Outline the relationship between resilience and stress Posted byMiss Date Doctor May 5, 2022July 15, 2023 SELF IMPROVEMENT Table of Contents hide 1 Outline the relationship between resilience and stress 1.1 What is the relationship between resilience and stress? 1.2 What is the relationship between resilience and stress in children? 1.3 The relationship between resilience and mental wellbeing 1.4 Stress and resilience pdf 1.5 Relationship between resilience and wellbeing 1.6 Difference between resilience and stress 1.7 Explain why stress can be both helpful and harmful 1.8 Identify 5 good habits which may support overall emotional resilience 1.9 Relationship between depression and resilience 1.10 What is stress? 1.10.1 Outline the relationship between resilience and stress conclusion 1.11 Further reading Outline the relationship between resilience and stressOutline the relationship between resilience and stress. Stress is the physiological and emotional response to a situation of excessive or overwhelming pressure, usually over a period of time. It is seldom a single life event that affects our ability to cope. Despite our efforts, the impact of stress at work can be felt in our personal lives and vice versa. Common physical signs of stress include sleeping problems, headaches, muscle tension, and difficulty concentrating. Common emotional signs include racing thoughts, worry, or low self-belief. Stress can affect how you feel, think, behave, and how your body works. If you feel stressed, it can be difficult to see a way to manage the pressure, and it can affect everything you do. Stress is one of the largest causes of work-related absences and can be indirectly responsible for many other causes, including mental health illnesses, musculoskeletal disorders, colds, and flu. It has also been proven to negatively impact performance, relationships, decision-making, and creativity. Stress itself is not an illness, but it can result in more serious problems such as Anxiety and Depression. The moment you perceive you can’t manage the pressure, whatever that pressure is, be it work, too much work, or relationship difficulties. Your body goes through the stress response so your body goes through the fight, flight, or freeze and what’s very interesting is what happens to the brain. Outline the relationship between resilience and stress. For example, the moment your body goes into a stress response sixty percent of the frontal part of your brain starts to shut down and we need the frontal part of the brain for decision-making and being analytical. What Is Resilience? How Is It Related To stress? Resilience has many different meanings but often refers to the capacity to positively respond to, and cope with, difficult situations, events, or setbacks. These difficulties can occasionally be life-changing traumas or tragedies but can also be the build-up of pressure or stress in our day-to-day living. A person demonstrating resilience is not only able to handle such experiences and difficulties at the moment but also to ‘bounce back’ more effectively afterward. It may also include the possibility of personal learning and growth from even the most challenging situations. Outline the relationship between resilience and stress. Resilience involves proactively building a range of resources that we can draw on when we need to. Resources might include self-awareness, an ability to recognise and manage our energy levels, an understanding of what motivates us, optimism, physical activity, and supportive relationships. We often need to find ways to both address the difficulty and support ourselves emotionally. Resilience is the ability to power through difficult situations and come out the other side. Something a stressed person finds challenging to do. Many people assume that resilient people don’t feel stress. This is not the case. A resilient person will feel stress when things don’t go their way, as others do. Outline the relationship between resilience and stress. However, the key difference is that they know how to manage their stress so that they can keep it under control. So resilience is a characteristic that people show in the face of chronic stress. It allows them to manage their stress. An example of this would be that many highly resilient people actually exercise more regularly when they are very busy at work. They know that exercise is a powerful way to manage stress. When they get stressed they know that they need to make time for exercise to manage their stress. Someone less resilient might skip exercising sleep poorly as a result and find that their performance was dipping and so stress increasing. At heart, resilience is a combination of being self-aware enough to know that you are stressed and proactive enough to do something about it. How Do Resilient People Counter Stress? Everyone is different. You must figure out what works best for you. There are a number of standard practices that are used to counter stress. Outline the relationship between resilience and stress Exercising,Getting enough sleepMindfulnessA good dietHobbies and sportTime with friends and familyPositive thinking What is the relationship between resilience and stress?What is the relationship between resilience and stress? The relationship between resilience and stress is quite tricky because one is a problem and the other a solution. Stress and trauma are common occurrences in our lives and there is no limit to the level of trauma that people can experience in different circumstances. What is the relationship between resilience and stress? Resilience can be affected by the circumstances to which people are exposed. In addition, resilience can change over time as a person adapts to a particular situation or life experience. A number of recent studies have found that people who are resilient tend to maintain higher levels of mental health. One of the most significant benefits of resilience is improved immune function. Resilience is important for fighting off illness and for maintaining a positive mood. A recent study indicated, that patients with higher levels of resilience are more likely to handle stress excellently. They were also less likely to exhibit mood swings and engage in risky behaviour when compared to patients with lower resilience. The results of this study are promising for individuals who are suffering from depression or illness and are at higher risk for depression. What is the relationship between resilience and stress? Those who are more resilient are better able to manage stress and cope with emotional difficulties. Resilience has been shown to be related to improved coping strategies. This means that those who are better able to manage stress are better able to avoid negative consequences that result from unsuccessful coping strategies. Those who are less able to effectively manage stress are at increased risk for depression, substance abuse, and other related psychological disorders. Here are the major effects of being highly resilience in the face of stress Quality of relationships Outline the relationship between resilience and stress. Resilience has also been demonstrated to relate to the quality of relationships. When living with high levels of acute stress, individuals may lack the skills necessary to properly interact with others. The inability to properly interact with others, which can lead to poor relationships, can have a negative impact on mental health. In addition, people who are unable to manage stress may be unable to maintain long-term relationships. They may eventually develop poor relationships due to feelings of shame or embarrassment. This can have a profound negative impact on relationships within the workplace, as those who are unable to effectively deal with work-related stress may lose opportunities in the workplace. Being mindful People who were taught to practice a state of mindfulness during their studies had lower levels of perceived stress and higher levels of self-awareness. Self-awareness is defined as the ability to notice and control responses to stressful situations. When individuals who practice mindfulness are aware of their emotions, thoughts, and physical reactions, they are able to respond more effectively to stressful situations. In addition, higher levels of self-awareness can help individuals reduce their symptoms of both anxiety and depression. Outline the relationship between resilience and stress. Another benefit of resiliency was demonstrated in a research study conducted on physically active individuals. When primed with information about the types of activities they would like to attempt, and asked about their personal strengths and weaknesses, physically active individuals were better able to anticipate and prevent potential injuries. Although it is not currently known how the process of resiliency affects an individual’s ability to prevent injury, one study found that physically active individuals who were debilitated were less likely to sustain an injury. Resilience has also been shown to positively affect physical and mental health and may help to prevent common life-threatening complications and emergencies. What is the relationship between resilience and stress in children?What is the relationship between resilience and stress in children? As parents or guardians, we can not protect kids from every challenge they face but we can help them handle each challenge that may stress them out one way or another with resilience. All kids encounter the stress of varying degrees as they grow. Despite their best efforts, parents can’t protect kids from obstacles. Kids get sick, move to new neighborhoods, encounter bullies and cyberbullies, take tests, cope with grief, lose friends, and deal with divorce, to name a few. These obstacles might seem small in the eyes of an adult, but they feel large and all-consuming to kids. What is the relationship between resilience and stress in children? Resilience helps kids navigate these stressful situations. When kids have the skills and the confidence to confront and work through their problems, they learn that they have what it takes to confront difficult issues. The more they bounce back on their own, the more they internalize the message that they are strong and capable. Strategies to Build Resilience Parents can help kids build resilience and confront uncertainty by teaching them to solve problems independently. While the gut reaction of the parent might be to jump in and help so that the child avoids dealing with discomfort, this actually weakens resilience. Kids need to experience discomfort so that they can learn to work through it and develop their own problem-solving skills. Without this skill-set in place, kids will experience anxiety and shut down in the face of adversity. Build a Strong Emotional Connection Spend one-on-one time with your kids: Kids develop coping skills within the context of caring relationships, so it’s important to spend one-on-one time with them. This means you need to put down the smartphone and focus on your child. When kids know they have the unconditional support of a parent, family member, or even a teacher, they feel empowered to seek guidance and make attempts to work through difficult situations. Positive connections allow adults to model coping and problem-solving skills to children. Promote Healthy Risk-Taking In a world where playgrounds are made “safe” with bouncy floor materials and helicopter parenting, it’s important to encourage kids to take healthy risks. What’s a health risk? Something that pushes a child to go outside of their comfort zone, but results in very little harm if they are unsuccessful. Examples include trying a new sport, participating in school play, or striking up a conversation with a shy peer. When kids avoid risk, they internalize the message that they aren’t strong enough to handle challenges. When kids embrace risks, they learn to push themselves. Allow them to try and failWhat is the relationship between resilience and stress in children? When kids come to their parents to solve their problems, the natural response is to lecture or explain. A better strategy is to ask questions. By bouncing the problem back to the child with questions, the parent helps the child think through the issue and come up with solutions. Teach Them Problem-Solving Skills The goal is not to promote rugged self-reliance. We all need help sometimes, and it’s important for kids to know they have help. By brainstorming solutions with kids, parents engage in the process of solving problems. Encourage kids to come up with a list of ideas and weigh the pros and cons of each one. Label Emotions When stress kicks in, emotions run hot. Teach your kids that all feelings are important and that labeling their feelings can help them make sense of what they’re experiencing. Tell them it’s okay to feel anxious, sad, jealous, etc., and reassure them that bad feelings usually pass. Practice Coping Skills Deep breathing exercises help kids relax and calm themselves when they experience stress or frustration. This enables them to remain calm and process the situation clearly. Embrace Mistakes Their Mistakes Failure avoiders lack resilience. In fact, failure avoiders tend to be highly anxious kids. When parents focus on end results, kids get caught up in the pass/fail cycle. They either succeed or they don’t. This causes risk avoidance. Embracing mistakes (your own included) helps promote a growth mindset and gives kids the message that mistakes help them learn. It can be helpful to talk about a mistake you made and how you recovered from it. Promote the Bright Side Optimism and resiliency go hand in hand. Some kids may appear more naturally optimistic than others, but optimism can be nurtured. If you have a mini pessimist on your hands, acknowledge the feelings that lead to pessimistic thinking and teach your child to reframe his thoughts to find the positive. Model Resiliency The best way to teach resilience is to model it. We all encounter stressful situations. Use coping and calming strategies. Deep breathing can be an effective way to work through stress. Always label your emotions and talk through your problem-solving process. Go Outside Outline the relationship between resilience and stress. Exercise helps strengthen the brain and make it more resilient to stress and adversity. While team sports are the most popular method of consistent exercise for kids, all kids really need is time spent outdoors engaging in physical activity. If team sports don’t appeal to your child, encourage them or introduce them to bicycling, playing tag, or even just swinging at the playground. These are all great ways for kids to engage in free play that also builds resilience. Resilience helps kids navigate the obstacles they encounter as they grow. It’s not possible to avoid stress, but being resilient is one of the best ways to cope with it. The relationship between resilience and mental wellbeingThe relationship between resilience and mental wellbeing. Good health is about more than just the absence of sickness. Focusing on wellbeing and building resiliency is important in establishing a holistic approach to health, addressing both physical and psychological states. The World Health Organisation defines wellbeing as “the state in which an individual realises his or her own abilities, can cope with normal stresses of life, can work productively, and is able to make a contribution to his or her own community”. Mental Well-being involves having a positive self-image and esteem. Resilience, which is directly related to mental wellbeing, is about having the ability to cope with and adapt to new situations. Having a sense of resilience and positive mental wellbeing enables a person to approach other people and situations with confidence and optimism, which is especially important for young people given the enormous changes that occur with the transition into adolescence and adulthood. Relationship between resilience and mental wellbeing: confidence to approach new situations and approach new peoplerealistic optimismavoiding constant self-blameability to set goalspositive self-image and self-esteem. In a practical sense developing and improving on setting realistic and achievable goals, problem-solving and social skills all contribute to wellbeing and resiliency. Other important skills include identifying and becoming aware of one’s own strengths and weaknesses. Relationship between resilience and mental wellbeing. Setting realistic, achievable, and measurable goals is a great way to promote self-efficacy. Setting goals should be motivating. One way to increase motivation (and minimise feeling pressure or ‘failure’) is to set sub-goals, smaller and achievable related targets. Understanding and avoiding negative self-talk as well as actively practicing positive self-talk is an important tool for building self-esteem. Self-talk, which is essentially internal reflections on personal ability and/or image, can greatly influence self-esteem and perceptions about personal ability. Developing and focusing on interpersonal skills, especially learning how to engage with people from different backgrounds, is a valuable tool for young people that will enhance self-esteem and the ability to maintain personal and fulfilling relationships. Stress and resilience pdfStress and resilience pdf. As recent months have demonstrated, stress is unavoidable. Now more than ever, it’s important to understand the stress and how we can manage it. While stress can be beneficial, too much of it can be harmful. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Research on Women’s Health explains a bit about the science behind stress, provides several simple steps that might help reduce it, and has a webpage, https://go.usa.gov/xvydm, with some resources available to help. Stress and resilience pdf. When the body senses a threat (or stressor), it goes on high alert, and once the threat passes, the body quickly recovers. At least that’s the way it’s supposed to work. Stressors can include health matters, work, money, family issues, racism or gender inequality, and regular daily hassles. With unrelenting or too many stressors, your body might be in a constant state of high alert, leading to poor concentration, bad moods, professional burnout, and mental and physical health problems. When stress becomes chronic, the body cannot return to normal functioning. Chronic stress can be linked with health conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, and anxiety. Stress affects women and men differently. Many conditions associated with stress — such as post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and anxiety — are more common in women than men.Beyond sex and gender differences, there are individual differences, too. Some people are more resilient than others. Stress affects them less or more temporarily, and they might even perform better under stress. “There’s a saying, ‘It’s not how far you fall; it’s how high you bounce.’ Stress and resilience pdf. For those of us who don’t bounce back so easily, there’s good news. Resilience, to some extent, can be learned and there are some simple, practical things that people can do that may make a noticeable difference,” says Dr. Janine Austin Clayton, Director of the NIH Office of Research on Women’s Health. Clayton explains that some resilient people might also develop a greater appreciation for their lives, family, friends, or other matters after stress. Stress management and resilience-building are particularly important to the health of women. Here are several tips to help women as well as men: Recognise and countersign stress. Your body sends signals that it’s stressed, including difficulty concentrating, headaches, cold hands, tight muscles, a nervous stomach, clenched teeth, feeling on edge, fidgety, irritable, or withdrawn. Knowing how your body communicates can help you deal with stressful moments. Learn to not only recognize but also to name these feelings, either to oneself or to a friend. Then, take action to counter their effects. For example, deep breathing, stretching, going for a walk, writing down your thoughts, and taking quiet time to focus can help induce relaxation and reduce tension. Take time for yourself. Outline the relationship between resilience and stress. Make taking care of yourself a daily routine. It’s not selfish or self-indulgent — and it might require saying “no” to requests or prioritizing yourself along with your responsibilities. Start with small changes in your routine to help build resilience to stressful circumstances. Work in time to exercise, eat healthy foods, participate in relaxing activities and sleep. In fact, including a regimen of exercise, which for some may include yoga or meditation, can be very important when feeling stressed. Also, take time to notice the “good minutes” in each day or to do something that you enjoy, such as reading a book or listening to music, which can be a way to shift your attention and focus on the positive rather than the negative. Try new routines. From scheduling bath and bedtimes to blocking off time to plan and prioritize tasks, the additional structure can provide a daily framework that allows you to attune to your body’s signals. Then, you can take steps to potentially manage stress earlier than you once did. Relationship between resilience and wellbeingRelationship between resilience and wellbeing. When something goes wrong, do you tend to bounce back or fall apart? When you have resilience, you harness inner strength that helps you rebound from a setback or challenge, such as a job loss, an illness, a disaster, or a loved one’s death. If you lack resilience, you might dwell on problems, feel victimized, become overwhelmed, or turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as substance abuse. Resilience won’t make your problems go away — but resilience can give you the ability to see past them, find enjoyment in life, and better handle stress. If you aren’t as resilient as you’d like to be, you can develop skills to become more resilient. One major relationship between resilience and wellbeing is; Adapting to adversity Resilience is the ability to adapt to difficult situations. When stress, adversity, or trauma strikes, you still experience anger, grief, and pain, but you’re able to keep functioning — both physically and psychologically. However, resilience isn’t about putting up with something difficult, being stoic, or figuring it out on your own. In fact, being able to reach out to others for support is a key part of being resilient. Tips to improve your resilience If you’d like to become more resilient, consider these tips: Get connected. Building strong, positive relationships with loved ones and friends can provide you with needed support and acceptance in good and bad times. Establish other important connections by volunteering or joining a faith or spiritual community. Make every day meaningful. Do something that gives you a sense of accomplishment and purpose every day. Set goals to help you look toward the future with meaning. Learn from experience. Relationship between resilience and wellbeing. Think of how you’ve coped with hardships in the past. Consider the skills and strategies that helped you through difficult times. You might even write about past experiences in a journal to help you identify positive and negative behavior patterns — and guide your future behavior. Remain hopeful. You can’t change the past, but you can always look toward the future. Accepting and even anticipating change makes it easier to adapt and view new challenges with less anxiety. Take care of yourself. Tend to your own needs and feelings. Participate in activities and hobbies you enjoy. Include physical activity in your daily routine. Get plenty of sleep. Eat a healthy diet. Practice stress management and relaxation techniques, such as yoga, meditation, guided imagery, deep breathing, or prayer. Be proactive. Don’t ignore your problems. Instead, figure out what needs to be done, make a plan, and take action. Although it can take time to recover from a major setback, traumatic event or loss, know that your situation can improve if you work at it. Difference between resilience and stressDifference between resilience and stress. Resilience represents the ability to handle life’s setbacks and is an overall representation of adaptability. However, there are also different types of resilience, each of which can influence a person’s ability to cope with various forms of stress. Resilient people often have a number of different characteristics that help them weather life stress. Some of the signs of resilience include: A survivor mentality: When people are resilient, they view themselves as survivors. They know that even when things are difficult, they can keep going until they make it through unlike someone who is overwhelmed by stress Effective emotional regulation: Difference between resilience and stress. Resilience is marked by an ability to manage emotions in the face of stress. This doesn’t mean that resilient people don’t experience strong emotions such as anger, sadness, or fear. It means that they recognize those feelings are temporary and can be managed until they pass. Stress people’s emotions tend to be all over the place. Feeling in control: Resilient people tend to have a strong internal locus of control and feel that their actions can play a part in determining the outcome of events. Most people lose control under stress without resilience Problem-solving skills: When problems arise, resilient people look at the situation rationally and try to come up with solutions that will make a difference. Self-compassion: Difference between resilience and stress. Another sign of resilience is showing self-acceptance and self-compassion. Resilient people treat themselves with kindness, especially when things are hard. Social support: Having a solid network of supportive people is another sign of resilience. Resilient people recognize the importance of support and knowing when they need to ask for help. Explain why stress can be both helpful and harmfulExplain why stress can be both helpful and harmful. The word “stress” is used a lot loosely these days, and it isn’t too surprising why. People everywhere are more stressed than ever before, with common culprits being work, money, family responsibilities, health concerns, and the economy. So, what is stress? And why do we get it? Is stress always bad or can it have positive benefits too? Here, we take a closer look at the facts about stress, and why it can be both helpful and harmful in our lives. Can stress ever be good? Interestingly, although stress has a bad reputation these days, it can actually be useful. After all, stress is the reason why we’re all still here. Our ancestors used to stress to stay alive, using it to their advantage to allow them to procreate and survive so that we can all be here right now. You may say that the days of hunter-gatherers are long gone, but even in today’s society, we can still find stress useful from time to time. Explain why stress can be both helpful and harmful. If students didn’t feel stressed about tests and exams, they wouldn’t bother studying or turning up to class. If employees didn’t feel stressed about their project deadline, they could get fired. Stress keeps you accountable for your actions, motivating you, and inspiring you to do better. So, is stress ever bad then? Sadly, just because stress can be good in some situations doesn’t mean that it’s never bad. Mild stressors can motivate you, but major stressors are often debilitating. Chronic and major stress is taxing on both the body and brain and can lead to mental health problems like depression and anxiety together with physical health problems. Good stress is the form of stress we experience if we’re excited about something. The pulse gets faster, and hormones begin to surge, but there’s no fear or threat. This form of stress is often experienced if you are going on a date, competing for a promotion at work, or riding a rollercoaster. There are plenty of triggers for eustress, and it helps us to stay excited and feel more alive. Another form of stress is known as “acute stress”. This comes when you experience a shock or surprise that requires a response. When you experience acute stress, your body’s stress response is triggered, but those triggers may not always be exciting or happy. Usually, we think of acute stress as being “bad stress”. The good news is that acute stress won’t take a major toll on your body and wellness as long as you can find a way of calming down rapidly. Once the specific stressor is dealt with, you need to find a way of quickly returning your body back to its pre-stress state so you can continue to be happy and healthy. The third form of stress is “chronic stress”. This, too, is bad stress. It happens if you face stressors repeatedly that feel inescapable and take a major toll. An unhappy life at home or in the workplace can induce chronic stress. Normally, we think of this as a serious form of stress, and since the human body hasn’t been designed to cope with chronic stress the result can be negative health consequences, both emotional and physical when chronic stress goes on for extended periods. Can good stress become bad stress? Explain why stress can be both helpful and harmful. Although good stress or eustress is seen as a good thing, it can eventually become bad if you experience it too much. This is because the stress response will be triggered either way and when that’s added to chronic stress, the effect is cumulative and harmful. It’s therefore important to stay in turn with your body and acknowledge if you’ve experienced too much stress. While it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to get rid of all sources of stress in your life, there are ways of minimizing and avoiding some triggers, and this will make it simpler to cope with the rest. Can bad stress become good stress? Not all types of bad stress are able to be turned into good stress. However, you can, with practice, change how you perceive some stressors in life, and this shift may change how you experience stress. Outline the relationship between resilience and stress. The human body reacts strongly when it perceives a threat. Therefore, if you don’t perceive a trigger as a threat, you’ll rarely experience the threat-based stress response. Perceiving something not as a threat but as a challenge may help you to turn the fear you’d normally experience into anticipation, excitement, or resolve. How can you change your perception? Here are some tips: You can focus on the resources available to meet this challengeLooking for the possible benefits in a situationRemind yourself that you have certain strengthsDeveloping a more positive mindsetThe more you work at changing your perception of threats into challenges, it’ll become more automatic. This will help you to experience more eustress and less bad stress. Identify 5 good habits which may support overall emotional resilienceIdentify 5 good habits which may support overall emotional resilience. Emotional and physical resilience is, to a degree, something you’re born with. Some people, by nature, are less upset by changes and surprises – this can be observed in infancy and tends to be stable throughout one’s lifetime.2 Identify 5 good habits which may support overall emotional resilience. Emotional resilience is also related to some factors that aren’t under your control, such as: AgeExposure to traumaGender However, resilience can be developed with some effort and practice. If you know what to do, you can become more resilient, even if you are naturally more sensitive to life’s difficulties. There are steps you can take to improve your resilience. These include: Build connections with other people. Prioritize your relationships and reach out to others by joining community-based groups in your area. Manage your thoughts. Work on maintaining a hopeful outlook and accept that change and setbacks are part of life. The important thing is to keep working toward your goals. Take care of yourself. Foster wellness by taking care of your mind and body. Eat well, stay physically active, and avoid unhealthy coping mechanisms. Identify 5 good habits which may support overall emotional resilience Make Plans With A Friend. Surround yourself with positive people and engage in conversation. Continue to build those relationships and create deeper connections. Allow Yourself Time. Don’t rush to “fix” things. Take all the time you need to make smart and thoughtful decisions about how to move forward. Relationship between depression and resilienceRelationship between depression and resilience. While there is more and more information about the connections between job stress and depression, less is known about ways to prevent depression. Fortunately, new research indicates that it may be possible to prevent depression from occurring in the first place by strengthening resilience. Relationship between depression and resilience. This may be the most effective way to deal with depression, because after all “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”Resilience is the ability to recover, learn, and grow stronger from adversity. Most people are able to do this to some degree, though clearly, some do this better than others. Relationship between depression and resilience. Those with strong resilience are able to handle change and adversity exceedingly well, oftentimes without missing a beat. Even though they experience the same setbacks that others do, their response is different and they emerge challenged and optimistic rather than threatened and defeated. They are therefore less likely to become depressed. Resilient people: Exercise morePractice better nutritionUse stress management techniques such as meditationSeek out interpersonal supportAre less lonelyFeel less hopelessnessExperience less anxietyReport better overall healthPerceive less stressAre more forgiving What is stress?What is stress? Stress is described as a state of physical or emotional tension, usually in reaction to an impending challenge or threat. It is the activation of the body’s fight or flight mechanism. In the past, this would have been in response to a physical threat. In recent times, this has mostly been in response to perceived threats or challenges. A perceived threat can be anything from a dispute with a colleague to worrying about future uncertainties. If your brain is ‘concerned’ then it will activate your fight or flight mechanism. What is stress? However, the key issue with stress is that the body can not differentiate between physical threats and psychological threats. Its response to both is the same. Stress increases your heart rate, breathing rate, and blood pressure in preparation for either fighting or running away from the threat. At the same time, it slows down your digestion and deactivates your immune system. Both of these processes can wait until the threat has passed. In the short-term stress can be highly beneficial. The physical changes it brings about increase your focus and energy. However, the issues come when a system designed to be used occasionally for short-term threats is used continuously for longer-term threats. Different Types Of StressTo differentiate between the two types of stress we call them: Acute stress: This is the kind that builds up quickly and doesn’t last long. In a work context, it is typically related to a specific project or task and the stress drops away as soon as the project or task is finished. This is good stress as it ‘uses’ the stress system the way it was designed to be used. Chronic stress: This is a more persistent type of stress. It is linked to a feeling of overwhelm or lack of control. Prolonged stress is often related to an ongoing issue that can be tricky to solve. What is stress? In a work context, this is likely to be things like interpersonal issues with coworkers which can be long-term and very difficult to fix. Chronic stress can have serious implications for your mental health and your physical health as your stress system isn’t designed to help with these types of situations. How Common Is Stress? Stress is very common and ‘bad’ stress makes up most of it. Different surveys get different results but most put chronic stress at over 50% of the working population. According to a 2020 workplace stress survey, 79% of employed British adults say they commonly experience work-related stress. However, reading down only 10% of the respondents said that stress was positive. It either made them more productive or more engaged. On that basis, 69% of respondents didn’t feel that the stress they were suffering was positive. The media isn’t exaggerating when they say there is an epidemic of stress. How Do You Know If You Are Stressed? It may sound like a silly question, but when you’re in the thick of things you may not readily notice. Similarly, if you have been chronically stressed for a long time you may forget what it is like to not be stressed! Common symptoms of stress over the short term cover a lot of ground! They include: DiarrheaConstipationDifficulty in focusingUnprecedented fatigueIrritability or moodiness (which can lead to conflict)Rapid weight gain or lossPoor short-term memoryHeadaches and other body painsIncreased drug and alcohol intakeStiffness in the neck, jaws, and other areas However, the more concerning issue is that chronic stress is a major contributor to: ObesityDiabetesHeart diseaseHigh blood pressureSkin disorders like eczema, acne, etc.Depression and anxiety Outline the relationship between resilience and stress conclusionOutline the relationship between resilience and stress conclusion. If stress is the pain then resilience is the antidote. Resilience is the trait of being able to manage your response to stressful situations so that you don’t get overwhelmed but manage to come through them. Different people will manage their stress in different ways but all resilient people will have strategies that they use to help them through difficult times. Outline the relationship between resilience and stress conclusion. Becoming more resilient takes time and practice. If you don’t feel you’re making progress — or you don’t know where to start — consider talking to a mental health professional. With guidance, you can improve your resiliency and mental well-being.Further readingDating coachHomepageRELATIONSHIP COUNSELLING NEAR ME NOWRelationship CoursesAll ServicesEditorialImprove my relationshipI think my boyfriend is cheating on meFamily TherapyOverwhelmed meaningGhostedPTSD quotesCheating quotesRelationship poemsWhat to do if a guy doesn’t text you for a weekStages of a rebound relationshipFeeling usedI am too scared to date again9 texts to never send a man or womanI still love my exDo you have anger issues please take the test click hereDo guys notice when you ignore themWhy can’t I get over my ex who treated me badly?Communal NarcissismEmotional cheating textingNarcissist love bombing