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35 Bull Street, Birmingham,

West Midlands B4 6AF



Relationship Counselling Birmingham 1

Relationship Counselling Birmingham. A relationship is made up of individuals, and as individuals, we bring our own personal history, personality, needs, hopes and desires to our relationships.


As a result, even the most exceptional couple will not see eye to eye on every issue. Coming together with another human being to share our lives, or part of our lives, requires discussion, compromise, negotiation and communication.


Our ability to communicate with our partner – to share our own needs and fears, and to listen properly to their needs and fears is, therefore, an essential tool for any healthy relationship.


In reality, there is no concept of ‘the perfect couple’. While movies and TV shows would like to portray to us what ‘perfection’ really is, it simply does not exist amid the challenges of being with someone in a committed, long term relationship. It is completely normal for troubles to arise along the way.


Relationship Counselling Birmingham. However, when these troubles turn into long term problems and when arguments and fights start creating toxic energy between you and your partner, the need for relationship counselling can come into play.


Despite some arguments against relationship counselling and stigmatizations saying that it only worsens the problems or has a low success rate, the main purpose of relationship counselling is to promote communication.


Relationship Counselling Birmingham. A qualified couples or relationship counsellor is trained to recognise and challenge your current communication habits, and to teach you how to communicate more effectively with one another.


Often, just being encouraged to talk openly and honestly during your relationship counselling session can already set you on the path to more open and calmer communication.


Strong communication skills (talking and listening) will allow you to resolve problems big and small and will help keep your relationship strong even during times of severe stress.


In the vast majority of cases, a lack of communication is the fundamental problem of relationships in crisis. Therefore, with communication being the key to relationship counselling, it certainly does open the right door.


Relationship Counselling Birmingham 2

Relationship Counselling Birmingham. Effective communication is needed to manage triggers. In all our relationships, verbal, physical or written skills are needed to connect, understand different points of view and offer support.


We encourage our prospective clients to take advantage of our free 30-40 minutes long consultation as it is to their benefit. During your consultation session, we will discuss your expectations for your relationships and how we can help you achieve that.


You would also be advised on which of our special relationship packages to purchase if you wish to fasten things up.


Whether or not the counsellor takes a behavioural or emotional approach to the therapy, these core principles pave the way to getting the relationship back on track.


  1. Relationship View change


With relationship counselling, the overall purpose can often be to change the way the two parties view the relationship. Over time, relationships can sometimes fall into the trap of one person ‘blaming’ the other for their lack of success, or acting in jealous and manipulative ways due to personal unhappiness. Obviously, this is not the key to success.


Relationship Counselling Birmingham. With this principle of relationship counselling, the therapist takes a look at daily interactions between the couple. It is also about looking at how the couple interacts with each other in different social and physical contexts.


How do they greet each other? How does their body language speak? How do they deal with each other’s stresses? This is able to help the therapist alter the way the couple sees their own relationship and find more adaptive ways to continue forward.


  1. Modifying Dysfunctional Behaviour in order to improve relations


The tension that hides under the surface is a big cause of friction. Friction has the risk of blowing up into something that is much bigger, and more destructive to a relationship. Often, friction comes about from behaviours of one person in the relationship that the other sees as dysfunctional or negative in some way.


Relationship Counselling Birmingham. Dysfunctional behaviours can be small, such as not turning the tap off properly, or much bigger, such as domestic violence. First, the relationship counsellor will establish the scale of dysfunctionality.


From here, this principle guides the counsellor on the best course of action to modify the dysfunctional behaviour. In some cases, it can simply be raising awareness of what they are doing to irritate their partner and getting a conversation happening revolving around this behaviour.


In other cases, it will refer the person to a specialized program in abuse, drug rehabilitation, anger management, or whatever is necessary for the behaviour.


  1. Cut down on emotional stress


Relationship Counselling Birmingham. Coming back to the fundamental key to the success of a relationship is communication when couples are not able to express their emotions and private feelings, a rift is inevitable. Getting couples to express their deepest feelings, their darkest thoughts, and the things that scare them the most is a big part of the principle.


With this in mind, the therapist will guide the couple through both theoretical and behavioural practices about expressing emotions. Much of this can stem back to childhood attachment issues and underlying unconscious reservations about being vulnerable.


The fear of rejection is deeply embedded in human psychology, so overcoming this hurdle between couples is a major stepping stone. This principle guides counsellors to help couples to express their true feelings in a productive way that will help draw them back together.


  1. Improves Communication


Relationship Counselling Birmingham. Communication is part of the main concept of intimacy. Communication, compromise, and commitment are part of the pillars of a happy relationship. When communication falls apart, things start to collapse quite rapidly.


It is important that communication isn’t abusive or negative, but rather something that is constructive and positive between couples.


When the communication is toxic, relationship counselling can help stop this. Through counselling sessions, couples learn how to communicate better.


This is not only about talking to each other, but also about listening in-depth, finding a more supportive and understanding way to have discussions, and taking steps to be more empathetic towards one another.


  1. Promotes Strength


Every relationship starts for a reason, and a big part of relationship counselling is helping couples to remember these reasons. Often, relationships fall apart when the struggles of life get in the way of the spark that was ignited in the first place.


Much of relationship counselling does focus on the problem areas and tries to solve them, so this principle is about bringing in the positives that already exist and trying to enhance them.


Relationship Counselling Birmingham. The whole point of promoting positive strength is to help the couple remember what they enjoy about each other’s company. Focusing on the positive emotions, the good memories, and the connection between a couple is a big part of the road to recovery.




Miss Date Doctor will not advise you to end your relationship, without you having come to that conclusion yourself (though your counsellor will discuss your options with you, particularly if you’re in an abusive relationship); an opinion on your partner in terms of ‘good’ or ‘bad’; destructive criticism about behaviours, actions and opinions;


We hope that our counsellor can change your partner. If both you and your partner agree that counselling is what you need right now, you can seize the moment and get started straight away.



Relationship Counselling Birmingham 3

Relationship Counselling Birmingham Conclusion. It may feel difficult to get the relationship you want when it seems so much is stacked up against you. You might feel it’s impossible to stop the marriage preparations. The thought of telling your future wife or husband that you’re worried may fill you with horror. Yet in secret, you wonder if you should go ahead with it at all.


Relationship Counselling Birmingham Conclusion. The good news is that you could perhaps consider talking to your partner about making a really positive step. You’re much more likely to get a positive answer if you say you want to invest in your lives together by going for pre-marriage counselling.


If you’re both committed to sorting things out, there’s every chance that you can have the marriage you want.  Professional relationship advice can certainly help you on your way.


Relationship Counselling Birmingham helps you to make the most of your relationships, past, present or future. M.D.D can help you even if you are not currently in a relationship.


We are the first source of help when people are faced with major crises in their relationships like divorce or separation; affairs or major conflict.


But we are also here for the worries that might seem trivial or minor. Even if things are going perfectly for you, we can help keep things that way. We can help you to find the support that is best for you and at a time to fit in with your life.


To find a counsellor in your area to help your relationship speak to our customer care center operators for detailed information.

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