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Cherophobia Definition

Cherophobia Definition

Cherophobia Definition

Cherophobia Definition. Cherophobia is a phobia in which an individual has an irrational fear of being joyful. The word “chero” is derived from the Greek word “to joy.” When a person has cherophobia, they are typically hesitant to engage in things that others would consider enjoyable or cheerful.

This is a condition that hasn’t been thoroughly explored or characterised. To diagnose mental health issues, psychiatrists most typically employ criteria from the current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). Currently, cherophobia is not listed as a disorder in the DSM-5.

However, some mental health professionals discuss Cherophobia Definition and possible therapies.

What are some of the signs and symptoms of cherophobia?

Some medical professionals consider cherophobia to be an anxiety disorder. Anxiety is an illogical or exaggerated fear in response to a perceived threat. The anxiety associated with cherophobia is linked to engaging in activities that are considered to make you joyful.

Cherophobia Definition. A person with cherophobia is someone who avoids things that could lead to happiness or joy rather than being sad.

Symptoms of cherophobia include:

Experiencing anxiety at the prospect of attending a joyful social gathering, such as a party, concert, or other similar event;

Cherophobia Definition. Rejecting opportunities that could lead to positive life changes due to a fear that something bad will occur as a result of a refusal to participate in activities that most people would consider fun; and experiencing anxiety at the prospect of attending a joyful social gathering, such as a party, concert, or other similar event.




Cherophobia. You know how it feels when something seems too good to be true—when it appears that a lot of things have gone your way recently, and you’re suspicious?

Some people are unable to overcome this sensation, and their good fortune takes on a terrible hue in their minds.

“Cherophobia” is a condition in which people have an irrational fear of being joyful. The word “chairo” is derived from the Greek word “chairo,” which means “I rejoice.” It basically indicates that they are afraid to do anything enjoyable.

It’s not the activities that scare you; it’s the dread that if you relax and enjoy yourself, something bad will happen.

Cherophobia Definition is a term that isn’t generally used or defined, and it isn’t included in the most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), which is the most commonly used tool for diagnosing mental illnesses. Some medical specialists, however, identify cherophobia as an anxiety disorder, according to Healthline.

Someone with cherophobia isn’t always melancholy; they merely avoid situations and activities that could make them happy. According to Healthline, some of the disorder’s symptoms include:

  • When you’re invited to a social function, you’re nervous.
  • Fear of anything horrible happening causes people to miss out on possibilities that could lead to great life changes.
  • Refusal to engage in “fun” activities.
  • Believing that being happy means something awful will happen is a mistake.
  • You may believe that happiness makes you a bad or worse person.
  • Believing that expressing one’s joy is harmful to oneself, one’s friends, or one’s family
  • Consider whether or not attempting to be happy is a waste of time and effort.

In a blog article for Psychology Today, psychiatrist Carrie Barron explores some of the reasons why people have cherophobia, or “hedonophobia,” which is described as the fear of pleasure, the fear of pleasure.

“These days, there is a lot of talk about the pursuit of happiness,” she wrote. It may appear strange that someone would be afraid of this wonderful emotion. If there is a link between childhood happiness and punishment, it may be more prevalent than we realise. ”

It could, for example, be a fear of disagreement with a loved one or a negative experience you identify with a specific event. You could be hesitant to go again if you’re used to something awful happening just after a happy experience.

Cherophobia Definition. If you are joy averse, it may be because of wrath, punishment, shame, or thievery – you earned it and they had to take it – murdered your joy somewhere along the road,” Barron continued. “Now you’re terrified to experience it because the bubble is about to burst and cruelty is on the way.”

Blogger Stephanie Yeboah detailed what it’s like to live with cherophobia in an interview with The Metro news site.

Ultimately, it’s a sense of full hopelessness, which leads to anxiety or apprehension about participating in or actively doing activities that generate enjoyment because you believe it won’t last, “she explained.

Cherophobia Definition. A dread of happiness does not always imply that one is unhappy all of the time. Traumatic circumstances exacerbated or triggered my cherophobia in my situation. Even simple things like celebrating a campaign triumph, accomplishing challenging work, or landing a new client make me nervous. ”

Treatment for cherophobia is commonly confused with treatment for depression, which, according to Yeboah, is ineffective.

“There’s not much I can do because there aren’t many resources dedicated to cherophobia, so I simply get on with it and try not to worry about it as much as possible.”

Barron suggested that going into your past is a wonderful place to start in order to learn to tolerate spending time, enjoying fun, and enjoyment without fear of negative consequences.

She added that treatments like insight-oriented psychotherapy and cognitive behavioural therapy, she said, are particularly beneficial for understanding the causes and eliminating people’s negative associations between pleasure and pain.

Ultimately, overcoming cherophobia requires a shift in mindset. If you think you have it, it’s most likely a defence mechanism you’ve developed in response to a past conflict or trauma. Working through your issues will take time, but with treatment, you may be able to move past them, find happiness, and begin to live in the now.


Is Cherophobia Normal?

Is cherophobia normal

Is Cherophobia Normal? While culture has been mainly blamed for aversion to happiness, a new study suggests that personality variables can regulate the association between fear of happiness and joyful experience.

Participants were asked to complete self-reported evaluations of emotions, fear of happiness, and the Big Five personality assessment (assessing openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism), which has been widely used in personality research, in a study by Agbo and Ngwu (2017). (DeNeve & Cooper, 1998).

They discovered that personality has varying moderating effects on positive and negative affect.

Higher levels of agreeableness and neuroticism boosted the effect of fear of happiness on positive affect, but higher levels of openness, conscientiousness, and extraversion diminished the effect.

Cherophobia Definition. Fear of happiness and negative affect were linked across all personality traits, except for extraversion, which reduced the effect of fear of happiness on negative affect.

Some of the fundamental thoughts that a person suffering from cherophobia could have are: being happy will mean something horrible will happen to me.

  • As a result of your happiness, you become a bad or worse person.
  • It’s not good for you or your friends and family to show that you’re joyful.
  • It’s a waste of time and effort to try to be happy.

The authors developed a Fear of Happiness Scale in a Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology publication. The measure, which was created to compare fear of happiness across 14 cultures, can also help a person or their doctor determine if they have cherophobia symptoms.

Some examples include: I prefer not to be very happy because happiness is frequently followed by despair.

Good fortune is frequently followed by disaster.

Excessive happiness has had negative implications.

It may be possible to prove that you have a fear or misunderstanding of happiness by ranking these statements on a 1 to 7 scale of how much you agree.

Is Cherophobia Normal? and how can you avoid it?

When something exceedingly nice happens to a person, or if their life is going well, cherophobia might arise from the feeling that a negative occurrence is bound to happen. As a result, people may be afraid of activities associated with happiness, believing that by doing so, they may prevent something awful from happening.

This is frequently the case when someone has been through a physical or mental traumatic event in the past.

Cherophobia Definition.. Cherophobia is more likely to strike an introvert. An introvert is someone who likes to do things alone or with only one or two other people at a time. They’re frequently described as contemplative and reserved. In group settings, loud venues, or places with a lot of people, they may feel frightened or uncomfortable.

Another personality type that may be linked to cherophobia is the perfectionist. Perfectionists may believe that happiness is only possessed by the lazy or unproductive. As a result, individuals may shun things that could make them happy since they are perceived as being unproductive.


Cherophobia Meaning

cherophobia meaning

Cherophobia Meaning. The aversion to or fear of enjoyment is known as cherophobia, which comes from the Greek word “chairo,” meaning “to rejoice.” While the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) does not officially identify cherophobia as a clinical disease, various research has begun to objectively establish its presence (Joshanloo, 2014).

But, before we get into how people feel cherophobia, let’s take a moment to consider what happiness is and how phobias are classified.

What exactly is happiness?

Cherophobia Definition. Happiness must first be defined in order to fully comprehend its foundations. Happiness is commonly used interchangeably with the term “subjective wellbeing” in psychological research, and it is measured by asking people to report on their life satisfaction and the presence or absence of positive and negative affect (Diener, Suh, Lucas, & Smith, 1999).

While there is still no universally acknowledged definition of happiness, positive psychology researcher Sonja Lyubomirsky suggested one in her book The How of Happiness (2007). She defined happiness as “the experience of joy, contentment, or positive wellness, linked with a sense that one’s life is good, significant, and worthwhile,” she defined happiness as.

This concept includes the fleeting sentiments of elation, pride, appreciation, and contentment that individuals experience as a result of a deeper fulfilment with a good life.

Cherophobia Meaning. This concept, however, may be too broad for the issue of cherophobia. Indeed, contemporary psychological research on pleasure aversion implies that there are different kinds of happiness. As a result, an individual’s feelings and degrees of aversion toward various sorts of happiness can vary (Joshanloo & Weijers, 2014.)


What Do You Call A Person Who Has Cherophobia?

what do you call a person who has cherophobia

What Do You Call A Person Who Has Cherophobia? You may be suffering from cherophobia if you find yourself avoiding happy situations. The good news is that you are not required to be.

A phobia is far more than simply disliking something or feeling uneasy in a certain setting. A phobia, according to mental health specialists, is an intense worry or terror associated with a specific location, scenario, or object.

Phobias can also be based on specific emotions, making those fears a little more intangible than others. For example, cherophobia is the fear of happiness, and while it is not one of the most common phobias, these mental health issues are universally relatable.

Some may find the concept of having an illogical aversion to happiness difficult to comprehend, but people can suffer from a variety of phobias throughout their life.

They can be typical phobias like arachnophobia (fear of spiders) or acrophobia (fear of heights), or more uncommon phobias like turophobia (fear of cheese) or dislike of belly buttons (omphalophobia). And yeah, that last one is completely true.

According to the American Psychiatric Association, between 8% and 12% of adults in the United States will experience phobias at some point during the year.Women are statistically more likely than men to suffer from an anxiety disorder that causes these kinds of anxieties, as well as other forms of social anxiety.

Cherophobia is classified as an anxiety disorder by medical professionals.

How can a fear of happiness manifest itself in real life? Someone who suffers from cherophobia will purposefully shun happy occasions and situations. They will not allow themselves to get to a “happy place,” either emotionally or physically.

If you or someone you know is afraid of being happy, you may want to learn how to overcome cherophobia, as this phobia can have a negative influence on not only your relationships but also your general health. Here’s everything you need to know about the fear of happiness, including who’s most likely to have it and how to overcome it.

Understanding the concept of cherophobia

What Do You Call A Person Who Has Cherophobia? Despite the fact that cherophobia is a recognised phobia, it is not yet classified as a clinical disease by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. However, a lot of research has attempted to identify and comprehend the dread of happiness.

One feature that makes cherophobia difficult to define is that the concept of happiness, at least in a general sense, can be difficult to express. From a medical and scientific standpoint, happiness is likewise difficult to define.

In fact, an entire field of study called “positive psychology” is devoted to figuring out how to be happy. After all, happiness might mean different things to different individuals.

The scale of happiness

Some people employ a “happy scale” to assess what is, admittedly, a subjective viewpoint. A self-evaluative measuring method was developed by Sonja Lyubormiski, a Distinguished Professor and Vice Chair in the Department of Psychology at the University of California, Riverside.

This is a popular approach to expressing happiness that most people can agree on: Happiness is the sensation of being content with one’s life, and it is frequently associated with emotions such as fulfilment and appreciation.

A fear of happiness, then, is linked to the assumption that experiencing joy or contentment is impossible, or that pursuing happiness is a waste of time. The cherophobia mentality puts patients in a difficult situation: they end up blaming themselves for feeling happy, and, worse, they sometimes pass that judgement on to others.

As a result, this phobia is extremely isolating. It’s difficult to be around someone who can’t accept personal happiness or who can’t exhibit enjoyment in a normal manner.

Cherophobia Test

cherophobia test

Cherophobia Test. So, how do we quantify happiness aversion? Aversion to happiness, like happiness and wellness, has been measured solely by self-report.

Joshanloo’s Fear of Happiness Scale

Joshanloo (2013) created the Fear of Happiness Scale to study the widespread assumption that happiness, especially when experienced in excess, can have negative repercussions.

The scale consists of five items, each of which is scored on a seven-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (‘Strongly Disagree’) to 7 (‘Strongly Agree’), for a total score of 5 to 35. The higher the score, the more fearful of happiness you are.

The following statements are given to the participants to score their level of agreement with them:

  • I try not to be overly happy because happiness is generally followed by sadness.
  • The more cheerful and pleasant I am, the more I believe I should expect horrible things to happen in my life.
  • Good fortune is frequently followed by disaster.
  • Horrible things happen when there is a lot of happiness and fun.
  • Excessive happiness has had negative implications.

Gilbert’s Fear of Happiness Scale

Cherophobia Test. Gilbert and colleagues (2012) created the second Fear of Happiness Scale to investigate people’s beliefs and fears about feeling happy and pleasant sensations in general.

The scale comprises of nine items, each of which is scored on a five-point Likert scale ranging from 0 (‘Not at all like me’) to 4 (‘Extremely like me,’ for a total score of 0 to 36. The higher the score, the more fearful of happiness you are.

The following statements are given to the participants to score their level of agreement with them:

  • I’m afraid of being too content with myself.
  • Positive feelings are difficult for me to trust.
  • Good feelings don’t last long.
  • I believe I am unworthy of happiness.
  • I’m uncomfortable when I’m feeling wonderful.
  • I don’t allow myself to become overly enthusiastic about great outcomes or accomplishments.
  • When you’re happy, you can never be sure that anything unexpected will happen.
  • I’m afraid that if I’m happy, something horrible will happen.
  • When you’re happy, you relax your guard.


Cherophobia Pronunciation

cherophobia pronumciation

Cherophobia Pronunciation. “Chrophobia” is spelled with a phonetic spelling.




Have you ever enjoyed a string of good fortune that left you uneasy? Fear that everything is too beautiful to be true and that calamity is on the way?

While most of us have had this feeling at some point in our lives, some folks can’t seem to shake it. They purposefully shun positive emotions in order to prevent negative ones.

Cherophobia Pronunciation. Cherophobia, or the dread of happiness, is the name given to this phobia.

The lyrics to Bobby McFerrin’s song “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” are simple enough, but anyone who has ever suffered from cherophobia understands that the path to happiness can be far more convoluted.

In fact, for some people, even the concept of happiness can feel completely out of reach. So, what is cherophobia, exactly? Despite your lack of familiarity with the phrase, the condition is relatively simple. A person with cherophobia has an illogical fear of happiness and, as a result, avoids engaging in enjoyable activities.

Some of you may be wondering why somebody would be terrified of happiness. Isn’t finding happiness one of the most important goals in everyone’s life? While the definition of cherophobia may leave some of you scratching your heads, keep in mind that we’re talking about a phobia here, so logic and reason are out the window.

Phobias are illogical anxieties by definition, yet that doesn’t make them any less real to those who suffer from them. And if you’re someone who deliberately tries to avoid happiness, the world might be a frightening and lonely place.

But, as with anything, the more we learn about cherophobia, the more equipped we will be to recognise the signs in ourselves and others. As a result of this knowledge, we can potentially have a much larger conversation about mental health and how we can help each other.

Cherophobia is derived from the Greek word “chairo,” which means “to joy.” And because phobia denotes dread, when you combine the two concepts, you have a fear of rejoicing.

Despite how terrifying the concept may sound, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders does not classify cherophobia as a clinical disease (DSM-5). However, if you believe this describes you, realise that you are not alone.

What is the distinction between philophobia and cherophobia?

The fear of happiness is cherophobia, whereas philophobia is the dread of falling in love. When it comes to love, it’s normal to have some nervousness, but philophobia is when you have an overpowering fear of it. This anxiety might disrupt your daily routine and possibly cause nausea or a racing heart.


Cherophobia Test Free

cherophobia test free

Cherophobia Test Free. What is cherophobia, and who has heard of it? Cherophobia is an unreasonable fear of happiness that causes sufferers to avoid engaging in activities that could bring them joy, joy, or happiness.

Researchers have identified cherophobia as a form of anxiety condition, despite the fact that it is not a diagnosable mental disorder.

By answering a few basic questions in only two minutes, we can get a good notion of the severity of a case of cherophobia.

Of course, you’ll need to speak with your doctor to receive a medical diagnosis of cherophobia. This exam, on the other hand, can offer you a good indicator of whether or not you should take action.

This online test has a total of ten questions.

This isn’t a college exam, so don’t be concerned about any of the questions; simply respond with the response that instantly comes to mind.

Have you ever taken a test to see how happy you are? Do you want to see how you compare? Take this quiz to find out how happy you are right now, as well as 10 ways to boost your happiness.

The Be Happy Index (or BHI) is a Cherophobia Test Free that was famously tested by independent scientists for the BBC documentary How to Be Happy. It was used during Dr. Robert Holden’s eight-week Be Happy programme. According to scientists, “a genuine fast road to happiness” not only affects the way you feel, but also changes the way your brain functions.

  1. Self: I am aware of who I am and am pleased with myself. 2. Others:
  • not true.
  • It is almost never true.
  • This is sometimes true.
  • mostly true
  • very true.
  1. Relationships: I devote the majority of my time and energy to my most important relationships.
  • not true.
  • It is almost never true.
  • This is sometimes true.
  • mostly true
  • very true.

3.Work: I am driven by a strong sense of purpose and/or I enjoy what I do.

  • It is almost never true.
  • This is sometimes true.
  • mostly true
  • very true.
  1. Attitude: For the most part, I choose my attitude.
  • not true.
  • It is almost never true.
  • This is sometimes true.
  • mostly true
  • very true.
  1. Gratitude: I am grateful for my life as it is now.
  • not true.
  • It is almost never true.
  • This is sometimes true.
  • mostly true
  • very true.
  1. Forgiveness: I am very good at letting go of past mistakes and hurts.
  • not true.
  • It is almost never true.
  • This is sometimes true.
  • mostly true
  • very true.
  1. Laughter: I know how to have a good time, and I do.
  • not true.
  • It is almost never true.
  • This is sometimes true.
  • mostly true
  • very true.

8.Health: I take care of myself and look after my well-being.

  • not true.
  • It is almost never true.
  • This is sometimes true.
  • mostly true
  • very true.
  1. Spirituality: I’m aware of what motivates, encourages, and strengthens me.
  • not true.
  • It is almost never true.
  • This is sometimes true.
  • mostly true
  • very true.
  1. Now, I believe that happiness is a mode of transportation.
  • not true.
  • It is almost never true.
  • This is sometimes true.
  • mostly true
  • very true.


Cherophobia Symptoms

cherophobia symptoms

Cherophobia Symptoms. Happiness seeks to be felt by everyone at all times in their lives. On the other hand, someone who has a phobia or a fear of happiness, on the other hand, will be subjected to different circumstances.

Cherophobia is a condition in which a person’s fear of happiness causes them to avoid pleasant situations. There haven’t been many mentions of this phobia. The word “chairo” comes from the Greek word “chairo,” which means “to rejoice.”

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, cherophobia is a feeling of reluctance or fear of happiness that is recognised as a clinical disorder, according to Positive Psychology on Wednesday, March 31.

Happiness refers to the term “subjective well-being,” which is measured by reports of life satisfaction and its positive and negative impacts in psychological studies.

In Western culture, happiness is frequently regarded as the highest life goal. This means that everyone is fighting for the same goal. Those who suffer from cherophobia, on the other hand, have the following reasons for their aversion to happiness:

  1. Believing that happiness is the start of a series of bad things

Have you ever had the feeling that if things are going well, something unpleasant will occur later? According to qualitative research conducted by Uchida and Kitayama in Japan in 2009, happiness might have negative implications owing to neglect.

There are two reasons why people are afraid of happiness. For starters, there is a fear of losing control over the feelings that are experienced. Second, he dislikes happiness because he is afraid of losing the joy he has just experienced.

  1. Feeling bad about yourself because you’re joyful

It’s possible that a person believes that being happy makes him a bad person. In 2002, Ben-Shahar proposed that a person’s dread of happiness stems from their guilt over others who are suffering.

  1. Happiness has a negative impact.

Several individuals and cultures, according to psychologist and researcher Dr. Jessica Swainston, Ph.D., believe that showing happiness is possibly bad and should be avoided. Others may experience jealousy, jealousy, and suspicion as a result of it.

  1. The quest for happiness has the potential to boost one’s ego.

The notion that pursuing happiness may be viewed negatively by a culture is thus raised. Because happiness is regarded as the ego’s centre of gravity, the pursuit of personal satisfaction can overlook the greater good.

Swainston finds that fear and rejection of happiness are largely tied to culture for the reasons stated above. Meanwhile, a person’s level of openness, awareness, and extraversion is diminished as a result of their dread.

When a person is away from social activity, the behavioural symptoms of cherophobia become apparent. He prefers solitude and keeps his contact with the outside world to a minimum. Meanwhile, when expressing delight in front of others, cognitive symptoms are detected by the emergence of guilt.

The word “Cherophobia” is derived from the Greek word “Chairo,” which means “I rejoice.” The literal translation becomes a fear of gladness or happiness with the suffix. Although cherophobia isn’t mentioned in the most recent Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), it is considered an anxiety disorder by mental health specialists.

Social phobia, rejection of promising work or life possibilities, the belief that expressing enjoyment makes you a bad person, and the refusal to join your friends for pleasurable activities are all symptoms.

In a study published in the Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 14 national groups were polled on their cultural perceptions of happiness. They identified people from all walks of life who “endorse the view that happiness, especially an excessive amount of it, should be avoided.” One notion about the origins of this illness can be traced all the way back to childhood.

Currently, there are no diagnostic criteria for cherophobia; nevertheless, under the DSM-5, fear-based diseases are often classified as anxiety disorders.

With this in mind, and taking into account the elements listed on Joshanloo’s (2013) and Gilbert et al.’s (2012) Fear of Happiness Scales, we might expect to see the following symptoms in someone suffering from cherophobia:

Cherophobia Symptoms:

  • It is a big mistake to believe that being joyful makes you a horrible person.
  • Believing that being happy will result in something negative happening
  • Believing that it is inappropriate to exhibit happiness for fear of upsetting others,
  • Behavioral signs and symptoms
  • Aversion to happy social events
  • Rejecting potential happy and prosperous relationships or life opportunities


Cherophobia Cure

cherophobia cure

Cherophobia Cure. Because cherophobia is not classified as a clinical disease by the DSM-5, there are few treatment options available.

However, because phobias are categorised as anxiety disorders in general, there are a variety of treatments that may be effective if a person’s cherophobia is disabling.

  1. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)

Counseling and psychotherapy, for example, are typically quite useful in the treatment of phobias. According to research (van Dis et al., 2020), cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a highly effective treatment for anxiety disorders.

CBT assists people in recognising problematic thought patterns that may be influencing their behaviour and mood.

The use of exposure techniques is a particularly effective CBT approach in the treatment of phobias. By exposing a person to their concerns directly and repeatedly, exposure therapy allows them to face their fears rather than avoid them. The process works by desensitising or becoming accustomed to the thing or situation that triggers dread.

When a person addresses their fear on a regular basis, their anxiety regarding that fear is likely to decrease. In the instance of cherophobia, for example, gradual exposure to joy-evoking situations may assist in reducing the fear associated with happiness.

  1. Mindfulness

Anxiety outcomes have also been demonstrated to benefit from mindfulness-based therapies (Blanck et al., 2018). Mindfulness, which has its roots in Buddhist philosophy, is acquired through meditation techniques that aim to cultivate a constant awareness of the present moment throughout one’s daily life (Kabat-Zinn, 2006).

Other strategies that may be beneficial

The symptoms of cherophobia are not necessarily clinically devastating for those who suffer from it. As a result, these cherophobia cure easy self-care strategies may assist to alleviate the concerns that come with the unpleasant feelings they’re having:

  • Relaxation methods
  • Physical activity journaling

While there are no FDA-approved drugs for cherophobia, Swainston does suggest a few remedies that can help.

Exposure therapy is a type of treatment that involves exposing yourself to. This is a type of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) that encourages you to face your anxieties rather than avoid them. This is accomplished by exposing yourself to the fear in a direct and repeated manner. This would include gradually exposing yourself to happy settings in the case of cherophobia.

  1. Techniques for Relaxation: Meditation, yoga, and other breathing activities could be used to achieve this.
  2. Writing: Putting your fears and anxieties down on paper can be very therapeutic at times.

Practice Being present allows you to enjoy the present moment without being distracted by thoughts of the past or future. One of the ways we can train ourselves to fully accept our joy and avoid feelings of guilt is to be present.

Add affirmations to your daily routine, such as “I am in the perfect place at the perfect time,” or “I allow myself to feel my feelings at this moment,” to practise.

  1. Hypnotherapy: This may or may not work for everyone, but it’s worth a try.


Cherophobia Causes

cherophobia causes

Cherophobia Causes. To understand why some people are averse to happiness, we can look at how happiness is valued across cultures.

Happiness is frequently regarded as the ultimate life aim in Western society, one “to which all individuals strive” (Braun, 2001). It is regarded as one of the most essential guiding principles in a person’s life. This idea is supported by scientific evidence, which shows that North Americans place a high priority on happiness (Triandis, Bontempo, Leung, & Hui, 1990).

As a result, throughout the last few decades, there has been a significant growth in psychological research into the concept of happiness.

Other cultures, on the other hand, place a different priority on happiness.

Happiness has been claimed to be less important in many non-Western societies, or at least to have a lower priority than other social aims. This could be attributed in part to the fact that in individualistic rather than collectivistic cultures, personal satisfaction is valued.

Individual rights, independence, and personal preferences, for example, are prioritised in individualistic societies such as the United States and Western/Northern Europe over the demands and expectations of in-groups such as family, peer groups, or community (Suh & Oishi, 2002).

In collectivist civilizations, such as those seen in East Asia and Central/South America, the wants and goals of a powerful in-group take precedence over the individual’s values. As a result, while Westerners’ primary goal is personal satisfaction, other cultures place a higher priority on belonging and societal peace.

As a result, if a culture’s primary objective is to foster social bonds, personal satisfaction may not be as important. Furthermore, personal satisfaction may be viewed as a threat to communal cohesion (Uchida, Norasakkunkit, & Kitayama, 2004).

The concept of cherophobia is based on the assumption that enjoyment does not necessarily prioritise social welfare. However, finding social and mental peace isn’t the only reason people dislike happiness, and as we’ll see, this is true in both Western and non-Western societies.

According to this notion, early experiences might develop a relationship between pleasure and suffering that is fundamentally linked in the brain. Cherophobics may assume that something unpleasant must always come after something pleasant.

Having too much fun with pals, for example, may have resulted in a visit to the principal’s office. Perhaps telling a sibling about a first crush was received with scorn. The loop begins at a young age and continues as the victim grows older.

Cherophobia, like any other irrational fear, is a mental habit that may be re-programmed. New brain pathways can be established through hard work and repetition. Retraining your brain could take as little as 12 weeks, according to one study, though this varies from person to person.

Cherophobia Causes

In their review of the reasons why people are opposed to happiness, Joshanloo and Weijers (2014) offer four primary explanations for this idea in their review.

  1. Being cheerful increases the likelihood of unpleasant things happening to you.

Have you ever had the feeling that something horrible is about to happen while everything is going so well? Perhaps you’ve heard the proverbs, “what goes up must come down,” or “after happiness, there must be a fall.”

Happiness is thought to cause or be followed by melancholy or negative events, and this idea appears to be widespread. In a qualitative study by Uchida and Kitayama (2009), for example, Japanese participants said that happiness may have negative implications because it makes them less aware of their surroundings.

Individuals may be averse to happiness because they fear the potentially devastating loss of newly attained happiness more than they value the initial experience (Melka, Lancaster, Bryant, Rodriguez, & Weston, 2011).

Another theory is that individuals may be averse to happiness because they fear the potentially devastating loss of newly attained happiness more than they value the initial act (Melka, Lancaster, Bryant, Rodriguez, & Weston, 2011). (Ben-Shahar, 2002).

In response to open-ended questions, German students in a qualitative study by Pflug (2009) remarked that excessive happiness leads to unhappiness.

  1. Happiness makes you a bad person.

Some people in both Western and non-Western cultures believe that happiness makes people worse (both morally and otherwise). According to Ben-Shahar (2002) and others, people may fear happiness because they would feel guilty if they achieved it. That is, individuals may feel like morally awful people when they know others are suffering.

  1. Expressing delight is harmful to both you and others.

Aside from truly feeling happy, some people and cultures believe that expressing happiness should be avoided due to the potential for bad consequences for both the individual and those around them.

For example, Ucida and Kitayam (2009) argue that in East Asian societies, externally expressing prosperity and happiness may elicit jealousy, resulting in the positive influence of happiness being counterbalanced by negative sentiments of guilt and conflict.

Similarly, in Russia, people are sometimes afraid to pursue or demonstrate happiness or success due to the “evil eye”—the concept that visible achievement will elicit envy or suspicion from others, resulting in the individual’s ultimate misery and sorrow (Haber, 2013; Sheldon et al., 2017).

  1. Pursuing happiness is detrimental to both you and others.

Individuals from many cultures believe that pursuing happiness aggressively may have undesirable repercussions.

It has been suggested, for example, that the narrow pursuit of happiness is primarily focused on the self, which may lead to people acting more selfishly, causing negative consequences for others (Ricard, 2011). This could be accomplished by, for example, causing passive harm to others through neglect.


Cherophobia Wikipedia

cherophobia wikipedia

Cherophobia Wikipedia. An aversion to happiness, also known as cherophobia or fear of happiness, is a negative attitude toward happiness in which people avoid situations that elicit positive emotions or happiness.

One of the many reasons for the development of cherophobia is the notion that once one becomes happy, a terrible incident will occur shortly after, tainting that happiness, as if punishing that person for their happiness.

This idea is thought to be more prevalent in Eastern cultures.It is almost taken for granted that pleasure is one of the most essential ideals guiding people’s lives in Western civilizations, such as American culture. The desire to enhance happiness and reduce misery is more prevalent in Western societies.

It’s common to be concerned when people don’t appear to be pleased. The importance of happiness is echoed in Western positive psychology and subjective well-being research.

Fear of happiness is linked to the perception that happiness is unstable and fragile, implying that one of the causes of aversion to happiness could be the belief that happiness is unstable and fragile. According to research, fear of happiness has been linked to avoidant and anxious attachment patterns.

Cherophobia Wikipedia. An aversion to happiness can be caused by four factors, according to Mohsen Joshanloo and Dan Weijers: a belief that happiness will cause bad things to happen; a belief that happiness will cause you to become a bad person; a belief that expressing happiness is somehow bad for you and others; and a belief that pursuing happiness is bad for you and others.

According to one example, “Some individuals—in both Western and Eastern cultures—are cautious about happiness because they believe that negative things, such as unhappiness, suffering, and death, tend to happen to happy people.”

The researchers write: “These findings call into doubt the assumption that happiness is the ultimate objective, a belief mirrored in a slew of papers and self-help books regarding whether specific decisions are likely to make you happy.”

Also, “cultures that associate worldly happiness with sin, shallowness, and moral decline will actually feel less satisfied when their lives are (by other standards) going well,” so personal happiness measures cannot simply be used as a yardstick for life satisfaction, and attitudes like aversion to happiness have important implications for measuring happiness across cultures and ranking nations on happiness scores.

Aversion to happiness is a specific form of ideal affect (as defined by affect valuation theory), in which civilizations differ in how much they value the experience of different emotions.


Cherophobia Person

cherophobia person

Cherophobia Person. According to HealthLine, it’s not a well-studied or characterised ailment, and it’s not currently classified as a disorder. Cherophobia, on the other hand, is a really real fear.

Some medical professionals consider cherophobia to be an anxiety disorder. The anxiety associated with cherophobia is linked to engaging in activities that are considered to make you joyful.

Someone with cherophobia isn’t always depressed; rather, they avoid activities that could lead to happiness or joy, similar to someone with social anxiety.

A Cherophobia Person may become anxious at the prospect of attending a fun event such as a party. They turn down possibilities that could lead to significant life improvements because they are afraid that something negative will happen as a result.

Stephanie Yeboah, a well-known blogger and freelance writer from London, has suffered from cherophobia since she was about 11 years old. She tells, “It was something I could never really explain.”

Stephanie was diagnosed with depression at the age of 14, and she assumed her dread of happiness was related to it—never questioning it further.

‘Ultimately, it’s a feeling of complete hopelessness,’ she continues, “which leads to feeling apprehensive or wary of participating in, or actively doing activities that promote happiness because you believe it won’t last.”

A fear of happiness does not always imply that one is unhappy all of the time. Traumatic circumstances exacerbated or triggered my cherophobia in my situation. Even simple things like celebrating a campaign triumph, accomplishing difficult work, or landing a new client make me nervous.

Stephanie finally found out the formal name for her symptoms last week after searching for “fear of happiness” on Google.

She was taken aback at first, but reading symptoms that she could so closely relate to was almost “comforting.”

Stephanie explains how cherophobia affects her: “For lack of a better phrase, it’s extremely disheartening as I am quite a “happy” and cheery person.”

I’m not sure if this dread is related to my depression, but I do know that it feels better when I’m unhappy, because sadness is a feeling I’ve experienced my entire life and have grown accustomed to. ‘

It has a significant impact on my day-to-day existence since I am unable to appreciate my accomplishments or moments of self-care. I start to have obsessive thoughts and find it impossible to think about anything else but the terror.

I also have a tendency to separate myself from other people, which is counterproductive.

Stephanie believes treatment for cherophobia is challenging since many patients “conflate the fear with sensations of depression” or “feeling depressed.”

Instead, advice is frequently customised for those feelings, “she explained.

“General counsel,” such as” practise self-care,”” write down all the positive things that happen to you,” or “tell yourself that you deserve to be happy,” rarely helps, because it is a true fear, not any other bad emotion. ”

“There’s not much I can do in terms of coping because there aren’t many resources specifically for chronophobia, so I simply get on with it and try not to think about it as much as possible.”

Sarah Jones, a life, happiness, and success coach who speaks on happiness all over the country, tells “Cherophobia is a fear of happiness, a mentality in which people intentionally avoid situations that make them happy or positive.”

There is a well-known fear of success that leads to self-sabotage, which is something I’ve seen a lot of in similar situations. A lot of it stems from a lack of self-confidence and belief in oneself.

As a result, someone may choose to stay in an unsatisfactory job or relationship because the shift requires them to try something new and step outside of their comfort zone. ‘ For many people, that is terrifying. ‘

She goes on to say: “Happiness is a state of mind. It’s simpler to stay in your comfort zone, to stay in the drama, to stay in the habit. Doing something completely new can help, and you should truly think about what happiness means to you and what you need to change in your life to get there.

This can be challenging, and a lot of it stems from a lack of confidence, but having the bravery to try, as well as the support of a close friend or a coach or mentor, can help. ‘

There are a few ways to aid someone suffering with cherophobia, according to Chloe Ward, a technician at Smart TMS, the UK’s premier mental health centre specialising in transcranial magnetic stimulation.

While there is currently no medicine, especially for the treatment of cherophobia, she believes CBT can be quite beneficial because it recognises incorrect thinking and identifies behaviours that cause a change in the individual’s thought trail.

She also claims that relaxation techniques such as mindfulness, hypnosis, and exposure therapy can help, demonstrating that happiness can occur without negative consequences.

There are a variety of treatments available, including self-help strategies such as deep breathing and meditation, as well as psychological approaches such as CBT, hypnotherapy, and NLP, says Adam Cox, a hypnotherapist and phobia specialist on Harley Street.

In most cases, just one or two sessions of hypnotherapy and NLP are enough to reduce the Subjective Unit of Distress from a level of 9 or 10 to less than 4. ‘


Cherophobia Definition Conclusion

Cherophobia Definition conclusion

Cherophobia Definition Conclusion. Unhappiness is sometimes seen as something that should be avoided, avoided, or eliminated. Yet, according to new research, some people are afraid of feeling happy. Recognizing this anxiety and treating it with therapy could be a crucial first step toward treating other mental diseases.

According to two new studies, people are afraid of pleasant feelings for a variety of reasons, including feeling undeserving or believing that good fortune will eventually lead to a fall.

A Fear of Happiness Scale was developed by Mohsen Joshanloo, a psychology graduate student at Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand, on which participants indicate their level of agreement with statements like “Having a lot of joy and fun causes negative things to happen.”

According to a study by Joshanloo published online in the Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology in October 2013, such ideas can affect people in various countries. The scale was proven to be reliable in 14 distinct cultures in the study.

Psychiatrist Paul Gilbert of Kingsway Hospital in England and his colleagues discovered in 2012 that a fear of happiness is strongly linked to depression, but that the fear can emerge in a variety of ways.

Cherophobia Definition Conclusion. Some individuals view happiness as being relaxed or even lazy, Gilbert adds, “as if happiness is frivolous and one must always be striving; others feel uncomfortable if they are not continuously concerned.” “It’s not commonplace for people to worry that if they are content with something, it will be taken away from them.”

According to a previous study, an intolerance of happy feelings frequently coexists with mental problems. Patients with major depressive illness, for example, are more likely than healthy people to fear and suppress both negative and happy feelings. According to Gilbert, these findings highlight a vital but often overlooked part of treatment.

It’s critical that the fear of happiness become a focus for therapy in and of itself, he adds, “and that means addressing it like any other fear,” such as through exposure therapy or mindfulness practises, in which practitioners allow themselves to feel pleased without judgement.

Traditional therapy generally encourages depressed patients to engage in pleasurable activities, but new research suggests that some people may need to practise allowing themselves to feel any positive sensations at all first.

Further reading

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