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Main Character Syndrome

Main Character Syndrome

Main Character Syndrome

Main character syndrome. Many trends tend to emerge from time to time on social media with the latest of them originating from tiktok. A lot of people seem to be talking about it on social media platforms like tiktok and Instagram and it goes a long way in exposing some of the dangers that came with the invention of social media.

The main character syndrome is a relatively new phenomenon that has risen to popularity very quickly. Have you ever been in a room with a soundtrack playing in the background and you suddenly find yourself imagining that your life is a movie and you are the protagonist of the movie and everyone else in your are playing the supporting role?

This is the perfect explanation for the main character syndrome. Psychology defines it as when a person believes and acts like they are playing the lead role in a fictional version of their life. Contrary to what people may believe, it is not a mental health condition that needs treatment as there is no diagnosis or scientific explanation for this syndrome.

People with the main character syndrome think they are the main character of their own life and see themselves as the protagonist of their own stories. The term is also called protagonist syndrome and everyone experiences this to an extent because, in reality, we are all the main characters in our story.

When it becomes excessive, to the point that you now see every other person in your life as irrelevant and think that the world revolves around you or you feel like the spotlight is always on you and everyone is watching your character like in the movies then you may have what the pop culture calls main character syndrome.

It was invented from Tiktok and is used to describe people who are considered to be self-centred, self-absorbed and out of touch as it can make people become delusional. With main character syndrome comes a deep need to be cheered by the supporting characters in the story and so they find themselves constantly wanting to be the centre of attraction or seeking attention.

This name was derived from books, movies and TV shows where some supporting characters thought at some point that they were the main characters and has become a popular trend on social media today and is used to describe people who think that the world is watching them and so they have to always be in front of a camera to give the world what they are asking.

Main Character Syndrome may not really be a problem because everyone has it to an extent, but it has the tendency to lead to self-absorption or an inflated self-image which in turn births a self-delusion all of which are also traits of people with narcissistic personality disorder, but unlike the narcissistic personality disorder, it is not a mental health condition.

It is thinking that your life is a movie and you are the star actor while everyone else is a supporting character or listening to music and imagining yourself in a movie where you are the lead role and every other person does not count because they are supporting characters and are all working to develop your character which is the most important of all.

People with main character syndrome think they are the main character in the show and everyone else is unimportant. This makes it closely related to being narcissistic because you think you are the main focus of the story, and other people have little or no value to you as you believe that you should be the centre of focus their feelings notwithstanding.

Main character syndrome shares some traits with narcissistic personality disorder and any disorder that has to do with delusion. People argue that is a flaw adopted by people with narcissistic tendencies. Main character syndrome makes people delusional in the sense that even when things are not working in their lives they feel that is a part of the plot of the story.

People that have this syndrome do not really bother about their realities, they are in fantasy land and believe that their life on camera is real life and anyone that comes into their life is there to develop the plot. You may have main character syndrome if you find yourself needing to be in front of a camera because your life is a movie that everyone wants to watch.

How Do You Know If You Have Main Character Syndrome?

How Do You Know If You Have Main Character Syndrome?

How do you know if you have main character syndrome? Everyone is the main character of their lives and stories and those around them are supporting characters but where the difference occurs is in knowing that your character needs the others to truly live and thinking that the other characters exist because you do.

How do you know if you have main character syndrome? People generally have it to some extent but when it becomes excessive, then it may then become an issue as it can affect your relationship with those around you. You may be wondering how to tell if you have the protagonist syndrome. We will look at some of the signs in this part of the article.

Reflect on your relationships

One of the easiest ways when a person asks the question, how do you know if you have main character syndrome is by taking stock of your relationships. If you take time to examine your relationships and how the people in your life see you and feel about how you relate with or treat them, it can tell a lot about whether or not you have protagonist syndrome.

Many people who consider themselves the main character find themselves stuck in a world that others cannot relate to. They are mostly self-centred and self-absorbed that they fail to recognise how their actions may be affecting their loved ones or other people in their lives and it may be a sign that the person may have some narcissistic tendencies.

You are all that matters

Another sign is that you make everything about yourself. It is always about you and your problems, and you hardly care about the people around you. Having main character syndrome can make you lack empathy towards people around you and make you not care or see how others perceive your actions.

People who think they are the main characters also find themselves thinking the world revolves around them and other people need them to survive or their character is what gives importance to the life of those around them. This could be a narcissistic trait because you disregard people around you because you feel that they are who or where they are because you are in their life.

You are living a false life

How do you know if you have main character syndrome? Another way to know is if you portray your life as perfect and give off a false self-image on social media and feel the need to always present yourself as someone you are not because of the constant pressure you place on yourself to be perfect at all times.

The delusion that comes with thinking of oneself as a main character in a fictional story of their life is responsible for one always dressing up and behaving as if people are watching at all times. One may also feel the need to be in front of a camera more often as there are people who want to see them. You may also find the need to always be perfect as demanded by the lead role.

You can’t handle criticism properly

Another answer when a person asks, how do you know if you have main character syndrome is that you have a problem with criticism or being criticised whether constructively or otherwise. You also find that you cannot handle jokes properly as you feel that both criticism and jokes may be the person’s way of trying to damage your character.

Always wanting to be in the spotlight

A sign that you may have main character syndrome is always wanting to be in the spotlight which also makes you intentionally seek attention or want others to pay attention to you alone. Also seeking attention and always looking out for comments and compliments can go a long way to tell if you are being affected by this syndrome.

You may also find yourself thinking that your life is a movie and you are the star of that movie which makes you expect that everyone should be at your beck and call just like you have seen in the movies or read in books like Harry Potter. This can lead to you treating the people around you like they do not count and it can really hurt them and make you lose relationships.

A constant need for external validation

There is a constant need for external validation for people who have the main character syndrome and this may be the reason why they have to constantly dress up and keep up appearances because they often feel that people are watching and their character has to be perfect for the audience whom they think is watching.

You can’t stand being ignored by people

Many people who have the main character syndrome seem to be unable to stand being ignored by other people as they love to always take centre stage and when this does not happen, they may be frustrated and upset.

Is Main Character Syndrome Narcissistic?

Is Main Character Syndrome Narcissistic?

Is main character syndrome narcissistic? Social media has been blamed for the rise of the protagonist syndrome because people argue that social media platforms like Tiktok and Instagram promote narcissism and self-promotional behaviours. It is also believed that this syndrome shares some traits with narcissism.

Is main character syndrome narcissistic? This syndrome is said to have originated during the pandemic and it was a way most people escaped their reality some people have not been able to overcome it but does that mean they are narcissists because they focus more on themselves? We will quickly get more insights into who a narcissist is versus a main character.

Narcissism which is called narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition where a person may have an inflated self-image and place unreasonably high importance on themselves. They have a constant desire for people to admire them and lack the ability to care for and understand the feelings of other people.

Narcissists seek to be the centre of attention always and are overly self-involved and considered to be mostly self-centred to the point that they do not care about the feelings of those around them. As much as people with main character syndrome may have some of these traits, not everyone with this syndrome is narcissistic.

Some people who are considered to have main character syndrome may not have narcissistic traits because whether they become narcissists may largely depend on the kind of main character they perceive themselves as. Some may have a good level of empathy which narcissists lack. Although similar, main character syndrome may not always spell narcissism.

Is main character syndrome narcissistic? There are many similarities that can make it hard to tell them apart, but having main character syndrome may not mean that a person is narcissistic. As earlier mentioned, main character syndrome is not a personality or mental disorder as there is no diagnosis while narcissism is a personality disorder that requires treatment.

There is however a thin line between the two because a person can get so self-absorbed that they begin to mistreat the people around them or not care about what their needs are or how their actions or mistreatment is making those around them feel and this is one of the many narcissistic traits and can affect how they build and maintain relationships.

Now you ask, is main character syndrome narcissistic? A narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder that can be summarised as having no interest in people’s needs and desires or considering their feelings while the main character syndrome is adopted as it can develop from spending too much time on camera and social media instead of having actual relationships.

Is main character syndrome narcissistic? Experts say that the difference between the main character syndrome and narcissism is the presence of empathy. Main character syndrome makes people who are affected by it want to keep a perfect self-image or make people think they are perfect and can solve people’s problems, while narcissism has to do with a total lack of empathy and there is no way to have a nice narcissist.

Where main character syndrome may begin to lean towards narcissism is when the person begins to invalidate people or treat them like they are irrelevant and unimportant while wanting them to shower admiration and focus on them alone. Most narcissists don’t care about the values, beliefs and feelings of other people and the main character if out of control can lead to this.

People argue that being the main character of their own life does not make them narcissists because in the real sense, they are actually the main characters in their own story and they have to develop that character and they expect that every other person should focus more on owning their story.

One key thing that can separate a person with main character syndrome from a narcissist is their ability to exercise control because if they lose control and allow it to take over, they may find that they are now more engrossed in their own needs and problems while ignoring others and this is a narcissistic trait.

What Is It Called When Someone Thinks They Are The Main Character?

What Is It Called When Someone Thinks They Are The Main Character?

What is it called when someone thinks they are the main character? Experts say that main character syndrome is the response of a person who feels like their life is out of control and seeing themselves as the main character in their own story makes them feel like they have control of things even if they may be falling apart in reality.

What is it called when someone thinks they are the main character? When a person thinks they are the main character, it is called main character syndrome which according to psychologists is a syndrome that occurs in response to feeling like one’s life is out of control and seeing oneself as the main character gives them the feeling that they are in control of things.

Main character syndrome is said to have been influenced by movies and books and is not a mental health condition. The term main character may refer to a person being self-centred believing that the people around them only exist to support them or exist because of them while seeing themselves as the lead character in their own story.

What is it called when someone thinks they are the main character? Some may argue that when someone thinks of themselves as the main character, it means that they are taking charge of their lives something that they should not be giving any other person. People who consider themselves as the main character believe that it is a positive trait.

Seeing oneself as the main character may indicate that one thinks that their life is perfect even when things seem to be falling apart. It can be said to be the coping mechanism used during the pandemic by a lot of people which helped them feel like they had control at a time when the world was out of control.

So what is it called when someone thinks they are the main character? This simply means that they see themselves as the protagonist in the movie of their life and other people around them are supporting characters working tirelessly for the development of the lead character. They often believe that people are always watching because they are the main character.

People who see themselves as the main character may view other people as being on the sidelines and not as important as them. They also have the tendency to romanticise their hardships because they think that it is a part of the plot in the story aimed at developing their own character.

What is it called when someone thinks they are the main character? When someone thinks they are the main character, it may mean that they see themselves as more important compared to other people around them. Which can lead them to become self-absolved or have an inflated self-image and give off a false perception of their reality.

Perceiving yourself as the main character may not be a bad thing as far as it does not affect your relationships and the people around you. Exercising control is very important because there are lots of things happening in the world that can make people become so self-absolved that they begin to neglect those around them.

What Does It Mean To Have Main Character Energy?

What Does It Mean To Have Main Character Energy?

What does it mean to have main character energy? Main character energy is a social media slang that refers to someone who wants the spotlight on them and is seeking constant attention. People who have main character energy are said to be living their lives like successful celebrities.

What does it mean to have main character energy? Having main character energy is usually equated with being the protagonist of a movie. People argue that having the main character energy means that you are taking control of your life and you recognise your worth and go through life not accepting less than you deserve.

What does it mean to have main character energy? People argue that having main character energy means that you are taking the reins of your life because you know that nothing good comes easy and if you want something, you will have to work and go for it and not allow anyone to get in the way of achieving it.

What does it mean to have main character energy? In the dating world, people with the main character energy are said to focus more on improving themselves and satisfying their own needs rather than entering relationships because they have needs that they hope to be satisfied by their partners.

What does it mean to have main character energy? People with main character energy are said to be the star of their own show not letting anyone else take the spotlight in their lives and this is usually considered to be a good thing. Want to know if you have main character energy? Here are some signs to know;

  • When things don’t go as planned you tend to have a fighting spirit which makes it hard for you to be easily beaten down because you thrive in the face of adversity.
  • You tend to focus more on highlighting your best features and focus on all the amazing things about you rather than your flaws.
  • You always strive to be your best self
  • You have a set standard for the people you allow into your life
  • You know that you deserve the best and so you do what makes you feel good about yourself.

In the dating world, the main character energy is considered to be very attractive because people with this energy tend to be more focused on themselves and constantly working on being the best version of themselves. They exude the kind of confidence that their dates seem to find incredibly attractive and make them soar.

Main character energy allows people to be able to spot a fake from a thousand miles as you have standards set and you will not accept bad behaviour or go below the standard you have set. People with this energy will never accept anyone whom they believe will dull their shine and will never accept anyone who will not treat them the way they deserve.

No matter how much people with main character energy love in a relationship they can still do without it as they are hardly desperate for a relationship. However, they are known to go after what they want and do not let opportunities pass them by, when they find someone they love they are not afraid to make the first move.

The positivity in the life of a person with main character energy is usually considered very contagious. You are always looking on the brighter side of things which can make you so much fun to be with as you have the ability to raise the spirits of your partner when the times are bad.

How Do I Get Rid Of Main Character Syndrome?

How Do I Get Rid Of Main Character Syndrome?

How do I get rid of main character syndrome? While some may enjoy being in the spotlight or being the protagonist while others may be tired of being in the spotlight probably due to how it is affecting their relationship with the people in their lives or seems to be affecting their lives negatively.

How do I get rid of main character syndrome? There are several effects of the main character syndrome that can impart relationships with loved ones and those around them negatively and this may be the reason why they may want to know how to get rid of this syndrome. In this part of the article, we will discuss ways you can get rid of this syndrome should you want that.

How do I get rid of main character syndrome? If your desire is to get rid of the main character syndrome then let us discuss some ways that may be helpful to your getting rid of this syndrome. Let us look at some of them below;

Acknowledge that you need help

This is the first step in getting rid of the main character syndrome, because if you do not acknowledge that you have an issue that requires help, then you may still be a long way from getting the help you require or desire.

Stop romanticising your life

How do I get rid of main character syndrome? Another step is for you to consciously stop romanticising your life and face the reality of each situation you may find yourself. You need to accept the reality of situations that may occur in your life and work out ways to deal with them instead of living in denial that everything is fine.

Limit your time on social media

You need to limit or take some time off social media and form real relationships with the people around you. Focusing more on forming real relationships is one of the answers to how do I get rid of main character syndrome because it will increase your self-awareness.

Stop trying to control the narrative

Making a conscious effort to not control the narrative of things or happenings around you can be a huge step in getting rid of the main character syndrome because it can help you understand that some things do not just work in real life.

Be intentional

To get rid of main character syndrome you need to focus on the intention. You need to realise that you are only a tiny bit of a larger puzzle and that the world does not revolve around you and you need to realise that everyone is just as important.

Main Character Syndrome Conclusion

Main Character Syndrome Conclusion

Main character syndrome conclusion. There are many challenges that exist in this ever-changing world that cause people to seek a means to make them believe that they have control of their life. However, it is important to note that seeking solace in social media or a delusional belief of being the protagonist in your own story may not be the best solution.

Main character syndrome conclusion. If you feel that you are way past exercising control and you do not know how to get past it, you should consider speaking to one of our life coaches to help set you on the right track by teaching you ways to increase your self-awareness and improving your relationship with people that are in your life and get rid of this syndrome.

Further reading

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