction.


We generally think about addiction as being hooked on substances that have addictive chemical properties.


A few common behavioural addictions include gambling, gaming, social media, and work. This leads to the question: can you be addicted to a person?


Emotional Addiction to a person. You can be addicted to a person. This is also referred to as relationship addiction, love addiction, or codependency. Each of these consists of seeking external validation to compensate for low self-esteem.


What Causes Addiction to a Person?

Since this form of addiction is so centred on seeking external validation, it is closely related to early childhood attachment experiences.


These early childhood experiences may increase a person’s likelihood of developing codependent relationships. Early turmoil can instil a deep sense of distrust and relational insecurity.


The lack of secure attachment can result in persons being highly dependent on relationships, often concerned about abandonment from a romantic partner.


Rather than getting to the root of the issue, persons with this type of relational addiction seek short-term reassurance at the expense of long-term relational health and security.


Some of these short-term behaviours include the following:


  • Trying to impress others to get their approval
  • Trying to fix others
  • Doing things to be perceived as “the hero”
  • Excessive gift-giving
  • Constantly adapting to “fit in”


Recovering from an Addiction to a Person

Emotional Addiction to a person. If you are struggling with this type of addiction, it can be helpful to reach out to a psychologist or counsellor who specializes in this area.


A key area to consider when recovering from codependency is asking yourself this simple question: “What do I want?”


Getting clear on your values allows you to regain your sense of purpose, building a sense of independent identity.

Emotional Addiction Cycle

Emotional Addiction Cycle

Emotional Addiction Cycle An emotional addiction is when the body becomes dependent on our chemical responses. This cycle changes the reward centre of the brain.


Even if the emotion makes us miserable, the rush of neurotransmitters is a reward.


Addiction usually means being addicted to an external substance or behaviour (like food addiction or sex addiction) but it is also possible to be addicted to our internal chemical cocktails.


Most people who struggle with any kind of addiction are aware at least on some level of the issues their addiction is causing them.


Emotional addiction is different because we’re living and breathing the emotional experience so closely that it is beyond our scope of awareness.


To break emotional addiction you have to become conscious of your patterns.


How to break the cycle

  • Observe sets an intention to observe your emotions:

While this sounds simple, it’s very difficult because we rarely observe our emotions before responding to them.


You may think you don’t have an emotional addiction because it seems like it’s just part of “you.” Put reminders on your phone and journal this intention.


Doing this will help you become conscious of the subconscious. Watch how you feel in daily situations while scrolling Instagram, at work, or when talking with friends.


Notice any patterns and note them. These may give you clues to your hit emotion.


  • Ask for input from someone you trust:

Emotional Addiction Cycle. Through vulnerability, we gain insight. If you have someone in your life who you trust and who’s willing to be open and honest with you, ask them if they would give you input.


Tell them that you’re doing some personal development work and see if they find you in any particular emotion a lot of the time. Other people can see what we cannot see in ourselves.


  • Commit to a daily 5-minute meditation:

For 30 days, commit to doing 5 minutes of meditation no matter what. Watch the feelings and emotions that come up while attempting to observe your thoughts.


They will give you valuable feedback on the loops of your thoughts which trigger emotion.


  • Focus on nutrition:

Emotional Addiction Cycle. The brain is an energy-demanding organ that is constantly creating new pathways, regenerating cells, and firing and wiring neurons countless times a day.


The brain is primarily fat and is in constant communication with the gut via the gut-brain axis.


  • Use affirmations:

When you know your “hit” emotion you can use affirmations to change the neural pathways of the brain.


  • Expect Resistance:

The brain is neuroplastic meaning it can create new pathways based on conscious behaviour at any time during life.


While this is fascinating and gives hope, it’s important to be realistic that it takes a lot of work. The mind always favours familiarity and will protest when you try to change neural connectivity.

Emotional Addiction to Alcohol

Emotional Addiction to Alcohol

Emotional Addiction to Alcohol When a person becomes addicted, they will lose all self-control.


Their cravings will increase and they will have a desire to drink in excess. When this happens, many things in the person’s life are affected.


Things will no longer remain the same. Not only does alcoholism affect the individual, but there are also effects felt by other people, including friends, family members and co-workers. People who have alcoholism will often continue to drink.


What is alcohol dependency?

Emotional Addiction to Alcohol. Alcoholism is a psychiatric diagnosis that was reclassified under the DSM-5 in 2013, as alcohol use disorder (previously classified as alcohol dependence).


When someone has an alcohol use disorder, they are psychologically or physically dependent on alcohol.


What are the symptoms of alcohol dependency?


According to experts, alcohol dependency has four key symptoms:


  • Physical dependence:

This includes shaking, anxiety, sweating and feeling sick when stopping alcohol after a bout of heavy drinking


  • High alcohol tolerance:

Emotional Addiction to Alcohol. The more a person drinks, the stronger the alcohol threshold -meaning they require a higher intake of alcohol to get drunk


  • Strong urges or cravings:

The person’s urge and compulsion to drink are intense.


  • A lack of control:

A person is incapable of controlling the amount they drink on any given day or occasion


  • Need to drink more to achieve the same effects


  • Appearing tired, unwell or irritable


  • A lack of interest in previously normal activities


  • Appearing intoxicated more regularly


  • An inability to say no to alcohol


  • Anxiety, depression or other mental health problems


  • Becoming secretive or lying to friends, family, employers


Emotional Addiction Book

Emotional Addiction book

Emotional Addiction Book. Some books on Emotional Addiction are


  • Emotional Addiction: A bittersweet truth by Kathie Mathis

Do you wonder why it is so difficult to leave relationships that are not good for you? This book is about emotional bonding that is created and held onto. Emotional bonding keeps us from moving forward in our lives and leaving these negative relationships when we should. It provides solutions to overcoming those negative emotional bonds.


Emotional Addiction Book.

  • Dr Carleah East, The Hangover: Overcoming Emotional Addiction: 12-Steps for Emotional Sobriety


  • Ingvar Villido, Practical Consciousness: Freeing Yourself from Emotional Addiction to Live a More Joyful Life


  • Peter D. Ladd, Emotional Addictions

A Reference Book for Addictions and Mental Health Counseling


The reference book Emotional Addictions proposes that some people may be “addicted” in an unhealthy manner to specific emotions.


The emotion could be anger, anxiety, apathy, egotism, envy, guilt, jealousy, resentment, revenge, or self-hatred.


Emotional Addiction book. Historically, one of the greatest challenges to both mental health and substance abuse counsellors has been the addict who has been clean and sober for some time, yet still has substantial difficulties coping with life.


Ladd contends that emotional addiction operates under similar criteria to physical addiction, with both forms of addiction showing characteristics of denial, compulsive behaviour, dependency, tolerance, addictive thinking, and withdrawal symptoms.


By combining emotions with addictions, Ladd has written a cutting-edge approach to helping people with addictions and mental health problems.


Circle of Emotional Addiction

Circle of Emotional Addiction

Circle of Emotional Addiction The cycle of addiction is created by changes produced in brain chemistry from substance abuse. It is perpetuated by physiological, psychological and emotional dependency.


This cycle of addiction continues unrestrained until some type of intervention occurs (self-intervention, legal, family, etc.).


Some interventions for Emotional Addiction

  • Peace

It is important to make the mind feel safe in safe situations. It is also important to let the body know that it is okay to feel good.


  • Unlearn:

When we are brought up in homes with rampant crises, we often recognise our emotions with the feeling of anxiety. It is recommended to unlearn.


  • Reflections:

Circle of Emotional Addiction. We often look for chaos or create a situation of such emotions to feel at home. We need to stop and reflect.


  • Rebalance:

“There is a state of withdrawal within the body when you stop engaging in these cycles.


The nervous system will need to rebalance. Sleep, get sunlight, eat as well as you can,” wrote Nicole.


  • Boundaries:

Circle of Emotional Addiction. Draw boundaries and be specific about them. “You are worthy of a peaceful, slow, nourishing life free from adrenaline and cortisol spikes,” Nicole wrapped her post.

How to stop Emotional Addiction

How to stop Emotional Addiction

How to stop Emotional Addiction is different from addiction to drugs or alcohol because it presents as more pervasive and less obvious.


It colours how you view the world and respond to circumstances. To break emotional addiction, you must become conscious of these unhealthy patterns and learn to adapt these feelings with more constructive responses.


The key to breaking emotional addiction and changing your emotional habit is to develop resilience to how you feel.


This includes awareness of and control over your emotions. As you break the chains of emotional addiction, you give your body a rest from the chemical fixes it received from these emotional responses and allow natural healing to occur.


Here are a few methods of gaining emotional resilience and breaking emotional addiction:


  • Identify your emotional habit:

How to stop Emotional Addiction. Emotional addiction can feel like it’s always been a part of you. However, as you observe yourself in the minutiae of everyday life, you’ll see patterns in your reactions.


Once you recognize these emotional habits, you’re ready to move forward.


  • Rewire your brain’s reward system:

Whether through meditations or daily affirmations, your goal is to gain the power to produce real change.


When an emotion starts to overpower you, give yourself time to calm down, even if that means stepping away from a situation. Some people find mantras they can repeat in emotionally charged situations.


  • Resist the urge to brood:

How to stop Emotional Addiction. When you brood over something distressing, you rarely gain insight over it. You just end up replaying upsetting situations in your head.


If you catch yourself brooding, distract yourself with a positive activity exercise, crossword puzzles or TV.


  • Care for your self-esteem:

When you discover an emotional addiction, you may feel shame. Try to show compassion and understanding to yourself.


Self-esteem is like an emotional immune system if nurtured, it can provide strength. Move forward focusing on the things you appreciate about yourself and the hope of a better future.


  • Have patience:

Most people develop emotional addictions after decades, so it’s unrealistic to expect instant change.


Dedicate yourself to the process, but take breaks when needed. Re-programming how your brain responds to circumstances takes time. Keep your chin up and celebrate the small victories along the way.


Emotional Addiction Conclusion

Emotional Addiction Conclusion

Emotional Addiction Conclusion Emotions are potent. When those who develop an emotional addiction become hooked to feeling a familiar way or responding to their powerful, innate emotions.


The brain gives off chemical reactions in response to certain emotions, similar to those experienced while taking part in other addictive behaviours or substances.


People with emotional addiction can depend on a certain emotion for comfort, relief, distraction or escape. The emotion grows into an obsession, a compulsion and an addiction.


If you identify with any of the symptoms in this Article, speak with a professional immediately.

Further reading

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