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Counselling London Uk Miss Date Doctor. Our supportive and experienced staff know what it’s like to be a student and juggle other responsibilities at the same time. Everyone experiences difficulties at some stage in life and studying at university is well known to be a challenging and sometimes stressful experience.


We meet with current students to discuss not only the difficulties you may experience but also to help you lead a more fulfilling and successful life, particularly at university. Counselling provides an opportunity for you to think and talk about any personal or emotional difficulties that may be concerning you.
















It is time and space to examine, clarify and understand these concerns and an opportunity to develop more effective ways of addressing them. The majority of students who have used the service say that counselling is very supportive and valuable. Many people describe counselling as a life-changing experience, which has made their time at university much more rewarding.


Why You Need Counselling


  • Mental health support

In many ways, mental health is just like physical health: everybody has it and we need to take care of it.


Good mental health means being generally able to think, feel and react in the ways that you need and want to live your life. But if you go through a period of poor mental health you might find the ways you’re frequently thinking, feeling or reacting become difficult, or even impossible, to cope with.


This can feel just as bad as a physical illness, or even worse. Mental health problems affect around one in four people in any given year. They range from common problems, such as depression and anxiety, to rarer problems such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.


Counselling London Uk Miss Date Doctor. Meeting with a counsellor can provide a confidential space to express your thoughts, feelings and experiences in a confidential space. It can also provide a better understanding of your mental health difficulties, ways to regulate your stress, and the support that you might need from specialist services outside the University.


This site, created by Mind, explains how having a mental health problem can impact being a student and suggests ways of coping.


  • Personal Development (Certificate and workshops)

We offer a Certificate in Personal Development and Emotional Awareness; a free programme that we designed, which can be completed through a combination of distance learning, occasional workshops and the completion of a creative journal.


The programme covers a variety of topics from confidence building to becoming more self-aware and using mindfulness to improve your life.


Counselling London Uk Miss Date Doctor. Has there ever been a time in your life when the weight you were carrying upon your shoulders became so heavy, that you knew you needed to find a way to lighten it, to share it, to find another way to carry it? Or perhaps you had arrived at a crossroad and you weren’t sure which path to take.


Sometimes, life throws unexpected events at us such as a death, a break-up, or a trauma, and we need help with the healing process, or to find a better way forward. Then there are the times when nothing dramatic happens at all, it’s all same old same old, but instead of your usual take on things, comes a rising panic or a descending black cloud, or just a deep sense of dissatisfaction.


It is at times like these that many people turn to a counsellor or therapist. But how do you know who to turn to and if you’re choosing wisely?


It has been said that most people put more care and attention into choosing a pair of shoes than they do into choosing a counsellor or therapist.


Counselling London Uk Miss Date Doctor. This is not surprising, because the trouble is, when you’re in the midst of difficult times or a crisis, your thinking may not be as clear as it usually is, and taking a rational approach to ‘shopping around for a counsellor’ is not going to be all that likely.


Adding to the confusion is that currently, in the UK, there is no statutory regulation for talking therapies, so anyone is free to call themselves a counsellor or a therapist if they want to. So, it’s important to make sure the practitioner you choose is a member of one of the established self-regulating professional organisations, and check on their qualifications.




What do I want to get out of therapy?


Counselling London Uk Miss Date Doctor. Will I make space in my diary to fit in regular sessions, typically weekly?

Are there any resources available which will help me with the cost, such as workplace counselling schemes, insurance provisions or agencies which operate on a sliding scale for clients to accommodate those with lower incomes?


First Contact

Counselling London Uk Miss Date Doctor. Once you have a name, you might wish to have a brief chat on the phone with the counsellor, and if that goes well, request an initial meeting to see how you might get on together. Helpful areas to cover in your first conversations include:


  • Their skills, experience and qualifications
  • The approach they take. How might this way of working relate to your presenting issues?
  • Your goals and expectations of counselling
  • If individual counselling is the best way forward, or if a couple or family therapy would be more appropriate.
  • Fees, frequency and the estimated duration of your work together.
  • Counsellor, psychotherapist, therapist, psychologist or something else?


The distinction between a counsellor and a psychotherapist is becoming increasingly blurred, but it all depends on who you ask. In many circles, these terms are used interchangeably.


Counselling London Uk Miss Date Doctor. Traditionally psychotherapists worked using a psychodynamic approach (which has its roots in Freud and works with the interplay between the conscious and unconscious) whereas counsellors took a humanistic or ‘person-centred’ approach. But these distinctions no longer apply across all models.


Then there are the clinical psychologists who, typically, can offer testing of mental functioning, such as memory or IQ and are also trained in talking treatments, usually CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy).


Counselling psychologists have a second degree in talking therapy. Other specialities include relationship and psychosexual counsellors, who will see couples together, and family therapists, who are skilled at bringing whole families into the therapy room.


We have a variety of packages for different categories of counselling such as:




£ 850.00


Self-esteem building

Improve social anxiety

Learning what to say and do in text and dates

Education on modern dating techniques

Online messages formatting and wording

Confidence Coaching

Online dating tips

Online dating Coaching with your personal dating coach

Kino escalation

Introspection and characteristic testing




£ 1,500.00 / MONTH


  • Systemic coaching and Cognitive Coaching
  • Help with relationship failure
  • Removing emotional blocks
  • Working through trauma
  • Dealing with anger issues
  • Building Self-esteem
  • Help with discovering your purpose and emotional needs
  • NLP Training
  • Improving emotional intelligence
  • Working on problem areas in life and relationships
  • Your own personal Life Coach 7 days a week




£ 600.00


  • Help with anxiety
  • Life guidance
  • Objective-led life coaching
  • Help with PTSD
  • Help with exam stress
  • Student dating advice
  • Discovering your purpose
  • Combat trauma issues
  • High-performance coaching
  • Introspection test and personality test
  • Confidence building
  • Gain an understanding of self
  • Help with combating negative behavioural patterns


Do I need counselling when I have friends?

Counselling London Uk Miss Date Doctor. Friends and family can be a great support, and if you are lucky enough to have a few good listeners in your orbit, that may reduce the need for a counsellor when you simply need to get things off your chest or deliberate a decision or strategy.


But sometimes friends or family are part of the problem or entangled in it, and though they may wish to help, won’t be able to offer the space, objectivity, confidentiality or skills of a counsellor to get to the heart of an entrenched issue.


So, it’s time to get help when…


  • Your emotions or moods are causing enduring pain and distress
  • Your life is being harmed by a problem you cannot seem to solve
  • You feel you can no longer manage a problem on your own or with the help of your friends
  • You have lost interest in life or think it’s not worth living
  • Your relationships with others have a lot of conflicts.


What’s worth noting is that modern talk therapies are not always about problems. Some of the most innovative and satisfying use of their results in enhancing life, rather than fixing it.


For example, perhaps you’re feeling a bit adrift and you’re wondering if there is more to life than this. It’s those what’s the meaning of life questions, or how do I get myself – and my relationships to a more satisfying, richer place? which can take emotional development and quality of life to a deeper, more satisfying level. This sort of exploration can be the icing on the cake of a good counselling relationship.



Most counsellors strive to be as neutral and objective as they can be, but of course, this has its limits because we all have our values, ethics, morals, biases and agendas! It is all too common for a person in a vulnerable situation to view a counsellor as an expert or parent figure and be overly influenced.


Counselling London Uk Miss Date Doctor. Our counsellor working ethically will, however, empower you to find emotional health, your values and ethics and make your own decisions.


Counsellors’ self-disclosure can sometimes be therapeutically useful. However, sessions should never be dominated by lengthy discussions of the counsellor’s history or issues.


All sessions are strictly confidential between you and the counsellor. When the counsellor brings your case to supervision to discuss strategies and best practices, your privacy will be protected and full names are not used.


Counselling London Uk Miss Date Doctor. The main exception to confidentiality is when, through your disclosures, the counsellor believes that there is a serious risk of harm or danger to yourself or others.


If at any time you feel discounted, undermined or manipulated within the session, it is important to discuss these feelings within the session as they arise.


Do not accept social invitations from your counsellor, such as going for a drink or a meal together, as this is an unethical blurring of professional boundaries.


Benefits Of Counselling London Miss Date Doctor

Counselling London Uk Miss Date Doctor. The counselling process is, in many ways, like an educational experience. The individual can learn more about him/herself, but also acquires new skills. Sometimes, counselling involves learning more about a particular condition (e.g., depression, anxiety, eating disorders) by which the person is affected, so that he/she can better understand treatment options. Below are some examples of what students can gain from personal counselling:


  • improved communication and interpersonal skills
  • greater self-acceptance and self-esteem
  • ability to change self-defeating behaviours/habits
  • better expression and management of emotions, including anger
  • relief from depression, anxiety or other mental health conditions
  • increased confidence and decision-making skills
  • ability to manage stress effectively
  • improved problem-solving and conflict resolution abilities
  • greater sense of self and purpose
  • recognition of distorted thinking


Counselling London UK Miss Date Doctor Conclusion


Counselling London Uk Miss Date Doctor Conclusion. Research shows that it is not beneficial for clients to have sexual contact with their counsellor and it is considered unethical to do this with current clients.


Counselling London Uk Miss Date Doctor Conclusion. If you have any doubts about the counselling you are receiving, discuss them with your counsellor. If you are still uncertain, seek advice from your doctor, the Citizens Advice Bureau or the professional body to which your counsellor belongs.

Further reading

Dating coach
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Improve my relationship
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Family Therapy

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PTSD quotes

Cheating quotes

Relationship poems

What to do if a guy doesn’t text you for a week

Stages of a rebound relationship

Feeling used

I am too scared to date again

9 texts to never send a man or woman

I still love my ex

Do you have anger issues please take the test click here

Do guys notice when you ignore them

Why can’t I get over my ex who treated me badly?

Communal Narcissism

Emotional cheating texting

Narcissist love bombing

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