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strong woman quotes

Strong woman quotes. What distinguishes the lady who is stubborn, gets things done, and lives a happy life? What is it that makes her tick? The responses come from women of various ages, professions, places, and families.

Authors, professional athletes, firefighters, mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts, and others are among those honoured. Are you ready to be motivated? That’s what we thought.

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  1. She has strength.

A powerful woman fights obstacles, asserts herself, and refuses to remain mute in the face of power abuse. Scary? Yes. Not Necessary Absolutely. Give the middle finger to your concerns. Recognize your path and stick with it. Determine what it will take to achieve your objectives and what is preventing you from doing so.

Strong woman quotes. Recognize when you need to push yourself and when you should back off. The secret sauce is a mix of passion, self-respect, subtlety, and timing, as well as a generous dosage of courage. Good lookin’, it’s time to get cooking.

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  1. She is aware of who she is.

The self-love game of a strong woman is on target, and she understands that practice makes (nearly) perfect. It’s difficult to see past apparent problems and strive to fix real ones. Regardless, keep trying. No matter what, learn to love yourself. Accept responsibility for your mistakes, learn from them, and move on, FFS.

Self-doubt affects everyone, but strong women understand that their negative beliefs keep them from being their best, most badass selves. In an essay based on her book, 13 Things Mentally Strong Women Don’t Do, Morin writes for in an essay based on her book, 13 Things Mentally Strong Women Don’t Do.

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  1. She assimilates others.

Kindness and compassion are not for the faint of heart. Strong women don’t see these characteristics as flaws; rather, they see them as chances to connect with others. You’re aiming for Wonder Woman-level mental strength here, so mean girl behaviour isn’t for you.

It’s a win-win situation if you show unconditional love and support. We are more likely to achieve our own goals and prosper if we help others.

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  1. She is actually happy and understands what it takes to be happy.

Our perplexing brain may tell us that having a lot of money, maintaining the “perfect” weight, and possessing “all the things” is the route to happiness, but strong women know differently. They understand that true happiness stems from mental strength, not from having the most toys or having plastic surgery.

Remember that happiness is a choice and a state of well-being that must be practised on a regular basis. Learn about it by reading about it, listening to it, or even enrolling in a class to learn about the science behind it! Find your sources of happiness, whether it’s listening to the gentle rain gently pattern on your tent or spending time with animals.

Strong woman quotes. Recognize and recall them when you’re feeling pressured, whatever they are. Figure out what makes you happy, then go out and make it happen!

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  1. She believes in herself and is proud of her accomplishments.

“We can do it!” Rosie the Riveter exclaimed during World War II. However, we are renowned for downplaying our accomplishments and believing that we lack the necessary skills.

How come there’s an extra X chromosome? According to a Harvard Business Review study, women will not apply for a job until they are 100 percent qualified, compared to men, who will apply despite being only 60 percent qualified.

Strong woman quotes. Enough is enough. Strong women believe in themselves and are proud of their accomplishments. Rejoice on your own and tell others about it! Your ambition is not a threat, and shrinking yourself to make someone else feel huge is not a healthy way to do so.

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  1. She Doesn’t Listen To the Opinions of Others.

Rejection Criticism Rinse. Repeat. Oh, the cringe-worthy moments that life seems to be constructed around at times. We’ve all had experiences where we’ve been told we’re not enough. But it’s their ability to bounce back from uncomfortable moments that distinguishes mentally strong women.

They’re well aware of their own feelings about themselves, and they’ll be damned if they allow others to limit their potential. Don’t let the opinions of others hold you back. Baby, you’re super-bougie French enamel cookware. Nothing will be able to stick to you.

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The following strong woman quotes will bolster you in tough times:

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“She is free in her wildness, she is a wanderess, a drop of free water. She knows nothing of borders and cares nothing for rules or customs. ‘Time’ for her isn’t something to fight against. Her life flows clean, with passion, like fresh water.”

Roman Payne

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“She was free in her wildness. She was a wanderess, a drop of free water. She belonged to no man and to no city”

Roman Payne, The Wanderess

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“You must give everything to make your life as beautiful as the dreams that dance in your imagination.”

Roman Payne

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“It is better to be looked over than overlooked.”

Mae West

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“I was an adventurer, but she was not an adventuress. She was a ‘wanderess.’ Thus, she didn’t care about money, only experiences – whether they came from wealth or from poverty, it was all the same to her.”

Roman Payne, The Wanderess

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“I believe in strong women. I believe in the woman who is able to stand up for herself. I believe in the woman who doesn’t need to hide behind her husband’s back. I believe that if you have problems, as a woman you deal with them, you don’t play victim, you don’t make yourself look pitiful, you don’t point fingers. You stand and you deal. You face the world with a head held high and you carry the universe in your heart.”

C. JoyBell C.

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“For mad I may be, but I will never be convenient.”

Jennifer Donnelly, Revolution

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“No one knows what you have been through or what your pretty little eyes have seen, but I can reassure you ~ whatever you have conquered, it shines through your mind.”

Nikki Rowe

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“I am the blood of the dragon. I must be strong. I must have fire in my eyes when I face them, not tears.”

George R.R. Martin, A Storm of Swords

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“She’s an old soul with young eyes, a vintage heart, and a beautiful mind.”

Nicole Lyons

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Strong woman quotes conclusion. No, powerful women are exempt from the regulations. At least not the one that society has established for them. It’s large girl-sized panties or busts, but blindly following traditional gender norms and cultural expectations is harmful and can inhibit your own progress.

Strong woman quotes. That means owning who you are and going above and beyond to be the best version of yourself. Do you want to change occupations at the age of 35? Make it happen.

Is it possible to reinvent oneself at the age of 60? Take a chance. It’s your life’s journey, and it’s the only one you’ll ever have. Take advantage of the situation! Backtracking and erroneous turns—mistakes—are all part of the process.

Strong woman quotes conclusion. Nobody tells you that simply because you’re a woman, you have to “be” this or “be” that. Follow your intuition; it will lead you to your true north.

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