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Too emotionally dependent

Too emotionally dependent

Too emotionally dependent

Too emotionally dependent. Emotional dependency is a state of mind where an individual is unequipped for assuming total ownership of their own emotions.


Emotional dependence can also arise when there is a strong dissatisfaction with one’s own life. The partner is the only source of joy when friendships or hobbies that make you happy are scarce. And of course, you don’t want to be deprived of this source at any price.


Emotional dependency happens when we depend on others to feel happy, which can prompt perilous outcomes that can influence our inner serenity and prosperity.


This can be a remarkable test to defeat since it expects fortitude to take advantage of the qualities that will assist us with getting past our requirements to satisfy others.


Be that as it may, it’s important to realize that being strong emotionally is necessary to reach your actual potential.


Being too emotionally dependent on your better half can be typical, however when your satisfaction depends on their feelings that is the place where it can get lopsided and unfortunate.


In this manner, it’s fundamental that your partner offers you the right help at whatever point it’s required, or, in all likelihood, it can get devastating.


How can you say whether you’re emotionally dependent?


At the point when you talk about dependency issues in counselling, it’s said that we for the most part confuse dependency feelings for love and attraction. Losing yourself in those feelings is extremely simple.


A few Symptoms of Emotional Dependency


  • The constant need to be near others
  • Constant insecurity
  • A feeling of not being sufficient to be with your partner
  • Fanatical anxiety toward losing their partner
  • Constant feeling of responsibility on the off chance that they don’t give absolute attention to their partner
  • Acknowledgment of mental and actual affliction, because of a paranoid fear of losing the relationship
  • A consistent and predominant sensation of tension


What does emotional dependency resemble?


Emotional dependency resembles a range, where passionate autonomy and self-satisfaction will lay toward one side, and complete dependency on a partner, friend, or loved one is at another end.


Emotionally independent individuals who know how to be emotionally strong generally are usually very impressive and can manage issues all alone.


They prefer adapting to their feelings all alone, be that as it may, they might confront troubles in becoming vulnerable and open with their partners or friends and family prompting relationship issues.


Interdependent relationships are the best kind since they fall in the center. Interdependency additionally implies that you know your own feelings and set forth the energy to meet them.


In the event that you can’t meet all your feelings, then, at that point, you might contact your partner. All in all, you can rely upon them for some emotional needs, however not every one of them.


A great many people develop interdependent relationships with an organization of friends, partners, tutors, and family where each need is met through various connections prompting seriously satisfying and healthy lifestyles without outrageous dependence on any one individual or relationship.


Presently, at the opposite end of the emotional independency range, we have an emotional dependency. Here you will ordinarily wind up depending on your partner to meet all your feelings.


For example, assuming you are confronting any emotional distress, you might need to depend on your partner first before attempting to oversee them without anyone else.


In such a relationship, you might feel like you can’t survive without your partner’s daily reassurance. This proposes that your relationship has gone toward an undesirable degree of reliance.


A portion of the critical indications of emotional dependency include:


  • Admiring your relationship or your partner
  • Accepting that your life misses the mark on significance or worth without them
  • Imagine that you won’t find any joy or security assuming you’re single
  • The constant feeling of dread toward rejection
  • Persistent need for assurance
  • Feeling unfilled or restless while staying alone
  • Relying on your partner to build your confidence, self-esteem, and certainty
  • Feeling desirous or possessive
  • Experiencing issues confiding in them
  • How does enthusiastic reliance influence you?


In the event that you experience difficulty meeting your emotional needs and are genuinely subject to your relationships, the impacts will begin pondering different aspects of your life too. Here are some manners in which that emotional dependency shows itself:


  1. Issues inside the relationship:


To know how to get emotionally strong, you should distinguish the triggers that create any significant struggles in the relationship.


For the most part, being too emotionally dependent doesn’t lead the way to a sound relationship. On the off chance that a partner is emotionally dependent, they will require heaps of consolation and backing from their partners.


They will continually ask questions like:


  • Do you love me?
  • Am I enough?
  • Am I being an irritation?
  • Would you like to spend time with me?
  • Do I look alright?
  • Are we going to break up?


On the off chance that you are feeling uncertain and feeling somewhat unsure about your relationship, you might require steady endorsement from your life partner to feel significantly better about yourself.


This need can set off abandonment fears since you will not get the steady assurance that you really want. Having abandonment issues can prompt behaviours that you will need to control their way of behaving and hold onto them by any means necessary.


Nonetheless, attempting to control each part of someone else will blow up as they will feel worn out from the consistent tension.


Assuming an individual feels that they are being controlled or on the other hand assuming they can’t settle on their own decisions they might wind up saying a final farewell to you.


Thus, you might see a pattern of failed relationships with someone who’s emotionally dependent.


  1. A high degree of stress


Regularly, being too emotionally dependent in relationships can prompt emotional distress at various levels. In the event that you are having consistent contemplations and stresses over where your relationship is going and whether your partner’s feelings are changing for you can cause you to feel uncomfortable and restless.


Such considerations might additionally become serious when you’re not with your partner and you might invest all your energy contemplating what they are doing and whether they are as yet in love with you. Because of this obsession, your benchmark feeling of anxiety can turn out to be very high.


High feelings of anxiety can fundamentally affect the manner in which we experience and express our feelings. A couple of the things that you could see are


  • Quick and unexpected temperament changes or swings
  • Constant feelings of sadness and low temperament
  • Abrupt explosions of outrage or trouble joined by yelling and crying
  • Extraordinary feelings might appear as viciousness towards objects and individuals
  • Substantial side effects like migraines, stomach pain, and muscle pressure


  1. Poor self-care:


On the off chance that you are totally depending on your partner or any everyday encouragement, you will fall behind in focusing on yourself.


This might appear as poor hygiene, reliance on medications and liquor, absence of exercise or even not taking more time for you and developing your leisure activities and interests.


It’s not sensible to place every one of your demands on one individual and have them address every one of your issues, without fail. You should have adapting tools that assist you with being confident, particularly when others are not there.


Moreover, when you experience any emotional distress, normally when your requirements are not met, it can influence your mental well-being and lead to fits of anxiety.


Assuming you notice that your dependence on an individual or relationship is causing an excessive measure of pressure in your life, the time has come to reexamine your needs and take a look at developing self-esteem and taking care of yourself.


What is emotional dependence a symptom of?

What is emotional dependence a symptom of

What is emotional dependence a symptom of? The vast majority with emotional dependency issues don’t realize that they have it and could even decline to acknowledge it when somebody near them sees it. Emotional dependency resembles some other mental health problems – they are undetectable diseases that are hard to recognize because of the absence of actual side effects.


What is emotional dependence a symptom of? Typically, individuals with emotional dependency problems who search out psychological help do as such to beat the side effects of discouragement, uneasiness, or stress, without knowing that the reason for these is in their dependency. The mental assessment of an expert will decide the diagnosis.


Those who are emotionally dependent are typically individuals with low self-esteem, numerous uncertainties, and minimal self-assurance. Likewise, there are contributing components from their relationships and the references that they’ve had over the course of life.


How can I stop being emotionally dependent?

How can I stop being emotionally dependent

How can I stop being emotionally dependent? Beating emotional dependency can be an excruciating trial, and you should confront awkward insights and traumas. Finding a good judgment and internal strength that will assist you with being freer is invigorating, and it can show you a way to genuine happiness.


Whenever you are not taking responsibility for your own feelings and can’t characterize your own value, you wind up depending on others. This state is only being a survivor of others’ decisions and the person needs to understand that.


Others must make up for your emotional shortfall or needs and you ought to understand that genuine emotional satisfaction must be given by cherishing yourself.


Emotional Dependency is a horrendous state to be in light of the fact that one never feels content, blissful, or fulfilled without someone else’s endorsement.


How can I stop being emotionally dependent?


  1. Become more familiar with your feelings


The initial move toward addressing emotional requirements includes figuring out how to recognize your feelings as you experience them. It’s OK assuming that this demonstrates testing right away. It’s common to experience difficulty sitting with unpleasant feelings.


It could help to remember that life incorporates both good and bad. Without the bad, how is it that you could recognize the good? The feelings you consider to be negative are similarly all around as significant as the ones you consider positive. They assist you with perceiving when things aren’t exactly okay.


Rather than stowing away from not-so-good feelings or depending on somebody to make them disappear, get in touch with your sense of curiosity instead. Ask yourself everything that they’re saying to you.


  1. To dive deeper into yourself and your feelings, attempt:


  • Meditation
  • investing time in nature
  • investing time on your own
  • Assume responsibility for your feelings


Anyway, now that you find out about your emotional mentality, what can be done?


Let’s assume you feel like your partner has been disregarding you. You feel envious, forlorn, or disliked.


However, rather than looking for consolation, think about the circumstance from an alternate point. Thus, you can help with addressing your own requirements for reassurance and security.


Perhaps they need space to manage hardships of their own. Requiring separation, even in a cozy relationship is typical. This doesn’t generally mean somebody wants out.


  1. Try focusing on what’s enjoyable now by:


  • Spending time with friends outside the relationship
  • Exploring your interest
  • Making time to unwind
  • Practicing self-care


  1. Investigate your triggers


You could see specific things trigger emotionally dependent ways of behaving.


For instance:


You find yourself looking for reassurance most while managing outside sources of stress, similar to inconvenience at work or a friend’s drama.


Your confidence tanks when you make a mistake, and you truly rely upon their endorsement to lift you back up.


You feel dismissed and dread losing their adoration when they invest a great deal of time with another person.


Recognizing explicit triggers can assist you with exploring coping strategies, whether that is conversing with a friend about your feelings or utilizing positive self-converses to help yourself to remember your strengths and successes.


  1. Talk to a therapist


With regards to recognizing and breaking patterns, working with a therapist can have a few significant advantages.


Emotional dependency frequently relates back to childhood. Without a safe connection to your parent or essential guardian can set you up for connection issues in your adult relationship. Some connection styles can have an influence on enthusiastic reliance.


This can make defeating emotionally dependent ways of behaving fairly testing all alone.


A therapist can assist you with investigating issues from your past that add to present relationship concerns and explore better procedures for getting emotional necessities met.


In therapy, you can likewise attempt to determine different issues that frequently tie into emotional dependency by:


  • Developing more prominent self-compassion
  • Increasing self-confidence and self-esteem
  • figuring out how to recognize healthy relationships
  • figuring out how to challenge and reevaluate negative thoughts.


Emotional dependence symptoms

Emotional dependence symptoms

Emotional dependence symptoms. There are a few side effects and signs that ought to caution us as marks of an emotionally dependent relationship. To assess what is going on with a partner, we can check the accompanying attributes:


  1. The partner’s well-being and needs are put first


The dependent goes about as though the other individual’s requirements, comfort, and joy are over their own, and only enjoys himself or herself through the other individual. Their own requirements are placed as a second thought and they might disregard their work or family commitments.


  1. Admiration of the other


The dependent individual misjudges the characteristics of the partner and can’t see the more negative aspect, assuming that they are superb, awesome, and never wrong. Therefore, they might request special treatment for their partner from others.


  1. Lack of concern and conflict aversion


Emotional dependence symptoms. Individuals with emotional dependency frequently apologize to their partner when he/she flies off the handle despite the fact that they realize they are not answerable for their anger, they do upsetting or improper exercises just to satisfy their partner, they legitimize their partner’s confrontation, criticism or unfaithfulness as a lesser fiendishness.


  1. Distress or overstated apprehension about separation


Emotionally dependent individuals feel enormous trouble at the chance of the relationship with their partner separating, they are overpowered by the constant need to be with their partner and silly separation anxiety shows up as a long-lasting doubt that the other individual is considering cutting off the friendship.


  1. Low confidence


Dependent individuals have low self-satisfaction, are subject to devaluation, feel they don’t depend on their partner, and think that past relationships were more acceptable.


  1. Behaviour changes


Independent individuals there are perceptible changes in the manner they are and act when they are seeing someone, they can alter their daily schedule and their preferences, and even repress major parts of their character.


Along these lines, their character might become weakened as they take on accommodating situations to keep up with their closeness to the next individual. They likewise alter their leisure habits and coordinate all plans with their partner, frequently as per the partner’s preferences and wants.


  1. Continuous display of affection


Emotionally dependent individuals search for indications of friendship and need to continually make sure that the relationship is working out positively.


They additionally endure torment and nervousness in the event that they don’t get the consideration they look for, a component that enormously dissolves the relationship as this need is unquenchable.


Furthermore, notwithstanding their partner’s endeavors to fulfill their requests for consideration, they might experience the ill effects of steady overstated desire.


  1. Feelings of guilt


Guilt feelings show up in the dependent individual when the other partner isn’t fulfilled or content has neglected to satisfy the partner permanently or after contention with the partner. Emotionally dependent individuals might even feel regretful for the disparaging and, surprisingly, harmful way of behaving.


  1. Control of the others


Dependent people need to control their partner’s life (cell phone, WhatsApp, interpersonal organizations, and so forth) to continually know where or with whom they are, and may even foster an obsession, to ensure that they won’t lose that individual.


  1. Fear of dejection


Emotionally dependent individuals frequently really like to endure a harmful relationship as opposed to going through a separation, as they can’t envision their existence without the other individual, feelings of forlornness and powerlessness seem when they are without a partner, and they might go into a circle of endeavors to recuperate the relationship with their ex.


On the off chance that the relationship is definitely broken, “emotional withdrawal syndrome” may show up, a disorder related to restless and burdensome side effects after a separation.


  1. Separation with loved ones


The dependent individual will in general turn out to be socially isolated, decreases leisure activities with people close to them, dismisses personal relationships, and conflicts frequently happen, as everyone around them truly does see the affliction and mental effect produced by the relationship and their suggestions are not generally welcomed by the dependent individual.


What to do when someone is too dependent on you?

What to do when someone is too dependent on you

What do you do when someone is dependent on you?  Firstly, you have to recognise that this is now a reflex behaviour for them. They are now used to doing certain things with you probably because you let them.


This is what to do when someone is emotionally dependent on you?


  1. Confront that person in a mutually agreeable way.


Trying to make him/her understand that being emotional is good as it’s a healthy sign of sensibleness but becoming emotionally dependent on somebody else is just like hurting yourself but expecting the other to take the pain and heal it for you.


  1. Advise the person to spend time alone getting to know their emotions and focus on it to analyze whether their emotions’ consistency is reliable for the mere future (doing them any good) or it could get them temporary ease to keep flowing with it.


Emotional dependency

Emotional dependency

Emotional dependency. Emotional dependency isn’t good for you or your relationships, yet you don’t need to remain dependent until the end of time. Recover your emotional autonomy by perceiving and bringing an end to your old habits, figuring out how to deal with your own feelings, and fulfilling life for yourself.


Step by step instructions to beat Emotional Dependency:


  1. Breaking the pattern of dependence :


  1. Distinguish your fear: Most of the time, the feeling of neediness or dependence is established in fear. Ponder how you would feel assuming that the individual you’re reliant upon left. Ask yourself what specifically unnerves you about that situation.


  1. Spend time alone: Find when you will not be intruded on, and sit unobtrusively with yourself for some time. Notice where your psyche goes and what sort of urges you experience. You might discover a few thought patterns you weren’t already mindful of.


  1. Strengthen your sense of character: Think about who you truly are, the point at which you are making an effort not to satisfy any other person. Distinguish your fundamental beliefs, the things you need to accomplish, and your characteristics. Work on building self-awareness that doesn’t rely upon outer approval.


  1. Quit attempting to control others: When you rely a lot upon others, you might wind up attempting to control them or feeling hopeless because you can’t.


Acknowledge that others reserve the option to their own considerations, feelings, and decisions, and understand that these will not necessarily in all cases include you. Channel your energy into assuming command over your own decisions and considerations.


B Become emotionally healthy:


  1. Take responsibility for your feelings: Accept that managing your feelings is your own work, not any other individual’s. Understand that, while you might encounter your emotions strongly, they don’t characterize what your identity is or control what you do.


  1. Work on addressing your own necessities: When you feel down, search for sound ways of alleviating yourself. Focus on giving yourself a motivational speech, taking a walk, or writing in a diary.


  1. Build your self-esteem: when you feel much better about yourself, you’re less inclined to rely upon others for attention or approval. Assess the things you like about yourself, and remember you’re great characteristics as often as possible. Increment your confidence by moving yourself to attempt new things and tracking down ways of helping other people.


  1. Acknowledge others’ limits. Search for the positive qualities in individuals, and keep your assumptions sensible. Try not to lash out on the off chance that somebody once in a while frustrates you. Advise yourself that everybody has their own solidarity and shortcomings.


  1. Living safely:


  1. Know what you need: Ask yourself what sort of everyday routine you need to experience, and make an arrangement that will assist you with arriving at the plan. Focus on your own objectives and values as opposed to attempting to satisfy others.


  1. Assume responsibility for your timetable: Plan your schedule in light of your own requirements and wishes. Make time for taking care of yourself and exercises you appreciate, such as visiting friends or going out to a movie theater. Try not to allow others’ arrangements to direct your life.


  1. Expand your social circle: Avoid turning out to be too emotionally dependent on anybody by spending time with loads of various individuals. Keep in contact with your family, and make arrangements to routinely see your companions.


In the event that your group of friends is little, you can meet individuals through work, classes, or social clubs.


  1. Provide for others: when you assist others, you’ll feel trustworthy, not reliant. Contact your loved ones when they need some additional help or search for volunteers to open doors in your region.


  1. Pursue interdependently: Dependency isn’t sound, yet nor is passionate separation. As you bring an end to being liberated from your old propensities, search out sincerely sound individuals to invest energy. Develop relationships in view of common regard, genuineness, and compassion, not destitution.


Emotionally dependent on parents

Emotionally dependent on parents

Emotionally dependent on parents. We all go through different stages of mental development that progress up until the day we die. If you’re emotionally reliant on your parents have you considered whether it’s because you need to be? I’m only asking this because sometimes people pressure themselves to grow up too quickly and miss out on life.


Ok, with that out of the way let’s see some possible solutions to quit being emotionally dependent on parents


  1. Confidence.


Start to recognise what you can do and give yourself a little praise for it. It doesn’t matter how small or insignificant it is. If you get up in the morning, that’s an achievement. Say, I got up today and didn’t just lie in bed all day.


As you keep doing this, repeating previously obvious achievements will get boring and you’ll naturally increase the level to stuff that’s more meaningful to you. This will help improve your confidence which will in turn reduce your need for emotional reliance.


  1. Some emotional reliance is good.


It means you have a connection. If you didn’t care if your parents lived or died you’d have no emotional reliance (and I’d suggest a potential psychological problem). So, don’t fight it all away. Keep some emotional reliance in reserve so you can still feel close.


Children do a lot to develop independence. Have you ever seen a toddler wander too far ahead or too far behind their parents? They’re not just testing their parents but what it feels like to have a bit more space.

Another example is kids that have or do sleepovers. They get to experiment with having non-family members in their homes or being away from their own homes overnight.


Survival-wise, nighttime was a time we needed to be close to our parents and these days still is. So, what I’m suggesting here is to observe how other people your age cope with being more apart from their parents and explore whether that’ll work for you.


  1. Keep in touch.


My mother likes me to call her once a week. I actually phone her about twice a year because my emotional reliance is much lower than hers. My reasoning is if she really needed to know she’d phone me, but she never does.


If you are very close to your parents it doesn’t take much to pick up the phone. Say hello. Tell them what you did today. Ask them what they did. They also like to talk about themselves so take time to listen sometimes. That’s not being reliant – that’s being socially healthy.


So, to summarise, there are various ways to wean yourself off, none of which have to be painful. Another idea that has just struck me is to go on a trip with friends. Just don’t go so far that you lose that connection, because once they’re gone, they’re gone.


Emotionally dependent relationships

Emotionally dependent relationships

Emotionally dependent relationships. Emotional dependency is, arguably, a secure path toward being unhappy. It jeopardises our well-being and that of those close to us in more ways than one.


High levels of stress and anxiety, poor self-care, and vulnerability to abuse are merely a few companions of emotional dependency.


Let us start broadly. The first, somewhat philosophical question we may pose is – how happy can we be if our happiness depends on external circumstances?


When our emotional balance and self-image depend on what others will say or do, are we not bound to feel miserable most of the time? acting too emotionally dependent hinders our contentment because it puts us at the mercy of things that are out of our control.


And, with the word “control”, we get to the other argument for someone to start dealing with their own emotional dependency.


According to an informative analysis published in the International Journal of Reality Therapy, emotional dependency is usually enacted through pleasing others or trying to solve their problems.


However, according to the author, such behaviour is equally as destructive as aggressive coercion.


Why? Emotional dependency is an attempt at controlling others. It usually is not a conscious one. The emotionally dependent person does not push anyone directly into doing what they want.


Nonetheless, by being the “rescuer” or the “pleaser”, they compel others to behave in a certain manner. And forcing others to do as we please is, without a doubt, a sure recipe for unhealthy relationships.


In this way, through emotional dependency, a large chunk of the formula for physical and mental health is put at risk. Healthy interpersonal relationships are essential for well-being.


Emotionally dependent individuals tend to form emotionally dependent relationships. Although one of the partners is usually the more dominant and aggressive one, while the other is more of a pleaser, both are usually burdened by emotional dependency.


According to the same analysis we mentioned above, such a form of interaction results in an equal amount of unhappiness as abuse does – for both partners.


How to stop being emotionally dependent in a relationship

How to stop being emotionally dependent in a relationship

How to stop being emotionally dependent in a relationship. Emotional dependency happens when an individual believes they need another person to be happy and feel complete. There’s a big difference between being in love and emotional dependency.


When you’re in an emotionally dependent relationship, you feel that you need another person to survive, and not in a healthy way. You constantly crave their attention, support, and approval because you’re not providing yourself with these things.


Below, we go through steps on how to stop being emotionally dependent in a relationship and cultivate wholeness from within:


  1. Learn to take care of yourself.


Emotional dependency begins when we don’t know how to be there for ourselves emotionally. The reliance on others to make you feel connected and fulfill your emotional needs completely disregards your ability to self-validate.


If you want to stop being emotionally dependent, you need to start showing up for yourself. What is it that you feel you need from your partner or the person you’re emotionally dependent on? How could you begin to satisfy those emotional needs yourself, without relying on another person?


  1. Embrace solitude.


All of us need alone time, It’s healthy to spend time alone, whether you’re self-reflecting or simply taking part in a favorite solo activity. While it can be scary to feel like you need and want time away from your partner, it’s important to communicate what you need when you know you need it. Remember that spending time in solitude is not self-indulgent.


If you worry that you might be too emotionally dependent, you likely need to relearn your independence and this starts by finding a space that is yours. Take up hobbies that you enjoy on your own. Whether that’s yoga, painting, learning a new language, or anything else that you’ve been wanting to do now is the time to start.


Do these activities by yourself. Teach yourself that you can find joy, peace, and comfort on your own. As you relearn how to be by yourself, emotional independence will follow suit.


  1. Make a list of your strengths.


What are you good at? No matter how small the strength may be, identify it. Making a list of your strengths is a great way to become more emotionally independent because you start to see what you have to offer independent of any relationship.


See how you can build upon one strength and make it bigger. Focus on that one strength every day and remind yourself of it. You will be less reliant on other people telling you what’s fabulous about yourself.


  1. Look at the people in your life.


Begin observing the people in your life in order to shed emotional dependency. What are the things you admire about them? Now, turn the mirror toward you and see how you have very similar traits. These people would not be in your life if you didn’t have admirable strengths. Remember: Like attracts like.


  1. When the negative chatter comes up, don’t worry about eliminating it.


If you feel that you’re craving emotional dependency and validation, that’s OK. Don’t let negative chatter discourage you from your path to being more independent. Instead of trying to eliminate negative self-talk, just pair it with a neutral or positive thought one that’s realistic.


I believe the disclaimer of ‘realistic’ as positive affirmation folks can get a little too carried away and make things so unrealistic that it turns recipients off. When the inner saboteur strikes, bring in the compassionate witness. Let them walk hand-in-hand without giving more strength to one over the other.


The negative chatter eventually dies down, and you can walk around feeling more confident each day.


  1. Recognize patterns so you can break them.


Being too emotionally dependent is often the result of previous experiences and relationships that we’ve had. These experiences train us to behave in a codependent way, seeking another person to validate our sense of worth.


The key to becoming more emotionally independent is to first recognize where your current pattern of behavior stems from. Once you have identified the root, you can better assess where you’re at and how to change your state of mind in order to be more emotionally independent.


Where did you first learn to behave the way you do in your relationships? How could you take small steps to break free from your patterns?


  1. Know your worth.


Emotional dependency stems from a whole bunch of issues, but one of them is a lack of self-confidence. In order to be emotionally independent, you need to have self-assurance, which will allow you to acknowledge your worth.


Here are some steps for developing self-confidence. Once you appreciate yourself for who you are, you won’t need others for approval, and you’ll feel more comfortable shifting out of unhealthy relationship dynamics.


You won’t be emotionally dependent forever—and committing to change is the first step to getting yourself to a healthier place.


Emotional dependency test

Emotional dependency test

Emotional dependency test. Are you emotionally dependent on your partner? If you answer yes to all or any of these questions, you might need to look at your relationship in a different way.


  1. Do you not like doing anything alone anymore?


If you answered yes you may be emotionally dependent. While wanting to spend time with your partner is normal, it is unhealthy to give up your independence. Spending time alone or with your friends is important for balance.


  1. Do you continuously ask for reassurance?


If you answered yes you may be emotionally dependent. It is normal for our partners to lift our spirits when we’re feeling down, but not solely. It’s important that we can take care of ourselves and build our own confidence.


If you are only depending on your partner to feel good then you are setting yourself up for failure during arguments or even healing well after a potential break-up.


  1. Is your relationship your only source of happiness?


Emotional dependency test. It is so important to be happy and fulfilled in your relationship, but make sure to ask yourself if it’s the only thing making you happy anymore. Being too emotionally dependent on your partner could add unwanted pressure that can end up pushing them away.


  1. Do your interests always have to match your partner’s?


It’s okay to have interests in common, but don’t forget it’s normal and healthy to have separate interests and hobbies as well. You may be too emotionally dependent if you have stopped partaking in your own hobbies to spend more time with and cater to your partners.


  1. Does your appearance change based on what your partner likes?


Do you feel like you adjust your appearance to suit the preferences of your partner? For some women, it can be as simple as wearing certain clothing and others will go as far as to go under the knife.


Some women come to regret the decisions they made because it wasn’t for them, but for their partners. If this is you, then you may be too emotionally dependent.


  1. Do you put your partner’s needs in front of your own?


It is important to be mindful of our partner’s happiness, but make sure you don’t try so hard to make them happy that you completely neglect yourself.


  1. Do you get angry if your partner gives attention to anyone else?


Don’t feel bad about being a little worried. It is natural when we care about someone. But, if it takes over your thoughts, you start investigating their phone or you can’t bring yourself to trust them…it might be emotional dependence.


Emotional dependence is not healthy to maintain a good relationship. Being too emotionally dependent is when you typically end up relying on your partner to meet nearly all your needs. When you experience distress, you might look to them immediately before trying to manage your emotions yourself.


This type of behavior in a partner will eventually lead their significant other to become increasingly impatient and annoyed with them, it also made their partner feel inadequate in their efforts to provide them with the succor they continually asked for.


Be honest with yourself if you believe that you have grown too emotionally dependent on your partner. You can take action to address this pattern.


You can start by getting more comfortable with your own emotions and taking charge of your emotional needs. You can also talk to a therapist if you think that you need help with your emotionally dependent behaviors.


Emotionally dependent on someone

Emotionally dependent on someone

Emotionally dependent on someone. Emotional dependence is most often ‘self-treated’ through relationships. Emotionally dependent people tend to always be in a relationship. They tend to hang on to relationships as long as possible, but will usually start another relationship quickly if the existing one does end.


At the very early stages of a new relationship, an emotionally dependent person will put his or her least dependent behavior forward. This is not nefarious or even conscious–all people tend to behave in the way they sense is desirable in the early stages of a relationship.


But once some commitment occurs, emotionally dependent adults tend to decompensate functionally over time, and the non-dependent partner is drawn into becoming an enabler.


This dynamic is never really stable unless there are children or external forces holding it together. In a relationship with two emotionally dependent partners, however, there will be great stability but also great strife and conflict One format in which this occurs is the ‘addictive relationship.


  1. You are actually happy when you spend time together. This seems obvious, but when you’re really in love with someone, you like being with them.


When you’re emotionally dependent on them, you don’t actually enjoy most of the time you spend together, but still, feel as though you should stick it out because you’re “meant” to be with this person.


  1. You can be happy when you aren’t together. On the flip side, if you’re really in love with someone you can likewise love spending time alone and see it as a healthy part of your relationship. If you’re emotionally dependent, spending time alone is scary, and try to avoid it at all costs.


  1. Emotionally dependent on someone. What freaks you out about potentially breaking up with them is the idea of not having them in your life, not “being alone” or “being single until age X.”


What you fear when you think about losing someone can tell you a lot about how you really feel about them. If what hurts the most about a potential breakup is the idea that you would have to start over or sleep alone or be financially on your own as opposed to, you know, losing someone you love, you’re probably more dependent on them than you think.


  1. You’re engaging with life more, as opposed to withdrawing from it because you’re in a relationship. Love opens you up. Dependency (fear) closes you and leads you to isolate yourself from your partner more and more.


  1. You don’t have a deep fear of losing their approval. You don’t have to qualify your opinions before you share them, you can speak freely, aren’t shy about your tastes in music or books, and wear the clothes that you like. They make you want to be more of yourself, not less.


  1. Your partner is not playing mind games with you, refusing to commit, or continually hurting you. Your love is healthy. The most obvious difference between love and dependency is simply the quality of your relationship: this person treats you with all the love and respect you give them in return.


  1. You never feel pressured into doing something that your partner wants and you don’t. Whether it’s sexual or social or anything else, you never feel like you have to pretend you want to do something you don’t in order to stay in your partner’s good graces.


Your comfort is ultimately more important to them than temporary desires.


  1. You began your relationship from a place of love, not a place of desperation. You got together because you were falling in love, not because you were reaching a certain age and they were the most decent person to come along, or because you could barely function emotionally when you were on your own and needed someone to take care of you.


  1. Your relationship brings you more peace, comfort, and bliss than it ever does fear, jealousy, or worry. It’s completely normal to feel jealous once in a while or worry about something going wrong, but when you’re really in the right relationship, the positive exponentially outweighs it all.


When you’re in a relationship in which you’re emotionally dependent, there’s far more “fear of loss” than there is anything else.


  1. You love your partner for who they are, not how much they love you. When you think of why you care about your partner and want to spend so much of your life with them, it’s because of their personality traits, how kind they are, and how much they make you laugh or think or feel at ease.



Too emotionally dependent conclusion

Too emotionally dependent conclusion

Too emotionally dependent conclusion. Emotional dependency and love often look alike, at least from the outside. It’s normal to become emotionally invested in people you care about, but if you feel like you couldn’t be happy without a certain romantic partner, family member, or friend, you’ve crossed the line into emotional dependency.


Emotions determine our entire life. They come in an abundance that we can not even put into words. But especially when it comes to love, many describe being too emotionally dependent as a feeling of not being able to live without the other person.


However, what sounds like a movie-like romance at first can also turn into a serious problem. This is the case when there is a strong emotional dependence.


To some extent, of course, an intense sense of belonging is important because it protects the love itself and also the trust in the relationship. But it is also important to recognize at what point it develops into dependence


Too emotionally dependent conclusion. Maintaining good emotional health is a technique to forestall this emotional dependency. It is significant in childhood and adolescence (when there is a lot of emotional and character improvement) to support confidence, self-awareness, and confidence, as well as to conquer edifices and weaknesses.


Emotionally dependent people often acquire a great deal of knowledge or skill but have trouble sustaining a career or position in which the knowledge and skill are reliably implemented. Often they have lofty pursuits that are never pursued realistically or tested.


From a supported position, it is possible to appear brilliant, innovative, and talented, because topics and subjects can be mentally and verbally pursued without the constraint of arranging and executing practical steps.


Often courses of study or expertise are launched very eagerly but abandoned before completion, or the educational part is completed but the vocational part is not sustained.


Emotionally dependent people may create a role in a family or group in which they seem to point the way forward, but others actually are often doing the day-to-day work and deciding daily practical matters. Such pseudo-leadership flounders eventually, however, often only after the period of enthusiasm is over.

Further reading

Dating coach
Relationship Courses
All Services
Improve my relationship
I think my boyfriend is cheating on me
Family Therapy

Overwhelmed meaning


PTSD quotes

Cheating quotes

Relationship poems

What to do if a guy doesn’t text you for a week

Stages of a rebound relationship

Feeling used

I am too scared to date again

9 texts to never send a man or woman

I still love my ex

Do you have anger issues please take the test click here

Do guys notice when you ignore them

Why can’t I get over my ex who treated me badly?

Communal Narcissism

Emotional cheating texting

Narcissist love bombing

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