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Prosocial Narcissist

Prosocial Narcissist

Prosocial Narcissist

Prosocial Narcissist. All Narcissists are focused on self-esteem issues and they develop a variety of strategies that are aimed at enhancing or stabilizing their self-esteem.


The Prosocial narcissist finds validation in good deeds and making people happy, driven by their overriding desire to be liked.


They are typically fun to be around and take a lot of satisfaction in your positive reaction to them.


The Prosocial Narcissist is typically fun to be around and takes a lot of satisfaction in your positive reaction to them.


Prosocial Narcissist wants to be known and appreciated by everyone in their lives, and their intentions are, overall, quite benign.


Far from showing a lack of empathy, as in the person with traditional narcissistic personality disorder, the Prosocial Narcissist uses their empathy to tune in to what pleases you, and in doing so, they find validation.


They appear to genuinely want to help people, but looking deeper, it eventually becomes obvious that they need and feed on the external validation they get from helping others.


The Prosocial Narcissist believes he or she is making a difference in the world and should be applauded. It makes sense since narcissists have a strong need to be admired.


A Prosocial Narcissist is a person who’s all about feeling good and getting credit for their positive accomplishments. They strive to do good things in the world and want others to like them.


A Prosocial Narcissist is fun to be around and their intentions, mostly, are harmless. These people show empathy and will hone in on what makes you happy and that’s how they find their validation.


Narcissists’ pro-social orientation notwithstanding, they still struggle with managing narcissistic behaviours.


Being seen as a hero or do-gooder doesn’t change that, and those who are involved with them in intimate partner relationships or friendships experience these behaviours firsthand.


The typical Prosocial Narcissist takes jobs at nonprofits, does volunteer work for charitable causes, does favours for their neighbours, and has a social conscience.


They are “White Knights” in that their basic desire is to help others. They rarely express the desire to hurt anyone else.


Despite their overall pro-social orientation, a Prosocial Narcissist enters therapy with the same difficulties that all Narcissists have such as


  • Unstable Self-esteem

Lack of “whole object relations” —” whole object relations” is the ability to see oneself and others in an integrated and realistic manner that simultaneously includes both liked and disliked traits.


  • Lack of “object constancy”

object constancy” is the ability to maintain positive emotional feelings for someone you like when you feel angry, hurt, or disappointed with the person.



  • A Binary Sense of Self:

They see only two possibilities:

Special and Perfect

Worthless and Defective


  • Status Consciousness:

They strive for high status, admire those “above” them, and are acutely conscious of their place In the hierarchy.


  • Devaluation and Blaming:

In almost every situation where something goes wrong, someone must always get blamed.


As to be at fault is equated with being worthless and defective, generally, they try to shift the blame to someone else.


When they are unable to do so, they may blame themselves and spiral down into shame-based self-hating depressions.


  • Low Empathy:

One might think that because of their overall pro-social personal goals they would have more empathy than normal.


This is not the case. They are still too busy trying to prove their self-worth to notice what others around them are feeling.


Pro-Social Narcissists are those who want to be and get heightened self-esteem from doing amazing things in the world that help other people.


Anti-Social Narcissists get their self-esteem boosts from hurting other people.

What Are The 4 Types Of Narcissism?

What are the 4 types of Narcissism

What Are The 4 Types Of Narcissism? A narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health/personality disorder.


It is characterized by an individual having a long-term pattern of exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an inflated sense of self, and an excessive need for admiration. Here are the types of Narcissism:


  1. The Overt Type

Known as grandiose narcissism, this is what we typically think of when we talk about a narcissist.


These people are usually extroverted, grandiose, aggressive, and attention-seeking. They can be very charming and typically expect special treatment.


They can be predatory in their ability to see vulnerability in others and use it against them. They are highly competitive and are willing to humiliate others to gain a perceived win.


  1. What Are The 4 Types Of Narcissism? The Covert Type

Sometimes referred to as “narcissistic vulnerability,” this type of person tends to be passive-aggressive but comes across as very helpless.


They tend to present themselves as victims and are quick to cry or stage a crisis to gain attention. They also tend to struggle with anxiety and or depression.


When you think of a covert narcissist, think of a covert or “secret” military operation. Also known as “closet narcissism,” this type of mental health disorder is exhibited in ways that are planned, calculated, and generally comes as a surprise.


This is exactly how a person with covert narcissism acts. This type of narcissist often uses guilt-tripping and emotional manipulation to get what they want.


This personality type will study, then belittle their partners and deprive them of physical or emotional needs until they get what they want.


When someone with covert narcissism does get what he wants, he will then show affection or buy gifts to gain more control over his partner.


As opposed to overt narcissism, which is quite clear to others, covert narcissism is not as easy to spot.


These types of people are very good at masking their manipulative personality so that it is not detected by others.


They come across as charming and use that charm to seduce and manipulate others into acting for their purposes.


  1. What Are The 4 Types Of Narcissism? The Malignant Type

This dangerous type of personality disorder is a cross between narcissistic personality disorder and what we shrink call antisocial personality disorder.


This means that they cannot feel empathy. They are what pop psychology calls a ‘psychopath’ or ‘sociopath’.


These aggressive, hostile, paranoid people are sadistic and dehumanizing to those around them.


Many experts believe that Adolf Hitler was a malignant narcissist. This is the most dangerous type of narcissist and if you think you might be dating one, run for the hills.


This type of person will hurt you physically, emotionally, financially, and sexually and not bat an eyelash or have any remorse.


Also known as antagonistic narcissism, this type of narcissism is defined as someone incapable of showing any empathy or compassion toward others.


People with this malignant narcissism are often called sociopaths or psychopaths. People with antagonistic narcissism are very manipulative and often exploit friends, peers, and family members for personal and/or professional gain.


A person with malignant narcissism is very controlling of the people in their lives and puts forth strong efforts to isolate their victim or target. This type of narcissism is hard to hide and could be categorized as overt narcissism.


People with antagonistic narcissism rarely feel guilt or remorse no matter how much pain or anxiety they cause others.


On the contrary, people with this personality are usually driven by the feeling of complete control and may enjoy causing pain for others.


Watching people struggle and feel oppressed gives people with malignant narcissism an opportunity to play the hero and then set a victim up to be hurt again.


  1. The Vindictive Narcissist

Vindictive may very well be an understatement. If you challenge a person with vindictive narcissism, they will do everything they can to destroy you with their aggression.


Someone with vindictive narcissism may gossip about you to your friends and try to break up friendships.


They love to play the victim to bosses and try to get their targets fired. If you were married to someone with vindictive narcissism, don’t be surprised if they try to turn your children against you through constant criticism of your behaviour.


Unfortunately, vindictive narcissists are very good at hiding their true nature and intentions from others.


Therefore, if you suspect that someone you know has vindictive narcissism, try to distance yourself from their contemptuous actions as soon as possible.


Further, protecting yourself legally may be the only recourse you have when dealing with a person with vindictive narcissism.


Save emails, texts, and other communications that can prove the person with narcissism is harassing you or trying to harm you.


While this may seem a bit extreme to some, once the damage is done by someone with vindictive narcissism, it is often difficult to undo it. Preparing and protecting yourself is important.

What Are The Signs Of A Communal Narcissist?

What Are The Signs Of A Communal Narcissist

What Are The Signs Of A Communal Narcissist? A communal Narcissist is a little trickier to spot at first glance because they focus on promoting themselves through their commitment to others, communal goals, and their self-proclaimed super-ability to listen and connect with others.


They will often give to charities (or brag about how little they spend on themselves) and volunteer their time “helping” others.


They may talk about their “life’s mission” in grandiose terms or commit themselves to a cause that will “change the world”.


Although they appear selfless on the surface, dig a little deeper and you may find that they are hugely territorial of the charity they serve and much more concerned with receiving a pat on the back for their contribution rather than the communal goal they are supposedly working toward.


The truth of the matter is that they are only involved in the community to validate their sorely lacking sense of self.


What Are The Signs Of A Communal Narcissist? These are a few signs that you may be a communal Narcissist

  • You have a cluster of friends that you consider your “tribe.”
  • You love being the centre of attention and feel important when around your friends.
  • Also, you are always seeking compliments and affirmation from them.
  • You get jealous easily if someone else is getting more attention than you.
  • Your friends are an extension of who you are and you need them to feel good about yourself.
  • You’re always the one who makes plans or is responsible for organizing activities.


What Are The Signs Of A Communal Narcissist?

  • You feel like you have to put others’ needs before your own.
  • Being friends with someone who is always talking about themselves or their accomplishments gives you a sense of validation.
  • You feel like you’re not as important to a friend as they are to you.


Causes Of Being A Communal Narcissist

Narcissistic Parents: A lot of communal narcissists were raised by parents who only cared about themselves.


These people learned that the best way to get self-worth was through helping others and being needed.


Unhealthy Childhood Friendships: Communal narcissism is more common in childhood friendships than in romantic relationships because children are not yet fully developed adults.


Since kids don’t have a lot of responsibilities, they can spend a lot of time together and get very close.


Being a communal narcissist can also be part of your personality, so it’s something you’ve always known how to do.


If this is the case, there might not have been anything that caused you to act in this way.

Can You Be A Narcissist And A Nice Person?

can you be a Narcissist and a nice person

Can You Be A Narcissist And A Nice Person? People with narcissistic personality disorder can give off a demeanour that is fun, playful, and even charming.


People who are considered “nice guys” can be narcissists, especially if they become abusive later on in a relationship, or if they have negative thinking patterns of narcissism.


It’s important to remember that looks are deceiving, as are first impressions. Just because someone seems like they’re a “nice guy,” doesn’t mean that they aren’t, underneath that persona, a narcissist.


If you’ve ever seen the film American Psycho starring mega Hollywood star Christian Bale, you might have a sense of who a narcissist is.


Can You Be A Narcissist And A Nice Person? Not all narcissists are psychotic serial killers. Many of them are quite charming, according to studies that examined people’s first impressions of a narcissist and continuing impressions.


Can You Be A Narcissist And A Nice Person? These studies found that people who were narcissists were seen, initially, as:


More agreeable

More conscientious

More open to ideas and communication

Competent in their area of studies

More entertaining, such as witty and funny

More well-adjusted, since they appeared very self-assured of themselves


Why is it that narcissistic people were seen as highly charming and charismatic in the beginning?

Well, narcissists are people that believe they are highly superior to others.


Although they need validation and do have low levels of self-esteem, people who are narcissists also feel a sense of entitlement and know that they are the “best” among others (at least this is what they think).


The saying “all things must come to light” is very true of narcissists, especially once they enter into a relationship.


The same study also showed that after only two and a half hours, the same group of students that once found the narcissistic group members to be charming began to view them in a negative light.


This is, unfortunately, an all-too-common reality for people that get involved with narcissists in relationships.


Here are warning signs that a not-so-nice guy is lurking beneath the surface:


  • He Says Mean Things in a Nice Way

If he says unkind or hurtful things to you in a kind voice, or in the name of ‘I’m just being honest.’


Or, if he makes cutting or belittling comments and then laughs it off by saying ‘I was only joking! Why do you take things so seriously?’ he just may be a jerk in disguise.”


  • He Pouts When You’re Busy

You may be flattered that he wants to spend every free moment with you. But how does he respond when you aren’t available?


A great guy will be able to express disappointment and that he’ll miss you. A jerk in disguise will pout and give you a cold shoulder or a guilt trip for choosing someone else over him.”


  • He Keeps Buying You Nice Things…That Aren’t Your Style

If he’s buying you lavish gifts that don’t fit your look, there might be a reason to question his motives.


He may be a jerk who is trying to change your appearance under the guise of generosity.


  • He Defers to You in All Decisions

This might seem super thoughtful at first, but Hanks says it can be a big red flag.


“If he always wants you to decide things—where to go, what to do—that is a warning sign. Healthy people can both express their wants and also consider the input of their date or girlfriend.


If a guy agrees with everything you think, say, or do, he’s either not being genuine or doesn’t have a good sense of who he is—and may look to you to prop him up or inflate his self-worth.


  • He Talks Trash About Ex-Girlfriends

This is kind of similar to that advice about never dating a cheater.


If he’s nice to you, but trash talks all of his past girlfriends and blames them for their breakup, he’ll probably talk poorly about you and blame you, too, if things don’t work out.


There are two sides to every story, and someone who paints themselves as the victim in every break-up they’ve ever had is likely not telling the whole truth.


  • He Keeps Tabs on You

Communicating via little love notes and occasional check-ins when you’re apart can be an important part of a healthy relationship.


But if he’s constantly keeping tabs on you, That could be a sign of jealousy and insecurity—even if he couches it in the name of love.


  • If he treats other women poorly

If he treats other women in his life poorly or speaks about them disrespectfully, that’s a clear indicator that there’s likely a jerk lurking under that nice exterior.


If he has a pattern of strained, negative, or disconnected relationships with other women, but claims to adore you, proceed with caution.


  • He Shows No Other Emotions

No one feels nice all the time. Failure to express other emotions can be a major warning sign.


Excessive niceness can be a cover for a lack of a secure sense of self and emotional neediness. Healthy adults can express a full range of emotions: happy, mad, sad, scared, surprised, and shame and don’t need to hide behind a facade of niceness.

Can A Narcissist Be Kind And Helpful?

Can a Narcissist be kind and helpful

Can A Narcissist Be Kind And Helpful? General narcissistic traits include, “having a strong sense of self-importance, experiencing fantasies about fame or glory, exaggerating self abilities, craving admiration, exploiting others, and lacking empathy.


It can be difficult to imagine that a narcissist can be kind because we are used to the glaringly obvious description or display of badly behaved narcissists.


Because covert narcissists aren’t easy to spot at first, they may come off as kind and understanding even helpful until a demanding situation occurs that they view as a threat to them.


At first, the kind narcissist seems like a generous, attentive person. Trouble arises once more is asked of them than they want to give.


It’s the same insidious selfishness and entitlement as regular narcissism, tucked inside a nice guy façade”.


Some situations in which these nice guy façade cracks are in romantic relationships and in relationships where children are involved.


The entitlement of the narcissist prevents them from keeping up their mask for too long.


This instinct to preserve their time, autonomy, or affections is not based on what’s fair or necessary but instead on their feelings of entitlement about how much (or little) should be asked of them.


Signs of a “Kind” Narcissist

A few ways in which this type of narcissism can manifest in real life are:


  • Not doing one’s share of housework.

Insisting that their work responsibilities always take precedence over yours.

  • Resistance to spending time with people or activities that are more important to you than to them.
  • Reluctance to spend money on things important to you while insisting on big-ticket items that they value.
  • Not doing their job at work, and letting others handle the slack.


Can A Narcissist Be Kind And Helpful? A narcissist can do good things — if there’s something in it for him.


Don’t think every person with NPD is a bad person, but they are so unreliable, that when you think they’re being nice, there is usually an ulterior motive.


Can A Narcissist Be Kind And Helpful? They are great actors. They can be nice as pie. They will be nice to strangers so that the stranger has a good impression of them


They are usually very annoying to their nearest and dearest, to whom they are being horrible, but they will be charming to anyone distant.


So much so that they will say to the partner who has to tolerate abuse- you are so lucky, he is so nice!!


So yes, they can be nice when they want, they just don’t seem to want to be with their partners or children. Narcs are unpleasant people, self-obsessed and simply not nice to be around, at least to family.

White Knight Narcissist

White Knight Narcissist

White  Knight Narcissist. White knight syndrome is a term used to describe someone who feels compelled to “rescue” people in intimate relationships, often at the expense of their own needs.


Although the term frequently refers to males who rush to save the perceived “damsel in distress,” anyone of any gender can technically suffer from White Knight Syndrome.


Since women are socialized to be emotional caretakers in relationships, it makes sense that they too can demonstrate signs of White Knight Syndrome in their relationships, though it may present somewhat differently.


White  Knight Narcissist. Male partners who are “White Knights” may idealize women and put them on a pedestal, taking their notions of chivalry a wee bit too far.


They may be actively drawn to women who seem helpless and in need of support (such as those with a history of untreated trauma or self-harm) and treat their partners as extensions of themselves, criticizing and controlling them under the guise of “just trying to help.


Subconsciously, they may feel resentment towards women who do not give them undying love and loyalty in return, because they rescue not necessarily out of pure altruism but with the expectation or hope that their own needs will be met – that they will somehow be rewarded for their rescue efforts.


White  Knight Narcissist. Female partners who exhibit “White Knight Syndrome” may behave similarly but as they are socially conditioned to take on the role of nurturers, they may be more likely drawn to taking care of significant others who have addictions, abusive patterns or infidelity issues.


They may be overly empathic to the point of denial about the fact that their partners have any self-control over their behaviour.


They may be more prone to making excuses for their partners, believing they “can’t help it” and help to “hide” their destructive behaviour from the world, shielding them from consequences or accountability.


You may have White Knight Syndrome if you exhibit the following behaviours and traits:


  • You base your self-worth on your ability to “fix” people.

White knights pride themselves on “saving” others and this is a core part of their identity in relationships.


Rather than opening themselves up to true intimacy where both parties in a relationship are emotionally fulfilled, they unconsciously seek out unhealthy partners who appear to most need them.


They are drawn to those who have severe emotional issues and feel fixated on healing the other person.


In doing so, however, they often neglect to save themselves from toxic relationships and are unable to focus on healing themselves first and foremost.


  • You have a history of unhealed abandonment wounds.

White knights usually come from families with one or more toxic caretakers or a history of abandonment.


They may have helped rescue their parents or taken on the parent role as young children – perhaps to an alcoholic father or mother.


Since no one came to rescue them, they now project their own need for saving onto others by becoming a “rescuer” themselves.


They try to provide others with what they never received, but they do so to the point of “enmeshment” – becoming unhealthily obsessed or entangled in the issues of their significant other and trying to solve their problems.


You gravitate towards those who are overly needy and dramatic, often idealizing them. This is especially true for male white knights who tend to find the dramatic or destructive behaviour of their partners strangely seductive.


You place your partners on a pedestal, infantilize them and treat them as if they were “fragile” and unable to take care of themselves.


In doing so, however, you encourage an unhealthy dependence in which the partner begins to rely on your emotional labour just to survive.


You attempt to control and micromanage your partner’s life in an attempt to “help” them. You become hyper-focused on what your partner should or shouldn’t do as a way to prevent them from being harmed.


But secretly, this form of control stems from a lack of control over your own life. Under the guise of assisting your partner to better themselves, you successfully take the focus off of addressing your plight or wounding…


  • In response to emotional distance, you seek to manipulate or ensnare your partner back into the dance of dependency.

If your partner establishes agency or tries to be independent, you find ways (whether you’re aware of it or not) of making them rely on you for feedback and support.


This is different from empathic reciprocity in which both partners support each other equally; it involves one person taking on playing the role of “parent” to their significant other and causing them to feel helpless without their support.

Communal Narcissist Mother

Communal Narcissistic mother

Communal Narcissist Mother. The communal narcissist is a relatively new category in the research and describes the person whose emotional needs for high esteem are met by their seemingly wonderful acts concerning others.


For these people, their identity might be wrapped up in showing themselves to be:

  • the most giving to their community
  • the most loyal and effective friend
  • the most caring person in their circle
  • enriching the lives of others
  • the best parent possible


None of these traits in themselves is problematic, but for the communal narcissist, there isn’t value in being or doing those things.


It’s the accolade and affirmation from others earned by doing those things which feed them.


Communal Narcissist Mother.  If your mother is a communal narcissist, she may seem self-sacrificing — like someone who’s always doing things for her kids and never thinking of herself.


Communal Narcissist Mother. A narcissistic mother may be a class parent, PTO president, or soccer coach. But that involvement is self-serving. She does it because she wants attention and needs to be involved in every decision.


If you’re an adult, she may be too involved in your life. She might make what you do more about her than you.


Maybe you’re planning a wedding but she refuses to come if you invite your father. Or when you talk, she always shifts the focus back to her.


If you have children, she may work hard to become your parenting partner, even if it means pushing aside the other parent.


If your mother is a narcissist, she may be emotionally manipulative and coercive, Narcissistic parents may give unrealistically positive feedback which can suddenly turn into overly harsh or punitive criticism.


Your mother may not see you for who you are inside, aside from being an extension of her. She could have trouble understanding and accepting your feelings and get anxious or angry when she feels rejected or criticized.


As a parent, the communal narcissist will:


  • be outwardly focused, being the best neighbour, churchgoer, charity fundraiser etc to the exclusion of the family’s well-being in some cases
  • be energised around presenting the family as an image of perfection (sharing improbably frequent joyous occasions on social media for example)
  • be often telling the story of how exhausted they are from all the good works they
  • won’t take responsibility for what (s)he does and how it impacts you

Agentic Narcissism

Agentic Narcissism

Agentic Narcissism. Agentic narcissism is what you might think of as the “classic” and most obvious form of NPD.


Someone experiencing overt narcissism is excessively preoccupied with how others see them.


They’re often overly focused on status, wealth, flattery, and power due to their grandiosity and sense of entitlement.


Many overt narcissists are high-achieving and deeply sensitive to criticism, no matter how slight.


Agentic Narcissism. Agentic narcissists, by definition, grossly overstate their agentic attributes (e.g., intelligence, creativity, scholastic aptitude), but not their communal attributes (e.g., agreeableness, fairness, cooperativeness).


Agentic narcissists tend to have diminished empathy for others and openly derogate those who don’t admire them.


A narcissist’s desire for power, success, and admiration can take the form of an inflated sense of how successful, powerful, or intelligent they are.


Racists, for example, are collective narcissists, as they have an inflated sense of the importance and entitlement of white people, feel resentful for society’s lack of recognition of their superiority, and exhibit hypersensitivity to criticism of their ingroup.


Agentic Narcissism. Racists are also agentic collective narcissists, as they seek to realize their narcissistic desire for power, success, and admiration by gaining recognition as a member of their ingroup.


Agentic collective narcissists tend to focus on their ingroup’s superior agentic attributes (e.g., “My group has a higher IQ than other groups”).


agentic collective narcissists derogated outgroup members who threatened the agentic virtues of their ingroup, for example, their intelligence.

Communal Narcissist Parent

Communal Narcissistic Parent

Communal Narcissist Parent. Communal narcissists are those that think they are being helpful, empathetic, and even nurturing. They feel as though their good deeds make them special, and they want to be validated as such.


As parents, they appear altruistic to people outside the family, but they are not doing their good deeds for the right reasons.


They use those good deeds to feel special all while neglecting their child.


From the child’s perspective, their parents are doing something good for everyone except them.


They can internalize that belief which can have lifelong effects. The child feels they are selfish for wanting their own parent’s attention.


Communal Narcissist Parent. These parents are the ones who are most involved in every area of their life. They want to appear as though they are the best, most loving parent, but in reality, they are neglecting their child’s needs at home.


They always talk about how much time they spend doing for others and how little they do for themselves.


Communal Narcissist Parent.  They are also not above calling their children shallow or petty even as they extol their own life as full of purpose and meaning.


Co-Parenting with a Communal Narcissist

“Fluffing” can buy some peace with this kind of co-parent, they just love to hear how great they are and how amazing the things they do for the world are.


Tossing them those bones from time to time can sometimes keep their egos propped up and leave them less antagonistic.


Do not attempt to draw parallels between how they give so much to others and little to their children, because you will be stepping into a swamp of rage.


Setting ground rules through attorneys and mediation on how much they can put your children on display over social media or other public platforms is important for both privacy and safety reasons.

Grandiose Narcissism

Grandiose Narcissism

Grandiose Narcissism. Grandiose narcissists are a special kind of narcissist. They waste no time declaring that they are not only better than you but also flawless.


The problem is, that these people don’t know how to feel good about themselves without being at the epicentre of attention.


Narcissism of any kind is unhealthy and may have links to other mental health issues, and this is especially true with grandiose narcissism.


They use excessive praise and admiration to draw attention and narcissistic supply from others. They need to dominate any conversation and get furious at the slightest criticism.


Grandiose Narcissism. The key traits of grandiose narcissists are overconfidence, impulsivity, distrust of experts, and shifting of blame for poor decisions.


The grandiose narcissists are in love with a grandiose image of themselves. They believe they are entitled to everything and deserve a better life than everyone else. They are obsessed with prestige and power and frequently treat others as their servants.


They genuinely believe they are unique and entitled to special treatment. Grandiose narcissists take it a step farther. In any social situation, they routinely declare how superior they are to others, how unique their talents are, and how they are above ordinary recognition.


Grandiose Narcissism. The grandiose narcissists are more likely to manipulate others through lying, cheating, and stealing (for example, recounting other people’s achievements as their own).


They frequently throw around the names of powerful and rich people to impress others. They emphasize how much more they contribute to society than anyone else.


However, their achievements and influence are often exaggerated and falsified versions of the real happenings.


Surprisingly, despite their belief in their superior intelligence and leadership qualities, research shows they often do no better, and in some cases perform worse, than non-narcissists.


Narcissists strongly like to approach their goals. This often involves being insensitive to the negative repercussions of making choices, as Littrell et al. in 2020, and Malesza & Kaczmarek, in 2018, found.


When making decisions, the impulsive nature of narcissists may cut short their search for information and potentially result in worse decision quality.


The impulsiveness of narcissists can also be manifested in their promiscuous sexual strategies (Reise & Wright, 1996). For example, narcissism correlates with an ex-partner’s reports of relationship infidelity.


How to identify a grandiose Narcissist

  • Ignore Experts & Attack When Questioned

Grandiose narcissists don’t like advice. Several studies show narcissists have low trust in experts.


  • Seek & Reach Top Leadership Positions

The world sees this as a positive side of narcissism. Narcissists are more likely to work hard obsessively to reach the uppermost ranks. They often make great organizational leaders.


Steve Jobs and Larry Ellison are two of the best examples of narcissistic leadership, both known for being emotionally isolated and highly distrustful.


  • Have A Higher Need For Risk-Taking

G-Narcs knowingly take up greater risks. As the stakes increase and the chances of losing rise, they become more active in placing a bet, whereas non-narcissists are more inclined to quit the same bet.

Covert Narcissist

covert Narcissist 2

Covert Narcissist. The covert narcissist” is a term used to describe a person who has a narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) but does not display the grandiose sense of self-importance that psychologists associate with the condition.


Other names for covert narcissism include “closet narcissism” or “introverted narcissism.” or vulnerable narcissism,” as people with this subtype of NPD appear to lack self-confidence.


Covert Narcissist. A person with covert narcissism may come across as shy, withdrawn, or self-deprecating. However, they will still be self-absorbed and believe that they are better than other people.


Covert Narcissist. In addition to the formal symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder, other traits of covert narcissism may include:


  • indications of low self-esteem
  • symptoms of anxiety or depression
  • shame and guilt
  • introversion or social withdrawal
  • a tendency to be passive-aggressive and defensive
  • avoidant behaviours
  • tendency to feel or play the victim
  • tendency to engage in vindictive behaviours


Someone with covert narcissism will still present signs of grandiosity and have low empathy, but probably act in a more subtle way than someone with overt narcissism.

Narcissistic Parents

Narcissist parents

Narcissistic Parents. As parents, narcissists may exhibit qualities like extreme self-importance and view their kids as an extension of themselves.


The children of narcissists might not realize how their parents’ actions affected them until later in life.


Since children don’t spend much time with a variety of adults, the limited experience can make


“The child grows up in a household where these traits are constantly present and therefore does not have the context to consider how their parents might behave differently from other parents.


But as a child becomes an adult and compares their experiences to their peers, the signs of a narcissistic parent, like an excessive need for admiration and taking advantage of others, may become more obvious, according to


Narcissistic Parents. As parents, they may view their children as extensions of themselves, which can result in shows of affection and support, but only when it makes them look good.


This is more common in narcissistic mothers than in fathers, who use more overt tactics like aggression to assert their superiority.


Narcissistic Parents. If you feel like your parents doted on your appearance or certain accomplishments you achieved, but were hypercritical at other times, it could mean they’re a narcissist.


Signs that your parents may be Narcissists.

  • Your parent often tells you your emotions are wrong

Since narcissists are hyper-focused on themselves, they often invalidate others’ emotions to centre their own, Marcum said.


Narcissists also lack empathy, so they have trouble relating to your emotions, including ones like fear, sadness, or disappointment. As a result, they might brush off your troubles or turn it back on themselves, rather than offer you empathy or support.


  • As an adult, you doubt yourself constantly

If a narcissistic parent continues to invalidate their child’s emotions, it can lead to constant self-doubt as an adult, said Marcum.


  • You always feel like you have to be the best version of yourself around them

feeling like you have to walk on eggshells around your parents could be another sign they’re a narcissist.


It can lead children to be highly self-critical, avoid conflict, and feel like they have to be perfect at all times, a habit they could carry into a future relationship


This leads to problems with attachment and an overall distorted view of what is typical and healthy in relationships.

Prosocial Narcissist Conclusion

Prosocial Narcissist Conclusion

Prosocial Narcissist Conclusion. If you exhibit all the traits outlined in this Article, you may be narcissistic.


Prosocial Narcissist Conclusion. It’s time to seek help. At Miss Date Doctor, we offer counselling and life coaching services that can help with your condition. Book a session today.

Further reading

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