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Marriage Guidance Counsellors

Marriage Guidance Counsellors

Marriage Guidance Counsellors

Marriage guidance counsellors, also known as couples therapists or marriage and family therapists, are trained professionals who help couples and families improve their relationships and resolve conflicts.

They use a variety of techniques and approaches, such as cognitive-behavioural therapy and emotion-focused therapy, to help couples and families communicate more effectively, understand and manage their emotions, and healthily resolve conflicts.

Marriage guidance counsellors often work with couples who are experiencing relationship problems or facing challenges such as infidelity, communication breakdown, and conflicts over parenting or finances. They may also work with individuals who are seeking support and guidance as they navigate the challenges of marriage and family life.

If you are experiencing difficulties in your relationship and are considering seeking help from marriage guidance counsellors, it is important to choose a therapist who is qualified and experienced in working with couples and families.

Real life and the ideal life are not the same things, and pursuing the ideal life can occasionally lead to conflict. The majority of marital conflicts are caused by one or both partners’ efforts to maintain an ideal union.

Marriage counselling entails the counsellor guiding the couple toward accepting their spouse for who they are while also assisting them in understanding one another’s behaviour and some aspects of their personalities.

There are two types of marital counselling, and their motivations and goals may differ greatly. There are two kinds:

Pre-Marital Counselling:

Pre-marital counselling is an option for couples who are already dating and want to take their relationship to the next level. When arranging marriages, the couple may not have the opportunity to discuss their ideas, or they may feel awkward when they discover that their partner and their ideas do not align.

Marriage guidance counsellors can help the couple understand their compatibility, views, and beliefs, as well as a variety of other factors that will help them better understand the other person.

Post-Marital Counselling:

As the name implies, this type of counselling is intended for married couples. All couples are welcome to attend post-marital therapy sessions, regardless of how long they have been married or the type of marriage they have. The married couple has a diverse set of preferences and ways of thinking.

Sometimes a couple struggles to express their feelings or opinions to their partner, there may be incompatibilities in their parenting styles, or there may be intimacy issues. These concerns are addressed during post-marriage counselling sessions.

What is the process of couples therapy or marriage counselling?

Marriage guidance counsellors can help you develop strategies to strengthen your relationship. These abilities include open communication, collaborative problem-solving, and reasoned discussion of differences, to name a few.

In certain circumstances, such as those involving mental illness or substance abuse, your marriage counsellor may collaborate with your other healthcare providers to provide a full range of treatments.

Discussing your concerns with a marriage counsellor may be difficult. During sessions, there may be silence as you and your partner argue about perceived wrongs. You could even bring screaming and fighting to the sessions.

Each is acceptable. Your therapist can act as a mediator or arbitrator, guiding you through the emotions and upheaval. Your marriage guidance counsellors should not take sides in these debates.

If you are a couple looking to begin marital therapy, we have aided your search. Lead India has a full staff of marriage guidance counsellors and therapists on hand to assist you at all times. Make contact with the best marriage therapist in the area and make an appointment to get your marriage started on the right foot.

What Does A Marriage Guidance Counsellor Do?

What Does A Marriage Guidance Counsellor Do?

What Does A Marriage Guidance Counsellor Do? While the job description of a marriage counsellor differs depending on where and with who a counsellor works with1, Here are a few typical job requirements and specifications of a marriage counsellor:

  1. Relationship Assessment

A truly good marriage counsellor will do many things, but the first and most important thing they will do is spend time figuring out what is going on between the two of you that is causing problems and hurt feelings in the first place.

They will never jump in and start making recommendations about what to change without first carefully considering where each of you is coming from.

I know from experience as a marriage counsellor (and as a marriage counselee) that you’re probably eager to have marriage guidance counsellors jump right in and say, “Okay everyone, here’s what needs to change,” in the first 10 minutes of the first session. (And then points a finger at your embarrassed spouse.)

And, let’s be honest, we all have a secret codependent fantasy that the imaginary marriage counsellor will tell your partner that the problem is exactly what you’ve been telling them — which is them, basically. I understand how that would feel… but it is unlikely to happen.

What Does A Marriage Guidance Counsellor Do? A good marriage counsellor, fortunately (or unfortunately?) will take a much more balanced and systemic approach. They will try to understand why you are both reacting to each other in the way you are in their assessment of your relationship. You will both feel validated, if not vindicated.

While this is not as satisfying as hearing a marriage counsellor tell your partner that they need to get their act together, I can assure you that it is far more productive and will result in a truly transformational growth experience for both of you.

A solid and thorough relationship assessment will take at least a few sessions, depending on what is going on. They may ask you to take a much more involved relationship quiz than our free “How Healthy is Your Relationship?” quiz.

They might ask you both a lot of questions to get a sense of your core beliefs about relationships, your attachment style, your communication styles, and how your reactions to each other make sense.

As they’re creating their working “map” of your relationship, you and your partner will begin to develop a new understanding of what has been happening between you too.

  1. Supported Listening and Understanding

Marriage counselling work by creating experiences that are diametrically opposed to what typically occurs in relationship conflict.

Let me invite you to think honestly for a moment about what it’s like to be you when you and your partner are at odds. I’ll bet you a cookie that when things get heated, you’re like me (and everyone else) and are focused on what you’re thinking, feeling, wanting, and saying next. When we feel wronged, it’s natural for us to become self-centred.

Furthermore, if you’re like most people, you probably have a good idea of what would improve your relationship, which primarily involves your partner making changes on their end. Everyone does this because we all see the situation through our own eyes.

And, if we’re being completely honest, let’s just admit that we believe the changes our partners should make are to accept our ideas, be nicer to us, or handle things the way we would. This is entirely correct: Our way of being made perfect sense to us!

What Does A Marriage Guidance Counsellor Do? However, this is what frequently causes conflict and obstructs communication in a relationship. Because of all of the understandable factors I mentioned above, when we disagree with our partners, we generally devote all of our energy to making ourselves understood, attempting to get our points across, or defending our own positions.

Marriage guidance counsellors can help you reverse this by supporting both of you in hearing each other, allowing each other’s perspectives in, and learning how to respond to what your partner is saying.

Effective marriage counselling is not “informational.” It’s a hands-on experience.

During your sessions, effective marriage guidance counsellors will actively assist you two in having very different experiences with each other. You will be taught how to listen to each other differently and given different perspectives on what is going on between you.

This listening and understanding experience will eventually change your feelings about your partner. Once that understanding is established, it serves as a solid foundation for developing concrete skills for changing your interactions in order to have more positive interactions with each other.

Please understand that good marriage counselling is a “growth experience” that is truly transformational in nature.

Good marriage guidance counsellors will not rush in and give you trite relationship advice. They will first assist you and your partner in having a series of experiences together that will fundamentally change your understanding of yourselves and each other — through a series of productive conversations focused on listening to and understanding each other.

  1. Emotional Safety and Connection

Expert marriage guidance counsellors provide a safe environment in which a couple — even a long-distance couple, thanks to online marriage counselling — can communicate without the influence of negative communication patterns.

This enables people to truly listen to and understand one another. Empathy, feelings of emotional closeness, new solutions to old problems, and a desire to change for the better are frequently associated with this understanding. It is easier to unravel negative patterns that cause problems outside of the counselling room and create positive, long-term change in this emotional climate.

What Does A Marriage Guidance Counsellor Do? Over time, one of the experiential changes you can expect from good marriage counselling is learning how to be emotionally safe and supportive partners to each other.

In sessions, your marriage counsellor will teach you how to listen and communicate, and you will practice this new way of being. This promotes emotional safety both inside and outside of sessions by increasing self-awareness.

  1. New Self-Awareness

It becomes much easier to listen, understand, and respond to your partner outside of marriage counselling sessions as you become more comfortable and familiar with how to do so. Not just because you’re picking up new skills, though you will, but because you’re becoming more self-aware and, as a result, more emotionally intelligent.

You’ll eventually have a moment where you’re at the kitchen table and your partner says something triggering to you, and you’ll have the self-awareness to say to yourself, “Oh! Right. I can feel myself becoming defensive at this point, but I’m going to do [insert: this thing I’ve been practising in our couples therapy sessions] instead so I don’t make her feel invalidated because that’s when she feels really hurt and shuts down.”

What Does A Marriage Guidance Counsellor Do? Nobody can simply tell you how to be emotionally safe, emotionally intelligent, a good listener, and a self-aware communicator. You must learn how to become things through an experiential process in the presence of a couples therapist who can provide feedback, direction, and practice.

You will not be able to make real and lasting changes unless you have an experiential self-awareness of what is happening inside of you (for example, when you are about to defensively interrupt your partner). You will continue your old pattern, perhaps without even realizing it until it is complete.

Gaining genuine self-awareness often requires having had challenging but growth-promoting experiences with a good couples therapist who said, “I noticed that when he said that, you interrupted with this comment, and it shut the conversation down. Can you tell me what was going on inside of you before you said that?”

The habitual “defensive interrupter” would never have been able to articulate what thoughts and feelings lead them to communicate in this manner without that type of self-awareness-expanding experience in an extremely emotionally safe environment.

They can’t change it unless they are aware of it. Being acutely aware of your own inner experience while also being empathetically aware of your partner’s allows you to respond in a way that authentically creates a connection.

It’s serious stuff. It’s great stuff. It’s potent stuff. But doing so alone in the midst of a fight is impossible. To create a supportive and emotionally safe relationship, you need support and emotional safety. We’re all guilty of it.

  1. Direct Guidance & Relationship Coaching

What Does A Marriage Guidance Counsellor Do? Marriage counsellors perform a variety of tasks throughout the marriage counselling process. As previously stated, phase one of marriage counselling is typically a relationship assessment.

This opens the door to greater comprehension, the ability to listen with empathy, self-awareness, and a deeper emotional connection. These things must occur first so that couples can have new, healing experiences with each other and reconnect with their love.

However, simply talking about things and having “magical moments” in the room and even out is insufficient. They lay the groundwork, but in marriage, as in everything else, the only thing that will truly change your relationship for the better is consistent positive action.

This means that once you know what to do and how to do it, you must implement what you’ve learned in marriage counselling.

Miss Date Doctor sees many couples who have been frustrated with previous attempts at couples counselling because they felt they did not receive enough practical support and guidance about “what to do.”

These couples had frequently previously worked with therapists who lacked specialized training and experience in marriage counselling, so marriage counselling was conducted in the same manner as individual therapy sessions.

While these therapists may help couples talk about things differently in marriage counselling sessions, and develop new insight into themselves and each other… that isn’t always the case.

Good, experienced marriage guidance counsellors (or discernment counsellor) understands that the new experiences couples have together in sessions are the seeds of change, but that if those fragile seeds are not encouraged to grow into robust behaviours, they will wither.

Marriage counselling ultimately works because of the skills, strategies, and homework assignments that help couples put nebulous concepts like “empathy,” “emotional safety,” and “self-awareness” into daily practice.

Marriage guidance counsellors’ approach works well because it incorporates both evidence-based marriage counselling approaches and a relationship coaching orientation that emphasizes positive change.

What Type Of Therapist Is Best For Marriage Counselling?

What Type Of Therapist Is Best For Marriage Counselling?

What Type Of Therapist Is Best For Marriage Counselling? There are various approaches to marriage therapy, and which one is best for your relationship is determined by your goals. Most therapists are trained in a variety of modalities and can incorporate specific techniques based on the nature of the marriage.

The therapist you choose to work closely with may be more important than the type of therapy they use to help you in many cases. Marriage therapy can help you improve communication, learn to navigate your differences as individuals, rebuild trust after betrayal, or increase intimacy.

It has been around since the 1930s, but it didn’t really take off until the 1980s when new approaches became available.

  1. Solution-focused therapy

What Type Of Therapist Is Best For Marriage Counselling? Solution-focused therapy is best suited to spouses who want to fix specific problems rather than spouses who have a wide range of issues.

According to one study, short-term solution-focused marriage therapy can significantly reduce “couple burnout,” a psychological, emotional, and physical condition characterized by a lack of interest or attachment to your spouse.

Furthermore, a solution-focused approach encourages couples to imagine their desired positive changes. The patients and therapists then outline and concretize actionable steps designed to help a couple achieve their goals together based on this creative vision.

  1. Narrative therapy

What Type Of Therapist Is Best For Marriage Counselling? The philosophy of narrative therapy is that the stories you and your spouse tell each other shape your behaviour and decisions toward one another. This evidence-based method is distinguished by the correction of negative or self-defeating narratives that may be undermining your marital dynamic.

First, a therapist assists spouses in identifying which of their life’s mistaken themes and beliefs are contributing to the breakdown of their marital bond. They are then guided to create a healthier new narrative that addresses and honours one another’s needs while also increasing harmony and intimacy.

  1. Imago relationship therapy

What Type Of Therapist Is Best For Marriage Counselling? The Imago method of therapy sees marital problems as the result of unhealed wounds and unmet childhood needs that later manifest as pain points, conflicts, or sensitivities in adult relationships.

The premise of this therapy is that each spouse has had certain childhood experiences that have caused them to form unique perspectives on what relationships look like.

The ultimate goal is to consciously address these images in order to quickly identify negative behaviours, feelings, and thoughts, allowing you to better understand your childhood experiences and how they influence how you behave towards your spouse.

This therapy consists of three steps: mirroring, concern, validation, and empathy expression. According to one study, spouses’ relationship satisfaction improves significantly after 12 therapy sessions.

  1. Emotion-focused therapy

What Type Of Therapist Is Best For Marriage Counselling? This therapy, which was developed in the 1980s, is one of the most tried and tested forms of marital therapy. A therapist will often ask spouses to share specific problem events in their relationship and then will work closely with them to explore, identify, and make sense of any underlying emotions that contribute to the problems.

When spouses are stuck in apathy, resentment, or anger, it can be difficult for them to address their most vulnerable feelings. However, once they are able to access deeper emotions such as fear, hurt, or sadness, they can begin to understand their unmet needs as revealed by these more profound emotions.

  1. Discernment counselling

What Type Of Therapist Is Best For Marriage Counselling? This technique was developed in 2008 for conflicted marriages in which one spouse wishes to save the relationship while the other wishes to end it. Their approach to short-term therapy seeks to clarify when ambivalence prevents spouses from fully engaging in or reaping the benefits of marriage therapy.

The primary goal of discernment counselling is to assist spouses in discovering every option available for consideration before making a final decision about the fate of their relationship.

How Much Do Marriage counsellors Cost UK?

How Much Do Marriage counsellors Cost UK?

How Much Do Marriage counsellors Cost UK? Although we are all accustomed to free healthcare in the UK via the NHS, the services available for counselling are very limited, and it is now common for people to seek private counselling services.

How Much Do Marriage counsellors Cost UK? Our fees are tailored to your needs. You can pay for each session individually if you prefer, or you can pay for a block of six sessions to take advantage of our discount scheme. It cost within the range of £120 to £300.

How Much Do Marriage counsellors Cost UK? It is worth noting that employers will sometimes pay for counselling through their company benefit plans. This is usually only for one type of therapy and for a limited time, but if you have this benefit, it’s worth asking your employer if they will cover the cost of your counselling sessions.

How Much Do Marriage counsellors Cost UK? Marriage counsellors in the UK typically charge between £50 and £100 per hour for individual sessions, and between £70 and £140 per hour for couples therapy. Some therapists may offer a reduced rate for those on a low income.

How Much Do Marriage counsellors Cost UK? It is important to note that the cost of marriage counselling can vary widely and depends on several factors, including the location, the experience and qualifications of the therapist, and the type of therapy being offered.

How Much Do Marriage counsellors Cost UK? It is a good idea to discuss the cost of therapy with the counsellor before beginning treatment. Some therapists may also offer a sliding scale fee, which means that the cost of therapy is based on the client’s ability to pay.

Is Marriage Guidance Any Good?

Is Marriage Guidance Any Good?

Is Marriage Guidance Any Good? Many couples would have received counselling at one point or another in their marriage either as a precondition laid down by the institution conducting their marriage or as a personal choice to get a better understanding of their roles as husband and wife and how best to prepare for the commitments ahead.

Is Marriage Guidance Any Good? Whatever your intentions are when you decide to go for counselling either before or after your marriage, studies have shown that it is the ideal step to take if you both desire a fruitful married life together.

However, some couples still prefer the traditional way of resolving their marital conflicts and would rather involve the help of family members which may cause more harm than good. Some family members can be judgemental or biased during the process.

During the process, some family members may be judgmental or biased.

  1. Talking is Therapeutic

Is Marriage Guidance Any Good? Lack of consideration for the other person is one of the most common reasons why couples engage in conflict, and if one person is unable to recognize the strains their actions are putting on the relationship, it can quickly intensify and break down the peace in the home.

“When one is behaving like a goat, the other must maintain the attitude of a sheep,” the elders said during traditional marriage counselling. Unfortunately, this guidance can be seen as a disparity in modern marriages because everyone is thought to have an equal right to express his or her own opinion.

However, if communication in your marriage breaks down, it is best to seek the help of a professional marriage counsellor who will be able to get both of you back on the same page.

Counselling is therapeutic because it focuses on your emotional needs and allows each person to express themselves without interruption while the therapist listens attentively and studies your behavioural patterns.

  1. Counselling provides a secure environment.

Is Marriage Guidance Any Good? If a situation is left unresolved, the home can become a place where anger and resentment are triggered, turning the space into a battlefield; attempting to resolve your challenges in this same environment may be difficult.

Counselling can provide a safe space for you and your spouse to take your problems away from the hostility of your domestic lives and into a more calm and relaxing environment.

A good therapist will make room for openness despite the rage so that both of you can see the hidden mysteries behind your individual behaviours and become aware of the pains you are inflicting on each other as you return home.

  1. Counselling reduces anxiety.

Is Marriage Guidance Any Good? When couples rely on family mediation to resolve their conflicts, it can become subjective rather than objective because traditional marriage expectations can cause more harm than good in today’s marital challenges.

A man or woman who has always been intolerant may become insensitive to his or her spouse’s needs and be intimidated by his or her feelings. Counselling can also provide an opportunity to remove fears and threats.

Is Marriage Guidance Any Good? Marriage counselling teaches you the most effective techniques for supporting yourself through positive communication and continuous self-evaluation in order to build a healthy marital relationship.

What Are The Cons Of Marriage counselling?

What Are The Cons Of Marriage counselling?

What Are The Cons Of Marriage counselling? As much as marriage counselling has advantages, I must warn you that it also has some drawbacks. Let’s take a look at what these elements are.

  • Attendance is required on an ongoing basis. The couple must be dedicated to the procedure. Several sessions are required to achieve the benefits listed above.
  • The couple should be free to seek counselling. They should not go to please one another or out of obligation.
  • There may be a release of strong emotions such as anger, rage, or resentment.
  • The culmination of sentimental dedication. While therapy aims to resolve conflicts and create meeting places in relationships, it is possible that after several sessions, the couple will realize that it is best for both of them to separate.
  • The professional may cause misunderstanding in the relationship. If the therapist accompanying the process does not have enough experience or only understands one version of the problem, he or she is likely to confuse the couple even more.

What Are The Cons Of Marriage counselling? Remember that marriage counselling isn’t just for couples who have major disagreements or argue frequently.

Counselling is appropriate for all relationships that want to get to know each other better, reach agreements, and find common ground that will allow them to grow as individuals and as a couple.

The Warning Signs of a Loveless Relationship or Marriage

  1. Absence of Intimacy

What Are The Cons Of Marriage counselling? In all healthy relationships, intimacy is essential. In fact, intimacy distinguishes meaningful, romantic interactions from casual hangouts.

Most of the time, the arrival of the first child, extramarital affairs, or the desire to pursue a top career can ‘disturb’ a couple’s sex life.

As a result, your significant other becomes merely a bystander, a powerless pion in a grander play centred solely on your selfish desires and aspirations.

It’s not always about sex, either. Intimacy with your partner entails sharing your “craziest” fantasies, being open about your greatest fears, and having the courage to be vulnerable.

Losing intimacy means losing one of your relationship’s fundamental pillars, which almost always leads to a breakup or divorce.

  1. Ongoing Criticism

What Are The Cons Of Marriage counselling? A relationship that is devoid of conflicts is not authentic. If each partner retains some degree of independence, it is inevitable that disagreements will arise at some point. That is completely normal.

Only through conflicts and divergences can two people’s personalities ‘fuse’ and work toward a common goal. In essence, sticking together through thick and thin is one of the goals of any healthy and functional relationship.

While constructive disagreements can strengthen a marriage, constant criticism will eventually lead to frustration and contempt.

There is a distinction between saying, “I’m hungry and there’s nothing in the fridge,” and saying, “Why didn’t you order food?! You’re worthless!”

  1. Self-centeredness

What Are The Cons Of Marriage counselling? Selfishness is one of the silent killers that can destroy your relationship from within.

What’s interesting is that selfish desire can sometimes be the driving force behind our decision to devote time and effort to seducing our romantic partner. However, once we’ve achieved our goal, the same selfish attitude can cause us to be less interested and caring towards our partner.

Toxic selfishness, the type of attitude that turns a relationship into a one-way street, is frequently the result of a lack of communication, but especially a lack of sincerity.

Our needs do not always coincide with those of our partners, which can result in a severe imbalance in the dynamic of your relationship.

While internal stimuli cause selfishness, external stimuli sustain it.

But selfishness can also result from frustrations, such as unfulfilled old relationships or failing to invest profound feelings for fear of being disappointed again.

  1. Deception and deception

Lying and cheating are often deal breakers. But, if that’s the case, how come people keep making these errors?

Although we can all agree that lying is a bad habit, we sometimes choose to conceal an unpleasant truth in order to maintain a perfect image of our relationship. We avoid openly discussing with our partner that cute coworker or the “harmless” flirting between you and his/her best friend. Worse, we delude ourselves into believing we do it for the right reasons.

What Are The Cons Of Marriage counselling? Trust is a delicate component; it only takes one instance of betrayal to shatter it. And once broken, the chances of it being rebuilt are slim to none.

According to one recent study, having sex outside of the relationship and reporting lower relationship quality predicted dissolution. This is true for both heterosexual and same-sex couples.

Have an honest conversation with your significant other, no matter how uncomfortable it may be, before desire turns to motivation and motivation turns to action.

What Is The Success Rate Of Marriage Counselling?

What Is The Success Rate Of Marriage Counselling?

What Is The Success Rate Of Marriage Counselling? When provided by a trained marriage therapist, marriage counselling yields positive results for 70% of couples receiving treatment. Approximately half of the couples who receive marriage counselling report that it has assisted them in resolving all or nearly all of their serious problems.

What Is The Success Rate Of Marriage Counselling? Working with a trained marriage therapist is critical for achieving the best results. Many counsellors are trained to work with individuals, but working with couples requires the counsellor to balance two different versions of the married couple’s experiences in order to help them find common ground.

What Is The Success Rate Of Marriage Counselling? Furthermore, keep in mind that in some cases, repairing a relationship may be impossible, and divorce may be the best option. counsellors can assist you in making an informed and careful decision. counsellors, on the other hand, should never make this decision for you.

They are ethically obligated to respect their clients’ autonomy in making client decisions. If a divorce decision has been made, success can be defined as the safe and mutual commitment to cooperative, effective co-parenting. When both parents are committed to assisting their children in adjusting to the transitions that come with divorce, cooperative co-parenting is possible.

What Is The Success Rate Of Marriage Counselling? Several factors influence marriage counselling success, including how early the couple begins therapy, whether the type of therapy chosen is appropriate for their problem, and the willingness of both spouses to work hard to repair their marriage.

Working hard to save a marriage necessitates dedication and communication. Furthermore, it necessitates that each individual examines his or her own role in marital problems. Once you’ve found the right therapist for your family, stick to the treatment plan even if difficulties arise, and work through the issues.

What Is The Success Rate Of Marriage Counselling? Positive outcomes are also more likely when you, your spouse, and your counsellor communicate openly and honestly with one another. Couples who communicate effectively with their counsellor are more likely to achieve positive outcomes than those who do not honestly and accurately represent all aspects of their struggles.

What Is The Success Rate Of Marriage Counselling? Open communication and feedback will help you and your counsellor understand what works and does not work for your marriage, as well as address any concerns you may have during treatment.

Marriage Guidance Counsellor Conclusion

Marriage Guidance Counsellor Conclusion

Marriage Guidance Counsellors Conclusion.  Everyone agrees that relationships are difficult.

There are no shortcuts, quick tips, or magical solutions that can guarantee smooth sailing when embarking on a lifelong journey with your significant other.

It takes a lot of effort and dedication from both partners to build a strong union that will stand the test of time.

Marriage Guidance Counsellors Conclusion. Though uncomfortable, milestones such as overcoming the first heated argument, replacing criticism with empathy, or sacrificing me time for ‘we’ time are critical in strengthening your relationship or marriage. These are the kinds of steps that cannot be skipped.

Further reading

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