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What Do You Need Counselling For?

What Do You Need Counselling For?

What Do You Need Counselling For

What Do You Need Counselling For? You might not think you need counselling. Lots of people think that. Everything seems fine, after all. Why fix what isn’t broken, right? When there doesn’t seem to be an emergent issue, investing time and money might not feel crucial.


What Do You Need Counselling For? Here are some reasons you should think about it, even if it feels like everything is going just fine.


  1. Personal development.


Counselling can help you become a better person and grow in new ways. It’s additional input that can spark your development both personally and professionally. In counselling, you can work on developing the traits and behaviours that you aspire to have.


  1. Prevention.


What Do You Need Counselling For? Maintaining your mental health is important. You don’t drive around without changing your oil until your engine catches fire. It’s not a good idea to do that with your mental health either. Counselling can be a preventative measure against future challenges.


  1. Breaking old relationship patterns.


Taking time to go over what went wrong and how you can do things better in the future is like going over the replay tape with your coach after a big game. Taking stock of past experiences can position you even better for future relationships.


  1. Ditching bad habits.


What Do You Need Counselling For? We’ve all got habits that can be hard to break – whether it’s quitting smoking, wanting to practice better portion control to lose weight or finally sticking to a gym schedule, counselling can help you get to the root of your resistance and conquer it.


  1. Creating a new normal.


Sometimes you’ve been living with the impacts of past trauma or issues so long that they become normal. It doesn’t seem like you need counselling because you can’t imagine things improving and you’re settling for less peace than you could have.


  1. Trying something different.


What Do You Need Counselling For? You might have had negative or neutral experiences in the past, but with a superior counsellor match, methodology or delivery system (like online counselling instead of in-person counselling) you might find it works better than the last time you gave counselling a try.


  1. Investing in yourself.


You deserve to feel better, live better and find peace and happiness. You are worthy of support and investing in yourself. Just because you aren’t in a crisis doesn’t mean you aren’t worthy of getting help.

Do I Need Counselling Quiz?

Do I Need Counselling Quiz

Do I Need Counselling Quiz? Therapy can be extremely helpful for anyone struggling with emotional difficulties, mental health concerns, or even just life challenges. While you may feel reluctant to seek help, people who do often reap the rewards of improvement in all areas of life.


  1. I rely on my friends or family to help me with my current troubles.


  • Not at all


  • Just a little


  • Somewhat


  • Moderately


  • Quite a lot


  • Very much


Do I Need Counselling Quiz?


  1. My attempts at stopping or reducing this behaviour or feel have been successful


  • Not at all


  • Just a little


  • Somewhat


  • Moderately


  • Quite a lot


  • Very much


Do I Need Counselling Quiz?


  1. I have tried stopping or reducing this behaviour or feeling on my own


  • Not at all


  • Just a little


  • Somewhat


  • Moderately


  • Quite a lot


  • Very much


  1. This behaviour or feeling has been getting worse in the past few weeks.


  • Not at all


  • Just a little


  • Somewhat


  • Moderately


  • Quite a lot


  • Very much


Do I Need Counselling Quiz?


  1. I am concerned about a behaviour, feeling, or something I am doing


  • Not at all


  • Just a little


  • Somewhat


  • Moderately


  • Quite a lot


  • Very much

How Much Does Therapy Cost UK?

How Much Does Therapy Cost UK

How Much Does Therapy Cost UK? Therapy doesn’t improve your quality of life overnight. It is a process that takes time and patience, so it’s important to know just how much therapy is going to cost you if you are going to commit to regular sessions.


How Much Does Therapy Cost UK? The price of a therapist is impacted by several factors. Therapy at Miss Date Doctor UK ranges from £120 to £ 300 per hour.


The cost of a therapist can vary depending on different factors. These include:


Group therapy or individual therapy






Group Therapy or Individual Therapy

Individual therapy involves the professional working one-on-one with you, whereas group therapy occurs with other people receiving the same therapy at the same time. Although individual therapy means the therapist can solely focus on you, group therapy has its advantages, in meeting people who share similar problems to you. Group therapy is also less expensive.


How Much Does Therapy Cost UK? If you’re nervous about starting therapy and would rather talk to someone in a private environment, individual therapy may be a better option. An individual session tends to be around 50 minutes, whereas a group session lasts around 90 minutes to accommodate everyone.



How Much Does Therapy Cost UK? The cost of therapy can vary depending on the level of training your therapist has. You should make sure that your therapist has the minimum qualifications to practice. There are different types of qualifications for different types of therapists:


Counsellor: Counsellors don’t need a degree, but they should have a diploma in counselling.


Psychologist: Psychologists need a degree as well as a postgraduate qualification in an area of expertise. For this reason, psychologists tend to be more pricey.


Psychotherapist: Psychotherapists require an undergraduate degree in psychology or a related field as well as a postgraduate qualification.

Do I Need Counselling Or Therapy?

Do I Need Counselling Or Therapy

Do I Need Counselling Or Therapy? Counselling refers to the process of a warranted counsellor who meets the client to discuss specific issues and challenges which would be causing difficulties or distress to either the individual and/or the family system.


A safe and confidential space is provided for the client to be able to disclose and discuss sensitive information.


The counsellor focuses on building a trusting relationship with the client, so the client can apply this in their day-to-day relationships.


Do I Need Counselling Or Therapy? Counselling focuses on increasing the individual’s self-awareness while allowing self-reflection on feelings, thoughts and behaviours. This helps the client to have more clarity about their situation while they develop their meaning of life.


Clients going through issues such as lack of emotional regulation, relationship issues, identity issues and other realities, can be supported by a counsellor to process such difficulties.


What Do You Need Counselling For? Counselling supports the individual to reach out to other sources of support such as family and friends so they can feel understood.


Counselling is not a short process and this depends on the goals set during the sessions. The counsellor may use different techniques and exercises to match the individual’s needs.

Counselling aims to support and guide the individual to come to terms with the issues being presented while finding healthy ways of coping.


Do I Need Counselling Or Therapy? Psychotherapy is a scientific discipline that includes various approaches based on well-established theory, methodology and research. These approaches involve psychological treatments ranging from emotional and relationship difficulties to more chronic disorders.


What Do You Need Counselling For? Similar to counselling, the relationship between psychotherapist and client is crucial. The psychotherapist offers a space which is private and secure so the individual can share and explore the experiences being brought.


Research confirms how the therapeutic relationship is a vital factor which influences the outcome of psychotherapy.


Do I Need Counselling Or Therapy? Psychotherapy allows clients with psychological disorders to find a way of improving their quality of life.


Individuals who seek psychotherapy may do so for specific reasons such as eating disorders, past traumas, self-harm, suicidal ideations, post-traumatic stress, obsessive-compulsive disorders and phobias.


Some may seek support if they are experiencing ongoing feelings of depression, difficulties with concentrating, work dissatisfaction and being in an unhappy relationship.


What Do You Need Counselling For? Similarly, psychotherapy may vary in length. Some approaches focus on resolving symptoms or work directly on behaviours and cognitions.


Others may aim towards a personality change, and emotional development or to support the client in becoming more aware of their situation. Psychotherapy is essentially a talking therapy, although it may incorporate the use of different methods such as art, music, and body movement.

NHS Counselling Self-Referral

NHS Counselling Self Referral

NHS Counselling Self-Referral. Talking therapies can be very helpful if you are experiencing stress, low mood, depression or anxiety. Around one in five people suffer from anxiety or depression every year, and talking therapies provide people with support and treatment to overcome these difficulties.


NHS Counselling Self-Referral. Depending on your problem and where you live in the UK, you may be able to access:


Consultation and advice.

Courses, workshops and groups.

Guided self-help.

Individual counselling and psychological therapy.


You can find out all about what to expect from talking therapy, how it works and how it might help you, from our leaflet called Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).


NHS Counselling Self-Referral. If you refer yourself for counselling, the next step will depend on where you live. You will often have an assessment with a counsellor first. This may be in person or over the phone. The counsellor will find out more about you and can advise you on which form of help would suit you best.


If you think you are depressed, it would be very helpful if you filled in a questionnaire before you speak to the counsellor.


What Do You Need Counselling For? This questionnaire, called the PHQ9, will give your therapist a better idea of what your problems are and what help you need. We suggest you complete the questionnaire which you can find here and keep a copy for your appointment.


You can find lots of information about depression, anxiety, stress and other mental health disorders from our leaflets. You can also find advice on some ways of managing stress, loneliness and low mood, such as mindfulness.


NHS Counselling Self-Referral. The self-referral services on this page are not crisis services. If you need urgent help, you should contact your GP, go to your local A&E department or contact the Emergency Services by dialling 999.


If you are having thoughts of self-harm, you can find out more about the help which is available and how you can help deal with these thoughts from our information leaflet called Suicidal Thoughts.


What Do You Need Counselling For? You can refer yourself to your local talking therapy service using the links below if you know which city or Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) your GP practice is in.


Please be aware that self-referral is not available in every part of the UK. Please search the NHS website or contact your GP if you cannot find your area below, or if any of the links are not working.

NHS Counselling

NHS Counselling

NHS Counselling. Counselling is a talking therapy that involves a trained therapist listening to you and helping you find ways to deal with emotional issues.


Sometimes the term “counselling” is used to refer to talking therapies in general, but counselling is also a type of therapy in its own right.


NHS Counselling. Things counselling help with


a mental health condition, such as depression, anxiety or an eating disorder

an upsetting physical health condition, such as infertility

a difficult life event, such as a bereavement, a relationship breakdown or work-related stress

difficult emotions – for example, low self-esteem or anger

other issues, such as sexual identity


At your appointment, you’ll be encouraged to talk about your feelings and emotions with a trained therapist, who’ll listen and support you without judging or criticising.


NHS Counselling. The therapist can help you gain a better understanding of your feelings and thought processes, and find your solutions to problems. But they will not usually give advice or tell you what to do.


Counselling can take place:


face to face

in a group

over the phone

by email

online through live chat services (learn more about online tools for mental health)


You may be offered a single session of counselling, a short course of sessions over a few weeks or months, or a longer course that lasts for several months or years.


It can take several sessions before you start to see progress, but you should gradually start to feel better with the help and support of your therapist.


NHS Counselling. You can get complimentary psychological therapies, including counselling for depression, on the NHS.


You do not need a referral from a GP.


You can refer yourself directly to a psychological therapy service.

I Need Counselling For My Relationship

I Need Counselling For My Relationship

I Need Counselling For My Relationship. Counselling aims to help you deal with and overcome issues that are causing emotional pain or making you feel uncomfortable.


I Need Counselling For My Relationship. It can provide a safe and regular space for you to talk and explore difficult feelings. The counsellor is there to support you and respect your views. They won’t usually give advice but will help you find your insights into and understanding of your problems.


I Need Counselling For My Relationship. Counselling can help you:


cope with a bereavement or relationship breakdown


cope with redundancy or work-related stress


explore issues such as sexual identity


deal with issues preventing you from achieving your ambitions


deal with feelings of depression or sadness, and have a more positive outlook on life


deal with feelings of anxiety, helping you worry less about things


understand yourself and your problems better


feel more confident


develop a better understanding of other people’s points of view


I Need Counselling For My Relationship. Counselling can often involve talking about difficult or painful feelings and, as you begin to face them, you may feel worse in some ways. However, with the help and support of your therapist, you should gradually start to feel better.


In most cases, it takes several sessions before the counselling starts to make a difference, and a regular commitment is required to make the best use of the therapy.

I Need Counselling Free

I Need Counselling Free

I Need Counselling Free. Online counselling is the best solution as regards getting free counselling, it is another example of how traditional services are being translated into virtual experiences that you can take with you anywhere.


NHS offers free counselling at a subsidised rate. With different types of therapy, chat rooms, and general mental health services, getting treatment online has never been easier.


I Need Counselling Free. Online counselling is revolutionizing the way people can access critical treatment. Fortunately, yes, online counselling is legit and there is a multitude of services that host licensed counsellors, psychiatrists and other specialists for you to talk with over video chat, the phone, or even text.


I Need Counselling Free. But does insurance cover online counselling? In many cases, yes. This will of course vary from one insurance plan to another, so make sure to read the fine print to find the right plan for you.


I Need Counselling Free. Also be sure to check that the online counselling platform you using takes your insurance, before booking.

Free Counselling UK

Free Counselling UK

Free Counselling UK. Online therapy is a great option for those who are unwilling or unable to leave the safety of home. It’s also a great solution for those juggling multiple responsibilities, such as parenting, teaching, and remote work.


Free Counselling UK. Many health insurance providers now cover online therapy sessions, which can make talking with a professional low cost and even free.


Various studies show that free online therapy can be just as good (or even better) than traditional types of therapy. It all depends on how well your therapist and treatment strategy suits your needs.


Free Counselling UK. Free online therapy can help with certain conditions and feelings, such as:


  • stress
  • anxiety
  • relationship issues
  • minor depression


Free Counselling UK. However, it’s important to keep in mind that these types of services are not ideal for emergencies or more serious situations, like addiction or eating disorders. Additionally, some conditions may warrant medication, in-person discussions, or group therapy.

What Do You Need Counselling For Conclusion

What Do You Need Counselling For Conclusion

What Do You Need Counselling For Conclusion? There actually isn’t an exact, ‘right’, or single reason to see a therapist, there are many causes for seeking therapy, all equally valid and important. Nor is there a hierarchy to what issue therapy is best suited for.


We are all unique, and emotional and mental stress is not a mathematical ratio. Still asking yourself, ‘do I need counselling?’


What Do You Need Counselling For Conclusion? If you are not feeling at peace with your life, if you are experiencing stress and anxiety that is overwhelming, or you just sense that having someone to talk to could affect real change in your life, then now is the right time to work with a therapist or counsellor.

Further reading

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