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Counselling For Toxic Relationships

Counselling For Toxic Relationships

Counselling For Toxic Relationships

Counselling for toxic relationships. Toxic relationships are very common these days. The good part is more people are speaking up and seeking help because it can cause a lot of problems relating to mental health. Being in toxic relationships often drains those involved emotionally, mentally and physically which can lead to more serious problems.

Before we dive into counselling for toxic relationships, let us define what a toxic relationship is. A toxic relationship is a relationship that constantly threatens your emotional, physical and psychological stability. In a toxic relationship, one may constantly feel unhappy, undervalued, misunderstood, neglected or demeaned and oftentimes unsafe.

It is a relationship where one or both partners have behaviours that are considered toxic or affect their well-being. There is a constant strain in communication either because your partner may misunderstand you or use your words against you and for those that have partners that resort to violence, saying the right thing at the wrong time may earn them some blows.

Many people are or may have become toxic because of past experiences which may include things they experienced or witnessed as children, the divorce or constant issues their parents had, being rejected by someone they loved when they were much younger, being cheated on by someone they trusted and many other reasons.

These are real issues that may have affected these people emotionally and psychologically and due to fear of repetition, they begin to exhibit these unhealthy traits that make their partners unhappy, unappreciated, sad, drained and many times frustrated.

Being in a toxic relationship can be super hard, but the good part is there is counselling for toxic relationships which can help you, whether you want to work things out with your partner or need help in moving on from them because you realise that is what will be best for you and your mental health.

The main characteristics of a toxic relationship are summarized as ABCD which are Accusations, Blame, Criticisms and Demands. When the aforementioned are present in your relationship, it may be a pointer to the fact that either one or both of you are toxic and it may be good to seek counselling for toxic relationships so things can improve and you both will be happy.


Accusations usually indicate that you or your partner may be experiencing insecurity or have trust issues. One of the foundations of a healthy relationship is trust and if this is not in place, it may lead to you constantly looking over your partner’s shoulder when they’re using their phone or policing them because you are afraid that they may be with someone else.

The constant accusation is very toxic for any relationship because your partner may eventually become frustrated with your lack of trust and end the relationship as this may be the only way they see as an escape route to happiness and peace of mind.


Passing the blame around is another characteristic of a toxic relationship. If you prefer to pass the blame around rather than take responsibility for your actions, you may be toxic and this can affect your partner tremendously as they may begin to lose confidence in themselves because they feel that they cannot seem to get things right in the relationship, hence your unhappiness.

Passing the blame around can also indicate that you are manipulative which is a very toxic behaviour. A lot of toxic relationships have at least one of the partners being manipulative; when they are wrong, they use words or actions to turn it around and make you feel like you did something wrong which caused them to react the way they did.


There are two sides to the criticism coin. It is fine to criticise your partner constructively without making them feel less of themselves. The other side of the coin, which is the toxic side is using demeaning words that make your partner feel like they are not good enough or make them doubt their value or self-worth.

It is not very okay to criticise your partner in public as this may affect their self-esteem and if you must, you should choose your words carefully so that you do not give off the impression that you do not care about how they feel or their self-image. It is important to not use demeaning words on your partner because they did not get something right, it can break them.


A demanding partner may also indicate a selfish one. Having a partner that makes demands of you constantly may indicate that your relationship is toxic. Demanding partners often act like they own the other person and have power over them. They manipulate or coerce their partner emotionally to get what they want

These people do not consider how the feelings of their partner or what their own needs may be and how they could go about meeting them. They prefer to have dominance in the relationship and treat their partner as their subject who must go over and beyond to meet their demands and do whatever they require of them.

These characteristics go on to birth others including manipulation, violence, poor communication, feeling emotionally drained, not being respected, constantly being put down, being controlled, lack of trust, not being heard, being scared to express yourself for fear of being misunderstood, if not checked through seeking counselling for toxic relationships.

This toxicity is not only found in romantic relationships. It sometimes occurs in relationships between parents and their children, friendships and in work relationships. Whatever the case may be, it is always helpful to seek counselling for toxic relationships or get a support system to help you deal with it.

Many times, the best option is to walk away from the relationship, especially if you feel like your life may be threatened or you are being drained emotionally or mentally because this can lead to more serious issues like depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, lack of motivation for other things and sometimes suicide because they seemed like the easy way out.

There are many situations where you may want to seek out help to heal from the toxicity, especially in cases where your partner, as the case may be in a relationship, is willing to work with you to make things better or a parent or friend who values your relationship wants to seek out help so they don’t lose you.

It is important to seek counselling for toxic relationships if the above sounds like your relationship and you feel you are drowning and the best time to do so will be today.

Can Counselling Help A Toxic Relationship?

Can Counselling Help A Toxic Relationship?

Can counselling help a toxic relationship? Counselling may be able to help a toxic relationship, but it depends on the level of toxicity. Sometimes, the people in the relationship may be better off apart and other times, a counsellor may be able to help them identify the root cause of the issues they may be experiencing in the relationship.

Can counselling help a toxic relationship? if both partners are willing to work together and seek professional help, then it is possible for counselling to help them. If the toxic party does not acknowledge that the traits they exhibit are toxic, there is little a counsellor can do for them, because the first step to healing their relationship is acknowledging the problems.

If you are in a toxic relationship and asking, “can counselling help a toxic relationship?” it is possible if you seek a professional, as they can help you work through issues and identify if there are possibilities that you both can salvage your relationship and walk you through how to go about making it the relationship you both wished for from the start.

Do you feel like you need help with getting over your attachment or dependency on a toxic person and the thought, can counselling help toxic relationships keeps coming to your mind? It is noteworthy that a professional counsellor may be able to help you get over the attachment you have with the person and they can also help you process your emotions.

Can counselling help toxic relationships? Getting over someone you cared about to a fault can be really hard and you may have fear of abandonment or being alone probably because they told you that you will be nothing without them or that you have no identity; a professional counsellor can help you get over that fear and see that you can be happier than before.

Whatever the case may be, seeking counselling for toxic relationships may be beneficial in helping you and your partner if you are willing, and if you decide that you are better off alone, it can help you get over the relationship, find your identity and become happy again.

Can A Very Toxic Relationship Be Fixed?

Can A Very Toxic Relationship Be Fixed?

Can a very toxic relationship be fixed? This is possible but it depends on the level of toxicity and how the relationship affects or has affected you and also if you and your partner acknowledge that there are issues to be resolved and are willing to work together towards having a better and more beautiful relationship.

Someone asks, “can a very toxic relationship be fixed?” I would say it is possible but depends on the parties involved, the damage done to the parties and the willingness of the parties involved to make things right. Several things can determine if a toxic relationship can be salvaged or not.

When seeking counselling for toxic relationships, it is very important that the toxic one in the relationship realises that they have issues, wants to be better, is ready to seek help and is willing to work with a professional to help heal them so they can become better partners to the one they are in a relationship with, otherwise, it cannot be fixed.

Can a very toxic relationship be fixed? If the parties in the relationship are willing to invest the time, work and patience required the possibility of fixing it is high. If they can identify the cause of the issues and are ready to work together, they can seek counselling for toxic relationships which can help in dealing with issues in a healthy way and in time, fix the relationship.

Also, being honest with each other about whether the relationship is worth saving or if you are better off apart is necessary as sometimes, the parties involved may know that they are worse off being with each other, but they may choose to live in denial of the problems instead of fixing it and this could hamper the chances of fixing the relationship altogether.

Many times, because you love your partner and you acknowledge that your relationship may be very toxic, you ask, “can a very toxic relationship be fixed?” it is possible if you both can understand that it is not you against each other, but both of you against the issues threatening your relationship and you are willing to work towards making things better.

If you want to fix a toxic relationship, you both need to establish an atmosphere where you can communicate your feelings and needs without including accusations, blame, negative criticisms and unnecessary demands and talk to a professional who is into counselling for toxic relationships can create an atmosphere that feels safe to communicate your feelings.

It is very important to discuss issues healthily as this can help you resolve them more quickly without any party being hurt or offended. Also, you need to deal with issues and move on from them, because bringing them up whenever you are upset only makes things harder to solve and this is a toxic trait.

Can a very toxic relationship be fixed? One way you may be able to fix a toxic relationship is by setting boundaries and not giving room for toxicity. You should stop walking on eggshells around your partner and express your feelings calmly and healthily; let them know how they make you feel and if they are willing to change, you may be able to salvage your relationship.

How Do You Mentally Recover From A Toxic Relationship?

How Do You Mentally Recover From A Toxic Relationship?

How do you mentally recover from a toxic relationship? Your well-being starts from your mind and that is usually the first place you want to work on when trying to get over a toxic relationship because if you can deal with the issue in your head, it will make it easier to get over it when you finally confront the issue.

You can mentally recover from a toxic relationship if you are committed to it and remind yourself that you deserve to be happy, loved and cared for by trying out some of the ways I will talk about below which I believe can help you recover mentally and find happiness again.

Seek counselling for toxic relationships

When you feel like your mental health is sinking because you have been around so much toxicity, it is good to seek to try out therapy with a professional counsellor who may be able to understand and help you process your feelings, which is an important set when dealing with a toxic relationship.

Going for therapy can be very helpful when you thinking about “how do you mentally recover from a toxic relationship?” a professional therapist can help you identify why you put up with the toxicity if you should remain in the relationship and ways to go about your recovery if you feel like you cannot take any more of it.

Get support

Talking about “how do you mentally recover from a toxic relationship”, it is important to surround yourself with as much positivity as you can. You can find and join support groups, where you can express yourself freely in the company of people that have gone or are going through toxic relationships and have been able to heal their relationship or recover from it.

You can also find support systems in friends and family and involve yourself in activities that promote your general well-being. You can do the things you love with your friends and your family, as this will help to take your mind off of the stress you may have been experiencing, and with time, you feel whole again.

Take some time off if you feel the need

If you feel that your mental health is threatened, you need to know that it is okay to take some time off to focus on yourself and evaluate the relationship and whether you want to continue being in it or if you are better off alone. If it hurts too much and you feel like you need to breathe, you should ask your partner for some time off to clear your head.

Your mental health should be paramount to you and if the toxicity of the other person affects you and you feel choked or like you need to clear your head, by all means, do so. Always remember that you need to have a sound mind to be able to achieve the goals you have set for yourself.

No contact with the toxic person

One answer to how do you mentally recover from a toxic relationship is cutting off all contact with the person. This may seem hard, but it is necessary if you want to heal mentally and move on. Most toxic people are manipulative and they may manipulate their way back into your life if you give them the chance to halt your healing process.

If you are trying to heal from a toxic relationship, you need to cut off all contact until you are strong enough to face the person and not feel anything or when you feel that you are now above their toxicity and they can no longer hurt you even if they tried.

Forgive yourself & don’t blame yourself

It is important to avoid blaming yourself for the other party’s toxicity. Thinking, “how do you mentally recover from a toxic relationship?” you need to first stop blaming yourself or accepting that they became toxic because of something you did wrong, thinking that way will only make you feel worse and hate yourself which is what the toxic person wants.

A toxic person can manipulate you to think that you are the reason why the relationship issues are there and if after leaving them, you still feel guilty for everything that happened. You need to stop blaming yourself so you can start to heal. It is also very important to forgive yourself if you hate yourself for falling in love with such a person so that you can be happy again.

What A Toxic Relationship Does To You Mentally

What A Toxic Relationship Does To You Mentally

What a toxic relationship does to you mentally. Being in a toxic relationship can drain you mentally and make you feel less of yourself. A toxic relationship affects your mind in more ways than you may know and can lead you to believe that you are not good enough for happiness or that you are not worthy.

Let us discuss a few ways that a toxic relationship can affect you mentally as this will help you see why going for counselling for toxic relationships may be very vital to you and your partner if you both want to work on getting things right with your relationship.

Anxiety and depression

A toxic relationship can be a very severe threat to your mental health. Constantly being in an environment that is demeaning, abusive, or violent can make you start to believe that happiness is farfetched and that you are not worthy, which can in turn affect your mental health by making you have anxiety, depression, and even contemplate suicide.

Creates mental strain

Part of what a toxic relationship does to you mentally is create mental stress which can lead to mental strain. It is important to avoid toxic relationships and people as much as possible because they can stress you mentally and make you underperform in other areas. After all, you cannot concentrate on the constant fear of being unworthy.

Low self-worth

Being in a toxic relationship can kill your self-esteem and create the feeling of not being good enough to experience any good thing. This may be because the toxic person constantly downplayed your worth, talked down on you or treated you in demeaning ways, or constantly reminded you that you are not worth much, and over time, they killed your self-esteem.

Feeling drained

Feeling drained is part of what a toxic relationship does to you mentally. This can go a long way to affect your output in things you do because you may not be able to think clearly and you constantly feel exhausted, making other things, people, and the relationships you have built with them suffer.

Poor physical health

The decline in physical health is also one of what a toxic relationship does to you mentally. The mind often determines what happens in our bodies and when one is mentally stressed finds that their physical health may begin to decline. Some people may begin to lose weight or gain weight as they use their abstinence or sudden love for food as a coping mechanism.

Lack of motivation

Being in a toxic relationship can stress you so much mentally that you begin to lack the motivation to do other things. This lack of motivation is a big part of what a toxic relationship does to you mentally. Gradually people may find that they have lost motivation even to live because nothing makes sense or seems interesting anymore.

What Are 5 Signs Of A Toxic Relationship?

What Are 5 Signs Of A Toxic Relationship?

What are 5 signs of a toxic relationship? Having read thus far, you may want to know the signs of a toxic relationship to evaluate your relationship and partner and if your partner has complained of some traits you have that I mentioned here. Let us discuss five signs of a toxic relationship.

You may want to go for counselling for toxic relationships, but need to be sure you need to. Some signs will show you that you may be in a toxic relationship or you may be the toxic person because your partner seems unhappy and your communication seems strained.

Strain in communication

The first thing we will look at in what are 5 signs of a toxic relationship is strained communication. If you find that you and your partner cannot communicate without the ABCDs showing up, then you may both be in a toxic relationship and it will do you good to seek help on time so that you can salvage your relationship before it goes out of hand.

You always sacrifice your needs to keep your partner happy

As we discuss “what are 5 signs of a toxic relationship”, do you find yourself constantly sacrificing your needs so that your partner can be happy or for peace in the relationship? This may be a sign that your relationship may be toxic. Healthy relationships are usually mutually beneficial to both people in the relationship.

Constantly feeling undervalued and unappreciated

Being in a relationship that makes you unhappy always or one that makes you feel less of yourself is a toxic atmosphere. One of the 5 signs that you are in a toxic relationship is that your partner makes you feel you are not doing enough and never appreciates you. This can drain you emotionally and psychologically if you do not seek help on time.

Constantly manipulated

Another of the “what are 5 signs of a toxic relationship” is that your partner is manipulative. A toxic partner can most times manipulate you to get what they want and you find that you always put your feelings aside for theirs after a while you begin to feel exploited and neglected because you have so many unfulfilled needs because you were not getting as much as you were giving.

There is violence or abuse

The last point of “what are 5 signs of a toxic relationship” is that the atmosphere is hostile. If your partner abuses you or is violent, that is a toxic relationship and one you need to get out of. A toxic partner can abuse you emotionally, physically and mentally and it is important to seek help or call relevant authorities if you feel your life may be threatened.

How Do You Treat A Toxic Relationship?

How Do You Treat A Toxic Relationship?

How do you treat a toxic relationship? There are several ways you can treat or handle a toxic relationship that will save you from continuous hurt or pain. However, the option that seems best may be to walk away from the person and for some other relationships, they may be able to walk through things and make the relationship better.

How do you treat a toxic relationship? Here are some ways that can help guide you towards handling things and taking back your happiness or what you can do if you decide that leaving the relationship is what is best for you. Let us go through some of them;

Do not be in denial of the situation

It is essential to tell yourself the truth about the relationship as living in denial will only keep you in the toxic relationship and you will continue to experience the hurt and pain which may end up damaging you mentally. So it is best to be true to yourself and seek help or talk with your partner as the case may be.

Seek counselling for toxic relationships

It is always important to seek help if you don’t know how to go about treating things or identifying the triggers. A professional counsellor can help you identify the triggers and walk you through how you can handle the situation with or without your partner.

Put your happiness first

How do you treat a toxic relationship? You need to put yourself and your happiness first. Everyone needs a refill when they give love or affection and if it is not forthcoming, it can be really frustrating so you need to decide if you can live with it or if the best thing is to walk away even though it may seem difficult.

Don’t feel responsible for their behaviour

It is important to remind yourself that you are not responsible for the other person’s behaviours as they may have conditioned you to believe. A toxic partner may try to make you feel responsible for them mistreating you so you need to stand firm and make them know that you are not responsible and you cannot be manipulated.

Set boundaries

It is very important to set some boundaries because this can help reduce toxicity. You can set boundaries that let your partner know what is acceptable and what is not and this can help you to be happy and protect you mentally.

How do you treat a toxic relationship if you decide to walk away?

Your relationship may be beyond repair because you both agree that you are both better off without each other and you are wondering how to treat the relationship now. You need to always remind yourself that you deserve only the best and if it gets too hard, seek help from a therapist who will help you process your feelings and move on.

Cutting off all contact may seem hard but it is necessary and you can fill in the spaces with activities with loved ones, to get your mind off them. Build a support system that can be there to help you get through the hard times and remind you of how amazing you are as a person and why this is the best decision you could have made.

Counselling For Toxic Relationships Conclusion

Counselling For Toxic Relationships Conclusion

Counselling for toxic relationships conclusion. Toxic relationships are very unhealthy and tend to damage a person physically, mentally and emotionally. If you find yourself in such a place, you must seek help and speak up, especially if your partner is violent or there is a threat to your life.

Counselling for toxic relationships conclusion. You also need to know that it is okay not to get closure. Just focus on self-love, process your emotions with the help of a therapist or support group and take your time before entering a new relationship.

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