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Relationship Counselling In Bermondsey, Southwark, London, SE1 Miss Date Doctor

Relationship Counselling In Bermondsey, Southwark, London, SE1 Miss Date Doctor


Relationship Counselling In Bermondsey Southwark London SE1 Miss Date Doctor 1

London Bridge The News Building

3 London Bridge Street News Building, 3rd Floor,

London, SE1 9SG, GBR

Relationship Counselling In Bermondsey, Southwark, London, SE1 Miss Date Doctor. When a couple is having problems in their relationship, they can spend years trying to figure out what’s wrong without success. When done correctly, couples counselling can assist in strengthening relationships. But, as our expert advisor advises, be careful what you wish for.

Relationship Counselling In Bermondsey, Southwark, London, SE1 Miss Date Doctor is not difficult. It’s essentially a sort of talk therapy in which two people meet with a counsellor to chat about their relationships.

It’s normally reserved for two people in a love relationship. It can, however, be used by any two individuals who want to improve their relationship, such as two family members or two business partners.

Relationship Counselling In Bermondsey, Southwark, London, SE1 Miss Date Doctor exists to assist you in seeing clearly what is going on in your relationship right now, being clear about what you want to change, and bridging the gap.

Because there are three people in the room, the dynamics are different than in one-on-one counselling, but the values are the same: confidentiality, adherence to a code of ethics, and a focus on you and your needs. It’s not about the counsellor’s thoughts or desired outcomes.


How Relationship Counselling In Bermondsey, Southwark, London, SE1 Miss Date Doctor Works

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Relationship Counselling In Bermondsey, Southwark, London, SE1 Miss Date Doctor aims to assist couples in improving their lives. They provide a variety of packages, which you can learn about at

Relationship Counselling In Bermondsey, Southwark, London, SE1 Miss Date Doctor. MDD provides a wide range of services, from breakup counselling to financial assistance. Whether you’re married and continuously battling with your partner or single and trying to get over your ex, MDD has a programme for you.

Some people seek Relationship Counselling In Bermondsey, Southwark, London, SE1 Miss Date Doctor because they don’t understand what they’re going through; these people would benefit from the general packages, which vary from one to eight sessions.

Others have discovered their issue and merely require counselling guidance to resolve it. These people will benefit from packages that target their specific issues.

Relationship Counselling In Bermondsey, Southwark, London, SE1 Miss Date Doctor services include:



  • Establish why the relationship is not progressing
  • Talk through issues
  • Pinpoint why the relationship is not progressing
  • Ascertain areas needing improvement
  • Talk through emotional challenges
  • Relationship advice
  • Couples therapy
  • This package for long-term relationships that have reached a standstill
  • Assessment with each partner
  • 3 x 1-hour couple sessions = 2 individual sessions

This Relationship Counselling In Bermondsey, Southwark, London, SE1 Miss Date Doctor addresses the absence of trust and communication in a relationship. If you have trust or communication concerns, the aforementioned bundle is a smart choice.

Relationship Counselling In Bermondsey Southwark London SE1 Miss Date Doctor 2

M.D.D. is one of London’s fastest-growing relationship consulting firms. They use some of the most well-qualified and experienced professionals in the area to help couples. These reviews below will show you:

Larfi Philippe

They’ve helped me meet single men. It’s fantastic, and it’s already connected me with one wonderful person. strongly suggested.

Edith Morlec,

I ultimately made the decision to use them. They were extremely knowledgeable and nice. They went out of their way to address my problems. They also found me the wonderful woman of my dreams.


6 February 2022

Coaching from the team at M.D.D was magnificent. Coach Francesca was a delight as she was so helpful and understanding. I used the couples package and it helped a lot. Me and my husband are learning more everyday.


Thank you



4 February 2022

I used the singles package to help develop my confidence as over the years I’ve had my struggles with dating. My coach Nia was instrumental in helping me develop confidence in approaching ladies, also she advised me on how to be more patient and disciplined . Overall a lovely experience. I still have catch up sessions too, to monitor my progress.


9 January 2022

Me and my husband have been using couples therapy for over 1 year now and it’s been rather useful. Our coach has been a great mediator for us. Prior to using M.D.D we tried to do things the traditional way with our families acting as our therapists but it wasn’t working. I think having a coach who doesn’t take sides and is exceptionally beneficial to us when resolving the disputes we’ve had in the past. The support given by the M.D.D team has been outstanding.


Benefits of Relationship Counselling In Bermondsey, Southwark, London, SE1 Miss Date Doctor for Couples and Singles

Relationship Counselling In Bermondsey, Southwark, London, SE1 Miss Date Doctor helps you to learn new ways to be together as well as get fresh insights into each other and your relationship.

Couples counselling includes “skills training” to help you try something new, as well as assisting you and your partner in analysing your feelings and thoughts. Be prepared to remember what you love and appreciate in your partner and to look at them with compassionate eyes.

What it is unable to do

Relationship Counselling In Bermondsey, Southwark, London, SE1 Miss Date Doctor isn’t a panacea. It requires a dedication to honesty, boldness, and humility. Couples frequently seek counselling because they blame one another for their difficulties. (It’s not unusual for couples to argue in front of the therapist.)

Remember that couple counsellors aren’t helpless. They’ll intervene to keep the conversation on track toward understanding and action. This usually means that you and your partner have to let go of what you think you know about each other and take a step back to see how you talk to each other.

Relationship Counselling Bermondsey, Southwark, London, SE1 Miss Date Doctor is not a place to conceal emotions; rather, it assists you in determining what you are able and willing to change by exploring your feelings and discovering new perspectives.

Couples counsellors may be able to assist you. They may, for example, assist you in learning new communication techniques, but they will not give you life advice or solve your problems. They’re also not there to take sides. Rather, they will assist both of you in being heard.

In violent relationships, however, Relationship Counselling Bermondsey, Southwark, London, SE1 Miss Date Doctor is not appropriate. If an abuse dynamic is identified, your therapist will work with you to get the help you need while maintaining your safety.

The most frequent problems

The most common issue is a breakdown in communication. As we all know, it’s easy to fall into unproductive habits that cause us to lose sight of what the other person is saying and become polarised in our own viewpoint over time.

On the other hand, communication issues can be a contributing factor or a reflection of a number of issues that couples bring into the room. Here are a few examples:

  • Affairs
  • Betrayal
  • Questions concerning trust
  • Jealousy
  • Money-related concerns
  • Divergent values and goals
  • Various methods of parenting
  • Increased family conflict
  • alterations in your life (empty nest, grief, illness, etc.). Sexual issues
  • Emotional closeness problems
  • having difficulties at work.
  • Gender roles that conflict
  • Religion or politics?

Relationship Counselling Bermondsey, Southwark, London, SE1 Miss Date Doctor. Your counsellor’s job is to help you get to the bottom of these problems and figure out what’s going on for you both.

Beyond the problem at hand, you’re in the midst of a relationship-building process, and the only way to make a difference in how you address it is to investigate and broaden your connections.

Your counsellor might be able to help you explore different areas of your couple compatibility, such as where you’re similar and where you’re different, and how you might learn to appreciate and play to your strengths.

  • You’ll discover a number of things if you go to therapy on your own, including:
  • Communicate your desires, wants, and challenges more effectively.
  • Recognize the feelings of your partner.
  • Managing negative emotions
  • Avoid criticising or acting harshly toward your partner.

Relationship Counselling Bermondsey, Southwark, London, SE1 Miss Date Doctor. Individual consultation is frequently effective, and the couple may be able to resolve their issue after just a few sessions.

When one person in a relationship gets treatment, it does not always mean they are the one having issues. Relationships are dynamic and multifaceted. When one person’s behaviour changes, the other person’s behaviour may change as well, perhaps leading to significant collaborations.


Relationship Counselling In Bermondsey, Southwark, London, SE1 Miss Date Doctor Conclusion

Relationship Counselling In Bermondsey Southwark London SE1 Miss Date Doctor 3

Relationship Counselling Bermondsey, Southwark, London, SE1 Miss Date Doctor. We all come into relationships with a backpack full of unsaid expectations. Many of these expectations, such as the wish not to be physically abused, are so basic that they don’t need to be addressed right away.

In most cases, though, your expectations may differ significantly from those of your partner.

Our particular experiences impact our expectations. Growing up in an abusive home, for example, may cause you to believe that a high degree of dispute is normal, but for your spouse, this argument could be a deal-breaker.

Gendered expectations are instilled in many of us as well. Many males are socialised not to show their emotions, which can lead to relationship failure. Women, on the other hand, may have had a childhood fantasy of a chivalrous Prince Charming, only to find that reality falls well short of their expectations.

Consultations work by supporting you in defining your objectives. Make a list of both your conscious and unconscious love desires, according to your therapist.

Then you’ll try to figure out which expectations are reasonable and which are unreasonable. You can expect your partner to listen to your feelings, but it’s silly to think they’ll let you scold them out loud.

After you’ve clarified your expectations, you’ll begin working to make them a reality. For example, if you want your partner to have more sex with you, you may need to assist them with family finances or responsibilities.

Whether you work together or individually, your counsellor can assist you in developing ideas for meeting both of your needs in a healthy and mutually satisfying manner.

Many couples wrongly link “intimacy” with sex, although intimacy is a multifaceted phenomenon that requires proximity and transparency. In order to have a good relationship, you must understand all forms of intimacy—physical, sexual, emotional, verbal, and even spiritual if you believe in a higher power.

Intimacy requires the same level of expectation. Everyone has a unique method of interacting with others. Others feel the most connected to their partner when they have long, in-depth chats or do ordinary duties together.

Your therapist will work with you to figure out what you and your partner need in order to increase intimacy and then give you specific guidance on how to get there.

Further reading

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