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Counselling For Teenagers. The teenage years are one of the most difficult times for both teens and their parents. Teens are often subjected to a plethora of new pressures and can sometimes react in unhealthy ways when confronted with a problem.


Teens may require counselling in order to cope with these issues and find the best solution. Parents must always be on the lookout for warning signs and understand how to find the right counsellor for their adolescent children.


Counselling For Teenagers provides a safe space for teenagers to express their thoughts and feelings. Adolescence is difficult, and many teens do not understand how to deal with the physical and hormonal changes in their bodies.


Counsellors will assist teenagers and their parents in navigating difficult situations. Understanding how you, as a parent, should approach parenting your adolescent is critical. Adolescence has been described as the most perplexing, frustrating, difficult, and fascinating stage of human development.


Physical changes, sexual changes, interpersonal changes, morals, values, religious beliefs, transitioning to independence, self-esteem, and future concerns are all factors that contribute to adolescent problems.


Some of the difficulties that teenagers face are normal parts of growing up, such as trying new things, dealing with peer groups, and going through changes in identity, interests, and moods. It is always important for parents and guardians to be patient with their children in order for them to open up and express their concerns.


There are times when parents or guardians are required to counsel the teenager. Some teenagers are having difficulties as a result of what is going on at home. Divorce and drug abuse by one or both parents are two common problems in which a problem can play a role.


Here are some pointers to consider when it comes to counselling for teenagers.


  1. Reflect and listen


When people are approached by teenagers for counselling, they frequently feel as if they have the words of wisdom to impart. Allow a teen to talk and carefully listen when they approach you with a problem. You will learn more about it and will know exactly what to say.


Teens want to know that they are being heard and that they are not being misunderstood; you can also ask questions as they speak to ensure that you fully understand what they expect from you. Don’t jump to conclusions before hearing everything they have to say.


  1. Never, ever pass judgment.


A teenager can easily detect when you are judging and looking down on them. If they begin to believe you are judging them, they will most likely shut down and fear sharing it with others because they believe they will be judged. To avoid making them feel judged, remind yourself that just because you were not involved in their mistakes does not exempt you from your flaws.


  1. Don’t overidentify yourself.


Many people make the mistake of attempting to match their experience in order to gain credibility when it comes to counselling for teenagers.  This will become more appealing as you move further away from the adolescent, but it will jeopardize the counselling process. Remove the desire to share a similar experience.


If you have a similar experience, don’t tell them everything. One that always works is telling them I understand how they feel because I have been in a similar situation in my life. This will allow you to determine whether they want to hear more, but if they do not, stop there.


  1. Distinguish between danger and drama.


When working with teenagers, especially younger ones, it is critical to distinguish between real danger and drama. You should always assume real plausible danger if you don’t know the difference.


Only after you’ve known the teenager for a while and realized that they’re overdramatic can you begin to pay less attention to the crisis. If you are unsure, you can seek professional assistance.


Teenagers are known for their stream-of-consciousness thinking (black and white thinking)


When confronted with a problem, teenagers frequently resort to extreme thinking, believing that this is the worst problem ever.


How do you deal with this kind of thinking? It is always a good idea to ask questions such as “Is it that bad?” Do you believe this will always be the case? Can you recall a time when it wasn’t so bad? These questions will guide them to the middle and make the counselling process much easier.


  1. Make their family systems active.


Many people overlook this one. In most cases, the family system wishes to assist. This does not imply that they should go to their parents every time they have a problem. Making the parents aware of the problem can aid in the development of a solution that you may not have considered previously.


To make counselling for teenagers more productive, try getting permission from the teen, but in some cases, such as drugs, alcohol, and self-harm, you must bypass the teen’s desire to keep their parents in the dark. Never promise the teen confidentiality during counselling.


Tell them you’ll do your best to keep the conversation private, but that I’ll tell anyone and everyone to keep you safe.


  1. Less is more if it is done frequently.


Long sessions with teenagers should be avoided. Adults can travel for extended periods because they are easily loosened. Instead of one long session that will not help much, hold several short sessions. Teen ego boundaries prevent them from having long, beneficial conversations.


  1. Small talk is important.


It is critical to find small topics to discuss with adolescents. Knowing their interests, schedules, and current events will be beneficial. It will help to reduce resistance and make them feel more connected. Beyond their problems, you’ll have something to talk about.


Counselling For Teenagers is not as difficult as it may appear. counselling teenagers is something you can do if you know what to do and what to avoid.

What Therapy Works Best For Teenagers?

What Therapy Works Best For Teenagers

What Therapy Works Best For Teenagers? This therapy type is one of the most common types of therapy for children, especially for those with anxiety or depression. During therapy, kids learn how to recognize and understand their thought patterns and how they contribute to their situation.


More importantly, they learn how to change those patterns to create healthier thinking and behaviours.


What Therapy Works Best For Teenagers? Teen Cognitive behavioural Therapy has been shown to have significant positive effects on teens for several different issues, including but not limited to: Mood Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, Eating Disorders, and Substance Abuse struggles.


What Therapy Works Best For Teenagers? Teen Cognitive behavioural Therapy is a goal-oriented approach to therapy that focuses on examining connections between teens’ thoughts, feelings, and behaviours.


The goal is to help teens to change thought patterns and behaviours that will in turn provide them with relief from the negative symptoms related to Mental Health disorders. Teen CBT is a bit different from other forms of therapy, in that the therapists actively work with the teens to overcome and/or reduce the symptoms associated with their current struggle.


As opposed to more general “Talk Therapy,” CBT sessions have more of a structure, as therapists intentionally guide teens to talk about and work through specific topics and/or challenges.


During counselling for teenagers the therapists discuss with teens the progress they’re making, as well as struggles they’re still having, to constantly maintain an awareness of the goals that have been set for the teens’ treatment plan and where they are, along this path.


This active participation on the part of the therapists also includes giving the teens “homework” or exercises to practice outside of treatment sessions. Because the therapy is based on the teens making changes in their own lives, this work must extend beyond just the time the teens are directly working with their therapist.


What Therapy Works Best For Teenagers? Because Teen Cognitive behavioural Therapy focuses on helping teens to change behaviours that are related to the struggles and symptoms they’re experiencing, it can be a very powerful tool in not only helping treat teens but also helping to prevent relapse.


Some of the practical steps that CBT might incorporate into teen treatment plans include adding positive activities to the teens’ lives and restructuring negative and/or false thought patterns.


What Therapy Works Best For Teenagers? CBT might be used to change teens’ behaviours including things like helping teens add positive, enjoyable activities into their daily lives.


Though this may sound simple, it can often be very difficult for teens who are depressed to have the energy to initiate doing positive things for themselves, and similarly, it can be difficult for teens who are struggling with Substance Abuse to incorporate any “enjoyable” activities that don’t involve using.


Counselling For Teenagers. Another focus of Teen Cognitive behavioural Therapy is to help teens disrupt and then restructure negative thought patterns. These negative self-perceptions and beliefs often accompany almost all Mental Health disorders, serving as either a cause or trigger of negative behaviours and feelings.


For instance, teens struggling with Eating Disorders almost always suffer from low self-esteem and many negative beliefs about themselves, which leads them to their destructive behaviours. If teens are struggling with Phobias or Panic Attacks, they have thought patterns in place that spiral out of control, when they come into contact with a trigger, whatever that may be.


The difficult thing about these thought patterns is they can be very evasive to the teens themselves until they’re encouraged to articulate the sequence of their thoughts with a therapist. Then, the connections between one thought and the next (or lack of connection) become more clear.


What Therapy Works Best For Teenagers? Therapists can then work with the teens to disrupt these negative thought patterns from the beginning, the teens can begin to regain a sense of control over their thoughts, and therefore, their feelings as well. This can be an incredibly powerful step and can provide teens with considerable relief from what they’re experiencing.


What Therapy Works Best For Teenagers? Research has shown that Adolescent CBT is an extremely effective therapeutic approach for several different Mental Health Disorders.  It is as effective as medication treatment, for both Anxiety and Depression.


As with any treatment approach, certain teens will connect better to CBT than others, but many teens enjoy and feel supported by the collaborative nature of this particular technique and in getting to work actively with their therapist.


In so much as it is a short-term, intensive, goal-oriented approach, CBT can often be great counselling for teenagers technique to incorporate within our short-term residential treatment plans at Paradigm, alongside one to several other treatment approaches.

How Does A Counsellor Help Teenagers?

How Does A Counsellor Help Teenagers

How Does A Counsellor Help Teenagers? Counsellors often engage with young people in teen counselling who are suffering from the following issues:


  1. Low self-esteem


While most teens are plagued with fragile self-confidence, serious self-esteem issues need to be addressed as they can lead to substance abuse and other behavioural problems.


If your teen struggles with friendships and views themselves in a negative light, consider some counselling sessions to help them assess their identity and how they can build on a solid sense of self.


  1. Anxiety


This is the most common mental health challenge youth struggle with. As youth face several changes and challenges, they can struggle to cope with and process the anxiety and stress that comes with this transitional stage of development.


Although youth may present with these different forms of anxiety with effective treatment, they can learn tools and skills that can help them better cope with and overcome their anxiety.


  • Generalized Anxiety: Signs of this disorder include excessive anxiety and worry about several activities or events in their life. The duration, intensity or frequency of the worry and anxiety is out of proportion to the actual likelihood or effect of the upcoming event.


The anxiety and worry are difficult to control and often these thoughts can impact their ability to focus and connect with others. This type of anxiety is often connected to somatic symptoms such as stomach aches, headaches, slow breathing, racing heart, etc.


  • Social Anxiety: Although it is normal to have a bit of fear around social events and public speaking for some youth it can become more extreme and harm their daily life. Social anxiety disorder is when excessive fear of social or performance situations. This fear is often driven by the fear of being embarrassed or being humiliated or judged by others.


Youth may feel they are always “on stage” which makes them very self-conscious. This fear and worry become a problem when it impacts their school performance, confidence level and self-esteem and negatively impacts their friendships and social connections.


  1. Panic Attacks


How Does A Counsellor Help Teenagers? A panic attack is a sudden attack of anxiety that comes with intense feelings of dread and physical symptoms that can feel like a heart attack or they are going to die or lose control. There are often physical symptoms of:


  • Racing heart
  • Chest pain,
  • Trouble breathing
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Sweating


There is also an intense desire to escape the situation. The fear of having another panic attack can trigger another one. Youth who have often panic attacks may try to avoid places they have already had an attack. Panic attacks in youth can be connected to medical conditions or other disorders such as Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.


  1. Trauma


How Does A Counsellor Help Teenagers? Experiencing a traumatic event can impact the sense of safety, a sense of self and the ability to regulate emotions and navigate relationships. Trauma in general is used to describe the challenging emotional consequences that can result from living through a distressing event.


Traumatic events can be difficult to define because the same event may be traumatic for some and not for others, there are also different degrees or levels of trauma, but they can all have a devastating effect on someone’s development. It is estimated that two-thirds of children report at least 1 traumatic event by the age of 16.


Common potentially traumatic events include:


  • Psychological, physical, or sexual abuse
  • Community or school violence
  • Witnessing or experiencing domestic violence
  • Sudden or violent loss of a loved one
  • National disasters or terrorism
  • Refugee or war experiences
  • Military family related stressors
  • Physical or sexual assault
  • Neglect
  • Serious accident or illness


As a parent, it can be hard to know if your child has experienced trauma as it can be occurring outside of the home at school or a friend’s house. It is important to be aware of the signs of trauma which overlap a lot with other mental health disorders and put them at greater risk of developing other mental health disorders.


Here are some common signs youth may be struggling with trauma although different adolescents may respond differently to trauma. It is important to listen to and check in with your youth when you feel they might be struggling.


  • Feelings of guilt or shame
  • Becoming anxious or fearful
  • Intrusive and upsetting thoughts
  • Hard time sleeping
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Eating poorly or losing or gaining weight
  • Feeling depressed or alone
  • Withdrawing from family and social circle
  • Developing eating disorders or self-harm behaviours
  • Becoming involved in risky sexual behaviour
  • Abusing alcohol or drugs


  1. Depression


As youth face challenges related to peer pressure, academic expectations and changing bodies it can bring a lot of ups and downs. For some teens, the down is more than just temporary they may experience symptoms of depression. Common signs your teenager may be struggling with depression include:


  • Persistent feelings of sadness which can include crying spells
  • Feeling hopeless or empty
  • Irritability or annoyed mood
  • Feeling frustrated or angry even at small matters
  • Loss of interest or enjoyment in usual activities
  • Low self-esteem
  • Tired and lose of energy
  • Insomnia or sleeping too much
  • Less attention to personal appearance and hygiene
  • Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
  • Increased self-blame or self-criticism
  • Fixation on past failures
  • Extreme sensitivity to rejection or failure
  • Trouble thinking, remembering, concentrating or making decisions.
  • Poor school performance
  • Self-harm- hutting, burning,
  • Frequent thoughts about death, dying or suicide


If left untreated adolescent depression can be very dangerous if left untreated. Although youth may have ups and down, symptoms of depression are often more intense and overwhelming for the youth. If you feel your child is at risk of suicide it is important to seek immediate medical support and counselling for teenagers.


How Does A Counsellor Help Teenagers? Attention-Deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD or ADD): This is a type of neurodevelopmental disorder that can impact your child’s personal, social, academic and or occupational functioning.


It often impacts attention, memory, perceptions, problems solving, language, or social interactions. Youth with ADHD may have trouble focusing and paying attention and controlling impulsive behaviours or be overly active.


They also may be prone to daydreaming, forgetting things, losing things, talking too much, fidgeting, making mistakes, or taking unnecessary risks. ADHD can be treated through routine and healthy lifestyle habits.


  1. Conduct Disorder


Conduct disorder is a serious behavioural and emotional disorder that can occur in children and teens. It includes a pattern of disruptive and violent behaviours and problems following the rules. It involves disruptive behaviours that are long-lasting and violates the rights of others and goes against the norm of behaviour and hurts the youth’s and family’s everyday life.


How Does A Counsellor Help Teenagers? Youth with conduct disorder often have low self-esteem and tend to throw frequent temper tantrums. They are often not able to see how their behaviour impacts others and have little guilt or remorse for hurting others. Substance abuse may sometimes be involved also.


  1. Eating Disorders


Unfortunately, eating disorders in youth are not uncommon. Many youths become obsessed with their weight and body images and the ways they can control it, this is especially true for girls. Teenage boys may also struggle with their body image but they often use dieting or compulsive exercise to control it.


Here are some signs your child may be struggling with an eating disorder:


  • Eating in secret


  • Calorie counting


  • Skipping meals


  • Preoccupation with food


  • Feeling out of control


  • Overeating when distressed


  • Frequent use of laxatives or diuretics


  • Excessive Exercising


  • Constipation


  • Purging or vomiting after eating


  • Frequent weight change


  • Dental cavities or erosion of tooth enamel


  • Distorted body image


  • Binge eating


  • Purging


  • Food phobias or avoidance


  • Connecting self-worth to body image


Eating Disorders include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorders which are also psychological disorders and impact one’s eating habits, behaviours, and physical and mental health.


  1. Psychosis

How Does A Counsellor Help Teenagers? Psychosis is when one loses some contact with reality. It is important to notice when your youth may be experiencing signs of psychosis with other behavioural changes such as a change in routine, mood, and hygiene.


They may become extremely anxious suspicious or disoriented. They may withdraw physically and become very sensitive to sounds, smells, light, colour, or textures.


They may also experience hallucinations (hearing, seeing, smelling things that are not there), delusions ( paranoia or feeling of grandeur), increased confusion, extreme mood swings, and other behavioural changes such as sudden bouts of anger or sadness or inappropriate laughter.


It is important to catch the signs of psychosis early so it can be treated immediately. Psychosis can be very challenging for youth people as it can impact their confidence, self-esteem, relationships, and outlook on life.


  1. Self-Harm


Self-harm can happen at any age but it is more common among youth than in any other age group. Self-harm or self-injury is when a person hurts themselves on purpose but without the desire to die by suicide. Often youth use self-harm to help them deal with intense feelings as it helps them manage the emotional pain and distress.


Youth who self-harm may accidentally hurt themselves more than intended or the injury may become infected. It is important youth who use self-harm are approached without judgement and are taught healthier ways to cope and manage their emotions through counselling for teenagers.


  1. Suicide


How Does A Counsellor Help Teenagers? Suicide is the second leading cause of death among youth aged 15-24. Many children and adolescents who attempt suicide often have significant mental health disorders, often depression. They are often impulsive and may be struggling with feelings of sadness, anger, confusion, and problems with attention and hyperactivity.


Feelings of self-doubt, stress, pressure to succeed, finical uncertainty, loss, and disappointment can get too intense for some youth and lead to thoughts or attempted suicide. Some teens may think suicide is the only solution to their problems.


Depression and suicidal feelings are treatable mental health disorders. If you recognize your youth having these risk factors or indicating suicidal thoughts it is important to get them to help immediately.


Suicide and suicide attempts are connected to depression but there are other risk factors:


  • Family history of suicide attempts
  • Impulsivity
  • Aggressive or disruptive behaviours
  • Access to firearms
  • Bullying
  • Feelings of hopelessness or helplessness
  • Acute loss or rejection


Children and adolescents may openly talk about suicide or make comments such as “I wish I was dead” or “I won’t be a problem for you very much longer”. Other warning signs for suicide can include:


  • Frequent or pervasive sadness
  • Withdrawal from friends or family and regular activities
  • The decline in quality at school
  • Preoccupation with death and dying
  • Stop talking about their future or making plans


Many individuals do not feel comfortable talking about suicide or death. However, it can be very important if you feel like your child is depressed to ask them if they are thinking about hurting themselves or suicide.


Asking questions about this does not give them the idea to do it but rather shows them you care and are open to having a hard conversation with them. It will open the door to them talking about how they are feeling.

What Are Red Flags In Teenagers?

What Are Red Flags In Teenagers

What Are Red Flags In Teenagers? Teenagers can be a bit of a mystery to parents. There are endless behaviours that seem to fall under the heading of “normal.” Sometimes they sleep the day away, while other times they stay up all night and somehow survive just a few hours.


Some weeks they talk non-stop and let you in on the details of their day-to-day lives, while other weeks they completely shut you out.


What Are Red Flags In Teenagers? As children move through adolescence, they encounter physical, emotional, hormonal, sexual, social, and intellectual changes. They face pressure from peers, parents, and even educators. Often, they are their own worst critics and pile on internal pressure.  It isn’t easy being a teen.


It isn’t easy being the parent of a teen, either. The lines between “normal development” and “needs help now” are easily blurred, and it can be very difficult to know when to intervene.


Teens are on a quest for autonomy and they don’t always seek help at the first sign of distress. With teen substance abuse and depressive disorders among youth on the rise, it can be useful to know some of the warning signs.


What Are Red Flags In Teenagers? General red flags, which may indicate that a teen needs help:


  • Excessive sleeping beyond your child’s normal fatigue or insomnia
  • Sudden changes in academic performance
  • Dramatic changes in eating habits
  • Loss of interest in normal activities
  • Social isolation
  • Personality changes (becomes more aggressive, angry, withdrawn, etc.)


Teens often experience shifts in mood and temperament, and everyone is subject to feeling sad and/or overwhelmed at times. However, sometimes your teen’s mood swings may be caused by something other than a bad grade or a nasty breakup.


What Are Red Flags In Teenagers? Red flags, which may indicate depression:


  • Excessive moodiness and tears
  • Anger and irritability
  • Excessive sensitivity to criticism
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Changes in sleep patterns
  • Thoughts of suicide
  • Self-mutilation (cutting)
  • Feelings of worthlessness and/or helplessness
  • Changes in eating patterns that result in dramatic weight gain or loss
  • Body image issues
  • Unexplained aches and pains
  • Social isolation, abandonment of peer group
  • Secrecy
  • Isolation from family members


What Are Red Flags In Teenagers? Teens suffering from depression are at risk for substance abuse. Teens often experiment with over-the-counter medication and prescription medication as well as alcohol and other drugs to self-medicate.


What Are Red Flags In Teenagers? Red flags, which may indicate substance abuse:


  • Drug and alcohol paraphernalia
  • Slurred speech
  • Poor academic performance
  • Signs of a hangover (bloodshot eyes, changes in pupils)
  • Changes in eating habits
  • Tremors or impaired coordination
  • High-risk behaviours
  • Poor school attendance
  • Appears fearful, anxious, or paranoid
  • Sudden mood swings
  • Aggressive behaviour
  • Unexplained hyperactivity
  • Lack of motivation


What Are Red Flags In Teenagers? Parents are often the first resource for teens struggling with mental health conditions and/or substance abuse.


As upsetting as these behavioural changes can be for parents, it’s important to remain calm and seek out appropriate counselling for teenagers resources for your teen instead of simply punishing the behaviour and, consequently, taking a chance on severing the relationship.


How parents can help:


  • Open and honest communication: Talk early and often about alcohol, drugs, and depression. Take an interest in your child’s interests and make time for one-on-one conversations without distractions.
  • Mobilize support at school: One teacher can make a huge difference in the life of a teen. Kids are at school more than they are at home during their waking hours. They need a touchstone at school so that they have a place to vent, cry or seek support. Help your teen identify a supportive teacher at school and remind your teen to check in with that teacher often.
  • Stay connected with other parents: As children grow, parents sometimes step back and fail to connect with parents of peers. This is a mistake. As much as your child needs independence, it still takes a village to navigate these difficult years. Stay connected to other parents in your child’s peer group.
  • Get help: Don’t wait to seek help! If you see any warning signs of depression or substance abuse, seek immediate assistance. Call your family health practitioner for a list of therapists, psychiatrists, and substance abuse treatment resources in your area.

How Can I Help My teenager?

How Can I Help My teenager

How Can I Help My Teenager? You may not feel like you have much influence on your child these days, but teens’ behaviour is highly correlated with the strength of their bonds with their parents.


Good relationships between teenagers and their parents, as rated by both, are positively correlated with school success and general happiness as rated by the teen, and also by those around them.


By contrast, weak or conflictual parent/teen relationships are correlated with early sexual activity, experimentation with drugs and alcohol, the teen’s involvement in violence (as either perpetrator or victim), and suicide.


How do you parent this blossoming person who sometimes seems to be becoming a stranger?


  1. Remember you’re a parent AND a friend.


Teens crave the security of knowing their parents understand them, appreciate them, and love them no matter what–so they do want the relationship to be a form of friendship. But they also need to feel like they have some independence, so sometimes you may feel a bit shut out.


If you can navigate your closeness in an accepting way that doesn’t take advantage of your role as a parent to tell your child what to do, he’s more likely to open up and share with you.


How Can I Help My Teenager? Does a close friendship erode your teen’s respect for you? No. Don’t you respect your friends, and treasure those who are there for you emotionally? If you offer your teen respect, consideration, and authenticity, that’s what you’ll receive in return.


And as close as you want to be to your teen, sometimes you will have to pull rank and say No. If you’re doing it often, that’s a red flag that something is wrong. But sometimes your teen will be looking to you to set limits they can’t set for themselves.


Sometimes you’ll need to stick by your values and say no, whether that’s to an unsupervised party or very late bedtime. And, of course, sometimes your teen will be able to use your guidance to come up with a win-win solution that answers your concerns.


  1. Establish dependable together time.


Counselling For Teenagers. Be sure to check in every single day. A few minutes of conversation while you’re cleaning up after dinner or right before bedtime can keep you tuned in and establish open communication.


Even teens who seem to have forgotten who their parents are the other 23 hours a day often respond well to a goodnight hug and check-in chat once they’re lounging in bed.


In addition to these short daily check-ins, establish a regular weekly routine for doing something special with your teen, even if it’s just going out for ice cream or a walk together.


  1. Parent actively and appropriately.


How Can I Help My Teenager? Don’t invite rebellion by refusing to acknowledge that your son or daughter is growing up and needs more freedom. But don’t be afraid to ask where your kids are going, who they’ll be with, and what they’ll be doing. Get to know your kids’ friends and their parents so you’re familiar with their activities.


  1. Try to be there after school.


How Can I Help My Teenager? The biggest danger zone for drug use and sex isn’t Saturday night; it’s between 3 and 6 PM on weekdays. Arrange flex time at work if you can. If your child will be with friends, make sure there’s adult supervision, not just an older sibling.


  1. Keep your standards high.


Your teen wants to be his or her best self. Our job as parents is to support our teens in doing that. But don’t expect your child to achieve the goals you decide for them; they need to begin charting their own goals now, with the support of a parent who adores them just as they are and believe that they can do anything they aim to. Support your teen’s passions and explorations as they find their unique voice.


  1. Make it a high priority to eat meals together


How Can I Help My Teenager?…as often as you can. Meals are a great opportunity to talk about the day’s events, unwind, reinforce, and bond. They’re also your best opportunity to keep in touch with your teen’s life and challenges, and to spot brewing problems.


Finally, an important factor in kids’ happiness and overall success is whether they feel they get time to “just hang out and talk” with parents every day.


  1. Keep the lines of communication humming.


If you don’t know what’s going on, you lose all hope of influencing the outcome.


  1. Encourage good self-care


…such as the nine and half hours of sleep every teen needs, and a good diet. Coffee is a bad idea for early teens because it interferes with normal sleep patterns. Too much screen time, especially in the hour before bedtime, reduces melatonin production and makes it harder for kids to fall asleep at night.


  1. Continue family meetings.


How Can I Help My Teenager? Held regularly at a mutually agreed upon time, family meetings provide a forum for discussing triumphs, grievances, sibling disagreements, schedules, and any topic of concern to a family member. Ground rules help.


Everyone gets a chance to talk; one person talks at a time without interruption; everyone listens, and only positive, constructive feedback is allowed. To get resistant teens to join in, combine the get-together with incentives such as post-meeting pizza or ice cream, or assign them important roles such as recording secretaries or rule enforcers.


  1. Keep kids safe and connected to the family by keeping computers in your common space.


How Can I Help My Teenager? It can be hard for parents to track what teens do online because they usually know more about the computer than we do.


But research shows that he’ll be less tempted to spend time doing things you’d disapprove of if the computer is in a common space, where you can walk by and glance at what he’s doing.


Kids live online these days, but he can still stay connected to his family if online is in the heart of your home

What Is The Hardest Age For A Teenager?

What Is The Hardest Age For A Teenager

What Is The Hardest Age For A Teenager? Fifteen is a very difficult age socially and emotionally for most teenagers. Friendships have the tendency to become all-consuming, which explains why peer pressure tends to be a huge issue.


What Is The Hardest Age For A Teenager? Your fifteen-year-old may be exploring a lot of difficult topics related to sex, drugs, and drinking with their friends. Give them some space to work these issues out on their own, but make yourself available if they would like to talk.


Self-esteem can also be a major problem for teens this year. They may become very interested in their appearance and have a difficult time establishing who they are as individuals. While some of this struggle is perfectly normal, parents should take care to ensure that it doesn’t get out of hand.


You can help bolster your child’s self-esteem by encouraging them, spending quality time with them, and offering up regular compliments. All of these minor daily interactions can add up to make your teen feel more confident and self-assured and work as counselling for teenagers.


  • Cognitive Growth


As the years pass by, your child is likely to experience some significant shifts in their thought patterns. This is the age where most children begin to consider what the future could be like. Fifteen-year-old isn’t likely to make extremely concrete plans to achieve their goals, but they do start to consider what the future will look like.


  • Physical Growth


Your child may still be growing at this age, but they’re already likely to be mistaken for much older than they are. They are almost finished developing into their adult height and size, but all children will develop at slightly different rates. Don’t be too concerned if your child is a little behind size-wise compared to their peers.


Many parents also become concerned that their fifteen-year-olds are sleeping too much. Your teen may seem extremely nocturnal, staying up late at night and sleeping through the afternoon. Sleep is an important factor in your child’s development, so don’t hesitate to let sleeping children lie in bed late on the weekends.


What Is The Hardest Age For A Teenager? Fifteen is an exciting age for teenagers and their parents, as their independent nature truly begins to blossom. While the family may not be a priority for your child at this stage, parents should ensure that they make time to spend with their older teens.


Your influence and guiding presence are extremely beneficial to bolster your child’s self-esteem and help them to prepare for the future. Enjoy these last few years before your child reaches full adulthood.


As anyone who has ever raised a child knows, parenting is no easy task. This is crystal clear even to people without kids. All it takes is a sibling, a friend, or a neighbour with kids to understand that the job of parenting is multi-faceted and virtually endless.


For some parents, infancy is the hardest. For others, it’s toddlerhood. Some parents feel that the preschool years present special challenges.


While many parents agree that the period between ages six and ten can offer some breathing room since kids are still very sweet and (for the most part) haven’t yet developed the attitude that almost inevitably starts to emerge around middle school, it’s not too hard to find parents who consider these years just as challenging as those immediately before and after.


What Is The Hardest Age For A Teenager? Finally, there’s adolescence. It almost goes without saying that somewhere in the physical laws of the universe it’s written that the years between ages thirteen and eighteen are filled with their special brand of turmoil and tumult.


From social pressures to pushing behavioural boundaries to experimentation with drugs and alcohol, to boy-girl issues, to acne – a pimple in the wrong place on a wrong day can turn into the most dramatic event of an adolescent’s entire life – the teenage years are nothing if not interesting. So, given that each period is different, which one is the hardest?


  1. The Teenage Years: What on Earth is Happening?


Some parents would even back up and say that after pregnancy, everything is gravy. But that’s another topic for another article. For this article, we’ll skip the defining characteristics of infancy (0-1), toddlerhood (1-3), preschool (3-5), and school age (6-11).


Instead, we’ll focus on the early teen (12-14) and teen years (15-18). It helps to understand what’s happening during these stages, so you understand you’re not alone, and generations upon generations have dealt with teenage issues – and lived to tell their story.


  1. Early Teenagers (12-14 years)


What Is The Hardest Age For A Teenager? This period can best be summed up by the following two phrases: “Strap yourself in for an amazing thrill ride!” and “Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter!”


Puberty begins, and the release of new and powerful hormones changes children on fundamental levels. This is the transformation from childhood to adulthood. Children become young adults. They think, look, act and talk in new and different ways.


They may challenge authority. Many seek and explore new things, such as drugs or alcohol. They might learn lessons the hard way, on their terms. Some become moody and self-centred. Most begin to show a distinct interest in the opposite sex.


What Is The Hardest Age For A Teenager? The benefit and drawbacks of this stage are identical: parents get to see their children become complex, independent thinkers. Depending on the parent, this can be either liberating or terrifying. No parent wants their child’s independence turned against them—it’s hard to hear a kid who used to snuggle up daily yell “You just don’t understand me!” and then slam the door. But then again, no parent wants to rob their child of going through the stages necessary to become an adult, either.


  1. Teenagers (15-18 years)


What Is The Hardest Age For A Teenager? This period is an extension of the early teen years, and many of the big changes that happen during the early teen years are still at play. They may still be rebellious and will probably still push limits.


Thankfully, though, toward the end of this stage, things begin to even out. As teenagers mature, they develop a greater capacity for empathy and caring. They begin to see the value in working things out.


Though they still may challenge authority and make decisions that befuddle adults, many of them show the capacity to learn from the mistakes they made as early teens and to see the bigger picture: personal responsibility is coming one way or another. Whether that means college or work simply depends on the teenager and the family.


The biggest challenge for parents during this stage is seeing their kids become more independent and grow into almost adults.


Parents who have not yet entered the “letting go” phase generally tend to encounter that phase during these years: though the work of parenting is never done, at some point the children become young adults and then become adults: their decisions are their own, as are the consequences.

Counselling For Teenagers Conclusion

Counselling For Teenagers Conclusion

Counselling For Teenagers Conclusion. Even if you are the one encouraging them to try therapy, your teen should be a part of the process. In most cases, having parents do the work of getting referrals and doing the initial screening works well. Then, give your teen this information and let them make the final decision.


Counselling For Teenagers Conclusion. If the therapeutic relationship does not appear to be working after a few sessions, it may be necessary to find a new therapist. Many therapists will gladly refer you to another provider who might be a better fit for your adolescent.

Further reading

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