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Jordan Peterson Understand Myself

Jordan Peterson Understand Myself

Jordan Peterson Understand Myself

Jordan Peterson Understand Myself. Jordan Peterson Understand Myself is mostly about

the Big 5 personality traits which is one of the most accurate, but not necessarily the most insightful of these tests.


That’s because the Big 5 is based on statistics/data science of giving people a collection of these self-reported questions, and then collecting statistics and percentiles about each question, then tweaking the questions that were redundant or didn’t produce clear differentiation.


Life is messy, the categories it measures aren’t necessarily the most interesting.


Jordan Peterson Understand Myself. Jordan’s site splits all 5 into 2 more sub-categories for additional insight.


But he follows the same statistical model. So it should be probably valid from a data science point of view.


Jordan Peterson Understand Myself. Peterson is a thinker- a true academic. He does not restrict himself to this field or that field, instead, he explores all sorts of concepts and ideas.


Is he right all the time? Not even close. His thoughts on history are particularly strange and often wildly incorrect.


But many of his ideas are correct and worth exploring. For instance, some of these ideas are very well-rounded and interesting.


Jordan Peterson Understand Myself.

  • His thoughts on Academic
  • His thoughts on free speech
  • His thoughts on left-wing politics going too far
  • His thoughts on equality
  • His thoughts on hierarchical structures

Anything relating to psychology

That’s the point with Peterson.


He will fearlessly approach any topic and attempt to analyze it and share his opinions. You either love that sort of free expression and enjoy the resulting conversations or you don’t.


Those that demand ideological conformity and consider all outside their bubble a threat will hate people like Peterson, and that explains the pushback he receives.


But those that like to ponder complex topics and enjoy free speech will appreciate what Peterson has to say.


Can I Retake The Understand Myself Test?

Can I retake the understand myself test

Can I Retake The Understand Myself Test?

Their personality is quite stable. If you have done a lot of work to change a trait or an aspect, there is, however, the possibility of change and improvement.


However, this is a process that will occur over months or years, not days or weeks. Thus, it is best not to take the test again soon.


Do what you need or want to do to change your personality, and then try the test again in six months or a year.


Who am I being compared to when the percentiles are generated, and why?


Jordan Peterson Understand Myself. Your self-report answers to the 100 Big Five Aspect phrases/questions are compared with those of 10000 other males and females of widely different ages.


Can I Retake The Understand Myself Test?

We could have compared you to others of your sex and age but decided that it would be more informative and simpler to let you know what you are like compared with everyone else, regardless of age and sex.


Can I Retake The Understand Myself Test?

What this means in practice is that if you are male you will score lower on agreeableness and neuroticism than you would if you were only compared to males (for females the reverse applies) and that if you are younger you will score lower on agreeableness and conscientiousness and higher on neuroticism than you would if you were only being compared to other young people (with the reverse being true for older people).


Can I Retake The Understand Myself Test?

First, remember that this is a self-report test, scored comparatively, using statistical processes.


How you describe yourself has been compared to how many other people described themselves.


Can I Retake The Understand Myself Test?

If you received results that you do not regard as accurate (and this is more likely to be the case when the report describes more negative personality attributes) it is possible that you were too hard on yourself when you answered the questions.


This is more probable if you are higher, rather than lower, in trait neuroticism (as people higher in neuroticism are more self-critical), if you were in a bad mood when you took the test, or if you are depressed, hungry or ill.


Second, remember that the traits and aspects have to be considered in combination, rather than singly.


Jordan Peterson Understand Myself. So, for example, you might be very or extremely high in Agreeableness. You, therefore, received feedback on the report stating that you have a hard time standing up for yourself, and are generally more concerned with the feelings and desires of other people.


Jordan Peterson Understand Myself. However, if you are also high in assertiveness (an aspect of Extraversion) and/or low in Neuroticism then you are more likely to say what you want and put your needs forward than an agreeable person low in the former and high in the latter.


Jordan Peterson Understand Myself. If you are low in Conscientiousness, you are less likely to be successful in school and managerial and administrative jobs—but if you have a high IQ and low Neuroticism then your chances of success rise substantially.


Jordan Peterson Understand Myself. Furthermore, you could be low in Conscientiousness but high in Openness to Experience and be successful as a creative person or entrepreneur.


How Long Does The Understand Myself Test Take?

How long does the understand myself test take

How Long Does The Understand Myself Test Take? It takes 10 to 20 minutes to complete the assessment. Once complete, you will have access to your comprehensive report detailing the 5 factors / ten aspects of your personality.


How Long Does The Understand Myself Test Take? 10 to 20 minutes. The Big Five personality test is a comprehensive personality inventory based on decades of psychological research.


Psychologists and academic researchers investigating the fundamental traits of personality found repeatedly that people’s personality differences naturally sort into five broad dimensions, referred to as the Big Five.


Today, the consensus among the scientific community is that human personality is most accurately described in terms of these Big Five personality traits.


Jordan Peterson Understand Myself. The Big Five model of personality is widely considered to be the most scientifically valid way to describe personality differences and is the basis of most current personality research.


The “Big Five” or Five Factors refers to the five major personality dimensions that psychologists have determined are core to our makeup. The Big Five personality traits are:


  • Openness – How open a person is to new ideas and experiences
  • Conscientiousness – How goal-directed, persistent, and organized a person is
  • Extraversion – How much a person is energized by the outside world
  • Agreeableness – How much a person puts others’ interests and needs ahead of their own
  • Neuroticism – How sensitive a person is to stress and negative emotional triggers


How Long Does The Understand Myself Test Take? 10-20 minutes.  Each of the Big Five personality traits is considered to drive a significant aspect of cognition (how we think) and behaviour (how we act).


Each trait is completely distinct and independent of the other four traits; for instance, a highly Extroverted person is no more or less likely to be highly Conscientious as well.


For an individual, each of the Big Five personality traits is measured along a spectrum, so that one can be high, medium, or low in that particular trait.


This makes the Big Five model distinct from many pop psychology systems that classify people in terms of personality “types.”


Jordan Peterson Understand Myself. In the Big Five framework, rather than being sorted into types, people are described in terms of how they compare with the average across each of the five personality traits.


How Long Does The Understand Myself Test Take? The test consists of 60 questions and takes about 5-10 minutes to complete.


This test has been researched extensively to ensure it is valid and reliable. It is based on psychological research into the core of a person.


How Long Does The Understand Myself Test Take? 10 -20 minutes. Your scores show you how you compare to the other people in a large, international sample for each of the Big Five personality traits.


Jordan Peterson Understand Myself. Big Five, Five Factor, and OCEAN are all ways of describing the same theory of personality.


Multiple psychological studies have concluded that the differences between people’s personalities can be organized into five broad categories, called the Big Five or Five Factors. These are sometimes referred to as the five broad dimensions of personality.


What Are The Big 5 Personality Traits of Jordan Peterson?

What Are The Big Personality Traits Jordan Peterson

What Are The Big 5 Personality Traits of Jordan Peterson? The Big Five Personality Traits model measures five key dimensions of people’s personalities.


It’s based on findings from several independent researchers, and it dates back to the late 1950s. But the model as we know it now began to take shape in the 1990s.


Lewis Goldberg, a researcher at the Oregon Research Institute, is credited with naming the model “The Big Five.”


It is now a respected personality scale and is routinely used by businesses and in psychological research.


The five key personality dimensions the model measures are the following:


  1. What Are The Big 5 Personality Traits of Jordan Peterson? Openness:

sometimes called “Intellect” or “Imagination,” this measures your level of creativity, and your desire for knowledge and new experiences.


You might think, the more of that [openness] the better, but no – that isn’t how nature works.


You can undo yourself by being open. Open people have a hard time catalysing their identity because they’re so… protean.


They shift shapes constantly, they’re interested in everything. It makes it very hard for them to pursue one thing.


My observation is that if people are high in negative emotion – so they’re prone to anxiety, for example –


then being open can be a curse because when you expose yourself to something unknown…


Extraversion and openness can drive you forward as a function of curiosity and engagement, but the uncertainty is also… the uncertainty you pay a price for physiologically because when you face something uncertain, like when you’re angry, your body has to prepare for anything. And that’s expensive and physiologically demanding.


Extraversion, sometimes referred to as surgency, is indicated by assertive, energetic, and gregarious behaviours.


  1. What Are The Big 5 Personality Traits of Jordan Peterson? Conscientiousness:

This looks at the level of care that you take in your life and work. If you score highly in conscientiousness, you’ll likely be organized and thorough, and know how to make plans and follow them through. If you score low, you’ll likely be lax and disorganized.


  1. What Are The Big 5 Personality Traits of Jordan Peterson? Extraversion/Introversion:

This dimension measures your level of sociability. Are you outgoing or quiet, for instance? Do you draw energy from a crowd, or do you find it difficult to work and communicate with other people?


  1. What Are The Big 5 Personality Traits of Jordan Peterson? Agreeableness

This dimension measures how well you get on with other people. Are you considerate, helpful and willing to compromise? Or do you tend to put your needs before others?


  1. Jordan Peterson Understand Myself. Natural Reactions:

sometimes called “Emotional Stability” or “Neuroticism,” this measures emotional reactions.


Do you react negatively or calmly to bad news? Do you worry obsessively about small details, or are you relaxed in stressful situations?


Neuroticism is essentially equivalent to emotional instability and can be seen in irritable and moody behaviours.


Openness to experience, sometimes referred to as intellect, indicates an individual’s inquisitiveness, thoughtfulness, and propensity for intellectually challenging tasks.


Agreeableness is indicated in empathic, sympathetic, and kind behaviours.

Finally, conscientiousness refers to an individual’s sense of responsibility and duty as well as foresight.


How Much Does Understand Myself Cost?

How much does understand myself cost

How Much Does Understand Myself Cost?

A 100-question self-assessment process that is based on a personality scale known as the Big Five Aspects.


The test results extend the Big Five descriptions, breaking down each of the five traits into two higher-resolution aspects.


The test is designed to give you the most accurate and straightforward description of who you are and, if need be, to be able to organise your life accordingly.


Jordan Peterson Understand Myself. The Understand Myself assessment and report are based on the Big Five Aspects Scale, the scientific model that describes your personality through the (Big Five) factors and each of their two aspects.


The 100 question phrases that you will respond to are part of many open-source research projects and can be found, along with similar question sets, elsewhere on the web.


It is, however, the highly detailed, extensive results (unparalleled among available personality tests) as well as the large and representative comparison group that, in the author’s opinion, make the process uniquely accurate and comprehensive.


The sample size is more than 10,000 people of diverse ages, races and sex. Dr Jordan Peterson and his team have produced the most comprehensive and accurate personality report that is currently available.


This model has become quite popular in the area of psychology and the scientific paper which first announced it has gone on to accrue over 750 citations, which is a lot for a scientific paper, especially one which has only been around for 10 years. This has resulted in the paper becoming something of a classic.


How Much Does Understand Myself Cost? On you can take the personality assessment for 10 Dollars to receive quite a detailed description of how you function.


Individual Report

The assessment only takes 15-20 minutes. Your resulting report will give you a comprehensive description of the factors and aspects of your personality.


You will, for example, learn how agreeable you are relative to others, and how your Agreeableness breaks down into the aspects of Compassion and Politeness (deference to authority and social norms).


You will also learn how these aspects of your personality influence how you act towards and react against the various people and situations you find yourself dealing with every day. Just for Me


Individual Assessment.

How Much Does Understand Myself Cost? The individual assessment costs $9.95


Relationship/Couple Report

To create a Relationship/Couple report, both you and your romantic partner must each complete your assessment.


When you have both completed your assessments, you can connect them to access a relationship report.


The report includes your scores, your partner’s scores, and a description of what you may expect from being in a romantic relationship together. My Partner and Me


Assessment + Voucher

How Much Does Understand Myself Cost? The assessment and voucher costs $19.90



You may have already completed the assessment. To create a relationship report with your partner, your partner must also complete it.


You can get the assessment for your partner by purchasing a voucher. Once you complete the purchase, the voucher will be added to your My Work page.


From there, you can email it to your partner. Once your partner completes the assessment, you can connect your assessments to create a relationship report.


Of course, you can also use vouchers to purchase an individual assessment for a friend or family member (you are not required to create a relationship report). Vouchers are also available in bundles of 5, 10, or 20 for a discount.


Assessment Voucher(s)


How Much Does Understand Myself Cost? You can purchase it for For Your Partner or Friend(s) at $9.95


What Is Jordan Peterson’s IQ?

What is Jordan Peterson IQ

What Is Jordan Peterson’s IQ? Jordan Peterson, a famous Canadian professor and psychologist, is a well-known advocate for young men.


He’s also an incredibly smart person, which is evident by listening to him speak or reading his books. But, how high is his IQ?


What Is Jordan Peterson’s IQ? Jordan Peterson has an IQ above 150, he said while answering an interview question on his YouTube channel.


He said that he took an IQ test when he was much younger. His IQ test score of above 150 puts him in the top 99.9 percentile of intelligence compared to other human beings.


Interestingly, Peterson said that when he tested his IQ as a younger man, he was smarter then because IQ declines with age. So, he thinks his IQ has dipped slightly since then, coinciding with getting older.


Another point that Peterson made about IQ is that people can be very smart in different categories, but not as high in others.


Using himself as an example, he said that his verbal IQ is off the charts, meaning 99.9th percentile, but his quantitative IQ is the equivalent of the 75th percentile or upper 25% of people.


What Is Jordan Peterson’s IQ? Jordan stated that his IQ is more than 150, which is considered extraordinary and a record-breaking score.


He did study intelligence quotient at one point, so one would think that he would have submitted to an assessment himself, but we don’t remember him saying that.


Jordan has skipped ahead a grade at elementary school and is a superbly fast reader; as an adolescent, Jordan was reading books above his age range in one sitting.


It seems apparent or obvious that he has an uneven cognitive profile tilted heavily toward the Verbal subset.


What Is Jordan Peterson’s IQ? Jordan also commented his Quantitative subset rate was much more modest, in the seventeenth and seventy-fifth percentile, around that number.


He also commented that he is not good at visualizing; therefore, his Spatial IQ is perhaps as modest if not even lower than his score in Quantitative.


What Is Jordan Peterson’s IQ? If his average score is 150, it shows his verbal subset rating could be 160 or higher, which is relatively seldom and rare, in the region of 1 in 32,000 marks.


Therefore, he is very smart about abstract concepts as well as language reasoning; however, at the same time, he almost definitely would not have made the score as a professor in mathematics and would have resisted rising above average as an engineer. Jordan would have perhaps had a noticeably diverse style in learning from his friends.


In short, he is technical brilliance in one of the subsets of intelligence quotient, however average to above average.


Is The Big 5 Personality Test Valid?

Is the Big 5 Personality trait valid

Is The Big 5 Personality Test Valid? The Big Five Personality Test is by far the most scientifically validated and reliable psychological model to measure personality.


This test is, together with the Jung test (MBTI test style) and the DISC assessment, one of the most well-known personality tests worldwide.


Big 5 has a scientific origin and scientific evidence of accuracy. Big 5 is the result of extensive scientific research to find repeatable, measurable aspects of personality that differentiate between people (actually over 30 aspects – not 5 – as they all have sub-aspects).


It gives you a series of values that represent your personality in aspects such as extraversion relative to the average of all people tested – using a normal probability distribution. Tests are consistent, shared and described in papers.


Is The Big 5 Personality Test Valid? The Big 5 is the one used, proven and supported by the scientific community – rightly – it is accepted as accurate in terms of test results.


The Big 5 lacks any real individual usefulness – it tells you relative information about personalities but no “so what”.


Is The Big 5 Personality Test Valid? Theorists say yes. The Big 5 personality traits are respected in the field of psychology. As long as the test you take hews closely to the understanding of these traits, you can be confident that it has the backing of decades of study behind it.


Is The Big 5 Personality Test Valid? The Big 5 personality test model is viewed as a reliable tool for workplaces.


Not only is it reliable, but there has been extensive study into how employers can use it. According to one study, employers found that conscientiousness and agreeableness were the most important qualities in the workplace.


Employers can learn about each category, decide which is most important for them, and use the test as a screening tool for new employees.


Is The Big 5 Personality Test Valid? It is but

Despite their undeniable utility, the “Big Five” personality tests have several limitations that organizations must be aware of to avoid overestimating their predictive value or undermining efforts to create a diverse and inclusive workplace.


Others suggest there are ten or more distinct facets of personality. If these theorists are correct, then organizations that focus on the FFM might be missing out on essential aspects of personality that could help them predict how a candidate would perform on the job.


While the final list of dimensions is yet to be decided, employers should remember that it likely will include more than the five characteristics.


  • Personality can change over time:

For a personality test to be useful for employers, the traits it measures must be relatively stable.


A large body of research indicates that personality traits can and do change. For example, researchers have found that people tend to become more agreeable, conscientious, and emotionally stable as people get older.


Moreover, some characteristics change as individuals enter new environments or acquire new responsibilities.


For instance, one study found that changes in openness to experience can follow from upward job changes into managerial and professional positions.


Organizations must take this into account when making hiring decisions based on personality assessments to avoid rejecting candidates whose personalities would grow to suit the job.


  • Candidates may provide socially desirable responses:

Even if the FFM addressed all personality characteristics, tests incorporating the model wouldn’t necessarily produce accurate results.


This is because the procedures used to determine where individuals fall on the Big Five’s dimensions are vulnerable to bias.


One of the more popular ways organizations assess personality is with self-report personality inventories, which ask respondents to indicate the degree to which they agree or disagree with a range of statements designed to capture different parts of the Big Five.


For example, a personality inventory may ask whether an individual believes they are someone who “tends to be lazy,” “treats others with respect,” or “keeps their emotions under control.


The problem with these self-reported personality inventories is that they rely on questions that are likely to invoke what is known as the “social desirability bias,” which refers to the tendency of survey respondents to answer questions in a manner that will be viewed favourably by others.


Since it is easy to determine how an employer would like candidates to respond (e.g., they won’t want someone who describes themselves as lazy or disrespectful), job seekers are likely to agree with statements that paint them in a positive light.


FFM’s predictive value depends on job type and country of origin: Several lines of research suggest that the Big Five personality tests are not uniformly reliable or informative.


A recent meta-analysis found each of the five personality traits only predicts performance levels for particular job types.


For example, researchers found that high agreeableness scores strongly predict performance in healthcare and clerical occupation but not for sales positions.


A second obstacle to accuracy and reliability stems from the fact that, like many psychological tests, the FFM was developed by studying young college students from WEIRD countries (western, educated, industrialized, rich, and developed).


As a result, they tend not to work with individuals who reflect other backgrounds. Experiments have verified that this problem afflicts the Big Five personality tests.


In general, results from personality tests administered to individuals from non-WEIRD countries were less interpretable due to a higher number of incompatible response combinations (e.g., agreements with the statements “I am the life of the party” and “I have little to say.”).


This suggests that many of the questions could be culturally specific and that individuals from some cultures may be more prone to exhibiting what is known as acquiescence bias (i.e., the tendency for survey respondents to agree with research statements).


Personality tests can be discriminatory: On its own, the impact that country of origin can have on the accuracy of personality tests based on the FFM can lead employers to make unfair and discriminatory hiring decisions.


Specifically, organizations may be more inclined to hire individuals from WEIRD countries. This would seriously undermine a company’s diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts.


In addition, the Big Five personality tests might discriminate against individuals who have a mental illness.


Some psychologists have noted that several of the questions in the FFM overlap with items in the most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), which, as the name implies, is used by mental health professionals to diagnose and treat patients.


Finding the same overlap, several individuals have filed lawsuits against companies who decided not to hire them based on the results of their personality tests, alleging that the questions violated the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).


With anxiety, depression, and burnout on the rise, experts caution against using personality tests with questions that might reveal whether one has a mental health condition and encourage employers to avoid using individuals with clinical or medical licenses to administer the test.


Is Jordan Peterson Extroverted Or Introverted?

Is Jordan Peterson extroverted or Introverted

Is Jordan Peterson Extroverted Or Introverted?

He’s quite extroverted, but that in no way makes me unsociable because he’s known to


  • Have a long-lasting marriage, and surfs the recent success wave by travelling around the world with his wife;


  • Have accomplished decades of successful work as a clinical psychologist;


  • Be a very popular and loved professor at the universities where he taught, and also very appreciated as an advisor;


  • Be moved to tears when pondering about the plight of others and how it is possible to improve their situation sometimes with just very little encouragement;


Is Jordan Peterson Extroverted Or Introverted? He is extroverted as he has garnered the friendship of multiple pundits, such as Ben Shapiro, Dave Rubin, Joe Rogan, Gad Saad, Christina Hoff Sommers and many others.


It is certainly possible for one to be a sociopath even with all of that, but it is also absurdly unlikely.


Is Jordan Peterson Extroverted Or Introverted? He recently made a post on Twitter and said I think he is an INTP, INTJ or INFJ. Well, I was very very wrong.


Is Jordan Peterson Extroverted Or Introverted? Peterson, according to his daughter, is an extrovert, not an introvert. His daughter is also an extrovert.


Is Jordan Peterson Extroverted Or Introverted? He also scored very highly in extroversion in the Big 5 (as someone commented in my last post). So, that’s that. Not an introvert!


What Is The Big 5 Aspect Scale?

What is the Big 5 Aspect scale

What Is The Big 5 Aspect Scale? The Big Five Aspect Scale is a comprehensive, open-source 100-item personality measure, which is scored so that you will receive information about five major personality traits and their ten aspects.


It will take you approximately 15 minutes to complete. You will be presented with a series of phrases, such as “carry out my plans,” “respect authority,” and “like to solve complex problems,” and asked to indicate your agreement or disagreement with those phrases as they apply to you, typically and personally.


Make sure that you are not tired, unhappy, depressed, hungry, or likely to be disturbed while you answer the questions, and that you are giving yourself enough time to consider your answers carefully.


Your responses will be compared to those of 10000 other people, so that your personality can be assessed, by your similarity or difference to the average person.


You will then be provided with a report that tells you how you rank, according to your self-report (which can be quite accurate) compared to others, in percentile terms.


If you receive, for example, a percentile score of 85 for Extraversion, that means you are more extroverted (enthusiastic, assertive) than 85 out of 100 people.


That makes you very happy and talkative, for example, compared to the average person.


What Is The Big 5 Aspect Scale? The Big Five personality traits is a suggested taxonomy, or grouping, for personality traits, developed from the 1980s onward in psychological trait theory.


Starting in the 1990s, the theory identified five factors by labels, for the US English-speaking population, typically referred to as:


  • openness to experience (inventive/curious vs. consistent/cautious)
  • conscientiousness (efficient/organized vs. extravagant/careless)
  • extraversion (outgoing/energetic vs. solitary/reserved)
  • agreeableness (friendly/compassionate vs. critical/rational)
  • neuroticism (sensitive/nervous vs. resilient/confident)


What Is The Big 5 Aspect Scale? When factor analysis (a statistical technique) is applied to personality survey data, it reveals semantic associations: some words used to describe aspects of personality are often applied to the same person.


For example, someone described as conscientious is more likely to be described as “always prepared” rather than “messy”.


These associations suggest five broad dimensions used in common language to describe the human personality, temperament and psyche.


What Is The Big 5 Aspect Scale? Those labels for the five factors may be remembered using the acronyms “OCEAN” or “CANOE”. Beneath each proposed global factor, there are several correlated and more specific primary factors.


What Is The Big 5 Aspect Scale? For example, extraversion is typically associated with qualities such as gregariousness, assertiveness, excitement-seeking, warmth, activity, and positive emotions.


These traits are not black and white but rather placed on continua.


Jordan Peterson understands myself Conclusion

Jordan Peterson Understand Myself Conclusion

Jordan Peterson understands me Conclusion. There’s more to personality than the Big Five: Some experts argue that the FFM oversimplifies personality.


Jordan Peterson understand myself Conclusion. In other words, they claim that there are additional aspects of personality that are not captured by the Big Five. For example, some researchers have argued for humility as a sixth trait.

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