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Social life statistics

Social life statistics

Social life statistics

Social life statistics. A person’s social life consists of the various bonds they form with others, such as family, friends, members of their community, and strangers. It can be measured by the duration and quality of the social interactions they have regularly, both in-person and online.


Social life statistics is the use of statistics to study human behaviour and social environments. Social life statistics data is information or knowledge on an individual, object, or event.

It is a means of investigating and testing research questions and policy impacts across different areas of people’s lives. These observations help our understanding of society, research questions include:

  • How are populations growing?
  • Are wealthy people happier?
  • Is society becoming more tolerant of diversity?
  • How do people cope with financial hardship?
  • Do people with higher qualifications earn more?
  • Does volunteering increase your sense of wellbeing?


Social statistics are a means of investigating and testing research questions and policy impacts across different areas of people’s lives.


Social life statistics in the real world

The United Nations Social Statistics Division analyses differences among social groups and countries covering such issues as housing, health, education, conditions of work, and employment.

It pays special attention to the study of conditions of special population groups, including children, the elderly, the unemployed, and people with disabilities.


Compare the facts

Social statistics are also used to compare data from before and after a policy intervention.

For example, we need statistics to measure poverty in the first place and we then may want to assess the impact and costs of a policy providing financial support to families living in poverty.


Patterns and relations

Statistical analysis techniques can be used to explore patterns and underlying relationships in data sets, such as:

About people’s responses to multiple questions in a survey;

To take account of aspects of people’s circumstances such as the unemployment rates of where they live, or the educational standards of the class and/or school they are studying in;

Change can also be measured through longitudinal surveys where people are interviewed at different points during their lives.



Social life Statistics and employability

Skills in analyzing data and using statistics are vital across the research areas of population change, health, family life, the economy, well-being, education, employment, law and criminal justice, housing, and civic participation.


Even if you are primarily using qualitative data, skills in understanding the bigger picture can add to the explanatory power of your empirical research.


For example, a study of long-term unemployment based on qualitative interviews can be strengthened by a quantitative summary of the patterns and duration of unemployment at the local, national and international levels and how these patterns have changed over time.


For nearly all teens in the U.S., social media is a fact of life.


According to the Pew Research Center, social media is “nearly ubiquitous” in the lives of teens. From the perspective of most teens and many parents and educators, this is good news: social media benefits adolescents and teens by helping them develop communication skills, make friends, pursue areas of interest, and share thoughts and ideas.


Social life statistics with technology prove that there is a side that is not so good. In particular, social media can hurt teens who suffer from, or are susceptible to, mental illness.


The National Institute of Mental Health reports that the lifetime prevalence of any mental disorder among adolescents is 49.5%, and 22.2% of adolescents will suffer from severe mental impairment in their lifetimes. Also, young adults (age 18 to 25) have the highest incidence of mental illness of any adult age group: 25.8%, compared to 22.2% for ages 26 to 49, and 13.8% for ages 50 and up.


The three most popular social media platforms among teens are YouTube (used by 85% of teens, according to Pew Research Center’s 2018 survey), Instagram (72%), and SnapChat (69%). The percentage of teens who report using Facebook declined to 51% in 2018 from 71%, according to a 2014-2015 teen survey.


According to a 2018 report issued by GlobalWebIndex, people ages 16 to 24 spent an average of three hours and one-minute using social media each day. However, research reported in the journal JAMA Psychiatry found that adolescents who use social media more than three hours per day “may be at heightened risk of mental health problems, particularly internalizing problems.”


Social media can and does have a positive effect on children and teens, whether by teaching social skills, strengthening relationships, or just being fun. Persistent use of these social platforms can also have a negative impact, particularly on the mental health and well-being of young users.


Children, parents, and teachers need to understand the full impact of social media use by adolescents and teens, especially the risks these services pose on their mental health. The tools, tips, and resources in this guide can help ensure that the use of social media by young people strengthens their social network and improves their general mental wellness.


Social Life Statistics Impact on Youth Mental Health

The activity of young people on social media largely mirrors their lives in the physical world: children and teenagers navigate the streams of their social networks, establishing new relationships, strengthening existing ones, and sometimes minimizing or ending them.


Whether online or in the real world, young people will encounter bad behavior, whether it’s directed at them or someone or something else. How they respond to bad behavior is an opportunity for them to learn important life skills.


Research conducted on teens determined that one in six teenagers have experienced at least one of six different forms of abusive behavior online:


  • Name-calling (42%)
  • Spreading false rumors (32%)
  • Receiving unsolicited explicit images (25%)
  • Having their activities and whereabouts tracked by someone other than a parent (21%)
  • Someone making physical threats (16%)
  • Having explicit images of them shared without their consent (7%)


The survey found that 90% of teens believe online harassment is a problem for people their age and 63% identify it as a “major problem.” Yet, the most recent Pew survey of teenagers’ use of social media and other technology, also conducted in 2018, revealed some interesting findings.


It found that only 24% of teens believe social media has a generally negative effect, while 31% say its effect is positive and 45% believe its impact is neither positive nor negative.

How does social life affect mental health?

How does social life affect mental health

How does social life affect mental health?. Human beings are social creatures. We need the companionship of others to thrive in life, and the strength of our connections has a huge impact on our mental health and happiness.


Being socially connected to others can ease stress, anxiety, and depression, boost self-worth, provide comfort and joy, prevent loneliness, and even add years to your life. On the flip side, lacking strong social connections can pose a serious risk to your mental and emotional health.


How does social life affect mental health? In today’s world, many of us rely on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube, and Instagram to find and connect. While each has its benefits, it’s important to remember that social media can never be a replacement for real-world human connection.


It requires in-person contact with others to trigger the hormones that alleviate stress and make you feel happier, healthier, and more positive. Ironically for a technology that’s designed to bring people closer together, spending too much time engaging with social media can make you feel more lonely and isolated—and exacerbate mental health problems such as anxiety and depression.


If you’re spending an excessive amount of time on social media and feelings of sadness, dissatisfaction, frustration, or loneliness are impacting your life, it may be time to re-examine your online habits and find a healthier balance.

Why is social life important?

Why is social life important

Why is social life important? Human beings are social animals, and the tenor of someone’s social life is one of the most important influences on their mental and physical health. Without positive, durable relationships, both minds and bodies can fall apart.


Individuals begin life dependent for survival on the quality of their relationship with their primary caregiver, usually their mother. Humanity’s survival as a species similarly hinges on the capacity for social living. Most of human history was spent in small groups in which each individual was dependent on others for survival; evidence suggests this is the condition to which humans are best adapted.


Technology has changed the ways people interact with others in their daily lives, but it hasn’t affected the basic need to form supportive bonds with other people.


Why is social life important? Understanding how to establish and maintain supportive connections in any medium is an essential part of life. People who live alone especially benefit from cultivating a strong network of social connections.


People have the freedom today to build their particular social cohort both online and offline; their social circles may include family, friends, professional mentors, and other important individuals in their lives.


Online social ties can be a powerful source of social support and joy, especially for people who are isolated for geographical or other reasons. There is, however, no substitute for face-to-face interaction, and those who spend time among friends and family report higher levels of well-being than individuals with fewer ties “in real life.”

At what age is loneliness most common?

At what age is loneliness most common

At what age is loneliness most common? Contrary to the popular belief that you’re surrounded by friends, parties, and fun in your 20s and 30s, a 2016 study shows that the time after college is the time when loneliness peaks.


It was found that, across genders, loneliness peaks just before your 30s.


In 2017, the Jo Cox Loneliness Commission (an English campaign aimed to profile the hidden crisis of loneliness) did a survey on loneliness with men in the UK and found that age 35 is when study participants said they were loneliest, and 11 percent said they’re lonely daily.


But isn’t this the time that most of us, as kids, dream about thriving? After all, shows like “New Girl,” “Friends,” and “Will & Grace” never showed being in your 20s and 30s as lonely.


We might have certain life experiences, such as money problems, career troubles, and romantic stumbles, but loneliness? Wasn’t that supposed to dissipate as soon as we made it on our own?

There are a lot of myths about what the 20-something years are all about,” says Tess Brigham, San Francisco-based licensed therapist who specializes in treating young adults and millennials.


For some people, loneliness can happen for several reasons, and when you’re a recent college graduate, that loneliness may feel like it’s at an all-time high.


So, where does loneliness stem from?


The cultural landscape may make it seem as if you’re failing, and you’re the only one in a situation that didn’t produce a favorable outcome, which in turn can make you feel left behind and lonely.


But it’s important to note that you aren’t alone in this feeling, and these feelings aren’t your fault.


If you add in social media, which is everyone else’s life highlight reel, it makes many young people feel alone and lost.


At what age is loneliness most common? While the 20-something years are full of adventure and excitement, it’s also the time of your life when you determine who you are and what kind of life you want to live.


If everyone else and that would be everyone on social media, including influencers and celebrities, seems like they’re living a better life than you, it may lead you to believe you’ve already failed. You haven’t.


You may even feel the urge to retreat even more. You shouldn’t.


But adding to the issue is the fact that we aren’t changing how we make friends after college. During your school years, life could be compared to living on the set of “Friends.” You could pop in and out of your buddies’ dorm rooms without so much as a knock.


Now, with friends spread across the city and everyone trying to forge their path, making friends can become more complicated.


“Many young adults have never had to work at making and building friendships,” Brigham says. “Actively building a community of people who support you and making friends who add something to their lives will help with loneliness.”


In an older study from 1978, sociologists have long considered three conditions crucial to friend-making: proximity, repeated and unplanned interactions, and settings that encourage people to let their guard down. These conditions appear less frequently in life after your dorm room days are over.

Which country is the loneliest?

Which country is the loneliest

Which country is the loneliest? Sweden tops the list when it comes to the loneliest countries in the world. The reason? Sweden thrives on a stable welfare system, where single-occupancy apartments are incredibly affordable. With plenty of these affordable apartments available, almost one-half of the nation’s population lives alone!


Meanwhile, other research suggests that the tendency to live alone in Sweden has not left it a lonelier nation than its European neighbours. The latest European Social Survey released found that only 5% of Swedes experienced frequent loneliness, slightly lower than the European average of 7%.


Which country is the loneliest?


  • List of the Cons of Living in Sweden
  • You will need to get used to the climate in Sweden. …
  • People in Sweden tend to isolate and stay in their comfort zone. …
  • You will quickly discover the unwritten rules of the Law of Jante in Sweden. …
  • Health insurance in Sweden does not cover everything.


Also, Brazil had a high percentage of people experiencing this, with 50 percent of respondents declaring to feel lonely either often, always, or sometimes. Turkey, India, and Saudi Arabia followed, with 43 percent to 46 percent of respondents having experienced loneliness at least sometimes.


What is the loneliest city in the world?

What is the loneliest city in the world? London has emerged to be the loneliest city in the world as per a survey conducted over 18 global cities by Time Out’s city index rating.


In fact, according to a Timeout City Index survey of 18 global cities in 2016-17, London ranked as the loneliest with 55% of Londoners saying it could feel lonely here sometimes. Sometimes you can be surrounded by people 24/7 and still feel lonely.

Loneliness statistics 2021

Loneliness statistics 2021

Loneliness statistics 2021. After a year of lockdowns, social distancing, and restrictions on travel and gatherings, some groups of people have reported high rates of loneliness and poorer well-being in recent months.


Levels of loneliness in Great Britain have increased since spring 2020. Between 3 April and 3 May 2020, 5.0% of people (about 2.6 million adults) said that they felt lonely “often” or “always”. From October 2020 to February 2021, results from the Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (OPN) show that proportion increased to 7.2% of the adult population (about 3.7 million adults). This is loneliness statistics 2021


Mapping trends across the country also show the types of places where a higher proportion of people felt lonely often or always, and differences in personal well-being. Areas with a higher concentration of younger people (aged 16-24) and areas with higher rates of unemployment tended to have higher rates of loneliness during the study period (October 2020 to February 2021).


Local authorities in countryside areas also had social life statistics on lower loneliness rates than urban, industrial, or other types of areas.


Places with a lower average (median) age generally experienced higher rates of loneliness during the pandemic, that is, a greater percentage of people in that area said they “often or always” felt lonely. Higher rates of loneliness reported by young people are particularly associated with urban areas outside London.

Loneliness statistics worldwide

Loneliness statistics worldwide

Loneliness statistics worldwide. High-quality social connections are essential to our mental and physical health and our well-being. Social isolation and loneliness are important, yet neglected, social determinants of the health of older people.


Social isolation and loneliness are widespread, with some countries reporting that up to one in three older people feel lonely. A large body of research shows that social isolation and loneliness have a serious impact on older people’s physical and mental health, quality of life, and longevity.


The effect of social isolation and loneliness on mortality is comparable to that of other well-established risk factors such as smoking, obesity, and physical inactivity.


A wide variety of face-to-face or digital interventions have been developed to reduce social isolation and loneliness among older people. These include social skills training, community and support groups, befriending, and cognitive behavioural therapy.


Creating more age-friendly communities, by improving access to transportation, information, and communication technologies and the built environment can also help reduce social isolation and loneliness. Laws and policies that address marginalisation and discrimination can also foster greater social connections.


Social isolation and loneliness are increasingly being recognised as a priority public health problem and policy issue for older people. During the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing (2021-2030), the Demographic Change and Healthy Ageing Unit will be addressing social isolation and loneliness as one of the themes that cut across the four main action areas of the Decade.


The loneliness statistics worldwide after much research are: two in five people (41%) report becoming lonelier over the last 6 months, while one in five (19%) have become less lonely.

Countries, where the highest proportions of people have become lonelier, include Turkey (54%), Brazil (52%), Belgium (51%), Canada (50%), and Great Britain (49%).


People in Turkey were also the most likely to disagree their local community has become more supportive over the last 6 months (47%).

Countries, where the smallest proportions of people say they’ve become lonelier, include Malaysia (35%), Poland (34%), Russia (28%), China (26%), and Japan (23%).

Mental health and relationships statistics

Mental health and relationships statistics

Mental health and relationships statistics. Though we may take them for granted sometimes, the relationships we have with other people are essential aspects of our lives. According to the Mental Health Foundation, relationships help us stay well, both physically and mentally.


People who are more socially connected to friends, family or their community are happier, physically healthier, and live longer, the charity says, with fewer mental health problems than those who aren’t so well connected.


If you’re happily married or in a stable relationship, the impact that has on your mental health is a positive one, with research suggesting you may experience lower levels of stress and less depression than someone who’s on their own.


Mental health and relationship statistics importance

The effects of close relationships on mental health may seem obvious, but what about other types of relationships?


The Mental Health Foundation says having good social ties within your community is important too, with people living in areas with higher levels of social togetherness having lower rates of mental health problems than those living in places with less social cohesion, irrespective of whether their neighbourhood is deprived or well-off.


This may be particularly significant for older people, who may experience fewer symptoms of depression if they live in well-connected neighbourhoods.


Meanwhile, if you’re living with mental ill health, having close ties with other people can be invaluable. During the Covid-19 lockdown, for instance, a survey by Rethink Mental Illness found 69 percent of people with mental illnesses said their mental health was worse because they couldn’t see their family or friends.


However, the quality of your relationships is really important too, as it’s thought that single people have better mental health outcomes than those who are unhappy in their relationships. In other words, it’s healthier to be alone than in a toxic or damaging relationship.


Indeed, experts say there’s evidence that negative relationships and social interactions – especially with those you’re closest to may increase your risk of mental health problems such as depression and anxiety.



How does mental health affect your relationships?

If things aren’t going well in a close relationship, there’s a good chance your mental wellbeing could be affected. But relationships can have an impact on your mental wellbeing in other ways too. For instance, if someone you’re close to has an existing issue with mental ill health, It can be very difficult to watch them struggle – and your own mental wellbeing could suffer as a result.


According to behavioural care service provider The Priory Group, there’s evidence that eight out of 10 people with mental ill-health believe their condition has a detrimental effect on their family.


Some people with a family member who has a mental health condition may also develop mental health problems to such an extent that they too need help and support. That’s hardly surprising, since looking after a loved one with a mental illness is often very stressful.


Three common mental wellbeing problems can affect you and the ones you love:


Relationships and stress

Anyone who has ever experienced it will know that stress can be damaging to relationships. It can make you feel low and you may want to spend more time than usual on your own, or it can make you argue with your partner often or lose your temper more frequently.


However, you react to being under too much pressure, it’s likely your relationships will feel the strain. If you start to withdraw from your partner, for instance, they may feel as if you’re pushing them away. Or if you’re more irritable than usual, your partner or other loved ones may start to become defensive and argumentative in response.


Relationships and depression

Social life statistics have shown that while having strong, healthy relationships may help you cope if you feel low or depressed, being in a troubled relationship may have the opposite effect and trigger depression symptoms. Experts from relationship counselling charity Relate suggest those who aren’t happy in their relationship are three times more likely to experience depression than those who are.


The charity adds some studies have found more than 60 percent of people with depression say relationship problems are the main cause of their condition.


Depression can make it difficult for you to communicate effectively, which can be upsetting for your loved ones. You may also start to feel guilty that you’re making life difficult for those around you, which can drain your self-esteem.


If, on the other hand, your loved one is depressed you may feel extra pressure to make sure life runs as smoothly as possible by taking on more responsibility than you’re used to, while at the same giving them the support they need. Doing too much, however, can make you feel exhausted and burned out, and you may sooner or later start to lose patience with them.


Relationships and anxiety

If you’re anxious all or most of the time, it too can take its toll on your relationships. Anxiety can make you feel tense, which may make it hard for you to relax when you’re with your partner, friends, or family.


And if you feel any less than 100 percent secure in your relationship with your other half, you may worry constantly that the relationship will end or you may need endless reassurance that they’re not going to break up with you – neither of which is a recipe for a successful partnership.


Meanwhile, if someone you love is living with anxiety it can be difficult to watch them battle with their issues. Some people may even start to worry that they’re the cause of anxiety in their partner or loved one, putting even more pressure on the relationship.

Loneliness statistics worldwide 2020

Loneliness statistics worldwide 2020

Loneliness statistics worldwide 2020. People around the world are lonely, uncertain, and feel detached from their peers, according to research from Ford. But don’t worry – it’s not all doom and gloom.


While the annual 2020 Looking Further with Ford Trends Report, which is in its 8th year, reveals some disheartening themes, it also highlights opportunities for brands and people to better connect going forward.


The loneliness statistics worldwide 2020 shows the survey, conducted by Harris Insights & Analytics, includes online interviews from more than 13,000 people across 14 countries, including Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Spain, United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and the United States.


According to the report, nearly half of adults worldwide (45 percent) say they feel lonely regularly, with even more Gen Zers falling into that category (62 percent). Of those Gen Zers who feel lonely, half feel lonely even when they’re with other people.


One of the main triggers of loneliness? Social media and technology.


More than four in 10 people between 18 and 40 years old said social media makes them feel lonely. And according to the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 19 to 32 who spend more than two hours a day on social media are twice as likely to report feeling lonely than those who are on social 30 minutes or less.


Sheryl Connelly, Ford’s global consumer trends and futuring manager, said that brands have the opportunity to help people find connection and comfort. For example, spending time in nature and dancing are two antidotes to loneliness, so companies that tap into those solutions in their marketing efforts or events may help people.


For Ford, Connelly said more than half (52 percent) of respondents said they have the best conversations on long car rides, and 46 percent said they usually use their commute time to catch up with friends and family on the phone.


Another trend Ford identified is called “Identity Matters,” which focuses on the complexities of how people identify – whether in terms of gender, ethnicity, religion, ancestry, or more.


“Companies need to make sure they’re empathetic and understand their customers,” said Connelly. “Great products and services won’t be enough – you have to have a deep understanding of your consumer base, and that includes understanding the nuanced needs of individuals.”


The “Call to Stand” trend in the report is around making sure companies know where they stand internally on their values before aligning with causes. It’s also a reminder that causes don’t necessarily drive purchase decisions since 59 percent of adults globally said they care more about convenience than values when it comes to buying items.


This also links closely to “Below the Surface, a trend that shows how consumers will dig and find out whether or not a company is living up to its values. Nearly seven out of 10 adults worldwide said, “Once a brand loses my trust, there is no getting it back.”

Social isolation

Social isolation

Social isolation. Social isolation is not necessarily bad; most people crave solitude at least occasionally. Being alone can be relaxing, meditative, and rejuvenating. Social isolation typically refers to solitude that is unwanted and unhealthy.


Socially isolated people may lack friends or close coworkers, and they often feel lonely or depressed. They can suffer from low self-esteem or anxiety. The following symptoms associated with social isolation are warning signs of unhealthy social isolation:


Avoiding social interactions, including those that were once enjoyable

  • Canceling plans frequently and feeling relief when plans are canceled
  • Experiencing anxiety or panic when thinking about social interactions
  • Feeling distressed during periods of solitude
  • Feeling dread associated with social activities
  • Spending large amounts of time alone or with extremely limited contact with others


Social isolation can involve emotional isolation, which is an unwillingness or inability to share one’s feelings with others. When socially isolated individuals lack emotional interaction and support, they can become emotionally numb and detached from their feelings.


Isolation and Loneliness

When experts study isolation’s causes and impacts, they distinguish between social isolation and loneliness.


Social isolation is an objective lack of social relationships or infrequency of social contact. Loneliness is a subjective feeling of isolation. A person can be socially isolated but not feel lonely. A person can also feel lonely when they are surrounded by people.


Nonetheless, isolation and loneliness are very much linked. Studies of loneliness’s causes, symptoms, and impacts shed light on the potential negative effects of social isolation.


What Causes Social Isolation?

Many circumstances can cause people to be isolated from others or to choose self-isolation:


Intimate partner violence. People in abusive relationships sometimes avoid contact with family, friends, or coworkers because of an unwillingness to reveal their true situation.


Loss of loved ones. Isolating after the loss of friends or family members can be common, especially among seniors who have lost many loved ones in their age group.


Mental health issues. Issues such as anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem often result from social isolation, but they can also cause it.


Remote location. Individuals who live in remote areas or who are geographically separated from family and friends due to job duties (military service, for example) can experience feelings of isolation.


Physical impairments. Physical challenges that limit mobility can reduce an individual’s ability to interact socially. Some people with physical disabilities feel ashamed of their disability or appearance, which can make them reluctant to interact socially. Hearing and vision impairments can also create a sense of isolation.


Social media. Communication via social media helps some people stay connected to others, but it can lead to isolation if it becomes a substitute for meaningful conversations and in-person socialization.


Unemployment. The shame associated with losing a job or being unable to secure new employment can lead individuals to self-isolate.


Social isolation can also result from physical distancing measures such as those necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic.


Physical Distancing’s Effects on Social Isolation

Physical distancing involves avoiding close or frequent interaction to limit the spread of infectious diseases. COVID-19 precautions have included quarantining. This is the practice of separating someone who is thought to have been exposed to disease, limiting their movement, and monitoring their health.


Quarantining works to help keep an infectious disease from spreading. Potentially exposed people, even those not experiencing symptoms, can be identified, isolated, and, if called for, treated.


Physical distancing guidelines mandated by government officials during the COVID-19 pandemic have shut down or curtailed attendance at venues where people gather, including schools, churches, restaurants and bars, movie theaters, and sporting events.


Physical distancing measures have also caused a profound shift in workplace interactions. Many businesses adopted work-from-home policies, while others were forced to close due to the effects of reduced consumer activity.


A study conducted recently found that 42 percent of the UK labour force was working from home full time during the COVID-related economic shutdown, while 33 percent were not working at all.

Loneliness statistics by country

Loneliness statistics by country

Loneliness statistics by country. In countries such as Denmark and Switzerland, it is very common for people to live alone; but contrary to what many believe, this does not translate into higher loneliness. Loneliness and aloneness are not the same.

There is a popular perception that countries in Northern Europe are heavily individualistic and because of this people in these societies tend to be much lonelier. The data, however, does not support this claim.

What is true is that in countries such as Denmark and Switzerland, it is very common for people to live alone. But contrary to what many believe, this does not translate into higher levels of self-reported loneliness.

Self-reported loneliness

Loneliness describes a subjective feeling; this is conceptually distinct from objective physical isolation.

In the chart here we show estimates on self-reported feelings of loneliness among older adults. The data comes from various surveys asking people directly whether they often experience feelings of loneliness.

Loneliness statistics by country show the differences in the prevalence of loneliness across countries are very large. At the bottom of the list, Denmark, Switzerland, Sweden, and the US all have rates below 30%, while at the top of the list Greece, Israel, and Italy all have rates close to or above 50%.

The data is available only for fifteen countries, but this sample does not suggest that ‘rich individualistic societies’ are lonelier than others. In fact, at the very bottom are two countries in which the share of people living alone is among the highest in the world.


Perceptions of social support

Similar to loneliness, we can measure perceptions of social support by asking people directly. This is what the polling organization Gallup did in their flagship World Poll survey. Specifically, they asked: “If you were in trouble, do you have relatives or friends you can count on to help you whenever you need them, or not?”


The chart here presents the results from this survey, plotting the share of people who responded “yes” to this question.1


Differences across countries are not very large. The lowest and highest average levels of support corresponding to Mexico and Iceland, at 80% and 98% respectively.


The second point that stands out is that, again, there’s no support for the claim that richer countries that are considered to be more individualistic (e.g. North European countries) have lower levels of family and friendship support.

People do not seem to be more lonely in societies that are traditionally labeled as ‘individualistic’.


What is true is that in these societies it is particularly common for people to live alone. But being alone and feeling lonely don’t always go hand in hand. Many people feel lonely even if they are not physically isolated; many people who are physically isolated do not feel lonely.


The aggregate statistics confirm this. Surveys that ask people about living arrangements, time use, and feelings of loneliness, find that solitude, by itself, does not predict feelings of loneliness.


The fact that people in individualistic countries are not more likely to feel lonely may of course capture differences in expectations regarding social relations. But to the extent that loneliness is a subjective experience, these cross-country differences are still important to understand well-being.


Both loneliness and solitude deserve attention, but it’s important not to conflate them.

Social life statistics conclusion

Social life statistics conclusion

Social life statistics conclusion. Every aspect of our social life affects our mental health and we have uncovered that teens and adults in their 20’s get depressed easily so we should be sensitized at this point on how to tackle issues about loneliness, depression, and mental health especially as it depends on our social life statistics


Social Media and Mental Health on teens

Efforts to prevent the negative effects of young people’s use of social media begin by educating teens and adolescents about the dangers these services present. Guidelines for safe, healthy use of social media by young people should include the following strategies.


  • Set Limits on the Time Spent on Social Media

Perhaps the single most effective way for teens and adolescents to ensure their use of social media has a positive impact on their lives is by spending less time using the services.


Research published in the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology found that undergraduate students who limited their time on Facebook, Instagram, and SnapChat to 10 minutes each per day or a total of 30 minutes of use for all social media were generally more positive and had better self-images.


The students who restricted their social media use to 30 minutes a day reported less depression and loneliness after three weeks, and the increase in feeling good was highest for students who reported “higher levels of depression” when the study began.


  • Be Aware of How Using Social Media Makes You Feel

Young people naturally compare themselves with the people they interact with on social media, but doing so can be detrimental to a healthy self-image. In the journal Body Image, researchers report that undergraduate women felt worse about their appearance after they viewed the social media page of someone they considered more attractive.


This “social comparison” factor takes many forms online that can negatively affect young users of social media. To compensate for the natural tendency to compare themselves with the people they interact with online, young people need to remind themselves that social media makes people and things look better and more attractive than they are in real life.


  • Avoid Falling into the Negativity Trap

A related tendency that teens and adolescents are especially susceptible to involves falling into a cycle of negativity that continually reinforces itself. The National Center for Health Research points out that young people who feel good about themselves tend to post only positive things online, which creates a positive feedback loop.


Conversely, those with low self-esteem may find themselves posting only negative material, which often puts them in a negative feedback loop. This contributes hugely to social life statistics conclusion


  • Remember That What You See on Social Media Isn’t Real

To combat feelings of inadequacy or insecurity caused by their social media activities, teens and adolescents must be taught that what they see on social media (and elsewhere online) often does not reflect reality but rather is a biased perspective of happenings in the real world. Avoiding uncomplimentary comparisons and breaking out of the negativity trap can be as easy as taking a break from social media, and perhaps all online activity, for days at a time rather than just for an hour or two.



Social Media and Mental Health for adults

The big challenge for parents who want to ensure their children’s use of social media is positive is being aware of what their kids are doing on social media. By taking the subject of social media’s impact seriously, parents can communicate to their children the importance of abiding by usage guidelines for their health, safety, and well-being.


  • Keep Tabs on How Your Children Feel When Using Social Media

Parents balance the freedom they give their children with the need to monitor their activities without invading their privacy. It usually isn’t necessary for parents and guardians to track everything their adolescent and teenage children do on social media and elsewhere online. However, parents must watch for signs that their children’s use of social media is having negative effects on their mental health.



  • Monitor Children’s Social Messages to Ensure They Aren’t Harmful

One aspect of social media that poses a specific risk to children is messaging. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that parents point out to their children that any images, texts, or other material they share with one person is potentially shared with the world — and once they hit the ‘send’ button, there is no way to bring it back or erase it.


Parents should instruct their children on how to apply the privacy protections in each social platform. But even the strictest privacy settings can’t protect against the negative impact of improper sharing on social media. Children must also be warned that adult predators of all types use these services in their attempts to attract and exploit children.


  • Set and Enforce Guidelines for Children’s Social Media Use

The best way to ensure children understand the rights and wrongs of social media use is to create a family social media plan. The plan will match the unique characteristics of the family, and it will state clearly what is an appropriate use of social media and what is inappropriate use. By focusing on the positive influence social media can have on all family members, parents can share the benefits of technology while balancing the advantages of engaging in non-technology activities that are far from wireless hotspots.


  • Be a Stellar Example of Appropriate Social Media Use

Any parent knows that children adopt many of the behaviors they see in their parents. The success of a family social media plan depends on the parents abiding by the rules as much as their children. To ensure parents are reaping the rewards of social media and avoiding the pitfalls, they must educate themselves about all aspects of these services.

Further reading

Dating coach
Relationship Courses
All Services
Improve my relationship
I think my boyfriend is cheating on me
Family Therapy

Overwhelmed meaning


PTSD quotes

Cheating quotes

Relationship poems

What to do if a guy doesn’t text you for a week

Stages of a rebound relationship

Feeling used

I am too scared to date again

9 texts to never send a man or woman

I still love my ex

Do you have anger issues please take the test click here

Do guys notice when you ignore them

Why can’t I get over my ex who treated me badly?

Communal Narcissism

Emotional cheating texting

Narcissist love bombing

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