Facebook and marriage problems statistics Posted byMiss Date Doctor March 22, 2022March 29, 2022 Table of Contents hide 1 Facebook and marriage problems statistics 1.1 Marriage Problems statistics 1.2 How many marriages are ruined by Facebook? 1.3 Does Facebook cause relationship problems? 1.4 How many divorces are blamed on Facebook? 1.5 Can social media ruin a marriage? 1.6 Social media and marriage statistics 1.7 Husbands and social media 1.8 Marriages ruined by social media 1.9 Social media and divorce statistics 1.10 How social media affects marriage? 1.11 Social media rules for married couples 1.12 Facebook marriages 1.13 1 in 3 divorce filings mention Facebook. 1.13.1 Facebook and marriage problems statistics conclusion 1.14 Further reading Facebook and marriage problems statistics Facebook and Marriage Problems Statistics. A study in the Uk showed that close to 25% of married couples argued at least once a week because of social media use, and 17% fought daily over something they found about their spouse online. 20% of respondents reported that they fought with their spouses on Facebook, and nearly half said they secretly logged into their spouse’s accounts.’’ Social media removes from a union exclusivity – a key ingredient for a congenial relationship — when spouses resort to communicating their problems to amused aliens online instead of thrashing out issues with their partners. There is a story on Twitter of a certain lady who was regaling her followers with details of incidents in her marriage to which she admitted her husband was unaware. Communication is the lifeblood of a marriage. But when primary communication is relocated outside a relationship, the union becomes devoid of emotion. Your marriage needs to be your most important relationship. As far as you are concerned, it has to take priority over every other connection with every other human being. If you sense that this is no longer true for you, or if you suspect that your feelings for your spouse may be slipping from the number one position, it’s time to stop and take another look at the situation. This is particularly true if the quantity and quality of your communication with your spouse appear to be going downhill. This can happen for several reasons, of course. But there are ways to tell if your involvement with Facebook has anything to do with it. Is social media dominating your time? If you’re spending more time on Facebook than you are interacting with your spouse, or if you sense that online “relationships” are more enjoyable and fulfilling than your marriage or other “real life” activities, this is a definite sign that something isn’t right. You should also watch out for disagreements about the content of your Facebook page or pages. For example, if one spouse is unhappy with the way the other is representing the family, this could become a source of serious conflict. A lot of people already allude to the fact that this contributes significantly to Facebook and marriage problems statistics The problem can be especially significant if one partner feels that the other’s Facebook postings or photos are silly, that they’re giving the entire household a foolish reputation, or that they violate the sanctity of the marriage covenant or the family’s privacy in any way. When you start having arguments about the appropriateness of “friend” requests from ex-spouses or “old flames” can be another potential landmine. You’ll know that social media is negatively impacting your marriage and resorting indirectly to Facebook and marriage problems statistics if you ever find yourselves caught in the middle of that discussion. Secrecy in any form is another danger signal. Do you feel a sudden compulsion to log off or minimize the Facebook window when your spouse walks into the room unannounced? If so, you need to ask yourself why. Transparency is the foundation of trust, and trust is essential to every successful marriage. This is why we recommend that husbands and wives who are active in social media maintain an “open-door policy” by sharing their passwords, both out of mutual respect and as a way of ensuring accountability. In connection with this last point, we’d suggest that there are several additional questions you need to ask yourself about your interactions with online acquaintances and “friends,” especially those of the opposite sex. Do your conversations include things that should be kept between you and your spouse? Do you find yourself daydreaming about any of these people? Do you look for excuses to visit them online? Do you share thoughts, feelings, or problems with them that you don’t reveal to your spouse? Are you convinced that they understand you better than your spouse does? If so, there’s a danger that these relationships may be crossing the line between the platonic and the romantic. This is a serious red flag. If any of these danger signals are present in your marriage and your use of social media, we’d urge you to sit down with your spouse and take a very close look at your situation. It might be a good idea to do this with the assistance of a trained counselor. Call our Counseling department for a free consultation. Our staff can provide you with referrals to qualified professionals in your area who specialize in marriage and family therapy. They will also be happy to discuss your questions with you over the phone Marriage Problems statistics Marriage problems statistics. A study result presents findings from interviews of 52 divorced individuals who received the Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program (PREP) while engaged to be married. Using both quantitative and qualitative methods, the study sought to understand participant reasons for divorce (including identification of the “final straw”) in order to understand if the program covered these topics effectively. Participants also provided suggestions based on their premarital education experiences so as to improve future relationship education efforts. The most commonly reported major contributors to divorce were lack of commitment, infidelity, and conflict/arguing. The most common “final straw” reasons were infidelity, domestic violence, and substance use. More participants blamed their partners than blamed themselves for the divorce. Recommendations from participants for the improvement of premarital education included receiving relationship education before making a commitment to marry (when it would be easier to break up), having support for implementing skills outside of the educational setting and increasing content about the stages of typical marital development. These results provide new insights into the timing and content of premarital and relationship education and contribution to marriage problems statistics There’s usually more than one reason a couple gets divorced (which is why percentages for answers add up to more than 100%), and those reasons are often intertwined. For example, people are more likely to have extramarital affairs when they’re experiencing other problems in their marriage, and communication problems exacerbate issues like money disputes. Another complicating factor that won’t surprise you is that couples often disagree about what caused their breakup. Still, it can be helpful to learn what other people say about why their marriages ended, with the benefit of hindsight. And if you’re hoping to avoid the same outcome, it can help to recognize when signs of these problems show up in your own marriage. Lack of Commitment In several studies that asked people to choose from a list of important reasons for their divorce, lack of commitment came out at the top of the list. (As many as 85% of participants in one study gave this answer.) Interestingly enough, another study showed lack of commitment was also the reason couples were most likely to agree on? although one spouse usually blamed the other for not working harder to save the marriage. Lack of commitment can seem vague and hard to prove (or disprove), especially to the person who’s being blamed for the problem. The outward signs are often related to other reasons for divorce, like extramarital affairs, not being willing to talk about the relationship, and not working toward shared financial goals. That’s probably why so many people point to a lack of commitment as a significant cause of divorce—because they see it as the issue underlying a range of more obvious problems. Incompatibility and Growing Apart All those lawmakers who settled on “irreconcilable differences” as the basic ground for no-fault divorce were on to something. When asked why their marriages ended, a significant proportion of divorced people answer with some variation of “we grew apart,” “we drifted apart,” or “we were just incompatible” (up to 55% in one study) and make the Facebook and marriage problems statistics list. This concept of incompatibility could include other divorce reasons that came up in various studies, such as: A lack of shared values Marrying too young (which makes growing apart more likely) Sexual difficulties, and Religious differences. Of course, many couples live with and even relish their differences. But most successful marriages are based on a core of shared (or at least overlapping) interests, priorities, and values. Outward signs of incompatibility often go hand in hand with other common reasons for divorce—especially poor communication, which is next on the list. Communication Problems Around 50% of participants in various studies cited reasons for divorce that had to do with poor communication, like arguing too much and not being able to talk to each other. Here again, communication problems can be the cause of other reasons people give for divorces, such as conflict over money and family responsibilities. It’s not hard to recognize when you’re arguing all the time with your spouse. But even if the fights aren’t that frequent or nasty, keep an eye out for repeated arguments about the same thing or disagreements that never really get resolved. That can be a sign that you need help learning how to communicate with each other more effectively, perhaps through couple’s therapy. Extramarital Affairs Although infidelity (or adultery) came up in every study we reviewed, its frequency among the reasons given for divorce varied from about 20% in one study to 60% in others. This wide range could be a reflection of the fact that at least some divorced people consider an affair as just the last straw after a string of other marital problems. Those other problems might be the reason someone goes outside the marriage for intimacy, excitement, or distraction—or even as an unconscious way of provoking the other spouse into calling an end to the marriage. Financial Incompatibility: Money Disagreements In different studies, about 40% of people said that financial problems—in particular, complaints about how their ex-spouse handled money—were a major reason they got divorced. Fights over money are often referred to as “financial incompatibility,” because they usually stem from differences in priorities and values around financial decisions. Signs that you and your spouse are financially incompatible include when: one of you keeps secrets or even outright lies about purchases or other financial decisions (like making investments or withdrawing money from savings) one of you doesn’t consult the other before making large purchases or taking other steps that affect your joint finances you can’t talk regularly (and calmly) about your finances the two of you can’t or won’t set joint financial goals (like budgeting and saving to buy a house, have kids, or build a retirement nest egg), and you set financial goals together but one of you keeps subverting them. Not surprisingly, research has shown that couples with lower incomes are more likely to cite financial incompatibility as a major reason for getting divorced. When there’s less to go around—and higher stress about being able to pay bills—there’s likely to be more fighting over money issues. And of course, no matter a couple’s income level fights about money and property continue during the divorce itself. Substance Abuse In various studies, between 10% and 35% of people said they divorced because of their spouse’s drinking or drug problems. There are many signs that your spouse could have a substance use disorder, including: changes in sleep, appetite, and hygiene secretive behavior sudden mood swings paranoia or other personality changes neglecting work or family responsibilities abandoning old friends or activities an unexplained need for extra money, and difficulties with attention or memory. Domestic Abuse According to Facebook and marriage problems statistics research, between 15% and 25% of participants in various studies listed domestic violence as an important reason for divorce. And in a study focusing on older divorced couples, more than a third of participants listed verbal, emotional, or physical abuse as one of the three main reasons for their divorce. Women and men tend to have very different views of domestic abuse as a cause of divorce. In one national study, 42% of women—but only 9% of men—cited domestic violence as an important reason their marriage ended. That could be a reflection of the fact that women are much more likely than men to suffer intimate partner abuse, and that victims of abuse are more likely than abusers to see the behavior as the cause of divorce. Learn about the effect of spousal abuse on divorce, the warning signs of relationship abuse, and how to protect yourself when leaving an abusive relationship. How many marriages are ruined by Facebook? How many marriages are ruined by Facebook? What is the percentage of divorces caused by Facebook? The study found a link between social media use and decreased marriage quality in every model analyzed. It also found that a 20% annual increase in Facebook enrollment was associated with a 2.18% to 4.32% increase in divorce rates. How many marriages are ruined by facebook? When some studies asked about the important reasons for divorce, about 20% of participants cited conflicts in their marriage over: how to raise their kids child care responsibilities, and/or other family and household obligations. It’s worth noting that at least one study showed women were significantly more likely than men to cite these disputes as an important cause of their divorce. (In older studies that gave participants a checklist of reasons, the lists seldom included conflicts over family responsibilities—perhaps because many social scientists overlooked or made assumptions about gender roles in marriages between men and women.) Does Facebook cause relationship problems? Does Facebook cause relationship problems? Although according to UK Rates and Statistics, the divorce rate has been on the decline since 1980, the fact remains that there are people out there still getting divorced. While it may not be as high as the 50 percent rate that has long become the go-to stat, no marriage is perfect which means no marriage is safe from divorce. While experts try to predict what leads to divorce as a means to lessen the amount of them, in the past few years there’s been a new factor: social media is a reason why people get divorced. This gave rise to Facebook and marriage problems statistics which is a means to curb the rising divorce rate. You may think that your little flirtations with your crush from high school are going unnoticed, but the truth is that some partners don’t like that behaviour. Whether you’re in a long-term relationship or married, Facebook, and the Internet in general, can be sources of temptation and drama. According to family law firm McKinley Irvin’s new infographic, with one in three marriages ending because of an online affair, Facebook and Match.com are playing big roles in the reason people divorce. And the problem with Facebook is that the evidence is all right there ― unless you’re smart enough to delete your tracks, of course. Does Facebook cause relationship problems? From jealousy to creeping in on their partner’s social media accounts to divorce because of online behavior, here are seven ways social media is ruining your relationship. More Than 10 Percent Of People Say Facebook Is A Source Of Jealousy And Danger According to 15 percent of people, social media is absolutely dangerous to their marriage, while 16 percent can point their fingers at Facebook as causing jealousy in their relationship. The threat is so real that 14 percent of adults admit to combing through their partner’s social media accounts looking for evidence of cheating, virtual or otherwise. Facebook Usage Is The One Reason Couples Fight As the Facebook and marriage problems statistics study found, it’s not just what a partner does on social media (liking every photo of their ex, maybe?), but the amount of time they spend on it. When it comes to the biggest arguments in couples about social media, the complaint is always how much time a partner wastes on it. A Third Of People Keep Their Social Media Passwords From Their Partners While marriage is supposed to be about everything, for a third of social media users, keeping their passwords private from the prying eyes of their partners is a must. The study also found that one in 10 adults admit to hiding certain posts or messages from their partners on Facebook. Less Than 10 Percent Have Secret Social Media Accounts For those who are just tired of hiding their behavior on social media from their partner, getting sneaky is the best way to go. It’s that group, eight percent of adults, who just have a secret social media account altogether. At least that way they can’t feel bad about hiding posts or changing their password every other day to make sure their partner is clueless, right? A Quarter Of Couples Fight About Facebook Weekly Whether it’s because of Facebook usage or a partner’s behavior on it, for 25 percent of couples Facebook causes a fight at least once a week. People are fighting about it so often, that Facebook leads to a confrontation in one in seven married couples, forcing the discussion of divorce to come up. A Fifth Of People Doubt Their Relationship Because Of What They’ve Found On Facebook According to the study, one in five people has found something on Facebook regarding their partner that has made them feel “uneasy” in their relationship. But despite that less than half of the spouses confront their spouses about their discovery. How many divorces are blamed on Facebook? How many divorces are blamed on Facebook? It is important to know that Facebook doesn’t cause couples to divorce, it is the obsessive use of it, what you use it for and how you use it. When you start getting involved with someone online, you start exhibiting different attitudes towards your spouse. How many divorces are blamed on Facebook? Divorced people have confirmed negative characteristics they experienced from their spouses includes; cheating, domestic violence, and all sorts of emotional abuse. It also accounts for how often people, looking back at their own divorce, identified these as significant causes—not how severe the issues are when they happen. As one obvious example, any form of domestic violence is normally more serious than communication problems. Of course, every marriage is unique, and the vast majority of couples face at least one of the problems on this list at some point in their relationship. But while some issues are more harmful than others (like domestic abuse and serious substance abuse disorders), most don’t have to lead to divorce—as long as both spouses are willing to work together to save the marriage. Can social media ruin a marriage? Can social media ruin a marriage? Social media has become commonplace over the last ten or so years. Whether you are a Facebook type of person, or maybe Instagram or Twitter, you understand how easy it is to get sucked into a social media feed for hours at a time. Facebook, like all the other social media sites, isn’t the culprit for ruining relationships, but it is a tool that will ruin relationships if used in the wrong way. Having the ability to connect with people all over the world is still a relatively new technology, and we’re still trying to figure out, as a society, how to use it well. There’s nothing inherently “wrong” with Facebook, but it can lead to big fights in relationships and has even been known to cause divorce. The next time you scroll through your Facebook newsfeed, think about your intentions for using the social media site. Are your intentions good and kind, or do you use Facebook for a sneakier type of game? Can social media ruin a marriage? Here are my thoughts It’s Easy To Overshare On Personal Matters We all know at least one person who shares everything on Facebook. From what they ate this morning to the fight they had with their partner – nothing is off-limits. Facebook makes it easy to rant when you’re angry, complain when you’re upset, and seek sympathy from others. But when you overshare personal matters between you and your partner, your partner might not appreciate it very much. Or maybe it’s your partner that overshares, and you are the uncomfortable one. This can lead to fighting and loss of trust if one partner is afraid of sharing something with the other for fear of it ending up online. Couples May Spend Too Much Time Scrolling Instead Of With Each Other Facebook can be a major time-waster. There is nothing easier than passively scrolling through a feed looking at text posts, memes, pictures, and life events. Before you know it, you could have spent hours just scrolling on Facebook. And those hours could be better spent through quality time with your partner, talking or sharing a meal, or even going on a date. If you feel a little distant from your partner, check your social media habits. Maybe you can cut back on how many times you check Facebook during the day. Seeing Other People’s Posts Can Lead To Jealousy More and more people lately have been talking about how social media doesn’t show the real, whole person through their posts. Someone can post a loving photo with their partner onto their Facebook page, but their friends have no way of knowing if the couple is in a good place or if they were fighting right before the photo was taken. It’s easy to put your best foot forward on Facebook, to only share flattering photos and exciting announcements. And when you’re going through a rough time, it’s even easier to feel like your life is terrible compared to your friends and what they post online, a common facebook and marriage problem statistics. Even though you know it’s only part of the story, you get jealous over the trips other couples are taking or how sweet one partner is while your partner has been too busy to do something nice lately. The comparison then leads to under-appreciating what you already have. Social media and marriage statistics Social media and marriage statistics. Social media’s impact is one of the most important conversations of our time. Many have wondered at what point constant connectivity is a help or a hindrance. The effect of social media on marriage in the UK isn’t easy to summarize. Though still unsubstantiated, some claim social media overuse is similar to addiction. If an individual experiences anxiety or depression symptoms, and social media has a big presence in their lives, there is a significant chance it plays a role in their symptoms. These websites also impact the less tech-savvy. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more introduce new concerns to the divorce process and challenges for people in otherwise healthy relationships. Social media may not be the reason your marriage lost its spark. However, its role might be more prominent than we’d like to believe. Here is my take on social media and marriage statistics Social media creates unhealthy distractions According to one study, some UK college students describe “withdrawal” from social media as similar to physical withdrawal from drugs and alcohol. The compulsive nature of these websites can result in distractions from interactions and activities that help make personal relationships stronger. When you use social media in your relationship, you’re not mentally present. Another study indicates roughly one-quarter of partnered and married adults feel cell phone usage has become a distraction and source of tension in their relationship. About 8 percent admitted to arguing with their partner about how often they use such sites. Social media provides unrealistic standards By its very nature, social media encourages us to share the highlights from our personal lives and relationships—not the blooper reel. People like to idealize what they can’t possess, and social media is a wealth of the unobtainable. Drawing constant comparisons to things we perceive as idyllic can cause feelings of envy and dissatisfaction. We doubt our ability to measure up, despite there being no reason to think so. Experts refer to these feelings as Imposter Syndrome. This makes up a good percentage of Facebook and marriage problems statistics. Social media overuse can result in breakups Researchers found that excessive use of social media correlates with higher rates of cheating and breaking up. These results relate to how and how often people use these websites. Constant monitoring of a partner’s online activity chips away at the trust over time. Other detrimental effects include the temptation to contact or meet up with old exes. People tend to wonder about what could have been, instead of investing energy in the here-and-now. Social media can make the divorce process harder Divorce is the right solution for many couples. For better or worse, however, the process is different with social media in the equation. In cases where alimony is under consideration, displaying one’s spending habits on social media—including practical purchases, like a needed new car—can negatively impact one’s financial obligations. Social media provides a real-time and tempting mouthpiece for aggrieved parties. Even a momentary lapse of poise on social media can create a lasting negative impression people can use against you. Social media can be a Litmus test for couples Before we pivot into the more desirable effects of social media on marriage, here’s one neutral element. A study suggests that when people share details about their relationship online, it’s because they’re content. Whether the use of social media provides dividends is a question of how you use it. Couples should set boundaries and limits. However, for a large number of couples, the going public aspect serves as a sounding board. Social media keeps some couples in touch Every relationship is different, and some couples are forced to spend more time apart than others. Many people have learned to use social media as communication and accountability tools in one. You can cheer each other on and share special moments when you can’t be there in person. Some people use social media to stay connected with their partner’s friends. With platforms like Facebook and Twitter, it’s easier to form new friendships and relationships. It’s an easy way to strengthen your sense of community. Social media can help couples solve problems According to one survey, married and partnered social media users sometimes argue about their usage. These websites also serve as a silent mediator, helping couples communicate openly about problems or points of dissension. This was true for 9 percent of respondents, who said social media communication helped them solve something they hadn’t been able to speak about successfully in person. This number rose to 23 percent when 18- to 29-year-olds in serious relationships were singled out. Social media may have no impact at all Social media in relationships seems like anything else—you get out what you put in. Some couples use social platforms to show off their best sides, spurring drama and jealousy. On the flip side, others use it to stay connected and maintain healthy relationships. A Facebook and marriage problems statistics survey showed, 72 percent of adults said the internet had no impact on their primary relationship, while 74 percent said the effect was primarily a welcome one. Around 20 percent indicated a negative experience, and four percent said the results were mixed. When it comes to social media and marriage, a lot of variables are challenging to quantify. One benefit is the ability for partners to share their social calendars. They can also send news about local events and trade ideas on how to spend time together. The evidence shown suggests the results depend on how well we use social media in regards to honesty and openness. Husbands and social media Husbands and social media. According to a study conducted by the Pew Research Center, 25 percent of mobile phone owners in a marriage or partnership have felt their spouse or partner was distracted by their phones when they were together. And almost 10 percent of Internet users who are married or have partners say that social media had a “major impact” on their relationship. This is Priyanka S’s story of how she handled husbands and social media case. After weighing the pros and cons, I finally decided to unfriend my husband on social media. My husband understood why I was doing this and agreed to it wholeheartedly. The following weeks had some new experiences and a few surprises! As soon as I unfriended my husband on social media, I almost regretted the decision. I missed seeing his updates and wondered what he must have done the whole day. I almost had the urge to call him and ask about it. And when I called him, I realised how wonderful it felt talking about the nitty-gritty of life. When we were connected on social media we hardly talked because we were dependent on messages and texts. Slowly, we started enjoying the afterlife of not being friends on social media. We now have more things to talk about, we were less concerned about what other people did on social media and any insecurities we had because of our online activities (I once fought with him after his ex-girlfriend shared an old photo mentioning him on the post) were no longer there. It was indeed a good decision and I would urge couples to try it at least once. Marriages ruined by social media Marriages ruined by social media. Extensive research already suggests emotional and sexual attachments can occur by way of private social media messaging with the opposite sex outside of a marriage, often leading to sexual affairs and oftentimes, divorce. Scholarly research, including widespread divorce court documentation, suggests most UK citizens consider emotional and/or sexual attachments with the opposite sex through social media to be constituted as infidelity. These attachments, however, develop even when private chat messaging is non-existent. Social media sites provide abundant social comparison opportunities, including comparing your spouse to others simply based on what the eyes view. During a face-to-face nonverbal exchange with another person, for instance, eye gaze functions to provide information, regulate interaction, express intimacy, exercise social control, and facilitate service and task goals. However, when viewing a digital image of another person, the exchange becomes one-sided, and the sole viewer receives the opportunity to more freely privatize their viewing experience, individualizing the emotional and/or sexual attachment developed. Social media pictures can easily garner an enticing response in the human brain, and then often unknowingly, an emotional attachment. However, emotional and/or sexual attachments with images posted by someone other than a spouse can quickly promote emotional and/or sexual detachment from a spouse in a marital relationship. Marriages ruined by social media. For example, habitually viewing images of attractive social network friends, or images of social network friends with your spouse and children can increase emotional and/or sexual attachments often linked to comparing them with your own spouse. Comparing your spouse with another’s spouse, or your own family dynamic to your endless social media friends’ family dynamics through posted images, can cause long-lasting relational and emotional detachment from your own spouse and family. Social comparison—the tendency to self-evaluate by comparing ourselves to others—is not a new phenomenon. But the endless connectivity to mass numbers of people through social media can devastatingly detach you from the people you love most, including your spouse, when the comparison game is at play. Social media and divorce statistics Social media and divorce statistics. A recent study, published in Computers in Human Behavior, compared state-by-state divorce rates to per-capita Facebook accounts. The study found a link between social media use and decreased marriage quality in every model analyzed. Social media and divorce statistics. It also found that a 20% annual increase in Facebook enrollment was associated with a 2.18% to 4.32% increase in divorce rates. The study’s model from the individual survey results predicts that people that do not use social media are 11% happier in their marriages than people that regularly use social media. More than a third of UK marriages now begin online through dating sites and social media networks. Those marriages are lasting longer on average than those that begin offline. Couples are also starting to understand the impact of social media use on relationships and work to limit time spent on Facebook and be more open in their online activities. Some couples are even creating social media “prenups” – guidelines within a prenuptial agreement for acceptable online behavior, such as not friending exes and not sharing private information or photos without permission. How social media affects marriage? How social media affects marriage?. Social media has been ruling our life, work, and relationships for quite some time now. It has portrayed several positive and negative aspects in our relationships; some people met their soulmates through social media while others got divorced after finding out their significant other cheated on them via social media apps. It is no surprise that social media has triggered several conflicts among people, especially among married couples. So, let’s find out the negative effects of social media on married couples. There’s no ‘us’ time anymore Scrolling through your Instagram feed seems more interesting than talking and laughing with your partner about your favourite TV show. The more time you spend on your phone, the more you will miss out on the little moments of happiness and fun you can have with your partner. Thus, this leaves you close to no or little time for your partner. Self-esteem issues No matter how much your partner assures you of your beautiful self, you will continue to bathe in doubt and have low self-esteem issues. Social media harmfully drains you of your confidence and esteem, leaving you to compare yourself to others and their perfect lives, marriages. As a result, most people end up comparing their relationships to the ones they see on social media, leading to a strained and unhappy marriage. Jealousy over other’s lives on social media How social media affects marriage? Jealousy is a very negative emotion that can affect an individual in several conflicting ways. Couples who extensively use social media face problems of jealousy and over-possessiveness over online friends and activities. Increased social media activity with others can also strain the relationship with your partner. Increased chances of infidelity A small chit-chat or commenting on your ex-flame’s picture can spark signs of possible infidelity in your marriage. Studies suggest that the chances of people cheating over the virtual world or social media are very high. Many partners have reportedly found their spouses cheating on them via social media platforms Social media rules for married couples Social media rules for married couples. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, blogs, Pinterest… This is where online conversations are happening and you need to have a plan in place to protect your marriage in this new world. Placing rules keeps you in check and improves trust. Here are a few suggested social media rules for married couples Online accountability. It is always a good idea to have some kind of website activity monitor installed on your computers, smartphone, and tablets. A program like Covenant Eyes is great for online accountability. You can install it on your computer and download the apps for your mobile devices. It tracks the websites you visit and sends a report to a person you designate as your online accountability partner. Offline accountability. Try not to make the Facebook and marriage problems statistics list. Ask your friends to hold you accountable for the way you use social networks and the Internet at large. Ask them to check in on you. Maybe one or two of them receive your reports from Covenant Eyes and help you stay safe on the Internet. It’s always safer to walk in accountability. We weren’t created to walk through this life in isolation. Does she know your passwords? Make sure that your wife has access to all of your online profiles. Let her know that she is free to log in at any time to see what’s going on. This doesn’t mean that you can’t be trusted. This means that transparency reigns in your relationship. Go ahead; give her access to your accounts. You’ll feel better. Don’t over-share. When using social media, make it a point to NOT share your entire life and ALL of your thoughts, hopes, dreams, passions, and convictions. Keep that for your wife! Many online emotional affairs start with someone pouring their heart out in a status update. Don’t entertain that thought. Keep it simple. Keep it light. Save the heavy stuff for the people closest to you. And don’t use social media to criticize your wife either. Keep it public. Things get dangerous when you start engaging in private messages. If you’re going to use Facebook or Twitter to communicate, try to keep it out in the open and not through Facebook Messages or Twitter Direct Messages. Especially when talking with someone of the opposite sex who isn’t your spouse! Set boundaries and stick to them. Keep your shirt on! You’ve seen them. The “iffy” pictures that your Facebook friends post and you think to yourself, Really? Is that necessary? Make a rule to only post pictures that are above reproach. No one wants a ticket to your ‘gun show.’ Trust me. It shouldn’t be about you. Choose to use social media to talk and post about the things closest to you. Talk about your wife, your kids, your job, etc. Try not to focus on yourself specifically. Social media is a breeding ground for narcissism. Guard against this. Be prepared and have a plan in place. You can control the way you use the Internet and specifically, social networks. However, we can’t control the way others use it. Make sure to have a Family Plan in place for when potential temptations come knocking on your door. Maybe it’s an old girlfriend, a co-worker, or just an acquaintance trying to contact you. Will you try to hide it from your wife and pretend like it never happened, or will you bring it out in the open and discuss how you as a family will respond together in unity? Facebook marriages Facebook marriages. The study suggests that compared to other ways of meeting online, meeting through social networking sites presents no more of a risk of divorce or separation and is associated with equal or greater marital satisfaction. They were more likely to be satisfied in their marriage than those who met in traditional offline ways, such as through friends. It is a low-risk, high-reward potential place to meet someone. This further proves that there is a good side to facebook marriages You do not have to pay for it, you do not have to create a profile that you would not share with friends and family anyway, and it has a built-in way of recognising people that you might want to be friends with, he added. Compared to those who met offline, the social networking couples were also younger, married more recently, and more likely to be male and frequent internet users with higher incomes, the study found. It compared those who met through social networking sites to those who first connected online in other ways, such as internet dating sites or chat rooms. Social networking sites bring together couples in much the same way that traditional methods do and keep them within a close network of similar people Younger generations were more likely to meet through social networking sites because they were early adopters of the technology and had more expansive friendship networks. 1 in 3 divorce filings mention Facebook. 1 in 3 divorce filings mention Facebook. The social networking site that’s fast becoming not just a thorn in our backsides, but the bane of our existence. If Facebook isn’t selling your private information to companies, then it’s breaking up happy marriages. What was once a tool for sharing party pics and finding long-lost friends is now the reason behind many divorces — and we’re not even going to mention its part in the online stalking of ex-boyfriends, or even current ones for that matter. 1 in 3 divorce filings mention Facebook. In 2018, A U.K. divorce site found that 20 percent of “behavior petitions” (which is British lingo for “reasons to file for divorce”) contained the word “Facebook” in them, meaning that the site was in some way to blame for the marriage’s dissolution. Just a couple of years later, that percentage jumped to 33 percent. Well, not surprisingly, learning the number-one reason why Facebook was at fault in these cases was due to “inappropriate messages to members of the opposite sex.” It seems that people have yet to learn to make sexual and flirty comments through personal email as opposed to a Facebook wall for all the world (and significant others) to see. In cases where the couples had separated but had yet to divorce, the once happily married folks were turning to Facebook to post nasty comments about each other. Well, if you can’t shout how much you hate somebody from the rooftops, you might as well post it on their wall. Another reason for how Facebook causes divorce is due to Facebook friends, or rather “friends,” who took it upon themselves to rat out spouses who may have been getting a little too friendly on the social media site. You know, because if you’re married to Bobby and he’s friends with Sally, but you’re not friends with Sally, but you’re all friends with Lily, then Lily is going to be privy to posts and statuses that you are not — that’s why Lily is going to fill you in. Lily is a nice friend. One can’t help but wonder exactly what the IQ might be of someone who is either publicly cheating or publicly disparaging their significant other. Neither choice is very sane or discreet and, in the end, the partner using Facebook as if it were a weapon or a meat market is the one who looks like a jackass. Facebook and marriage problems statistics already prove that common sense can’t be everyone’s strong suit. Facebook and marriage problems statistics conclusion Facebook and marriage problems statistics conclusion. It appears our fascination with social media can both contribute to getting a divorce as well as cause problems during a divorce. Far too many spouses believe the time they spend on Facebook or other social media has little to no impact on their marriage, however, the truth of the matter is that social media can be a significant source of relationship temptation and drama. While you may believe your little flirtation with an old boyfriend from high school is really no big deal, your spouse may think otherwise. Not to mention the fact that with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media sites, unless you are technologically savvy enough to cover your tracks and delete your history, the evidence is right there in black and white, just waiting for a jealous spouse to find. Facebook and marriage problems statistics conclusion. Social media can be addictive. Even if you are not doing anything on social media you wouldn’t want your spouse to see, many spouses object to the amount of time their significant other spends on social media. 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