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My Ex Is Successful Now

My Ex Is Successful Now

My Ex Is Successful Now

My ex is successful now The hard reality is that a lot of relationships break because one of the two people needs more stability (financial and otherwise) than the other is willing or capable of providing. It won’t be wrong to say that some women who are looking for a successful partner do end their relationship or turn down a man on the basis of his financial or professional stature.

However, what if she realizes that “my ex is successful now” and that she made a huge mistake by letting him go when she sees him doing well in life and decides to return? Yes, it might sound filmy and far from reality.

But it has, in fact, happened to a lucky few who got the chance to take the bitter-sweet revenge from the gold-digger exes and women who didn’t see their worth earlier. In a breakup, there’s always a winner and a loser, and it’s pretty clear which title belongs to whom.

If you’re the loser, there are ways to pretend you aren’t. You can convince yourself that your ex isn’t doing awesome because you’re talented like that. But there comes a time when you absolutely cannot do anything but say, “Oh my ex is doing great”

That happens when you say, “my ex is successful now,” and your ex is more professionally successful than you. There’s nothing to say in response. There’s no way to justify it to yourself to make you feel better. When your ex is really f*cking killing it at his or her job, that f*cking sucks.

It stings like nothing else. It’s seriously the most brutal thing that can happen after a breakup. Like, how dare you become so successful (especially when I am literally barely making enough money to pay my rent am I right?!).  When you realize that “my ex is successful now,” your ex is successful AF, you are the loser. Every time.

I always thought the one who got engaged first was the winner in a breakup, but this is not the case. Your ex could get engaged to some ugly troll. After you stalk her social media photos (we all know you’re going to), you can find reasons to make fun of her.

Maybe she likes cats, and you hate cats. Maybe she takes and overshares obnoxious, engagement ring photos. You can find reasons to feel superior to her, despite the diamond. Then you can say, “Wow, I would rather die alone than marry that girl.”

But if your ex is off directing Blockbuster hits while you’re still writing for the Internet, what are you going to say then? “Oh, the movie wasn’t even that good”? Yeah, right. You’re dying inside. It truly blows when you check in on an ex and find out his or her new girlfriend or boyfriend is a total dime.

But you can still find ways to despise your ex… even as you envy her thigh gap and flowing, shiny hair or his eight-pack abs and amazing hairline. You can tell yourself he or she must be really stupid. Why would this gorgeous person date your loser ex?

There must not be a lot going on upstairs, thoughts like “my ex is successful now.” This new person can’t be very bright. God, your ex is so shallow. If your ex just got promoted to VP at Barclays while you’re still an assistant at your accounting firm, what are you going to say? “Oh, I would never want that much responsibility and have to make a million dollars a year”?

Nope. You want to jump out a window. When your ex is looking way finer than he or she did when you were together, it can torture your soul. Especially if you’re still attempting to lose the breakup weight you packed on after having one too many threesomes with Ben and Jerry. But you can still think of your ex’s hot body as a silver lining.

It’s just an inspiration to get your ass in shape. Your ex is about to feel really sh*tty when you hit the kickboxing gym four times a week and come back looking even better than he or she does.

Who cares if your ex is smoking right now? In a year, that hot bod will become chubby and sad.

But if your ex is going pro with the NFL while you’re still pushing papers, what are you going to say then? That he’ll probably get injured and have to retire? “my ex is successful now.” You are not saying that at all, are you? No, you are not.

Picture this: You’re driving down the highway when you see a billboard and there, in 48-inch letters, is your ex’s name. Or, maybe you get a newsletter from your alma mater and the cover story is all about your ex and the amazing acts of charity they do with all their extreme wealth. And if that wasn’t enough, they just won their third triathlon in record time.

Ugh, why does their winning at life make your presence in the world look so pathetic? It’s not easy when your ex is much more successful than you are and it’s even worse when you can’t even hate them for it. But the thoughts in your head keep saying “my ex is successful now.”

It took you ages but you finally got over them and most of the time it doesn’t hurt you (or hurt you as much) to hear good things about your ex and their life. Now, when you check their social media accounts, it doesn’t feel like a knife to the heart.

You haven’t shed a tear for them in years and if you met them on the street or at a party, you might even be able to say hello to both them and their new, possibly supermodel partner. It can be challenging when you say that “my ex is successful now” and you truly realize that your ex is successful and you aren’t.

You realize that you’re an adult and you need to handle it in a mature way, but honestly, you just want to drink a lot and throw things. But you know that anger and jealousy aren’t going to do anybody any good. You need to take control of your emotions and be the bigger person, even if your ex has no idea how much their success is annoying you.

You need to make sure their success doesn’t take anything away from you or affect your self-esteem. Believe that you and your ex are at different points in life and that you can both be successful-accept wherever you are and who you are is enough for right now.

So, when your ex is successful and killing it in life, here’s how to handle it.

  1. Don’t be (or at least try not to be) jealous of their life.

I know, it’s challenging seeing them not only achieve their goals but do it in such a BIG way like “my ex is successful now.” When you knew them, those dreams were nothing more than a fantasy, and now, they’ve not only achieved them, they’ve surpassed them.

As far as you can tell, this is just the start of their spectacular success and they’re well on their way to accomplishing everything they ever wanted to do — and even some of the things you wanted to do.

  1. Forget regret.

For whatever reason, you’re no longer with them. Maybe it was a mutual decision or maybe it wasn’t, but it most likely worked out the way it should have. Yes, my ex is successful now, but it would be fun to be able to share in their success with them, but it’s not your job anymore to be your ex’s support system.

Think about the lessons that relationship taught you and how you can use them to propel yourself further.

  1. Focus on your own achievements and goals.

Just because you haven’t achieved all your goals, it doesn’t mean you won’t, and it also doesn’t mean that you haven’t achieved some smaller goals. If you write down everything you’ve done and how much you’ve gained, you’ll be surprised at what you’ve accomplished. And then you realize not just that “my ex is successful now,” you are as well.

  1. Use your envy as motivation.

Okay, so you say that “my ex is successful now” and have scaled all the way to the top; they’ve shown you it can be done. They did it and so can you, you just need to focus that envious energy towards your own dreams and what you can do to make them come true. Your way may be completely different from how your ex did it, but that doesn’t mean it won’t feel fantastic.

  1. Give yourself credit.

No matter how small, you had a part in their success. They wouldn’t be who they are, nor would they have gotten to this point, if they hadn’t known you. All our relationships shape us in some way.

  1. Wish them well.

You don’t have to contact them (don’t use this as an excuse to reach out), just silently wish them continued success. Their achievements don’t take anything away from you achieving what you want in life — success is in unlimited supply and there’s plenty for everybody.

If you can let go of the bitterness you feel and congratulate them on doing so well, it will reflect positively on you.

Remember, life isn’t a competition, and just because thoughts like “my ex is successful now” keep running through your head and your ex is slaying at adulting, it doesn’t mean that you can’t as well. Trust that your time will come and that your ex is just giving you a road map for your own journey to Success Town where fame and fortune await you.

Steps You Should Take, To Get Your Ex Back

Give Them Personal Space

Personal space is extremely important. No matter how much you love someone or want to be with them 24/7, personal space is something to which every individual has a right. You should be able to have some time to yourself to clear your thoughts and enjoy some me-time.

Relationships are often unsuccessful because partners cannot understand the importance of each other’s personal space. And the lack of personal space results in unintended consequences. If you choose to be overly clingy, phone them incessantly, and repeatedly invade their personal space to win your ex back quickly, you are doing the opposite of what you should be doing.

Your ex will not appreciate this neediness as they might want some time off yourself, and you are not showing any respect for their personal space will cause them to be irritated.

Do Not Contact Your Ex (Social Media Included)

Not contacting your ex is one of the main steps in getting your ex back quickly. However, for people who have been in a relationship for a long period, ignoring the existence of each other might be a hard task. However, it is an essential step to take if you are trying to figure out how to get your ex back quickly.

Yes, it is extremely plausible if you find it hard not to contact someone whom you have loved and have a thought of “Oh, my ex is successful now” in your head all this time dearly and have spent some of the most amazing times together and been there for each other through the good times and the terrible times.

Some people think that staying in touch with your ex after your split and communicating with them almost every day will make it hard for them to get over you, and you guys might patch up right away. But this is not what takes place. Rather, it conveys desperation and the need to reconnect urgently with your ex. However, your ex will not appreciate this. Rather be more turned off by your behaviour.

On the other hand, if you stop contacting your ex, your ex might start missing you and wonder where you have been all this time if all sorts of communication are suddenly eliminated. Your mental or emotional state might not be the best after a breakup.

Be a Person You Can Be Proud Of

Before you can be a loved one to someone else, you need to love yourself. You need to focus on your positive attributes and enhance them. It would be best if you determined your identity regardless of your relationship status. When you have broken up, take time to redefine yourself and be proud of who you are.

Evaluate what are the lacking points in your personality and work on them.  You won’t achieve anything if you stay at home after your breakup and mope around without making positive changes to your personality. It’s acceptable to be unhappy after a breakup, but it’s not normal to sink deeply into sadness. Moreover, doing this will surround you with negative thoughts.

Bring Positive Changes in Your Appearance

Changing your appearance can boost your confidence and make you feel more positive and self-assured. This new look in your appearance will surprise your ex, too, once you see them after your no-contact period. You can change your appearance by getting a haircut or styling your hair in a different way than you normally do.

Haircuts make you feel less stressed and release endorphins; hence, after a breakup, most people tend to feel low. Haircuts are a great option to feel invigorated again. It would be best if you also worked on the clothes you wear. Wear clothes that make you feel good about yourself and like you can rule the world.

Implement Positive Changes to Your Mentality

Oh, my ex is successful now, to get your ex back quickly, you need to be mentally in a good place. Otherwise, your relationship will be no different than it was the last time around. You need to think of good thoughts and not let yourself feel worthless or less confident. You should accept your failures and successes and learn from these experiences to work towards better goals.

Let Yourself Grieve

Breakups are heartbreaking because you have been with that certain person for a long time and shared all your good and bad memories with them. A unique bond is formed, and when broken, it can cause you to be extremely sad. Thus, it is acceptable to grieve.

You might not want to reflect on your happy experiences in a positive light. Rather, you might sulk over how creating more such memories won’t be possible. You shouldn’t, though, let your misery and self-pity consume all of your time. Instead, it’s equally important to make yourself joyful and feel better.

What To Do When Your Ex Is Successful?

What To Do When Your Ex Is Successful?

What to do when your ex is successful? Not all couples are a match made in heaven; that’s a fact. So when a relationship ends, it is not always the end of the world. But what do you do when you get hurt so badly and start to think of what to do when your ex is successful? and you can feel the unfairness of the situation in every fibre of your being?

Even if you feel like you have moved on in life either with or without a new partner, there still may be a feeling of competitiveness that you have with your ex – real or imaginary. “Let’s say your ex didn’t treat you well, it can almost feel like it’s not fair that they found happiness first,” McCance says.

So how does one get over that emotional hump – how does one cope with the question of what to do when your ex is successful? And or news of their ex getting married to someone else, and is there an etiquette to follow?

Before you go making any rash decisions, McCance says there are seven things you should do and keep in mind when you’re hit with this bit of punch-to-the-gut information.

  1. Feel the emotions, process them and then let them go

“All that hurt, disappointment, sadness and anger – it’s important to feel those emotions,” McCance says. “Have a friend come over, talk to them and cry. But then try your best to let it go because holding onto it is just painful and if you don’t then you’ll continue to suffer.”

  1. Set boundaries with your mutual friends

What to do when your ex is successful? If you still share friends with your ex, tell them that you do not want to hear any updates on your ex, McCance advises.

“Some of your friends might have good intentions and want to be sharing bad things – like how the wedding was awful and his friends don’t like the new partner – but that’s still going to bring up everything for you,” McCance points out. “Having no information is what you’ll need to move on.”

  1. Don’t feel you need to congratulate your ex

“I’ve read online that some people say that if you’re on good terms with your ex that you should congratulate them,” McCance says. “I don’t believe that’s OK. They’re in the past – just let that energy go because he or she may wonder why you’re thinking about them. So just don’t bother connecting again.”

  1. Stop the social media stalking

What to do when your ex is successful? Unfollow your ex on all social media platforms, McCance says. “You may want to think about unfollowing any mutual friends or family of theirs that you may know,” she says. “If not, it’ll lead you down a rabbit hole.”

  1. Surround yourself with people who love you and keep busy

“You need that energy from the people around you to be reminded about how great you are,” McCance explains. “You need a confidence boost and those who love you will do that for you.” And on the day you hear the news, McCance suggests keeping yourself occupied by either taking on a task or project or by getting out of the house.

Does Being Successful Make Your Ex Jealous?

Does Being Successful Make Your Ex Jealous?

Does being successful make your ex jealous? Breakups naturally produce unhappiness for both people. You and your ex might have different reasons for being unhappy, but you can’t quite escape the fact that you want your ex to feel miserable about what happened.

Does being successful make your ex jealous? If you pay attention, you’ll find it easy to detect signs your ex is miserable without you. Maybe you’ll want to use this information to figure out if you have a chance at getting back together.

Signs Your Ex Is Miserable

Not all of these are signs your ex still cares. Some just mean that he is in an unhappy phase because a once-important relationship ended. He may long to put things back together or just need more time to recover from the emotional devastation.

He’s working A LOT

You may wonder: Does being successful make your ex jealous? Workaholism can be a great distraction from emotional turmoil. Once, he was eager to get out of work to spend time with you. Now, he picks up extra shifts or gets a second job. Maybe he believes you thought he lacked the finances to be your guy.

He could be plotting to improve his circumstances to attract a new girlfriend or maybe get you back. Or, he might be planning to cheer himself up with a new truck.

He stopped working.

Does being successful make your ex jealous? On the other hand, his depression has demotivated him to the point that he lost interest in earning an income. At this point, his parents are fretting that he’ll move back in and wish that he had not messed things up with you.

Quitting work or losing a job may happen because he’s reevaluating his life and will eventually start over. In the meantime, he may have lost his self-esteem and does not see the point in making money and taking care of himself.

Her weight changed noticeably.

Does being successful make your ex jealous? A person’s misery can be reflected in eating too much or too little. If her weight balloons, then she is comforting herself with food. She’s really trying to mask the pain of losing you with the pleasure of food.

Alternatively, if she loses weight, the breakup was a big wake-up call telling her that she had let herself go. Now, she is working toward making herself attractive again. It is important to note that these weight changes in men after a breakup signal the same things.

He talks about being miserable without you.

The circle of people who knew you when you were a couple keep mentioning how sad he is. He tells them that he’s brokenhearted. The weeks or even months since the breakup has not eased his pain.

He continually keeps mentioning that he can’t get over what happened. To be honest, he’s become a real downer for those around him, which is why you’re hearing about it.

How Do I Stop Being Jealous Of My Ex’s Success?

How Do I Stop Being Jealous Of My Ex's Success?

How do I stop being jealous of my ex’s success? Jealousy in a relationship is totally normal, but it’s still a really painful experience—especially when it’s directed at your partner’s ex. Looking at the ex’s photos and life updates can make you forget what an amazing, talented person you are.

Remember, your partner chose to be with you for a reason! Fortunately, we can help you let go of your jealousy so you can just enjoy your relationship. Keep reading for a list of ways you can stop being jealous of your partner’s ex.

Stop comparing yourself to your partner’s ex.

Comparisons will always make you feel bad about yourself and won’t give you an answer to “how do I stop being jealous of my ex’s success?”. All you’re seeing is the ex’s highlights, so you’re not getting the full picture of them.

Leave the past in the past, and don’t worry about why your partner liked their ex. Focus on yourself and your relationship. In time, this can help you stop feeling so jealous.

Unfollow or block the ex’s social media profiles.

This will stop you from finding things to be jealous of. Their social media isn’t worth your time, so stop looking at their posts. “How do I stop being jealous of my ex’s success? When you feel tempted to check up on them, look at your own account instead. Remind yourself of the great things in your life and scroll through the recent photos of you and your partner.

List your strengths to pump up your confidence.

You are amazing, and it’s time you remembered that.  List all the things you love about yourself, as well as your past accomplishments. Additionally, when you tend to ask the question “how do I stop being jealous of my ex’s success?” stand in front of the mirror and point out your most attractive features, or look at your favourite photos of yourself.

You are a total catch, and don’t forget that!

Take time to calm down before acting.

This can save your relationship! Jealousy can trigger bad decisions, so take the time to sit with those emotions and calm yourself down. “How do I stop being jealous of my ex’s success? Resist the urge to confront your partner or engage in snooping behaviours, like stalking their ex online or checking your partner’s phone. Wait until you feel calm before you talk to your partner.

How Do You Tell If Your Ex Is Starting To Like You Again?

How Do You Tell If Your Ex Is Starting To Like You Again?

How do you tell if your ex is starting to like you again? When a relationship ends, you may go through a lot of pain. A breakup can cause a mix of emotions like anger, grief, the feeling of betrayal, and confusion. While it is hard to forget the past and move on, what if you notice signs your ex wants you back?

How can you know if your ex misses you? How do you tell if your ex is starting to like you again? They may drop a text, ask you for some help, or also make an attempt to stay in touch. But how can you know for sure if they want you back in their life?

These 5 signs can help you understand if your ex genuinely wants you to come back. Take a look.

  1. They Make Attempts To Stay In Touch

If your ex still makes sure to message or call you to see how you are doing, it could be a sign that they miss you. While it is always a good idea to have your own space right after a breakup, your ex’s constant attempts to be in touch with you show that they care and have not moved on.

How do you tell if your ex is starting to like you again? If they keep contacting you to have a proper conversation about what is going on in your life and are genuinely interested in what you have to say, it is a sign that your ex wants you back.

  1. They Keep You Updated

Did your ex text you saying they got a new pet? Or call up to discuss that they watched the movie you have always recommended? Do they keep sharing personal details and open up about their life? If yes, the chances are high that they are trying to reconnect with you romantically. This means they have not moved on and are thinking about you and want you in their life.

  1. They Get And Want To Make You Jealous

If your ex wants to stay friends with you, they would not be affected when they see you have moved on and are dating someone else. Instead, they will be supportive and might wish you well in the future. But if they act or feel jealous, the chances are that they still have feelings for you and may even be hoping to get back together.

How do you tell if your ex is starting to like you again? If your ex is bombarding their social media with their happening life or party nights and pretending to be happy without you, they may be trying to make you jealous. This is one of the main signs that your ex wants to get back together.

  1. They Pretend That They Need Your Help

Reaching out to an ex for some help alone should not be read as a sign that they want to get back with you after a breakup. However, if your ex seems to be coming up with excuses to see you and pretending to ask for help for silly things, confront them and ask them what they want – they might say they missed you a lot and want to get back together.

  1. They Keep Bringing Up Your Memories Together

How do you tell if your ex is starting to like you again? If they find every possible way to talk about the happy memories created together in the past, it might be a sign that your ex wants you back and is dropping hints about it.

For instance, if they send you texts, particularly late at night, reminiscing about the good times spent together, it is an indication that you are definitely on their mind. They have not emotionally moved on and got nostalgic. Apart from this, they would also be eager to share things with you.

Whether you need a backup phone, a book, or their car for an emergency trip, they will be eager to help out. This could be their way to make you feel like a couple again. However, it is completely up to you how close you want them to get. So, think about how you feel while talking about your memories when deciding how to deal with this new dynamic.

Why Is My Ex Suddenly Being Nice?

Why Is My Ex Suddenly Being Nice?

Why is my ex suddenly being nice? If your ex has had a sudden personality change, they may be into you. You know your ex better than anyone else. If it feels like they’ve suddenly become friendlier, less judgmental, or sentimental, it could be a sign that they’re going out of their way to try and impress you.

Why is my ex suddenly being nice?  If you and your ex have recently reconnected, you may be wondering if they’re just being nice, or if they have a serious desire to get back together. The good news is that your intuition is going to be extremely reliable here—you know what kind of person your ex is, so trust your gut. However, if it feels like your instinct could use a little bit of help here, we’ve got you covered.

Read on and run through the list to learn more about the common signs that your ex is still into you.

They go out of their way to touch you.

Physical touch is a big sign that they’re interested. You often ask yourself “why is my ex suddenly being nice?” If you spend any time around your ex and they “accidentally” bump into you, graze your shoulder, or touches you, it’s a major sign that they want you back. People don’t go out of their way to make physical contact if they’re just being friendly!

They lean in towards you when you talk.

Physically moving closer to you is a huge signal that they’re into you. Think about how you talk to coworkers or classmates. You probably just stand straight up (or even lean away if you aren’t into the conversation). If your ex is physically leaning towards you when they talk or listen to you, they’re probably interested in getting back together.

They ask slightly invasive questions.

Why is my ex suddenly being nice? If they have a sudden interest in your private life, they could like you. They might tactfully try to ask what’s going on in your love life, or outright ask you if you’re dating anyone. Alternatively, they may ask what’s going on in your career, or what your living situation looks like.

If they seem to be doing a lot of probing, they’re likely trying to figure out if there are any barriers to getting back together

They compliment your looks.

Why is my ex suddenly being nice? Their comments about your physical appearance are big giveaways. If they were just being friendly, they wouldn’t go out of their way to make comments about the way they look. Those kinds of comments can be taken the wrong way, and if they don’t want to get back together they’d be actively avoiding that

Compliments about your eyes, hair, or other physical features are a signal that they’re still attracted to you, and they may even be digging to see if you like them back.

My Ex Is Successful Now Conclusion

My Ex Is Successful Now Conclusion

My ex is successful now conclusion It can be challenging when you realize that your ex is successful and you aren’t. You realize that you’re an adult and you need to handle it in a mature way, but honestly, you just want to drink a lot and throw things.

My ex is successful now conclusion But you know that anger and jealousy aren’t going to do anybody any good. You need to take control of your emotions and be the bigger person, even if your ex has no idea how much their success is annoying you.

Further reading

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Why can’t I get over my ex who treated me badly?

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