Examples Of Being Romantic Posted byMiss Date Doctor April 7, 2023April 7, 2023 Table of Contents hide 1 Examples Of Being Romantic 1.1 What Is Romance To A Woman? 1.2 How To Be Romantic As A Man? 1.3 Romantic Person Characteristics 1.4 Examples Of Romance 1.5 How To Be Physically Romantic? 1.6 How To Be Romantic To Your Partner? 1.7 How To Be Romantic To Your Wife? 1.8 How To Be Romantic When You’re Not? 1.9 Examples Of Being Romantic Conclusion 1.10 Further reading Examples Of Being Romantic Examples of being romantic. Romance is an essential part of intimate relationships which fosters feelings of love, affection and closeness. The Oxford Dictionary defines romance as a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love. It is also considered as the feeling of being in love. Romance makes people in intimate relationships feel much closer to each other. Being romantic means doing and saying things that show strong feelings of love and affection towards a partner in an intimate relationship. In this article, we will look at examples of being romantic which can serve as helpful tips for strengthening your relationship and increasing the romance in your relationship. Before we dive into examples of being romantic, it is good to mention that to be seen as romantic by your partner, you need to be able to express your love and affection to them in their own love language as this is the way that your romantic gestures will be appreciated and achieve the purpose of strengthening the bond between you and your partner. Being romantic is about expressing your love and affection for your partner in ways that it is unmistakable, and intentional and shows dedication. The romance between two partners is what makes their love amazing. So let us look at some examples of being romantic that you can apply to your relationship based on your partner’s love language. If your partner’s love language is physical touch, some examples of being romantic can include; Kiss her on the forehead Give your partner a warm hug or an embrace from behind Give your partner a massage without expecting anything in return is one of the examples of being romantic Slow dance with your partner in the living room Hold hands while taking a walk on the beach or during dinner If your partner’s love language is quality time, some examples of being romantic can include; Plan a surprise romantic getaway trip for just the two of you Order your partner’s favourite dessert while you both watch a romantic movie together Taking them outdoors for some stargazing with just the two of you is also one of the examples of being romantic Plan a night for just the two of you to play board games and do things they like Go out of your way to spend time with them on a day you normally would not If your partner’s love language is words of affirmation, some examples of being romantic can include; Send a beautiful text they would wake up to in the morning Writing little love notes and placing them in parts of the house where they would see them is also part of the examples of being romantic Write a heartfelt letter telling them how much they mean to you Tell them how you feel about them over a candlelight dinner If your partner’s love language is acts of service, some examples of being romantic include; Ask your partner what you can do to make their day easier Offer to do their chores so they can spend a day with friends or resting Making the bed while your partner is in the shower is one of the examples of being romantic with a partner whose primary love language is acts of service Help with chores that they would normally take up Know how they like their coffee and order it or make it and give them breakfast in bed If your partner’s love language is receiving gifts, some examples of being romantic can include Buying them their favourite meal from their favourite restaurant Surprise them with flowers at work Buy them something they have been eyeing in their favourite store Buying them something expensive is one of the examples of being romantic to a partner whose love language is receiving gifts. These are some examples of being romantic that you can apply to your relationship which can help you express love and affection to your partner in a way that they would love and appreciate. Romancing them with their love language in mind can make your effort and intention worthwhile and have a deeper meaning. What Is Romance To A Woman? What is romance to a woman? As beautiful as romance can be, it is good to remember that romance to a woman may mean something different to a man. When you meet the woman of your dreams, it is important to keep showing her that she is special to you through small romantic gestures which show that you delight in her. In this part of the article, we will look at what is romance to a woman so that you can learn ways to romance your partner appropriately. Romance makes women feel very loved and appreciated. Doing something as simple as buying her flowers, and candy, and taking her to her favourite restaurant as simple things that women consider romantic. When thinking of what is romance to a woman, romance is doing what makes your woman feel loved. When a woman feels loved and wanted, it brings out the best in her, because when women feel loved, they tend to give out even more loved. Women are able to give the best to their partner when they believe that their partner is giving them their best. What is romance to a woman? Research shows that women tend to have lower self-esteem than men and showing them gestures of love and affection is one way to make them feel special. Learning to romance your woman can make her feel special and valued which can help to boost her self-esteem and make her confident again. Thinking of what is romance to a woman? It involves gestures that can make a woman feel emotionally secure and safe with you. If you want to know how important romance is to your woman, you should know that being romantic to her will make her feel more connected and safe with you and feel safe in your relationship. Romancing a woman can make her more open to sexual activities. Unlike men who need sex and do not need to be emotionally connected to a woman for it, a woman needs those romantic gestures to get her into the feelings of sex. A writer once said that to make love to a woman at night, you need to begin the activities in the daytime. Romancing a woman can make her feel like the luckiest girl alive and she will be willing to go to any lengths for you. Making the effort to make your woman feel loved and appreciated can also benefit your relationship and make it much stronger. You will get the best out of a woman whom you give your best. How To Be Romantic As A Man? How to be romantic as a man? Romance is necessary to keep love alive in a relationship. It does not have to be expensive or over-the-top gestures, it can be small acts of love and appreciation you can display to let your partner know how much they mean to you. Romantic gestures should come naturally. Let us look at some helpful tips to help you learn how to be romantic as a man. The good part is that you do not have to do anything extra, the most important thing is knowing how your partner wants to be loved and showing them love in that language which will make it have more meaning to them. Want to know how to be romantic as a man? Let us look at some ways you can improve and become more romantic to your partner. Compliment her One of the ways to be romantic to your partner is to compliment her. Tell her how good she looks or compliment her new hairstyle out of the blue. Write heartfelt notes telling her how much she means to you and what you love most about her. Hold her hand This is also one way to consider when thinking of how to be romantic as a man which is mostly overlooked. A simple gesture such as taking her hand into yours during dinner, while taking a walk or even in the car, can make her feel your love for her. Do small favours for her Something as simple as a shoulder massage can mean so much when you think of how to be romantic as a man. You can also surprise her with dinner, giving her breakfast in bed or something you know she would love and would make her day much easier. Appreciate her efforts Another way to be romantic as a man is to thank your woman for the things she does to make your life easier. Women always want to do much better when their man appreciates their little efforts. So make it a point of duty t let her know you are grateful to have her in your life. Hold her A warm hug after a long day can mean a lot to your woman. You can hold her in your warm embrace and whisper beautiful words in her ears which can inspire feelings of love and appreciation in her. Pamper her You do not need to empty your bank account to do this. You can give her a feet rub, or back rub, hold the door for her, take her to her favourite restaurant, buy her something nice or run a warm bath for her to help her relax after a long day. Romantic Person Characteristics Romantic person characteristics. For some, being romantic comes naturally while others may need to put in extra effort or learn how to be romantic. Blaise Pascal once said, “The heart has its reasons which reason knows nothing of”. This is one of the best explanations of the feelings that romance inspires in intimate relationships. You may wonder whether you are a romantic person or what “romantic person characteristics” are. So to help, we will look at some of the qualities of a romantic person so you can assess yourself and know whether that area of your life and relationship needs some brushing up. Romantic person characteristics They are very affectionate A romantic person is often very affectionate. They show how much they love, adore and appreciate their partner. They regularly display some romantic and sweet gestures which may be based on their love language or that of their partner if they know it. They also want to be close to their partner and seize every opportunity to let them know how they feel about them. They are attuned to their partner’s needs People with “romantic person characteristics” are often attuned to the needs of their partners. They are mindful of their partner’s needs and desires and often create long-term romantic patterns to keep the spark of love and desire aflame in their relationship. They let their partner know that they recognise their feelings in thoughtful ways. They are passionate about their partner A person with “romantic person characteristics” does not put up acts or offer sweet nothings that have no real meaning. They are very passionate about their partner and their relationship and offer an unwavering and enduring love that shows the intensity, specificity and true extent of the feelings they have for their partner. They are present One of the key things to note about a romantic person is that they are present. They do not just offer a bunch of good words with no actions to back them. Rather, they are warm and affectionate and spend time with their partner making them know that they are there for them, sprinkling small moments of kindness and care. They are consistent A romantic person is consistent in the way they show love and affection to their partner because they understand that being romantic to your partner is a way of life rather than just a few good acts here and there. They often remember special occasions throughout the year and show their love and affection to their partner through those times consistently. Examples Of Romance Examples of romance. Every relationship needs some romance to keep the spark alive. From teenagehood, ladies mostly read romance novels and watch romance films with the desire to experience such a relationship soon. Research shows that women are more interested in romance than men and this may be because ladies generally desire affection more than men do. There are many books and movies where you can see some examples of romance and for some, you can almost touch the feelings being expressed because of how real they seem. You can see some examples in movies like The Notebook, Twilight, Silver Linings Playbook and books such as Pride and Prejudice, and Fifty Shades of Grey. Now let us look at some examples of romance you can try out in your relationship; Leave notes for your partner to find This is can be really romantic. An example is writing small notes that may read “I love you”, “So glad to be doing life with you”, “I feel like the luckiest person alive to have you as my partner” and sticking them in places that they would easily find them such as their dresser, coffee pot, on the closet door, bathroom mirror, etc. Plan a surprise getaway weekend trip for two This is one of the examples of romance you can try out. This can be a very thoughtful thing to do when you see that your partner has been working super hard and you know they need to unwind from the stressful moments. You can write small notes with arrows that will lead them to the tickets and they can read something like “I can’t wait to spend some time with you, just us”. Surprise them with a dinner date This does not have to be expensive. You can surprise them by making a candlelit dinner for two in your sitting room or bedroom with a nice bottle of wine and their favourite meal, with dim lights which help to set the mood right. This will not only help them feel relaxed when they walk in, but it will also set the mood right for some sexual activities. Slow-dance in your living room This is one of the examples of romance you can try. You can turn on their favourite blues song and ask them for a dance and this can also be done in a restaurant or when taking an evening walk and while dancing, you can look into your partner’s eyes and tell them how you feel and how much you love and adore them. Give them a soothing massage This is one amazing way to be romantic which can be quite rewarding. You can give your partner a deep tissue massage which helps them relax. Then you can put some rose petals in the bathtub, light some candles and put a nice scent in the room and then lead them to the tub where you can both sit in there together and reminisce or if you are both feeling like it, it may lead to sex. How To Be Physically Romantic? How to be physically romantic? Being physically romantic also called physical intimacy is very important in relationships as it can also foster closeness and safety with your partner. Building intimacy in a relationship is one of the keys to its success and longevity. This is one of the five types of intimacy and it is very essential to a strong emotional bond between partners. How to be physically romantic? When people hear physical intimacy, the first thing that comes to mind is sex but physical intimacy goes beyond getting naked and being under the sheets. It involves acts such as hugging, kissing, cuddling, caressing, holding hands, patting someone’s back, and being in someone’s personal space. How to be physically romantic? One of the many benefits of being physically romantic is that it can rekindle the chemistry between partners in a relationship. So let us look at some ways you can be physically romantic with your partner. Kissing This is one of the ways to be physically romantic with your partner. It could be an intimate kiss, a kiss on the forehead, a peck on the lips or a kiss on the cheek. You can use kisses to show affection and love to your partner and it does not always have to lead to sex. Holding hands Thinking of how to be physically romantic with your partner? This is one of the most old-fashioned ways which still works. Holding hands with your partner can release some mood-boosting endorphins which makes you feel closer and more in love with each other. Cuddle Wondering how to be physically romantic with your partner? You can cuddle while watching a movie or when you are having heart-to-heart talk in bed or when you want to sleep. This is one of the ways that you and your partner can foster closeness and connection with each other. Skin-to-skin This can be both sexual and non-sexual. It just means involving in activities that allow for your skin to touch each other such as touching your partner’s neck or face, touching their hair or head, rubbing their back, or even touching their legs. Sitting together This is a non-sexual way of being physically intimate with your partner. Sitting close enough for your body to touch your partner in a public place or at a dinner where you may not be comfortable kissing or holding them can be a way to let them know that you love them. How To Be Romantic To Your Partner? How to be romantic to your partner? While some people are naturally romantic, others may require a little help. Being romantic to your partner can bring you both closer to each other and foster feelings of love and affection which can make your bond much stronger. Romance makes relationships much sweeter and more enjoyable for the partners in them. How to be romantic to your partner? To be romantic to your partner, you need to know them and love them in the language they would understand and in the way that they want to be loved. To be romantic to your partner, they have to be able to understand the gestures because that is the only way they would be able to truly appreciate it. How to be romantic to your partner? You need to learn your partner’s love language and love express love to them accordingly. When you express love and affection in your partner’s love language, they will feel and appreciate it more. Understanding their love language will help you to express your feelings of love to them appropriately. How to be romantic to your partner? You will need to regularly tell your partner how you feel about them and how much they mean to you. Telling them and backing it up with actions can help your partner know how you feel and inspire feelings of love, safety, appreciation and fulfilment in them in the relationship with you. How to be romantic to your partner? Prioritise your partner. This cannot be overemphasised. Doing this makes them feel valued, accepted and supported in the relationship and can go a long way to making them feel satisfied and happy in the relationship. When you prioritise your partner, they will also do the same for you and this can make your relationship stronger. Another way to be romantic to your partner is to be consistent in the way you express your love for them. It is said that spontaneity is the spice of life while consistency is what stokes the flames of a long-lasting relationship. Being consistent and spontaneous can keep your relationship exciting and the flame of love will not go out. How To Be Romantic To Your Wife? How to be romantic to your wife? In long-term relationships such as marriage where there are lots of high and low moments, romance is highly important as it can keep the sparks in the relationship afire. Women love affection which makes it important that men know how to be romantic with their wives. How to be romantic to your wife? It is said that the little things often matter the most and this is especially true for women. It is not enough to only tell your wife that you love her, you need to learn ways to romance her which will also serve as a reminder that you love her and help you keep the flames of love and passion in your marriage alive. How to be romantic to your wife? Taking time to romance your wife can make her feel appreciated and this does not have to be done through over-the-top gestures, women tend to appreciate the little things men do to show their love for them which can be slow-dancing to her favourite love song or no song at all, just looking into her eyes, dancing and smiling. There is no set of rules when it comes to how to be romantic to your wife, you just need to consider the things that may likely make her happy and inspire feelings of warmth within her. You can ask her how you can take some of her burdens and make her happier or simply do something nice for her which you know will mean a lot. Now, let us look at some ways which can help you know how to be romantic to your wife; Surprise her with a bouquet of flowers with a note like “Thank you for being an amazing wife, I can’t imagine doing life with anyone else”. Leave a sweet and thoughtful note on her dresser. Offer to take care of the children while she sleeps or goes to the spa for some alone time. Give her a nice massage and run a warm bath for her. Offer to cook dinner or relieve her of a house chore from time to time. How To Be Romantic When You’re Not? How to be romantic when you’re not? Romance is very important when you are looking for ways to deepen the affection and love in your relationship, but sadly, not everyone is romantic. The good news, however, is that people can learn ways to biome romantic with their partner even when they are not. In this final part of the article, we will look at how to be romantic when you’re not. At the start of a relationship, even the tiniest gestures are often seen as romantic, but as a couple begins to settle into the relationship properly, things may begin to feel awkward without those romantic gestures and when one person is not romantic, the other may feel unloved. Now, let us look at how to be romantic when you’re not. Love is in the small things. If you are not romantic and you want to be, you need to know that you do not need to do the big things, you can do the little things which often matter the most. The best way to be romantic to your partner is by learning to be selfless. Learn to be thoughtful. Another helpful tip for how to be romantic when you’re not is learning your partner’s love language. This is highly important and one of the easiest ways to be romantic. If you are able to learn what your partner considers a genuine expression of love, you can do things that show them how much you appreciate them using that language. How to be romantic when you’re not? Listen to them attentively when they speak. When you put away all forms of distractions, you will be able to listen to your partner and know what exactly it is that they truly want and you will be able to make them feel loved, accepted and valued in the relationship. Examples Of Being Romantic Conclusion Examples of being romantic conclusion. The little things often matter the most; they can make a relationship and break it. If you are looking for ways to be romantic with your partner, try paying attention to the little things that matter to them. Being able to romance them can deepen your emotional connection and strengthen your relationship bond. 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