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Relationship Counselling For Children, Young People And Families. Counselling provides a safe space for children and adolescents to express their thoughts and feelings. It allows them to express any concerns or problems they may be having while also increasing their confidence and self-esteem.


There are some differences in counselling for younger people in the range of around 14-25 years of age compared with older clients. The differences for younger people stem from their unique family situations, experiences, psychological development and engagement in therapy.


Relationship Counselling For Children, Young People And Families. Counsellors may take different approaches based on those elements, always respecting the young person’s rights, relationship boundaries and confidentiality. This article is intended to give you an overview of the process and also provide some advice on how to get the most out of it.


The development of identity for young people involves the interplay of delicate issues. Indeed, the manner in which such people integrate and/or develop their identity influences their life outside the school settings.


Therefore, professional counsellors have the responsibility of enabling such children and young people to learn about their variations in abilities and the manner in which such variations can help in the construction of their self.


Without the creation of contexts that uphold proper understanding of identity formation, the needs of young people who have identity crisis may end up not being met via counselling or any other professional agency that deals with the general issues of children and young people.


Parents’ Involvement In Counselling


Dealing with confidentiality can be tricky when parents want to be informed on the progress on a regular basis. In other cases, parents do not want to get involved and it is legitimate to wonder which is more helpful.


Your parents’ input is important in order to have a clear picture of the environment in which you were raised, especially if you are a minor.  It is argued that consulting the young person as well as the parents may help establish a stronger relationship.


Relationship Counselling For Children, Young People And Families. Minors require consent from at least one parent before starting counselling, however, at times there may be disagreement between them.


As a minor, you need to be aware of the therapist’s obligations to report any disclosure of past or present child abuse or if you are in a situation that represents a danger to yourself.


Confidentiality might disrupt therapy as you may not want your parents or anyone concerned to know about your struggles! Your therapist should inform you when and how the information may be disclosed to your parents.


Therapy style and content of therapy


Relationship Counselling For Children, Young People And Families. Therapists may have very different approaches. Your therapist may decide the length of therapy; however, some therapists believe that as a young person you should be given the choice to decide the length of therapy and the duration of each session yourself.


Your attention span or interest in specific activities may be limited and may differ from one person to the other depending on your age and personality.


It may be effective for a therapist to adopt a more client-led approach at times, especially in the first few sessions, to get to know you better. Control and guidance from the therapist might cause resistance from your side and in the therapeutic relationship. Do not be afraid of approaching your therapist with your ideas and opinions about the process!


This may contradict the approach of some types of therapies in which guidance is an important element of the process. Your therapist may choose different techniques like the use of engaging media, toys, miniature animals, games, and colourful worksheets. You might find these techniques silly but be aware that they are entertaining and effective.


Becoming your own therapist


Relationship Counselling For Children, Young People And Families. It is helpful if your therapist provides you with a choice of engaging more verbally or through exercises like games or worksheets.


If you are happy with the approach and materials used, you may find yourself more engaged and enjoy therapy. Therefore, the advice is always for open communication as to your preferred approach.


Engagement and communication in therapy are fundamental!  If a safe environment is created in the room and an open relationship with your therapist is established, you will gain more confidence in expressing your feelings. An open relationship and clear feedback from both parties will help the therapist in adjusting the intervention to your needs.


Are you ready to set goals for yourself?  Fundamentally, you make them achievable.  Some psycho-education may help you figure out things.  You might find it boring but it may help you to investigate certain issues in depth.


Relationship Counselling For Children, Young People And Families. If you choose one type of approach versus others be aware that some therapies may be more solution-focused.  Either way, you will be given the tools to become your own therapist.


Exploring Your Life And Shaping It For The Better


You will need to demonstrate a positive attitude towards change! You may be influenced in your decisions by your peers; however, keep in mind that you are capable of making your own decisions.


Relationship Counselling For Children, Young People And Families. Counselling will be helpful if you let your therapist empower you with the skills you need to achieve your goals.  Your therapist will promote constructive thinking and individual growth.


Your therapist may go through an initial bio-psychological assessment with you to investigate your family and school context and gather information about you.  It might feel like an interrogation but it will help you to evaluate the severity of the problem and the family support available.


You will learn to evaluate your progress through personal reflection and will become comfortable in recognising specific symptoms.


Relationship Counselling For Children, Young People And Families. Your therapist will promote active listening, and positive regard and may also integrate different therapeutic approaches by commenting on non-verbal behaviours that you may show in the room.


Do not be surprised if the therapist comments on some of those aspects in therapy as discussing your behaviour can tell them a lot about your struggles.  It can be an effective way to explore your life.


Self-esteem And Your Ability To Make Decisions


Relationship Counselling For Children, Young People And Families. You may need to expose yourself to difficult situations as part of the therapeutic process.  Be ready to explore all your struggles and fears in life. Between the ages of 12-14, you started forming your identity or sense of self and you internalised a set of responsibilities.


You may have acquired specific beliefs in the environment you were raised and your therapist will encourage you to reflect on these.


Attachment to your parents and siblings growing up may result in emotional distress later on in life, perhaps resistance, low self-esteem, lack of security or distrust.


Relationship Counselling For Children, Young People And Families. Early in adolescence, your emotional system is fully developed, however, your reasoning system continues to develop up to the age of about 25-29 years old.  Do not be surprised if you have mood imbalances and you struggle to regulate your emotions!


Whatever interventions are used by the therapist will empower you with the tools to help you regulate your emotional distress and perhaps change negative thoughts and behaviours.  Soon you will find ways of coping with your emotions and making rational decisions!


You will work on specific goals through your chosen tools and interventions based on your needs.  Mutual trust and open communication are paramount to the success of therapy.


Parent-teen relationships are difficult to manage, and everyone agrees with that. Yes, parents joke about dreading the teen years, but the fact is, the joking is a sign of the real discomfort that lurks behind parenting these creatures and the complicated teen relationships they now have to develop.


Parenting teenagers is a monumental task, it demands a whole lot of patience, but the rewards are enormous and if done right, worth it. It takes determination, creativity, and perseverance and here today, in this article, I will be revealing 6 techniques that can help improve your parent-teen relationship.


  1. Try Understanding And Accepting Their Situation With Love:


If there’s one thing teenagers have in common, it’s complaining. They complain that their life is miserable and everything wrong is happening to them. You must understand that this is a phase of life where everything gets exaggerated. They are experiencing everything for the first time; this makes them very insecure and confused about what they should do to face the situation.


The first step in improving your parent-teen relationship is accepting the fact that your teenagers are not going to be what they were as a child, they’ll rebel for no reason, question you, and reject everything related to their childhood.


The next step in improving your relationship is to give love and support. Shift more responsibilities their way and make them feel that they are adding value to the family and their opinions are respected. Give them some space, allow them to explore their emotions and ask you for support where required.


  1. Take Time To Listen:


Once your child grows into a teenager, change should not just be seen in your teenager’s life but also yours. This is what makes parenting teenagers a tough task – as parents, sticking to the old way of handling things is not going to help improve your relationship.


The secret technique here is about changing your role from “tell” to “listen.” Yes, it is that simple, enough of the advice, just listen. And as you do this, you will realize that it is far more rewarding, and it becomes easy for them to open up to you.


This way, you get to know and understand their feelings, which is crucial as it provides pointers to what your teen is thinking and where they need more support.


  1. Focus On Behaviours Rather Than Person:

Teen counselling and Family counselling have taught me this very one; teenagers take offence when direct comments are made to them. You must focus on the behaviour rather than the person when giving feedback.


Now, instead of saying, “You are a very dirty boy, go clean your room right away,” say something like, “Your room is not well kept, and it is dirty – please go ahead and clean it.”


  1. Treat Them Like They’re Capable Of Taking Responsibility:


To improve your parent-teen relationship you’ve got to treat them like adults – ask for their opinions, give them options and also encourage them to come up with solutions to issues faced. This, in turn, makes them more confident and secure. Please, the idea here is to take their opinion and not drop the whole responsibility on them, you’re still the parent & make the final decision.


  1. Take An Interest In Their Life:


While you’re still treating them like adults, you must understand that there has to be a fine balance. You cannot let the run too loose or too tightened. Having a quiet hour before bed to simply discuss the day or just some latest developments in whatever interests your teenager can help to develop the rapport.


A bonus tip here is you can also improve the parent-teen relationship with movies and music. Even if normally you don’t allow anything but G-rated movies and music at home, with their smartphones and all, there is no doubt your teen will see and hear what is out there. Now, instead of ruling with an iron fist, trying to forbid your teen these things, do this:


– Find out the movies and music your teens are interested in, this way you can make a fair judgment about the content, then


– Understand that you cannot control everything they see and hear, but on the other hand, you can maintain open communication and get the chance to help them understand that what they see and hear doesn’t always reflect your beliefs, ideals, values and expectation.

How Does Counselling Help Young People?

How Does Counselling Help Young People

How Does Counselling Help Young People? Counselling for young people and adults helps people to manage difficult life problems. If you’ve had a traumatic experience, are coping with grief, depression or anxiety, or struggling to manage self-destructive behaviours and emotions, counselling could be the support you need.


The important thing to know is you don’t have to face these feelings and emotions alone. MDD’s experienced counselling team is here to support. Talk to us, share your challenges and we’ll help you find ways to cope.


How Does Counselling Help Young People? Counselling for young people and adults isn’t just about exploring solutions to problems. It can also help you to develop as a person. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits in more detail.


  1. Discover new perspectives


A counselling session is a safe space to talk with an independent therapist. Sometimes just saying a thought out loud brings a huge sense of relief. You might start to look at challenges differently through open discussions and exploring new ideas.


  1. Build communication skills


How Does Counselling Help Young People? People who experience counselling become more able to express their feelings and emotions, which can also improve personal and work relationships. Talking to a trained professional who wants to listen and genuinely cares will develop your communication skills and build confidence in other areas of your life.


  1. Become a more resilient person


Counselling therapy can be stressful, particularly if you’re discussing a painful time or event in your life. With each session, you’ll make progress and become stronger. You might find it becomes easier to express your thoughts and feelings.


  1. Build your self-esteem


How Does Counselling Help Young People? Lack of self-worth is a common trait in people who seek counselling support. Sharing your fears and exploring solutions could give you a real confidence boost. The simple act of talking builds self-esteem and you find new ways of coping in the future.


  1. Make change happen


With counselling, you’re in control of your destiny. Your counsellor will never tell you what to do or steer you down a certain path. They’ll listen and encourage you to investigate ideas and always make your own choices. The pace of progress is up to you. Even the smallest of changes is a positive step.


  1. Improved quality of life


How Does Counselling Help Young People? Stress, worry and anxiety can lead to insomnia or irregular sleep patterns. Getting issues off your chest through counselling can have a direct impact on the amount and quality of sleep you get. You may also feel more motivated and energised in life.


The adolescent years present a unique set of challenges, for teenagers and parents alike. Young teenagers often struggle with social integration at school – current estimates suggest that Australian children are regularly bullied at school. Unusual mood swings and withdrawal from the family unit may be the first signs that something is wrong.


How Does Counselling Help Young People? Additionally, the onset of puberty can be a confusing and distressing time. Body image, anxiety and self-esteem issues are common in this age group.


Older teenagers frequently engage in risk-taking behaviours, such as experimenting with smoking and illicit substances. These behaviours can result in health risks, interpersonal conflict and undesirable social behaviour, such as mental health issues, aggression and violence, drunk driving, unsafe/unwanted sex and unplanned pregnancy.


How Does Counselling Help Young People? Car accidents and suicide are the two leading causes of death amongst adolescent Britons. If your adolescent is exhibiting concerning behaviours, it’s very important that they receive encouragement and help to successfully rise to the challenges of adolescence.

What Is Counselling For Children And Young People?

What Is Counselling For Children And Young People

What Is Counselling For Children And Young People? Because of the variety of problems that people face in important areas of their lives, guidance and counselling have become increasingly important in the modern era. The terms counselling and guidance are used interchangeably.


Counselling is one of the services provided by guidance, which is a broader term. It refers to assistance or advice in dealing with complex problems related to your work, education, or personal relationships and turning them into simpler ones.


In the current era of complex scientific and technological developments, guidance is regarded as a conceptualized program of activities that provides a gateway out of existing problems. The goal of guidance and counselling is to help users change their behaviors, improve their coping skills, make better decisions, improve their relationships, and realize their full potential.


What Is Counselling For Children And Young People? Guidance and counselling assist in recognising and understanding one’s talents and abilities, in developing an optimistic outlook for the removal of undesirable traits, and in developing resourcefulness and self-direction in adapting to societal changes.


Guidance and counselling gain recognition for their services in improving human happiness by making people healthier, and more productive, learning valuable lessons and eliminating problems at a later stage.


Relationship Counselling For Children, Young People And Families. The primary goal of guidance and counselling services is to promote students’ academic, social, emotional, and personal growth. As a result, they are also an important part of education.


Guidance and counselling have become very important for young children, and schools play an important role in bringing out the best in children, as young minds today require guidance to polish their personality and also help to attend to the physical, social, psychological, educational, and vocational needs of school students, which goes a long way to removing learning impediments.


What Is Counselling For Children And Young People? Adolescence is widely regarded as a turbulent period, and it is frequently portrayed as a negative stage of life—a period of storm and stress to be survived or endured.


This stage is best defined as a critical period in relation to puberty, as well as a revolution in a person’s life that begins with biological transformation and ends with adjusting to societal challenges.


Adolescence means ‘to emerge in order to achieve ‘identity,’ and this process of attaining identity must be prolonged in order to face challenges and changes. Several physiological, cognitive, emotional, and social changes occur during this time.


What Is Counselling For Children And Young People? Sexual maturity, increased hormone levels, desire for more independence, the capacity to think abstractly, escalating interest in peers, distancing from parents due to relationships with peers or outside, and the initiation of a romantic relationship are all characteristics of adolescence.


These characteristics are analogous to transitioning from a child-like to an adult-like state. The tendency to make innovative discoveries is more common in adolescence than in childhood because a child’s scope of activity is limited in childhood due to fear of guardians or fear of traveling far, whereas in adolescence they discover superior freedom.


What Is Counselling For Children And Young People? Furthermore, adolescents face a wide range of conflicts, such as deciding on a future adult role, forming an identity, and separating themselves from caregivers.


Adolescents necessitate undivided attention. Millions of children today are addicted to drugs, involved in various crimes, school dropout, delinquency, suicidal ideation, and suffer from anxiety and depression.


Despite rising literacy rates, the trend of children making the wrong decision or becoming confused is increasing due to a lack of guidance services. Adolescents face numerous challenges at this stage of life, and if these challenges are not addressed, they may grow up to be a social misfit.


What Is Counselling For Children And Young People? An adolescent may also use a trial-and-error approach to master the developmental tasks necessary for the transition to ideal adulthood, but in practice, they used to waste their valuable time that they could spend learning and knowing additional constructive activities, and it would also deteriorate their self-confidence and motivation to acquire up tasks that have proven to be difficult in doing it.


They are not mature enough to critically evaluate the perplexing situation that has arisen as a result of these changes around them. Many of these issues necessitate not only remedial treatment but also prominent assistance from the guidance and counselling profession in order to take preventive measures.


As a result, adolescence becomes a difficult and perplexing chapter of life for those who are experiencing it, as well as for the parents and adults who are raising and nurturing their children. Adolescents require guidance and honest support to survive this period and move in the direction of fulfilling their potential.


What Is Counselling For Children And Young People? Adolescents face problems that they are unable to overcome in the absence of assistance from their parents, teachers, or professionals such as school counsellors. Academic achievement may be one of the determinants of adolescent mental health and, as a result, may be linked to adolescents’ need for guidance and counselling.


When the ultimate goal is students’ academic achievement, the role of a school counsellor becomes more sensitive.


Teenagers play a vital role in society. Today’s youth are the hope, future citizens, and leaders of tomorrow; thus, it is critical to develop aptitude, behaviour, and action in accordance with democratic ideals.


Relationship Counselling For Children, Young People And Families. Adolescence has a strong hold on the Indian population. They will eventually control and run the world. Clearly, we must better understand these issues and devise appropriate solutions.


The goal of school guidance and counselling is to help students improve their academic performance, acquire and apply conflict resolution skills, promote positive study attitudes and behaviour, and reduce school dropouts.


Relationship Counselling For Children, Young People And Families. Even in institutions, adolescents are stressed about academic performance, specialization, and career choices. Academic achievement is the sole criterion used by teachers and parents to evaluate students’ performance.


However, it can be a very difficult time that requires a great deal of understanding, patience, and support. Modernisation has had many positive effects because it provides so many opportunities, but it has also resulted in multiple stressors in the lives of adolescents.


This stress causes severe mental health issues. It is therefore critical that students’ guidance and counselling needs be identified so that appropriate steps can be taken to provide them with the necessary support services.

Is Counselling Good For Relationships?

Is Counselling Good For Relationships 1

Is Counselling Good For Relationships? Any couple can benefit from relationship therapy, including same-gender couples, long-married couples, engaged couples, or dating couples. A therapist can help couples work through financial disagreements, parenting frustrations, lack of affection or compassion, infidelity, emotional issues, or even substance abuse.


Many couples struggling through the ups and downs of their marriage or romantic relationship can benefit from talking with a counsellor who is impartial, fair, and committed to being an active listener for both parties and an advocate for the health of their relationship.


Is Counselling Good For Relationships? Relationship counselling is highly effective for most couples.


Therapy of any kind will not work unless the patient or patients put in the effort that’s required and have a willingness to resolve their issues. Each must also be comfortable with both the idea of therapy and the counsellor with whom they’re working.


When all of these factors are present, though, treatment can be incredibly useful for couples with relationship issues.


Is Counselling Good For Relationships? Research has shown that 70% to 75% of couples who undergo one particular method of therapy, Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT), “successfully move from distress to recovery, and approximately 90% show significant improvements.”


These studies have shown particular effectiveness with high-stress couples, including couples struggling with infertility, chronically ill children, or a partner with PTSD.


  1. Therapy can help with intimacy.


While it’s not always easy for couples to discuss their problems in the bedroom, sometimes it’s a critical aspect of couple’s therapy. Human beings are sexual creatures, and most everyone will experience some sexual concern in their life. Sex therapy is a form of relationship counselling that helps couples talk about sex with each other and hopefully reignite that old spark.


This form of therapy helps couples overcome disappointment, hurt, inhibitions, and resentment to get to the root of their intimacy problems.


  1. There’s no judgment in couples therapy.


Maybe you’re the spouse who cheated or the member of the couple who has a gambling problem that’s tearing apart the relationship. A lot of people avoid therapy because they assume they’ll be treated as a bad guy or villain. But counselling isn’t about assigning blame or validating the negative labels assigned by a disappointed or hurt partner.


Is Counselling Good For Relationships? A couple’s therapist strives to refrain from judging a patient based on his or her transgressions or beliefs, even if they disagree with the counsellor’s moral code or belief system. A good counsellor will offer support, not personal opinions. Rest assured, the therapist’s office is a safe space.


  1. Relationship therapy benefits more than just two people.

A couple’s relationship problems are rarely confined to just two people, especially when children are involved. Embattled or emotionally struggling spouses or partners may think they’re hiding their troubles from the kids, but invariably, they’re not doing as great a job as they think they are. And if the relationship ends permanently, the impact on the children can be life-changing.


That’s why marriage and family therapy are so intertwined. Many family therapists are also marriage counsellors and will work with both couples and their children or other family members. A licensed marriage and family therapist (LMFT) will address the behaviours and relationships of everyone involved to be sure anyone who is affected is receiving the treatment they need.


  1. Relationship therapy can make you a better person.


Is Counselling Good For Relationships? All couple’s therapy or family therapy sessions aren’t conducted with both partners or with the entire family present. A couple’s therapist will often incorporate individual therapy sessions into a couple’s treatment program, as well.


Even though the goal of a one-on-one counselling session will be to gain more insight into the relationship, a patient can learn more about themselves this way.


Is Counselling Good For Relationships? For example, sharing more detailed information with a counsellor about your day-to-day life, your spouse’s least favourite traits, or the real depth of your sadness will give the therapist a complete picture of your relationship without the stress of a partner’s defensiveness or denial.


Besides, though, getting these things out in the open allows your therapist to help you deal with your emotions, thoughts, and behaviour more healthily. Also, you might not even realize the impact your relationship-related stress might be having on your emotional, mental, or physical health until you start to explore your feelings with your counsellor.


Is Counselling Good For Relationships? Even if couples therapy doesn’t result in a repaired marriage or partnership, the tools and techniques you learn from your counselling sessions can help you to build a strong and healthy relationship with your next significant other.

Does Family Counselling Work?

Does Family Counselling Work

Does Family Counselling Work? Family therapy helps you rediscover that track, engaging as few or as many family members as wish to explore where you’d like that path to lead. The idea is that everyone involved should have a voice and be able to share in the work of reducing the negative aspects of family life in order to increase the positive.


Instead of dwelling on your perceived problems, your therapist will encourage you to dig deep towards your own solutions. The idea is that everyone can be an expert in their own life… and recognise the unspoken solutions they had all along.


Does Family Counselling Work? Family therapy is frequently brief. It could include everyone in the family or just those who are able or willing to participate. Your specific treatment plan will be determined by the circumstances of your family.


Even after you’ve finished therapy, family therapy sessions can teach you skills to strengthen family bonds and cope with stressful situations.


Does Family Counselling Work? Family therapy can aid in the healing of strained relationships with your partner, children, or other family members. You may address specific issues such as marital or financial difficulties, conflict between parents and children, or the impact of substance abuse or mental illness on the entire family.


If one of you has a mental illness or addiction that requires additional therapy or rehabilitation treatment, your family may pursue family therapy in addition to other types of mental health treatment. As an example:


Relationship Counselling For Children, Young People And Families. If a relative has a serious mental illness, such as schizophrenia, family therapy can help family members cope; however, the person with schizophrenia should continue with his or her individualized treatment plan, which may include medications, one-on-one therapy, or other treatment.


In the case of addiction, the family can participate in family therapy while the addict attends residential treatment. Even if the addict has not sought treatment for himself or herself, the family may participate in family therapy.


Does Family Counselling Work? Any family situation that causes stress, grief, anger, or conflict can benefit from family therapy. It can help you and your family members better understand each other and learn coping skills that will bring you closer together.


Busy families don’t always have the leisure to meet and talk through discomforts or difficulties, and without a professional to contain heated emotions, collective ‘discussions’ may be critical and problem-focused.


Does Family Counselling Work? Sometimes one person’s problem is so magnified that it dominates household thinking and behaviour. One or both parents, for example, might find themselves obsessing about a teenager’s rudeness or constant gaming.


Maybe the teenager rarely communicates or participates in family life. The parents feel dismayed, frustrated and disrespected. Gloom and negativity prevail in a once harmonious household.


Your therapist can mediate between anxious, angry or mystified parents and a teenager locked into black-and-white thinking, seeing their parents as over-reactive and interfering. Your counsellor will point out that a degree of turbulence is normal at this stage, but where necessary would also signpost specialist help with any extreme issues such as self-harm or drug use.


Does Family Counselling Work? Introducing positivity, we’ll be curious about how it feels in this family when things are going well. What needs to happen for things to go well more often? What are the collective and individual strengths that this family shares but is forgetting to value?


Does Family Counselling Work? How could these strengths be maximised? If there could once again be less shouting and door-slamming, what might there be more time for (fun, laughter, movie nights with a takeaway?) If the teenager offered a little appreciation to Mum and Dad instead of scorn, who would notice? Who would benefit from a lighter atmosphere in the house?

What Is The Success Rate Of Marriage Counselling?

What Is The Success Rate Of Marriage Counselling

What Is The Success Rate Of Marriage Counselling? The marriage counselling statistics indicate that couples attend therapy for any number of reasons. Arguments, abuse – both physical and emotional, loss of love or other feelings, parenting troubles, resentment, and problems with affectionate or sexual intimacy are all common reasons for attending couple’s therapy.


What Is The Success Rate Of Marriage Counselling? In the United Kingdom, couple’s therapy data reports an overwhelming satisfaction rate for this form of counselling. Research reports have shown that 98 per cent of couples surveyed felt they had received excellent therapy.


Over 90 per cent claimed they received the care that they needed and felt ready to tackle their marital or couple’s problems.


This gives the impression that marriage counselling is very successful at fixing relationships. This may not entirely be the case, however; couples nonetheless do feel the experience was valuable to them.


For instance, a relationship could conceivably be unhealthy or unhappy for both partners, and if therapy convinces both of them that this is the case and the relationship ends, this could still be a positive outcome. Statistically, though, this might look like a failure.


Thus, marriage counselling effectiveness is a difficult thing to quantify. Still, research has been done, as briefly detailed above. Other findings from couples therapy data include:


Seeking help early leads to longer-lasting, healthier relationships


  • 65% of those who receive treatment report improvement in the relationship
  • 38% of couples who receive marriage counselling get divorced within 4 years; however, nearly 70% of couples having similar problems who do not seek counselling are divorced within 4 years
  • Therapies with an emotional focus tend to be more successful – similarly, solutions that seek to improve emotional bonds and individual emotions tend to yield the best results


While long-term counselling is necessary in some cases, marriage counselling effectiveness tends to be achieved in less time than in individual therapy


Unfortunately, many couples wait too long to seek help. Citing concerns ranging from cost to uncertainty of outcome, people are often just too hesitant to follow through with such an endeavour.


What Is The Success Rate Of Marriage Counselling? The marriage counselling statistics show, though, that working with a licensed family and marriage therapist is almost always cheaper than seeing an individual therapist.


Family counselling is also a different field than psychiatry or mental health counselling; as such, its practitioners often are not required to undergo such extensive and expensive education. This leads to lower prices for patients.


While counselling cannot be considered a silver bullet for saving a marriage or relationship, the satisfaction statistics can’t be ignored. Even the end of a relationship can be improved through therapy; without it, divorce can be an ugly, damaging, and stressful experience.


If there is distance growing between partners, or arguments are getting increasingly intense, consider discussing the possibility of therapy.


What Is The Success Rate Of Marriage Counselling? Couple’s therapy also shouldn’t be seen as “giving up,” or in any other way as an admission of weakness. Managing a family, a home, raising children, and ensuring financial stability were never expected of a couple on their own in the past.


The increasingly isolated nature of the family unit from the community at large can lead to overwhelmed spouses at their wits’ end. With the help of a trained professional, however, harmony can be brought back into the relationship in a meaningful way.


What Is The Success Rate Of Marriage Counselling? Couples therapy data shows that by focusing on intimacy, emotion, and communication, marriage counselling effectiveness is improved dramatically, and so, in turn, is the relationship between patients.


Possibly most important to this process is choosing the right therapist. It may be easy to assume that the most expensive psychiatrist will best solve your problems; consumer reports, however, show otherwise. Rather, practitioners ranging from clinical psychologists to social workers seem to be roughly equal in providing treatment to couples.


Whatever your reason for considering treatment, know that you should expect hard work and an emotional experience should you go ahead with it. Marriage counselling statistics aside, you cannot go in with expectations of a perfect marriage coming out. You and your partner will be required to honestly assess your relationship and make mature decisions regarding it.


What Is The Success Rate Of Marriage Counselling? Couples counselling is very successful when both partners are invested in putting in the effort, and when they find an experienced counsellor to guide them. It’s estimated that it’s up to 75% effective at reducing relationship distress between partners.


When Does Couples Counselling Work?

What Is The Success Rate Of Marriage Counselling? Relationship counselling is not a magic bullet. It works when you and your partner are willing to go through the process together, and truly want to work things out. Here are a few indicators that couples counselling may work in your situation.


  • Willing to put in the work – Therapy is not easy, and it can be difficult. Old wounds and challenges may be brought up, communicating can be tough, and working through your feelings can be difficult. Couples counselling can be very rewarding if you’re willing to take on these challenges and put in the work.
  • Have independent goals for yourself– What do you want to do better for yourself? How can you improve yourself to help with your relationship? Independence and goal-setting are very important for relationship counselling.
  • Focus on bettering yourself, not changing your partner – This is key. When the focus is on changing your partner, the message often comes across as blaming your partner which is then met with defensiveness. You must each focus on yourselves and how you can improve, and use what you discover to improve your relationship.
  • Maintain a good attitude – Couples counselling works when you and your partner maintain a good attitude, listen to your therapist, and are willing to do what it takes to make things better.
  • Open, honest communication – Being honest with each other during couples therapy is the only way you and your partner will truly get to the heart of your relationship troubles. A trained therapist can help create a safe environment where you each can be open and honest even when emotions and topics become difficult.


When May Couples Counselling Not Work?


There are some situations when couples counselling may not be the best option, as follows:


  • Unsafe relationship – If a relationship creates an unsafe physical and/or emotional environment for one or both partners, couples therapy may not be appropriate.
  • Blaming your partner for problems – If you cannot accept responsibility for challenges in your relationship and want to blame your partner for everything, couples counselling won’t work. You must be able to accept feedback and your own responsibilities in the relationship, and how they have contributed to the challenges you’re experiencing in the relationship.
  • One person is “checked out” from the relationship – Couples counselling will only work if both of you really want to be there and make things work. If one of you is “checked out” emotionally and is just going through the motions, it will not be effective.

Relationship Counselling For Children, Young People And Families Conclusion

Relationship Counselling For Children Young People And Families Conclusion

Relationship Counselling For Children, Young People And Families Conclusion. The importance of counselling young people and children cannot be stressed enough because they undergo several stress-generating experiences, most of which they are unable to manage. These disorders manifest themselves between childhood, puberty, and adulthood.


Some disorders come early, while others come later. Identity formation disorder does not occur in exclusivity. One’s sense of identity is mostly dependent on the commitments and choices that the individual makes regarding his or her social and personal characters.


Therefore, counselling should be considered an important aspect of harmonising the demands of different young people and children.


Relationship Counselling For Children, Young People And Families Conclusion. In the school setting, counselling relationships mainly dwell on behavioural issues and intellectual capacity.


Hence, counselling young people and children on the best learning techniques for different areas such as mathematics, visual and performing arts, sports, and leadership among others is neglected or given inadequate attention, yet the goal of any education programme is to ensure that such people develop their full potential in various areas of learning.

Further reading

Dating coach
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I think my boyfriend is cheating on me
Family Therapy

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PTSD quotes

Cheating quotes

Relationship poems

What to do if a guy doesn’t text you for a week

Stages of a rebound relationship

Feeling used

I am too scared to date again

9 texts to never send a man or woman

I still love my ex

Do you have anger issues please take the test click here

Do guys notice when you ignore them

Why can’t I get over my ex who treated me badly?

Communal Narcissism

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Narcissist love bombing

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