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What Makes A Good Relationship Coach?

What Makes A Good Relationship Coach?

What makes a good relationship coach 1

What makes a good relationship coach? As an individual or couple in need of relationship coaching, it is good you have foreknowledge of what a relationship coach should possess in order to be considered qualified for the job.


Let’s get into it. As a relationship coach, certain attitudes, skills, and behaviours will determine whether or not you are qualified to be a relationship coach which begs the question, what makes a good relationship coach?


Here are important things to look out for in a relationship coach


  1. Empathy


First and foremost, a coach needs to be capable of practicing empathy with their clients.

This doesn’t mean you have to be an empath who feels what their clients feel down to their core. But it is important to open your heart to them.


What makes a good relationship coach? A relationship coach knows that it’s not easy for everyone to be reaching out for help. Perhaps it’s the very first time they’ve undertaken a process like this.


Make space in your heart to feel the pain of the struggles they’re going through. Hold it within yourself, and try to feel what it’s like to be in their shoes.


Empathy helps coaches get on the same page as their clients to fully hear what they’re saying – and detect the feelings behind what they’re saying. Therefore, a good coach should have empathy.


  1. Honesty


What makes a good relationship coach? Any coaching relationship requires transparency and honesty to work in the long term. This means honesty is not a requirement solely on the client’s part but also on the relationship coach.


A relationship coach needs to be open to fully hearing questions and answering with honesty. If they want you to help them, they need to be willing to put their heart on the table.


Regardless of the coaching style or pattern, honesty is a necessity for a great coach and client relationship.


  1. Integrity


Do you stick to your moral and ethical principles and values? That’s what integrity is all about. And it’s paramount to growing healthy coaching relationships.


Coaching with integrity entails doing what’s right for your clients. For instance, a good relationship coach wouldn’t automatically try to sell their clients on one of their high-end coaching packages just because they want to increase their revenue that month.


What makes a good relationship coach? Coaching with integrity instead means that you’ll guide your clients towards the type of support they need the most to succeed at this time in their life.


Integrity in coaching relationships also means that you keep your word. Don’t promise something to a client if you’re not 100% certain you can fulfill that promise.


  1. Commitment


For a coaching relationship to flourish, both parties need to be fully committed to the relationship.


As a relationship coach, commitment to a client means you’re ready to see your client’s  relationship through. It may require a lot of your (theoretical or literal) sweat and tears to support a client on their journey.


But clients are always counting on a coach to see it through. So they make sure they’re ready to keep going, even when it gets difficult.


What makes a good relationship coach 2

  1. Trustworthiness


Trustworthiness is on the list of what makes a good relationship coach. When your coach says they’ll do something, then they are worthy of your trust. They don’t show up for sessions an hour late, they keep clients’ information private and secure.


Trustworthiness is paramount to any relationship, but it’s especially important for a coaching relationship.


As a coach, if your client needs to open their heart to you with honesty, they need to be able to trust that your sessions are a safe place for them to express themselves without judgment.


A relationship coach understands that a coaching relationship without trust is futile and so one of the earlier goals on the coach’s part is to gain your trust.


  1. Dedication to the time


Dedication sounds a bit similar to commitment, but the two are slightly different. Whereas commitment means both a coach and their client are committed to seeing things through, dedication means both of you are willing to set the time aside to make this relationship work.


For instance, a good coach will always be present and punctual for sessions. That is how  dedicated they are. A good relationship coach will dedicate time to ensuring your relationship improves.


What makes a good relationship coach? A relationship coach should also dedicate the time to support your clients whether by listening to them rant for a while or crying for a while.


Also, a relationship coach needs to know his/her limit – if they know they won’t be able to provide the attention their clients need when they take on more than four clients at once, then don’t take on a fifth client.


  1. Connection


Chemistry is needed for a good coaching relationship. It’s just something that you can feel with other people. But if you and your coaching clients don’t have it, it will be difficult to build a thriving relationship.


That connection should be present because it allows your relationship coach to crack light jokes to ease tension in situations when you are down. A good connection will make honest feedback because your coach cares for you as a person at this point and not just as a client.


Usually, you’ll be able to get a feel for chemistry when you hop on your first discovery session with a potential coach. So do look out for connections that will give good rapport.


  1. Coachability


What makes a good relationship coach? Coachability is a combination of several things, including:


  • An ability to listen to and receive feedback
  • The mindset required to give feedback to drive growth in clients
  • The flexibility to change strategies and try new things in order to get positive results


If a client wants you to fix them, but they’re stuck in their ways and constantly question your methods, they may simply not be ready to be coached.


Coachability is a mental attitude towards coaching. If a relationship coach can reframe this attitude for uncoachable clients, they can help them get ready for coaching. Make sure to look out for this too!


  1. Accountability


Last but not least, a coaching relationship needs accountability. Accountability is more than doing what you set out to do. It’s also taking responsibility for your work and your life.


What makes a good relationship coach? Accountability is also needed by both a relationship coach and a client. If your coach doesn’t hold you accountable for misdemeanors then you won’t progress.


Although accountability is the client’s responsibility, it’s partly the job of a relationship coach to teach them about accountability. Not everyone realises they have this power within themselves. Help them get there and your coaching relationship will only flourish as a result.


  1. Respectability


What makes a good relationship coach? Exemplary conduct goes a long way. Great relationship coaches are professional and reliable. They’re confident and humble and shouldn’t hesitate to show that through respect.


Respect goes both ways and a relationship coach should be respectful regardless of what they know about their clients. They should treat them with cordiality sensitivity.

Further reading

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