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Prevarication Meaning. While the noun prevarication is mostly just a fancy way of saying “lie,” it can also mean toeing around the truth, being vague about the truth, or even delaying giving someone an answer, especially if you don’t want to tell them the whole truth.


The word was used to mean “going astray” or “stepping out of line” in the 16th century. It derives from the Latin root word praevaricari, which means “to walk crookedly.”


Prevarication Meaning. Prevarication is when someone tells a lie, especially in a sneaky way. A child might use prevarication to avoid telling the whole truth about how the kitchen window got broken.


Prevarication Meaning. Prevaricate is defined as “to speak or act evasively; to avoid telling the truth; to lie.” Although a prevaricating person may tell an outright lie, they are more likely to dance around the subject, saying or doing something to postpone the moment when they must either absolutely lie or tell the truth.


Prevarication Meaning. According to Chambers Dictionary of Etymology, the term first appeared in English in 1582 as a backformation of prevarication. English speakers may have been influenced by the Latin praevricri, which means “to make a false accusation, deviate,” according to the Online Etymology Dictionary.


In John Donne’s Selections, the word prevaricate acquired its modern meaning of “to speak evasively” (which was published before 1631).

What Is An Example Of Prevarication?

What Is An Example Of Prevarication

What Is An Example Of Prevarication? Prevarication is not a word that may show up in everyday sentences or examples, but trust me, it is an act that people indulge in almost on daily basis. And due to most politicians for some reason, needing to evade the truth, they will be a good example to explain how people prevaricate.


What Is An Example Of Prevarication? An excellent article by Peter Bull from the Department of Psychology at the University of York who has studied politicians’ prevarication in detail gives some good examples of “a non-specific response to a specific question.”


He argues that the key to a politician’s equivocation is to ignore the original question being asked and instead rephrase the question in a way that she/he wants to answer.


  1. i) Communicative Conflict


Prevarication Meaning. The reason politicians have become so adept at avoiding the question is down to what has been coined ‘Communicative Conflict’ – when all possible responses have potentially negative consequences but where a response is still expected.


Whilst it is understandable that politicians are reluctant to give a response that might make them look bad or hinder their future actions, equally one argument is that by choosing not to take a specific position and keeping their cards close to their chest, politicians are more likely to gain a position of power.


However, as Peter Bull argues, not taking a clear position is unsustainable in the long term: “Giving evasive responses to specific questions becomes increasingly transparent, and open to challenge” and eventually; “Opaqueness might be less an asset, more a liability.”


  1. ii) Managing Communicative Conflict in Professional Services:


What Is An Example Of Prevarication? Unequivocally, avoiding the client’s question is not an option for professional services advisors.


Even when advice might be challenging for the client to hear, avoiding the question will damage your credibility, and your firm’s credibility and give the client far less confidence in your ability.


However, it is also true that those working in professional services do sometimes have to deal with a form of ‘Communicative Conflict’ when dealing with clients. There are occasions when advisors know the advice they must give will be contentious or perhaps not what the client wants to hear.


But if avoiding the question isn’t an option, how can professional services advisors deal with this form of ‘Communicative Conflict’?


Here’s how we would expect them to face this communicative conflict:


  1. They show their reasoning:


What Is An Example Of Prevarication? If the advisor knows the client isn’t likely to embrace their advice with open arms they need to be able to justify the reasoning behind their recommendations.


To do this, the top advisors begin by carefully talking through the process for arriving at their conclusions. These conclusions should be irrefutable because they are based on the findings and data collected.


Once both parties have agreed on the diagnosis, the best advisors will then offer a list of potential recommendations – along with a ‘cost-benefit analysis for each – to aid the client’s final decision. The client can then take the best decision based on their existing conditions, barriers, and resources.


You might argue that giving different options to the client is an example of equivocation (using ambiguous language to avoid committing oneself). However, there will rarely, if ever, be just one option open to the client and the advisor must explain all options before making the final recommendation, in the knowledge that the client might still decide to take a different option.


  1. They have a clear understanding of the client’s context:


When offering a challenging point of view, the top advisors will have spent time developing an understanding of the client’s context. Their clear understanding of the client’s context also means they can discuss the potential opportunities and difficulties the client will face using evidence from their firm’s experience, further building their and their firm’s credibility.


  1. They explore the situation as equals:


What Is An Example Of Prevarication? When giving advice they know the client might not want to hear, the top advisors explore the situation as equals and resist the urge to be judgmental, knowing the client is far more likely to accept the opinion of someone they regard as a peer.


  1. They listen to the question and don’t offer a predetermined answer:


What Is An Example Of Prevarication? Politicians are well known for their ability to simply acknowledge the question they don’t like or can’t answer, before going on to talk about what they really want to discuss.


Likewise, professional advisors are sometimes criticised for answering with a predetermined ‘solution’ having created a ‘problem’ rather than creating a solution based on the problem.


The best advisors listen to the client’s question, validate what they’ve heard, and respond in a way that directly answers the question.


  1. Their response helps the client to envision a better future:


Prevarication Meaning. Even when faced with giving the client difficult feedback, the best advisors frame their answers in a way that helps the client to envision a better future for them and their business. They use the language of possibility, perspective, and candour.


They discuss what the aims and objectives are, what the result might mean for the client and what must change to get there. By framing their answer in a positive light, while still being honest about the difficulties ahead, clients can see that the advice, however hard to swallow, is in their best interests.


  1. They demonstrate high levels of Emotional Intelligence:


What Is An Example Of Prevarication? One trait that all the top professional services advisors share is emotional intelligence: the ability to correctly recognise and manage the client’s emotions as well as to understand and manage their moods and emotions and how they will affect the client.


When faced with a challenging question, the top professional services advisors use emotional intelligence to remain calm and resilient under pressure, to think before they speak, to build empathy, to listen, to find common ground, and build rapport.

What Is Another Word For Prevarication?

What Is Another Word For Prevarication

What Is Another Word For Prevarication? Knowing synonyms for the word “prevarication” will help you use the words interchangeably and here are how and when to use these synonyms.


What Is Another Word For Prevarication? A fabricated story or statement, especially one intended to deceive


Lie, fabrication, falsehood, untruth, fib, falsity, mendacity, story, falsification, deception, whopper, fable, misrepresentation, dishonesty, tale, tarradiddle, pretence, fibbing, quibbling, fudging, fairy, tale, fiction, tall, story, porky, trumped-up, story, fake news, pork pie, exaggeration.


“A half-truth is more deadly than an outright prevarication.”


What Is Another Word For Prevarication? Noun


Evasion of the truth, or of telling the truth


Equivocation, tergiversation, evasiveness, evasion, avoidance, hedging, stonewalling, quibbling, vagueness, fencing, caginess, shiftiness, elusiveness, shuffling, indirectness, slipperiness, ambiguousness, cavilling, parrying, dodging, pussyfooting, stalling, quibble, shilly-shallying.


“The BBMP’s constant prevarication on the fate of captured stray dogs understandably led to questions about what was being done to them.”


What Is Another Word For Prevarication? Noun


An act, or the fact, of being deceptive or deceitful


Deception, deceit, dishonesty, duplicity, fraud, deceitfulness, guile, dissimulation, craftiness, cunning, artifice, dissembling, cheating, craft, trickery, wiliness, crookedness, chicanery, foxiness, deceptiveness, cunningness, fakery, deviousness, treachery, guilefulness, fraudulence, slyness, crookery, insincerity, hypocrisy, dupery, artfulness, cozenage, mendacity, lying, underhandedness,


What Is Another Word For Prevarication? Noun


A play on words, a pun


Tergiversation, deception, evasion, equivocality, deceit, ambiguity, misrepresentation, doubtfulness, amphibology, casuistry, colouring, con, cover, deceptiveness, delusion, dissimulation, distortion, duplicity, equivoque, euphemism, fallacy, fib, fibbing, hedge, hedging, lie, line, lying, shuffling, song, sophistry, speciousness, spuriousness, stall, stonewall, waffle, amphiboly, double, meaning, cover-up, run-around, cop out, double entendre, double talk, quibbling, routine, weasel word, song and dance.


What Is Another Word For Prevarication? Noun


The action of evading something


Evasion, avoidance, dodging, elusion, shunning, circumvention, ducking, eluding, escape, shirking, cop-out, cunning, fudging, pretext, shuffling, artifice, bypassing, equivocation, eschewal, eschewing, out, ruse, shaking, sidestepping, subterfuge, trickery, bilking, evasiveness, go-by,


obliqueness, sophism, sophistry, ditch, dodge, equivocating, evading, excuse, fugiviteness, fugivity, jive, lie, quibble, routine, run-around, shift, skirting, slip, stall, stonewall, stonewalling, trick, getting out of, fancy footwork, finding a way round more


What Is Another Word For Prevarication? Noun


Bland fluent talk indulged in to avoid addressing a difficult subject or situation directly:


Flannel, nonsense, hogwash, drivel, garbage, rubbish, malarkey, poppycock, twaddle, claptrap, baloney, balderdash, blather, piffle, codswallop, bunk, rot, tosh, bull, guff, bunkum, trash, hooey, crock, hokum, moonshine, flapdoodle, humbug, folly, fiddlesticks, boloney, bilge, applesauce, bosh, horsefeathers, tommyrot, crapola, blither, foolishness, silliness, slush, senselessness,


blah, stupidity, malarky, fudge, muck, hokeypokey, jazz, nuts, trumpery, drool, hoodoo, tarradiddle blatherskite, buncombe, tripe, fiddle, beans, falderal, folderol, nerts, punk, waffle, codology, doublespeak, equivocation, evasion, hedging, spiel, fiddle-faddle, hot air, double-talk, weasel words

How Do You Use Prevarication In A Sentence?

How Do You Use Prevarication In A Sentence

How Do You Use Prevarication In a Sentence? These are some examples of the word prevarication and prevaricate.


  1. I concealed the name of my boat from her, and made a calculated prevarication when I announced my presence in London.


  1. There was no prevarication or difficulty with the only witness examined.


  1. He had by a violent effort recovered his equanimity, and said,—’Prevarication or denial I suppose to be useless.


How Do You Use Prevarication In a Sentence?


  1. I am ashamed of the prevarication; his heart certainly was broken, but his own hand assisted the slower operations of nature.


  1. One nation robs another—that other demands reparation—prevarication is the reply.


  1. It was a miserable attempt at prevarication, and he felt that it was.


  1. Billy Dawson used to say that there were three degrees of comparison—a prevarication, a lie, and an official account.


How Do You Use Prevarication In a Sentence?


  1. I have accused the Romish church and her priests of treachery, prevarication, and fraud, in all their dealings with Protestants.


  1. I know—some of you do not personally indulge in the general prevarication, but you tolerate it in your colleagues.


  1. But to disguise in this way the line of demarcation, even if you succeed in doing it, is at best the art of prevarication.


How Do You Use Prevarication In a Sentence? Examples of Prevaricate in a sentence


  1. Because my sister Sarah does not take bad news well, I always prevaricate when telling her something she does not want to hear.


  1. In order to get his bill passed, the politician went out of his way to prevaricate about the release of the environmental study.


  1. In hopes of avoiding questions about his recent car accident, the actor tried to prevaricate during his interview.


How Do You Use Prevarication In a Sentence?


When you prevaricate, you only make a complicated situation worse than it already is.


  1. Even after she had been sworn in for her testimony, the witness continued to prevaricate about her relationship with the defendant.


  1. Miles has a tendency to prevaricate when he believes things are not going his way.


  1. If you confront Tess about her actions, she will only prevaricate about her reasons for behaving in such a manner.


  1. Because Marie’s first reaction is to prevaricate, I have a hard time believing anything she says.


How Do You Use Prevarication In a Sentence?


  1. When teenagers talk to their parents about their bad grades, it is not unusual for them to prevaricate.


  1. In most cases, it is easier, to tell the truth than to try and prevaricate your way out of a sticky situation.

What’s It Called When You Don’t Tell The Whole Truth?

Whats It Called When You Dont Tell The Whole Truth

What’s It Called When You Don’t Tell The Whole Truth? It’s called “lying by omission”, Prevaricating. Point blank, it is still a lie. Don’t be conned into believing that they “mistakenly” didn’t tell everything. Or that they “forgot” or “didn’t find it important”.


What’s It Called When You Don’t Tell The Whole Truth? People who do this are very deliberate in their deliverance of events and what they conveniently leave out is intentional. And once you find out what those “unimportant details” were that were omitted then you’ll see why they were omitted!


These words all refer to people or things that deceive others and do not tell the truth.


What’s It Called When You Don’t Tell The Whole Truth? One of the most common words for this is dishonest. Dishonest is used to describe people and the things they do.


  • The press called out the campaign’s dishonest tactics.
  • Some people are so dishonest – it’s no wonder he’s suspicious of everyone.


The opposite of dishonesty is honesty.


He’s one of the most honest people you’ll ever meet.


If someone is untrustworthy, they are not able to be trusted because they are known to lie, cheat, or deceive other people.


He made the mistake of basing his news story on an untrustworthy source.

The opposite of untrustworthy is trustworthy.


What’s It Called When You Don’t Tell The Whole Truth?


She’s babysat for our family for years and is completely trustworthy.

Someone or something devious is dishonest, but in a complicated way that almost always works to trick or cheat others.


  • It was a devious plan – but would it work?
  • Devious pollsters can write questions that will always return the result they are looking for.


The word deceitful is a disapproving way to talk about someone or something that hides the truth.


  • She’s deeply deceitful and not to be trusted.
  • A bill was passed that banned deceitful sales practices.


What’s It Called When You Don’t Tell The Whole Truth? In formal contexts, disingenuous can be used when someone doesn’t tell the whole truth about something. Disingenuous is often modified by phrases like a little or a tad to show the speaker is being sarcastic.


  • It’s a little disingenuous to claim that you didn’t know about the meeting when we were all sent the reminder via email.
  • It is disingenuous of our supervisor to claim that her orders were merely suggestions.


You can also use the formal word duplicitous to describe lying speech or behaviours. Duplicitous is used especially to refer hiding the truth by telling different people different things.


Customers lose confidence in all banks when one engages in duplicitous behaviour.


What’s It Called When You Don’t Tell The Whole Truth? The adjective corrupt can be used to refer to people who use their position or their power to cheat other people and gain an advantage for themselves.


  • Corrupt politicians caught accepting bribes from political lobbies were removed from their posts this week.
  • Unscrupulous has a similar meaning as corrupt but is disapproving. Unscrupulous appears more in writing than in speech.


  • This city is full of unscrupulous developers who con struggling homeowners into selling off valuable property at a fraction of its worth.
  • A person in authority who cheats or deceives people is informally called crooked or, in UK English slang, bent.


  • He was a crooked politician and I’m glad the reporters caught him out.
  • UK slang He’s a bent copper.


What’s It Called When You Don’t Tell The Whole Truth? Something that is fraudulent looks legitimate but is intended to deceive people. Fraudulent is usually only used for things.


There are several fraudulent websites that mimic banking sites in order to steal your login information.

How Do You Spot A Liar In A Relationship?

How Do You Spot A Liar In A Relationship

How Do You Spot A Liar In A Relationship? When a spouse lies to you, they will give away little signs unless they’re a pathological liar. This personality disorder involves changes in brain connections and only happens to about 8% to 13% of the population, according to psychiatric research.


How Do You Spot A Liar In A Relationship? Assuming that’s not your partner, here are some proven clues for how to spot a liar in a relationship:


  1. Body language


How Do You Spot A Liar In A Relationship? How to tell if your spouse is lying starts with what their body tells you.


Everyone exhibits different physical signs of lying because we feel uncomfortable when deceiving someone. That’s why we fidget or even unconsciously protect our vulnerable areas such as the throat, nose, and face. Liars might also stand in a very stiff and awkward way, almost as if they’re under the spotlight.


  1. Changes in tone and cadence


Prevarication Meaning. The voice usually gives people away when they lie. So, listen to their tone and rhythm for how to tell if your spouse is lying to you. Of course, how to detect lies in a relationship assumes that you have a baseline to compare to.


Then again, if you’re new to the relationship and seeing some lying spouse signs, it’s very likely that they are lying. As research shows, our unconscious mind is a great lie detector and a useful ally for how to spot a liar in a relationship.


  1. Facial expressions


Have you noticed the flash of a smirk or a frown? Is that what’s got you wondering how to spot a liar in a relationship?


Our faces give lots of clues to look out for when wondering how to tell when a guy or girl is lying to you. So, look for strange movements in the eyes, over-staring, or if they keep looking at the door.


  1. Unusual behavior


Prevarication Meaning. If you’re wondering how to tell if your partner is lying, start by observing them. Do they seem weirdly calm or overly agitated, for instance? What about suddenly taking too much care of their appearance? They might also disappear at weird times during the day or night without explanation.


  1. Denial


How Do You Spot A Liar In A Relationship? If you want to know how to spot a liar in a relationship, listen to how often they advocate honesty and deny lying. Those little phrases “I never said that” might suddenly pop up more than usual.


  1. Over or under-detailed stories


If you want to know how to tell if a guy or girl is lying to you, listen to their words. If they don’t give enough details about their stories, it’s very likely they’re lying.


This often comes with a certain self-assurance because most men think they’re good liars, as research shows. On the flip side, some people get so nervous that they overcompensate their stories with too much information.


  1. Inconsistencies


How Do You Spot A Liar In A Relationship? Listen for inconsistencies in what your partner is saying when working out how to spot a liar in a relationship. Somehow their stories never seem to add up and they can sound evasive. You’ll hear them double backing on themselves or correcting something they said earlier that day.


  1. Indirect answers


How Do You Spot A Liar In A Relationship? Lying to a spouse often involves side-stepping questions or topics in general.


That’s why learning how to spot a liar in a relationship also involves listening to counter-accusations. Perhaps you’ve asked a very innocent question about their day and they launch into a tirade of how you also take days off. Being lied to in a relationship leads to confusion, doubt, and finally disdain.


  1. Avoids I or We


Prevarication Meaning. Liars tend to leave themselves out of their fabricated stories. It’s probably one of the easiest methods to note when wondering how to spot a liar in a relationship. Liars tend to talk about other people perhaps even with the vague hope that they can blame those people if it all goes wrong.


Other phrases lying spouses might use could be “to be honest”, “to tell you the truth”, “believe me” or anything else along those lines. These signs of a lying spouse will be different for everyone but if your partner suddenly starts using new phrases, you can raise an alarm.


  1. Changes in breathing


How Do You Spot A Liar In A Relationship? Lying to a spouse often comes with changes in breathing. Some might hold their breath or start speaking and breathing really fast. These traits are linked to guilt and the internal conflict that’s going on with your partner. So, spotting a liar in a relationship means looking at how uncomfortable they appear.


  1. Increased conflicts


Have you noticed you’re arguing more often about strangely small things?


Lying to your partner can make someone defensive so they react to every little thing you say and do. So, if you’re puzzled about how the dynamics have recently changed, perhaps you should consider confronting your spouse.


  1. Lack of intimacy


Prevarication Meaning. How to spot a liar in a relationship often involves observing changes in physical intimacy.


There are many reasons why people lie but they usually start with some form of discomfort and anxiety. People try to hide something about themselves when they lie. That then usually translates to not being able to be physically close to the object of their lying.


  1. Gaslighting


Prevarication Meaning. This form of manipulation necessarily comes with lying. It can involve holding back information or denying your feelings about very real situations.


A Medical News Today article goes through more examples. Either way, how to tell when a guy or girl is lying can leave you feeling belittled. Then there’s a high probability that you’re dealing with the signs of a lying spouse.


  1. Strange phone habits


Prevarication Meaning. Mobile phones are great tools for working out how to spot a liar in a relationship. For example, has your partner suddenly become very protective of their phone? Do they turn their back on you and hunch over their phone while messaging? These could be sure signs of a lying and cheating spouse.


  1. Listen to your gut


Prevarication Meaning. As mentioned earlier, our unconscious mind is a fantastic lie detector. The answer to how to spot a liar in a relationship, therefore, lies in listening to your gut. The best way to do this is to find a calm and quiet spot so you can breathe and listen to your body.

What Do You Call Someone Who Tells Half-Truths?

What Do You Call Someone Who Tells Half Truths

What Do You Call Someone Who Tells Half-Truths?  A prevaricator. Presenting part of the truth is also called presenting a half-truth and someone who does this is referred to as a prevaricator.


A half-truth is a deceptive statement that contains some, but not all, elements of the truth.


Despite its name, a half-truth is not considered a truth at all. Benjamin Franklin included this adage in his book Poor Richard’s Almanack (1758)


What Do You Call Someone Who Tells Half-Truths? Half a truth is often a great lie.


With this saying, Benjamin Franklin points out that omitting parts of the truth is deceptive, just like lying outright. Even if a statement is technically true, when it leaves out crucial pieces of information, it can’t be considered a truth.


Presenting Part of the Truth, Benjamin Franklin Key Illustration, StudySmarter


Benjamin Franklin said, “Half the truth is often a great lie,” Flaticon.


Prevarication Meaning. The term half-truth primarily describes an intentionally-deceptive statement. However, this isn’t always the case; a half-truth can result from a simple mistake in logic or disorganized writing.


The problem is that an accidental half-truth could seem like an intentional half-truth to the audience. It’s important to be able to recognize half-truths to avoid accidentally creating them in your writing.


Purpose of Presenting Half of the Truth


The purpose of a half-truth is to present a speaker or argument in a flattering way. This can mean evading blame, inflating importance or power, or projecting confidence.



What Do You Call Someone Who Tells Half-Truths? Lying by presenting part of the truth


  • Evading blame: half-truths are often used to help the speaker avoid responsibility or blame. When the most incriminating parts of a story are removed, the speaker seems innocent.


  • Inflating importance or power: a half-truth can erase the speaker’s guilt and exaggerate the speaker’s role in favorable situations. The person who added the least to a group project can place their name at the top of the paper and claim a large portion of the work.


  • Projecting confidence: a half-truth can make a shaky opinion seem like a hard fact. It uses clever wording to strengthen an argument or weaken an opposing argument. This kind of half-truth is common in data bias, where data is presented selectively to make a theory seem stronger than it is.


The tricky factor of a half-truth is that it doesn’t directly say anything false. This can sometimes make a half-truth difficult to spot. These examples demonstrate each purpose of a half-truth.


What Do You Call Someone Who Tells Half-Truths? Evading Blame


Revealing only part of the truth can help a guilty speaker reduce or entirely avoid blame in a situation. Take this example:


I was just driving by your house and saw that your mailbox is broken.


This seems truthful … but the speaker actually saw that the mailbox was broken because he hit it with his car while driving.


The half-truth makes the speaker seem innocent. The speaker uses it to avoid telling the whole truth: that the mailbox and the car are now ruined.


This example shows how half-truths can make a speaker seem more important, knowledgeable, or powerful.


You can trust my cousin with all your medical needs. She’s a doctor.


This sentence conveniently leaves out that the cousin has a doctorate in archaeology.


Wording the sentence this way makes the speaker’s cousin seem knowledgeable and competent as a “doctor.” It misrepresents her true expertise in archaeology as medical knowledge.


What Do You Call Someone Who Tells Half-Truths? Projecting Confidence


Presenting part of the truth can make ideas, beliefs, and theories seem like solid facts. It can help a speaker come across as more confident than they really are. This is common when presenting data, like in this example:


Our study proves that this ingredient is harmful to plants. This directly contradicts a previous study claiming that the ingredient is safe.


The speaker doesn’t mention that the ingredient was only harmful to two plant samples in the study, and only at 100% concentration.


The speaker makes a bold statement and discredits another study, leaving out their own study’s limits. The results don’t support the speaker’s conclusion as strongly as the statement claims.


You likely have used or heard a half-truth without even realizing it! Think back to a time you tried to avoid blame or project confidence. Did you present a half-truth?


Characteristics of a Half-Truth Presentation


What Do You Call Someone Who Tells Half-Truths? Truth can be bent or omitted in multiple ways.


leaving out important information

using misleading wording

taking advantage of double meaning.

These examples show each half-truth characteristic in action.


What Do You Call Someone Who Tells Half-Truths? Leaving Out Important Information


Selectively sharing parts of a story while leaving out others allows the speaker to control the story.


I organized a search party, and the missing person was brought to safety by the end of the day.


This sentence leaves out the fact that the missing person came to the police alone before the search party started looking for her.


Everything in the example sentence is true, but vital information is missing. The missing information changes the audience’s understanding of the events.


What Do You Call Someone Who Tells Half-Truths? Using Misleading Wording


Misleading wording can distract the audience from missing information.


“This island of yours we’re going to—I haven’t heard anything about it before. Is it some kind of secret?”



“In a way,” Hammond said. “We have been very, very careful about making sure nobody


knows about it, until the day we finally open that island to a surprised and delighted




This is an excerpt from the 1990 book Jurassic Park by Michael Chrichton. The character John Hammond explains to Alan Grant that he purchased a remote island to genetically engineer dinosaurs. His answer to Grant’s question implies that he keeps the project secret in order to surprise the public. In reality, he keeps it secret to hide it from the government and competing businesses. He uses this half-truth to convince Grant that the project is legitimate and well-controlled.

Prevarication Meaning Conclusion

Prevarication Meaning Conclusion

Prevarication Meaning Conclusion. Typically prevarication is deceit. It’s a form of deception without the full label of outright lying. We all have engaged in this at one point or another. You don’t sit down with your new bf/gf and tell sordid details that you know might hurt them.


Prevarication Meaning Conclusion. You omit the small stuff and stick to the big picture. It’s a communication that can be used for good or evil really. It all depends on the info being omitted. Sometimes it just benefits all, and sometimes it makes the difference between deception and trust.


People seldom allude to prevaricating but it is something that can be helped with conscious efforts and perhaps the help of a counsellor. Get help today.

Further reading

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