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Counselling London Psychotherapy Miss Date Doctor. Psychotherapy and counselling are two diverse concepts but get frequently mistaken for one another. They both use psychological methods to alleviate mental health issues and are both forms of cognitive therapy.


Psychotherapy (also known as cognitive treatment or psychological therapy) is the application of psychodynamic therapy strategies in assisting people with fickle behavioural patterns, increasing positivity and fulfillment, as well as overcoming difficulties.

















Psychotherapy is used to continue improving a person’s state of mind short–term and long–term well-being, as well as to remedy and maybe ameliorate problematic behaviours, ideologies, impulses, thought processes, and sentiments, and to also strengthen social connections capabilities.

We will create a unique programme for you based on your circumstances.


Depending on your needs, we can offer you goal-oriented, short-term therapies as well as deeper, long-term work.


Counselling London Psychotherapy Miss Date Doctor. Our team are specialists in a range of different therapies including Psychodynamic, Integrative, CBT and Classical Psychoanalysis. You can be confident we will have the right therapeutic approach for your situation.


Independent adults, families and children are all capable of benefitting from these various forms of psychotherapy.


Both counselling and psychotherapy are often referred to as talking therapies. This is because, the therapist uses a combination of questions, reflections and summaries which enable you to obtain a clearer understanding of the challenges you face and to uncover more effective ways of addressing them.


There are several different types of talking therapy. Some have a strong past and present focus, for example, psychodynamic, psychoanalytic or person-centred therapies. During these meetings, the client does most of the talking and the therapist provides summaries and/or interpretations which help build awareness.


It is assumed that through awareness change emerges. Some people find these approaches spend too much time focusing on the past in the work and would prefer more future focus and active strategies for their lives now, the therapies below have more of this element.


What to expect


Counselling London Psychotherapy Miss Date Doctor. We will have an initial meeting to see if we are a “good fit”. If we decide to go forward together, then we will tailor our approach to your situation and needs.


Our consulting rooms provide a safe, secure and confidential space.

Other psychotherapies, such as Solution Focussed Therapy, Gestalt, Transactional Analysis (TA) or Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) have additional proactive elements and include a stronger future focus, similar to coaching.


Here suggestions, exercises and experiments are also used. CBT also include a psycho-educational element and when combined with developmental theory, it can provide you with a very helpful understanding of why you feel and behave in certain ways.


Armed with this information you can begin to tackle difficult feelings more effectively and move more actively towards achieving your current and future goals.




£ 600.00


  • Round-the-clock support
  • Phone and text support
  • Talk through emotions
  • Address emotions and thoughts
  • Grieving strategy plan
  • Expression of feelings
  • Life coaching
  • Personal and confidential grieving programme
  • Coping strategy advice and guidance
  • 7 sessions 1 hour




£ 450.00


  • Recognise the signs
  • Setting boundaries
  • Training on how to have healthy relationships
  • Boundary setting
  • Safety training
  • Training on narcissistic behaviour
  • Recognising mental abuse and manipulative behaviour
  • Education on how to avoid coercive control relationships and avoid isolation
  • How to become mentally stronger
  • Suitable for victims of this behaviour or prevention
  • Support and advice on implementing steps for a brighter future
  • Twice a week 45 minutes
  • 4 weeks




£ 500.00


  • Support and advice
  • Confidentiality and directional advice
  • Daily support
  • Self-esteem building
  • Domestic advice helpline assistance
  • Help understanding individuals situation
  • Progressive coaching
  • Moving forward and finding true love
  • 30 mins x 4 a week
  • 4 weeks package


How do I know which one I need?


Counselling London Psychotherapy Miss Date Doctor. It can be difficult to work out whether counselling or psychotherapy is right for you. If you are considering the question, then it may be that you are in a period of crisis, such as a life change, divorce, bereavement or are struggling with stress, anxiety or depression, for example.


If you believe that your issue requires a more present-based intervention – meaning that it is an isolated experience and not something that relates to the past or is a repeating pattern in your life, then a period of counselling may be sufficient for you.


If, however, you are concerned about how your experience affects your present life, you want to address the deeper roots of unhealthy ways of thinking and behaving, and look at how you relate to yourself and others, then psychotherapy would most likely be better suited to you.


And if you have a history of mental health problems or a diagnosis, then psychotherapy would be the advisable route to take.



Counselling vs. Psychotherapy

Counselling London Psychotherapy Miss Date Doctor. Counselling and psychotherapy both use psychological techniques to help patients deal with stressors and mental illnesses.


These are a few distinct differences between both specialities:


  • Psychotherapy involves an intensive search and investigation of the issue at hand while counselling places more emphasis on providing an immediate solution to current grievances.
  • Counselling is more like guidance to make well-informed decisions while psychotherapy involves deep-rooted and fundamental behavioural patterns and psychological issues.
  • Counselling has always been connected with educational and social-work settings, whereas psychotherapy has traditionally been associated with psychopathology, psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, and medical settings.
  • Counselling focuses on less serious difficulties and is a temporary procedure while psychotherapy involves quite an amount of time to get to the root of chronic, visceral issues and address them properly.
  • Counselling is usually done in an outpatient context, whereas psychotherapy is done in both an inpatient and outpatient setting.
  • Psychotherapy is frequently used to treat diagnosable mental health illnesses such as depression, and schizophrenia among others while counselling is typically wellness-oriented, offering deeper insight and teaching how to effectively handle problems and challenges.
  • Counselling addresses social, career, and educational issues, whereas psychotherapy concentrates on adaptation and psychological issues.
  • Counselling focuses on basic life challenges that most people encounter at some point in their lives, such as stress at work, relationship problems, family issues or emotionally difficult changes like the death of a loved one, whereas psychotherapy specializes in working to improve problems with a person’s fundamental thoughts, beliefs, or feelings.


Counselling London Psychotherapy Miss Date Doctor. Given the differences between psychotherapy and counselling, psychotherapy is unquestionably more profound than counselling. Here are a few pointers to help you determine whether you require counselling or psychotherapy.


The disorder is long-term and has a substantial impact on your daily activities and interpersonal relationships.


You rely on dangerous techniques to cope, such as drugs and alcohol, and friends and family advise you to seek treatment because they perceive a downhill spiral.


Nothing you’ve tried seems to work: you’ve tried relaxation techniques and meditation, but they don’t appear to be effective. You might need to see a doctor.

It’s also worth noting that psychotherapy doesn’t always yield rapid effects. After the first session, you are unlikely to feel any better.


Counselling and psychotherapy are two distinct concepts involving separate experts. A psychotherapist’s responsibilities differ from those of a counsellor.


Psychotherapist vs. Counsellor

Counselling London Psychotherapy Miss Date Doctor. A psychotherapist usually has to acquire more specialised training and skills than a counsellor


A psychotherapist performs the following roles


  • focuses on recurrent problems, thought processes and emotion.
  • Psychotherapists are aware of a person’s psyche and inner child, which may have hurt challenging moments.
  • They will also have patients explore their past encounters to comprehend their social development, and cognitive and behavioural tendencies, encouraging patients to discover themselves, and free themselves of adverse notions, self-beliefs, and environmental stimuli.
  • Psychotherapists are taught how to diagnose problems based on their therapeutic approach. This is especially important when dealing with deep-seated issues that affect the patient’s relationship with themselves and others. This training is not available to counsellors.


While a counsellor performs the following roles


  • Guide to help patients find solutions to their issues
  • focuses on present-centred issues and difficulties
  • short-term therapy.
  • Counsellors attempt to read their clients to provide a secure environment in which they can explore their deepest feelings.
  • They are patients with immediate solutions and tools to manoeuvre their challenges.
  • Marriage and family therapists, grief and loss counsellors, career counsellors, premarital counsellors, addiction and substance abuse counsellors, and others are all examples of counsellors.


Counselling London Psychotherapy Miss Date Doctor. Counsellors and psychotherapists are essential in enhancing our society’s health and well-being. They help individuals talk about their feelings, reflect on their decisions or conduct, and make positive life adjustments.


Sometimes their roles overlap, but for the most part, a counsellor is not a psychotherapist, although a psychotherapist can be a counsellor


What happens in talking therapy?

Sessions usually last 50 minutes and take place at regular, planned times. They can be face-to-face, on the phone or online. How often you see your therapist and how many sessions you have will depend on the type of therapy you’re having and your circumstances.


You might see a therapist on your own, in a group, as a couple or as a family.


Counselling London Psychotherapy Miss Date Doctor. In group therapy you don’t just talk about yourself, you’re listening to other people – that takes the burden off your problems. You realise you’re not the only one.


During a session, you might talk generally about how you’re feeling or you might go through specific exercises, depending on your therapist’s approach. What you talk about could include your childhood, your relationships, past and present life events or stressful situations, for example.


Your therapist will listen to you without judging you and help you explore your thoughts and feelings. They won’t tell you what to do but will help you understand yourself better and think about the changes you may want to make.


Counselling London Psychotherapy Miss Date Doctor. Talking therapies are not therapies that are ‘done’ to you by someone else. You play an active part. That can be empowering at a time when you may feel you have lost control over part of your life. If you’re determined to get the most from your therapy, it’s more likely to work.


You need to be honest with yourself in therapy and that can be difficult. It may mean facing up to your fears, recalling distressing memories or talking about intimate topics and private thoughts and feelings. Think about whether you’re ready to open up and talk to your therapist if you’re feeling overwhelmed. Sessions should always go at your pace so you don’t feel rushed.


How do I choose a therapist?

You may already have questions to ask yourself or your therapist. Here are some to ask our counsellors/psychotherapists


  • Questions you could ask yourself before you choose a therapist
  • What kind of therapy might suit me?
  • How much time and money do I have for therapy?
  • Do I want a particular therapist – eg a man or woman, someone who shares my racial background or sexuality, someone my age?


Counselling London Psychotherapy Miss Date Doctor Conclusion


Counselling London Psychotherapy Miss Date Doctor Conclusion.No judgement or blame: had we experienced what you did we would feel just the same. This is our philosophy.


We are all born with the right to live a fulfilling life, and the potential to achieve it.

If you feel somehow stuck, therapy and counselling may be the best tools to unlock that potential again.


Counselling London Psychotherapy Miss Date Doctor Conclusion. Take the first step today and contact us to work together on your issues at our therapy practice in different parts of the UK.

Further reading

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