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Jordan Peterson Books

Jordan Peterson Books

Jordan Peterson Books

Jordan Peterson Books. Dr. Jordan Bernt Peterson is a clinical psychologist and professor emeritus at the University of Toronto. From 1993 to 1998 he served as an assistant and then associate professor of psychology at Harvard.


He spent fifteen years writing Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief (1999; released in June 2018 as a now bestselling author-read audiobook). Maps of Meaning is a scholarly investigation into the nature of narrative and religious thought, the structure of perception, the regulation of emotion, and the motivation for the atrocity in the service of ideology.


Dr. Peterson also penned the popular global bestsellers Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life & 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos, #1 for nonfiction in 2018 in the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Sweden, the Netherlands, Brazil and Norway, both translated into some 50 languages.


The latter book has sold more than five million copies; the former, released in mid-2021, 750,000.


Jordan Peterson Books. A courageous and articulate champion of free speech, individual liberty, personal responsibility, civic virtue, free markets, the rule of law, and the Judeo-Christian values that underpin Western


Civilization, Peterson burst onto the public scene with his incisive critiques of political correctness, identity politics, intolerance, moral relativism, and collectivism on the left and right.


Peterson’s areas of study and research are in the fields of psychopharmacology, abnormal, neuro, clinical, personality, social, industrial, organisational; and religious, ideological, political, and creativity psychology.


Peterson has authored or co-authored more than one hundred scholarly papers and has been cited over 8,000 times.


He is the author of the books, Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief, Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life, and the #1 national and international bestseller, 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos, now being translated into 45 languages, and he has over 4 million subscribers to his YouTube channel.


Peterson has consulted for the U.N. Secretary-General; helped clinical clients manage depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety, and schizophrenia; penned the foreword for the 50th-anniversary edition of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s seminal book,


The Gulag Archipelago lectured to more than 300,000 people worldwide, and identified thousands of promising entrepreneurs in 60 countries.


Jordan Peterson Books. In this book, Peterson discusses discipline, self-esteem, responsibility, freedom, and adventure. He discusses in the last chapter how one can cope with tragic situations in life-the ones that are out of someone’s control.


He talks about his own struggle upon finding out that his daughter had a rare bone disease. He claims that focusing on the next minute and not focusing on the next three months helps difficult situations.


Dr. Peterson has also published a series of audio books which are in different languages.


In April of 2019, a fan of Dr. Peterson who bought a VIP ticket to attended his meet and greet and was opportuned to ask him an important question, he asked “You recommend over 100 books on your website, so I wanted to ask if you could apply the Pareto Principle to that list and share the 5 books that had the biggest influence on you?”


He went ahead to reply to him, “The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn”. The Gulag Archipelago was the No. 1 book that influenced him. Peterson constantly shares stories from the book during his lectures, as well as talking about Solzhenitsyn’s other great books. Peterson even wrote the foreword to the new 50th anniversary edition of “The Gulag Archipelago.”


Jordan Peterson books. The second book, “Crime and Punishment & The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky”. Peterson said “Crime and Punishment” along with “The Brothers Karamazov” by Fyodor Dostoevsky would tie for second place as the books that most influenced him.


Peterson is constantly referencing Dostoevsky’s work during his lectures and has called Dostoevsky one of his favorite authors and recommends reading all five of his great novels.


Jordan Peterson books. At third place, “The Road To Wigan Pier” by George Orwell. Peterson ranked “The Road To Wigan Pier” as number three and although he didn’t add why this book influenced him, Peterson has talked about this book in his lectures and said “He would highly recommend this book” and called it “A truly great book” in a Facebook post.


Fourthly, “Affective Neuroscience by Jaak Panksepp”.

Peterson ranked “Affective Neuroscience”as number four and commented that it is the best book on neuroscience that he’s read.


And lastly, “The Neuropsychology of Anxiety” by Gray & McNaughton. Fifth place belongs to “The Neuropsychology of Anxiety” by Jeffrey Gray and Neil McNaughton. Peterson said that this book was fascinating but also incredibly dense and each chapter would require the reader to take time to soak in all of the information.


He added that it would take the average person probably a year or so to read, and even with Peterson’s background in psychology, he said it took him over 6 months to finish reading.


A lot of the recommended books by Jordan Peterson are books that shaped him during his research as a university psychologist up until he released his first book in 1999.


Dr Peterson is well recognized among his fellow authors that Yoram Hazony, an author, wrote in The Wall Street Journal that Jordan Peterson’s arguments for the importance of order have elevated his success and made him the most significant conservative thinker in this generation.


Jordan Peterson books list

Jordan Peterson books list

Jordan Peterson books list. Needing little introduction to many, Jordan B. Peterson is a Canadian clinical psychologist who took the world by storm over the past few years with his cultural, political, and religious lectures across the globe.

Jordan Peterson books list has just recommended books he feels every individual should read one or more of in a lifetime.

Rising to fame from his protest of Canada’s anti-free speech laws regarding “misgendering”, Peterson wrote his bestselling book 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos.


Jordan Peterson books list. As part of his outreach to general audiences regarding a real education, he provides the following “great books” list on his own page. It is adapted here for convenience and easy comparison to other famous great book lists on ThinkingWest.


  • The Charterhouse of Parma, Marie-Henri (Stendhal) Beyle
  • Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte
  • The Master and Margarita, Mikhail Bulgakov
  • The Horse’s Mouth, Joyce Cary
  • The Big Sleep, Raymond Chandler
  • The Long Goodbye, Raymond Chandler
  • Our Culture: What’s Left of It, Theodore Dalrymple
  • Life at the Bottom: The Worldview That Makes the Underclass, Theodore Dalrymple
  • Crime and Punishment; Notes from Underground; The Brothers Karamazov; The Devils; The Idiot, Fyodor Dostoevsky
  • Lord of the Flies, William Golding
  • I, Claudius, Robert Graves
  • The Maltese Falcon, Dashiel Hammet
  • A Farewell to Arms; For Whom the Bell Tolls; The Old Man and the Sea, Ernest Hemingway
  • Brave New World; Island; Point-Counterpoint, Aldous Huxley
  • The Fratricides; Zorba the Greek, Nikos Kazantzakis
  • One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest; Sometimes a Great Notion, Ken Kesey
  • Flowers for Algernon, Daniel Keyes
  • The Stone Angel, Margaret Laurence
  • To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee
  • Beyond Good and Evil; On the Genealogy of Morals; The Antichrist; The Gay Science; The Will to Power, Friedrich Nietzsche
  • 1984; Animal Farm; Road to Wigan Pier, George Orwell
  • Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Robert Pirsig
  • The House of God, Samuel Shem
  • Cancer Ward; The First Circle; The Gulag Archipelago (v. 1-3), Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
  • East of Eden; The Grapes of Wrath; Of Men and Mice, John Steinbeck
  • The Red and the Black, Stendhal
  • Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Hunter S. Thompson
  • Anna Karenina; War and Peace, Leo Tolstoy
  • Tolstoy, Henri Troyat
  • The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, Tom Wolfe
  • Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry
  • The Denial of Death, Ernest Becker
  • The Discovery of the Unconscious, Henri Ellenberger
  • Genius, Hans Eysenck
  • Man’s Search for Meaning, Viktor Frankl
  • An Outline of Psychoanalysis; The Interpretation of Dreams, Sigmund Freud
  • Aion; Answer to Job; Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious; Modern Man in Search of a Soul; Mysterium Coniunctionis; Psychology and Alchemy; Psychology: East and West; Psychology of Religion: East and West; Symbols of Transformation; The Symbolic Life; Two Essays on Analytical Psychology, Carl Jung
  • Existence: A New Dimension in Psychiatry and Psychology, by Rollo May, Ernest Angel, and Henri Ellenberger
  • The Origins and History of Consciousness; The Great Mother, Erich Neumann
  • Play, Dreams, and Imitation in Childhood; The Moral Judgement of the Child, Jean Piaget
  • A Way of Being; On Becoming a Person, Carl Rogers
  • Neuroscience


  • An Ecological Approach to Visual Perception, James J. Gibson
  • The New Executive Brain, Elkhonon Goldberg
  • The Neuropsychology of Anxiety, Jeffrey Grey and Neil McNaughton
  • The Emotional Brain, Joseph LeDoux
  • Affective Neuroscience, Jaak Panksepp
  • The Man who Mistook his Wife for a Hat; Awakenings; An Anthropologist on Mars, Oliver Sacks
  • Brain Architecture: Understanding the Basic Plan, Larry Swanson
  • Religion and Religious History
  • Mephistopheles: The Devil in the Modern World, Jeffrey Burton Russell
  • A History of Religious Ideas (v. 1, 2, 3); Myth and Reality; Myths, Dreams, and Mysteries; Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy; The Forge and the Crucible; The Sacred and the Profane, Mircea Eliade
  • The Great Code; Words with Power, Northrop Frye
  • The Crisis of Islam, Bernhard Lewis
  • The World’s Religions, Huston Smith
  • The Bible: Designed to be Read as Living Literature
  • History/Systems Analysis
  • Little Science, Big Science, Derek J. de Solla Price
  • The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else, Hernando De Soto
  • Systemantics: How Systems Work and Especially How They Fail, John Gall
  • The Rise of Statistical Thinking 1820-1900, Theodore M. Porter
  • Stalin: The First In-depth Biography Based on Explosive New Documents from Russia’s Secret Archives, Edvard Radzinsky
  • The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, William L. Shirer
  • The State of the World: A 21st Century Update
  • The Great Escape, Angus Deaton
  • How to Spend $75 Billion to Make the World a Better Place, Bjorn Lomborg
  • Progress: Ten Reasons to Look Forward to the Future, Johan Norberg
  • Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress, Steven Pinker
  • The Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves, Matt Ridley
  • Factfulness: Ten Reasons We’re Wrong About the World – and Why Things Are Better Than You Think, Hans Rosling
  • Earth in Human Hands, David Grinspoon
  • Jordan B. Peterson’s Books
  • 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos, Jordan B. Peterson
  • Maps of Meaning, Jordan B. Peterson


Jordan Peterson books PDF

Jordan Peterson books PDF

Jordan Peterson books PDF.  Jordan Peterson suggests that Good is simply the prevention of Evil, and good rules that reduce unnecessary human suffering will help us to live better lives.


The 12 Rules for Life in this book are built on the fundamental rule that we must each take responsibility for our own lives. Get your life in order and do the best for yourself, your society, and the world at large.


Only then will you discover the true extent of your potential and resilience, while helping mankind to thrive collectively.


Here’s an overview of the 12 rules for life.


Rule 1: Fix your Posture


All animals, including humans, are governed by dominance hierarchies and involuntary biochemical responses. Lobsters, for example, the battle for dominance.


During a confrontation, 2 lobsters size each other up using their body/claw sizes and chemical secretions (which signal their health, strength, and mood).


Dominant lobsters have higher serotonin levels, project greater confidence, a better posture, and can fight longer. An alpha lobster typically “wins” without even having to fight physically.


After each confrontation, a lobster’s brain changes—the loser avoids further conflict, whereas the victor gains even higher confidence and serotonin levels.


Jordan Peterson Books PDF. Similar patterns can be found in other animal species—generally, stronger animals get more food, better “homes”, higher status, better mates, and greater cooperation from others. That’s nature’s way of distributing scarce resources.


Likewise, humans have a dominance detector in our brains. How we perceive our social/economic status affects our well-being which reinforces our status in a positive feedback loop.


  • People with strong self-esteem feel/transmit a sense of security and confidence, which makes them more attractive and respected. This improves their productivity and well-being, which further reinforces their self-perception. Higher serotonin levels are associated with greater resilience, happiness, health, lifespan, prosocial behaviour, and leadership.


  • On the other hand, people with a low self-perception feel insecure. They’re more likely to be stressed, jumpy, and reactive. They make poor decisions and fail to command respect/resources, which reinforces their loser complex.


In short, our self-perception affects the vibes we transmit to create a self-reinforcing loop. If you feel like a loser for whatever reason, the first step is to break the negative cycle by correcting your posture.


  • Don’t slouch. It conveys defeat and low status, which prompts others to treat you poorly and reinforces your low self-perception.


  • Fix your posture. Stand straight, push your shoulders back, speak up and make eye contact. This signals confidence to yourself and others. You’ll feel better, others will show you more respect, and it starts a virtuous cycle. It’s about standing tall, facing up to reality, and taking responsibility to become all you can be.


Rule 2: Care for yourself like how you’d care for someone else


We tend to take better care of our pets than we do ourselves. When a pet is sick, we diligently follow the prescribed care. Yet, when we’re sick, we fail to fill/take our prescriptions. In the book and our full book summary, we look at how our self-loathing plays a part and how to counter it.


Rule 3: Surround yourself with people who want the best for you.


We become the average of the people we spend the most time with. In the wrong company, we can end up in crime or even suicide. So, why do we hang around people who drag us down? Find out more from the complete 12 Rules for Life summary, and learn how to surround yourself with the right people.


Rule 4: Improve your own game instead of playing others’


Jordan Peter books PDF. In a highly-connected, populous world, you can always find someone who’s better than you—be it in looks, wealth, status, or relationships. No matter what you’ve achieved, you can still feel miserably inferior compared to others.


Rule 5: Teach your children to abide by society’s rules


Children aren’t born with social-cultural skills—they must be taught how the world works and how to navigate human society. Parents who don’t set clear boundaries for their young kids actually end up hurting them in the long run.


Rule 6: Get your own house in order before criticising others


Setbacks and suffering are inevitable in life. Some people respond with denial, helplessness, anger, or even acts of vengeance (e.g. genocide).


Yet, others are positively transformed by adversity—they make peace with what happened and devote themselves to making a positive difference. Which type are you? Learn more about getting your own house in order first, from the full 12 Rules for a Life summary.


Rule 7: Focus on a higher purpose, not instant gratification


We can use suffering as an excuse to live carelessly in the moment, or we can do something meaningful to minimise the suffering. In our complete 15-page summary, we share more insights on discovering who we are and what values to live by.


Rule 8: Find your personal truth and live it


All of us are guilty of lying to ourselves and others. Find out why we lie, how we get stuck in a “life-lie” because, and what it means to find and live your personal truth.


Rule 9: Learn to be a good listener


Jordan Peterson books. People need a listening ear. As a good listener, you can learn while helping others to solve problems. In the full version of our 12 Rules for Life summary, we explain how talking helps people to think, how to be a good listener, and get the most from your conversations.


Rule 10: Define your problem precisely to make it manageable


We avoid looking deeply into a problem in hope that it’ll go away by itself, but this only causes the doubts and uncertainties to build up into a catastrophic failure. Find out why/how to use specificity to bring order to chaos.


Rule 11: Accept that inequality exists


Some postmodernists argue that gender is entirely a social construct or a tool for men to oppress women and that hierarchies are created by the rich to exploit the poor.


Rule 12: Take time to appreciate the good things in life


Suffering is inevitable and some people just seem to have a worse lot in life than others. Peterson’s own daughter suffered from a rare juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and was plagued with years of chronic pain.


If you find yourself wondering about the seemingly-pointless suffering around us, this last rule from the 12 Rules for Life helps us to see things from a different perspective and to balance the good and bad in life so life seems worth living.


Jordan Peterson books in order

Jordan Peterson books in order

Jordan Peterson books in order. Although Dr. Peterson has been involved actively in various psychological research, he has few books to his name, of which his most popular book is the 12 rules for life which took approximately nineteen years to write and publish after his first book. So these are Jordan Peterson books in order.



Jordan Peterson books in order



Jordan Peterson books review

Jordan Peterson books review

Jordan Peterson books review.  A review of  Jordan Peterson books is as follows.


Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief: The Architecture of Belief is a rational inquiry into why and how humans create meaning. Myths represent the creation of meaning as the hero’s journey, fraught with terror.


Therefore, the book tries to understand the meaning-making process through analysing myths as well as through a scientific understanding of how the human brain works.


The starting point for Peterson’s inquiry is an existential crisis: As a university student, he becomes disillusioned with both Christianity (the religion of his childhood) and socialism (his newfound faith).


Neither seems to answer the question of why evil as immensely horrific as the Holocaust, the atomic bomb, and the nuclear race exists in the world. In the absence of a guiding structure for a meaningful goal, Peterson languishes in a paralysing depression and vivid nightmares.


Only when he decides to change his major from Political Science to Psychology and discovers the work of psychologist Carl Jung does Peterson begin to recover. Through Jung, Peterson turns to study myths to answer two fundamental questions: Why does evil exist, and how can one fight it?


Jordan Peterson books. Before answering these questions, Peterson reviews the limitations of empirical methods of inquiry in understanding human behaviour. Empirical methods can explain the world as a place for things but not as a forum for action, as both explicit and implicit forces drive human action.


The implicit motivations of human behaviour are clearest in myths, stories, literature, and drama.


12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos: A list of the twelve rules are listed below


  • Stand up straight with your shoulders back.
  • Treat yourself like you would someone you are responsible for helping.
  • Make friends with people who want the best for you.
  • Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today.
  • Think less about whether or not other people are good or bad, and concentrate on being the best person you can be.
  • Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them.
  • Set your house in perfect order before you criticise the world.
  • Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient).
  • Tell the truth.
  • Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don’t.
  • Be precise in your speech.
  • Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street.


Jordan Peterson books review. Mr. Peterson says that if you follow these 12 rules, not only will your life be better, but the lives of those around you.


Although most of Mr. Peterson’s rules on this page apply to personal life, he states that you should “have a purpose in life”, and if you don’t know what it is, you should figure it out.


Many have taken to these rules, such as Sargon of Akkad, a YouTuber with millions of subscribers and videos criticising cultural Marxism. He seems inspired by Jordan Peterson’s 12 rules for life, even if he does not overtly admit it and instead says that he is merely “inspired by Jordan Peterson”.


Many have been inspired by Jordan Peterson and his 12 rules for life, and he has become a popular figure among conservatives. Many believe his philosophy may be the answer to the decay of the Western world. He’s always stuck to his principles and resisted the pressure of cultural Marxists in Canada.


Political Correctness Gone Mad


Political Correctness: The Munk Debates published 2018- This title, taken from a Catch-Phrase of the Daily Mail, a British tabloid, can refer to one of two things.


In some cases, this might be literally about political correctness taken too far, presented through a Granola Girl or Soapbox Sadie who embodies the negative aspects of the PC movement.


Alternatively, along the same lines, a governmental authority (often a local council) is accused of being over-zealous to the point of parody in trying to avoid offence to minority groups – not unlike the Culture Police but in the other direction.


Certain words or phrases are said to have been “banned”, as if Chipping Sodbury Borough Council has any effective power over the English Language or, indeed, anything.


Politically-Correct History is a specific variant where Common Knowledge historical accounts are treated as Fanon to avoid Unfortunate Implications such as Values Dissonance or having to explain Aluminium Christmas Trees.


Usually, a range of urban myths is presented as examples of Political Correctness Gone Mad, such as …


Blackboards in school are being renamed “Chalkboards” to avoid offending black people. A lot of them are green, which would be a much more logical reason to change the name. The marker variant, called a “Whiteboard”, remains untouched. (Although, some do call them “Wipe Boards”, as you can wipe the writing off.)


Jordan Peterson books. Some schools have a “holiday tree” every “Winter Holiday Season,” or even more drastic…


City councils banned Christmas to avoid offending Jews, Muslims, Pagans, and other religious/non-religious folk. Manholes are being renamed “Personnel Access Units” to avoid offending women.


All of this is especially ironic, considering that Political Correctness took on its contemporary meaning when the radical left began using it as a self-aware joke about the intrusion of


Academic (the capital “A” is required) feminist and socialist argot into their everyday lives. Expect most of those invoking Mars and Venus Gender Contrast to imply, if not state outright, that they’re taking a brave stand against this trope in the name of Truth in Television.


Peacemaking Among Higher-Order Primates – Peacemaking among higher-order primates Abstract Facts are facts. Opinions about the facts differ. It is therefore the job of the peacemaker to bridge the gap between opinions, and in that manner, bring about reconciliation.


This much seems obvious. But what if the facts themselves differ? What if the basis for the disagreement is so profound that the world arrays itself differently for each antagonist – and worse: what if the disagreement extends beyond the antagonist, to the peacemaker, who sees the facts themselves in a manner that neither antagonist can accept? What then?


Ridiculous, surely: how can the facts themselves differ, when it is one world that we all inhabit? But the facts do differ because the world is complex beyond the scope of any one interpretation. For this reason, there can be disagreement about first principles, as well as their derivatives.


Jordan Peterson books. This means that the job of the peacemaker is to establish an accord that allows the facts themselves to become a matter of agreement. To do that, however, the peacemaker has to be able to see the facts that lead to peace.


To do that, he has to be more than a pragmatic broker of opinions. He has to be a man of deep and profoundly rooted morality – and a man of the morality of no man’s land, instead of the morality of established territory. No man’s land is the unknown, terra incognita.


The morality of the previously established is merely a matter of tradition, agreed upon by all. When traditions clash, however, the facts themselves are no longer self-evident. Under such conditions, it is only the individual who has travelled to strange lands who can build a bridge.


But to travel to strange lands is to risk coming under the dominion of the terrible spirits that inhabit the uninhabitable; to risk becoming the strange son of chaos – someone no longer acceptable to those who still dwell quietly at home.


To travel strange lands is to see the broader territory, the no man’s land surrounding all conditional moralities, and to learn how to negotiate a path there – but also to lose all belief that there is one way or one set of facts.


BEYOND ORDER: 12 MORE RULES FOR LIFE – Peterson explains that there are order and chaos in life— two forces that are in constant motion and collision, like yin and yang symbols.


Jordan Peterson books review. Your life needs to have both elements to be meaningful. Too much order and the water gets stale with no progress. Too much chaos and there’s no stability or structure on top of which to add progress and innovation.


His last book, 12 Rules For Life, was a rulebook on order. This one, Beyond Order, is a rulebook on chaos.


Beyond Order has 12 rules as well and they are the following:


Rule 1: Do not carelessly denigrate social institutions or creative achievement.


This Rule describes the relationship between stability (order) and innovation (chaos) and how social institutions, countries, governments, and systems need to have both to function properly throughout the years to come.


Rule 2: Imagine who you could be and then aim single-mindedly at that.


This Rule analyzes the ancient images and stories (Enuma Elish, Marduk & Tiamat) to illuminate how the human personality came into existence.


Rule 3: Do not hide unwanted things in the fog.


This Rule explains the importance of facing negative information and emotions such as grief, pain, anxiety, and fear in life.


Rule 4: Notice that opportunity lurks where responsibility has been abdicated.


Jordan Peterson books.  This Rule explains that we shouldn’t align our lives toward happiness, but toward meaning and purpose. And that is found in the voluntary adoption of mature responsibility for yourself and others.


Rule 5: Do not do what you hate.


This Rule provides an example of why it’s bad to back off from your beliefs by inches daily. Over time, those inches become miles, and soon enough, you’re left with doing the things that you hate and despise. Stand up for yourself and do not do what you hate.


Rule 6: Abandon ideology.


This Rule explains why cookie cutter and “one-solution takes care of everything” approaches don’t work. The world is a complex place and most ideologies are partial since they don’t take into account all of the world’s complexities.


Rule 7: Work as hard as you possibly can on at least one thing and see what happens.


This Rule explains the importance of disciplined striving toward a single direction in life. It’s not about achieving goals, but about what that striving and discipline make out of our character.


Rule 8: Try to make one room in your home as beautiful as possible.


This Rule explains the necessity of art (not decoration) in a person’s life. Once you have one room as beautiful as possible, you can create that connection with the aesthetic experience of the true and good of the human experience.


Rule 9: If old memories still upset you, write them down carefully and completely.


Jordan Peterson books. This rule emphasises the importance of reframing the old, painful, and unpleasant memories into experiences that don’t hold power over you.


Rule 10: Plan and work diligently to maintain the romance in your relationship.


This rule explains that there are three social modes of being: tyranny, slavery, and negotiation. And if you want to have a functional, healthy, and long-lasting romantic relationship, you will need to learn how to negotiate with your significant other.


Rule 11: Do not allow yourself to become resentful, deceitful, or arrogant.


This rule shows how easy it can be to become resentful, deceitful, or arrogant and what you can do to prevent it from happening to you.


You can prevent resentfulness by learning how to walk the thin line between the chaos that creates character and the chaos that causes destruction. You can prevent deceitfulness and arrogance by avoiding the two sins: the sin of commission and the sin of commission.


Rule 12: Be grateful in spite of your suffering.


This Rule provides the path to upholding admirable moral courage in spite of life’s inevitable tragedies.


Jordan Peterson books amazon

Jordan Peterson books amazon

Jordan Peterson books Amazon. Jordan Peterson’s new book landed in Amazon’s top 10 bestseller list on pre-orders alone as it attracts attention—and controversy—four months ahead of its release.


Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life was 9th in the online retailer’s top 10 books.


Jordan Peterson books amazon. The sequel to Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos is listed as the No 1 title in a number of Amazon subcategories, including applied psychology and health, fitness, and dieting. The book will be released on March 2, 2021.


In the introduction, Peterson writes: “I hope that people find this book as helpful personally, as they seem to have found the first set of 12 Rules. It has been a source of immense gratification that so many people have reported drawing strength from the thoughts and the stories I have had the privilege of bringing forth and sharing.”


Jordan Peterson books amazon. The book has already attracted controversy following reports that Penguin Random House Canada employees “were crying” in a town hall meeting after hearing that the company was to publish a title by the divisive psychologist.


Peterson, who is embraced by some sections of the far-right, has previously dismissed suggestions that “white privilege” exists, as well as speaking out against transgender activism and so-called social justice warriors.


Jordan Peterson books Waterstones

Jordan Peterson books waterstones

Jordan Peterson books Waterstones. Jordan Peterson has become one of the world’s most electrifying and influential public thinkers, with his lectures on topics ranging from the Bible to mythology to romantic relationships capturing audiences of tens of millions.


Jordan Peterson books Waterstones. His startling message about the value of personal responsibility and the search for meaning has resonated powerfully around the world.


In this book, he combines the hard-won truths of ancient wisdom with decades of clinical experience to provide twelve profound and practical principles, from setting your house in order before criticising others to comparing yourself to who you were yesterday, not to someone else today.


Jordan Peterson books Waterstones. Gripping, thought-provoking and deeply rewarding, 12 Rules for Life offers an antidote to the chaos in our lives: eternal truths applied to our modern problems.


Jordan Peterson books sales

Jordan Peterson books sales

Jordan Peterson book sales. Dr. Jordan B. Peterson is the bestselling author of 12 RULES OF LIFE, which has sold over five million copies worldwide. With his students and colleagues, Dr. Peterson has published over a hundred scientific papers, and his 1999 book Maps of Meaning revolutionised the psychology of religion


  • It’s currently Amazon’s most read (and most sold) nonfiction book


As the unstoppable online force that has taken a merciless scythe to brick-and-mortar booksellers, Amazon generally has its finger on the pulse of what people want to read. And this week, 12 Rules for Life is not only the “most sold” work of nonfiction, but it’s also the “most read,” a measure of how many people are currently reading electronic editions of the book.


It’s the first Canadian book to rank this highly on Amazon since Margaret Atwood’s THE Handmaid’s Tale experienced a 2017 resurgence inspired, in part, by its adaptation as a Hulu series.


Jordan Peterson book sales. Most notably, 12 Rules for Life is also Amazon’s number two top-selling book of 2018 so far. The only title to outrank it is Michael Wolff’s Fire and Fury, an account of the first months of the Trump White House.


  • It’s number one on Audible


Peterson’s self-narrated audiobook is the number one most popular book on Canadian Audible, and the number three most popular on U.S. Audible.


The book is easily outranking the two other usual Canadian darlings of the non-fiction section: Steven Pinker and Malcolm Gladwell. Pinker’s new book Enlightenment Now, which came out about the same time as 12 Rules for Life, is 38 on U.S. Audible and 31 in Canada.


Jordan Peterson books. It’s even dominating the cutthroat self-help category, outranking both You Are a Badass and The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck.


  • Publisher’s Weekly has it as their number one bestselling hardcover


The industry standard for tracking book sales is the lists curated by Publisher’s Weekly.


They get their data from BookScan, a data service that tracks sales numbers for all the usual places where people buy books: Walmart, Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and the like. In their “hardcover nonfiction” category, Peterson is currently on top, with 19,593 copies sold last week, and 173,133 copies total since Jan. 1.


The book is also number eight overall, although it’s failed to crack the top ten lists in Australia, the U.K., and New Zealand. Kiwis would apparently rather read the North American Warbler Fold-Out Guide than hear what a Canadian professor has to say.


  • Somehow, it’s not even included on The New York Times bestseller list


Jordan Peterson book sales. For years, The New York Times bestseller list has faced criticism for being an opaque, arbitrary catalogue that doesn’t actually reflect whether a book is “bestselling.” These criticisms have particular currency given that 12 Rules for Life isn’t even on their list.


The Toronto Star took an in-depth look into why this is, and The New York Times had a pretty weak excuse. “We do not include books published in Canada only,” a New York Times representative told the Star.


The statement is demonstrably untrue; 12 Rules for Life is published and sold across the United States.


Jordan Peterson Books Conclusion

Jordan Peterson books conclusion

Jordan Peterson Books Conclusion. Dr. Peterson’s main ideas are:


Before trying to fix someone else’s life, first, fix your own. Start small, but be consistent. It could be a matter of just beginning by cleaning your room. Then, align yourself in such a way you can manage the care of your family; then your home; your neighbourhood, and beyond.


Understand that the pure physicalist world view, probably that of the ‘New Atheists, isn’t the only way to view the world. Why? Because we simply don’t have the processing power to deduce the purportedly deducible nature of the world.


Events in the world are rarely, X’s cause on Y, therefore the current state of Y is because of X. Rather, X, and probably an enumerable amount of other variables—in a system, and beyond the scope of human perception, has led to Y. The list of these is: Things are not always as clear as they seem.


Jordan Peterson books conclusion. Discover what the critical assumptions, presuppositions, systems of thought, and foundational reasons for your beliefs are. Dr. Peterson makes this particular point a matter of importance as evinced by his series of the psychological significance of the bible lectures.


He also shows this in his presentation of archetypal presence in all things; distinguishing the characters of persons he speaks about as containing personalities reflective of commonly occurring themes.

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