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How To Create emotional Safety In Your Relationship

How To Create emotional Safety In Your Relationship

How to create emotional safety in your relationship

How to create emotional safety in your relationship. Human beings are wired with the desire to feel safe; our brains are constantly detecting whether a person or a situation is safe or dangerous.


If we decide something is dangerous, we go into a fight-or-flight mode as our bodies try to protect us from the perceived harm.


When we don’t feel emotionally safe in a relationship, we don’t connect or engage with the other person; rather, we try to get ourselves as far away from him or her as possible, whether this happens consciously or not.


Emotional safety is the feeling of trusting your partner with your emotional well-being. It means that you believe your partner cares about your own emotional experience and vice versa.


Emotional safety means that we feel comfortable sharing with our partner our hopes, fears, vulnerabilities, and pain because we trust that our partner will tend to these emotions with warmth and concern.


If we decide on someone to be safe, we automatically relax into the present moment. Research has shown that people who feel psychologically safe can better collaborate, think, take the initiative, and learn.


How to create emotional safety in your relationship. We can also empathize so much better, which in turn has positive implications for our relationships and the way we engage with the world.


When you are in an emotionally safe relationship, you can trust each other, relax in each other’s presence, and feel confident that you have each other’s best interests at heart.


You feel safe enough to let down your guard, be completely yourself, and share what’s on your mind and heart without worrying about being judged or criticized for them.


Moreover, there is a sense of freedom to be creative, share bold thoughts and ideas, express compassion, and communicate your hurts, fears, and deepest longings.


What Are The Signs Of An Emotionally Unsafe Relationship?


How to create emotional safety in your relationship. In an emotionally unsafe relationship, there is an overarching feeling of disconnect, defensiveness, and tension. You feel distrustful of each other.


You may also feel like you can’t speak your mind, be vulnerable, or show your true feelings because you are afraid of how others will react. There is a subtle undercurrent of anxiety when you are with them, and it feels like you are constantly walking on eggshells, wondering when they are going to snap.


What Is Emotional Safety In A Relationship?

What is emotional safety in a relationship

What is emotional safety in a relationship? Most couples say that if their communication was better, they could work through problems that arise in their relationship on their own.


I do agree with this assessment, but also believe there’s one more important layer that needs to be in place for good communication to occur. This foundational element is emotional safety


What is emotional safety in relationship? Emotional safety is established when you share your feelings, and your partner conveys back to you that they care about your pain, hurt, emotional experience, etc. The listening partner shows how important his or her partner’s pain is through:


Empathy – understanding what the experience would be like from your partner’s perspective


Validation – affirming that your partner’s pain is legitimate Body language – as your partner is sharing you reach out and take your partner’s hand, stroke their arm, or make eye contact


Hearing your partner share their complaints and frustrations about you is difficult because we don’t want to disappoint our partners or feel like we fall short in some way as a partner. As a result, we might become defensive, and rather than fully listening to our partner’s share, we respond by vocalizing our complaints.


Here are some guidelines to be aware of to help you and your partner create more emotional safety in your relationship:


  1. Whoever expresses their emotions first gets to share their feelings completely first


Even if your partner is sharing complaints about something you have or haven’t done, try to remain focused on what they are sharing and not on preparing a response or retort to what he or she has shared.


  1. Be aware of how your partner’s sharing makes you feel.


Once your partner has shared their pain and you have validated their emotions, it’s okay to share with your partner these tender emotions (“It was hard for me to hear you share about ______ because I hate the thought of disappointing you.”)


  1. Before you share your perspective or your side of the issue, check to make sure your partner feels fully understood.


Once it is clear that your partner feels understood, and you can see that he or she has calmed down, you can begin to gently share your feelings.


If you are the partner who is sharing, here are some important guidelines to consider to help your partner feel more willing to listen and to help them from getting defensive.


  1. Speak calmly and gently.


What is emotional safety in a relationship? If you are feeling worked up about something, try calming yourself down as much as possible before engaging in the discussion with your partner.


Try to be sensitive, and express to your partner how much they mean to you in light of your disappointment.


  1. Try to give your partner the benefit of the doubt.


If you’re feeling upset because your partner didn’t follow through on a promise, rather than accusing him or her of not caring, try to imagine possible reasons that could have been a hindrance rather than lash out.


What Creates Safety In A Relationship?

What creates safety in a relationship

What creates safety in a relationship? What a sense of safety offers so beautifully is a regulation of the nervous system. So many of us have traumas that are begging to be healed, and specifically healed in a relationship.


There is no better starting point for this journey than to find ourselves in an environment across from someone with whom we feel safe.


The following are qualities to foster or cultivate toward this end of creating deep safety for someone with whom we are in a relationship. so many of these qualities intermingle with each other when they are working on all cylinders.


The more often we exhibit and evidence these behaviours, the more safety we create for another, and the more opportunity we have to experience healing and light, together.


What creates emotional safety in a relationship?


Predictability: Our fight or flight or freeze vigilance can rest when we know what to expect.


Warmth: Consistent warmth fosters a strong bond, as opposed to just glimpses of warmth mixed with coldness.


Non-judgement: it doesn’t mean we don’t have a take on something, it just means we let someone share their humanity, and many aspects and parts of who they are with us


Empathy: The ability to feel into the emotions someone else is experiencing.


Firm boundaries: The ability to set kind limits fosters a sense of containment and organization for someone. This limits the chaos which can be terrifying and brings in the assurance of parameters that help someone be vulnerable.


Validation: This follows the ability to track someone, and is a generous offering that allows the person across from you to feel supported, accepted, and recognised.


This process of validation in no way requires the “offeror” to agree with what is said—just to offer up the fact that what is being shared makes sense.


This creates a particular kind of safety that is a true balm for those of us who have been across from some crazy-making people in our past.


Awareness: There is a sense of trust that is fostered when in the presence of someone who is committed to awareness or mindfulness, whether it be of subtleties in emotion, environment, gestures, or sensations within the body.


They don’t miss much, both in themselves and in you and can allow the part of us that is “on guard” to drop our arms, so to speak, in that it is not “all up to us” to hold the awareness for both people.


What creates emotional safety in a relationship?


Reliability and Accountability: Separately and together, they create trust and foster respect and fondness toward the person offering them. This elicits an appreciation for the follow-through of accountability and reliance, as it is very relaxing to the nervous system.


Sensitivity: Being delicate, thoughtful, and considerate in our interactions, even if we don’t always get it right implies that we have a deep care for another person. and it shows them that their well-being is very important to us.


Integrity: Knowing the person across from you has a value system that you relate to, and that they measure their movements against it as they go through life, allows you to trust their choices, including the ones that involve you.


Protectiveness: Knowing someone has an undercurrent of contained momma bear energy or paternal protectiveness gives us a sense that we are safe physically as well as emotionally, and can heal many wounds around having been neglected or abandoned in our past.


Social and Emotional intelligence: Knowing someone has this emotional and social consideration and can maneuver within different or challenging interactions, lets us know that we don’t have to be the one to course correct, oversee, do damage control, or clean up messes.


This allows us to rest in the security of knowing there is someone next to us who can be trusted in the driver’s seat in those moments when we might need to be in the passenger seat.


How Do You Promote Emotional Safety?

How do you promote emotional safety

How do you promote emotional safety? Building emotional safety in a relationship takes time, patience, and persistence. It doesn’t happen overnight, but the benefits for both you and your relationship’s well-being are truly worth the investment.


  1. Create Conversations Around Emotional Safety.


Every challenge, conflict, or argument in a relationship opens up opportunities to create more dialogue around emotional safety and what isn’t okay. Let your partner know what they said or did that made you feel safe or unsafe.


Share what you would’ve done differently or what you feel guilty about. Part of having authentic conversations about emotional safety means identifying ways to improve trust in your relationship, even though it may be uncomfortable at times.


  1. Be Consistent.


It is utterly exhausting and emotionally draining to be around someone unpredictable, volatile, or moody. If being inconsistent in behavior is a surefire way to sabotage emotional safety, being consistent is a surefire way to increase it.


How do you promote emotional safety? Always say what you mean and mean what you say, be reliable even in the small things, and avoid saying one thing and then doing another. Moreover, make sure you keep your promises, even when it’s inconvenient.


  1. Encourage And Uplift Each Other Constantly.


Be your partner’s biggest cheerleader-celebrate their achievements, shower them with compliments, and encourage them if they are feeling down. Also, praise them in public.


Whether it is a dedicated post on Facebook or telling your friends something thoughtful they did, it will show your partner how proud you are to be with them.


  1. Respect Each Other’s Boundaries.


This is particularly relevant when you are having a heated discussion with your partner. Recognise when things are starting to get out of hand or going into dangerous territory and stop the conversation.


Agree to resume the discussion when tempers have cooled and you have gained enough space around the situation to think more clearly. This is much better than leaving it to chance and ending the conversation in anger, regret, or hurt.


Another part of respecting boundaries is learning and accepting what is and isn’t okay to your partner and avoiding any sense of entitlement over one another.


  1. Be An Attentive Listener.


How to promote emotional safety? When your partner is talking, refrain from watching the TV, checking your phone, or working on your laptop. Be completely present with them, eye contact and all.


While they speak, give reassurances that you listen with verbal cues or reflect what you hear. Don’t judge, criticize, fix, or explain-these are listening pitfalls that will likely make your partner go on the defensive or shut down completely.


Furthermore, don’t interrupt when they are talking-make mental notes in your mind if you wish, but always let them finish speaking before you add in your two cents.


  1. Show Empathy And Compassion.


Showing empathy is an incontestable way to increase emotional safety in your relationship. You can start with: “I hear that you are feeling disappointed at what happened at work today. I’m sorry you had to go through that. Tell me more.”


This shows that you are making an effort to understand your partner and care about what they are going through. A big part of compassion is trusting that what they say or do is never to hurt intentionally, harm, or drain you; most of the time, it’s never about you.


  1. Seek Therapy.


Recruiting the help of a professional therapist or couple’s counselor is invaluable in bringing about a sense of emotional safety and well-being in your relationship.


This is especially true if you have difficulty creating or maintaining a safe emotional space. Open and authentic communication is the life-blood of a healthy and happy relationship, and a trusted third party’s role in creating that can be extremely helpful.


Feeling Emotionally Unsafe In A Relationship

feeling emotionally unsafe in a relationship

Feeling emotionally unsafe in a relationship. Vulnerability is a key component of every relationship. I’m not just referencing a romantic relationship either. In any relationship, whether romantic, familial or friendship, fostering emotional safety cultivates genuine intimacy. However, people often feel emotionally unsafe in their relationships.


The foundation of intimacy is emotional safety. When there is emotional safety, it creates a climate of closeness by allowing a person to feel internally relaxed when they are with someone.


When you are feeling emotionally unsafe in a relationship, you will naturally be defensive and guard yourself against potential criticism, rejection, blame, and shame. Therefore, intimacy doesn’t have a way to truly develop and deepen.


Emotional safety often gets neglected in relationships. Let’s be clear, there are multiple factors why a person may not be emotionally expressive; it could stem from trauma, limited emotional vocabulary, cultural or social norms, childhood neglect and abuse, substance use, and/or their parents didn’t teach them how to be emotionally expressive.


Here are some reasons you are feeling emotionally unsafe in a relationship and how to stop it


  1. Blame Game


It is easier for us to find the faults in someone else than to look at our own. We are all full of flaws.


We all have certain ways to defend ourselves that lead us to push others away. In fact, the closer we become to a person, the higher our self-protective defenses work to protect us.


Instead of attacking the problem as a team, you may be inclined to point the finger at what your partner did wrong.


Let’s be clear, accountability should never leave the relationship. However, when a problem arises, don’t rush to build a case of wrongdoings against your partner. Instead, attack the problem together by working to find a solution.


  1. Lack of Validation


When you hear someone using language about their feelings, validation must occur. In any healthy relationship, it is important to validate someone’s feelings when they express them to you.


Validating a person’s feelings lets them know that you respect them for telling you and that you care about their feelings.


Clearways to validate someone’s feelings:


  • Give verbal responses that you are listening to them with “Uh-huh” or “Okay”
  • Show body language that you are listening to them by turning towards them and giving periodic eye contact if you are doing something else
  • Ask clarifying questions to help them develop and elaborate on their feelings
  • Apologize for how you made them feel


  1. Lack of Empathy


A top contributor to feeling emotionally unsafe is a lack of empathy. If we all had empathy for one another, understanding and individual appreciation wouldn’t even be an issue.


Empathy involves understanding how a person feels through their language to reference their feelings. Empathy is the pathway to compassion and selflessness.


Practice empathy and avoid making hasty decisions that will sabotage your relationship and lose your partner’s trust.


  1. Tone of Voice


A large amount of misunderstanding happens when feelings are expressed in the wrong tone of voice.


If you allow your emotions to take over while expressing your feelings or disagreement, then what you’re communicating could get lost in translation.


Let’s be clear, communication is the foundation of any and every relationship. However, translation and comprehension are just as important

How To Make A Woman Feel Emotionally Safe With You

how to make a woman feel emotionally safe with you

How to make a woman feel emotionally safe with you. Everyone needs security in a relationship. And if you’re taking the time to make your partner feel safe, secure, and loved, good for you!


Relationships are wonderful but often fraught with opportunities for things to go wrong. Men and women come to life from different places.


Sometimes it’s hard for men to recognize what their girlfriends need to feel safe. And safety is something that women often say they’re looking for in a man — and when they do, they mean it.


Of course, you want to give your partner safety and security. Who wouldn’t? But this is how to make a woman emotionally safe with you


  1. Listen to her.


To make sure that your girlfriend feels safe, she needs to know that you’re listening to her.


When she talks, she needs to be sure that you’re paying attention and understanding what she’s saying and feeling.


You might be inclined to think you need to “fix” her to make her feel safe. In reality, all she wants you to do is listen to her and let her know that you’re there for her.


  1. Keep to your word


Are you one of those people who doesn’t always do what you say you’re going to do? Your intentions are good, but things get in the way of you following through.


Do you tell your girlfriend that you’ll be home at 6 p.m., even if you know you’re not going to be home until 8 p.m. because you don’t want to make her mad?


Or that you’ll pick out the windows for the house renovation, even though chances are that you’ll have work?


People don’t follow through for a variety of reasons. Very few of them is because we don’t love someone.


We do it to prevent our person from feeling hurt or let down. It’s not because we don’t love our person enough, we’re human and we forget things.


  1. Express with words


Have you ever thought to yourself, “I don’t need to tell her how I feel about her, she knows”? Do you take out the garbage faithfully, assuming that by doing so your girlfriend will know you love her?


If your answer to both questions is “yes,” then you’re wrong!


Telling your woman how you feel about her is a key component in making her feel safe.


She might have a sense of how you feel, but to hear the words come out of your mouth lets her know that you have her back, and that you care about her enough to tell her.


She knows that she can count on you to be there for her.


  1. Be honest.


The number-one most important thing you can do to make your girlfriend feel safe is to be honest.


  1. Be a man.


Men are genetically programmed to be protectors. The survival of the species depended on men protecting their women and children from predators. That instinct is not gone in this 21st-century world.


But, make sure that she knows that you’re there to reach the things that she can’t reach, to carry that load that is just too much for her, to hold the door open when her hands are full, and to get rid of that dead mouse carcass the cat dragged in.


I Don’t Feel Emotionally Safe With My Husband

I dont feel emotionally safe with my husband

I don’t feel emotionally safe with my husband. Being married isn’t a solution to a lot of relationship problems as people have come to find out. If for some reasons you feel emotionally unsafe with your husband you can do the following


  1. Name what makes you feel a lack of emotional safety.


Be aware of what you feel makes it unsafe. Do you feel talked down to, dismissed, inferior, etc.? It might be worth writing your feelings down before you talk.


  1. Create an opportunity to talk.


Set aside a non-threatening time to discuss emotional safety with your spouse. Without attacking or accusing because all you can think of is “I don’t feel emotionally safe with my husband” ask him


“What does emotional safety in our marriage mean to you?”


This may not be something your spouse has thought much about. Still, it’s a worthwhile conversation to have.


A good follow up question is…


“What causes you to feel emotionally unsafe?” After your spouse shares, share your answers to those questions and go from there.


  1. Agree on what emotional safety is.


Work toward agreeing about what emotional safety is and why it’s a good thing.


“What makes you feel safest, most free to be yourself, and willing to be transparent or vulnerable?”


“What makes you shut down and go into protection mode?


Listening to each other can help ease the “I don’t feel emotionally safe with my husband” feeling and a safe environment.


Affirm what you like about each other. Remind yourselves why you wanted to marry each other. Take turns sharing the strengths each brings to the marriage. Knowing that your spouse likes you for you increases emotional safety.


How To Make A Man Feel Emotionally Safe With You

how to make a man feel emotionally safe with you

How to make a man feel emotionally safe with you. When it comes to dating and relationships, most women want to fall in love with a man who makes them feel “safe.”


It’s not that they are damsels in distress, it’s more that we want to feel cared for, physically and emotionally.


They don’t need “rescuing” per se, but it would be nice to know the option is there and that the man they love, boyfriend, husband, or life partner is willing to do what’s required of him should the need for him to protect them arise.


And yet, while we often do think of security as something women want and expect in romantic relationships with men, we too often forget the flip side of that same coin.


If a woman wants to know how to make a guy fall in love, she needs to start by knowing how to make a man feel emotionally with you as well.


Men want and need to feel safe with the women they love as well, and they simply will not commit to women they don’t feel safe with — nor should they.


It’s not that they’re looking for someone to rescue them, it’s more about how a woman makes them feel. It’s about emotional safety.


Making a guy feel emotionally safe falling in love with you comes down to three simple little things, yet many women are unaware of what they are.


  1. Show him trust and respect


The quickest way to create emotional safety in any relationship is to show that you trust your partner and respect their needs.


Trust and respect must always go both ways. If he has a few close girlfriends he likes to talk to and hang out with, let him know you trust him and his judgment, while also showing that you can be trusted with your guy friends.


  1. Make sure he feels heard


How to make a man feel emotionally safe with you. Allowing each other to feel heard is critical in relationships.


Active listening can be hard when you’re distracted by other thoughts, anxiously waiting to butt into the conversation with your thoughts, or overly excited about your turn to speak.


These kinds of interruptions don’t come from ill intentions, they come from passion, but when you allow your passion to outweigh the other person’s need to feel heard, they begin feeling as though you don’t value them in your relationship.


If your partner is telling you how miserable his day was at work, or how much it bothers him when you don’t do your share of the housework, listen to what he has to say.


All of it. Instead of trying to think of advice or a comeback, learn to switch your opinions off and focus on all aspects of what he’s saying.


  1. Love him for who he is, not for his potential


Women often date a man for his potential rather than for who he is right now.


You’ve probably heard at least one of your friends, or perhaps even yourself, make statements like these:


  • “He isn’t very ambitious right now, but he’s got such a sweet side. In a few years, he’ll make a great dad.”
  • “He’s a bit of a player, but I know he’ll make a great husband one day.”
  • “He doesn’t have that much going for him now, but I’m helping him see how much better he can be one day.”


That needs to stop.


Don’t date someone for who they may or may not be or what they may or may not do … one day.


Everyone wants and deserves to be loved for who they are, and all you’ll end up with is disappointment and resentment.

I Don’t Feel Emotionally Safe With My Boyfriend

I dont feel emotionally safe with my boyfriend

I don’t feel emotionally safe with my boyfriend. Do you feel you can tell your partner about all of your thoughts and feelings? If not, then is it because they will respond with some of the following, or do you imagine they will respond with:


  • They will dismiss them as being ridiculous?
  • Think those thoughts or feelings are crazy or irrational?
  • Treating you like you are weird?
  • Not wanting to be with you?


If you have these concerns, then you are in one of three situations:


  1. You are with a partner that is dismissive, disrespectful, and lacks empathy,


  1. Your fears are projecting those qualities on your partner


  1. Some of both.


Here are what people who feel “I don’t feel emotionally safe with my boyfriend” can do


  1. Acknowledge the Issue


If there isn’t a sense of emotional safety in your relationship, the first thing to do is acknowledge its absence. Consider if there was ever emotional safety within this relationship, or if something has changed.


Either way, lovingly bring up what you’ve noticed to your partner. Let them know you want to feel safe being yourself, and that you want to create the same opportunity for them.


Hopefully, they’ll share your sentiment and desire to restore the safety you’re both missing out on — and you can hold one another accountable as you rebuild.


  1. Do Your Part


Once you’ve identified that you don’t feel that sense of safety with your partner, look inside yourself. Is this an isolated incidence in this relationship, or is the lack of emotional safety a trend in relationships across the board?


If you realize you might be part of the problem, you have a responsibility to do the work. Find out why intimacy is challenging for you. If your partner’s sharing the struggle, they might want to do the same thing.


  1. Validate Your Partner’s Experience


I don’t feel emotionally safe with my boyfriend. If you feel like you’ll be met by criticism or anger when you open up about your feelings. Practice building empathy in your relationship by validating your partner’s experience when they open up.


Your partner’s anxiety, anger, or sadness may not match your experience, but that doesn’t mean the emotion isn’t true for them.


Validation can be as simple as truly listening when your partner opens up and letting them know their emotion makes sense (even if you don’t understand it). Instead of questioning their perspective, let them know you’re there to support them through it.


How To Create Emotional Safety In Marriage

how to create emotional safety in marriage

How to create emotional safety in marriage. Marriage is a sacred union and one shouldn’t bail on the first uneasy feeling they get. That’s why you were both United to be one. These are a few things you can do to feel emotionally safe in your marriage.


  1. Inquire instead of accuse.


It’s easy to assume we know what our partner is thinking, but often we miss the mark.

Inquiring comes from a place of openness and curiosity, while accusing comes from a place of assumptions and judgment.


When we inquire, we send the message that we are seeking to connect through understanding, while when we accuse, we send the message that we know best which generally results in misunderstanding and disconnection.


The more we inquire instead of accuse, the more likely it is that our partner will feel that it’s safe to open up to us


  1. Listen to understand, not to convince.


Are you looking for how to create emotional safety in marriage? Listening is a major way. Couples often fall into the relationship trap of trying to convince the other that their way of thinking is correct.


This leads to disconnection in the relationship and feeling like it’s unsafe to share their thoughts.


Instead, when we listen to understand our partner’s perspective, we allow ourselves to become open to the possibility of new ideas and increase our connection with our partners by allowing them to feel heard and understood.


  1. Know and use your self-soothing tools.


During difficult conversations, it’s common for us to become emotionally charged, and we can become flooded. If you aren’t familiar with this term, flooded means that we are so overwhelmed by our emotions that they drive the conversation.


And when emotions drive, we are much more likely to react impulsively instead of thoughtfully.


When both partners have awareness of their emotional limits and have coping skills to deal with their emotions, each feels safe to bring up issues without fear that their partner won’t be able to emotionally tolerate the conversation.


  1. Give positive feedback through genuine compliments, validation, gratitude, and empathy.


How to create emotional safety in marriage. Your relationship will improve if you generally live by this rule: for every negative interaction you have with your partner, make sure there are five positive ones.


As a relationship goes on, there’s often a correlating decline in positive feedback. But this aspect of a relationship is essential to maintaining and supporting emotional safety within the relationship.


The more we organically notice and acknowledge the things we appreciate, enjoy, and admire in our partner, the more easily they will be able to tolerate our negative feedback and vice versa.



  1. Encourage and support each other in personal growth.


Emotional safety requires a willingness to go inward.

The better we know ourselves, understand our triggers, and learn how to effectively cope, the more we are going to be able to hold space for our partners to be who they are, express issues as they arise, and feel comfortable sharing their experiences.


Acceptance of ourselves and each other just as we are is critical to emotional safety, as it’s hard to create the space for change when we come from a place of criticism and judgment.


How To Make A Woman Feel Secure In A Relationship

How to make a woman feel secure in a relationship

How to make a woman feel secure in a relationship. A sad woman will sour a relationship because when a woman is happy a relationship blooms. You can argue all you want but it’s a known fact. How can you make her feel emotionally safe?


  1. Be there for her


An average woman loves attention. Now, you may not be able to be by her side all the time, but if only she sees how you are trying, it will make her feel loved. How to make a woman happy isn’t as hard as you think. Forget about that large book you saw that had one million pages about how to satisfy a woman.


How to make a woman feel secure in a relationship. It’s good to buy expensive things for your lady if you can afford them, but it doesn’t mean that those things are things she will only appreciate.


  1. Be interested in her interests


It goes without saying that when a man is interested in his lady’s hobbies, she will be more committed to making that relationship work. Pass her a compliment on that song she’s so passionate about.


Encourage her to pursue her dreams in life. Ask her how her business or company is going. Cheer her on. How to make a woman feel good and comfortable takes respecting her interest. Even if you are not particularly interested in what she’s passionate about, be supportive. Being supportive is very crucial.


  1. Don’t forget her birthday, please!


Except if she can’t remember which is almost next to impossible. If she forgets, that is ‘if’, don’t forget. If you have to write it on your calendar, make a circle or set up your phone’s reminder.


If you remember, she will know you have her close to your heart and that you are always thinking of her. You could plan a surprise birthday party, or just do something to make her feel special. This point is very important to note.


  1. Hold her in high esteem


How to make a woman feel secure in a relationship. This is one of the key factors to earn a woman’s trust. How much attention do you give to her? What do you say in her hearing, in the presence of your friends and family? How do you say it? It’s important.


Every woman is like a precious jewel to be highly valued. Let her be preferred above other things. Let her know what she says means a lot to you.

Be playful and free with her


  1. Listen and respect her views


Don’t think you do that though. If you always shut her up whenever she expresses her opinion, she will lose her trust in you. When she is saying anything that matters to her, show signs that you are listening.


That isn’t the time to surf the net or get distracted by a chat with someone on Facebook. When it seems you value the other thing you are doing rather than paying attention to what she’s saying, you are invariably saying that her words don’t count.


In a healthy relationship, you have to set aside distractions and listen to each other. Make sure she feels heard.


Lack Of Emotional Safety

lack of emotional safety

Lack of emotional safety. A lack of emotional safety leads to disconnection. Disconnection is a massive threat to a relationship. When we feel disconnected, we begin to feel lonely and distant, and the relationship can start to crumble.


If you feel a lack of emotional safety with someone, try to find out what’s going on. It could be you. It could be them. If you can, talk about it and make a plan to rebuild your connection.


Take steps today to create emotional safety in at least one of your relationships. Start by seeing if you’re in tune with your own emotions. If you are, make sure you’re maintaining it well. We all need emotional safety in our relationships.


Emotional safety comes from within. It starts with you. It consists of identifying your feelings and being able to feel them.


Emotional safety means revealing your true self to another person. It is expressing who you are, including your hurts, fears, and dreams.


Lack of emotional safety. It’s expressing yourself authentically, sharing dissatisfaction, fears, and insecurities, and having a conversation without it blowing up into an argument. It’s sharing without fear of shaming, yelling, or rejection.


How To Create Emotional Safety In Your Relationship Conclusion

How to create emotional safety in your relationship conclusion

How to create emotional safety in your relationship conclusion. Emotional safety is essential in any relationship, whether romantic, with family, friends, or co-workers.


When we trust that someone else can see, hear, and understand us, we relax more with them. We open up about who we are and feel connected. Emotional safety is reciprocal. When we are safe for someone else, we deepen our relationship.


How to create emotional safety in your relationship conclusion. When you feel emotionally safe, you are more likely to be your best self and contribute to your greatest ability. You are free to dream, collaborate, create, share, and express yourself. When we open up and do this in a safe environment, we invite others to do the same.

Further reading

Dating coach
Relationship Courses
All Services
Improve my relationship
I think my boyfriend is cheating on me
Family Therapy

Overwhelmed meaning


PTSD quotes

Cheating quotes

Relationship poems

What to do if a guy doesn’t text you for a week

Stages of a rebound relationship

Feeling used

I am too scared to date again

9 texts to never send a man or woman

I still love my ex

Do you have anger issues please take the test click here

Do guys notice when you ignore them

Why can’t I get over my ex who treated me badly?

Communal Narcissism

Emotional cheating texting

Narcissist love bombing

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